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VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING OF AN ARTICULATED DUMP TRUCK In fulfillment ofthe degree MScEng (MECH) Date ofsubmission : 01 September2003 st Candidate : Mr. Deena Govender Supervisor : Dr. S. Kaczmarczyk 11 DECLARATION I state unequivocally that the work presented herein is my own unaided effort and that all external sources have been explicitly stated and referenced. This work has not been submitted in whole or part, for any degree to any institutionpreviously. I hereby submit this dissertation in whole fulfilment ofthe requirements for the degree ofMSc Eng (MECH) to the University of Natal, Durbanonthis the 1 DayofSeptember2003. st Mr. DeenaGovender TIDNo.7612275054083 111 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to place on record his thanks to the following individuals and organisations:- Dr. S. Kaczmarczykforhis sincere supportandunderstandingthroughoutthisproject. BELLEquipment(pTY)Ltd. for theirfinancial supportandprovidingthe impetusforthis researcheffort. Danie du Plessis and Rick Chianese (BELL Equipment) for being the link to the BELL ADT andfor theirtime andadvice. Shaun Savy and Desmond Rooplal (School ofMechanical Engineering, UND) for their assistance with computing matters at odd hours and without whom this project would have beenimmeasurablymore difficult. Clinton Stone (MSC Africa) for assisting with ADAMS and for always being a valuable source ofadvice. The various members ofthe ADAMS ASK online mailing list for their often eleventh-hour advice. The students ofthe undergraduate teams whoassistedwiththisprojectin2000 and2001. BMWS.A. for allowingme time offworkto completeimportant stages oftheproject. Mr. Ewald Fischer and Arne Margold (EF-31, BMW AG) for their assistance with the use ofADAMS during Octoberto December2002. Mr. Hans Heltmann (EG-32, BMW AG) for his advice on analysing test data from automotive compliantsuspensioncomponents. My parents andfamily fortheirencouragementthroughout. My friends who provided me with support in times of need and for being prepared to discussthe meritsofthis workwithme. Dinesh BaUiah who was my pillar of strength through times when the task ahead ofme seemedinsurmountable andwho alwaysbelievedIcouldcompletethis work. IV ABSTRACT In the modem automotive industry product times to market are being increasingly compressed. In the earthmoving and construction machine industry this is also true with the manufacturer having to respond to new customerrequirements quickly and decisively. Virtual prototyping is a vital tool in the vehicle engineer's armoury, allowing a large portion of developmental investigation to be done on the virtual model with the attendant savings in time and cost and allowing often dangerous manoeuvres to be predicted and investigated prior to actual physical prototype testing. The University ofNatallBELL Equipment collaborative effort involves the vehicle dynamics modelling and model validation ofa BELL Equipment manufactured B40C Articulated Dump Truck (ADT). The modelling was completed using the multibody system (MBS) simulation software package, ADAMS. Initial modelling and simulation results are presentedwith specific attentionpaidto the introduction ofvaliddata for compliantjointsin the MBS as well as modellingofthe tire. The physicaltesting ofthe ADT is alsopresentedas well as a discussionofthe dataacquisition system. Keyresults from the physical testingofthe ADT are alsopresentedand discussed. KEYWORDS: Vehicle dynamics, Virtual Prototyping, Articulated Dump Trucks, Vehicle testing, MultibodySystems Simulation v CONTENTS Declaration ii Acknowledgements iii Abstract iv Contents v 1. Introduction 1 2. FundamentalsofVehicleDynamics 7 2.1. ThePneumaticTire 7 2.1.1. TireFundamentals andConstruction 8 2.1.2. Axes, NotationandPrincipleForcesandMoments 10 2.1.3. Mechanics ofForce Generationatthe Contactpatch 12 2.1.4. RollingResistance 15 2.1.5. TheGenerationofPrincipleForces andMoments 21 StationaryIn-PlaneDynamics 21 StationaryOut-of-P1aneDynamics 25 CombinedSlip andNon-stationaryBehaviour 34 2.1.6. TireModelling forVehicleDynamics Simulation 40 2.2. Approaches toModellingofCompliantsuspensioncomponents inMBS codes 46 2.3. General VehicleDynamicsFundamentals 49 3. VehicleTestingand DataAnalysis 56 3.1. VehicleTests 57 3.1.1. SteadyStateTrackLapping 58 3.1.2. SingleLane ChangeTests 59 3.1.3. Straight-lineAccelerationandBrakeTests 