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Preview Virtual Shaping of a Two-dimensional NACA 0015 Airfoil Using Synthetic Jet Actuator

AIAA-2002-3273 Virtual Shaping of a Two-dimensional NACA 0015 Airfoil Using Synthetic Jet Actuator Fang-Jenq Chen* and George B. Beeler* NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681-0001 ABSTRACT ACI change of lift coefficient due to actuation The Aircraft Morphing Program at NASA Langley c airfoil chord envisions an aircraft without conventional control Eel, effective voltage surfaces. Instead of moving control surfaces, the Ein amplitude of sinusoidal input voltage vehicle control systems may be implemented with a f frequency combination of propulsive forces, micro surface h jet exit slot width effectors, and fluidic devices dynamically operated by I4y effective current an intelligent flight control system to provide aircraft P active power, Eq. (1) maneuverability over each mission segment. As a part Q reactive power, Eq. (2) of this program, a two-dimensional NACA 0015 airfoil Re_ Reynolds number based on chord length model was designed to test mild maneuvering U mean streamwise velocity capability of synthetic jets in a subsonic wind tunnel. u broadband rms streamwise fluctuating velocity The objective of the experiments is to assess the v phased-averaged jet velocity applicability of using unsteady suction and blowing to x streamwise or chordwise coordinate alter the aerodynamic shape of an airfoil with a purpose z spanwise coordinate to enhance lift and/or to reduce drag. Synthetic jet 0 phase angle of voltage with respect to current actuation at different chordwise locations, different forcing frequencies and amplitudes, under different Subscripts freestream velocities are investigated. The effect of virtual shape change is indicated by a localized increase max maximum value during actuator blowing cycle mean mean value of surface pressure in the neighborhood of synthetic jet actuation. That causes a negative lift to the airfoil with rain minimum value during actuator suction cycle an upper surface actuation. When actuation is applied rms root-mean-square value near the airfoil leading edge, it appears that the freestream stagnation line is shifted inducing an effect similar to that caused by a small angle of attack to produce an 1. INTRODUCTION overall lift change. NOMENCLATURE New technologies and advanced materials, both nearly in hand and in early development, offer the Cp pressure coefficient potential to create revolutionary advances in aerospace Cjp pressure drag coefficient vehicles with significantly greater performance and C_,_ upper surface lift coefficient maneuvering compared to conventional approaches. C_ jet momentum coefficient 2(h/c)*(v_/U_) 2 Conventional airfoils of aerospace vehicles have been designed for a single flight condition and then *SeniorAerospace Engineer. modified to cover multiple flight conditions. This is Copyright © 2002 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and done through the use of control surfaces, such as Astronautics, Inc.No Copyright is asserted inthe United States under Title 17,U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has aroyalty-free license ailerons and flaps, spoilers, and variable wing sweep. to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein for Variable wing sweep affects changes in the local flow Governmental purposes. All otherrights arereserved bythe copyright owner. field by altering the flow velocity normal to the leading 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics edgeoftheairfoil.Thecontroslurfaceasndspoilers Theworkdescribeindthepresepnat pefrocuseosn affeccthangeinstheflowfieldbydirectlvyaryingthe