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IRGINIA WILDLIFE OCTOBER ONE DOLLAR 1993 R ^ • Theannualfallbird-bandingoperationatKiptopekeontheEasternShore collects invaluableinformationonourneotropical migratorybirds. See storybeginningonpage24.PhotobyLyndaRichardson. V. WILDLIFE Cover:Welter'ssalamander; photobyR.W.VanDevender. Backcover:ChincoteagueNationalWildlifeRefuge; photoby RobSimpson. Features 4 ForestGiantsbyJosephC.Mitchell Theymaylooksmallandunassuming,butdon'tletthat foolyou.Thesesalamandersarethegiantsofour hardwoodforestswhenitcomestotheroletheyplayin sustainingthehealthoftheirenvironments. 13a Bird'sEyeView...ofCoastalWetlands byDanaBradshaw Thelivesofatleast 150speciesofbudslivinginthe ChesapeakeBayareboundtothehealthandcomplexity ofourcoastalwetlands.Themorewelearn,themorewe realizehoweasilyouractionscanthreatentheirsurvival. 24 SojournersbySarahWhite Virginia'sneweststateparkatKiptopekeontheEastern Shoreisarareplacetoobservesky-wearytravelerson theirwaysouthforthewinter. Opposite:Green-backedheron, oneofthemorecommon, butinconspicuous visitors toourcoastal marshes. Read moreaboutthecomplex relationshipourbirdshavewith coastalmarshesbeginningonpage13. Photo/n/JohnHei- 31 News 33 PhotoTips decker. 32 Recipes 34 BoatingSafety Dedicated to the Conservation ofVirginia's Wildlife and Natural Resources VOLUME NUMBER 54 10 ?• — **> *. *: **?Y L-*1 V<';Z I -^7^ **£ M* i l Si'. Forest Giants They may look small and unassuming, but don't let thatfool yon. These salamanders are thegiants ofour hardwoodforests when it comes to the role theyplay in sustaining the health oftheirenvironments. byJoseph C. Mitchell The forestsofVirginiaharbor nessee and in the lower portion of phase),andonelackingastripeona a rich diversity of animal themiddlepeninsula.Thissalaman- dark gray to gray brown body (the life. Amongthemostspec- der exhibits two color phases, one lead-backed phase). The bellies of tacularareterrestrialsalamandersof with a red to yellow-brown stripe both are mottled with black and the genus Plethodon. Because they alongitsbackthatnarrowsalongthe white,givingthemasaltandpepper are both predators of insects and top of the tail (the red-backed effect. other invertebrates, and prey for mammals, birds, and snakes, they play a pivotal role in theenergy dy- namics of forest ecosystems. Few people, other than perhaps a hand- ful of biologists, realize that these smallvertebratesaresoimportant. A total of27species inthis genus is currently recognized east of the MississippiRiverinNorthAmerica. Of these, 15 are known to occur in Virginia.Althoughmostoftheseare found in the southern Appalachian Mountains, several are widely dis- tributed over large portions ofeast- ern North America and the Com- monwealth. Several examples nice- ly illustrate the diversity of this groupofsalamandersandthediffer- ences in their geographic distribu- tion. The most widespread species in Virginia is the red-backed salaman- Findingterrestrialsalamandersin Virginia'sforestsoften requireslookingunderrocksandlogs. der (Plethodon cinereus). This small, BpiuonlcotgaitstusK)u;rpthBotuohlbmyaLnynnd(aopRpiocshiatred)sohna.sSdiilshcoovueertetde:aWChoiitveKsnpoobttseadlsalmiamin/desral(aPmlaentdheodro(nPlethodon less than 5-inch long amphibian oc- cylindraceus);photobyLyndaRichardson.Above:Red-backedsalamanders (Plethodon cursinalmostallcountiesexceptfor cinereus)in Virginiaoccurin twocolorphases:onewitha redtoyellowishstripe(thered-backed those bordering Kentucky and Ten- phase), andonewithoutastripe(thelead-backedphase). OCTOBER 1993 The widespread species I grew Clinch and New upcallingtheslimysalamanderwas Rivers. This seven- recently discovered to be not one, inchamphibianisuni- but 13 different species throughout formly dark gray in its North American range. Three of theVirginia portionof themoccurinVirginia. Allareblack itsrange. with small white spots or silvery to Weller's salaman- brassyflecksandreachatotallength der (Plethodon welleri) ofabouteightinches. is limited in the Com- TheAtlanticcoastslimysalaman- monwealth to forests der (Plethodon chlorobryonis) in the intheIronMountains, southeastern third of the state has including Mt. Rogers small, slightly brassy to white spots and Whitetop. It is a on its back and sides. The white- smallspecies(3.5inch- spottedslimysalamander(Plethodon