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v^*** RGINIA VI WILDLIFE SEPTEMBER 1997 ONE DOLLAR v • Director's Column Stepping Into September WilliamL.Woodfin,Jr inghuntingequipmentcanbeun- CountyParkAuthoritywithalarge nerving.Askingforpermissionto outdooreventatFairfaxCounty's huntistheethicalwaytogainac- BurkeLake.Ourhuntereducation cess,andifpermissionisdenied instructorswillparticipateinsome youhavestilldonesomethingposi- oftheexhibitandinstructionalop- tiveforthehuntingcommunityby portunities.Alongwiththem,at- followingthewishesofthe tendeeswillseeaNationalWild landowner. TurkeyFederationexhibit,havea TheVirginiaDepartmentof lookatmuzzleloadinggearwith GameandInlandFisheries theIzaakWaltonLeague,seere- (VDGIF)hasreceivedmanygood trieverdemonstrationssponsored reactionstotheearlygooseseason, byDucksUnlimited,observefly oneofwhichisthatit'sreallynot tyingwithTroutUnlimited,and tooearlytogowaterfowling.We learnaboutarcherywiththe shouldaddthatgoosehunterswill ArchersofFortBelvoir.Theexhibit bepleasedwiththeiropportuni- circuitwillbelocatedatstations ties.Accordingtothestatisticsof aroundtheVDGIFboatramp,and ourWildlifeDivision,theresident willbeaccessiblefromthemany goosepopulationisincreasing10 trailsthatwindaroundBurkeLake. percentannually.Formanagement Formoreinformationaboutthis purposes,wehopeyouwillhave event,contactJohnOdenkirkor somesuccessfuldaysduringresi- DanLovelaceat(540)899-4169,or dentgooseseason.Thebaglimitis throughE-mailrespectivelyatjo- Ifyou'relookingforanexciting fivedailyand10inpossession. [email protected] huntingopportunityinSeptember, TheVirginiaWomenintheOut- [email protected]. youneedlooknofurtherthanthis doorsProgramishavingaspecial- Twoothereventsthatwillap- year'searlyresidentgooseseason. tyworkshopweekendwithcon- pealtobirdersaretheEastern RunningfromSeptember2through currentsessionsondeerhunting ShoreBirdingFestivalheldonOc- September25,itallowshuntersto andturkeyhunting,September19- tober3-5andtheWatchable gettothefieldforgoodwingshoot- 21,atSmithMountainLake4-H WildlifeConferencetobeheldin ingandalsogivesthemanopportu- CenternearBedford,Virginia.If Roanoke,November11-15.For nityearlyinthefalltopolishtheir youareinterestedinparticipating, moreinformationontheBirding publicimage. contactLibbyNorrisat(757)253- Festival,seeourarticleonpage32 Aswithallhuntingandfishing, 4180,byfax(757)253-4182,orbyE- ofthisissue.Forcompletedetails accesstotherightareaiscriticalfor [email protected],or abouttheWatchableWildlifeCon- successfulSeptemberresidentgoose byregularmailatTheVirginia ferencecontacttheDivisionofCon- hunting.Sometimesthespotthat WomenintheOutdoorsProgram, tinuingEducation,MailCode0104, willproducethebestresultsrequires theVDGIFRegionIOffice,5806 VirginiaTech,Blacksburg,Virginia accessthroughprivateproperty,and MooretownRoad,Williamsburg, 24061,orfax(540)231-9886. thafswhereimprovingthepublic Virginia,23188.Letherknowif Finally,congratulationsaredue perceptionofthehuntercomesin. you'reinterestedinthedeeror toBobGoochforwinningsecond Landownerswhoaresuffering turkeyworkshop. placeinthisyear'ssmallgamewrit- fromanoverabundanceofresident September27,1997isthe26th ingcontestsponsoredbytheOut- geesemightbegladtoreceivere- annualNationalHuntingandFish- doorWritersAssociationofAmeri- questsforaccesstotheirproperty.In ingDay.NationalHuntingand ca.We'reproudthatthewinning thissituation,ahuntermightoffera FishingDayhelpselevateconser- story,"BeaglesandBunnies,"ap- realservicetoalandowner.Howev- vationawarenessandwildlife pearedinVirginia Wildlife.Bobhas er,itisvitaltorememberthatno managementconsciousness,and anothergoodstoryforusthis matterhowmuchalandowner we'reproudtobeapartofit. month,alsoonsmallgame.And mightwanttoreducethenumberof TheVDGIFwillobservetheday wehopetopublishmanymore. geese,unannouncedvisitorscarry- incoordinationwiththeFairfax Thanks,Bob. MissionStatement TomanageVirginia'swildlifeandinlandfishtomaintainoptimumpopulationsofallspeciestoservetheneedsoftheCommonwealth;toprovideopportunityforalltoenjoy wildlife,inlandfish,boatingandrelatedoutdoorrecreation;topromotesafetyforpersonsandpropertyinconnectionwithboating,huntingandfishing. There are memorabledeerhunts,andthenthereare once-in-a-lifetimehunts;page25. RGINIA VI WILDLIFE Cover:Photoby©ScottyLovett. Backcover:©BillLea. Features 4 Gettin AftertheResidentsbyChrisSteuart Ifyouthinkhuntingwaterfowlisonlyacoldweather pursuit,thinkagain. 