theaerodynamviirctualshapinogfanairfoilatzero cambeorncertairnegionosftheairfoilt,herebcyausing angleof attacku, singonlysynthetijcetswithout changeinsthebaselinaeerodynamchicaracteristoicfs additionafilxturesT.hisrepresenatnsexaminatioonf theentireairfoil. thefluidicmodificatioonfaero-surfactheastdoensot TheAircrafMt orphinPgrograamtNASALangley necessarrielylyoncouplintgoflowinstabilitsyuchas hasbeeninitiatedwiththegoalto developnext thatinherentilnyseparatfelodwsT.heeffectosfvirtual generatioanerospavceehiclebsymimickinNgature. shapinagreinvestigatewdithsynthetjiectactuatioant Effortsincludeprovidingmuscle-likaectuatortso differentchordwiselocations,differentforcing changaeerodynamfoicrmondemannde,rvous-systemfr-equenciaensdamplitudeusn,dedrifferenfrteestream likesensinsge,lf-healinmgaterialasn,dadaptivfeault- velocities.Characteristicsof electricpower toleranctontroltsoenhancfleightsafetyO.neapproachconsumptioonfthesynthetijcet actuatoarrealso envisionfusturevehiclewsithouctonventioncaolntrol reporteindthispaper. surfacethsatcouldleadtosignificawnteighrteductions ordecreastheeaircrafstignaturIen.steadofmoving 2. APPARATUS controslurfaceths,eaerodynamcoicntroslystemmsay beimplementweidthacombinatioonfthrusvtectoring 2.1 Wind Tunnel Facility propulsioand,aptivmeicro-machinseudrfaceeffectors, The experiment was conducted in the 2 ft x 3 ft anddistributeflduidicdevicedsynamicaollpyeratebdy Low-Speed Wind Tunnel located at the NASA Langley anintelligentcontrolsystemto provideaircraft Research Center. The tunnel is a closed-loop type with maneuverabuilintydedrifferenftlightconditionAss.a a 10:1 contraction ratio. The test section is 91.4 cm partofthisprograma,two-dimensioNnaAlCA0015 wide by 61.0 cm high by 6.1 m long. The turbulence- airfoilmodewl asdesignetdotestmildmaneuvering reduction devices upstream of the contraction consist of capabilitoyfsynthetjeictsintheNASALangle2yftx a honeycomb followed by four stainless-steel screens. 3ft TunnelT. heobjectivoeftheexperimeniststo A vane-axial fan powered by a 30 horsepower DC assesthseapplicabilitoyfusingunsteadsyuctionand motor is used to drive the tunnel. Speeds of blowinogfsynthetjeictstoaltertheaerodynamshicape approximately 45 m/sec are attainable in the test section ofanairfoitloenhanclifetand/otorreducderag. with measured turbulence intensities, u/U_, of Previouspreliminarytestswitha piston-type approximately 0.1% in the range of 0.1 <f< 400 Hz. actuatoinrdicattehattheactuatohrasaneteffecotnthe The test-section ceiling and floor are adjustable to boundary-lafyloewrofproducinaglocanletincreasine achieve a desired streamwise pressure gradient and thedisplacemethnitcknesosftheflow.Hencean accommodate various test conditions. Further details of effectivsehapcehangceouldapproximathteeeffecotf the facility have been previously published) thesynthetjeictactuatoMr.ostrecenwtork1s-6onairfoil aerodynammicanipulatiounsingsynthetijcetshas 2.2 Airfoil Model focuseodnthecontroolfflowseparatioantmoderate The two-dimensional NACA 0015 airfoil model andlargeangleosfattackT.heexperimenwtaolrkdone has the dimensions of 91.4 cm span and 91.4 cm chord. byChatlynneetal7.showethdatitispossibtloemodify The model was made with a 0.3 cm thick lay-up of theapparenaterodynamsihcapeofanairfoilatlow fiberglass skin supported by four internal chordwise anglesof attackwhenthebaselineflowis fully ribs machined from 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. There are attachedH.owevert,hisvirtualaero-shapiwngas six chordwise locations for installation of a synthetic jet achievebdy combiningtheactivationof ahigh- actuator with a long exhaust slot centered spanwise on frequencsyynthetijcet actuatoprlaceddownstream the model. Figures 1(a), (b) and (c) show a side view, a