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Visible compression of commuting mixed states PDF

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by  W. Dür
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Visible compression of commuting mixed states W. Du¨r, G. Vidal and J.I. Cirac Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Innsbruck,A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria (February 1, 2008) and We analyze the problem of quantum data compression of commuting density operators in the visible case. We show S(ρ) tr[ρlog (ρ)], (2) thatthelower boundfor thecompression factor given bythe ≡− 2 Levitin–Holevo function is reached by providing an explicit is the von Neumann entropy of ρ. When the ρ corre- k protocol. spond to mixed states, however, the value of C is not 1 known(except for the somehowsimple casein whichthe 03.67.-a, 03.65.Bz, 03.65.Ca, 03.67.Hk 0 supports of the operators ρk are orthogonal [9]). It can 0 be shown that S(ρ) C I( p , ρ ) [5,6], where k k 2 ≥ ≥ { } { } n I. INTRODUCTION I({pk},{ρk})=S(ρ)− pkS(ρk), (3) a Xk J 3 The applications of Quantum Mechanics in the fields is the Levitin–Holevo function. In Ref. [6], the authors 2 of communication, computation, and precision measure- analyze several cases where they are able to show that ments are based on the possibility of encoding and ma- S(ρ)>C byprovidingexplicitprotocols. However,none 1 nipulating information using quantum states. Thus, one ofthoseprotocolsachievethelowerboundI( p , ρ ). k k v { } { } of the most relevant questions in this context is the Thus, the question whether this limit can be reached or 1 extension of Shannon’s noiseless coding theorem [1] to not is still open. In fact, it has been argued [7] that in 1 the quantum domain. That is, to find out the mini- theaffirmativecaseonecouldassignadefinitemeaningto 1 1 mum amount of resources needed for a faithful storage the Levitin–Holevo function besides the well known one 0 (encoding) and retrieval (decoding) of quantum states, related to the maximum amount of classical information 1 or, equivalently, the most economical way of compress- that can be stored and retrieved in and from quantum 0 ing them. For pure states, this problem was stated and states [10–12]. / h solved by Schumacher [2–4]. For mixed states, however, There are two different scenarioswhere quantum data p this is still an open problem [5–7]. compression of mixed states has been analyzed [5–7]. In - Theproblemofquantumdatacompressioncanbefor- the so–called visible scenario, Alice knows the state σA t K n mulated as follows. Alice has a (stationary memoryless) she wants to compress. In the blind one, she does not a quantum source that produces systems in the state (de- know it. Obviously,the compressionfactor in the visible u scribed by the density operator) ρ with probability p , scenarioissmallerthanorequaltothatinthelatterone. q k k where k = 1,2,...,L (L finite). Let us consider a se- In particular, for pure states both compression factors : v quence ofN systemswhich,forsimplicity,weconsider coincide [2]. Xi to be qKubits, created by the source. Let us denote by In this paper we study the compression of quantum σA ρ ρ ... ρ the corresponding state [8]. Al- mixed states in the visible scenario, and in the case r K ≡ k1⊗ k2 ⊗ kN a icewantstotransmitsuchastatetoBobbyusingasfew in which the operators ρ commute with each other. k qubits as possible. That is: (i) she encodes the sequence We provide an explicit protocol which reaches the lower inasetofM qubits(i.e.,withthehelpofhersequenceshe bound for the compression factor, which implies that preparestheminsomestate)andsendsthemtoBob;(ii) he decodes the state (i.e. with the help of the qubits he C =I( pk , ρk ). (4) { } { } hasreceivedhepreparesasequenceofN systemsinsome state σB). The goal is to find the procedure for which, The basic idea to achieve such compression factor is to for suffiKciently long sequences, Bob’s state σB is “arbi- let Alice and Bob