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Vitamin C: The state of the art in disease prevention sixty years after the Nobel Prize PDF

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by  H. Sies
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Preview Vitamin C: The state of the art in disease prevention sixty years after the Nobel Prize

Springer Milano Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Budapest Hong Kong London Paris Singapore Tokyo R. Paoletti • H. Sies J. Bug • E. Grossi • A. Poli (Eds) Vitamin ( The state of the art in disease prevention sixty years after the Nobel Prize Springer RODOLFO PAOLETTI Institute of Pharmacological Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy University of Milan (Italy) HELMUT SIES Institute of Physiological Chemistry University of Dusseldorf (Germany) JOACHIM BUG Merck Pharma, Self-Medication International Merck KGaA Darmstadt (Germany) ENZO GROSSI Ethical Drugs Medical Department Bracco Spa Milan (Italy) ANDREA POLl Nutrition Foundation of Italy Milano © Springer-Verlag Italia, Milano 1998 ISBN-13: 978-88-470-0027-8 e-ISBN-13: 978-88-470-2244-7 DOl: 10.1007/978-88-470-2244-7 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Vitamin C : the state of the art in disease prevention sixty years after the Nobel Prize 1 [edited by] R. Paoletti ... let al.]. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 8847000270 1. Vitamin C--Physiological effect. 2. Vitamin C--Therapeutic use. 3. Chemoprevention.1. Paoletti, Rodolfo. [DNLM: 1. Ascorbic Acid -pharmacology. 2. Ascorbic Acid--therapeutic use. 3. Primary Prevention. QU 210 V8372 1998] QP772.A8V574 1998 615'.328--DC21 DNLM/DLC for Library of Congress 98-24805 CIP This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of the Italian Copyright Law in its current version and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the Italian Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc., in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Product liability: the publishers cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information about dosage and application contained in this book. In every individual case the user must check such information by consulting the relevant literature. Cover design: Simona Colombo, Milan SPIN: 10677443 Preface Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, has a long and multifaceted scientific history. In 1937, the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine was awarded to Albert Szent-Gyorgyi'in recognition of his discoveries concerning the biological oxida tion processes with special reference to vitamin C', and the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was shared by Sir Norman W. Haworth, who was the first to synthesize the vitamin. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, and this action represented the theoretical basis for various lines of investigation on this molecule in which the potential role of ascorbic acid in the prevention and treatment of a series of dis eases, whose pathogenesis is linked to an excess of free radicals such as athero sclerosis and cancer, have been examined. These data have been analyzed in detail by experts in biochemistry, epidemi ology, and preventive and clinical medicine in the International Symposium Vitamin C, the state of the art in disease prevention sixty years after the Nobel Prize, held in Monte Carlo from October 31 to November 1, 1997, under the aus pices and the scientific endorsement of the Nutrition Foundation of Italy and with the financial support of Bracco SpA and Merck. The basic mechanisms of action of ascorbic acid, its interaction with other antioxidants, and its preclinical and clinical effects on a wide range of human diseases have been discussed. Special attention has been devoted to the problem of the optimal intake of ascorbic acid and to the safety issues connected with its use. The positive effects of vitamin C in pathological conditions such as the com mon cold and a few respiratory diseases have been considered as well. This volume presents the point of view of the speakers invited to the meeting. We hope it will be of help to the increasing number of scientists working on the biological properties of this important and fascinating natural substance. Rodolfo Paoletti Helmut Sies Joachim Bug Enzo Grossi June 1998 Andrea Poli Table of Contents Antioxidants and Human Health ................. . H. SIES, W. STAHL Modulation of Cell Death by Oxidants and Antioxidants . 