fromaminiaturseurface-mounptaesdsivoebstruction cut-away view and a photograph of the airfoil model. (alittlefence)T.hiscombinatioinntroduceassmall The model was mounted to external mounts through the stationarrey-circulatifnlogwregionnexttothesurface, tunnel sidewalls by a spanwise-extended steel tube, as whichdisplacethselocalstreamlinesusfficientltyo shown in the center of Figure 1(c). The surface finish modifythelocalpressurdeistributionT.hemodified on the airfoil surface was 1 micron or better. flowresultisnasignificanretductioinnpressudrerag Three rows of streamwise pressure taps are located withaminimallossoflift.Physicalltyh,efunctionof on the midspan, the right- and the left-quarter-spans on thesynthetjiectactuatoinrthisapplicatioisntoforce both upper and lower surfaces. The pressure taps are theseparatefldowdownstreaomfthelittlefenceto staggered in each row to minimize streamwise reattactohthesurface. interference. The nominal orifice diameter of the pressure taps is 0.05 cm. Three 32-port 10-inch water- 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics columEnSPmodulewsereconnectteodpressutraeps slot center on jet exit surface, are shown in Figure 5. It togetthesurfacsetaticpressurreeadingTse.ndynamic presents two distinguished peaks at the frequencies pressutrreansducetwrso,KuliteXCS-062-5aDndeight around 600 Hz and 1300 Hz. These two peak Endevc8o510B-lw,eredistributeadlongthemidspan frequencies correspond to the natural (mechanical) withnineontheuppesrurfacaendoneonthelower frequency of the piezoelectric diaphragm and the surfaceL.ocationosfthepressutraepsandthedynamic Helmholtz (acoustic) frequency of the actuator cavity, pressurteransducearsreshownin thesketcheosf respectively. More detailed discussions of these Figure2s(a)and(b).Onerowofspanwipseressutraeps resonant frequencies were given in aprevious paper. 9 distributendeatrhetrailingedgeapproximataetly x/c The characteristics of electric power used to drive 0.95, also shown in Figure 2(a), was used to check the piezoelectric diaphragms of the actuator at the possible tunnel-sidewall contamination of the surface forcing frequencies of 600 and 1300 Hz are shown in pressure readings. Figures 6 and 7, respectively. The electric power level was adjusted by varying the amplitude of sinusoidal 2.3 Synthetic Jet Actuator voltage input through the multi-channel attenuation unit A long two-dimensional synthetic jet actuator, as to a high-voltage power amplifier with a nominal gain shown in Figure 3, was installed across the airfoil span of 100 before sending to the actuator. The input at one of six different chordwise locations for the test. voltage, E_n, is the peak-to-peak amplitude of the These six actuator locations are at x/c -0.015, 0.1, sinusoidal voltage generated by a universal function 0.15, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.75 (the negative value was on the generator. Figures 6(a) and 7(a) show variations of the bottom side of the airfoil). One of the test purposes was effective values (in terms of standard deviations) of to determine the optimal placement of the actuator on current, Iejj_ voltage, Ee_ and the phase angle, 0, of the airfoil for virtual shape change. The actuator voltage with respect to current, with the input voltage, consists of a continuous cavity enclosed by 14 pairs of E_n. Generally the effective current and voltage increase piezoelectric diaphragms. Each pair of piezoelectric with the input voltage but the phase angle decreases diaphragms was operated with a 180 °phase differential slightly from +90 °. It indicates that the piezoelectric at the same sinusoidal voltage and frequency. With diaphragm deviates from a perfect capacitance device actuation, a synthetic jet