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Viscous hydrodynamics description of φ meson production in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions ∗ A. K. Chaudhuri Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 064, India (Dated: January 27, 2009) In the Israel-Stewart’s theory of 2nd order dissipative hydrodynamics, we have simulated φ pro- duction in Au+Auand Cu+Cu collisions at √s =200 GeV. Evolution of QGP fluid with viscos- NN ity over the entropy ratio η/s=0.25, thermalised at τi=0.2 fm, with initial energy density εi=5.1 GeV/fm3 explainstheexperimentaldataonφmultiplicity,integratedv2,meanpT,pT spectraand ellipticflowincentralandmid-centralAu+Aucollisions. η/s=0.25isalsoconsistentwithcentrality dependenceofφpT spectrainCu+Cucollisions. ThecentralenergydensityinCu+Cucollisions is εi=3.48 GeV/fm3. 9 0 PACSnumbers: 47.75.+f,25.75.-q,25.75.Ld 0 2 n I. INTRODUCTION are too weak to continue the evolution. Using suitable a algorithm (e.g. Cooper-Frye) information at the freeze- J out can be converted into particle spectra and can be 7 Experiments in Au+Au collisions at RHIC [1, 2, 3, directlycomparedwith experimentaldata. Thus, hydro- 2 4], produced convincing evidences that in non-central dynamics,in anindirect way,cancharacterizethe initial Au+Aucollisions,ahot,dense,stronglyinteracting,col- conditionofthemediumproducedinheavyioncollisions. h] lective QCD matter is created. Whether the matter Hydrodynamics equations are closed only with an equa- t can be characterized as the lattice QCD [5, 6] predicted tionofstate(EOS)andonecaninvestigatethepossibility l- Quark-Gluon-Plasma(QGP)ornot, is still a questionof ofphase transitioninthe medium. Ahostof experimen- c debate. For long,strangenessenhancementis considered tal data produced in Au+Au collisions at RHIC, at c.m. u as a signature of QGP formation [7]. In QGP environ- energy√s=200GeV,havebeensuccessfullyanalysedus- n [ ment, gg → ss¯ is abundant. If not annihilated before ing ideal hydrodynamics [12], with an equation of state hadronisation, early produced strange and anti-strange with 1st order confinement-deconfinement phase transi- 1 quarks will coalescein to strange hadrons and compared tion. Multiplicity, mean p , p -spectra, elliptic flow etc. v to elementary pp collisions, strange particle production T T of identified particles, are well explained in the ideal hy- 1 will be enhanced. Recently, STAR collaboration pub- 8 drodynamic model with QGP as the initial state. Ideal lished their measurements of φ(ss¯) mesons in Au+Au 1 hydrodynamics analysis of the RHIC data indicate that 4 [8, 9] and in Cu+Cu [10] collisions. Both in Au+Au and in central Au+Au collisions, at the equilibration time . Cu+Cu collisions, compared to pp collisions, φ meson τ 0.6 fm, central energy density of the QGP fluid is 1 i 0 productionisenhanced. However,itisuncertainwhether εi ≈30 GeV/fm−3 [12]. It may be mentioned that ideal ornottheenhancementisduetoincreasedproductionin ≈ 9 hydrodynamics description of data are not unblemished. 0 QGPorduetocanonicalsuppressionofstrangenessinpp p spectra or the elliptic flow are explained only up to T : collisions. STAR measurements of φ mesons in Au+Au transversemomentap 1.5GeV. Athigherp descrip- v T T collisions found to be compatible with a model based on ≈ i tiondeteriorates. Alsoidealhydrodynamicdescriptionto X recombinationofthermalsquarks[11],strengtheningthe data gets poorer in peripheral collisions. r belief that in Au+Au collisions,a robustthermalparton However, estimate of initial condition of the fluid can a source is created. not be creditable unless dissipative effects are accounted Relativistic hydrodynamics provides a convenient tool for. Unlike in ideal fluid evolution, where initial and to analyse Au+Au collision data. It is assumed that in final state entropy remains the same, entropy is gener- the collision a fireball is produced. Constituents of the ated in viscous evolution. Consequently, to produce a fireballcollide frequently to establish localthermal