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- VOCALISATION RATES OF MIGRATING HUMPBACK WHALES OVER YEARS 14 DOUGLAS H.CATO, ROBERT PATi-RSi »\ \ND PATRICIA PATER Caio. D.If, Paterson, R. V & Paters&o. P. 200] 12 31; Vbcalssa grating humpback shales Over N years, Memoin ofthe Queemland Museum 47(2): 481-489 Brisbane. ISSN0079-8835 fVcousUc monitoring of tnigranntr humpback whales has be#i parried out siftce |981 in conjunction toith visual surveys from PointLookout.Stradbroke Island,on Ihecast coast of Australia. Recordings were Made ftotti a drifting boat a tew kilometres seaward of tiu- obscrvatiot!point,duringthepeakofa! |easl oneofthe tenual migration phases "I hispaper etrtsananal}siso) 3oag \ocaIisationinrelationtotheobservedmovementsofthewhales to determine ft isan'on rates and theit value as an index ofrelative abundance. The 1 1 portion oj Whales Binging as thc> passed Point Lookout was -*S% during mI igration Howards the breeding grounds) uiid \3I% during the southern ntigratwri, toe diffcrenccbeing Statisticall) significant There was no significant trend in the proportion of ... i isthe slock si/c increasedby a factorof3. From !°S2to [993.(henumberntsingers ng r " 10 t during the suiiilieni migration increased at a rate of 10.6% (959i tchoenfviidseunalcesiunrtveeryvalovVe!i„ a 19Im%i)l.aicopnesriisotde,ntDwiHtuhmtphebaractke ow(hailnecsr.easMeeogfap1t1e-7r'a:oanbatvaaietaHndgl5iaf eastern Australia, vocalisations, song, stock recto D.H Cato (e-mail rf , idefence.gav.au)* Defence Scfeffci fa ^ ;, mnmtion, PO Box 44. Pynxont 2009, R. t. Pirt&ssm A P. P PO Box 397 1 roopilfy4068 Australia; 6hjoVemhi t i Sounds of humpback whales, Megaptera Paterson, 1984, (^89; Paterson el al.. 1994,2001) novamugUae* have been recorded inthe vicinity mid stock parameters and characteristics of the ofPoint Lookout on North Stradbroke Islam migration are well known. the east coast ofAustralia since 1981, usually at die same time asvisual observations w hid have Humpback whales are particularly vocal, been made thereregularly since 978 This paper producing both the well known song and 'social compares the acoustic and visu1al observe sounds' (Payne St MeVav, 197]; Winn et al., horn 1981 to 1994. During that period, it is 1971; W'mn & Winn, 1978). The song appears to estimated that the number of humpback whales be related lo breeding, possibly as an acoustic passing Point Lookout increased from -600 in display, since the evidence i? that singers are 1981 to -2,300 in 1094, based on the stock size malesandsingingis usually confined to brettlinj estimates and rates of increase from visual ob- grounds and migration paths to and from tl servations (Paterson &. Paterson, 19N9; Paterson mounds (Pavne & MeVay. 1971: Winn et al.. etal, 1994) 1971, 1973; Winn & Winn, 1978. Olockn 1983; Cato, 1993). A song is a complex and uell PointLookout isparticularlysuitable forvisual structured, but stereotyped sequence ofthci observations Humpback whales passing Point and phrases ofvariable duration, but typically Lookout form the east Australian component of averaging 10 minutes. Individuals may sing for the Area V {[WE - 170°W) population which several hours at a time and with the more migrates annually between summer feeding powerful parts ofthe song audible for some to grounds in Antarctic waters and winter breeding ofkilometres in most conditions (Cato. 991). grounds inside the Great Harrier Reef (Chittle- 1 borough. 1965; Dawbin, I960). The migration This paperpresentsan estimate oftheproportion paths converge where the coast extends fllOSl ofwhales singing as they passed during mi eastwards, in the vicinity of Stradbroke 1. and ions, which is of interest in understanding the Cape Byron. Aerial surveys out to 80km from function o\" the song, and in using acoustic shore have shown that >95% of humpback estimateabundance. Italsotests tiieeffectivenessi whales pass within 10km ofPoint Lookout, and of an acoustic index as an indicator of relative thuswouldbe within visualrange(Brydcn. 