8 SquirrelsAtCuttingTimebyBobGooch Award-winningwriterBobGoochtellsuswhyweshould gosquirrelhunting. 1Z RiverDuckHuntinginVirginiabyGeraldAlmy Virginiahasmanyrivers,andalmostallofthemwill haveducksthiswinter. 1/ ClinchRiverFloatandFishingTrips byTomHamptonandJohnJessee TlieFallRiverRenaissancerecog- ComeandhaveacloselookatoneofVirginia'sfinestriver nizestheimportanceofriverssuchas resources. theClinchRiverinsouthwestern 25 MyGreatestDeerHuntbyMikeRoberts Virginia;page16. Twenty-fiveyearsagowildlifephotographerMikeRoberts wentdeerhuntingwithayoungmandyingofcancer.Itwas anunforgettableday. SeptemberJournal 31 News 36 SeptemberAfield 34 Habitat 37 PhotoTips 35 Recipes 38 Safety Dedicatedto the Conservation ofVirginias WildlifeandNaturalResources VOLUME NUMBER9 58 byChrisSteuart Thehonkofthegeesesound- That's dew, not frost. Rain, not "Ifyou do it right and setup the ed distant and flat in the snow or ice. This was an early decoys and shoot the birds coming early morning fog that Septemberresidentgoosehunt.Tra- into you then it is a lot of fun. You drapedFluvannaCountyFarm.The ditional migratory goose-hunting can hardly tell the difference in pond was glasslike until the pair of nay sayers had predicted a bug- huntingthesebirdsandhuntingmi- woodduckslandedandrippledthe swatting adventure with the sun grant birds," said Gary Costanzo, a surface. On the—hillside, 80 geese of beating down. They said the birds waterfowl biologist with the Vir- the fake ki—nd silhouettes, shells were too tame to hunt, the weather ginia Department of Game and In- and floaters awaited the arrival of was too hot. "You're supposed to land Fisheries (VDGIF), as he fin- therealbirds. hunt geese in the winter and call ishedsettinguphisdecoys. The morning dew was heavy them into decoys, not just walk up From the backside of the farm- enough to soak through pant cuffs andshootthem,"theyinsisted. houseaflockofgeesetookflightand andsticktothecalf.Theskiesabove These geese may not fly high headedtowardthepond.Thecrowd the fog were dark and threatened a amidst the snow flakes, but they ofdecoys seemed to come to life as soakingrain. weren't just sitting around waiting CostanzoandBobEllis,theassistant tobeshot. chief of VDGIF's Wildlife Division, VIRGINIAWILDLIFE esidents made a series ofcalls. Severalgeese peeledofffromalargerflockandre- turned the calls as they sailed September through the dense fog. Six geese broke out of the fog, sailing high overtheearthendamwhereseveral cowswere takingan early-morning Canada bath. Thescenewasperfectuntilthe birds casually glided to the far side of the pond, staying out ofshotgun range. They lit on a knoll about 125 yardsaway. "That was pretty! I thought they werecomingrightin." said Ellis. "It my got heartgoing." So far nobody was missing the bone-numbingcoldofthetradition- al late migratory goose season. Huntershavebeenwithoutthatsea- son since 1995 when the U.S. Fish Although waterfowling in thewarm weatherofSeptemberstillsounds odd tosomehunters, those whoparticipateknow the valueoftheearlygooseseason. Asyou set upyourdecoysand makeready tocall thegeese in, there is one thingyou will miss, and that's the numbingcoldofthe migratoryseason. SEPTEMBER 1997 and Wildlife Service closed the sea- hard to harvest. They are not just are10geese. Whenthereare20they son because populations were going to come to your decoys just sayitisalot,buttheystilllikethem. dwindling. And the predictions of becauseyouhavethemoutandthey Then all of a sudden there are 50 an easy hunt were missing their wanttojoinothergeese. Theydon't geesearoundandtheysaygetthose mark,asthesegeesewereprovingto havetogojoinothergeese.Theresi- geese theheckoutofhere," Costan- be as finicky as their migratory dentbirds havetheirowncliques." zosaid. cousins. Contrary to popular goose lore, The VDGIF opened the resident Not