equi- fixed final state entropy, viscous fluid require less ini- libriumsufficientlyfastandafteracertaintimeτ ,hydro- tial energy density than an ideal fluid. QGP viscosity is i dynamics become applicable. If the macroscopic proper- quiteuncertain. Theoreticalestimatecoverawiderange, ties of the fluid e.g. energy density, pressure, velocity η/s 0-1. String theory based models (ADS/CFT) give ≈ etc. areknownatthe equilibrationtimeτ , the relativis- a lower bound on viscosity of any matter η/s 1/4π i ≥ tic hydrodynamic equations can be solved to give the [13]. In a perturbative QCD, Arnold et al [14] esti- space-time evolutionof the fireballtill a givenfreeze-out mated η/s 1. In a SU(3) gauge theory, Meyer [15] ∼ conditionsuchthatinteractionsbetweentheconstituents gave the upper bound η/s<1.0,and his best estimate is η/s=0.134(33) at T = 1.165T . At RHIC region, Naka- c muraandSakai[16]estimatedtheviscosityofahotgluon gas as η/s=0.1-0.4. Attempts have been made to es- ∗E-mail:[email protected] timate QGP viscosity directly from experimental data. 2 Gavin and Abdel-Aziz [17] proposed to measure viscos- 0.20 ity from transverse momentum fluctuations. From the Au+Au@b=7 fm existing data on Au+Au collisions, they estimated that e 0=30 GeV/fm3, t 0=0.6 fm QGP viscosity as η/s=0.08-0.30. Experimental data on Song & Heinz[0805.1756] 0.15 elliptic flow has also been used to estimate QGP viscos- py AZHYDRO-KOLKATA o ity. Ellipticflowscaleswitheccentricity. Departureform otr s the scaling can be understood as due to off-equilibrium ni a effectandutilisedtoestimateviscosity[18]as,η/s=0.11- m 0.10 u 0.19. Experimental observation that elliptic flow scales nt e with transverse kinetic energy is also used to estimate m o QGP viscosity, η/s 0.09 0.015 [19], a value close m 0.05 ∼ ± to the ADS/CFT bound. From heavy quark energy loss, PHENIX collaboration [20] estimated QGP viscos- ity η/s 0.1-0.16. 0.00 Inrec≈entyears,considerableprogresshasbeenmadein 0 2 4 6 8 10 numerical implementation of dissipative hydrodynamics ( t - t i) (fm) [21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33]. From FIG. 1: Viscous fluid (η/s=0.08) simulation for temporal the viscous hydrodynamic simulation of elliptic flow in evolution of momentum anisotropy in b=7 fm Au+Au col- Au+Aucollisions,LuzumandRomatschke[34]obtained lision at RHIC. The solid line is the simulation result from an upper bound to the ratio η/s< 0.4-0.5. In [35] Song VISH2+1 [33] and the dashed line is the simulation result and Heinz also argued that η/s < 0.4 is a robust upper from AZHYDRO-KOLKATA.Initial condition of thefluid is bound of QGP viscosity. In a recent paper [36], we have very similar in both thesimulations. estimated QGP viscosity as η/s 0.25. It was shown ≈ that φ mean p is sensitive to QGP viscosity. STAR T data [8, 9] on centrality dependence of φ mean p in T Au+Aucollisionsdefinitelyrejectidealfluidorfluidwith viscosity η/s 0.08-0.16. Data are explained only with η/s=0.25. In≤itial central energy density of the fluid is ∂ Tµν = 0, (1) µ εi=350.1GGeVeV/f,mm3ucinh ildesesalthhayndrothdaytnatmheicse.stiEmvaotleudtiovnaluoef Dπµν = 1 (πµν 2η <µuν>) −τ − ∇ ∼ π viscous fluid (η/s=0.25) also explains the centrality de- [uµπνλ+uνπνλ]Du . (2) pendence of φ multiplicity, integrated v2, pT spectra up − λ to 3 GeV. ≈ Purpose of the present paper is to show that viscos- Eq.1 is the conservation equation for the energy- ity over entropy ratio η/s=0.25, is consistent with the momentum tensor, Tµν = (ε + p)uµuν pgµν + πµν, − STARmeasurementsofφellipticflowincentralandmid- ε, p and u being the energy density, pressure and fluid central Au+Au collisions. It is also consistent with the velocity respectively. πµν is the shear stress tensor (we recent STAR data on φ production in Cu+Cu collision haveneglectedbulkviscosityandheatconduction). Eq.2 at 200 GeV. The central energy density however, is less istherelaxationequationfortheshearstresstensorπµν. in Cu+Cu collisions, εi=3.48 GeV/fm3. The paper is In Eq.2, D = uµ∂µ is the convective time