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Virtual Structure Constants as Intersection Numbers of Moduli Space of Polynomial Maps with Two Marked Points 8 0 Masao Jinzenji 0 2 Division of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science n Hokkaido University a J Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0810, Japan 7 e-mail address: jin@math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp 1 February 2, 2008 ] G A . Abstract h t In this paper, we derive the virtual structure constants used in the mirror computation of the degree k a hypersurface in CPN−1, by using a localization computation applied to moduli space of polynomial maps m from CP1 to CPN−1 with two marked points. We also apply this technique to the non-nef local geometry [ O(1)⊕O(−3)→CP1 and realize themirror computation without using Birkhoff factorization. 3 v 1 Introduction 9 2 6 Analysis of mirror symmetry from the point of view of the Gauged Linear Sigma Model is very important both 3 in the mathematicaland physicalstudy ofmirror symmetry [17],[15]. As was suggestedby Morrisonand Plesser . 2 in [15], the Gauged Linear Sigma Model is directly connected to the B-model in mirror symmetry. Indeed, they 1 constructed the moduli space of instantons of the Gauged Linear Sigma Models corresponding to Calabi-Yau 7 3-folds in P(1,1,1,1,1)(= CP4) and (the blow-up of)P(1,1,2,2,2), computed intersection numbers on these 0 moduli spaces and showed that their generating functions coincide with the B-model Yukawa couplings used in : v the mirror computation. Further analysis of mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau 3-folds in this direction was also i X pursued by Batyrev and Materov [1]. In this paper, we try to generalize this kind of analysis to the mirror computations of non-nef geometries. r a Mirrorsymmetryofnon-nefgeometrieshasbeenstudiedbyvariousauthors,[14],[3],[8],[10],[5],[6]. Sincethemirror computation in this case is rather complicated, it is hard to define objects that are directly connected to the B- model,ortotheGaugedLinearSigmaModel. Inthispaper,wecomputethe”virtualstructureconstants”L˜N,k,d n used in mirror computation of a non-nef degree k hypersurface in CPN 1 (k > N) [10]. Originally, the virtual − structure constants are defined by recursive formulas that represent L˜N,k,d in terms of weighted homogeneous n polynomials in L˜N+1,k,d′, (d d)[9]. Later, we showed that L˜N,k,d can be directly computed from the virtual m ′ ≤ n Gauss-Manin system associated with Givental’s ODE: d d d d ( )N−1 k ex (k +k 1)(k +k 2) (k +1) w(x)=0, (1.1) (cid:18) dx − · · dx − dx − ··· dx (cid:19) [11]. In [8], Iritani showed that the virtual structure constants can be obtained after Birkhoff factorization of connection matrices of the Gauss-Manin system associated with Givental’s ODE with ”h” parameter: d d d d hN 1( )N 1 hk 1k ex (k +(k 1))(k +(k 2)) (k +1) w(x,h)=0, (1.2) − − − (cid:18) dx − · · dx − dx − ··· dx (cid:19) generalizing the method invented by Guest et al [7],[16]. 