change the encoding/decoding proce- trarilyclose”to σA and,atthe sametime, MKisminimal dure randomly from sequence to sequence. For that, we K willassumethatAliceandBobpossessthesamerandom (arbitrarilyclose means with respectto some measureof numbergenerator(or,equivalently,thattheysharealist fidelity, see below). The quantity C = lim M/N is N→∞ of random numbers). We will concentrate on the case called compression factor. in which the systems under considerationare qubits. As Inthecasewherethe ρ correspondto purestatesone k wewillindicate,thegeneralizationtohigherdimensional finds that C =S(ρ) [2], where systems is straightforward. Note that, as shown in Ref. L [6], the problem analyzed in this paper is equivalent to ρ p ρ , (1) theoneofclassicaldatacompressionofprobabilitydistri- k k ≡Xk=1 butions. We will nevertheless use a quantum mechanical 1 language in view of a possible extension of our protocol If the sequence is sufficiently long, σA will contain the K to the case in which the operators ρ do not commute. state ρ approximately n Np 1 times. Let us k k k k ≡ ≫ Ontheotherhand,thereasonwhyourprotocolachieves call a sequence which exactly contains such a number the compression factor (4) can be easily understood in of times these operators “typical sequence”. Moreover, terms of typical subspaces (or typical sequences in the since n 1 we canalso apply the same idea within the k ≫ classical case). Thus, we will first explain how our pro- sequence that Alice wants to send. If we write the oper- tocol works by using this concept. Once this is clear, a atorσA in the basis i i ... i (i =0,1),most K {| 1i⊗| 2i | Ni} j detailed proof can be easily constructed. It has come to of the contribution will come from states with approxi- our attention that [13] presents an alternative proof of matelyn λ ones(andn (1 λ )zeros)atthe positions k k k k − the achievability of (4) using rate distortion theory. v . Let us call “typical states” those with exactly such k This paper is organized as follows. In Section II we numbers of zeros and ones at the positions specified by qualitatively explain our protocol using the concept of v . Thus,letusconcentrateonamethodinwhich,given k typical sequences. In Section III we describe in detail a typical sequence, Alice sends Bob enough information our protocol for the case of two states (L=2) and show so that he can create at random one of the correspond- thatitachievesthe compressionfactor(4). The protocol ing typical states. It is intuitively clear that if Alice can can be straightforwardly generalized to L>2 by follow- accomplish this task with M NI( p , ρ ) qubits, k k ∼ { } { } ing the ideas of Section II. However, we do not include then she will also be able to send most of the sequences thedetailedproofsheresincetheyrequireaninvolvedno- with this amount of qubits and high fidelity. tation, and do not add any new idea to the problem. In So, let us now assume that Alice and Bob use their SectionIVwediscusspossibleextensionsofourprotocol. random number generator to create the same random Finally, the Appendix is concerned with some technical state of N qubits, each of them in the state 0 or 1 | i | i details. according to the probabilities P and P , respectively. 0 1 Let us denote by p the probability that such a state is a typical one for a given typical sequence. In that case, if II. DESCRIPTION IN TERMS OF TYPICAL they create (instead of one) 1/p such random states, ∼ SEQUENCES the probability that among them there is a typical one will be very close to one. In that case, Alice just has In this section we formulate the problem in terms of to tell Bob which of those states randomly generated is typical sequences, which allows us to explain the basic the one that corresponds to the typical sequence she is idea of our protocol. We assume that Alice wants to intending to send. The number of qubits to give that sendasequence ofN qubits to Bob,eachone instate ρ information to Bob is M =log (1/p). Since k 2 with probability