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Vitamins : their role in the human body PDF

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Vitamins Their Role in the Human Body G.F.M. Ball Consultant, London, UK Blackwell Science 00ballpre.indd iii 06/07/04, 15:34:44 © 2004 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, a Blackwell Publishing company Editorial offi ces: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 776868 Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA Tel: +1 515 292 0140 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, 550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia Tel: +61 (0)3 8359 1011 The right of the Author to be identifi ed as the Author of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, D esigns and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published 2004 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available ISBN 0-632-06478-1 A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library Set in 10/12 pt Minion by Sparks, Oxford, UK – www.sparks.co.uk Printed and bound in India by Gopsons Paper Ltd, Noida The publisher’s policy is to use permanent paper from mills that operate a sustainable forestry policy, and which has been manufactured from pulp processed using acid-free and elementary chlorine-free practices. Furthermore, the publisher e nsures that the text paper and cover board used have met acceptable environmental accreditation standards. For further information on Blackwell Publishing, visit our website: www.blackwellpublishing.com 00ballpre.indd iv 06/07/04, 15:34:44 To the memory of Mariah Margaret Ball 00ballpre.indd v 06/07/04, 15:34:45 Contents Foreword xiii Preface xv 1 Historical Events Leading to the Establishment of Vitamins 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Early studies of nutritionally related diseases 2 1.3 Experiments on formulated diets 6 1.4 Naming of the vitamins 7 Further reading 7 References 7 2 Nutritional Aspects of Vitamins 8 2.1 Defi nition and classifi cation of vitamins 8 2.2 Nutritional vitamin defi ciency 8 2.3 Stability and bioavailability of vitamins 10 2.4 Vitamin requirements 11 Further reading 11 References 11 3 Background Physiology and Functional Anatomy 12 3.1 Movement of solutes across cell membranes and epithelia 13 3.2 The blood–brain, blood–cerebrospinal fl uid and placental barriers 26 3.3 Functional anatomy of the small and large intestine, liver and kidney 29 3.4 Digestion and absorption 36 3.5 Glucose transport 39 3.6 Digestion, absorption and transport of dietary fat 44 3.7 Neural and endocrine communication systems 47 3.8 Structure of bone and its growth and development 55 3.9 Cell proliferation 62 Further reading 64 References 64 4 Background Biochemistry 67 4.1 Major degradation pathways in which B-group vitamins are involved as coenzymes 68 00ballpre.indd vii 06/07/04, 15:34:45 viii Contents 4.2 Amino acid utilization 71 4.3 Defences against free radicals and other reactive species 75 4.4 Haemostasis 76 4.5 Atherosclerosis 80 Further reading 90 References 90 5 Background Immunology 94 5.1 General features of the immune system 94 5.2 Innate immunity 95 5.3 Infl ammation 101 5.4 Acquired immunity 103 5.5 Cytokines 106 5.6 Hypersensitivity 107 5.7 Immune suppression 108 5.8 Neuroendocrine modulation of immune responses 108 Further reading 108 References 108 6 The Genetic Control of Protein Synthesis and its Regulation by Nuclear Hormone Receptors 110 6.1 Functional structure of DNA 110 6.2 Role of RNA in protein synthesis 113 6.3 Gene expression 116 6.4 Mutation and polymorphism 116 6.5 Basal transcription 118 6.6 Regulated transcription 120 6.7 Jun, Fos and the AP-1 complex 125 6.8 Nuclear hormone receptors as regulators of protein synthesis 126 Further reading 131 References 131 7 Vitamin A: Retinoids and Carotenoids 133 7.1 Historical overview 134 7.2 Chemistry and biological functions 134 7.3 Dietary sources 136 7.