1 In this paper, we start from the recursive formula in [11] that determines L˜N,k,d. Next, we propose a n ”conjectural” residue integral representation of L˜N,k,d, which is speculated by solving the recursive formula for n low degrees. Then we show that this representation can be interpreted as the result obtained by applying the localization computation to the moduli space of polynomial maps of degree d with two marked points. By the word ”polynomial map”, we mean a birational map p of degree d from CP1 to CPN 1 given by, − d d d p(s:t)=( a1jsjtd−j : a2jsjtd−j :···: aNj sjtd−j). (1.3) Xj=0 Xj=0 Xj=0 The moduli space of polynomial maps of degreed can be identified with CPN(d+1) 1, which is the moduli space − ofinstantonsoftheGaugedLinearSigmaModel. Thetwomarkedpointsarefixedto(0:1), (1:0) CP1. Then ∈ we consider polynomial maps of degree d such that the image of two marked points are well-defined in CPN 1 − anddividethecorrespondingmodulispacebyC ,theautomorphismgroupofCP1 fixingthetwomarkedpoints. × After resolving the singularities of the resulting space, we obtain the moduli space of polynomial maps with two markedpoints mentioned above. With this set up, we can derive the residue integralrepresentationby applying the localization computation to this space. Our geometricalderivation using localizationhas the following by-product. We canalso apply this technique to the local geometries m (k ) CPN 1. In this paper, we consider two examples of local geometry, ⊕j=1O j → − ( 1) ( 1) CP1 and (1) ( 3) CP1. By applying the localization computation to the moduli O − ⊕O − → O ⊕O − → space of polynomial maps with two marked points, we can compute the ”virtual structure constants” for these models. In the latter case, it was hard for us to define virtual structure constants because we don’t have an appropriate Picard-Fuchs equation like (1.1). These virtual structure constants give us the mirror map and B- model-liketwopointfunctions,whichisexpectedfromanalogywiththebehaviorofthevirtualstructureconstants of the quintic 3-fold in CP4 [4]. As a result, we can perform the mirror computation of (1) ( 3) CP1 O ⊕O − → without using Birkhoff factorization that had been inevitable in our previous analysis [5]. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly introduce the virtual structure constants L˜N,k,d n and its residue integral representation. In Section 3, we define the moduli space of polynomial maps of degree d withtwomarkedpoints,introduceatorusactiononthisspaceanddeterminethefixedpointsetsunderthetorus action. Then we derive the residue integral representation introduced in Section 2 by using a localization com- putation. In Section 4,we apply the method of Section3 to ( 1) ( 1) CP1 and (1) ( 3) CP1. O − ⊕O − → O ⊕O − → Section 5 gives concluding remarks. Acknowledgment The author would like to thank Prof. D.Matsushita and Dr. B.Forbes for valuable dis- cussions. He would also like to thank Miruko Jinzenji for encouraging him to keep attention to the line of thought used in this paper. 2 Virtual Structure Constants 2.1 Virtual Structure Constants and Givental’s ODE In this subsection, we introduce the virtual structure constants L˜N,k,d which are non-zero only if 0 m N 1+(k N)d. The original definition of L˜N,k,d in [11] is given bmy the initial condition: ≤ ≤ − − m k 1 k 1 − L˜N,k,1wm =k − (jw+(k j)), (N k 2), (2.4) m · − − ≥ mX=0 jY=1 and the recursive formulas that describe L˜N,k,d as a weighted homogeneous polynomial in L˜N+1,k,d′ (d d) of m n ′ ≤ degree d. See [9] for the explicit form of the recursive formulas. In [11], we showed that the virtual structure constants are directly connected with Givental’s ODE: d d d d ( )N−1 k ex (k +k 1)(k +k 2) (k +1) w(x)=0, (2.5) (cid:18) dx − · · dx − dx − ··· dx (cid:19) for arbitrary N and k via the virtual Gauss-Manin