1985). abundance by estimating the rate ofincrease of There have been land-based visual surveys from thestock from (henumbersofsingerspassingper Point Lookout (Brvden et al., 1990; Paterson & 1Oh in each year's observation period and 482 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM comparing this with the result determined from 27.2 -*- visual observations. MATERIALS AND METHODS ACOUSTIC OBSERVATIONS. These were madeusinghydrophones suspendedfroma4.5m boat, drifting off Point Lookout (Fig. 1). The ~ 27.4 - hydrophone used from 1981 to 1983 was a o Point Lookout General Instrument Corporation Z3B on 30m of M cable, RAN Research Laboratory designed low CD 10 km noisepreamplifiersandaKudelskiNagraIIItape £ recorder. Systemresponsewas± 3dB from 20Hz QQ) to 17kHz, butitwasoftennecessarytouseahigh pass filter (-6dB at 55Hz, -20dB at 20Hz) to 27.6 North attenuate the low frequency noise from Stradbroke I, turbulence.From1984,CleviteCH17hydrophones and Sony WMD6 or TCD5M cassette recorders were used, giving a system response from 30Hz to 15kHz, modified by the above filter response when used. 153.5 153.7 During recordings, the boat was allowed to Degrees east drift with the current to reduce the noise of Ttuhrebupleernicoedforformewcaotredrinfglowwaspacsthotsheenhytdorcoopihnocnied.e FIpGo.si1t.iMonaponshPoowiinntgLtohoeklooucta.tioAncoofusvtiisucaloobbsseerrvvaattiioonns with the migration peak (late June, early July were made from a boat drifting a few kilometres northbound and late September, early October, seaward. southbound)basedontheriseandfallofnumbers of humpback whales sighted in the region Analysis of the received sound signal levels & (Chittleborough, 1965; Paterson Paterson, 1984, and system calibration were made using a Briiel 1989; Paterson et al, 1994). Weather conditions and Kjcer Digital Frequency Analysertype 2131 were suitable forrecording from a small boat on andHewlett- Packard 3582Aanalyser. only abouthalfthedaysovertheonetotwoweek observation period. There were two limitations. VISUAL OBSERVATIONS. These were made One was the difficulty of handling the boat in each year from the same 67m high position at higher sea states and keeping the recording Point Lookout (Fig. 1) and the methods equipment dry and operational. The other was conformed with surveys dating from 1978, that higher wind speeds substantially increased describedbyPatersonetal. (1994). Acontinuous background noise and substantially reduced watch was maintained during daylight for each distances that singers were audible. This limited day ofthe observationperiod inthe earlieryears effective recording to wind speeds of<20 knots. ofthis study, and on three to four days perweek Limitationsonopportunities torecordatsea, and overalongerperiodduringthelateryears.Visual thesmallstocksizeintheearlieryearslimitedthe observationcoveredalargerpartofthemigration size of the sample, particularly the number of period than the acoustic observations. While we singers. attempted to ensure that visual and acoustic Bryden (1985) reported the distribution of observations were concurrent, this was not humpbackwhales inthevicinityofStradbroke I. alwayspossible. Theareaofoceanwithin visible based on aerial surveys from shore to 70km range covered a sector between true bearings of seawardofPointLookout. Hefoundthat>95%of 030°and 120°andextendingtoabout 10kmfrom whales passed within 10km ofthe headland and shore under typical conditions. The boat was >70% within 5km. Generally the position ofthe allowedtodriftwithinthissectorandwasusually boat was within this 5km wide east west strip. 3-5km seawardofthe headland, though on some Water depths where most whales pass Point occasions itwas out ofsight. Humpbackwhales Lookout increased with distance seaward from passing through the sector were usually seen a 20-90m and the boat was usually in depths of number of times and depending on their posit- 30-50m. ions, paths taken and sighting conditions were HUMPBACK WHALE VOCALISATION RATES 483 TABLE 1. Summary ofthe data. we usuallypositioned the boattohaveclear path to passing whales. Northern Southern migration migration There isageneralambientorbackgroundnoise Yearsofacousticdata 1984, 1989-91, 1981-89. 1992, in the ocean due to contributions from many 1994 1993 physical and biological sources of sound. The Yearsofconcurrentacous- 1984. 1989-91, 1981-85, 1987, good propagation ofsound allows contributions ticandvisualdata 1994 1991. 