es total length) with cylindraceus) in the Piedmont, Blue silvery to gold inter- Ridge, and Ridge and Valley north connected blotches on of the New River has larger white ablackbody. spots on thebackand light spotting Perhaps the most on the sides. The northern slimy spectacular species of salamander (Pletlwdon glutinosus), this group in Virginia found in southwestern Virginia ex- is the Yonahlossee tendingnorthwardalongtheborder salamander (Plethodon with West Virginia through High- yonahlossee). This 8-9- land County, has large brassy spots inchsalamanderhas a on its back and moderate white dark gray to black spotting on its sides. It sometimes head with white takes a practiced eye to tell these flecks,alargeswashof threesimilarspeciesapart. red along its back and Three species of plethodontids anterior half of its arelimitedintheirVirginiadistribu- blacktail,whiteonthe tion to the southwestern portion of lower sides, and a thestate. All ofthesearehigheleva- gray to black belly. Above: TheYonahlosseesalamander(Plethodonyonahlossee,), tionsalamanders. Most knownlocations isaspectaculardenizenofmature, moisthardwoodforestsin the Jordan's salamander (Plethodon are in the Blue Ridge AsotultahnetrincBclouaestRisdlgiemMyosunatlaaimnasn;dpehrot(oPlbeytRhoobdoSnimcphsoolno.roBberlyoonwisle)ft: jordani) is found on forested moun- Mountains south of from thesoutheastern CoastalPlain. Belozv:Northernslimy tainsandridgeslargelybetweenthe theBlacksburgarea. salamanderPlethodonglutinosus,)fromsouthwestern Virginia. R.W.VanDevender R.W.VanDevender VIRGINIA WILDLIFE Some of the species in this genus head shape, to tell the unstriped stricted distribution is the Cow have highly restricted distributions. phases apart. And to make matters Knobsalamander (Plethodonpuncta- Two that occur in Virginia are re- worse, these species hybridize in tus). Most ofits range is above 3000 stricted to small segments of the someofthecontactzones! feet on Shenandoah Mountain in northern Blue Ridge Mountains. The Shenandoah salamander is Augustaand Rockinghamcounties, TheonlyplaceonearththePeaksof protected under the U.S. Endan- Virginia and Pendleton County, Otter salamander (Plethodon gered Species Act and the Peaks of West Virginia. The white spots on hubrichti)occursisfromthePeaksto Otter salamander is a candidate this black, 6-inch salamander are about Thunder Ridge Overlook on species. TheVirginiaDepartmentof concentrated alongitssides,leaving the Blue Ridge Parkway, some 12 Game and Inland Fisheries lists the theback nearly spotless. Cow Knob milesnorth. Itisasmallsalamander, Shenandoah salamander as endan- salamanders are easily confused reaching a total length of about 5 gered arid the Peaks of Otter sala- with white-spotted slimy salaman- inches. Color and pattern vary but mander as a species of special con- derswithwhich they occur in some mostaredarkbrowntonearlyblack cern. Because the entire ranges of areas. Although it is another candi- with a variable amount of brassy, these two species of salamander date for federal listing, the Cow andsometimesgreenish,fleckingon occur within the Commonwealth, Knob salamander is afforded some the back and tail. The sides have a they are properly termed Virginia protection by occurring completely few small, white spots and thebelly endemics. within the George Washington Na- isuniformblack. Another species with a very re- tionalForest. The Shenandoah salamander All of the salamanders in the (Plethodon shenandoah) has the most genus Plethodon aretied totheforest restricted rangeofany plethodonin floor habitat. Some are extremely the world. It is known from only abundantand some arerareevenin three mountain slopes in Shenan- areas where they occur. Finding doah National Park. This small, these animals requires being in the about 4.5-inch salamander is very forest under the right conditions: similar to the red-backed salaman- this means spring or fall when the derinhavingastripedphaseandan forestfloorhasahigh moisturecon- unstriped phase.Thereddishtoyel- tent. They are found under surface lowish stripe is narrower and the objects during the day and on the edges are wavy compared to the surface at night when the atmo- wider and straight-edged stripe on sphere is moist. When surface con- the red-backed