derivative, organisedasfollows: insectionII,webrieflydescribethe <µuν> = 1( µuν + νuµ) 1(∂.u)(gµν uµuν) is a ∇ 2 ∇ ∇ − 3 − hydrodynamicalequationsusedtocomputetheevolution symmetric traceless tensor. η is the shear viscosity and of ideal and viscous fluid. We have used a lattice moti- τ is the relaxation time. It may be mentioned that in π vated equation of state. Construction of the EOS is also a conformally symmetric fluid relaxation equation can discussed in section II. Simulation results are discussed contain additional terms [33]. in section III. Summary and conclusions are given in Assuming boost-invariance, Eqs.1 and 2 are solved in section IV. (τ = √t2 z2,x,y,η = 1lnt+z) coordinates, with a − s 2 t−z code ”‘AZHYDRO-KOLKATA”’, developed at the Cy- clotron Centre, Kolkata. Details of the code can be II. HYDRODYNAMICAL EQUATIONS, foundin[27]. ToshowthatAZHYDRO-KOLKATAcom- EQUATION OF STATE AND INITIAL putes the evolution correctly, in Fig.1, we have com- CONDITIONS pared the temporal evolution of momentum anisotropy ε = <Txx−Tyy> of a QGP fluid with a calculation of p <Txx+Tyy> A. Hydrodynamical equations Song and Heinz [33]. Initial conditions are same for both the simulations. Within 10% or less, AZHYDRO- In the Israel-Stewart’s theory of 2nd order dissipative KOLKATA simulation reproduces Song and Heinz’s [33] hydrodynamics, space-time evolution of the fluid is ob- result for temporal evolution of momentum anisotropy tained by solving, ε . p 3 8 sSB/T3 Au+Au 20 3) Cu+Cu m V/f 6 critical energy density e G 15 0.4 y ( 3s/T 0.3 densit 4 10 gy ep/ 0.2 er n e 0.1 al 2 5 ntr 0.0 Ce 0 1 2 3 e1/4[(GeV/fm3)1/4] 0 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 T (GeV) Npart FIG. 2: Black circles are lattice simulation [6] for entropy FIG.3: (coloronline)Theblackandredsolidlinesareinitial density. The black line is the parametric representation to centralenergydensityasafunctionofnumberofparticipants the lattice simulations. In the inset, the solid and dashed in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions. The dashed line shows linesarethesquaredspeedofsoundinlatticebasedEOSand thecriticalenergydensityfortheconfinement-deconfinement in an EOS incorporating 1st order transition [12]. cross-over transition. B. Equation of state hadrongascomprisingalltheresonancesbelow2-3GeV. Asthelatticesimulationcoverawidetemperaturerange One of the most important inputs of a hydrodynamic belowthe crossovertemperature,T =196(3)MeV, we co modelistheequationofstate(EOS).Throughthisinput chooseto use the lattice basedEOS(Eq.3-5) bothin the macroscopic hydrodynamic models make contact with QGP and in the hadronic phase. The idea is to expose the microscopic world. Most of the hydrodynamical cal- the lattice simulation of EOS to experimental scrutiny. culationsareperformedwithEOSwitha1storderphase Indeed,lattice simulationsarevagueaboutthe natureof transition. Huovinen [37] reported an ’ideal’ hydrody- the confined(T <T ) phase. The confinedphase is cer- co namic simulation with 2nd order phase transition. He tainlyunlikehadronicresonancegas. Thetraceanomaly concluded that the experimental data (e.g. elliptic flow (ε 3p)/T4inthetemperaturerange140-200MeVisap- of proton or antiproton) are better explained with EOS − proximately 30% less than that of a hadronic resonance with 1st order phase transition than with EOSwith 2nd gas [6]. One also note that at low temperature, effective order phase transition. However, lattice simulations [6] degrees of freedom in the confined phase is g 2. In h indicate that confinement to deconfinement transition is ≈ contrast, in hadronic resonance gas, g 40. In the in- h a crossover,rather thana 1stor2ndorderphasetransi- setofFig.2,thesquaredspeedofsound(≥c2 p/ε)inthe tion. It is then essential that hydrodynamic simulations lattice based EOS is compared with c2 insa≈n EOS with s aredonewithEOSwithcross-overtransitionratherthan 1st order phase transition [12], which model the quark with EOS with 1st or 2nd order transition. In Fig.2, a phase with