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RESEARCH PARTNER IN FOOD AND NuTRITION RESEARCH PARTNER IN FOOD AND NuTRITION The world needs healthy, safe and sustainably-produced food products more than ever. Within the framework of national and international legislation, the agrifood sector launches over 15,000 product innovations a year. TNO develops methods and produces research insights that enable innovation. ENJOy HEAlTHy FOOD WITH CONFIDENCE INNOVATIONS IN HEALTHY, SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD The food industry is facing enormous governments in policy development. and product quality. The final challenges. Today’s large-scale food With its broad knowledge, experience research area, Food Safety, develops production negatively impacts our and expertise, TNO has an important methods for efficient safety environment, and raw material role to play in the translation of assessment and risk management. supplies are becoming exhausted. fundamental scientific insights into The research area focuses on Population-associated pressures on innovative, tailor-made applications. issues of complex food matrices, our planet will increase substantially TNO is a partner in several public- allergenicity, emerging risk in the next decade, and the number private partnerships (PPPs) and open identification, in-line detection and of people with obesity, diabetes and innovation networks in the Nether- controlling microbiological safety. food allergies is on the rise. lands and the European union. As globalization speeds up, the risk of unmanageable food incidents TNO RESEARCH PROGRAMME increases correspondingly. This particular TNO research programme has three research TO ACCELERATE INNOVATION areas. Food and Health develops These developments require methods for short-term assessment innovations in healthy and of the health effects of food sustainably-produced food products, products. In Food Innovations, TNO and a rigorous risk-management is developing a comprehensive approach. TNO meets these approach that allows manufacturers demands through its multidisciplinary to significantly shorten time-to- research programme. The organi za- market for healthy and sustainable tion develops methods and delivers innovations. The research area insights that help the agrifood sector focuses on issues of product to innovate quickly and that support formulas, production processes FOOD SAFETy FOOD AND HEAlTH FOOD INNOvATIONS FOOD AND HEALTH In today’s market, knowing the health effects of your products is essential. Whether you supply a unique product to a specific sector, or put bread on every breakfast table, consumers, retail partners, health professionals and other stakeholders will ask about health. When food and health is the issue, TNO is your trusted partner providing: • Short term: regulatory consultancy on claims and scientific communications. • Medium term: unique array of model systems, and human clinical trials. • Long term: (co-financed) research partnerships. ENJOy HEAlTHy FOOD WITH CONFIDENCE INNOVATIVE ASSESSmENTS OF HEALTH EFFEcTS TNO combines academic excellence, investigation and communication NuTRIENT SENSING CRO expertise and knowledge of of health effects. Macronutrients are detected by international markets and policies. our body and generate regulatory Our ambition is to play a leading role GASTROINTESTINAL HEALTH responses including the onset in the development of healthier food More and more is known about the of digestion and regulation of products and concepts, in order to influence of the gi tract on health and prospective food intake. TNO is benefit society. To achieve this goal, well being. TNO is exploring this field collaborating in an academic and we have given each of our innovative using a unique set of expertise and industrial network, identifying new research programs a specific focus. tools. Our proprietary family of in vitro physiological and molecular targets gastrointestinal models (tiM) gives - and new approaches - to nutrient MEASuRING HEALTH TNO a significant advantage in this sensing, which can be used to TNO has developed an innovative research. tiM can be combined with optimize body-weight regulation. concept to define and measure a broad array of in vivo, in silico and in Currently, the focus is on the small health. Several challenge-tests have vivo models, metabolomics intestine. For the food industry, been developed to measure the techniques, and challenge-tests in this project will give insight into body’s ability to cope with external humans. Key research directions formulating functional foods for stressors: the more resilient, the include the effect of intestinal weight management. This is relevant healthier. Modern ‘omics’ techniques microflora metabolites on weight for serious public health problems are indispensable to evaluate the management and appetite, and such as obesity and for patients often subtle effects of food on health the relationship between nutrition, dealing with anorexia and disease- parameters. One important goal is intestinal-barrier function and the related weight loss. to define new biomarkers for health immune system in relation to chronic and disease. This technique opens inflammation in fat tissue. up many new possibilities for the rewriting THE DEFINITION OF HEAlTH RAPID IN vITRO aSSeSSMent of PRObIOTIC SuRvIvAbIlITy deterMining SubTlE HEAlTH EFFECTS OF vegetabLeS FOOD INNOVATIONS Product development and refor mulation can be very challen ging. Changes in a product formula or recipe should maintain the product’s desired qualities of flavour, texture, shelf-life and safety. Moreover, product quality should go hand in hand with efficient and sustainable produc tion processes. TNO’s compre hensive approach to advising manu facturers enables them, in a faster and in a more efficient way, to introduce new and improved products that meet the demands of today’s markets. ENJOy HEAlTHy FOOD WITH CONFIDENCE SOLVINg DEVELOpmENT ISSUES EFFIcIENTLY TNO works with a comprehensive networks. The ambition is to make in this area. ultimately, this provides approach that empowers ingredient sure that improved products are label friendly solutions for ingre- suppliers and food manufacturers to launched quickly and successfully on dients such as modified starches. efficiently solve issues of product the market. The research programme Other ingredient innova tions include development and reformulation. follows three interdependent paths. protein formula tions for improved Clients can then significantly shorten oxygen and water barriers and time-to-market for new and improved QuALITy healthy fibres from wheat and other products. TNO’s method dynamically TNO solves quality issues that arise sources with excellent textural acquires and seamlessly integrates from reformulation in particular properties. knowledge of ingredients, production addressing the salt, sugar and processes