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VLSI Implementation of Digital Fourier Transforms Final Report PDF

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YLSI Implementation of Digital Fouricr Transforms Grant nuke ‘Final Report A, Despain © Sequin 6 Thomason E Weld 5, Lioupis CS, keray anst'totion: University ef Califcesis Approved wubtie relegess duetrib The view, opixions. and ga vontained in this repors fathors an Se construed as ai oftcia: Department of tbe Array 308 Son, poly, cr decwsins, Unless s2 designated by outer ocumentacion, ‘Table of Contents 1. OVERVIEN 1 2 INTRODUCTION & 2 22. Fast Fourice Transform background 9 DFT Architectures S 9, MODULAR CONSTRUCTION OF DFT PROCESSORS © au. a2, aa. Be. Background 5 ‘The Radir2 Cooley-Takey Aigorithm 5 3.2.1, Pipeline Structure 5 B22, Notation 6 23, Derivation of Parallel-Pipeline Structures 8 ‘824, Partitions of Derived Structures Mt 3.2.5, Examplcs of Paralle/-Hipeline Structures 11 8126, Benchinarks of the Derived Struatures 14 ‘The Radint Cooley Tukey Algorithm 1 2.8.1, Pipeline Structure 15 3.02, Notation 16 43.5, Benchmark of the Radix Structures 16 ‘The Use of the Winograd Algorithrn in Pipeline Processors 17 94.1. Background 17 B42, Module Implementations 17 BAL, Base Modules 17 2422, Base 3 Kodule 17 34.23, BageS Medule 19 B42, Base 7 Module 22 3425. Base 1i Module 2 3426, Base SModule 23 BAR, Hose 17 odule 2 8428, Higber Bases 2% 94.29, Proposed FFT Cascade 24 8.42.10, Module Memory Cons 25 4. DIPLEVENTATION TECHNOLOGY 81 4.1, Review of the Charge‘Transter Prineipte St 4.2, Implementation Tradcofls 43, A Technology for VIS ¥T Processors 85 ‘6. DESCRIPTION OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 37 1. 16Point DFT Processor 87 B.2, System-vide Considerations [77 6.2.1, Bit Skowing 37 5.2.2, Multiplexing of the Real and lmaginery Parts 98 5.8. Root I Cirsuit 98 SA, Barrel suitter 41 55. Tprotator 42 6 8.5.1, Theory of operation 42 58, CORDIC Rotater Chip. 4% 5.6.1, Theory of Operation 44 56.2, Detailed Deseription of Data Path and Contre! 48 5.88, Pertortzence Ztimetion 40 5.4, Toating 51 82, Butherfiy Sirouits SL S74. Introduction 91 5.72, Preliminary Butterfy Processor 51 5.7.9. Compatiste Butlerfy Processor 52 5.74, Chip Tereriptron 88 575. Performance Btimation 58 2.7.6. Testing 55 6. THEORETICAL WORK 37 6.1.1. Tustifcation 57 6.12, Woot is the fonolute Minimum? 5? 6.18, VISIFanin and Fon-out Considerations 57 6.14, Fast Carey Leckahead 56 8.1.5, Othor Special Adder Cireuits 68 6.1.8. Paralle Versus Casoade Sizuctures 68 6.2. A Broad Survey of Fourier Transtorm Circuits 68 6.2.1. Building blocks 70 6.2.2, The Direct Fourier Transform on One Multiply-hdd Coll 7 5.25, The Direct Fourier Transtorm on 17 Cells 72 0.24. Te Direct Fouriar Transform on N? Celle 72 25, The Fast Fourice Transform on One Procassor 74 28, Tue Cascade Implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform 75 6.2.7. The FFT Network 76 6.2.8, The Perfest-Shuflle Implementation of the FFT 78 6.20, The CCC Networe 80 6.2.10, The Mosh Implementation 81 7. CONCLUSIONS 83 8. REFERENCES 8 Figure & Gveral: Base 3 Zircuis Figure 8 Fart Half of Bore 8 Bucterty Figurs 16: Las: Eel? o: Bas Figure 12: Diede y'2 Grou, Figure 13: Rect 2 Gir Laut Bece 7 Bus der Xi Fleurs 24: Exchange Cre! igure 25: Reorder Netwrori for Ba: Bigare 2: Hage 6 Feo-der Networss Bigare 27: Hass 27 Reorder Networa ire 28: P-chan: figure 31- Power D.ssipation among Various Lechnologies Rgure $2: 1Gzoint Figure 23: Block Figure Se: 18 bit Figure 3; Fabrieaied kag! 7 chip Figure 36: Schematic of Barrel Suter Figure 97; Fabriogled Barre! Shuler Chie Figure 32: Block Figure 35: CHPPLAY of Zhernip Figure 49: Book Biegrsm of CORDIC rotavor Bygure 41: Fioar Zlea vf CORD) Rigure 42: Stage 5 of the COXDIC Rotator Figere 43: 4622 Module Figure 24 inversion of ay Figure &: Adder and ROP Control Signals Figure 48; CiPPICT of CORDIC Ret Figure 47; 19 #8 Butterfly Teoee: Figure 48: Febsuaced 4 Bi Figure 42: Fiourpler of Butterfly Module ‘Rgure 80: Scbematic of Busterdy Modute Prograrameble Daley Feneia Comparizoa 5} Desired Traneformacion Deflaition of Fin } Circuits Figece $7: Pigure 85 Byare 33: Bigure Figare 61: Figure 62: Figure 85: Bigare 54 Figure 65: Figure 68: gure Figure $4 Figure 65: Figuee 7: Figure 71 Figure 72 Figure 7: ‘The FFT network ‘The periect shufiie interconsmetions for N=5 The OCC aetwark for 7726 Tre Mash of 8 processors 2 ecu.s ace" {Gentre: Mutupiy not Ghossing Sat Remster Leng! Chom “station aagle Geocities as 0 Function of Fats, ad Oxeuit Delay Smear Growie Deeg-tine performance 3: sae Fourier transform-solving eiveaia

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