bag model, and the hadronic phase by the recent lattice simulation [6] for the entropy density is hadronicresonancegas. In1storderEOS,c2 fallsharply s shown. The solid line in Fig.2 is a parameterisation of nearthecriticaltemperature. Thefallissmoothenedout the entropy density. incrossovertransition. LatticebasedEOSisalsosofter. s T T c =α+[β+γT][1+tanh − ], (3) T3 ∆T C. Initial conditions Fromtheparametricformoftheentropydensity,pres- sure and energy density can be obtained using the ther- Solution of partial differential equations (Eqs.1,2) re- modynamic relations, quires initial conditions, e.g. transverse profile of the energy density (ε(x,y)), fluid velocity (v (x,y),v (x,y)) x y T and shear stress tensor (πµν(x,y)) at the initial time τ . i p(T) = s(T)ds (4) Z One also need to specify the viscosity (η) and the relax- 0 ation time (τ ). A freeze-out prescription is also needed ε(T) = Ts p. (5) π − to convert the information about fluid energy density Generally, in hydrodynamic simulations, hadronic and velocity to particle spectra and compare with ex- phase is approximated by a (non-interacting) resonance periment. 4 surements on φ mesons in Cu+Cu collisions. It is inter- Y (fm)105 0-10% Au+Au 105 50-60% Au+Au einsittiinagl etonenrgoytedtehnastityεaisuc/aεlcieus ≈witAh1an/u3u/cAle1cau/r3.raAdipupsa.reWntiltyh, 0.05 boost-invariance,theinitialsystemisacylinderofradius 0 0 1.5 R=r0A1/3,infinitely extendedintherapiditydirection. -5 0.015.5 -5 Phenomenologicalrelationεaiu/εciu ≈A1a/u3/A1cu/3 indicate that at the freeze-out also the system can be approxi- -10-10 -5 0 5 10-10-10 -5 0 5 10 mated again by a cylinder with radius R′ R. 10 10 Beforewecomparehydrodynamicsimula∝tionforφpro- 0-10% Cu+Cu 50-60% Cu+Cu ductionwithexperiment,itisinterestingtocompareini- 5 5 tial central energy density in different centrality rages of 0.05 1.5 Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions. In Fig.3, we have com- 0.67 0 0 pared the initial central energy density in Au+Au and 0.05 -5 -5 in Cu+Cu collisions as a function of participant num- ber. TheblackandredlinesareforAu+AuandCu+Cu -10-10 -5 0 5 10-10-10 -5 0 5 10 collisions respectively. In the region where they overlap, X (fm) initialcentralenergydensity inAu+AuandCu+Cucol- lisions are similar. One then expects that φ spectra in FIG. 4: The top two panels show the energy density con- mid central Au+Au and central Cu+Cu collisions will toursin0-10% and50-60% centralityAu+Aucollisions. The contoursaredrawnatε=1.5and0.05GeV/fm3. Theycorre- be similar. The expectation is fulfilled in STAR experi- ment (e.g. φ p spectra in 40-50% Au+Au and 10-20% spondtoconfinement-deconfinementcross-overandfreeze-out T respectively. Thebottomtwopanelsshowtheenergydensity Cu+Cu collisions are nearly identical). In Fig.3, the contours in Cu+Cu collisions. In 50-60% centrality Cu+Cu dashed line is the energy density (εco 1.5 GeV/fm3) ≈ collisions, initially QGP is not produced. for the confinement-deconfinement cross-over. In most of the collisions, in the central region, initially the fluid is produced in the deconfined state. However, energy In [36], we assumed that the fluid is thermalised at density has a distribution, fluid in the central region is τ =0.2fmandthe initialfluidvelocityis zero,v (x,y)= at higher density than the fluid at periphery. Thus in i x v (x,y) = 0. Initial energy density was assumed to be mid-central collisions, only a small portion of the fluid y distributed as [12] will be in the deconfined phase. In Fig.4, in four pan- els, we have shown the contours of initial energy density in 0-10% and 50-60% centrality Au+Au and in Cu+Cu ε(b,x,y)=ε0[0.75Npart(b,x,y)+0.25Ncoll(b,x,y)], collisions. Contoursaredrawnatεco=1.5GeV/fm3 and (6) εfo=0.05 GeV/fm3, corresponding to cross-over energy where b is the impact parameter of the collision. N density and freeze-out. In 0-10% centrality Au+Au and part and N are the average participant and collision num- Cu+Cu collisions, initially, fluid in the central region is coll ber respectively. The