1992 fromsourcesatmuchgreaterdistancesthaninthe I1TYNoeota.arlolfyaldrlaayynesgaera,scaouvsetriacgedata 3-216,52 2-54,44.0 vaatrmioabslpeh.erAembisoentthenonioseiseinlAeuvsetlrailsiahnigchoasatnadl No.ofhoursacousticdata waters varies by more than 20dB mainly as a Totalallyears 145.9 247.4 result ofvariations in wind speed and biological Yearlyrange,average 18.0- 10.1 -36.7,22.5 activity (Cato, 1997). Breaking waves generate No,ofhoursofconcurrent acousticandvisualobser- 1 18.9 159.9 high noise levels which are directly related to vations wind speed (and less to theactual waveheightor sea state, Wenz, 1962). Fish and invertebrates, visible for <lh to >5h. Table 1 summarises the such as snapping shrimps (Everest et al., 1948) data for all acoustic observations and for those also produce high noise levels, which vary taken concurrently with visual observations. temporally with diurnal and other variations in behaviour, and spatially with habitat variation BASIS FOR THE ACOUSTICS ANALYSIS (McCauley & Cato, 2000). The effect of an increaseof20dB inambientnoiseistoreducethe THE EFFECT OF THE OCEAN ENVIRON- amount ofpropagation loss that can be tolerated MENT ON AUDIBILITY OF SINGERS. The atthethreshold ofdetection by 20dB. Infree field distance over which a source in the ocean is propagation, this corresponds to a factor of 1 in audible (by ear) or detectable (by instrument- distance, more ifthe sea flooris highlyreflective ation)varieswidelybecauseofvariationinocean orlessifitishighlyabsorptive. Consequentlythe conditions. The limiting range of detection typical variation of ambient noise in coastal depends onthe source level (powergenerated by waterscausesthedistanceofaudibilitytovaryby the source),thepropagation loss as sound travels a factor of-10. The consequent variation in the tothereceiver, and the background noise against area over which singers are audible would be a which the signal must be detected. The received factor of -100, since the area depends on the soundsignalwillbedetectedorheardifthesignal square ofthe distance. Thus simply counting the to noise ratio exceeds a certain threshold value. number of singers audible is of little value in Sound travels to much greater distances in the estimating stockparameters, unlesstheeffectsof ocean than itdoes in the atmosphere because the ambient noise and sound propagation are absorption attenuation, the loss of energy from accounted for. the sound wave, is much lower. Propagation in The effectofambientnoise can beremovedby shallow water (<200m) involves many reflect- measuring the level ofthe received signal, since ions from the sea surface and the bottom. While this equals the difference between source level sfurrofmacteherebfloetcttoiomnmocacyurisnvwoiltvhelistitlgenilofsisc,anrtefelencetrigoyn and propagation loss, and is thus independent of ambient noise. This requires the received signal loss which varies widely for different bottom tonoiseratiotobeabovethethresholdofdetection, materials. Consequently propagation loss varies butthehigh sourcelevelsofwhale soundsmeans widely from one shallow water site to another. thatthiswouldnormallybethecaseforsourcesat Temporal variability depends on variation in the distances ofkilometres to tens ofkilometres. If sound speed-depth profile and this depends on the source level andpropagation loss areknown, the mixing of the water by surface waves and the distance to each source can be calculated. currents. Surface wave action tends to mix the water and minimise this variability, as was the Our perception of the loudness of a sound case in the studyarea wheresignificantwind and received underwater is of almost no value in wave action is usual. The variability of estimating the received level, since this depends propagation loss can be minimised in shallow on the signal to noise ratio. We hear the sounds waterby confining the work to a fixed location, through headphonesoraloudspeakersoouronly asinthisstudy. Shoalsandreefstendtoblockthe criterion forjudgingthe loudness ofthe signal in propagation ofsound and needto beavoided and absolute terms is to compare it with the 484 MEMOIRS OF rHE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM background noise, The wade variation in ambient lower cost and effort, but arc less accurate and noisei ' ! ' ^' variation in apparent loudness, esult in greater errors through variability j|| and Ebi Iv Miie loudness, singer distances vary relevelsand propagation loss. Littledaw on trie in ruaj he counter variation ofsource levelsofbaleen v il finds intuitive but results because the decrease in area available, though significant variation