salamander. Identi- Jordan'ssalamander(Plethodonjordani)is ditionsaredry,theseanimalsareun- fying these two is tricky enough, as asspsrouccieaftoerdeswtisthonhiMgth.elReovgaetrisonahnadrodtwhoeordmoaunndtains derground and nearlyimpossibleto both occur together in some areas, insouthwestern Virginia. Itistheleastcolor/idof find. butonehastosometimesrelyondif- acomplexspeciesgroup, mostofwhichoccurin Just how abundant these sala- ferences in physical structure, like western NorthCarolina;photobyRobSimpson. manderscanbewas illustrated bya Thewhitespottedslimysalamander (Plethodoncylindraceus) (left)isfoundin the VirginiaPiedmontandBlueRidgeMountains. Sharing thesamehabitatwith theCowKnob salamander, thetwospeciesareoftenhardto tell apart. Thewhitespottedslimyseems tothrivein rockyareasassociatedwithhardwoodand hemlockforests,andwenowknowtheirhabitat isa three-dimensionalone, whichincludesnot only thesurfaceoftheforestfloor, butalsothe cavernsoftherockysubstrate. D.nidLiebrrkin OCTOBER 1993 study in Massachusetts. The canopy provides the source of leaf Threesalamanderspeciesofspecialconcern biomass(sumofthebodyweightsof litterinthefallwhicheventuallyde- occurinhighelevationhardwoodforestsin all the individuals in a specified composes,andshadeinthesummer Virginia. Timberingoperationshascaused area)ofred-backedsalamandersina which helps to retard loss of soil ctohenisrerfvuattuireo.niWstesltteorb'escsoamleacmoanncedrenredabout patchofhardwoodforestwasdeter- moisture. The best places to find (Plethodonwellerij (above)occursonlyin mined to be more than twice that of these salamanders are in older theMt. RogersandWliitctopMountain region all the small mammals and resident forests with lots of decaying logs, ofsouthwestern Virginia. TlieCoivKnob salamander(Plethodonpunctatusj (top birds. Thissinglefacttellsecologists rocks, and pockets of moist humus. right)occursonlyin theGeorgeWashington that red-backed salamanders play Surface cover objects are used by NationalForestandisacandidateforfederal important roles in the dynamics of these salamanders for shelter, terri- listing. ThePeaksofOttersalamander forest ecosystems. They consume tories, egg laying, and protection (Plethodonhubrichti) (right)occursonlyin large numbers of small prey and in against drying surface conditions. asmallsegmentoftheBlueRidgemountains. turn are eaten by many types of Forests thatprovidelittleintheway Itth,etoUo.,S.isEancdaanndgiedraetdefSoprefceideesraAlctl.istingunder predators. There are places in Vir- of cover, humus, and soil moisture ginia's forests where I have found harbor few Plethodon. That is why this species to be incredibly plenti- these salamanders seldom occur in enter the terrestrial world. The ful. The abundance of other species places where hardwood forests dozen or so eggs produced by ofPlethodon variesconsiderably, but have been converted to loblolly or species in the genus Plethodon are all occupy places where their popu- whitepinestands. deposited in decaying logs or at- lationsizescanreachamazingnum- The numerous species of Plethod- tachedtotheundersurfacesofrocks. bers. on areunited in theway they repro- OvipositionoccursinaboutJune. The primary habitat of plethod- duce. Unlike most other amphib- Females often stay with the eggs ontids consists of the leaf litter, ians, none of these salamanders until they hatch. All development humus, and soil layers in mature mustfindopenwaterinwhichtolay takes place within the eggs, includ- hardwood forests. Such forests pro- their eggs. Most amphibians go ing metamorphosis, so that the vide a moist microhabitat with lots throughanaquaticlarvalphaseand emerging salamanders are already of cover and prey. The hardwood undergo metamorphosis inorderto intheadultform. 