shear stress tensor was initialised inQGPstate. ButfractionoffluidinQGPstateislarger with boost-invariant value. For the relaxation time, we in Au+Au than in Cu+Cu collisions. One can immedi- usedtheBoltzmannestimateτ =3η/4p. Thefreeze-out ately say that hard probe signature of QGP formation π was fixed at TF=150 MeV. In Eq.6, ε0 is a parameter will be less prominent in 0-10% centrality Cu+Cu col- which does not depend on the impact parameter of the lisions than in 0-10% centrality Au+Au collisions. For collision. Assuming thatη/s remainaconstantthrough- example,one canconjecture that in 0-10%Cu+Cu colli- out the evolution, for a set of values η/s=0 (ideal fluid), sions J/ψ’s will be less suppressed than in a 0-10% cen- 0.08, 0.16 and 0.25, we fit ε0 to reproduce STAR mea- trality Au+Au collision. Experiments do vindicate the surements of φ multiplicity in 0-5% centrality Au+Au conjecture [38, 39, 40] . collisions. Centrality dependence of φ multiplicity and φ mean p are simultaneously explained only with vis- T cosity over entropy ratio η/s=0.25. The corresponding III. RESULTS centralenergydensity,inb=0Au+Aucollisionisε =5.1 i GeV/fm3. A. centrality dependence of φ multiplicity, mean pT For Cu+Cu collisions, we only change the central en- and integrated v2 in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions ergy density, other parameters remain unchanged. The initial energy density in Cu+Cu collisions is obtained In [36], we have shown the viscous (η/s=0.25) hydro- by fitting φ multiplicity in central 0-10% Cu+Cu col- dynamics fit to the STAR data on φ multiplicity, mean lisions. The fitted value corresponds to central energy p and integrated flow in Au+Au collisions. For com- T density ε =3.48 GeV/fm3 in b=0 Cu+Cu collisions. pleteness purpose, here also, we show the fits along with i As it will be shown below, QGP fluid, initialised with the fit obtained to Cu+Cu data. In Figs.5a and 5b, the ε =3.48 GeV/fm3 reproduces most of the STAR mea- STAR measurements for the centrality dependence of φ i 5 10 3 1.5 Au+Au@RHIC (b) Cu+Cu@RHIC (a) Au+Au (b) Cu+Cu 1.4 8 1.3 2 1.2 6 V) 1.1 dN/dy > (Ge 1.0 4 pT0.9 1 < 0.8 2 0.7 0.6 0 0 0 100 200 300 4000 20 40 60 80 100120 0.5 0 100 200 300 4000 50 100 Npart Npart FIG. 5: (a) Filled circles are STAR data on the centrality FIG. 6: (a) Filled circles are STARdata [8] on centrality de- dependenceofφmesonmultiplicity. Theblacklineisviscous (η/s=0.25) hydrodynamic fit to the data. The initial time pendence of mean pT of φ mesons in Au+Au collisions. The τi=0.2 fm, initial central energy density εi=5.1 GeV/fm3, black line is the fit obtained to the data in viscous hydrody- namics. (b) same as in (a) but for Cu+Cu collisions. freeze-outtemperatureisTF=150MeV.(b)sameasin(a)but for Cu+Cu collisions. The initial energy density is εi=3.48 GeV/fm3. 0.14 (a) Au+Au (b) Cu+Cu 0.12 multiplicity (dN/dy) in Au+Au [8, 9] and Cu+Cu [10] collisions are shown. In the region where N over- 0.10 part lap, φ multiplicity is nearly identical in Au+Au and in 2 v Cu+Cu collisions. In Fig.5a and ,b the solid lines are ed 0.08 at the hydrodynamic predictions for φ multiplicity. Evo- egr 0.06 lution of viscous (η/s=0.25) QGP fluid thermalised at int τ =0.2 fm and initialised with central energy density 5.1 0.04 i GeV/fm3 in Au+Au collisions and 3.48 GeV/fm3 in 0.02 Cu+Cu collisions, reproduces the data in all the cen- trality ranges of collisions. As indicated above, we have 0.00 used only the most central collision data (0-5% in case 0 100 200 300 4000 50 100 of Au+Au collisions and 0-10% in case of Cu+Cu col- Npart lisions) to fix the initial energy density. Glauber model FIG.7: (a)filledcirclesareSTARdataonintegratedelliptic initialcondition(Eq.6)correctlyincorporatethe central- flowinAu+Aucollisions. Theblacklineshowsthecentrality itydependenceandφmultiplicityisreproducedinallthe dependence of integrated v2. (b) centrality dependence of centrality ranges of collisions. integrated v2 in Cu+Cu collisions. In Fig.6a and b, we have shown the STAR measure- mentsofφmeanp