13 M.B. HAMPTON, S. ORREN IUS Metabolism and Metabolic Interactions of Vitamin C. 21 A.M. BODE, J.G.G. VETHANAYAGAN Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention in 1997 29 T. BYERS, J. MOUCHAWAR Vitamin Ca nd Gastric Cancer Prevention 41 C.J. SCHORAH Vitamin Ca nd Cardiovascular Risk Factors 51 G. BLOCK Vitamin Ca nd Cardiovascular Disease: Mechanisms of Action ..... 59 B.FREI Vitamin Ca nd Infectious Diseases . 73 H.HEMILA Vitamin Ci n Respiratory Diseases ........... . 87 P.C.BRAGA Recommended Vitamin CI ntake: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Application ....... 107 M. LEVINE, S.c. RUMSEY, Y. WANG, J. PARK, R. DARUWALA, N. AMANO The Safety of High Doses of Vitamin C . ........... 125 A.T. DIPLOCK Antioxidants and Human Health H. SIES, W. STAHL Introduction Human health should be maintained from fertilization throughout life, and long-term exposure to potentially deleterious agents is obviously a factor in determining the function of the organism as well as the development of age related degenerative diseases. Oxidants are potentially deleterious agents and, consequently, antioxidants playa role in the prevention of damage due to oxi dants (for reviews on various aspects, see [1,2]). Compounds known as antioxi dants recently have been recognized as modulators of gene expression and of signal transduction pathways; these novel functions may not necessarily be based on the antioxidant properties, but rather on the function as ligands to regulatory proteins. The present contribution focuses first on oxidants, then on antioxidants; a previous review may be consulted [3]. Oxidants Aerobic life is associated with the generation of reactive oxygen species, even under physiological conditions [4,5]. Reactive oxygen species are responsible for the oxidative damage of biological target molecules such as DNA, lipids, carbohydrates, or proteins; the reactive oxygen species include peroxyl radicals (ROOO), the nitric oxide radical (NOO), the superoxide anion radical (0/-), the hydroxyl radical (OHO), singlet oxygen ('02), peroxynitrite (ONOO-), and hydrogen peroxide (H202). There are various pathways for the generation of reactive oxygen species in the human organism. The superoxide radical anion appears to playa central role, since other reactive intermediates are formed in reaction sequences initiated by 02°-. Superoxide is generated by enzymatic one-electron reduction of oxygen from xanthine oxidase, NADPH oxidase, by leakage of the respiratory chain, or by redox-cycling mechanisms [6]. It has Institut fUr Physiologische Chemie lund Biologisch-Medizinisches Forschungszentrum, Heinrich-Heine-Universitat DUsseldorf, Postfach 101007, D-40001-DUsseldorf, Germany 2 H. Sies, W. Stahl been estimated that about I %-3% of the oxygen we utilize is converted to 02· (4). Hydrogen peroxide is a nonradical reactive species which is reduced to water by catalase or by glutathione (GSH) peroxidases. Recent evidence sug gests that hydrogen peroxide is involved in signal transduction, regulating the expression of genes through the NFKB and AP-l pathways [7,8). The most reactive species is the hydroxyl radical, with an estimated half-life of about 10-9 s, and formed in vivo upon high energy irradiation (e.g., x-rays) by homolytic cleavage of water or from endogenous hydrogen peroxide in metal catalyzed processes (Fenton reaction; iron -catalyzed Haber-Weiss reac tion). Ultraviolet light is not capable energetically of splitting water, but it can cleave hydrogen peroxide to yield two molecules of the hydroxyl radical. The high reactivity of the hydroxyl radical implies immediate reaction at the site where it is generated. Consequently, there is no practicable defense in terms of interception of the hydroxyl radical, because too high a concentration of a trap ping molecule would be required (in the lOO-mM range), which would not be feasible for osmotic reasons. The peroxyl radical (ROO·) is a relatively long-lived species (seconds), with a considerable diffusion path length in biological systems. Peroxyl radicals can be generated in the process of lipid peroxidation, which is initiated by the abstraction of an hydrogen atom from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Further products generated in lipid peroxidation are alkoxyl radicals (RO·) and organic hydroperoxides (ROOH). The latter can rearrange to endoperoxide intermediates which decompose to yield aldehydes. The reaction of aldehydes with amine groups has been suggested to be a mechanism involved in the mod ification of the protein part of lipoproteins. Singlet molecular oxygen (102) is another nonradical reactive oxygen species which is suggested to be formed in vivo. Its half-life has been estimated to be 10-6 s, depending on the nature of the solvent. 