p , where all the ρ commute. We can k k always write n1 n2 ... nL (cid:18)n1λ1 (cid:19)(cid:18)n2λ2 (cid:19) (cid:18)nLλL (cid:19) ρ =λ 1 1 +(1 λ )0 0, (5) p= (9) k k| ih | − k | ih | N Thus, we have (cid:18)NP1 (cid:19) L we obtain that M = log2(1/p) ∼ NI({pk},{ρk}) (for ρ= p ρ =P 1 1 +P 0 0, (6) N 1). k k 1 0 | ih | | ih | ≫ Xk=1 where III. PROTOCOL FOR TWO STATES L P = p λ , P =1 P . (7) 1 k k 0 1 InthisSectionwegivetheprotocoltoachievethecom- − Xk=1 pression factor (4). We will show that for any ǫ,δ > 0 These quantities are the probability that the quantum there exists anN0 such that the sequences with N >N0 source creates the state 1 and 0 , respectively. qubits can be encoded in N[I(pk,ρk)+δ] qubits with a As mentioned in the i|ntiroduct|ioin, the goal is to com- fidelity F >1 ǫ. Here, F is the averagedfidelity − press a sequence of the form σA ρ ρ ... ρ , K ≡ k1 ⊗ k2 ⊗ kN F = P F(σA,σB), (10) where ki = 1,2,...,L. We will denote by vk a vector K K K whose elements indicate the positions atwhichthe oper- XK ator ρ appears. For example, if we take the sequence k P is the probability that Alice sends the sequence , K K and [14] ρ ρ ...ρ ρ ρ ...ρ ... ρ ρ ...ρ (8) 1 1 1 2 2 2 L L L ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ n1 n2 nL F(σ ,σ ) tr σ1/2σ σ1/2 1/2 =tr[σ1/2σ1/2], (11) th|env {=z (1,2},..|.,n ){,zv =}(n +1,n|+2,.{.z.,n +}n ), 1 2 ≡ h 1 2 1 i 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 etc. where the last equality holds for commuting operators. 2 We will concentrate in the case where there are only in states 0 or 1 if the sequence contains a | i | i two possible states (L = 2). The general case can be zero or a one at each position). If he receives analyzed in the same way as here, although the nota- the error state, he prepares the qubits in a tion becomes much more involved. Thus, let us assume fixed state σ =1l/2N. 0 thatAlice wantstosendthe sequence ,consistingofN qubits in states ρ or ρ , to Bob. As bKefore, we will call Before showing that the above protocol achieves the 1 2 n (where n =N n ) the number of times the oper- desiredbound,letusmakesomeremarks. Firstly,wecan 1,2 2 1 ator ρ appears in−the sequence, and v the positions replace the condition imposed by δ > 0 on the number 1,2 1,2 where it appears. Note that in all these quantities we of bits needed to encode the sequences by requiring that should write a subscript indicating their dependence K log (S)=N[I(p ,ρ )+f ], (13) on the particular sequence Alice is trying to send. In or- 2 k k N der to keep the notation simple, and whenever it is clear where f 0 as N . Note that the number of bits fromthecontext,wewillomitinallthequantitiesthede- N → →∞ needed to transmit the value of n can be included in pendenceontheparticularsequence. Ontheotherhand, 1 f since log (N +1)/N 0, and therefore need not be in the protocol given below we will consider that Alice N 2 → considered. Actually, one can devise a similar encoding sendsclassicalbitstoBob. Obviously,theseclassicalbits and decoding scheme in which this number need not be can in turn be encoded in the same number of qubits if transmitted. However, our scheme allows for a simpler wechoosethe states 0 and 1 . Theprotocolconsistsof | i | i proof of our statements. Secondly, as it is shown in the the following encoding and decoding procedures: Appendix, we canreplace the condition imposed by ǫ on the averagedfidelity by 1. Encoding: N (a) Alice selects two integer numbers x and x , 1 2 E P E <ǫ (14) with 0 xi ni according to the following ≡ n1 n1 binomia≤l distr≤ibutions nX1=0 where P is the probability that we have a sequence P(xi)=(cid:18)nxii (cid:19)λixi(1−λi)ni−xi, (12) with exanc1tly n1 times ρ1 and the rest ρ2, and En1 is the probability that Alice sends the error bit 0 if she had one of such sequences. Thirdly, we will deal with several where i=1,2. binomial distributions, which have the form (b) Using the common randomnumber generator Alice creates S random sequences of N bits n Q py(1 