long after the unsociable resident geese and migratory geese goose season in recent years tohelp flock chose the other knoll, a single are not birds of a feather and they managepopulationsofbetween200 goose appeared out of the thinning don't flock together. "The resident and250thousandfromthemarshes fog, cupped its wings and decoyed population did not come from mi- and rivers of the coast to the farm into thespread. Thatbird fellwitha gratory geese stopping in Virginia ponds in the rolling mountains of single load ofNo. 1 steel shot. Steel and liking it here better than Cana- western Virginia. The harvest last shot is required for hunting water- da,"Costanzosaid. "Theseoriginat- yearduringtheearlyseasonwasap- fowlinVirginia. edastamebirdsthatwereswapped proximately 6,000. A late season By the end of the morning hunt, aroundbylandowners.' west of 1-95 produced at least that five geese had been bagged. But it For the last half century or more many birds, but final numbers are was the flock of approximately 200 this landowner passed a few geese not in. The resident population geese that flew to a nearby grain to that landowner and the geese grows at an annual rate or 15 to 20 field that tantalized the hunting multiplied at private ponds. Then percent,sohuntingpressureisneed- party by flanking the pond out of wildlife officials relocated the birds ed to keep the population in check. shootingrange. from this spot to that spot to ease ThismonththeseasonopensSept.2 "The main thing about these overcrowding and introduce the andlastsuntilSept.25. birdsistobewheretheywanttogo. population to new ranges. The re- "In rural areas like this we can Those geese saw our decoys and sult has been an overabundance of control the birds through manage- they said 'Yeah, ok we see the de- geese that call Virginia home. Simi- ment. But when you get in urban coys, but we are going to go land larproblemshavebeenfoundalong areas like golf courses or airports, over here,' Costanzo said. "I think theEastCoast. hunting alone can't solve the prob- that is what makes resident birds "Landowners like it when there lem," Costanzo said. "You have to VIRGINIAWILDLIFE Patience isa key togoosehunting,and thekindofblinda hunterchooses will makeall thedifference. This hunterhas spreadortogetpassingshots.Once Virginia their home have regular selectedagoosesilhouette blind with a hunters find a place and locate patterns. Hunters can'texpectthem chair thatallows readiness as wellas geese, the trick is to learn how to tochangethatpatternverymuch,al- comfort. Above left:thehunterhas hunt resident geese. Resident geese though the birds are just finishing chosen tohuntfrom afloating blind. are not as wary as migratory geese, but they get that way once they are shotatafewtimes. use other methods, you have to ha- "They smarten up a little bit. We rassthemandchasethemoff." don't hunt the same area a lot be- Suchurbanareasoftenofferideal causeifyoushootatthemtoomany goose habitat, with ponds and lush times ina rowyou aregoingtolose grass. But, when that grass is a fair- yourhuntingspot,becausetheyare way,aputtinggreenorborderingan going to go somewhere they won't airport runway it becomes a prob- getshotat,"Costanzosaid. lem. Aside from harassment by Hunters need to recognize that chasing or using noise makers, there are differences between the landownerscanmodifytheirhabitat two populations. Migratory geese to make it less inviting to geese. typically fly higher than resident Some golf courses allow hunting birds, are more vocal and second very early in the morning before chances are scarce because they are golferstaketo thecourse. Itiseasier morewarysincetheyareunfamiliar to find places to hunt in more rural withthearea. their molt in September and grow areas. Huntersneed to seekpermis- Resident birds, however, are at more restless. The geese know sion from landowners well in ad- home.Andjustliketheeasychairon where the best spots to roost are, vanceofthehunt. Sunday, the first half dozen geese they know where the food is and After finding a place to hunt, the that came to the pond that Septem- theyknowwherethewateris. most