102 can interact with other molecules either by transferring its excitation energy or by combining chemi cally. Preferential targets for chemical reactions are double bonds, e.g., in PUFAs or in DNA bases such as guanine (for reviews see [9-11)). The nitric oxide radical (NO·) has attracted attention in the past few years, being a signaling compound formed enzymatically from arginine. It relaxes smooth muscle cells in blood vessel walls, resulting in lowered blood pressure. Nitric oxide is also produced by activated macrophages, contributing to prima ry immune defense. An excess of nitric oxide is cytotoxic. Nitric oxide reacts directly with 02"- to yield peroxynitrite (ONOO-) which, in turn, is capable of oxidizing guanines in DNA, of generating strand breaks in DNA, or of inducing lipid peroxidation in lipoproteins. It also interferes with cellular signaling path ways by nitrating tyrosine residues in proteins (for a recent overview, see (12)). These reactive oxygen species are produced by endogenous reactions in the organism, but we are also exposed to reactive oxygen species generated from external sources. Numerous compounds of prooxidant nature are delivered to the organism via the diet. Cigarette smoke contains an array of radicals and Antioxidants and Human Health 3 ozone is also a reactive oxygen species [13]. Phagocytic cells such as neutrophils, monocytes, or macrophages defend the system against foreign organisms by synthesizing large amounts of 02°- or nitric oxide as a part of the killing mechanism. Several diseases are accompa nied by excessive phagocyte activation, resulting in tissue damage which is at least in part due to the activity of reactive oxygen species. Antioxidants Enzymatic and Nonenzymatic Defense Systems In Vivo To counteract the prooxidant load, a diversity of antioxidant defense systems are operative in biological systems, including enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants [3]. An antioxidant has been defined as "any substance that, when present in low concentrations compared to that of an oxidizable substrate, sig nificantly delays or inhibits the oxidation of that substrate" [2, 14]. The major enzymes directly involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species are superoxide dis mutase, scavenging 02°-, as well as catalase and GSH peroxidases which reduce hydrogen peroxide and organic hydroperoxides, respectively. Subtypes of GSH peroxidases are selenium-dependent. An elevat ed intake of selenium has been associated with protective effects against cancer in animal studies. The preventive effects of selenium in humans are under investigation [15]. Indirect antioxidant functions are mediated by enzymes that restore endogenous antioxidant levels; for example, GSH levels are replenished upon reduction of the GSH disulfide (GSSG) by GSH reductase. Further, reac tive intermediates produced in reactions of pro oxidants and biological mole cules (e.g., epoxides) are conjugated by phase-II detoxification enzymes such as GSH-S-transferases to favor their excretion. Another strategy of preventing the formation of reactive oxygen species is the control of the levels of free transi tion metals such as iron or copper ions. Metal binding proteins responsible for the transport of metal ions prevent the initiation of lipid peroxidation or DNA damage. Major metal binding proteins are ferritin, transferrin, and ceruloplas min. A variety of endogenous, low-molecular-weight compounds are also involved in antioxidant defense. GSH, the major cytosolic thiol, serves as a cofactor of several detoxifying enzymes (GSH peroxidases, GSH-S-transferases) and is involved in the reduction of protein disulfides [16]. Other endogenous compounds such as ubiquinol-l0, urate, or bilirubin also exhibit antioxidant activities. Dietary Antioxidants The human diet contains an array of different compounds exhibiting antioxi dant activities. The most prominent representatives of dietary antioxidants are 4 H. Sies, W. Stahl ascorbate (vitamin C), tocopherols (vitamin E), carotenoids (Fig. 1), and flavonoids. Apart from vitamin C, each of these groups of antioxidants consists of a number of structurally different compounds. Regarding vitamin E, the term denotes several different tocopherols and tocotrienols and their isomers: the naturally occurring major form is RRR-a-tocopherol. As to carotenoids, more than 600 different carotenes and oxocarotenoids have been identified up to now, and about 50 different carotenoids may occur in the human diet. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants; its structure was identified by Szent-Gyorgyi [17]. The life of the eminent scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi has been described vividly [18], and several monographs on vit amin C are available [19-21]. Ascorbate is water-soluble and is found in high Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) a-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) B-Carotene Lycopene Fig. 1. Structures of some antioxidant nutrients Antioxidants and Human Health 5 concentrations in many tissues; human plasma contains about 60 flmol ascor bate/I. Upon reaction with reactive oxygen species it is oxidized in two one-elec tron steps to dehydroascorbate via the ascorbyl free radical. Dehydroascorbate is recycled back to ascorbate by the dehydroascorbate reductases. Thus, dehy droascorbate is found in low levels as compared to vitamin C. As a scavenger of reactive oxygen species, ascorbate has been shown to be effective against super oxide radical anion, hydrogen peroxide, the hydroxyl radical, peroxynitrite, and singlet oxygen. Important sources of ascorbate in the diet are fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage; its content may exceed 100 mg as cor bate/lOO g fresh weight. The efficacy of absorption from the lumen of the gas trointestinal tract decreases with increasing dose levels [22]. There is evidence that vitamin C is capable of regenerating tocopherol from the tocopheroxyl radical which is formed upon inhibition of lipid peroxidation by vitamin E [23-25]. This process would allow for the transfer of a radical load from a lipophilic compartment to an aqueous compartment where it is taken care of by further enzymatic defense systems. In the presence of free transition metal ions (iron and copper) and ascorbate, the hydroxyl radical can be gener ated and initiation of lipid peroxidation may occur. Vitamin C has additional, well-established biological functions, including cofactor activity for several important enzymes [22]. Further, vitamin C suppresses the formation of nitrosamines from nitrite, which is of importance with regard to beneficial effects against cancer. The term vitamin E is a generic description for all tocols and tocotrienol derivatives which exhibit the biological activity of a-tocopherol. This group of compounds is highly lipophilic and operative in membranes or lipoproteins. Their most important antioxidant function appears to be the inhibition of lipid peroxidation scavenging lipid peroxyl radicals to yield lipid hydroperoxides and a tocopheroxyl radical (see [26] for review). The latter is less reactive than per oxyl radicals towards neighboring PUFAs and acts as a chain-breaking antioxi dant. The tocopheroxyl radical might be either reduced by ascorbate and GSH or further oxidized to the respective quinone. Since only small amounts of toco pheryl quinone are detectable in human blood and tissues, the regenerative pathway in vivo appears to be favored. In addition to the peroxyl radical scav enging properties, further interactions with reactive oxygen species have been described, including quenching of singlet oxygen [27] and interaction with per oxynitrite. The richest sources of vitamin E in the diet are vegetable oils (soy bean, corn, cotton seed, and safflower) and products made from these oils such as margarine and mayonnaise. Further, wheat germ, nuts, and some leafy green vegetables contribute to the dietary vitamin E supply. Vitamin E plasma levels in the human are about 22 flmol!l; the compound is also found in tissues such as liver, kidney, fat, or adrenals. In the liver the RRR-isomer of a-tocopherol is preferentially incorporated into very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), which are further catabolized in the circulation. Thus, RRR-a-tocopherol is the major form of vitamin E in LDL.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, has a long and multifaceted scientific history. In 1937, the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine was awarded to Albert Szent-Gyorgyi'in recognition of his discoveries concerning the biological oxida­ tion processes with special reference to vitamin C', and the Nobel
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