p)n−y, (15) each. Eachofthebitsissetto1or0according y ≡(cid:18) y (cid:19) − totheprobabilityP =(λ n +λ n )/N,P = 1 1 1 2 2 0 1 P , respectively. She associates a number where 0<p<1. We will use the following properties of 1 − between 1 and S with each sequence. suchdistribution: (i)forallǫ>0and0<η <1/2,there exists some n such that if n>n then (c) If among the S sequences there are one or 0 0 more with exactly x ones and n x ze- i i − i [pn+n1/2+η] ros at the positions indicated by v for both i Q >1 ǫ. (16) i = 1,2, then she chooses one of them ran- y − domly and sends the number associated with y=[pnX−n1/2+η] that sequence to Bob. Otherwise, she sends This property allows us to restrict the allowed values thenumber0(whichindicatesanerror). Note of the parameters. For the sake of definiteness we will that for that she uses [log (S +1)+1] bits, 2 take η = 0.1. (ii) For n sufficiently large and y where [...] denotes the integer part. [pn n1/2+η,pn+n1/2+η] ∈ − (d) She also encodes in a set of [log N +1] bits 2 the value of n and sends it to Bob. 1e−(y−np)2/[2(np(1−p)] 1 Q > . (17) y 2 2πnp(1 p) 2. Decoding − p Now, let us show that the protocol given above ful- (a) Bobusestherandomnumbergeneratortocre- fills the desiredproperties. First, giventhe fact thatP atethesameS randomsequencesasAliceand n1 follows a binomial distribution, we can restrict the sum- assigns the same numbers. Note that Bob mation in (14) to the values knows the values n (since it has been sent 1 by Alice) and n =N n . 2 − 1 n1 [n1 N1/2+0.1,n1+N1/2+0.1]. (18) (b) Using the bits sent by Alice, he identifies the ∈ − randomsequenceandpreparesN qubitsinthe Moreover, the remaining sum is smaller than the maxi- corresponding state (i.e. prepares the qubits mum value of E where n lies in the interval indicated n1 1 3 in Eq. (18). This value can be determined with the help the compression factor C = lim M/N turns out to N→∞ ofEq.(A6). SinceP(x ), the probabilitythat Alice se- be C = I( p , ρ )/log (d), where I( p , ρ ) is 1,2 { k} { k} 2 { k} { k} lects the values x and x in the step 1(a), is a product given in (3) and the factor log (d) appears because we 1 2 2 of two binomial distributions, again for sufficiently large are dealing with d–level systems now. The number of N we can restrict the sums to qubits per signal states required for a faithful transmis- sion is thus again given by the Levitin-Holevo function xi ∈[niλi−N1/2+0.1,niλi+N1/2+0.1], i=1,2. (19) I({pk},{ρk}), so the lower bound can be reached also when dealing with d–level systems. Thus, the problem is reduced to showing that for any This can be understood qualitatevely in a similar way ǫ > 0, for sufficiently large N we can choose S fulfill- as in the qubit case (see Sec. II). The condition that all ing (13) and so that the maximum value of E(x ,v ) 1,2 1,2 ρ commute implies that we can always write k with the restrictions (18) and (19) is smaller than ǫ, and where E(x1,2,v1,2) is the probability that the er- d ror state is produced given the values of x and v ρ = λk j j . (22) 1,2 1,2 k j| ih | (see Appendix). We can always write E(x1,2,v1,2) = Xj=1 [1 R(x ,v )]S, where R(x ,v ) is the probabil- 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 ity−that if we take a sequence of zeros and ones accord- and thus ing to the probabilities P , the sequence exactly con- 1,0 L d tains xi ones (and the rest zeros) at positions vi, for ρ= pkρk = Pj j j , (23) both i = 1,2. Such a probability can be calculated as kX=1 Xj=1 | ih | R(x ,v ) = Q(x + x )P(x ,v /x + x ), where 1,2 1,2 1 2 1,2 1,2 1 2 Q(x1+x2) is the probability that the sequence contains where Pj = Lk=1pkλkj. Proceeding in the same vain x1+x2 ones and P(x1,2,v1,2/x1+x2) is the probability as in the qubiPt case, we find that the “typical states” of that those are at the correct positions. The first one is a certain (typical) sequence have exactly Np λk states k j givenagainbyabinomialdistribution; byusingEq.