has received signal level with distance in the ocean, been observed fat bowhead whales (C'n rtrai] gBVrtatdluatoldtihsatnantcheesdoefctreenassoefwkiitlhomedtirsetsa,ncies fianrammorAe &BalaHollidav.: fth1v9Mtlu'*. (WalkmsI el a!l \19i8al i doubling ofthe distance results in only a small igq in recei' d |i vel, much smaller than the poiMniodnieopfrepsaesnstims'tudhyu,mdpebtaecrmkinwahtailoenscrithtahtewperroe- variation ofumbienl noise. singing In comparm an/mrem VI l i APPLICATION OF ACOUSTIC S TO STOi k acoustic and visual observations. Ifa Singer WHS -'cftheabundanceof audible, il was ue lablish thai ii . a whale slock usually , ittVOh inipling the one of the whales seen passing and not a more spatial or temporal density id" individuals and ;ii whale rjlis was done by measunng the Scaling the LO to fall spatial or ived level of the sounds and estimating the temporal extent ofthe |stock. Tor example. distance ol ihe source based on estimates ol" stock that is resident Id an aica. samples wf| the , I and propagation loss. In many eases smjpipgaIrnait.Ii|MnIgcDan''dIv aai sremImoOasfidlccaan.sdi AthieisruesauhlawtidttihheeinnMsovcciasklueaidls itlh1ati-iw-saanisoutiaspticon.sgsibinubgtleiblelwocaaiusdesnpetoisofsfyibttlhheeeptuaonrcteeisrcttuaalbialnritsiwh.hathlaei of headlands Mich as I'oim ookoul. he tta .!,.-,_; .'. ., ,,:. ft I the is tally-observed approach hasbeentosamplethetempIoral densiIty taly the most intense sour. by counting the number of whales passing per the song, usually low frequency moan-like 10 h day Ofl the basis that any individual would soundswereusedtodetermine ifasingerwasone I he resulltugishtthheenasrceaaleodnluypolonp(hebtota!lnpiegrriaotdioon.f oarfctchoensviidsuearleldytoobbseertvheedmwohsatlecso.nsiTshteesnte fsoorutnhdiss migration (see lor example. Hryden d ah. Il>90: pnurIp'olsve,chainngtel and theyendaK'oi pprerosviisdtewithled best i al., 1994). signal to noise ratios. The use ofacoustic obsenations to determine spatial densities requires an estimate of the Where Lhi SJngei luld be identified un- distances to singers so that only those within Ihe ambiguously, it wa : iblcto makean estimate area of the sample unit are counted In temporal 'In 0UfC£ levels o! ihe .sounds hop;u»aliou sampling, it is also necessary to estimate Ihe loss was estimated using the scmi-empirica! distati singers to ensure that they are close i sessions of Marsh & Xcliiilkin ("19621 fibtf enough to pass ihe observation point within ihe tinllov i\ (he short distances at which samplingperiod, since singersmaybeaudible tor ! cestimates r\eremade(usually within JOD m, tens of kilometres. The mosi accurate way of a few times the water depth) thus should be determiningdisi an i istouseana ray ol ihri i reliable. Measured broad band mean square more accurately positioned hydrophones, which source levels varied from 176-1 I r Pa -" also allows si to be localised and lm. Some of the iri LtiOffl is due to variaJ movements tracked 1'iom the differences in omes between the different sound types but there ofarrival ofst| thedifferent hydrophones. to imidbea signilk-ant uncertaintydueloeuois in Some examples nt this snethod applied to locate estimating die distance to the source {which was baleen whales are given by Cummings & donebyeye). The^resultsare,however,consistent Hollidav (J985) and (dark, I llison & Heeman with the range 175-IKSdB re !u.Pa at lm 1986) forbowhead whales. Lhilaena mysticetUS, reported by Winn et al. (I971J and the mean ( and l-raukcl ci al. (1995J for humpback whales measured in a 300Hz band by Frankel (1994) of Noad & Cato. 2001, iov further discussion 17-tdBre lu,Pa. awnhdalaepplmiicgartaitoinont)o,thHeaesastmeAtushtordaliisanlhou;;mipabuaalclkv lioni the received level, an estimate was mad of the ranee of possible distance-, of a singer complicatedandrccjuiressubstantialanalysisetlbrt. \\ n the variation in source level and uncertain Simpler methods ofestimating distances may liinn loss. Thiswasthencomparedwith be moreattractive lorroutine surveys because of the positions of whales observed visually. HUMPBACK WHALE VOCALISATION RATES 4S5 Singers were usually audible for several song TABLE 2. Numberofsingers passingcompared with cycles, often for more than an hour, allowing a total numbers ofwhales passing Point Lookout. numberofdifferent estimates as positions ofthe whales