issued from a two-dimensional as the input voltage increases. Figures 6(b) and 7(b) slot that is 76.2 cm long by 0.5 mm wide on the top show relations between the jet energy, in terms of plate of the device. Six top plates with different variance of jet velocity, (v,_s)2, the active (P) and the curvatures were made to fair the actuator to different reactive (Q) electric powers with the input voltage, E_n. chordwise locations on the airfoil model. A multi- Note that the reactive power is plotted as Q/4 in the channel attenuation unit was used to obtain the best figures in order to compile data in the same scale. The uniformity of the synthetic jet across the airfoil span by active power, P, and the reactive power, Q, are defined adjusting the amplitude of power input to each pair of as10 piezoelectric diaphragms. P= EeHIeHcosO (1) 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF Q = EeHI_HsinO (2) ACTUATOR The performance of the piezoelectric diaphragm (hence, The strength of synthetic jets generally is not the actuator) can be enhanced by an offset of the input uniform along the 76.2 cm spanwise slot due to voltage that is shown as a step jump for the input irregularity in the piezoelectric diaphragms. After voltage equal to and greater than 2.0 volts in the careful tuning with the attenuation unit, the best figures. The maximum performance condition of the uniformity of the synthetic jet at the maximum piezoelectric diaphragm and the actuator was achieved performance condition (defined later) was obtained and at the input voltage of 2.3 volts with an offset of 0.6 shown in Figure 4. It shows slight variations of jet volts. Data at the maximum performance condition are velocities along the slot centerline on the jet exit plotted in Figures 8(a) and 8(b) against the forcing surface in the quiescent environment. The jet is slightly frequency. The active power is closely correlated with stronger in the position at top of the center of each the jet output as seen in the (b) plot of Figures 6, 7 and piezoelectric diaphragm pair than that at top of the 8. The reactive power is due to the capacitive nature of interval between two diaphragm pairs. the actuator. The magnitude of the reactive power is Typical variations of jet velocities at the maximum always greater than the active power in this device. It is performance condition with respect to the forcing very interesting to see that the performance peaks, frequency, in the range of 200 Hz to 1700 Hz, at the approximately at 600 and 1300 Hz, happen when the 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics phasaenglebetweevnoltagaendcurrenist smalal nd cm wide tape with randomly distributed #35 Grit was thereactivpeoweirslow,asshowinnFigure8s(a)and used to trip the boundary layer at x/c 0.12 on the 8(b).Theactivepoweirsveryindicativoefthephase airfoil upper surface. Figure 12 shows that the matchinogfthedrivingfrequenctoytheresonance boundary-layer trip moved the transition boundary modeofthesynthetjeictasseebnythepeakisnactive (laminar data on left-hand side) to a lower freestream powerandjet outpuitnFigure8(b).Thediffering velocity but no discernible difference on airfoil lift characteorfthepeakactivepowerattheHelmholtz change due to synthetic jet actuation for data between resonancveersusthemechanicraelsonancmeaybe trip (turbulent data) and no-trip (laminar data) transition indicativoefthemorecomplenxon-lineacoruplinign boundaries except normal data scattering. thesystemT.hedatahintsatthepotentioaflmonitoring Typical variations of airfoil lift change with forcing theactivepowearsapotentiatulningtooltomaintain frequency, when the actuator was driven at the theexcitationnearresonanocfetheactuator. maximum performance condition (i.e., input 2.3 volts and offset 0.6 volts), are shown in Figure 13. The 4. VIRTUAL SHAPING USING change of lift coefficient, AC), is presented as a SYNTHETIC JETS percentage of the airfoil upper surface lift, Cl,u_,that has a nominal value of 0.23. Two negative lift peaks in The effect of virtual shape change on the airfoil Figure 13 correspond to the jet energy peaks as shown model was detected by comparing the measurements of in Figure 8(b). Variations of airfoil lift change, airfoil surface pressures with the synthetic jet actuation AC)/CI, u_, with jet momentum coefficient, C_, are on and oft'. Typical variations of the surface pressure presented in Figures 14(a) to 14(d) for the actuator coefficient, C_, with actuation on and off on the upper located at x/c 0.1, 0.15, 0.3 and 0.5 on the airfoil and the lower surfaces are shown in Figures 9(a) and upper surface. Data are presented for the actuator 9(b), respectively. Customarily the @ scale is inverted operated at peak forcing frequencies of 600 Hz and in the plot. It clearly indicates a localized increase of 1300 Hz with varying input voltages and freestream the surface pressure in the neighborhood of synthetic jet velocities. Generally the lift change increases with C_ actuation. That causes a negative lift on the airfoil with and actuation chordwise coordinate after x/c 0.15. the actuator located on the upper surface. This negative However, the lift change decreases for actuation at x/c lift change is consistent with numerical simulations of 0.75 as shown in Figure 15. Numerical computations Hassan. 11Note that, at zero angle of attack, there is zero verified that the laminar boundary layer separation lift for the baseline (without actuation) NACA 0015 occurred at x/c 0.53. It indicates that virtual shaping airfoil due to the geometric symmetry. The computed by synthetic jet actuation is much less effective in @ from the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes solver separated flow. In the range of data tested, the CFL3D 12for the baseline airfoil (also included in the maximum lift change was -0.015 that resulted in a -6% figures) show a good match with the measured no- change in ACI/CI,_ with actuation at x/c 0.5, as control data. There is no discernible spanwise variation shown in Figure 14(d). An attempt to correlate the data of Cp by comparing the three rows of streamwise shown in Figures 14(a) to 14(d) is presented in Figure pressure readings along the midspan, the right- and the 16 with a fitted line of Y -17")( °25 where X and Y left-quarter-spans on both upper and lower surfaces, represent the lumped variables for the x and y denoted as UpperC, UpperR, UpperL, LowerC, coordinates, respectively. The correlation result implies LowerR, and LowerL in the figures. Typical C_ that virtual shaping by synthetic jet actuation is distributions from spanwise pressure taps near the inversely proportional to the Reynolds number and the trailing edge with the synthetic jet actuation on/oft, local logarithmic pressure gradient but increases under the same flow conditions as Figure 9, are (negative lift) with the jet momentum coefficient. presented in Figure 10. It indicates no discernible When synthetic jet actuation was near the leading sidewall contamination on the @ data. edge (x/c -0.015), it appeared that the stagnation line Presumably virtual shaping is by nature an inviscid was shifted inducing an effect similar to that caused by local phenomena rather than a convective one such as a small positive angle of attack to produce an overall separation control. The status of the boundary layer, positive lift increase. Figures 17(a) and 17(b) show either laminar or turbulent, is assumed to be a minor typical @ distributions on the airfoil upper and lower effect on virtual shaping. Power spectra of pressure surfaces, respectively. Variations of lift increase with fluctuations obtained by dynamic pressure transducers, respect to the jet energy and the forcing frequency is such as the one shown in Figure 11, were used to verify compiled in Figure 18 with the actuator driven at the the boundary layer conditions. To investigate the effect maximum performance condition. The increase of lift of boundary-layer transition on virtual shaping, a 1.27 does not closely follow the peak of jet energy because 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics theincreasoefliftissaturateadtC_ _ 0.003, when U_ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 10 m/sec, as indicated in Figure 19. Variations of lift increase with jet momentum coefficient under different The authors would like to acknowledge the freestream velocities are shown in Figures 20(a) to assistance of Dr. Ponnampalam Balakumar of the 20(d) for data at forcing frequencies of 600 Hz and NASA Langley Research Center to provide numerical 1300 Hz only. Lift increase and jet momentum computational results used in this paper. coefficient are correlated as a function of Reynolds number and presented in Figure 21 with two fitted lines, REFERENCES Y 230 + 72"1og Xand Y 260 + 72*logX, for forcing frequencies of 600 Hz and 1300 Hz, respectively. 1. Amitay, M., Smith, B. L., and Glezer, A., Where X and Y represent the lumped variables for the x "Aerodynamic Flow Control Using Synthetic Jet and y coordinates. Technology", AIAA Paper 98-0208, 1998. The effect of virtual shaping on the airfoil pressure 2. Smith, D. 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Figure1.NACA001t5wo-dimensioanirafoliml odeflorvirtuaslhapintegst. 50 , , , i , , , i , , , i , , , i , , , 50 40 4O 30 3O UpperR 20 o o o o o o S 2O LowerR 10 10 UppelC LowerC 01_oooo_O _o_ _o_o _o o 0 oooo o o o o o o o o -10 -10 UpperL -20 _bo o o o o o o -20 -30 • Kulite -30 -40 •o AEEiSnrfdPoeivlco -40 -50 , I , , I , , , I , , , I , -50 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 x,cm x,cm (a) Airfoil upper surface. (b) Airfoil lower surface. Figure 2. Distribution of ESP pressure ports and dynamic pressure transducers on the airfoil model surface. Figure 3. Photograph of the two-dimensional synthetic jet actuator on bench top. 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 50 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i, 0 v_ear, o oa 30_dzU_qS?__q_qzq_Jqz_ 20 DD 10 o :X)°°o°oooooOocN_ OoOoOOOOOOo° o ._ o O0 o A ;> 10 ;> lO A A A 20 _A zx_ 20 30 30 _d_ _¢_ z_ 4O 40 _AAAAAAAAAAA A_AAAAAAAAAAAAA 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 50 ,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Diaphragm Pair No. Forcing Frequency f, Hz Figure 4.Variations ofjet velocities along slot Figure 5.Variations ofjet velocities with forcing centerline onjet exit surface atf 600 Hz. frequency at slot center onjet exit surface. 0.10 .... , .... , .... , .... , .... 100 700 .. r _ T _ _ 1.0 4_I_4_O Phase Angle 600 [] active P I _ / 0.08 80 -.-._,ve_ ] 08 _. I 500 I 0.06 60 0.8 g 400 ./ _ J 0.04 Current .a-e 40 300 _'_'" I/ /'0 0.4 _ /7i' 200 ,_.,...' 0.02 20 o< __ 0.2 100 ltage 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Amplitude of Input Voltage Ein, volts Amplitude ofInput Voltage Ein,volts (a) Electric current, voltage and phase angle. (b) Jet energy, active and reactive electric powers. Figure 6.Characteristics of electric power consumption and jet energy output at forcing frequencyf 600 Hz. 0.10 .... i .... i .... i .... i .... 100 --e-- _,O ,_ Phase Angle 760000 [...Fq... active P r__ 1.0 %-. 