system defined as follows: Definition 1 We call the following rank 1 ODE for the vector valued function ψ˜ (x) m dψ˜N−d2x−m(x) = ψ˜N−1−m(x)+Xd∞=1exp(dx)·L˜Nm,k,d·ψ˜N−1−m−(N−k)d(x). (2.6) 2 the virtual Gauss-Manin system associated with the quantum Ka¨hler sub-ring of Mk, where m runs through N 0 m N 2 if N k 1, 0 m N 1 if N k =0, and m Z if N k <0. ≤ ≤ − − ≥ ≤ ≤ − − ∈ − Here, we restate the main result in [11]. Theorem 1 We can derive the following relation from the virtual Gauss-Manin system (2.6). ψ˜N−1(x)=(cid:18)(ddx)N−1−k·ex·(kddx +k−1)···(kddx +2)·(kddx +1)(cid:19) ddx βψ˜−β(x) (2.7) (cid:0) (cid:1) where β =0 if N k 1, β =1 if N k =0, and β = if N k <0. − ≥ − ∞ − We can also compute L˜N,k,d only by using the above theorem, and this process is an analogue of the B-model m computationintheCalabi-Yaucase. Explicitly,thefollowingrecursiveformulaofthevirtualstructureconstants holds. Corollary 1 The virtual structure constants L˜N,k,d can be fully reconstructed from the relation (2.7). As a n result, we can compute all the virtual structureconstants by using the initial condition and the recursive formula: k 1 k 1 − L˜N,k,1wn =k − (jw+(k j)), n · − nX=0 jY=1 N 1+(k N)d − − L˜N,k,dzm = m mX=0 Xl=d2(−1)l0=i0<X···<il=dN−1+jXl(=k0−N)d···jX2j=30jX1j=20nY=l1(cid:18)(1+(d−in−1)(z−d 1))jn−jn−1 ·L˜Njn,+k,(iNn−−ikn)−in1−1(cid:19). (2.8) We can regard (2.8) as an alternate definition of the virtual structure constants. 2.2 Residue Integral Representation of Virtual Structure Constants By solving the recursive formula (2.8) for low degrees explicitly, we reached a residue integral representation of the virtual structure constants. In the following, we give some definitions necessary to describe the formula we have obtained. First, we define rational functions F (z,w)(d N) in z,w by, d ∈ Definition 2 d 1 kd 1 − d N − jz+(kd j)w F (z,w) := k − . (2.9) d jz+(d j)w d jY=1(cid:0) − (cid:1) jY=1(cid:0) (cid:1) Next, we introduce the ordered partition of a positive integer d, which plays a central role in this paper. Definition 3 Let OP be the set of ordered partitions of the positive integer d: d l(σd) OP = σ =(d ,d , ,d ) d =d , d N . (2.10) d { d 1 2 ··· l(σd) | j j ∈ } Xj=1 From now on, we denote a ordered partition σ by (d ,d , ,d ). In (2.10), we denote the length of the d 1 2 ··· l(σd) ordered partition σ by l(σ ). d d With this set up, the residue integral representation mentioned above is given as follows: Conjecture 1 N−1−(N−k)dL˜N,k,d n zjwN 1 (N k)d j − − − − d Xj=0 1 l(σd)−1 zj1−N l(σd) = dz dz F (z ,z ), σdX∈OPd (2π√−1)l(σd)−1Qlj(=σ1d)dj IC0 1···IC0 l(σd)−1 jY=1 (cid:18)zj−dzjj−1 + zjd−jz+j1+1(cid:19) jY=1 dj j−1 j (2.11) where z =z, z =w. 0 l(σd) 3 In (2.11), 1 dz represents the operation of taking the residue at z = 0. The residue integral in (2.11) 2π√ 1 C0 j j depends heavi−ly oHn the order of integration, and we have to take residues of z ’s in descending (or ascending) j order of subscript j. We have a proof of the above formula up to d = 3 and checked numerically its validity up to d = 6. Let us look at the formula (2.11) more closely in the d = 1,2 cases. In the d = 1 case, the ordered partition of 1 is just (1), and (2.11) reduces to, k 1 k 1 − L˜N,k,1zjwk 1 j =F (z,w)=k − (jz+(k j)w), (2.12) n − − 1 − Xj=0 jY=1 which is nothing but the initial condition of the virtual structure constants in (2.8). In the d = 2 case, the ordered partitions of 2 are (2) and (1,1), and (2.11) takes the following form: N−1−2(N−k)L˜N,k,2 1 1 u1 Ndu n zjwN 1 2(N k) j = F (z,w)+ − F (z,u)F (u,w). (2.13) 2 − − − − 2 2 2π√ 1I u z+u w 1 1 Xj=0 − C0 − − 3 Geometrical Derivation Inthis section,wederive(2.11)as anintegralofChernclassesonthe modulispaceofpolynomialmaps withtwo marked points, by using the localization computation. 