60 3.1.4. Bump Test 60 3.2. MeasurementEquipmentand Sensors 61 3.3. Test Setup 64 3.4. TestResults 68 3.4.1. Steady-StateHandlingTests 68 VI 73 3.4.2. TransientHandlingTests 3.4.3. VerticalResponsetests 77 82 4. ADAMS Modelling 4.1. ADAMS ModellingPrinciples 82 4.2. Constructingtherigidbodymodel in the ADAMS environment 86 4.3. Compliant suspensioncomponents 94 4.3.1. Determiningthe Stiffness andDampingValues 95 4.3.2. Spherelastic Bearing 100 4.3.3. A-Frame Bearing 102 4.3.4. SandwichBox 106 4.3.5. AsymmetricBearing 109 4.3.6. Suspension Strut 111 4.3.7. DiscussionofTestResults for CompliantSuspensionComponents 119 4.3.8. Implementationofthe ComplianceForceEffectsinADAMS 121 4.4. ModellingtheTire andRoad 125 4.4.1. TheFialaTireModelinADAMS 127 4.4.2. TheRoadModel in ADAMS 146 4.4.3. Discussionofthe VariousMethodsofConstructingADAMS RoadDataFiles 150 4.5. Dynamic Controllers 155 4.5.1. ModellingControllers inADAMS 156 4.5.2. The SpeedController 159 4.5.3. ThePath-followingController 162 5. Simulation oftheADAMS ADT Model 170 5.1. Simulatingthe ADAMS ADTmodel 172 5.2. SimulationResults 179 6. Conclusion 200 A. AppendixA 203 B. Appendix B 206 C. AppendixC 211 D. AppendixD 214 E. AppendixE 220 References 229 1 1. INTRODUCTION This work has as its focus the vehicle dynamics modelling of the BELL Equipment B40C articulated dump truck (ADT) via the construction and validation ofa virtual prototype. More specifically the study is a first attempt at virtual prototyping ofthe construction, mining and agricultural machinery manufactured at BELL Equipment. Virtual prototyping for vehicle dynamics applications has fast become a valuable conceptua1isation and design tool of the modem automotive engineer. This chapter begins by introducing the concept of virtual prototyping and examines the reasons for its increasing value in automotive design along with discussing the enabling technologies that have brought it to the fore. The section concludes by outliningthe structureofthisprojectandpresents an overviewofthis dissertation. In a conventional designprocessmanyphysical prototypes have to be built. This is becausethe physical system is the ultimate model of reality. It is reality. As analytical techniques are developedengineers are able topredictto a greaterextentbeforehandhowa desired systemwill behave. But it is still a requirement, given our current technological capabilities that physical prototypes have to be built. For a complex system like a vehicle, whose physical behaviour is impossible to understand in its entirety prior to its complete construction, many physical prototypes have to be built. Thus there is a gradual development of the vehicle using a combination ofanalytical techniques to predict behaviour and testing ofphysical prototypes to validate that prediction. Generally many subsystems of the desired system are tested in isolation and typically the process is iterative, requiring a significant number of prototypes, whichhave tobemanufactured at significantcost. Dueto the largenumberoftests thatneed to be conducted for a manufacturer to be able to manufacture and market a product within the parameters ofthe stringentsafetyandenvironmentalrequirements inplacetoday, thisprocessof gradual developmentis costlyin terms oftime as well. In addition sometimes the systembeing designed is required to operate in dangerous environments and situations. Without absolute knowledge ofhowa systemunder test will behave, the safety oftestpersonnel is compromised when testing prototypes under these dangerous conditions. With the traditional methodology of a product's or system's development, testing ofa prototype suggests improvements, which in turnneeds to beverified, necessitating the modification, or building, offurtherprototypes. Itis obvious that the more apriori knowledge a designer has ofthe physical behaviour ofa desired system, the more efficient the development of the system can proceed in terms of three key parameters, cost,time and safetyoftestpersonnel. 