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Visual Population Codes: Toward a Common Multivariate Framework for Cell Recording and Functional Imaging PDF

651 Pages·2011·11.937 MB·English
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Preview Visual Population Codes: Toward a Common Multivariate Framework for Cell Recording and Functional Imaging

Contents Series Foreword 1x Preface xi Introduction: A Guided Tour through the Book 1 THEORY AND EXPERIMENT 21 1 Grandmother Cells and Distributed Representations 23 Simon J. Thorpe 2 Strategies for Finding Neural Codes 53 Sheila Nirenberg 3 Multineuron Representations of Visual Attention 71 Jasper Poort, Arezoo Pooresmaeili, and Pieter R. Roelfsema 4 Decoding Early Visual Representations from fMRI Ensemble Responses 101 Yukiyasu Kamitani 5 Understanding Visual Representation by Developing Receptive-Field Models 133 Kendrick N. Kay 6 System Identification, Encoding Models, and Decoding Models: A Powerful New Approach to fMRI Research 163 Jack L. Gallant, Shinji Nishimoto, Thomas Naselaris, and Michael C. K. Wu 7 Population Coding of Object Contour Shape in V4 and Posterior Inferotemporal Cortex 189 Anitha Pasupathy and Scott L. Brincat v1 Con~n~ 8 Measuring Representational Distances: The Spike-Train Metrics Approach 213 Conor Houghton and Jonathan D. Victor 9 The Role of Categories, Features, and Learning for the Representation of Visual Object Similarity in the Human Brain 245 Hans P. Op de Beeck 10 Ultrafast Decoding from Cells in the Macaque Monkey 275 Chou P. Hung and James J. DiCarlo 11 Representational Similarity Analysis of Object Population Codes in Humans, Monkeys, and Models 307 Nikolaus Kriegeskorte and Marieke Mur 12 Three Virtues of Similarity-Based Multivariate Pattern Analysis: An Example from the Human Object Vision Pathway 335 Andrew C. Connolly, M. Ida Gobbini, and James Y. Haxby 13 Investigating High-Level Visual Representations: Objects, Bodies, and Scenes 357 Dwight J. Kravitz, Annie W-Y. Chan and Chris I. Baker 14 To Err Is Human: Correlating fMRI Decoding and Behavioral Errors to Probe the Neural Representation of Natural Scene Categories 391 Dirk B. Walther, Diane M. Beck, and Li Fei-Fei 15 Decoding Visual Consciousness from Human Brain Signals 417 John-Dylan Haynes 16 Probabilistic Codes and Hierarchical Inference in the Brain 441 Karl Friston II BACKGROUND AND METHODS 475 17 Introduction to the Anatomy and Function of Visual Cortex 477 Kendra S. Burbank and Gabriel Kreiman 18 Introduction to Statistical Learning and Pattern Classification 497 Jed Singer and Gabriel Kreiman 19 Tutorial on Pattern Classification in Cell Recording 517 Ethan Meyers and Gabriel Kreiman 20 Tutorial on Pattern Classification in Functional Imaging 539 Marieke Mur and Nikolaus Kriegeskorte Contents vii 21 Information-Theoretic Approaches to Pattern Analysis 565 Stefano Panzeri and Robin A. A. Ince 22 Local Field Potentials, BOLD, and Spiking Activity: Relationships and Physiological Mechanisms 599 Philipp Berens, Nikos K. Logothetis and Andreas S. Tolias Contributors 625 Index 629 Series Foreword C omputational neuroscience is an approach to understanding the development and function of nervous systems at many different structural scales, including the bio- physical, the circuit, and the systems levels. Methods include theoretical analysis and modeling of neurons, networks, and brain systems and are complementary to empiri- cal techniques in neuroscience. Areas and topics of particular interest to this book series include computational mechanisms in neurons, analysis of signal processing in neural circuits, representation of sensory information, systems models of senso- rimotor integration, computational approaches to biological motor control, and models of learning and memory. Further topics of interest include the intersection of computational neuroscience with engineering, from representation and dynamics to observation and control. Terrence J. Sejnowski Tomaso Poggio Preface T his is a book about visual information processing in primate brains. As in other biological networks, the function of the visual system emerges from the interaction of the system’ s components. Such inherently interactive phenomena cannot be understood by analyzing the components in isolation. In neuronal coding, the idea that the whole is more than the sum of its parts is exemplifi ed by the concept of “ p opulation code,” the idea that visual content is represented, at each stage of the visual hierarchy, by the pattern of activity across the local population of neurons. Although this concept appeared decades ago in neurophysiological studies of brain function, the