andsingerchanged. Whenthesingerwas Northern Southern closest,theuncertaintyinitspositionwasleast. migration migration A different approach was used in determining Yearsofobservations 1984,19199849-91, 1918919-28.5,19199387. an index of relative abundance to test the Hoursofobservation HX.9h I56.7h effectiveness of acoustics in estimating the Singerspassing,total N 27 apontneunatliarlataepopflicchaatnigoneofforstsoictkuastiizoen.sSiwnhceertehitshhearse cSuirnrgeenrtsapcaosussitnigcwahndenvicsouna-l 7 12 arenovisualobservations,therewasanadvantage observations in developing an index that was independent of Allwhalespassing,total 141 114 visual observations. The index chosen was a cAlolncwuhrarleentsapcaosussitnigcwahnedn 141 100 count ofthe number ofsingers passing per lOh visualobservations floirsteeanicnhg,yeaavre.rTahgeedcorivteerritohneutosteadltloisetsetnaibnlgisphertihoadt ofPfrroorpmeosruttolttiasolnsfosrienagcihn"gy(eraarn)ge (0.0208.-005.083) (0.0803.-102.130) a singer heard was passing was that it passed within 5km of the boat, based on the received (correlation coefficient 0.989) and the slope of level of the sounds, the propagation loss and sourcelevel. Thiscovereda lOkm-diametcrcircle the linear regression line on the data provides another measure of the proportion of whales centredontheboatdriftingafewkilometresfrom shore, and was chosen to match approximately singing. The slope of 0.132 (95% confidence the 10km wide strip ofthe visual observations. interval 0.105-0.160 %), gives a value of 13.2% An error in the estimate of propagation loss (± 2.8%) for the proportion of whales singing, wouldchangethesizeofthiscircle,butsincethis consistent with the proportion obtained from the would be consistent from year to year, the error total numbersofsingersandwhales. Thenumber would not affect the value ofthe criterion as a of singers versus whales passing during the relativeindexofabundance. Thereremainssome northern migrationisshown in Fig. 3. Thespread uncertainty due to possible variations in source ofdata for the northern migration is too small to level. Because singers were audible for long obtain meaningful regression ofsingers on total periods, minimum estimated distances were whales. usuallysignificantly "5km, reducinguncertainty Tyack (1981) found that out of 129 humpback whales observed in the Hawaiian breeding in the results. All acoustic data were used in this analysis, irrespective of whether there were Agrounds,21 weresinging,aproportionof16.3%. visualobservationsduringthesameperiod,while Chi squaretest(with correction forcontinuity) the estimate ofthe proportion ofwhales singing did not show a statistically significant difference was confined to data that were concurrent with the visual observations. i • ' I ^ j*r RESULTS a 4 - PROPORTION OF HUMPBACK WHALES cCA 3 - »X^ - SINGING.Table2comparesthetotal numbersof CCTOJ singers passing with the total numbers of 2 • in humpback whales passing during the periods of 0k.) concurrent acoustic and visual observations. An cat 1 %m • - average of—5% ofpassing whales were singing CO on the northern migration and 12% on the southernmigration. AChi squaredtest(Siegel & 1 i > i i Castellan, 1988)showedthatthedifferenceinthe 10 20 30 40 results for the two migrations was significant Whales passing (P<0.05).Figure2showsresultsforthesouthern migration as a plot ofthe number of singers in FIG. 2. Relationship between the number of singers each year versus the number ofwhales passing. and the total number of whales passing Point There is a good correlation between numbers of Lookout, at the peak ofthe southern migration each singers and total numbers of whales passing year(1982-1989, 1992). " 4S6 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM u.o 1— a Northern migration qa c • Southern migration 0.2 0) O c . c • • • , 0.1 • a o A a X A A 10 20 30 1980 1985 1990 1995 Whales passing Year FIG 3. Relationship between the number of Singers fIG 4. Proportion ofwhales singing as they passed andthetotalnumberofwhalespassingPoint Lookout Point Lookout for each year ofobservation at the al the pWeaOk,ofthenorthernmigration eachyear( 1984, peaks ofthe northern and southernmigrations. t989, I$91, 1994}. In an attempt to improve the sample size, between the Hawaiian result and the east numbers ofsingers per lOh were pooled in two Australian southern migration result (P< 