inAu+Au[8,9]andCu+Cu[10]col- T lisions. Withintheerrorbars,centralitydependenceofφ v2 is not measured yet. However, simulation results in- mean p in Au+Au and in Cu+Cu collisions are nearly T dicate that compared to Au+Au collisions, φ meson in- identical (though central value is consistently higher in tegrated flow is less in Cu+Cu collisions. The reason is Au+Au collisions). The black lines in Fig.6a,b are fit to understood. Initial eccentricity is small in Cu+Cu than the data in viscous hydrodynamics. In viscous hydrody- in Au+Au collisions. Elliptic flow has size dependence, namics also,φ mean p do not showany appreciable de- T smaller the system, less is the flow. pendence on system size. STAR measurements of mean p in Au+Au collisions are nicely reproduced. φ mean T p in Cu+Cu are reproduced within 10% or less. T Black lines in Fig.7a and b, are the viscous hydrody- B. φ pT-spectra in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions namics predictions for the centrality dependence of inte- grated v2 in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions. In Au+Au STAR measurements [8] for φ meson pT spectra in 0- collisions,STARmeasuredintegratedv2in0-5%,10-40% 5%,5-10%,10-20%,20-30%,30-40%,40-50%,50-60%and and 40-80% centrality collisions [8, 9]. Filled circles in 60-70%centralityAu+Au collisions areshowninFig.8a. Fig.7a arethe STAR measurements. Exceptfor the very As noted by the STAR collaboration[8] φ p -spectra up T peripheral collision, hydrodynamic prediction is agree- to 30-40% centrality collisions are well fitted by an ex- ment with STAR data. In Cu+Cu collisions, integrated ponential, indicating thermal production of φ in central 6 C. N(Ω)/N(φ) vs. pT 101 100 (a) Au+Au@RHIC (b) Cu+Cu@RHIC 10-1 STAR collaboration measured the transverse momen- 10-2 tumdependenceoftheratioN(Ω)/N(φ)inAu+Aucolli- -2V)10-3 sions [8]. STAR measurementsof the ratioin 0-12%,20- Ge10-4 40% and 40-60% centrality Au+Au collisions are shown 2p (T10-5 in the three panels, a,b,c of Fig.9. The ratio increases dyd10-6 with p till p 3-4 GeV then drops. In peripheralcol- dN/10-7 lisions,Tthe raTtio≈drops at lower p than in more central 10-8 T 10-9 collisions. Both Ω(sss) and φ(ss¯) are strange particles, 10-10 devoidofanynon-strangequarks. TheratioN(Ω)/N(φ) 10-11 can shed light on the production mechanism of strange 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 particles, specifically, strange baryon and mesons. The pT (GeV) ratio can also test a model. Correct reproduction of the ratiowillindicatethatthestrangenesssectoriscorrectly FIG.8: (color online) (a) STARdata[8]φmeson pT spectra in 0-5%, 0-10%, 10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50%, 50-60% modeled. Models based on recombination of thermal and 60-70% centrality Au+Aucollisions. The black lines are strange quarks [11] can reproduce the φ meson pT spec- φ spectra from evolution of viscous fluid. (b) STAR data tra up to p = 5 GeV. The model [11] also reproduces T on pT spectra of φ in Cu+Cu collisions in 0-10%, 10-20%, the ratio N(Ω)/N(φ) up to pT 4 GeV, reproduces the 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50% and 50-60% Cu+Cu collisions. The decreasing trend at p > 4 Ge≈V. But at p > 4 GeV, T T black lines are viscous hydrodynamicpredictions. the model largely over predict the ratio, indicating that at large p , in recombination models Ω’s are more pro- T duced than in experiment. In Fig.9, the black lines are hydrodynamic predictions for the ratio in Au+Au colli- sions. Hydrodynamics predictions are shown up to p = T 5 GeV. The ratio increases with p , and continue to in- T collisions. Exponentialfit worsenin moreperipheralcol- creaseevenatlargep . EvolutionofviscousQGPdonot T lisions. ALevyfunction(whichhasanexponentialshape reproducetheexperimentaltrendthattheratiodecreases at low pT and power law shape at large pT) fits the pe- beyond a certain pT. It is not expected also. As noted ripheral data. Apparently, in peripheral collisions non- earlier, φ spectra at p > 3 