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VLSI Electronics Microstructure Science A Treatise Edited by Norman G. Einspruch VLSI Electronics Microstructure Science Volume 15 VLSI Metallization Edited by Norman G. Einspruch College of Engineering University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida Simon S. Cohen Lincoln Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lexington, Massachusetts Gennady Sh. Gildenblat Center for Electronic Materials and Devices and Department of Electrical Engineering The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania 19,7 (g) ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Orlando San Diego New York Austin Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto COPYRIGHT © 1987 BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Orlando, Florida 32887 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data VLSI metallization. (VLSI electronics; v. 15) Includes index. 1. Integrated circuits-Very large scale integration- Design and construction. 2. Metallic films. I. Einspruch, NormanG. II. Cohen, Simon S. III. Gildenblat, Gennady Sh. IV. Series. TK7874.V56 vol. 15 621.38173 s 86-28744 [621.38173] ISBN 0-12-234115-5 (alk. paper) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 87 88 89 90 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface The limits of integrated circuit technology have been constantly chal­ lenged by the continued quest for higher degrees of complexity. Scaling down to VLSI and beyond by setting more aggressive design rules has become the general trend in recent years. The main driving forces for this are the undeniable advantages offered by scaling down minimum feature size. These include the possibility of fabricating new classes of devices and the all-important factors of increased circuit density and reduced fabrica­ tion costs. The concentrated research and development efforts made since the beginning of this decade are thus resulting in more complex circuits that are denser, faster, consume less power, and cost less per unit of operation. New processing technologies have been the goal of this intense research activity. For these new technologies, processing equipment and techniques had to be developed, and new materials had to be introduced. All of these new developments have brought the technology to the current l-//m level of integration. Continued efforts are being invested in extending the suc­ cess achieved so far to the submicrometer level of integration. Documenta­ tion of the research and development activity is essential for keeping pace with the ever-changing nature of this field. Therefore, the purpose of this volume is to summarize the recent developments and trends in one of the critical aspects of VLSI technology. Metallization plays a central role in the fabrication of integrated circuits. In VLSI, new problems have arisen that require the development of several different approaches to device metallization. The high density of fine lines has put stringent requirements on the photolithographic and etching pro­ cesses. In addition, small geometric features have posed new reliability concerns. Also, the shallow junctions encountered in VLSI devices reflect on contact-resistance scaling and add reliability hazards. These and related issues have to be addressed for a reliable VLSI process to be developed. The present volume is dedicated to the various issues and problems related to IX X Preface VLSI metallization. It details the available solutions and discusses emerg­ ing trends. The two introductory chapters by Cohen (Chapter 1) and Singh (Chapter 2) are meant to serve as general references for the electrical and metallurgi­ cal properties of thin conducting films. These are followed by a sequence of review chapters that discuss the various aspects of VLSI metallization. The order of presentation has been chosen to follow the common processing sequence. In Chapter 3, Skelly, Lu, and Woodruff discuss some relevant metal deposition techniques, and in Chapter 4 Gorowitz, Saia, and Balch discuss methods of VLSI lithography and etching. Conducting films are first deposited at the gate definition step; therefore, the issues related to gate metallization are discussed next in Chapter 5 by Sabnis. In Chapter 6, Gildenblat and Cohen discuss contact metallization, and Chapter 7 by Sabnis is devoted to multilevel metallization schemes. These schemes have been developed to answer the needs for higher densities and device speed, as well as higher reliability. Long-time reliability is also the subject of the chapter by Schwarz (8), who discusses the issues of contact and intercon­ nect electromigration. For many years silicon has been the main semiconductor material of the integrated circuit industry. However, special needs and applications re­ quire the use of other semiconductors. Among these, GaAs is by far the most widely used. The technology of GaAs is markedly different from that of silicon. The subject of GaAs metallization is discussed in Chapter 9 by Welch, Nelson, Shen, and Venkataraman. The present volume concludes with a general discussion of the functions of interconnect systems in VLSI given by Ferry, Grondin, and Porod in Chapter 10. The selection of the material in this volume was made to be useful for materials scientists, processing and design engineers, and device physicists alike. We expect that it will be found helpful by students of these disci­ plines. NORMAN G. EINSPRUCH SIMON S. COHEN GENNADY SH. GILDENBLAT VLSI ELECTRONICS: MICROSTRUCTURE SCIENCE, VOL. 15 Chapter I Electrical Properties of Thin Conducting Films SIMON S. COHEN Lincoln Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 I. Introduction 1 II. The Physics of Transport Phenomena in Thin Films 4 A. The Causes of Resistivity 4 B. Conductivity of Continuous Films 5 C. Conductivity of a Continuous Line 11 D. Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity 19 E. Electrical Transport in Discontinuous Films and Lines 21 III. Electromigration in Thin Metal Lines 25 IV. The Interconnect Impedance 27 A. The Resistance 28 B. Distributed RC Interconnect Lines 31 V. Test Structures 36 A. Sheet Resistivity and Linewidth 36 B. Interconnect Electromigration 37 References 38 I. INTRODUCTION Thin film interconnections are an integral part of integrated circuits (ICs). They are the means by which active regions in a device communi­ cate among themselves and single devices communicate with each other and with the outside world. Owing to these varied tasks it is possible, indeed advisable, to have more than one level of interconnection networks 1 Copyright © 1987 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 2 Simon S. Cohen employed in a given IC. A multilevel interconnect system is recommended for achieving higher speed and greater density, for minimizing the effects of certain parasitic phenomena, and for increasing the process reliability. The reliability of thin film interconnects, in particular, impacts critically on the successful implementation of all circuit types. In fact, it would seem that a multilevel interconnect scheme could actually result in additional concerns due to the added processing steps. While indeed a yield issue in current VLSI technologies, it turns out that in multilevel metallization schemes the reliability is improved. This is owing to the relaxation of certain stringent requirements regarding the geometrical features and the metallurgical properties of the thin metal interconnect system. The basic electrical property of an interconnect line is its conductivity. Electrical conductivity of an ideal continuous thin metal film is different than that of the bulk material. The film's resistivity is usually higher due to an enhanced surface scattering of electrons. The increase in resistivity is even more pronouned in discontinuous films. Such films are usually made of many tiny grains separated by grain boundaries that present an impede- ment to current flow. The barrier at the grain boundaries is further in­ creased by the presence of adsorbed contaminants. If the separation region between grains were allowed to exceed a certain critical value, a dis­ connected grain structure would result, leading to a phase transition from a conducting to a nonconducting film. This situation is particularly severe in those systems in which oxidation of the grain boundaries can take place. The separation between adjacent grains in a discontinuous film can also grow under bias conditions. This phenomenon, known as electromigra- tion, can eventually lead to large enough voids that would result in a disconnected film and, hence, in a total failure of the device. Electromigra- tion is particularly pronounced in ductile metallic films, notably those made of aluminum and some of its alloys. The mechanism responsible for this detrimental phenomenon is discussed in Section III. The electrical properties of thin metallic films are thus seen to be inti­ mately dependent on their metallurgical structure, in addition to their dependence on geometrical features. Understanding the process by which thin films form is, therefore, essential for the evaluation of their electrical properties. According to the nucleation theory [1], the formation of a continuous thin film follows several stages. First, the impinging atoms on the substrate get adsorbed on the surface and form patches of a monolayer. These then grow to form critical nuclei that develop into clusters of atoms. In the next stage the clusters coalesce to form islands of thin metallic material. The 1. Electrical Properties of Thin Conducting Films 3 islands continue to grow until large enough to form a "connected network" characterized by conductive channels that surround holes of exposed sub­ strate. This is the stage referred to as the discontinuous film. A discontin­ uous film, unlike a disconnected one, is capable of current conduction, although its conductivity is usually only a fraction of that realized in the bulk. The transport phenomena in such a stochastic-geometry-disordered- metallic system can be dealt with by an interesting theoretical technique called the percolation theory. We shall discuss it, along with other theoreti­ cal results, in Section II. The final stage in the film growth involves filling up the open holes by secondary nucleation of the channels to result in a continuous film. We note, however, that a truly continuous film, meaning a monocrystalline structure, is seldom realized. Grain boundaries will usually be present. Even if such a continuous film were formed it would most probably develop various imperfections during subsequent heat treatments. This is due to differences in the thermal expansion characteristics between the film and the underlying substrate. Other causes of imperfection are the tendency of thin films to reproduce substrate features, and the need to accommodate the usual lattice misfit between the film material and the substrate [2]. The basic requirement on the electrical properties of a thin metallic film is that it would be of low resistivity and be capable of handling reasonably high current densities. A low resistivity is particularly important in order to assure minimal power dissipation in the interconnect system and a small propagation delay along the runs. The propagation delay is proportional to the film resistivity, inversely proportional to the film thickness, and varies as the square of the line length. Hence, it is clear that whenever possible thicker and shorter metal runs should be employed (as we shall see in Section II, a thicker film is in addition of a lower resistivity thereby leading further to minimization of the delay time). This goal is at least partially achieved by utilizing multilevel metallization scheme. The propagation delay is also affected by bends in the thin film that increase the line resistance, and by inductive and capacitive phenomena. These effects will be discussed in some detail in Sections IV. We complete the present discussion of the electrical properties of thin conducting films by describing some relevant test structures in Section V. An exact evaluation of such parameters as the sheet resistivity, the line- width, and mean time to failure has become of prime importance with the advent of VLSI technology. The test structures discussed here, when com­ bined with various analytical techniques, enable a complete characteriza­ tion of the thin film properties. 