2 This is where virtual prototypingcomes to the fore. Virtual prototyping as the name suggestsis the construction ofa prototype in the virtual environment of a computer. By simulating the boundary conditionsandphysics ofasystem'sbehaviourona computer, asystemprototype can be constructed to be tested virtually. A virtual prototype immediately attacks the three key impediments to a traditional design cycle mentioned above. By having a virtual prototype, the requirement ofhaving to build many prototypes saves a design project money, with the initial capital outlay for virtual prototyping software and computinghardware beingrapidlyrecovered as the project proceeds. Changes to a prototype suggested by virtual tests can be implemented rapidly on the virtual prototype negating the need to modify or manufacture a new prototype, again saving costs but also time. Dangerous system behaviour can be tested safely with the virtual model. Simulations such as this can predict or highlight dangerous situations, and suggestprecautionstobe takenwhenthe systemis finally testedwithaphysicalprototype. With specific regard to virtual prototyping ofautomotive vehicle behaviour, the technology is used during many different and sometimes all the stages ofa design process. A detailed design of a suspension can proceed directly from the customer or engineering requirements, for e.g. minimum toe angle change with vertical wheel travel. The parameters relating to the requirements can be identified and weighted according to their importance using 'design of experiment' techniques available in automotive virtual prototyping software. These identified parameters can then be optimised to design a virtual suspension assembly that meets the engineering requirements. The various forces generated at key points in the proposed design can be exported as load cases for [mite element analysis (FEM) simulations that result in a strength optimised physical design of the system which is then [mally tested physically to ensurethatitmeets the initial engineeringandcustomerrequirements. Itcanbe appreciatedthat using virtual prototypes for design negates the need for a large number of prototypes that is typical ofatraditional designprocess. In addition to detailed design, virtual prototypes are frequently used at the concept stage ofa new engineering project. At the start of a project a design engineer is presented with the requirements that the new design must fulfil, most probably in the form of customer requirements from the marketing arm of an institution. The designer will then process this information, reduce these customer requirements to engineering requirements' and then formulate a [mite number ofconceptual designs, from experience, applicable literature or even lower level analytical mathematical models [76]. The choice of concept on which to expend further engineering effort is critical. A wrong initial concept choice can lead to costly re engineering at advanced project stages. In many cases despite significant experience of the engineering team, choice ofconcept can be impossible without manufacture and testing ofthe 3 various concepts, especiallywith a complex system suchas avehicle. Two typical examples of the value ofvirtualprototypes for evaluatingconcepts arepresentedin [23] and [14]. In [23] engmeers at the United States army, Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) research and development centre utilised a virtual prototype of a six axle army transport truck to investigate the effects ofreplacing a dual tire configuration, (four tires per axle) with a super single tire with larger diameter and track width, on the yaw stability ofthe vehicle. By performing many steady state and transient handling tests with the virtual model the engineers were able to conclude that the dual tire configuration provided far more inherent yaw stabilityto the vehicle than the supersingle concept. Reference [14] details the workdone in validating virtual models oftwo conceptsbeing considered for the replacement ofthe United States Military Command, Logistic Vehicle System (USMC LVS). The two replacement concepts for the LVS were lOxlO, five axle, 45ton articulated trucks, one concept having independent suspension at all wheels while the otherhaving a combination oftrailing arm and walkingbeamarrangements attherearthree axles. Inthis instance, physicalprototypes ofboth the concepts were built in addition to the virtual prototypes. The virtual prototypes were validated against the physical prototypes over a predefined proving ground course for military vehicles of this nature. The validated virtual prototypes were then used to conduct further exhaustive tests to evaluate each concept's competitiveness and to eventually choose a suitable replacement. Thevalueofvirtual prototypingisclearlyvisible fromthese two cases. The concept