0.08 _,- -_ 80 --_ -reactive Q/4 0.8 500 0.06 0.8 400 g 2" 300 0.04 40 .., 04 _ & 200 / _b 00 _ ....-El o o< 0.2 #- rq_ ._..._ 1ym 100 _i' 0.00 I 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Amplitude of Input Voltage Ein, volts Amplitude of Input Voltage Ein ,volts (a) Electric current, voltage and phase angle. (b) Jet energy, active and reactive electric powers. Figure 7.Characteristics of electric power consumption and jet energy output at forcing frequencyf 1300 Hz. 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 0.10 .... 80 700 1.0 ' ' ' Pl_ase_ngle' ' ' 'I'_' ' + (v_ 2 0.09 70 600 ...Fq-.. acdve P O.9 • reactive Q/4 0.08 60 500 0.8 ,_ 0.07 _._ 400 0.7 50 g 0.06 _ 800 0.6 0.05 40 g "_ _" 200 0.5 0.04 0.03 30 100 0.4 0.02 , , , , I , , , , I , , , , I , , , , 2O 0 0.3 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Forcing Frequency f, Hz Forcing Frequency f, Hz (a)Electric current, voltage andphase angle. (b)Jet energy, active and reactive electric powers. Figure 8.Variations ofelectric power consumption andjet energy output withsyntheticjet forcing frequency. -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.4 -0.2 -0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 @ 0.2 0.4_ -- CFL3D 0.41 --CFL3D UppelC, 011 _LowelC, On 0.6 ---V•--- UUppppeerrCR,, O01f1f 0.6 ""_•'"LoweLloCw,erR, OOfnf • UpperR, Off • LowerR, Off o.81 [X UpperL, Oll o.8_ LowerL, On /1 UpperL, Off Lowe_,Off 1.0 1.0 , , , I , , , I , , , I , , , I , , , ii,lll,lll,lll,lll, 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x/c (a) @onairfoil upper surface. (b) 6_onairfoil lower surface. Figure 9. Variations of Cpon airfoil surfaces with actuator located atx/c 0.5 on upper surface, operated at forcing frequencyf 600 Hz and freestream velocity U_ -_10 m/sec. 1.0 .... i .... i .... i.... i.... i .... i.... i.... ..... Transition x/c=0.45 0.8 Actuator On I 109 -..-....... TLmam'biunlaernt _x/cx/c ==00.5.355 I "-0-" Actuator Oil"[ 0.6 10 10 0.4 10 11 c_ @ 0.2 oasea_ o _6ea_e 10 12 +5 0.0 10 13 -0.2 -0.4 10 14 -0.6 .... i.... i.... i.... i.... i.... i.... i,,, 10 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 101 102 103 104 105 z, cm Frequency f, Hz Figure 10.Variations ofspanwise 6_atx/c 0.95 Figure 11. Power spectra of pressure fluctuations on onairfoil upper surface. airfoil upper surface forU_-_10m/sec. 8 American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics o ,i, l0o,, O _ 10m/secl U_ _20m/sec I A _ _30m/sec Ii -1 , [] U_ _40m/sec -2 @ iI INo Trip Transition Bound_lT _j_ BLTrip Transition Botald_lT _o_ 2 *_ -4 "_ Oco e° 3 CO -5 C) f 600Hz, No Trip 0 f 1300Hz, No Trip • f 600Hz, BLTrip 4 -6 • f 1300Hz, BLTrip -7 .... ' .... ' .... ' .... ' .... .... & .... ,o'o.o... ,_;o.... _ooo 10 20 30 40 50 U_,m/sec Forcing Frequency f, Hz Figure 12. Effects ofbouaadary-layer transition Figure 13. Variations of airfoil lift change with on virtual shaping when the actuator forcing frequency when the actuator located atx/c 0.15 on upper surface. located at x/c 0.1 on upper surface. 1 ........ , ........ , ........ , ........ , ........ , ........ 1 o• o 0 -1 ••° o_='_Jii_l_ O- -1 "o -2 • 0000 -2 8 U O f= 600Hz, U_ _,10m/sec • _ k_" -3 O f= 600Hz, U_;,10m/sec _2 -3 • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,10m/sec © L7 • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,10m/sec <> f= 600Hz, U_ _,20m/sec <;' f= 600 Hz, U_ ;,20m/sec _:1 -4 -4 • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,20m/sec • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,20m/sec A f= 600Hz, U_ _,30m/sec A f= 600 Hz, U_ ;,30m/sec -5 -5 • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,30m/sec • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,30m/sec [] f= 600Hz, U_ _,40m/sec [] f= 600 Hz, U_ ;,40m/sec -6 -6 • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,40m/sec • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,40m/sec _ ,....... , ........ , ........ , ........ , ........ , ..... 7 ........ , ........ , ........ , ........ , ........ , ...... 0 106 105 10 4 10 3 102 101 -'10 7 10 6 105 104 103 102 10 1 c. (a) Actuator atx/c 0.1. (b) Actuator at x/c 0.15. 1 ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ 1 ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ 0 0 o %11o 0 -1 • O <> _i o o -z -2 O f= 600Hz, U_ ;,10m/sec ,o o f= 600_,U_lOn_se¢ o -3 • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,10m/sec 13 f= 1300Hz, U_ _,10m/sec _2 <> f= 600Hz, U_;,20m/sec <> f= 600 Hz,U_ _,20m/sec -4 • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,20m/sec -4 • f= 1300Hz, U_ _,20m/sec A f= 600Hz, U_;,30m/sec A f= 600 Hz,U_ _,30m/sec -5 -5 • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,30m/sec • f= 1300Hz, U_ _,30m/sec [] f= 600Hz, U_ _,40m/sec [] f= 600 Hz,U_ _,40m/sec -6 -6 • f= 1300Hz, U_ ;,40m/sec • f= 1300Hz, U_ _,40m/sec 8 _7'1 ' ....... t ........ t ........ I ........ I ........ I ..... _7 ........ t ........ t ........ t ........ i ........ i ...... 07 106 105 10 4 10 3 102 101 07 10 6 105 104 103 102 10 1 c. c. (c) Actuator atx/c 0.3. (d) Actuator at x/c 0.5. Figure 14. Variations of airfoil lift change with jet momentum coefficient when the actuator located at different chordwise locations on the airfoil upper surface. 9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1 ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ 0 -1 o -1 -2 0 -2 O f= 600Hz, U_ _,10m/sec _" -3 • f= 1300Hz, U_ _,10m/sec Q_ C' f= 600Hz, U_ _,20m/sec •O ff== 1630000HHzz@x/@c=0x.1/c5= 0.1 "_ -4 • f= 1300Hz, U_ _,20m/sec -4 • f= 1300Hz @x/c= 0.15 ZX f= 600Hz, U_ _,30m/sec L_ ZX f= 600Hz@x/c=0.3 -5 • f= 1300Hz, U_ _,30m/sec _2 --35 Of=•[] ff== 1663000000HHzzH@zx/@@c=0x.x5//cc== 00..13 [] f= 600Hz, U_ _,40m/sec • f= 1300Hz @x/c =0.5 -6 • f= 1300Hz, U_ _,40m/sec -6 Y=-17*X 025 _ ,....... i ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ i ..... 0 106 105 10 4 10 3 102 101 -_0 11'"1';:10' '"1';9'' '"1'; 8'' '"1'; 7''"i'; 6''"i'; 5''"i'; 4'' "10 3 c'_/ lo_(Re_/6ooooo) Figure 15. Variations of airfoil lift change with jet Figure 16. Correlation of airfoil lift change with jet momentum coefficient when the actuator momentum coefficient for data presented located atx/c 0.75 on upper surface. in Figures 14(a)_(d). -0.6 ............ -0.2 0.0 o 0.2 0.4 -- CFL3D --CFL3D UpperC, On --z2r-- LowerC, On 0.6 ---_--- UpperC, Off ---_7---LowerC, Off • UpperR, On • LowerR, On • UpperR, Off • LowerR, Off 0.8 jl Ix UpperL, On IX LowerL, On Z] UpperL, Off Z] LowerL, Off 1.0_ , , , I , , , I , , , I , , , I , , , 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 x/c x/c (a) @ on airfoil upper surface. (b) @ on airfoil lower surface. Figure 17. Variations of @ on airfoil surfaces with actuator located atx/c -0.015 on upper surface, operated at forcing frequencyf 600 Hz and freestream velocity U_ -_10 m/sec. oo4iooze 7OO 0.07 0.05 .... i.... i .... i .... i.... i .... i .... i .... 6OO 0.06 5OO 0.05 Oo °oo°oo ° 0.03 °o oa8 o- 4OO 0.04 L7 o o eq_ 3OO 0.03 0.02 @ ,b 2OO 0.02 o O.Ol O IO0 0.01 0 0.00 _,,,,i .... i .... i .... i.... i .... i .... i,,, 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 c3 Forcing Frequency f, Hz Figure 18. Variations of jet energy and airfoil lift change Figure 19. Variations of airfoil lift change with jet with forcing frequency when the actuator momentum coefficient when the actuator located atx/c -0.015 and U_ -_10 m/sec. located atx/c -0.015 and U_ -_10 m/sec. 10 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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