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 136 7.5 Nutritional factors that infl uence vitamin A status 150 7.6 The role of vitamin A in vision 151 7.7 Retinoids as regulators of gene expression 155 7.8 Effects of vitamin A on the immune system 171 7.9 Role of vitamin A in bone metabolism and embryonic development 174 7.10 Vitamin A and cancer 176 7.11 Vitamin A defi ciency and toxicity 178 Further reading 180 References 180 00ballpre.indd viii 06/07/04, 15:34:45 Contents ix 8 Vitamin D 188 8.1 Historical overview 189 8.2 Chemistry and biological functions 190 8.3 Dietary sources 191 8.4 Cutaneous synthesis, intestinal absorption, transport and metabolism 191 8.5 Molecular action of the vitamin D hormones 198 8.6 Calcium and phosphate homeostasis 208 8.7 Immunoregulatory properties 218 8.8 Effects of vitamin D on insulin secretion 221 8.9 Vitamin D-related diseases 221 8.10 Therapeutic applications of vitamin D analogues 222 8.11 Toxicity 223 8.12 Dietary requirement 224 Further reading 224 References 224 9 Vitamin E 234 9.1 Historical overview 235 9.2 Chemistry, biopotency and units of activity 235 9.3 Dietary sources 236 9.4 Absorption, transport and delivery to tissues 236 9.5 Antioxidant role 239 9.6 Effect upon the ageing immune responses 240 9.7 Vitamin E and atherosclerosis 241 9.8 Vitamin E defi ciency 247 9.9 Dietary intake 251 Further reading 252 References 252 10 Vitamin K 256 10.1 Historical overview 256 10.2 Chemistry 257 10.3 Dietary sources 258 10.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 258 10.5 Biochemical and physiological functions 263 10.6 Vitamin K defi ciency 268 Further reading 269 References 269 11 Thiamin (Vitamin B ) 273 1 11.1 Historical overview 274 11.2 Chemistry and biological activity 274 11.3 Dietary sources and bioavailability 274 11.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 275 11.5 Biochemical functions 277 11.6 Neurophysiological functions 280 11.7 Vitamin B defi ciency 282 1 00ballpre.indd ix 06/07/04, 15:34:46 x Contents 11.8 Nutritional aspects 286 Further reading 287 References 287 12 Flavins: Ribofl avin, FMN and FAD (Vitamin B ) 289 2 12.1 Historical overview 289 12.2 Chemistry 290 12.3 Dietary sources and bioavailability 291 12.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 291 12.5 Biochemical functions 297 12.6 Vitamin B defi ciency 298 2 12.7 Nutritional aspects 298 Further reading 299 References 299 13 Niacin: Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide 301 13.1 Historical overview 301 13.2 Chemistry 301 13.3 Dietary sources and bioavailability 302 13.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 303 13.5 Biochemical functions 306 13.6 Niacin defi ciency 308 13.7 Nutritional aspects 308 Further reading 309 References 309 14 Vitamin B 310 6 14.1 Historical overview 310 14.2 Chemistry and biological activity 311 14.3 Dietary sources and bioavailability 311 14.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 312 14.5 Biochemical functions 315 14.6 Regulation of steroid hormone action 319 14.7 Immune function 320 14.8 Vitamin B defi ciency 322 6 14.9 Nutritional aspects 322 Further reading 323 References 323 15 Pantothenic Acid and Coenzyme A 326 15.1 Historical overview 326 15.2 Chemistry 327 15.3 Dietary sources and bioavailability 327 15.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 328 15.5 Biochemical functions of coenzyme A and acyl carrier protein in cellular metabolism 330 15.6 Physiological roles of coenzyme A in the modifi cation of proteins 332 00ballpre.indd x 06/07/04, 15:34:47 Contents xi 15.7 Defi ciency in animals and humans 334 15.8 Dietary intake 334 Further reading 335 References 335 16 Biotin 337 16.1 Historical overview 337 16.2 Chemistry 338 16.3 Dietary sources and bioavailability 338 16.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 339 16.5 Biochemical and physiological functions 341 16.6 Biotin defi ciency 343 Further reading 345 References 345 17 Folate 347 17.1 Historical overview 348 17.2 Chemistry 348 17.3 Dietary sources and bioavailability 348 17.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 351 17.5 Biochemical functions 359 17.6 Homocysteine-related occlusive arterial and thrombotic diseases 363 17.7 Folate and neural tube defects 371 17.8 Folate defi ciency 374 17.9 Dietary intake 376 Further reading 376 References 377 18 Vitamin B 383 12 18.1 Historical overview 383 18.2 Chemistry 384 18.3 Dietary sources and bioavailability 384 18.