(17) j at the positions v . It is straightforward to calcu- k one can easily find [16] that |laite the probability p that a state of N qudits generated randomly according to the probability distribution P e−αN0.2 1 is a typical one for a given sequence. One finds th{atip} Q(x +x ) K , (20) 1 2 ≥ √N ≡ aN is given by an expression which is similar to (9), how- ever the binomial factors are replaced by multinomial where K and α are constants (independent of N). On factors. This is due to the fact that the corresponding the other hand distributions are now multinomial instead of binomial. The number of required qubits, Mlog (d), turns out to n n 2 1 2 be log (1/p) NI( p , ρ ) (for N 1), which leads (cid:18)n1λ1 (cid:19)(cid:18)n2λ2 (cid:19) 2 ∼ { k} { k} ≫ P(x ,v /x +x )= to the announced compression factor. Also the detailed 1,2 1,2 1 2 N proof can be carried out in a similar way, replacing the (cid:18)NP1 (cid:19) binomialdistributionsbymultionomialdistributionsand 2−NI({pk},{ρk})−N1/2+0.2 1 (21) thecorrespondingGaussiancurves(seee.g. (17))bymul- ≥ ≡ b tidimensional Gaussians curves. N for sufficiently large N, as can be checked using the bounds given by Stirling formulas. By choosing B. Decoding without knowing the source S = Na b we obtain that E(x ,v ) = [1 N N 1,2 1,2 − R(x1,2,v1,2)]S [1 1/(aNbN)]NaNbN 0 and (13) Noticethatinourprotocolforcompressingcommuting with f = [log≤(N)−+ o(N0.7)]/N 0→for N , N 2 → → ∞ mixed states we have implicitly assumed, in step 2(b) as required. of the decoding stage, that Bob knows which are the eigenvectors of the density matrices, i.e. 0 and 1 . | i | i This is of course legitimate in any context where both IV. POSSIBLE EXTENSIONS Alice and Bob are provided with a description of the source. A. d-level systems Letusnoteherethatwecanslightlymodifytheproto- colinsuchawaythatitworksevenifBobdoesnothave One can easily generalize our results to d–level sys- such a description. Indeed, suppose that now the eigen- tems. In that case, a quantum source produces d–level statesare 0′ and 1′ . AllweneedisthatAliceusesthe | i | i systems (qudits) in the state (described by the density quantumchanneltosentN copiesofeachofthesestates. operator) ρ with probability p . For a faithful trans- SincetheN copiesof(say) 0′ , 0′ ⊗N,aresupportedon k k | i | i mission of N of those systems, M qudits (equivalently the (N+1-dimensional)symmetricsubspace ofN qubits, Mlog (d) qubits) are required. In case all ρ commute, [log(N +1)] qubits are sufficient to transmit them. For 2 k 4 large N, this does not change the communication cost total number of zeros/ones is fixed). The average error per qubit, I( p , ρ ). And thus, once Bob has re- can be written as follows k k { } { } ceived and decompressed 0′ ⊗N and 1′ ⊗N, he can use single copies of these stat|es ito replace| thie 0 and 1 ’s E = P(σKA/a)E(b,σKA), (25) | i | i X of step 2(b). In this way, he does not need to know the where the sum runs over all possible typical sequences details of the source to prepare faithful sequences σB. σA, P(σA/a) is the probability that we deal with se- K K K quence σA provided that Alice possesses the state a K | i and E(b,σA) is the error for the sequence σA given that K K C. The Levitin-Holevo bound can not always be Bob received the state b . Under our previous assump- reached in a blind protocol tion on a , b , we have| tihat E(b,σA) is either one (for | i | i K all sequences which have ρ at position one) or zero (for 1 In the previous sections, we showed for commuting all sequence which have ρ a position one). As there are 2 density operators that in the visible scenario, the bound 3N/4 for the compression factor given by the Levitin–Holevo q (26) ≡(cid:18) N/2 (cid:19) function can always be reached. Here, we investigate the invisible scenario, i.e. the case where Alice does not sequences which are compatible with a , we have that | i know the specific sequence to be sent. We give anexam- P(σA/a) = 1/q for all those sequences and zero other- K ple where the Levitin-Holevo bound for the compression wise. It is easy to see that factor cannot be reached. 