3.1 Moduli Space of degree d Polynomial Map with two marked Points and its Fixed Point Sets Let a , (j =0,1, ,d) be vectors in CN and let π :CN CPN 1 be the projection map. j N − ··· → In this paper, we define a degree d polynomial map p from C2 to CN as the map that consists of CNvector- valued degree d homogeneous polynomials in two coordinates s,t of C2: p:C2 CN → p(s,t)=a0sd+a1sd−1t+a2sd−2t2+ +adtd. (3.14) ··· The mapspaceisdescribedbyCN(d+1) = (a ,a , ,a ) . We denotebyMp (N,d)the spaceobtainedfrom 0 1 d 0,2 { ··· } dividing (a , ,a ) CN(d+1) a =0, a =0 bytwoC actionsinducedfromthefollowingtwoC actions 0 d 0 d × × { ··· ∈ | 6 6 } on C2 via the map p in (3.14). (s,t) (µs,µt), (s,t) (s,νt). (3.15) → → By the above two torus actions, Mp (N,d) can be regarded as a parameter space of degree d birational maps 0,2 from CP1 to CPN 1 with two marked points in CP1: 0(= (1 : 0)) and (= (0 : 1)) . In particular, the − ∞ secondtorusactioncorrespondstotheautomorphismgroupofCP1 thatkeeps0and invariant. Thecondition ∞ a ,a = 0 ensures that the images of 0 and are well-defined in CPN 1. In the d = 1 case, Mp (N,1) 0 d − 0,2 6 ∞ is identified with CPN 1 CPN 1 by the two torus actions (3.15). But in the d 2 cases, Mp (N,d) has − − 0,2 × ≥ singularities, and we have to resolve them. We denote by Mp (N,d) the space obtained after resolution. This 0,2 Mp (N,d) is the moduli space of degree d polynomial maps with two marked points. Let us consider the 0,2 g resolution of Mp (N,2) as an example. Mp (N,2) is obtained by dividing the space, g 0,2 0,2 (a ,a ,a ) a CN, a =0, a =0 (3.16) 0 1 2 j 0 2 { | ∈ 6 6 } by the two torus actions: (a ,a ,a ) (µ2a ,µ2a ,µ2a ), 0 1 2 0 1 2 → (a ,a ,a ) (a ,νa ,ν2a ). (3.17) 0 1 2 0 1 2 → Since a = 0, we can use the first torus action to reduce (a ,a ,a ) to (π (a ),a ,a ). By the second torus 0 0 1 2 N 0 1 2 6 action, the locus (π (a ),0,a ) becomes singular and we have to blow it up. Then the exceptional locus can be N 0 2 identifiedwith(π (a ),π (a ),a )witha =0. Atthislocus,thesecondtorusactionactsinthefollowingway: N 0 N 1 2 1 6 (π (a ),π (a ),a ) (π (a ),π (a ),ν2a ). (3.18) N 0 N 1 2 N 0 N 1 2 → 4 Since a =0, the exceptional locus can be identified with (π (a ),π (a ),π (a )) =(CPN 1)3. This result 2 N 0 N 1 N 2 − 6 { } suggests that we have to consider a chain of two degree 1 polynomial maps: (a s +a t ) (a s +a t ), (3.19) 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ∪ in addition to the usual degree 2 polynomial maps. In (3.19), the two torus actions (3.15) are extended to each (s ,t ), (j =1,2). Inthegeneraldcase,theresolutionofMp (N,d)forcesustoconsiderachainofpolynomial j j 0,2 maps labeled by ordered partition σ =(d ,d , ,d ): d 1 2 ··· l(σd) dj ∪lj(=σ1d)(cid:0)mXj=0aPji=−11di+mj(sj)mj(tj)dj−mj(cid:1), (cid:0)aPji=1di 6=0, j =0,1,···,l(σd)(cid:1), (3.20) where the two torus actions (3.15) are extended to each (s ,t ), (j =1,2, ,l(σ )). j j d ··· From now on, we introduce the following C action on CN(d+1) and determine the fixed point set of × Mp (N,d). 