4 Simon S. Cohen II. THE PHYSICS OF TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN THIN FILMS This section is devoted to the discussion of relevant transport phenom­ ena in thin conducting films. We examine first the causes of resistance to carrier transport in bulk metallic conductors. Transport phenomena in thin conducting films and "wires" are then discussed. We distinguish between the ideal continuous film case and that of the more realistic discontinuous metal film. The case of a combined metal-insulator system is also discussed along with the percolation theory. A. The Causes of Resistivity Electrical conduction in metals is owing to the motion of conduction- band electrons under the influence of an external electric field. According to quantum mechanics, "free" electrons should move through a perfect crystalline lattice without being scattered. This means that the electrons encounter no resistance and their mean free path is infinitely large. In real metallic systems, however, several scattering mechanisms may be active, giving rise to a finite mean free path and hence to a finite resistivity value. At room temperature an average value for the mean free path in metals is of the order of 10~5 cm or less. In pure metals at very low temperatures, such as at the liquid-helium temperature, the mean free path may be as large as 10~2cm. Scattering of electrons can come as a result of interaction with phonons, with impurities that disturb the translational symmetry of the lattice, and with other lattice imperfections, such as dislocations. In addition, electron scattering is enhanced in the vicinity of surfaces. In the case of the bulk, this surface effect is of very limited consequences since the majority of the free electrons are at distances, exceeding their mean free path, from the surface. Since for thin films the surface to volume ratio is much higher than it is for the bulk, surface scattering is a major factor affecting the film's resistivity. For a bulk material that contains n free electrons per unit of volume, the conductivity is given by the following expression [3] <T = q2nÀ /m*v (1) B 0 where v is the electron velocity at the Fermi surface, λ the mean free path 0 in the bulk, q the electron's charge, and m* the effective mass of the electron. As is seen in this relation, the higher the mean free path is, the higher the bulk conductivity would be. In the derivation of this relation, conductivity is assumed to be limited by electron-phonon scattering. In 1. Electrical Properties of Thin Conducting Films 5 fact the value of λ is affected by all the scattering processes just mentioned. 0 We note also that this simple relation is only correct for an isotropie, monovalent metal that has a single conduction band [3]. For more com­ plicated metal systems it is only an approximation. Hence, it is customary to generalize the theory and treat the conductivity as if consisting of two terms—an ideal term, given by Eq. (1), and a residual resistance term. Since the number of electrons, «, is given by n = 8n/3(m*v/h)\ (2) it follows that at relatively high temperatures the bulk conductivity is proportional to T. [In Eq. (2) h is Planck's constant.] As the temperature is lowered the mean free path increases, owing to the reduced phonon popu­ lation. However, the mean free path does not increase indefinitely as the temperature keeps dropping. Its value tends to a residual value, which is determined by the presence of various lattice imperfections. This residual resistivity is formally expressed by the same expression given in Eq.(l) with λ replaced by its residual value λ. It turns out that at ordinary tempera­ 0 tures the residual resistivity may be neglected for pure enough metals. By neglecting nonphonon scattering processes, it is found that at very low temperatures σ α Τ5. Β B. Conductivity of Continuous Films Until recently the notion of continuous film has been largely regarded as a mere ideal concept. In recent years the realization of truly continuous films having well-defined crystalline structure has been reported [4-6]. This progress has been made possible by the availability of advanced deposition techniques, such as molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). A continu­ ous film, free of such defects as grain boundaries, foreign inclusions, and dislocations, lends itself to a careful evaluation of the scattering mecha­ nisms and the conductivity characteristics. When such results are made available, existing theoretical results could be better examined. An electron being scattered from a metallic surface may be either specu­ larly or nonspecularly (diffusely) reflected. In a nonspecular (inelastic) collision the direction of the electron following the collision event is inde­ pendent of that prior to the collision. Pure specular (elastic) collisions would be expected to occur with a perfectly plane surface. This is because the wavelength of electrons in metals is only of the order of a typical lattice spacing (i.e., ~5 A). On this scale most real surfaces are rather rough; hence, at least a fraction of the scattering events is expected to be nonspec­ ular. The nonspecular reflections from the surface are those which influ-

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