GeV are not reproduced. T thermal source contribute to φ meson production. The In p range p 3 GeV, viscous hydrodynamics appear T T blacklinesinFig.8aarepT spectrafromevolutionofvis- to under predict≤the ratio in pT range pT 3 GeV. For cous QGP fluid. Except for very peripheral collisions, example in 0-12%centrality collisions, the≤ratio is under data up to pT=3 GeV are well explained in viscous hy- predicted by 40%. In more peripheral collisions, the drodynamics. At larger pT (not shownin Fig.8), viscous ratio is less u∼nder predicted. The result is interesting. hydrodynamics under predict the pT-spectra. At large φ pT-spectra, up to pT=3 GeV, are well reproduced in pT, other sources e.g. pQCD processes can contribute viscoushydrodynamics. Apparently,inviscoushydrody- and hydrodynamic models may not be reliable. namics, Ω’s are not produced in sufficient number. The ratio N(Ω)/N(φ) is not measured in Cu+Cu collisions. The blue lines in Fig.9 are the predictions for the ratio STAR collaborationrecently published their measure- inCu+Cucollisions. Theratioisnearlyidenticaltothat ments for φ p -spectra in Cu+Cu collisions [10]. STAR T in Au+Au collisions. The ratioN(Ω)/N(φ) do not show measurements [10] for φ p spectra in 0-10%, 10-20%, T any system size dependence. 10-20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50% and 50-60% centrality Cu+Cu collisions are shown in Fig.8b. A Levy function alsofitsthep spectrainCu+Cucollisions[10]. Forsim- T ilarN ,φspectrainAu+AuandCu+Cucollisionsare D. φ elliptic flow in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions part similar. The parameters of the Levy function in Au+Au collision and Cu+Cu collision are also similar for nearly STAR collaborationmeasuredφ meson elliptic flow in identical for participant numbers. Black lines in Fig.8b 0-5%, 10-40% and 40-80% and 0-80% (minimum bias) are the predictions from viscous hydrodynamics. Here centrality Au+Au collisions [8]. STAR measurements again,except for the very peripheral(50-60%)collisions, for the elliptic flow are shown in Fig.10. In Fig.10, the data, up to p =3 GeV are well explained. The results black lines are the elliptic flow from evolution of viscous T indicate that φ pT spectra, up to pT= 3GeV, both in fluidwithcentralenergydensityε0=5.1GeV/fm3. Even Au+Au and in Cu+Cu collisions are consistent with hy- though as mentioned earlier, viscous hydrodynamics is drodynamic evolution of QGP fluid with viscosity over not reliable beyond p =3 GeV (φ p -spectra are un- T T entropy ratio η/s=0.25. The central energy density of der predicted), we have shown predictions for flow up thefluidinb=0Au+Au(Cu+Cu)collisionsis 5.1(3.48) to p =5 GeV. In 0-5% collisions, elliptic flow is very T GeV/fm3 . ≈ small, and viscous fluid evolution reproduces the flow. 7 0.3 Blue lines in Fig.10, are the predictions for flow in 0- (a)0-12% (b)20-40% (c) 40-60% 5%, 10-40% and 40-80%and minimum bias Cu+Cu col- lisions. Comparedto Au+Aucollisions,elliptic flowis ∼ 10% less in Cu+Cu collisions. It is consistent with our 0.2 predictions for integrated v2. Integrated v2 is also less F)N( in Cu+Cu than in Au+Au collisions (see Fig.7). φ me- / W)N( sonellipticflowinCu+Cucollisionsarenotmeasuredyet 0.1 andthepredictionscannotbetestedagainstexperiment. Future experiments can verify the predictions. Present analysis indicate that QGP fluid, with viscos- ity over entropy ratio η/s=0.25, is consistent with most 0.0 of the published STAR data on φ production in central 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 and mid-centralAu+Au and Cu+Cu collisions. The ini- pT (GeV) tial central energy density of the fluid is 5.1 GeV/fm3 FIG.9: (coloronline)Filled circlesareSTARdataonthepT in Au+Au collisions and ≈ 3.48 GeV/f≈m3 in Cu+Cu dependence of the ratio N(Ω)/N(φ) in Au+Au collisions in collisions. Present estimate of viscosity and initial en- 0-12%,20-40% and40-80% centralityAu+Aucollisions. The ergydensityareobtainedbyfitting experimentaldatain black lines are the viscous hydrodynamic predictions