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Visits to the Saratoga battlegrounds, 1780-1880 [microform] : with an introduction and notes PDF

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Preview Visits to the Saratoga battlegrounds, 1780-1880 [microform] : with an introduction and notes

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Original copies in printed papercoversare filmed beginning with the front coverand ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, orthe back coverwhen appropriate. All other original copiesare filmed beginning on the first pagewitha printed or illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. / uies The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall containthe symbol —^^(meaning "CON- TINUED"), orthe symbol V (meaning "END"), whicheverapplies. Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Thosetoo largeto be entirely included in one exposure arefilmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, leftto rightand top to bottom, as manyframes is lire required. The following diagrams illustratethe method: t>y errata led to 1 >nt me peiure, agon A 32X M -/z^4^. ^xtmcXl's iBistorical Series, mo. 23. l^"''* Sa V AITMOR ITK I a; visile; 1> '^^''i TO THK SaKATO(;A BATTLH-GROnNDS 780-1880. 1 With an Introduction and Notes. Bv VVfl.l.lAM STONK, I, AI TIIOR OK "the I.IKK AND TIME.i OF SIR WIII.IAM JOHNSON, BART.," " REVO- IITIONARY LETTERS," I'AISCH'S JOURNAL," "HURGOYNE's CAMPAICN AND ST. I.EC.ER's EXPEDITION," " MEMOIRS OF MRS. AND V.V.S. RIEDKSKI.." "HISTORY OF NEW YORK CITY," "LIFE AND WRITINilS OK COL.WM. L. STONE, 'REMINISCENCES OK SARATOGA AND BALLSTON. "THE STONE GENEALOGV," "THE STARIN GENE- ALOGY," ETC., ETC. "There is a charm in footing slow, " Across a silent plain, "'Where patriot battle has been fonght. — " Where glory had the gain." Keats. ALBANY, N. Y. jOI.1 MI'N- , I 1 nI 1S11 KKS 1895.

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