dominant approach to measurement and analysis has been to focus on one cell at a time and to characterize its selectivity, receptive fi eld, and other proper- ties. A similar approach has been followed in the context of functional imaging, albeit at a much coarser spatial scale. Although functional imaging measures complex spatiotemporal activity patterns, most studies have focused on regional-average activation. T he theoretical concept of the population code motivates multichannel measure- ment and multivariate analysis of activity patterns. Population analyses have a long history in vision and other fi elds. Notable examples include the decoding of motor commands from population activity in motor cortex and parietal cortex, the decod- ing of a rodent ’ s position from the population activity of hippocampal neurons, and analyses of the population coding of olfactory information. Despite these examples, the dominant approach to understanding neuronal representations has been uni- variate analysis. O ver the past decade, the multivariate approach has gained signifi cant momen- tum, especially in the fi eld of vision. Many researchers now analyze the information in complex activity patterns across many measurement channels. Functional imaging and cell recording measure brain activity in fundamentally different ways, but they now use similar theoretical concepts and mathematical tools in their modeling and analysis. Results indicate that the interactions between sites do matter to neuronal coding. xii Preface At the micro-scale, the study of single-neuron responses continues to produce valuable insights. And at the macro-scale, classical brain mapping with its focus on regional-average activation continues to defi ne the big picture of brain function. But cell recording and functional imaging are beginning to close the gap of spatial scales between them and invade the meso-scale, where regional population codes reside. In terms of measurement, high-resolution imaging is invading this intermediate scale by providing sub-millimeter resolution, and multi-electrode neuronal record- ings promise to give us a richer picture of regional single-cell activity. In terms of analysis, a common multivariate framework for analyzing population codes is emerging. This framework promises to help bridge the divide between cell recording and functional imaging and between animal and human studies. Moreover, it prom- ises to allow us to test computational network models by integrating them in the analysis of brain-activity data. The purpose of this book is to present recent advances in understanding of visual population codes afforded by the multivariate framework, to describe the current state of the art in multivariate pattern-information analysis, and to take a step toward a unifi ed perspective for cell recording and functional imaging. The book should serve as an introduction, overview, and reference for scientists and graduate students across disciplines who are interested in human and primate vision and, more generally, in understanding how the brain represents information. The fi rst part of the book, “ T heory and Experiment,” is coarsely organized accord- ing to the fl ow of visual information from the retina to the highest stages of ventral- stream processing. Most of the chapters combine a review of theory and published empirical fi ndings with methodological considerations. The second part, “ B ack- ground and Methods,” is intended to provide readers from different disciplines with essential background on vision, different techniques for measuring brain activity (and their relationships), and mathematical analysis methods. This preface is fol- lowed by an introduction ( “ A Guided Tour through the Book ” ), which explains some basic concepts, summarizes each chapter, and clarifi es the chapters’ relation- ships. Chapter abstracts provide a further level of detail to allow a quick grasp of the information. W e have roughly organized the book according to the stages of visual processing, interspersing animal cell recording and human imaging studies, so as to emphasize the commonality of subject matter between these still somewhat separated fi elds. Readers may discover that the perspective of functional imaging has a lot to con- tribute to that of cell recording, and vice versa. They may also fi nd that the way questions are framed for early visual areas may help rethink the challenges of understanding higher-level representations, and vice versa. As mentioned above, multivariate analyses have provided important insights in other domains beyond vision. We encourage the reader to examine this rich