for the a hydrodynamic model. Limitations of the model must ratio in Au+Aucollisions. The blue lines are the predictions be discussed. We have neglected bulk viscosity. In gen- for the ratio in Cu+Cu collisions. eral bulk viscosity is much smaller than shear viscosity. However,recent lattice simulation [6] indicate that trace anomalyisnon-zeronearthecross-overtemperature. Us- 0.3 (a) 0-5% (b) 1100--4400%% Au+Au ing the lattice data, Kharzeev et al [41] computed bulk viscosity of QGP. Near the cross over temperature, bulk w 0.2 o viscosity can be significantly large. Experimental data ptic fl 0.1 include effect of both the shear and bulk viscosity. Ne- elli glectingbulk viscositywillresultinto overestimatingthe 0.0 shear viscosity. Then η/s=0.25 is an upper bound of -0.1 QGP viscosity. However, since bulk viscosity is appre- ciable only near the cross over temperature, we do not 0.3 (c) 40-8400%-8 0% Au+Au (d) 0-80% expect substantial entropy production due to bulk vis- 0.2 al v2 cosity and estimate of shear viscosity will largely remain nti unaltered. 0.1 e er 0.0 diff -0.1 IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 pT (GeV) To summarise, in the Israel-Stewart’s theory of dissi- pative hydrodynamics, we have simulated φ production FIG. 10: (color online) Filled circles in panels a,b,c and d from Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at √s=200 GeV. In are STAR measurements for φ meson elliptic flow in 0-10%, 10-40% and 40-80% and 0-80% centrality Au+Au collisions. anearlierpublication[36],wehaveshownthattheSTAR The black lines in the figure are the hydrodynamic model data on φ mean pT in Au+Au collisions is sensitive to predictions for elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions. Blue lines viscosity and estimated QGP viscosity as η/s=0.25. For are thepredicted flow in Cu+Cu collisions. η/s=0.25, QGP fluid, thermalised at τ =0.2 fm and ini- i tialised with central energy density 5.1 GeV/fm3, ex- plain centrality dependence of φ mean p , multiplicity, T Elliptic flow in 10-40% collisions is also reproduced in integrated v2 and pT spectra (up to pT 3 GeV). It is ≈ the model. However, flow is largely over predicted in nowshownthatthe STAR dataonφ elliptic flowin cen- 40-80% centrality collisions. 40-80% centrality collisions tralandmid-centralAu+Aucollisionsarealsoexplained approximatelycorrespondstob=11fmAu+Aucollision. in evolution of QGP fluid with viscosity to entropy ratio Hydrodynamicmodelsarenotreliableatsuchperipheral η/s=0.25. η/s=0.25 is also consistent with STAR data collisions. Interestingly, elliptic flow in 0-80% centrality on φ meson p spectra in Cu+Cu collisions. In Cu+Cu T collisionsisalsowellreproducedinviscoushydrodynam- collisions, central energy density is 3.48 GeV/fm3, 1.5 ∼ ics. Considering that only the central energy density times less that in Au+Au collisions. We have given pre- is fixed to reproduce φ multiplicity in 0-5% centrality dictions for elliptic flow in Cu+Cu collisions. Predicted Au+Au collisions, reproduction of φ p spectra and el- elliptic flow in Cu+Cu collisions is 10% less than that T ∼ liptic flow in central and mid central collisions can be in Au+Au collisions. In conclusion, STAR data on in- considered as a great success of viscous hydrodynamics. termediate range p 3 GeV, φ meson production is T ≤ 8 Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions is consistent with hydro- ratio η/s 0.25. ≈ dynamicevolutionofQGPfluidwithviscositytoentropy [1] BRAHMS Collaboration, I.Arsene et al.,Nucl. Phys. A [20] A. Adare et al. [PHENIX Collaboration], Phys. Rev. 757, 1 (2005). Lett. 98, 172301 (2007) [arXiv:nucl-ex/0611018]. [2] PHOBOS Collaboration, B. B. Back et al., Nucl. Phys. [21] D. Teaney, Phys. Rev. C 68, 034913 (2003) A 757, 28 (2005). [arXiv:nucl-th/0301099]. [3] PHENIX Collaboration, K. Adcox et al., Nucl. Phys. A [22] A. Muronga and D.H. Rischke,nucl-th/0407114(v2). 757 184 (2005). [23] T.Koide,G.S.Denicol,Ph.MotaandT.Kodama,Phys. 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