8 VIRGINIA WILDLIFE Salamanders in the genus Aremarkablefactabouttheseter- their original size or disappear alto- Plethodon are known to live as long restrial salamanders is that each in- gether when the forest cover is re- as20yearsintheprotectedenviron- dividual spends its entire life in a moved. A timber harvesting rota- ment of captivity, so would be ex- patch of forest less than 10 x 10 me- tionof80-100yearsmaygiveasala- pectedtolive10-15yearsinthewild. ters, usually much less. Several mander population just enough Females apparently reproduce each studies have shown that they move time to fully recover, only to be year,butproduceonlyasmallnum- only a few meters their entire lives knockedbackagain. ber of eggs. Survivorship rates are and can be found repeatedly under How canyou help these spectac- unknownfortheseanimals,butlike thesamerocks. ularand ecologically importantani- mostsmallvertebrates,theyarelike- This fact has serious conse- mals survive inyour area? Those of ly to be lower for juveniles than quences for long-term population you without hardwood forests on adults. Populations with these life survival. Plethodontid salamanders your property can support national history traits rebound slowly after cannotrunorflyaway inthefaceof and state forest and park manage- declining. timber-cutting operations or urban ment plans that stress protection of development. biodiversity. Salamanders are Some die from among the species not historically being crushed considered in forest management, under heavy ma- butthatischanging. chinery and oth- For those with forested lands, ers die slowly you could make sure that at least fromchangesthat some of your forests are allowed to take place in the reach old growth status and let na- surface environ- ture'scourse(e.g.,naturaldeath, log ment. Some hang decay) take place, rather than har- onforalongtime, vesting all the trees. In fact, but as has been landowners participating in Vir- shown in North ginia's ForestStewardship Program Carolina, popula- may already be ahead of the game tions will decline (see theDecember1993 issueof Vir- to about 30% of ginia Wildlife for details) by encour- OCTOBER 1993 . *V u < v. <*. u. -' . ••v. &*****«.' •At ;&]M&v?i".t~; >; .: * . .:? '/»(=«'* &&iS$M *** t«j^f "'^.r- • **?>• . TTzesalamanderwith themostrestrictedrange ofanyvertebratein Virginiais the Shenandoahsalamander(Plethodon ofplethodontidsalamanders. Private landowners have man- shenandoah).Itoccursonlyon threemountain Preservingforesthabitatforthese agement tools already available to slopesin ShenandoahNationalPark. Likethe red-backedsalamander, whichoccursin the animals is often consistent with them to help make sure that these samearea, Shenandoahsalamanderspossess two management for other, more tradi- spectacular animals will remain a colorphases,onewithastripeandonewithout. tional species. The only caveat I'd partofVirginia'slivingfaunaforthe STehlelnianngdaoarehd-sbaalcakmeadnsdealracmaanndbeerafprroomblaemfor add about management with sala- longterm. Allonehastodoisincor- thosewith untrainedeyes, especiallysinceboth manders in mind is that considera- porate the appropriate habitats into speciesoccurtogetherinsomeareas. This tion should begivento letting some management plans and act accord- speciesis threatenedwithextinctionfrom ofyour forests reach old age status. ingly. seenvdearnaglenraetduruanldeforrctehseaUn.dS.isElnidsatendgaesredSpecies You may be amazed at the kinds of Aldo Leopold was the first, I be- Act;photobyDavidLiebman. life awaiting discovery in these lieve, to say that the first rule in tin- places. kering with natural habitats is to Thedeclineofamphibianshasre- save all the pieces. Salamanders aging landowners to manage their ceived worldwide attention. We are maybe one ofthe smallest piecesin forests for multiple purposes while fortunate here in eastern North the complex natural puzzle of our preservingtheintegrityandbiologi- Americatohavefewpopulationde- hardwood forests, but they are as calfabricoftheland. cline problems thatwecannot iden- vital to its strength and as vulnera- Plus,arecentVirginiastudyfind- tify. Most of the continuing popula- ble to change as the most delicate ings that the three top reasons for tion declines of amphibians in Vir- lady'sslipperormightiestoakinour owning forested land: preserving giniacanbe directly related to habi- woods. nature, maintaining scenic beauty, tat loss or alteration. Acid rain may and viewing wildlife, suggest that also be causing declines of some JoeMitchell toadies conservation biology many people are already managing species in some areas, although this at the University ofRichmond and was theirforestsinwaysthatprotectsthe relationshiphas notbeenwell stud- theprincipal researcheron VDGIF's rep- existenceofhabitatforsomespecies ied. tileandamphibiansurvey. 10 VIRGINIA WILDLIFE

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