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 385 18.5 Biochemical functions 387 18.6 Vitamin B defi ciency 388 12 18.7 Dietary intake 390 Further reading 391 References 391 19 Vitamin C 393 19.1 Historical overview 394 19.2 Chemistry 394 19.3 Dietary sources and bioavailability 395 19.4 Absorption, transport and metabolism 395 19.5 Effect of ascorbic acid upon absorption of inorganic iron 400 19.6 Inhibition of N-nitroso compound formation 401 19.7 Biochemical and neurochemical functions 403 00ballpre.indd xi 06/07/04, 15:34:47 xii Contents 19.8 Role of ascorbic acid in mesenchymal differentiation 406 19.9 Antioxidant role 407 19.10 Immune function 409 19.11 Vitamin C and cardiovascular disease 412 19.12 Vitamin C defi ciency 414 19.13 Dietary intake 415 Further reading 415 References 415 Abbreviations 421 Glossary 423 Index 429 00ballpre.indd xii 06/07/04, 15:34:48 Foreword The thirteen vitamins that are essential for an ad- cipally vitamins C and E, perhaps better described equate human diet are staggeringly diverse in their as ‘redox modulators’, because they can act as pro- structures, chemical properties and functions, but oxidants as well as antioxidants. Risk of developing they have, by and large, all arrived at a similar juncture degenerative diseases such as vascular disease, cancers in their evolving recognition and understanding. Fifty and eye diseases (cataract, macular degeneration) has to a hundred years ago, the main research emphasis been linked to these ‘protective’ nutrients via animal was on isolation, structural determination, basic bio- and tissue culture model studies and epidemiological chemical properties and functional signifi cance. As associations. The removal of oxygen-derived reactive George Ball’s new book demonstrates, the quest for free radicals seems generally benefi cial and desirable, their functional signifi cance is still continuing and is and is performed effi ciently by these micronutrients. by no means yet complete. However, the recent focus Just how important this is for human health remains on their public health signifi cance has shifted from a controversial, as is the question, how far we now need relatively straightforward concern with the preven- to go ‘beyond defi ciency’ and ‘toward enhanced and tion and cure of overt defi ciency diseases t owards optimal protection’ against noxious agents in the en- more subtle functional properties, often linked to vironment and those derived from our own metabolic those medical conditions that are not obviously processes. vitamin-dependent. The fat-soluble vitamins have likewise proved An example is folate, a generic group of compounds equally elusive, with respect to the breadth of their which includes folic acid. When discovered, its medi- functional implications. Thus, until a couple of dec- cal signifi cance was in the prevention of megaloblastic ades ago, vitamin A was seen as the anti-xerophthal- anaemia in pregnant women in developing countries mia, anti-keratomalacia vitamin, preventing blind- such as India. Today, the focus has shifted towards ness in children in poor, developing countries. Then the avoidance of neural tube defects (spina bifi da, its role in preventing severe morbidity and mortality anencephaly) in western countries and the reduction from infectious diseases was recognized, and this soon of hyperhomocysteinaemia, which is considered to be assumed dominance. Now, new roles for vitamin A a precursor, predictor, and likely causative agent for in gap-junction cell–cell communication and on cell- vascular diseases, including some dementias. There signalling are recognized, revealing a potential role for are recent indications that folate may infl uence can- retinoids in the treatment of cancer. Derivatives of vi- cer risk, especially for bowel cancers. Paradoxically, tamin D, the ‘sunshine vitamin’ which prevents rickets whereas anti-folate drugs are frequently used to treat and osteomalacia, also have therapeutic potential for existing cancer, poor folate status may be a risk factor cancer. Vitamin K, which is used clinically to prevent for development of new cancers, perhaps by com- haemorrhagic disease in breast-fed babies, now as- promising DNA repair mechanisms. None of these sumes important new signifi cance for osteoporosis implications of folate status were recognized before and arterial calcifi cation. the fi nal decades of the twentieth century, and they are All these newly discovered roles for individual vita- still being researched and refi ned. mins have serious implications for recommended di- Another recently emergent research topic has etary amounts and for public health food policies. In involved the so-called ‘antioxidant’ vitamins, prin- the UK, government recommendations for ‘reference’ 00ballpre.indd xiii 06/07/04, 15:34:48

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