literature, and we hope that Preface xiii the multivariate framework for analyzing population codes will benefi t from an exchange between vision and other fi elds. I n order to understand brain function, we need to develop theory, experiment, and analysis conjointly, in a way that embraces the parallel and interactive nature of cortical computation. The emerging multivariate framework is an important step in that direction, helping us make sense of ever richer spatiotemporal brain-activity data and enabling us to see the forest, too, not just the trees. Several people have helped throughout this effort. We would like to thank Christina Chung and Jane Tingley, who helped with several aspects of the book. We also acknowledge the patience and wisdom from the people at MIT Press while we learnt our initial steps in making this work a reality. The work towards this book was made possible through funding from the National Science Foundation (0954570; BCS-1010109), National Institute of Health (R21 EY019710; X02 OD005393; R21NS070250), the Whitehall Foundation, the Klingenstein Fund, the Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Foundation, and the UK Medical Research Council. Introduction: A Guided Tour through the Book This chapter gives an overview of the content of the book. We follow the chapters in the sequence in which they appear, summarize key fi ndings and theoretical argu- ments, and clarify the relationships between the chapters. Along the way, we explain some basic issues of overarching importance. T he book is divided into two parts: “ T heory and Experiment” and “ B ackground and Methods. ” The fi rst part describes recent primary research fi ndings about the visual system, along with cutting-edge theory and methodological considerations. The second part provides some of the more general neuroscientifi c and mathemati- cal background needed for understanding the fi rst part. A lthough each chapter is independent, the fi rst part, “ Theory and Experiment, ” is designed to be read in sequence. The sequence roughly follows the stages of ventral-stream visual processing, which forms the focus of the book. Within this rough order, we placed closely related chapters together. We purposely interspersed theoretical and experimental chapters, and, within the latter, animal electrode recording and human fMRI studies. An overview of the chapters is given in fi gure I.1 and table I.1 . Localist and Distributed Codes In chapter 1, Simon J. Thorpe reviews the debate about localist versus distributed neuronal coding in the context of recent experimental evidence. Early fi ndings of neuronal selectivity to simple features at low levels of the visual hierarchy and to more complex features at higher levels suggested, by extrapolation, that there might be neurons that respond selectively to particular objects, such as one’ s grandmother. On a continuum of possible coding schemes from localist to distributed, this “ g rand- mother cell” theory forms the localist pole. A code of grandmother cells could still have multiple neurons devoted to each object; the key feature is the high selectivity of the neurons. A grandmother-cell code is explicit in that no further processing is 2 Introduction Figure I.1 Chapter overview. Along the vertical axis (arrow on the left), the chapters have been arranged roughly according to the stage of processing they focus on. Horizontally, chapters with a stronger focus on a particular stage of processing are closer to the axis on the left. Where possible, chapters related by other criteria are grouped together. For example, chapters 5 and 6 use the method of voxel-receptive-fi eld modeling, while chapters 9 and 11 – 14 use the method of representational similarity analysis. Neuron and voxel icons label chapters using neuronal recordings and fMRI, respectively. Chapters focusing on theory, experiment, or methods have been visually indicated (see legend), with methods chapters marked by a gray underlay and experimental chapters with a strong methodological component marked by a partial gray underlay. required to read out the code and conclude that a particular object is present. At the other end of the continuum is a distributed code, in which each neuron will respond to many different objects; thus, there is no single neuron that unequivocally indicates the presence of a particular object. In a distributed code, the information is in the combination of active neurons. F or a population of n neurons, a localist single-neuron code can represent no more than n distinct objects, one for each neuron— a nd less if multiple neurons

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