0,2 (a0,a1, ,ad) (eλ0ta0,eλ1ta1, ,eλdtad) (3.21) ··· → ··· First, we look at the simplest map in Mp (N,d) given by,1 0,2 g a sd+a td. (3.22) 0 d We can easily see that this map is invariant under the torus action (3.21) because of the second torus action of (3.15),hencewecallthemap(3.22)thetypeIfixedpoint. Duetothetwotorusactionsin(3.15),thetypeIfixed point set is identified with (πN(a0),πN(ad)) ∈ (CPN−1)2. We also have to note that Zd = {exp(2π√d−1j)| j = 0,1, ,d 1 naturally acts on CP1 in the following way: ··· − } 2π√ 1j (s:t) (s:exp( − )t) (3.23) → d but leaves (π (a ),π (a )) invariant. This means that when integrating over this fixed point set, we have to N 0 N d divide the result by Z =d. d | | Let us consider the normal bundle of this fixed point set in Mp (N,d). Obviously, this bundle is spanned 0,2 by the degrees of freedom of deformation of the map (3.22) by using a , (j =1,2, ,d 1). Therefore, normal j g ··· − vector space is given by the following N(d 1) dimensional vector space: − CNsd 1t CNsd 2t2 CNsd 3t3 CNstd 1. (3.24) − − − − ⊕ ⊕ ⊕···⊕ WecaneasilyseethatthefixedpointscomingfromusualdegreedpolynomialmapsareexhaustedbytypeIfixed points. The remaining fixed points can be found from the exceptional locus given by the chain of polynomial maps (3.20). In (3.20), we have extended the two torus actions (3.15)to each (s ,t ). By using this fact, we can j j construct a chain of type I-like maps which remains fixed under the torus action (3.21): ∪lj(=σ1d)(a ij=−11di(sj)dj +a ji=1di(tj)dj). (3.25) P P Notethatimageofthe chainofmaps(3.25)inCPN 1 isanodalrationalcurvewithl(σ ) 1nodalsingularities − d − given by π (a ), (j =1,2, ,l(σ ) 1). N ji=1di ··· d − We call thePchain of maps given in (3.25) a type II fixed point. The type II fixed point set labeled by σd is identified with πN(a0),πN(ad1),πN(ad1+d2),···,πN(ad−dl(σd)),πN(ad) ∈(CPN−1)l(σd)+1. (cid:0) (cid:1) Let pj : CP1 → CPN−1 be πN(a ji=−11di(sj)dj +a ji=1di(tj)dj) and Cj be the image of pj in CPN−1. In the same way as in the type I case, ZdPj acting on (sj,tjP) keeps pj invariant. Therefore, in integrating over the type II fixed point set labeled by σ , we have to divide the result by l(σd) Z = l(σd)d . d j=1 | dj| j=1 j Q Q 1Ifa0=ad,themap(3.22)becomes constantmapfromCP1 toCPN−1,butwedon’teliminatethislocusinthispaper. 5 The normal vector space of the type II fixed point set labeled by σ is spanned by the degrees of freedom d coming from deforming p individually and by the degrees of freedom associated to resolving nodal singularities j of the image curve: ⊕lj(=σ1d)(cid:18)CNsjdj−1tj ⊕CNsjdj−2t2j ⊕CNsdjj−3t3j ⊕···⊕CNsjtjdj−1(cid:19) ⊕jl(=σ1d)−1(cid:18)T∞′ Cj ⊗T0′Cj+1(cid:19). (3.26) 3.2 Localization Computation of Virtual Structure Constants L˜N,k,d Inthissubsection,wecomputethe n ,whichmayberegardedastheB-modelanalogueof2-pointedGromov- d Witten invariants: 1 1 dkhOhN−2−nOhOhn−1+(N−k)di0,d = khOhN−2−nOhn−1+(N−k)di0,d 1 = c R0(π ev ( (k))) ev (hN 2 n) ev (hn 1+(N k)d), (3.27) k ZM0,2(CPN−1,d) top(cid:0) ∗ 3∗ O (cid:1)∧ 1∗ − − ∧ 2∗ − − by using the moduli space introduced in the previous subsection. In (3.27), h is the hyperplane class of CPN 1, − M (CPN 1,d) represents moduli space of degree d stable maps from genus 0 stable curve to CPN 1 with 0,n − − n marked points, ev : M (CPN 1,d) CPN 1 is the evaluation map of the i-th marked point and π : i 0,n − − → M (CPN 1,d) M (CPN 1,d) is the forgetful map. We also use the localization technique (Bott residue 0,3 − 0,2 − → formula) associated with the torus action (3.21). However, in the following computation, we only consider the case λ = λ = = λ = 0, for simplicity. To compensate for this choice, we have to treat the order of 0 1 d ··· integration carefully. We will discuss these subtleties in the last part of this subsection. First, we determine the contribution from the type I fixed point set (CPN 1)2. From now on, we denote by − (CPN 1) (resp. (CPN 1) ) the first (resp. the second) CPN 1 of (CPN 1)2. We define h as the hyperplane − 0 − 1 − − i class of (CPN 1) . Let p :CP1 CPN 1 be the map defined by, − i 1 − → p (s:t):=π (a sd+a td). (3.28) 1 N 0 d In the construction of Mp (N,d), the two marked points of CP1 are fixed to 0 = (1 : 0) and = (0 : 1). 0,2 ∞ Obviously, we have g p (1:0)=π (a ), p (0:1)=π (a ). (3.29) 1 N 0 1 N d Therefore,theclassesthatcorrespondtoev1∗(hN−2−n)andev2∗(hn−1+(N−k)d)aregivenbyhN0 −2−nandhn1−1+(N−k)d respectively. ThenweconsiderthevectorbundlecorrespondingtoR0π ev (k). Thecorrespondingvectorspace is spanned by H0(CP1,p (k)), and can written as ∗ 3∗O ∗1O kd Csjtkd j. (3.30) ⊕j=0 − In the localization computation, we can identify s with O(CPN−1)0(1d) and t with O(CPN−1)1(d1) through (3.28). Therefore, the first Chern class of Csitj is given by, ih +jh 0 1. (3.31) d In this way, the class that corresponds to c (R0π ev (k)) turns out to be top ∗ 3∗O kd jh +(kd j)h 0 − 1 . (3.32) (cid:18) d (cid:19) jY=0 If we look back at (3.24), we can also determine the top Chern class of the normal bundle of the type I fixed point set as follows: d 1 N − jh0+(d−j)h1 . (3.33) (cid:18) d (cid:19) jY=1 6 Puttingthesepiecestogether,wecanwritedownthecontributionfromthetypeIfixedpointsetbythelocalization theorem: d1Z(CPN−1)2hN0 −2−nhn1−1+(N−k)d Qdjkj=−=d110((jjhh00++((ddkd−d−j)jh)1h)1N) , (3.34) Q where the factor1 comes from the Z action mentioned in the previous subsection. d d Next, we determine the contribution from the type II fixed point set labeled by σ . Let (CPN 1) be the d − i (i+1)-th CPN−1 of (CPN−1)l(σd)+1 considered as a type II fixed point set, and let hi be its hyperplane class. ThecomputationgoesinthesamewayasinthetypeIcase,exceptfortheeffectofnodalsingularities. Therefore, weconsiderherethecontributionsofthesesingularities. AsforthevectorbundlecorrespondingtoR0π ev (k), ∗ 3∗O we have to consider the exact sequence: 0→H0(∪lj(=σ1d)Cj,(∪lj(=σ1d)pj)∗O(k))→⊕lj(=σ1d)H0(Cj,p∗jO(k))→⊕jl(=σ1d)−1OπN(a ji=1di)(k)→0. (3.35) P From this exact sequence, we can easily see that we have to insert an additional jl(=σ1d)−1 kh1j. We next turn to the effect of T′ Cj T0′Cj+1 in (3.26). Obviously this can be written as, Q ∞ ⊗ d d C , (3.36) d(sj) ⊗ d(tj+1) tj sj+1 and the sj, tj are identified with O(CPN−1)j−1(d1j), O(CPN−1)j(d1j) respectively. Hence its first Chern class is given by, h h h h j − j−1 + j − j+1. (3.37) d d j j+1 By the localizationtheorem, we also have to insert jl(=σ1d)−1 hj−dhjj−1 + hjd−jh+j1+1 −1. Combining these considera- tions, we can write down the contributions from theQtype II(cid:0)fixed point set labe(cid:1)led by σ : d lj(=σ11d)dj Z(CPN−1)l(σd)+1hN0 −2−nhnl(−σd1)+(N−k)d(cid:18)ljY(=σd1) Qid=jki=−d1j01((iihhjj−−11++d((dkjdjdjj−−i)ih)hjj))N(cid:19)l(σjYd=)1−1khj hj−dhjj−11+ hjd−jh+j1+1 , Q Q (cid:0) (cid:1) (3.38) where the factor 1 comes from the Z action on C (j = 1,2, ,l(σ )). Then we integrate out (3.34) lj(=σ1d)dj dj j ··· d and (3.38) and diQvide the result by k. After