important step is scouting to ber morning knew exactly where pindownthebirds'habitsandselect they could plop down, see the sites Chris Steuart is an outdoorwriter resid- good locations to set up a decoy and get a bite to eat. Geese that call inginRoanoke. SEPTEMBER 1997 ^^Ulf^^U ^UTTlM^r M " TMS> byBob Gooch shores. It has even been suggested thatwithoutthefrisky little squirrel theremayneverhavebeenaUnited ome hunters tend to StatesofAmerica. lookdowntheirnosesat Writing in Sports Afield, Tom squirrels. "They're all Mclntyrepointed outthatwhenthe right for kids," they say. But here's early settlers first stepped ashore, one aging hunter who has sought theeasternhalfofthecontinentwas Virginiasquirrelsforoverhalfacen- an unbroken hardwood forest. He tury who has pursued more glam- credits the little animal's penchant orousgamealloverNorthAmerica, for burying nuts for the abundance whowilltellyouthatasquirrelhunt of hardwoods. With an estimated can help regenerate a sometimes populationofonebilliongraysquir- sagging spirit, and keep the shoot- rels,alotoftreescanbeplanted. ingeyesharp. With that many squirrels it was EarlyAmerican rifles weredesigned to be Squirrel hunting is good in Vir- not unusual for a squirrel hunter to lighterand had longerbarrels which ginia,andsoithasbeensincebefore kill several hundred animals a day extended their rangeforsmallgamesuch the Europeans ever reached these andthencollectbountiesfromfarm- as squirrels. VIRGINIAWILDLIFE So goes the story of the gray young-of-the-year furnish much of squirrel's contribution to the win- the early hunting, hunting at "cut- ning of American independence. ting time," when they are f—eeding Much of the scenario was carried aggressivelyinripenuttrees hick- outrighthereintheOldDominion. oryandoakprimarily.Squirrelspre- Years later the likes of Daniel sentasmalltargetatanyseason,and Boone and John James Audubon bynaturetheyarewarywithstrong used the same rifle to "bark" squir- vision and sharp ears. Sensing dan- rels, placing a round ball in the tree ger, they can flatten out on a tree soclosetothecritterthattheconcus- branch and be all but impossible to sion would stun it and knock it to detect. And trying to locate a squir- the ground. And no less a hunter rel feeding quietly in a big oak or than Hemingway sentNickAdams hickory in full foliage can be a real to the "tall trees" to hunt squirrels, puzzle. You see and hear the nut andFaulknersenthisboytothe"big fragmentssiftingdownthroughthe w 1 Squirrel huntingearly in thefall is a woods"onthesamemission. wonderful way topracticefor the late Those frisky gray squirrels that biggameseasons. In someareas of arefoundeverywherefromthecapi- Virginia theseason opens in September. talgroundsinRichmondtothemost Above left:squirrelhunting in remote wilderness areas in Virginia Westmoreland County, Virginia. havearichtraditiontoflauntbefore themodernhunter. leaves. He's up there gnawing on a Nowhowdoyougoabouthunt- nut,butjusttrytolocatehim. ingthisamazinglittlecritterthathas Virginia's squirrel season is long. ers whose crops may have been contributedsomuchtothedevelop- Somewhere in the state there is damagedbysquirrels. mentofAmerica? hunting from the first Saturday in Apparently an early need for an Dependingupontheseason,bag- September through January. That's Americanhuntingriflethathandled gingagraysquirrelcanberelatively five long months of uninterrupted lighter rifle balls and less powder easyorextremelydifficult. Theeasy hunting. The September hunting is ledtothedevelopmentof40and50- huntingcomesinlatesummer,even limited to the Southside and South- before the leaves begin to turn, and west Virginia counties of Bedford, caliberflintlockstoreplacethetradi- tional 60 and 70-caliber blunder- the most difficult comes in January Bland,Botetourt,Brunswick(except busses.TheresultwasatrulyAmer- after the critters have been hunted Fort Pickett), Buchanan, Campbell, ican rifle that was much lighterand hardformonths,theirranksthinned Carroll,Charlotte,Craig,Dickenson moreaccurateatlongranges. When byhunting,predators,andextreme- (except Fort