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VITAL SIGNS 1998 Rusli University College of ]^^llrsilll VITAL SlIGJVS 199S Rush University College of IMursiiii li/.CHUACH KATHLEEN GAINOB ANDREOU. D.S.N. TMC .OWM U KKB HELEN KKULOOS SKAiv 0' THE co_k.cae of nurbinti or uNiVEHsrrr 51% 1, 1993 "Dear Students: "^Ktal S^n^ is cekBr&ting its' second SinMo:^! Ihrn^ w tfk doss of1993 this k recordofco[[^e Hfefor3(psfi nurses contimes to afirst ratepuSfkatior^ It is reivardir^ to oSseweyourjoijj emfmsiasm, andcreatkHy With diisproject Indeed, tfie fiordwor^fsns voidoffbeamseyati fme a t/earBoo/itfmt teSsyou andtfie readers ifuitycm made a spedaf Cifeforyourselves at the College ofihf^trsit^ at ^^asfi Wtiversity, ^oa are reco^mzed as a tdaited and uiwCved dass, mid the Coffee is Btttsrfor your fiaving been with us. 'Jou nave Been our "MtaCSigns'*. Cm SeHdf of thefacufty, I amgmtukt£ you on your yearSooi and mfi ym every success in your career in. nursing, Sincerefy, / April 26, 1993 DearColleaguesandFellowAlumni: Ifeelveryhonoredto beaskedto contribute toyour YearBook. Don'tknowwhat to say orwhere to begin. TrainingissodifferenttodaythanitwasoversixtyyearsagowhenIstartedasa "Probie". Anditshouldbe different. Ifwe can'tseea needforchangehowcanwe hope toprogress. As longasyouknowandupholdthe traditionsthat havemadeyourAlmaMatersogreat,you'llbe OK. AllIeverwantedtodowasbeanurse soin 1930whenIgraduatedfromHighSchoolIenteredthePresbyterian HospitalSchoolofNursing. WeresidedattheSpragueHomeforNurseswhich thenwaslocatedon the north side ofCongress(acrossfrom theJonesBuilding) but laterwasrelocatedtomakewayfortheEisenhowerExpressway. Thiswasnotonlyourdormitorybutourclassroomandlaboratory, theplaceforoursocialgatheringsanddaily devotionalmeetings. Disciplinewasspelledoutandwillinglycompliedwith. Weallenteredtrainingvoluntarily andifnotsatisfiedcouldhave leftvoluntarily. Rememberthatthroughoutyourprofessionalcareerbysupporting theInstitutionforwhichyou workandlikewise isgivingyouyourincome. We wereaverydedicatedgroupof traineesandIbelieve thisdedicationiswhathasmadeourprofessionsogreat. Wewerealwaystreatedfairly, with respect, dignity, compassionandasprofessionals. IloveNursing. InfactIprobablylove itmorewith eachpassingyear. Believe metheMedicalprofession becomesmoreinterestingandchallengingas timegoesby. TheadvancesinMedicine todayarereallymind boggling. And to thinkyou are having apart in it! You will get out ofit only whatyouput into it. Do support it withyourselfandyourtimeaswellasyourfinances. My life has becomefullerandricherasyears go byandbelieve meIowe itnotonly to myfamilyandmyGod buttomydearfriendsandcolleaguesintheMedicalprofessionandMedicalCenter. Ihopeyou'llfindyourprofessionasrewarding, interestingandasmuchfunasIhave. Youareourfuture caregiversandgoodpatientcareisdependentuponyou. Wearedependingsomuchonyou. Takegoodcareof yourselvesandyourprofession. Don'teverletitdown. A wonderful lifeisaheadforallofyou. My best to each one ofyou. Mostsincerely, Ruth E. Schmidt PresbyterianHospital School ofNursing Classof1934 WELCOME TO THE NRL! WEEK1 Isolation Precautions Medical & Surgical Handwashing Assessment of Vital Signs Medical Terminology Activities of Daily Living State the "five rights" of medication administration. Assisting with Bedpan ^ Medications iniectable Bed Bath Occupied Bedmaking Urinary Catheterization The Best Career, rush university OFRUSH-PRESBYTERIAN-ST.LUKE'SMEDICALCENTER RUSH UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING EYOUIL LOVE MAYBE YOU IT. BUTONETHING IS CERTAIN.

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