3N/4 1 3N/4 We consider two density operators ρ = 1 1, ρ = E = − / =2/3, (27) 1/21l with corresponding probabilities 1p =| pih |= 12/2. (cid:18) N/2−1 (cid:19) (cid:18) N/2 (cid:19) 1 2 WewillarguethattheachievablecompressionfactorC is i.e. the average error is already macroscopic even when givenbytheentropyoftheoperatorρ= p ρ ,S(ρ) b differs from a only at two positions. We conclude k k k ≈ | i | i 0.8113, which should be compared withPI( pk , ρk ) that in order to have E sufficiently small (and thus 0.3113. Wewillnotgiveaformalproofofth{iss}ta{tem}en≈t, the fidelity sufficiently close to one), we must have that but will rather argue in terms of typical sequences and b = a . This implies that all typical states have to be | i | i the corresponding “typical states” (see Sec. II). transmitted perfectly from Alice to Bob, as our analysis If we write the operator σA corresponding to a typi- is not restricted to the specific choice of a . There are K | i cal sequence in the basis i i ... i (i = 0,1), {| 1i⊗| 2i | Ni} j N the typicalstates are those with exactly 3N/4 ones (and g (28) ≡(cid:18)3N/4(cid:19) N/4 zeros). Note that Alice can determine with help of a measurement of all qubits in the computational basis typical states, which means that log (g) NS(ρ) 2 ∼ ≈ which of the typical states she possesses. This can be 0.8113N qubitsarerequiredforperfecttransmissionand donewithout disturbingthe signalbecauseshe measures nofurthercompressionispossible[19]. Thus,theLevitin- in the eigenbasis of σA. Let us thus assume that Alice Holevo bound cannot be reached in this case. On the K knowsthetypicalstateshehastotransmit. Wecantake other hand, if p1 = ǫ 0, it happens that —also in the → without loss of generality the state invisiblescenario—theachievablecompressionfactorap- proaches I( p , ρ ) 0, while S(ρ) 1. k k { } { } → → a = 1 1 ... 1 1 0 ... 0 (24) Note that this analysisis not restrictedto this specific | i | i⊗| i⊗ ⊗| i⊗| i⊗| i⊗ ⊗| i example but can be generalized to determine the com- 3N/4 N/4 pression factor C, S(ρ) C I( p , ρ ), also in the | {z } | {z } k k ≥ ≥ { } { } However, in contrast to the visible case, Alice does not invisible case. know to which specific (typical) sequence the state a | i belongs to. In fact, there are many sequences which are compatible with the state a , namely all those V. SUMMARY | i which have all N/2 density operators ρ at the positions 1 1,...,3N/4. We have analyzed the compression of mixed states in We will show now that the state a has to be trans- thevisiblecaseandforcommutingdensityoperators. We | i mitted “perfectly” to Bob, since even a small derivation have given a protocol that achieves the compression fac- from the state a will lead to a macroscopic error. To tor (4), which was knownto be a lowerbound. Our pro- | i this aim, we consider a general coding/decoding proce- tocol is based on the creation of the same set of random dure. NoticethatBobcanmeasureinthecomputational numbers by Alice and Bob, and choosing among them basis after decoding the received signal and thereby ob- the one appropriatedto the sequence they want to send. tainwithsomeprobabilityapurestate b [17]whichisa This protocol can be extended to the case in which the | i sequenceofzerosandones. Letusassumethat b differs density operators do not commute. In that case, Alice from a only attwo positions, e.g. the first and| tihe Nth and Bob can encode the states in the same random sub- | i qubitsareflipped(notethattwostatesmustalwaysdiffer spaceswithinthe typicalsubspace. This problemwillbe at an even number of positions, as we assumed that the addressed in a future work. 