and product quality. New fat content of products. both PROCESSING insights into ingredient interactions experimental and predictive TNO develops separation, drying and provide leads for the optimisation of modelling tools are available to production processes that are energy production processes and maintain product characteristics. efficient, reduce waste streams and improvements in product quality. TNO also investigates new ways of improve product and ingredient using ingredients to structure quality. Examples include drying TNO makes an important contribution products such as mimicking the techniques such as Super Heated to targets set by the government and texture of meat with vegetable Steam (SHS) and inkjet spray-drying. industry for reformulating existing proteins. In addition TNO uses novel food products into healthier processing methods such as equivalents and for creating a INGREdIENTS electrospinning and rapid manu- sustainable and secure food TNO has IP protected technologies facturing to create completely new production chain. The organization for food production and modification ways to produce structured food is partner in several national and that creates ‘greener’, ‘cleaner’ and products. international open innovation healthier ingredients and innovations PRINTED wine-guMS 40% SAlT REDuCTION aLgae-baSed IN bACON Meat SubSTITuTES FOOD SAFETY Efficient (food) safety assessment is becoming more and more challenging. Product constituents are growing in number and variety. For many substances the toxicological hazards and the allergy- causing potential are unknown. Negative health effects of components often manifest with a delay, and evaluation of emerging food risks is difficult due to lack of data. TNO supports manufacturers and governments by developing advanced methods for (food) safety assessment and risk management. ENJOy HEAlTHy FOOD WITH CONFIDENCE EFFIcIENT SAFETY ASSESSmENT TNO is a world leader in (food) safety These include tools that measure emerging safety risks. ERIS helps to assessment and risk management, concentrations of unknown com- anticipate food and feed safety crises developing methods that allow pounds and that enable exclusion and issues and enables stakeholders manufacturers and governments to of (geno)toxicity. Examples include to develop appropriate risk manage- obtain rapid insight into the risks of physical-chemical screening methods ment strategies at an early stage. complex products. In addition, TNO’s and (microbial) genomics techniques. work on food allergy should deliver These methods are integrated into a IN-LINE dETECTION more efficient assessment protocols safety assessment strategy. TNO has developed a unique, and better understanding of factors tailor-made detection strategy that determining allergenicity. As a partner ALLERGENICITy enables food manufacturers to in several programmes for (open) Together with partners, TNO develops monitor product safety, quality and innovation, TNO is also developing biological and physical/chemical tools authenticity in line. On request TNO instruments for early detection of to predict, understand and prevent develops in line sensors, process and emerging public health hazards to allergenicity of proteins and peptides, packaging control systems and prevent food crises. which are then translated into a risk non-invasive detection equipment. The ambition is to create a set assessment strategy. Examples are of internationally-acknowledged an innovative probability-based CONTROLLING assessment methods that accelerate method that enables assessment MICRObIOLOGICAL SAFETy product and policy development and of food allergy risks and a large TNO offers tailor-made solutions increase accuracy, while reducing database on allergic responses. for complex microbiological issues emergency response times for related to safe and high quality food emerging food incidents. TNO is EMERGING RISk IdENTIFICATION products and food processing following five research approaches. SuPPORT systems. TNO’s new protocols and TNO has developed a unique and analysis methods help the industry COMPLEx FOOd MATRICES cost-efficient Emerging Risk improve the microbiological safety TNO develops methods for the Identification Support service (ERIS) of food. toxicological safety assessment. to identify and evaluate present and IDENTIFICATION of MicrobiaL aLLergy OuTbREAKS inforMation guideLineS Manage newLy FOuND RISKS ENJOy HEAlTHy FOOD WITH CONFIDENCE TNO IN BRIEF Our world is changing fast. Develop- funded research institute and, more disciplinary teams, support our ments in society are radical and recently, as a modern application- vision. often intangible: ageing, climate oriented innovator. Our vision of the crisis, energy and raw material future centers on a society that TNO APPROACH: FOCuS ON depletion, and security issues that provides prosperity and welfare for SEVEN RESEARCH THEMES demand measures to secure the all. A society in which competitive- TNO wants to make a real difference: foundations of our society for the ness and sustainability go hand in to generate solutions that address long term. These challenges also hand, as we move forward together. key issues in society. We have bring opportunities: they require for TNO sustains progress by applying therefore chosen to focus on innovations, new technology and a scientific knowledge to solve the seven research themes of global new way of thinking. complex issues confronted by significance that require new, society, and using innovation to creative, comprehensive solutions. A RELIAbLE kNOwLEdGE boost the competitiveness of Themes that match the pressing PARTNER industry. The same qualities that issues of government, industry and TNO was founded during the founded TNO still power our work the knowledge infrastructure. The economic crisis of the 1930s, based today: knowledge, creativity, curiosity seven themes are: on the conviction that new knowledge and idealism. and technology is vital to economic – Healthy living growth and social renewal. Such TNO’s strength lies in our ability to – Defence, Safety and Security investment is crucial in times of combine diverse scientific expertise – transport and Mobility crisis. These principles are now to create pioneering solutions: in – Information Society more pertinent than ever. global partnerships with government, – Industrial Innovation industry and relevant knowledge – Energy TNO has supported government and institutions and ngos. over 4,000 – built Environment industry with science, knowledge and TNO scientists, researchers and innovation. Initially as a government- specialist support staff, in multi- NEW CREATIvE SOluTIONS ClIENTS All OvER THE WORlD SCIENTIFIC EXCEllENCE

international legislation, the agrifood sector launches over. 15,000 product innovations a year. TNO develops methods and produces research insights
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