ofvirtual prototyping stems from the need to have apriori knowledge ofa how a proposed new design will behave. In fact any analytical technique that proposes to predict the behaviour ofa physical system before its construction and testing, points one toward a virtual prototype. Itcan be arguedthatvirtual prototyping was humankind's intent ever since ahuman was able to analyse the behaviour ofthe physical world around it. With specific regard to the virtual prototyping ofa vehicle's dynamic behaviour, a report conducted in 1976 on the effects oftire properties on the handling ofbusses and trucks [15] recommended that testing ofnew handlingregimes ornew designs be precededby computerised and laboratory simulation. This was after significant damage was caused to facilities and injury to the human driver, during an extreme handling manoeuvre of a heavy truck. With such early justification for the need of virtual prototypes, the question ofwhy a sudden increase in the usage ofvirtual prototypinghas been precipitated.only over the last decade [35] or so must be asked. The answer lies in the enabling technology ofthe computer. The rapid advancement of computing power and data storage has allowed the efficient implementation of analytical techniques developed over the pastfew centuries. 4 The reason for the advance in computing technology enabling a growth in the use of virtual prototyping for dynamic systems lies inthenatureofthe analytical techniques usedto model the dynamic behaviour of systems of interconnected bodies or multibody systems (MBS). An automobile inarguably represents a MBS. In its simplest case a MBS consists ofa system of rigid bodies connected by ideal joints that restrict the relative motion of the bodies it links. More complex MBS includejoints that are not ideal but have relative motions defined by force relationships as well as bodies that are not strictlyrigid i.e. they have some degree ofelasticity thatcannotbe ignoredunderspecific conditions. In order to determine the behaviour of a MBS, the equations of motion (EOM) ofthe MBS underthe influence ofgeneralisedandapplied forces mustbe developed andthen solved. There have been many techniques utilised to determine these equations but essentially they can be reduced to two fundamental theories; that ofvector mechanics utilising Newton-Euler methods and Lagrangian mechanics derived from the principles ofvirtual work [67], [76]. In principle these EOM can be developed manually using the theory of Newton-Euler mechanics and . Lagrangian methods. However as the number of rigid bodies increases this becomes very difficult and prone to human error. It is possible though due to the algorithmic nature ofthe methods of developing the EOM for MBS systems, to implement this on a computer in an automated way. Toward this end various multibody formalisms, or automated methods ofassembling the EOM for MBS, have been developed and researched [67], [76]. They can be classified as recursive and non-recursive [67]. The non-recursive methods involve appending a set of Cartesian coordinates to each body that defines its position and orientation in three-dimensional space. The various non-recursive methods differ only in their choice of the Cartesian coordinates. ADAMS utilises a non-recursive formalism for assembling the EOM. ADAMS defines the position and orientation ofeachrigid body in the MBS via a set ofCartesian co-ordinates fixed to the mass centre [76]. For each body six co-ordinates are used to describe the body's configuration, representing the six degrees of freedom (DOF) ofa body in three-dimensional space. The connectivity ofthe various rigid bodies is introduced to the EOM in the form of constraint equations in the form of differential algebraic equations (DAE) using Lagrange multipliers [67]. The EOM are thus presented in terms ofthe individual co-ordinates ofeach rigid body. This approach has an advantage in that the dynamic formulation of the EOM is straightforward and allows in general easy additions of complex forcing functions and constraint equations [67]. Its disadvantage is that is not as computationally efficient as the recursive formalisms. With the recursive formalisms the EOM arebased onthe minimum setof

Sep 1, 2003 articulated dump truck (ADT) via the construction and validation of a virtual . these EOM can be developed manually using the theory of
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