all this, we arrive at the corresponding summands in the formula (2.11). Lastly, we have to mention order of integration. In practice, we have to order the integrations of all the summands in descending (or ascending) order of subscript j of (CPN−1)j (CPN−1)l(σd)+1. ⊂ 4 Applications to Local Mirror Symmetry of Vector Bundles over CP1 Our geometrical computation is also applicable to complete intersections in CPN 1 and to the local geometries − m (k ) CPN 1. In this section, we consider two examples of local mirror symmetry of CP1, ( 1) ⊕i=1O i → − O − ⊕ ( 1) CP1 and (1) ( 3) CP1. The first one is the simplest example of local mirror symmetry, and O − → O ⊕O − → the second one is a typical example of non-nef local mirror symmetry, which was analyzed extensively in [5],[6]. 4.1 ( 1) ( 1) CP1 O − ⊕O − → In this example, we compute the virtual structure constants αd that correspondto local Gromov-Witten invari- n ants: hOhnOh2−ni0,d =ZM0,2(CP1,d)(cid:0)ctop(R1π∗ev3∗O(−1))(cid:1)2∧ev1∗(hn)∧ev2∗(h2−n), (n=0,1,2). (4.39) 7 Following the computation in the previous section, we obtain a closed formula that computes αd: n αdn =σdX∈OPd lj(=σ11d)dj Z(CP1)l(σd)+1hn0h2l(−σnd)ljY(=σd1)Gdj(hj−1,hj)l(σjYd=)1−1 hj−dhjj−(−1 +hj)h2jd−jh+j1+1, (4.40) Q where d 1 jx (d j)y 2 G (x,y):= j=−1 − −d − =1. (4.41) d Q d 1(cid:0) jx+(d j)y (cid:1)2 j=−1 d− Q (cid:0) (cid:1) In deriving (4.40), the exact sequence (3.35) is replaced by the following exact sequence: 0→⊕jl(=σ1d)−1OπN(a ji=1di)(−1)→H1(∪lj(=σ1d)Cj,(∪lj(=σ1d)pj)∗O(−1))→⊕lj(=σ1d)H1(Cj,p∗jO(−1))→0. (4.42) P Since (4.41) holds, (4.40) can be further simplified to, αdn =σdX∈OPd lj(=σ11d)dj Z(CP1)l(σd)+1hn0h2l(−σnd)l(σjYd=)1−1 hj−dhjj−1(h+j)2hjd−jh+j1+1. (4.43) Q Due to the fact that h2 =0 in H ((CP1) ,C), the summand in (4.43) vanishes if l(σ )>1. Hence we obtain j ∗ j d 1 αd = δ . (4.44) n d n1 If we consider this in analogy with the Calabi-Yau hypersurface case [4], we expect that t = x+ ∞d=1αd0edx gives us the mirror map of this model. (4.44) says that it is trivial in this case. Therefore, αd shouPld coincide 1 with the corresponding local Gromov-Witten invariant . (4.44) agrees with this expectation. h h 0,d hO O i 4.2 (1) ( 3) CP1 O ⊕O − → In this case, we compute equivariant virtual structure constants βd (z) that correspond to the equivariant mn Gromov-Witten invariants: hOhmOhn(z)i0,d =ZM0,2(CP1,d)(cid:18)P3jdj=d=−001zcjjc(jR(R1π0∗πe∗ve3∗vO3∗O(−(13))))(cid:19)∧ev1∗(hm)∧ev2∗(hn), (0≤m,n≤1). (4.45) P In the same way as in the previous subsection, βd (z) is given as follows: mn βd (z)= 1 hmhn l(σd)H (h ,h ,z)l(σd)−1 (1+zhj)(1−3hj), (4.46) mn σdX∈OPd lj(=σ1d)dj Z(CP1)l(σd)+1 0 l(σd) jY=1 dj j−1 j jY=1 hj−dhjj−1 + hjd−jh+j1+1 Q where H (x,y,z):= 3j=d−11 1− jx+(3dd−j)y . (4.47) d dj=0(1+Qzjx+((cid:0)dd−j)y) dj=−11 jx(cid:1)+(dd−j)y 2 Q Q (cid:0) (cid:1) Let us compute βd (z),βd (z),βd (z) by using the formula (4.46). Here, we show the results for lowerdegreesby 00 10 11 using the generating function βij(ex,z):= ∞d=1βidj(z)edx. P 645 311 63 5 β (ex,z) := (6z+z2+5)ex+( z+ z2+ z3+ z4+104)e2x 00 4 4 4 4 91421 8767 4197 83723 121 85 +(6387z+ z2+ z4+ z3+ + z5+ z6)e3x+ 18 18 2 27 2 27 ··· 139 33 3 177 β (ex,z) := ( 3 z)ex+( z z2 z3 )e2x 10 − − − 4 − 4 − 4 − 4 5917 407 19 +( 1131 z 762z2 28z4 z3 z5)e3x+ − − 4 − − − 2 − 12 ··· 31 9 1 549 175 5 27 β (ex,z) := ex+( + z+ z2)e2x+(380+ z+ z2+ z4+ z3)e3x+ (4.48) 11 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 ··· 8 From these results, we can see that β (ex,z) coincides with the equivariant mirror map t˜(q,λ) in the formula 10 (3.23) of [5]. Moreover,if we compute β (ex,z)+(z 3)β (ex,z)2, the result turns out to be, 00 10 − 39 271 1 885 947 (14+6z)ex+( z3+ z2+ z4+ z+ )e2x 4 4 2 4 4 38775 211885 149 3308 169 175334 +( z+ z2+ z5+ z4+ z6+ +1947z3)e3x+ , (4.49) 4 36 4 9 108 27 ··· which is nothing but the other equivariant mirror map t(q,λ) in the formula (3.23) of [5]! In this way, we have computedfull equivariantmirrormapwithout usingBirkhofffactorizationinevitable in the analysisin[5]. Then we set ∂t L˜ (ex,z):=1+∂ (β (ex,z)+(z 3)β (ex,z))= , 1 x 00 − 10 ∂x L˜ (ex,z):=∂ β (ex,z), (4.50) 2 x 11 in analogy with the Calabi-Yau hypersuface case [4]. The first line of (4.50) also asserts, t(x,z)=x+β (ex,z)+(z 3)β (ex,z). (4.51) 00 10 − Ifweinvert(4.51)regardingz asaparameter,weobtainx(t,z). Thenagainbyusingthesameanalogyasbefore, we compute L˜2(ex(t,z),z). The result turns out to be, L˜1(ex(t,z),z) 69 81 39 27 et+( 3z+3+z2)e2t+( z2 z+ +z4 z3)e3t+ , (4.52) − 4 − 4 4 − 4 ··· which is nothing but the equivariant A-model Yukawa coupling compatible with the formula (3.23) of [5]!! We can also apply this technique to the model (1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) CP1 and obtain the same mirror O ⊕O − ⊕O − ⊕O − → map and A-model Yukawa coupling as the ones computed in [6]. 5 Conclusion In this paper, we derivedthe virtual structure constants byapplying the localizationcomputation to the moduli spaceofpolynomialmaps withtwomarkedpoints. The processofcomputationis verysimilartothe well-known result of Kontsevich [13], but is much simpler because we consider a simple moduli space of polynomial maps insteadofthemodulispaceofstablemaps. Asaresult,weobtainaB-modelanalogueofstandardGromov-Witten invariants. Unlike the standardGromov-Witteninvariants,the virtualstructure constantsneednotvanishwhen they have an insertion of an operator induced from the identity element of the cohomology ring. Moreover, the virtualstructureconstantswithinsertionsoftheidentityoperatorgiveustheexpansioncoefficientsofthemirror map in the examples we have treated. Therefore, our computation provides a geometrical construction of the mirror map. Thelineofthoughtinthis paperstemsfromourendeavortointerpretgeometricallythecomputationprocess of the generalized mirror transformation [10]. What we are aiming at is to describe the generalized mirror transformation as a process of changing the moduli space of Gauged Linear Sigma Model into the one of stable maps(seethediscussionin[2]inthenefcases)[12]. Tothisend,weneedtocharacterizetheexpansioncoefficients of mirror map geometrically, and we think that the construction given in this paper provides what we need. We also hope to generalize our construction to various weighted projective spaces, especially in the case when they have several K¨ahler forms. If we accomplish this task, we will obtain a concrete geometrical understanding of the mirror computation. 2Thiscombinationisderivedbyintroducingthemetricηij inducedfromclassicalintersectionnumberηij := CP1 (1+zhhi)+(1j−3h). R 9 References [1] V.V.Batyrev, E.N.Materov. Toric residues and mirror symmetry Mosc. Math. J. 2 (2002), no. 3, 435–475. [2] A.Bertram. Another way to enumerate rational curves with torus actions Invent.Math. 142 (2000), no.3, 487-512. 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