Pickett), Dinwiddie, itcametimeforayoungAmericato ly harsh winter weather. You are Floyd, Franklin, Giles, Grayson, wrest its freedom from the British hunting the surviv—ors then, hardy Greensville, Halifax, Henry, Lee, crown, the old English musket, and wary critters animals with Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Mont- which apparently wasn't much ofa good genes to produce hardy gomery, Nottoway (except Fort threat beyond 100 yards, was no broods of young for next year's Pickett),Patrick,Pittsylvania,Pulas- matchfortheAmericansquirrelrifle crop. ki, Roanoke, Russell, Scott, Smyth, that was on the money out to 300 Hunting squirrels can be a chal- Southampton, Tazewell, Washing- yards. lenge at any season, but the naive ton,Wise,andWythe. SEPTEMBER 1997 & A Squirrels are also fair game dur- 'II ing the bowhunting season which } ^ runsfromOctober4toNovember8. &£$& J 1 ( tTV uL IJrrHr^t Thegrayisbyfarthe mostabun- V^BR I4KBhHX'-\ \ dantsquirrelinVirginia,butthereis r*<, • I ffc a « < aa! also a good population ofthelarger fox squirrels in the western part of i/li' the state. They are legal west of the Blue Ridge Mountains during the regular squirrel seasons and also in tLhoeudcoouunn,tiaensdoRfaFpapirafhaaxn,nFoacukq—uiberu,t UJ-'it*^ *WHfc</ .rW4cEg9gKfStBljaMj^fJiTQfEls^S^W--^. '\ m ^r-ajgSf^ B notontheChesterF.PhelpsWildlife » SHIl ' MCoaunntayg.ement Area in Fauquier fr''tW' iigRWJfc ISffi /3$F\&Jmi^ ' f /I?Lm '*• "Thesquirrelsarecutting," wasa I comment I frequently heard as a Ml 1 youngstergrowinguponaVirginia j^HH MlT^iSy^BHPsWB IfllS^ftl $ > 'EIlf. Jmt£t"'f\J$h^aJ/% farm.Itwasasignaltobreakoutthe ~ f.J little single-shot .22 rifle with its ''W. iff crude open sights and head for a ^-f uy< r1^K ^ 1 hickory tree or a forest edge near a Wl' ripe cornfield. Yes, centuries later, • ~WF.\ JJj Tthheecsreitatseorns sotpilelnreadvaSgeepdtermibpeercofirrns.t ^BJuflBa 'vJlcmT^5^>^^B S1> * '1'1 U'^WmL'-' &'• ^r'- " then, though the early season was H7 m II eliminatedafewyearsaftermyiniti- 1 f'n'-f : ationtosquirrelhunting. jl My county now opens its hard- !'• woodsinearlyOctober,agoodtime '» /'" §';i 111il tobeginhuntingsquirrels. Asmuch TY^rf as I enjoyed those cool September iii'i- . dawnsin thesquirrelwoods,Imust :~ ^i *^' ' admitIpreferOctober.InSeptember -i^gJI Symi &'l^^^r-- 1 llH 1 1 too manyare infested withunsight- M4181A1 ; ly botflies which we called HkMB9 f "wolves." The squirrels are safe to :-^f\i| eatbecauseskinningtheanimalsre- i movesthepests. t ^^&jr]|i ingI awrnoutembaebrooofkyoenarssquaigrroelanhudnti-n -x_Jv* ^ ^ < 1 ^t &B££*5BHi«SLl doing so worked with game man- fcSSil Ik ^*J'. ^^Br^S^S^y^^*^^^* agers throughout the South where ^ • squirrelhuntingisthemostpopular. o There was debate about the best 5] time to start the season, and in a DO i * ^fe4> sound management decision, the ©i '• '-y. » -,y . * *%L ; *^h*^j!tt.[ty^&-~K—-^.y Virginia Department of Game and Squirrel hunting isagood wayforyounghunters to learn necessaryoutdoorand Inland Fisheries decided that the shootingskills. Although the .22 ispreferred bysome,a smallgaugeshotgun is September opening in some areas alsoagood choiceforsquirrelhunting. This hunt tookplace in Chesterfield wouldbeagoodidea. County, Virginia. To sample a true experience of doalittlescoutingto locateahicko- tree. Plan on being there before hunting "squirrels at cutting time" ryoroaktreewheresquirrelsareac- dawnthenextmorning. you need to plan a September hunt tivelyfeeding.Youmayspookafew Look for a good spot where you tooneoftheabovecounties.Thereis when you arrive, but study the for- will enjoy fair concealment, and if plenty of public hunting land in est floor for nut fragments. If the you are hunting with a .22 rifle also many particularly those in South- population feeding in the tree is locate a rest for your rifle, the low west Virginia. Ideally, you should large,thegroundwillbeallbutcov- branch of a small tree, for example. allowa halfdaybeforeyourhuntto eredwiththefragments.That'syour Fixboththestandandtherestfirmly 10 VIRGINIAWILDLIFE

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