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS n1,2 1l + P(x )E(x ,v ) . (A3) 1,2 1,2 1,2 2N We thank C. Fuchs for interesting discussions. This x1X,2=0 workwassupportedby the AustrianScience Foundation On the other hand, we can write under the SFB “control and measurement of coherent quantum systems (Project 11), the European Commu- n1,2 2N nity under the TMR network ERB–FMRX–CT96–0087 σKA = P(x1,2) P(m/x1,2,v1,2)|ΨmihΨm|. (A4) and project EQUIP (contract IST-1999-11053), the Eu- x1X,2=0 mX=1 ropean Science Foundation, and the Institute for Quan- The fidelity F(σA,σB) will be larger than or equal to tum InformationGmbH. G.V alsoacknowledgesfunding K K the one calculated by ignoring the term proportional to from the EC through grant No. HPMF-CT-1999-00200. the identity operator in (A3). We obtain APPENDIX A: BOB’S DENSITY OPERATOR n1,2 2N F(σA,σB) P(x )P(m/x ,v ) AND FIDELITY K K ≥ 1,2 1,2 1,2 x1X,2=0mX=1 We denote by {|Ψmi}2mN=1 the computational basis for ×[1−E(x1,2,v1,2)]1/2 the N qubits of the sequence, i.e. |Ψ1i = |0,0,...,0i, ≥1−EK, (A5) ...,Ψ = 1,1,...,1 . Accordingtotheprotocolgiven in S|ect2iNoin II|I, Bob’s deinsity operator can be written as where follows: n1,2 n1,2 S EK = P(x1,2)E(x1,2,v1,2), (A6) σKB = P(x1,2) P(t,x1,2,v1,2) x1X,2=0 x1X,2=0 Xt=1 and we have used 2N P(m/t,x ,v )Ψ Ψ 2N 1,2 1,2 m m ×mX=1 | ih | P(m/x1,2,v1,2)=1. (A7) n1,2 1l mX=1 + P(x )E(x ,v ) . (A1) 1,2 1,2 1,2 2N Thus, the condition x1X,2=0 E = P E <ǫ, (A8) Here, P(x ) is the probability that Alice obtains x K K 1,2 1 and x and is given in (12); P(t,x ,v ) is the prob- XK 2 1,2 1,2 ability that among the S random sequences, there are t automaticallyimplies thatF >1 ǫ. Now,bothP and K with exactly x ones (and the rest zeros) at the posi- − 1,2 E only depend on the number of times that ρ appears K 1 tions indicated by v ; E(x ,v ) P(0,x ,v ), 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 in , and not on how they are placed, so that we can ≡ i.e. the probability that the error state is produced; K write (14). P(m/t,x ,v )istheprobabilitythatgiventsequences 1,2 1,2 withexactlyx ones(andtherestzeros)atthepositions 1,2 indicated by v , and we choose one of them randomly, 1,2 Bobobtainsthesequenceofzerosandonescorresponding to Ψ . This last can be reexpressed as m | i t t P(m/t,x ,v )= P(m/x ,v )x [1] E. Shannon,Bell Syst. Tech. J. 27, 379 (1948). 1,2 1,2 xX=0(cid:18)x(cid:19) 1,2 1,2 [2] B. 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[15] Thevaluesn1,2 andv1,2dependonthesequenceK.How- ever,in order to makethe notation simpler we will omit thisdependencethroughout. [16] Note that the specific values of K and α are irrelevant forourdiscussion.Nevertheless,usingtheextremevalues of n and x given in the intervals (18) and (19), and i i bounding the resulting expressions, one can easily find, forexample, that(20) holdswith K =(8πP1P0)1/2 and α=72/(P1P0). [17] Itfollowsfromtheincreasingcharacterofthefidelityun- der trace preserving operations [18], that if we measure non–selectively the decoded state σKB in the computa- tional basis, its fidelity with respect to the initial state σKA will not decrease (notice that the initial state σKA is left invariant under the measurement). If we now in ad- dition make the same measurement with post selection, we obtain a certain pure state |bi, which can be written as a sequenceof zeros and ones. [18] M.A.Nielsen andI.L.Chuang,QuantumComputation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University press (2000) [19] Note that when using a different definition of the fi- delity, further compression may be possible. Consider for example the average local fidelity, which is defined as F = 1/N N F(ρ,ρˆ), where ρ [ρˆ] is the reduced l=1 l l l l density operaPtor at position l of the original [received] system (sequence). This definition of fidelity is different from both, global and local fidelity as used in [6] and throughout this paper. In that case, the error E(b,σKA) scales like 2/N, as errors on two positions only affect two out of N density operators. This suggests that one mayallowforcertainimperfection inthetransmissionof state |ai without producing a macroscopic error. Thus not all typical states have to be sent perfectly but one may rather achieve furthercompression. 7

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