0.5) year blocks and the results are shown in Fig. 6. Figure 4 shows The year by year proportion of The result shows less spread of data and the singers passing from L982 to 1994. Little con- regression line gives a rate ofincrease of 12.4 sistent trend with year is evident in the data for with ,:>5"n confidence interval of 10.9*13.9%, either migration, within the spread ofthe data. within the range obtained from visual observ- ations.Thisresultsuggests thata longerperiodof ACOUSTIC INDEX OF RELATIVE observation with the detection of more singers ABUNDANCE. Figure 5 shows the average would have been appropriate tor the purpose of number ofsingers passing per IOh for each year estimating relative abundance. ofobservationsduringthe southern migration. A Dataforthenorthernmigration wereconsidered logarithmic sealeis used forthe numberofsingers insufficient to obtain a reliable estimate of the sothat a constant rate ofincrease ior exponential rate of increase m stock m/c. with fewer years increase) would appear as a straight line. The and smaller proportion of singers than for the results show an increase over The years, though there is significant spread of data. A linear southern migration. regression line was calculated for the logarithm DISCUSSION ofsingers per Oh versus the yearofobservation to obtain the bIest estimate ofa constant rate of Although sample sizes were small when increase. Tins gave a rale of increase ol LO.6% measured in terms of the numbers of singers with a 95% confidence interval of3.1-8,6% and passing Point Lookout, the results do show correlationcoefficientof0.7r>. Thisresult, forthe consistency. period 1982to 1^93 is consistent withthe rate of Humpback whale singing is considered to be increase of \L1% (95% confidence interval related to breeding. It is usually observed on the 9.6-13.8%) obtained from visual observations breeding grounds and on migration to and from eftroamf.Po1i9n9t4)L,ootkhoouutghfrtohme 1c9o8n4fitdoe1n9c9e2i(nPteartvearlsoins tWhiennbreetedailn,g 1g9r7o1u;ndWsin(nPa&yneWi&nn,McV19a7y8,; 1C9a7to1.; much wider for the acoustic result. The acoustic 199-1), hut is rare in higher latitudes where most observation sample represent a much smaller feeding occurs. While the proportion ofwhales number of individuals, partly because only a singingon thesouthern migration offStradbroke proportionofthe passing whales wassingingand I. issignificantly higherthanthatforthe northern partly because of the shorter period of migration, it is consistent with that observed on observation intheacousticsurvey.The numberof the Hawaiian breeding grounds. There is no singers m a vear \aned from 1 to 6 so thespread apparent environmental difference off Point in the data in Fig. 5 is to be expected, and such a Lookout between the two migrations. Monthly small numberofindividuals limitsthe reliability7 averages of water temperatures differ by ^^C ofthe sample. between the times of the two migrations HUMPBACK WHALE VOCALISATION RATES 487 w c in 0.5 - 1980 1985 1990 1995 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year Year FIG 5. Number ofsingers passing Point Lookoutper FIG. 6. Numbers ofsingerspassingPointLookoutper 1Ohatthepeakofthesouthernmigration ineachyear IOh at the peak of the southern migration - data ofobservation. pooledintwo-yearblocks. Pointshownforeachyear isthedatapooledforthatyearandthepreviousyear. (Paterson, 1986),lessthanthevariationobserved in measurements from the boat within a in4, 8and 10weeksatthepeakin 1987, 1992and migration period. While there is evidence that 1999 (Paterson et al., 1994, 2001). Thus the singing is confined tomature males (Winn etal., spatial and temporal separation ofthe migrating 1973; Glockner, 1983), theproportion ofmature humpbackwhalescanbeexpectedtobeinversely males passingatthetimesofrecording is similar proportional to the stock size, i.e. to have for the two migrations (Chittleborough, 1965; decreasedbyafactorof>3 from 1982to 1993.In Dawbin, 1997). Thissuggeststhatthewhales are 1982, the average temporal separation between closer to breeding condition on the southern groupsofwhalespassingduringthefourweeksat migration, moving away from the breeding the peak of the southern migration would have grounds thanthey are on the northern migration, been -4.9h (based on an average group size of when approachingthebreeding grounds. Hump- 2.17, Paterson et al., 2001) and the average back whales are—clearly in transit as they pass separation of singers would have been -17h. Point Lookout whales pass through the Using the estimates of migration speed of observation area with relatively little deviation Dawbin (1966) (-1.5 knots for long-term and only occasional significant interaction. The movement ofstock) and Chittleborough (1965) southern migration, however, shows more (mean of3.4knots from aerial observations), the meandering and surface interaction than the average separation of groups would have been northern migration, and ifthis is interpreted as from 13.6-39km and the average separation of behaviourindicativeofthebreedingareas, thisis singers 47-136km. This raises the question of consistent with the increased proportion of how changes inthe songare communicated over whales singing during the southern migration. largedistances,giventheseparationofwhales.In Thereis,however,greatersimilarityinbehaviour 1983 and 1984, songs recorded within a few between the two migrations, than there is weeks at locations separated by thousands of betweenthatonthesouthernmigrationandonthe kilometres alongthe east coast ofAustraliawere Hawaiian breeding grounds. similar, even though the song was changing (Cato, 1991). The humpback whale stock passing Point Lookout is estimated to have increased from The lack ofsignificant trendto achange in the -600 in 1981 to -2,300 in 1994 (Paterson & proportion of whales singing over the period Paterson, 1989; Paterson et al., 1994). Over the whenthestocksizeincreasedbyafactorofthree, period ofthe southern migration data it varied suggests that singing is not driven bythe density from -660 in 1982 to-2,100 in 1993, a factorof orproximityofsingersornonsingers. Intheearly >3. The migration has remained consistent over years ofour observations it was very unusual to thisperiod, basedon the lackofapparentchange hearmorethanonesingeratatimewhereasinthe in its timing, the rate ofrise and fall in numbers later years, two or more were usually audible. passing over the course ofthe migration andthe Difference in the proportion of whales singing consistencyintheproportionofthestockpassing between the two migrations also suggests that 488 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM singing is internally driven. In a captive female CATO, D.H. 1991. Songs of humpback whales: the leopard seal, production of intense song-like Australian perspective. Memoirs ofthe Queens- sounds was highly correlated with hormonal land Museum 30(2): 277-290. cIfhapnrgoedsucrteiloatnedotfobsroenegdiinsgd(rRiovgeenrsbeyt ahLor1m9o9n6a)l. 199SP7ph..alF3le8oa5tw-u3rwe9as0t.eorfInaacmobZuihseatnnitcgs,.noRi(.sCeh&iinnaZshhOoacule,laonwJ.wPar(teeesdrss.:) changes, thiswouldbe independentofthedensity Beijing). and proximity of singers and non singers, and CHITTLEBOROUGH, R.G 1965. Dynamics of two wouldalsobeconsistentwith ahigherproportion populations ofthe humpback whale. Megaptera ofsingers when behaviour is more indicative of novaeangliae (Borowski). Australia Journal of breeding as on the southern migration. Marineand Freshwater Research. 16: 33-128. CLARK,C.W.,ELLISON,W.T.&BEEMAN,K. 1986. Theseconsiderationsalsosupporttheviewthat A preliminary account of the acoustic study the humpback whale song is an acoustic display conducted during the 1985 spring bowhead associated with breeding. The lack of depend- whale, Balaena mysticetus* migration off Point ence ofsong production on separation ofsingers Barrow, Alaska. Report of the International and non singers suggests that the singing is not WhalinaCommission36: 31 1-316. interactive or agonistic communication between CUMMINGS,W.C.&HOLLIDAY,D.V. 1985.Passive individuals. Although the song is complex and acoustic location of bowhead whales in a containsa largenumberofsoundunitsofdifferent population census off Point Barrow, Alaska. kinds, it is verystereotyped. Since information is Journal of the Acoustical Society of America carried only invariations in the stereotype (Cato, 78(4): 1163-1169. 1991). most ofthe potential to carry information 1987. Sound and source levels from bowhead whales offPoint Barrow, Alaska. Journal ofthe isnotusedandthisfurthersupportstheideaofthe Acoustical SocietyofAmerica. S2: 814-821. song as an elaborate acoustic display. 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