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WilliamL. Woodfin,Jr that time of year when the the successful restoration of wild It's leavesarechanging,theevening turkeys, along with the develop- air has a welcome chill to it, and ment of the black bear manage- the smell ofautumn is all around mentplan. us. Fortheseand manyotherrea- Hunting has always been a sons, this is absolutely one ofmy cherished tradition in Virginia, a favorite times of the year, not to family activity. As we pass down mentionthefactthathuntingsea- this tradition, the Department son is nearly upon us. As I make continually emphasizes that safe preparations, checking gear, and responsible hunting should cleaningmygun,andmarkingoff alwayscomefirst.Beforeheading my calendar, the excitement out to thewoods, weurge you to builds as emother seasonunfolds. take the time to read the Hunting For mehunting provides notjust & Trapping in Virginia regulation the pleasure of putting food on booklet. The digest is available my own table, but also the satis- free of charge from our license faction of feeding others through agents,fromouroffices,orbycall- programs like Hunters for the ingtheDepartment'spublicinfor- Hungry. October hunting also mation line at 1-804-367-9369. It means time spent enjoying the can also be viewed on our web publication can also be obtained tranquility and peace of the siteatwww.dgif.state.va.us. wwiotohdsol,dafsriwenedlslaansdcmaatkcihnigngneuwp tantSipnacretsoaffeatysuicscessuscfhulahnunitm,powre- bfyrogmilviicnegnsuesagaenctasll,.ouFrinofdfiincegs,thoer ones. This is a time to remember ask that you rem—ember these es- oringehtofploaucreWtioldhluinfte,Mwahneatgheemreint'ts great hunts from the past and to sentialguidelines alwaysidenti- look forward to the future. And fy your target and beyond before Areas, the National Forest, mili- tary installations, or private land, florooOkmivnaelglrbirnitdghihectaetrpioeanvsset,rytfhyeeeawfru.tyueraeriss pwfiuerlaelrairnbmglaaztseheiofrtairtnigwgeeg.erreD;ulrtoriaendagetdge;evnaeenrrdy- ihwsuenctr.mitaiFicranlotmatioynheaaorvuirtnogryeaelaasrtuictochneesshwsifapuysl huntershaveexperiencedsomeof al firearms season for deer, with landowners can make or thebestdeer,bear,andturkeyhar- hunters and those accompanying break access to a great place to GveasmtsesainndceItnhleanDdeFpiasrhtermieensthaosf hwuenatrerbslazaereorlaenggalel.yPrreoqpueirrebdlazteo hmuannty.aWrehaesnopveinsittoipnugbloincehuonftitnhge been keeping records. Liberal ei- orange clothing is vital to safety or when asking for permission to ther-sex deerhunting regulations when afield. While there are few hunt private property, remember and bag limits enacted over the exce—ptions to the blaze orange access is a privilege, and you past 10yearsorsoweredesigned rule muzzleloader season, wa- should always respect the wishes to stabilize and/or reduce the terfowl hunting, participants in ofthelandowner. dmwmueoenenirrwteehycae,elritdvweheo.fvrhWeoarimvtmehouutbcrheheehunsonufatptbiphlnoeegrCttcootohmdma--ot hhfsieuurennenttaiearnrrmgess—pdoeobnrgehihafnopigrselsvdtiehsbteirabimlcaelokssa,tnwadiintmbdhpeooifurnot-gx CinogmSmotoheennwjuoepyacalloltmhtihanhtagsouftarollwoofmnfoednretrdhfusur.l- Withanabundanceofwildlifeand thekindofresearchneededtobet- tantguidelinesofhuntersafety. somanyopportunitieshereinVir- terunderstand, and thereforebet- Information about seasons, ginia, we can look forward to termanage,ourbiggamespecies. baglimits, forecasts, andplacesto many safe and rewarding experi- Thishasresultedinthesuccessof huntisavailableinthelatestissue ences. the deer management plan and of the Hunting Guide. This free CommonwealthofVirginia JamesS. GilmoreIII,Governor LHUNTING &FISHING bf^ ICENSE FEE Subsidized thispublication SecretaryofNaturalResources JohnPaulWoodley,Jr. DepartmentofGameand InlandFisheries WilliamL.Woodfin,Jr.,Director page23 embersoftheBoard ZarsonQuarles,Roanoke,Chairman ] I cilT. Campbell,Warrenton RGINIA \:hard L.Corrigan,Arlington VI IiLickCunningham,Fairfax imyDean, Varina ]1inR.McCoy, BigStoneGap WILDLIFE <larlesG.McDaniel,Fredericksburg ' IIMcNeely, Charlottesville ':kieL. Richards,VirginiaBeach kT. Shoosmith,Chester J bertK.Wheeler, Crewe 1 Cover:Thewhite-taileddeer(Odocoileusvirginianus)is igazineStaff foundinevercountyinVirginia.Ahealthymaledeer(buck) 1 1eWalker, Editor cangrowtoanaverageof150pounds.Theoverallsizeofa < ntributingEditors: buck'sandersisagoodindicatorofitsnutritionalhabits. I?1White,RonMessina,JuliaDixonSmith Page4 1lilyPels,ArtDirector Features !ikeKnuth, lUustrator,StaffWriter (rolKushlak, ProductionAssistant 1irikaByrd,CPS,OfficeManager 4 RoomForAllbyKingMontgomery Jiff Contributors: Carol Heiser, Anne JoinusaswevisitthepictureperfectworldofHundey ':alski-Windle,LeeWatts MeadowsPark. (lor separations and printing by Nittany 8 TheBlackPowderExperience byDennyQuaiff 'lleyOffset,StateCollege,PA. Eachyearover100,000Virginianshuntusinga 1'initnhmlyWbiyldtlhiefeVi(rIgSinSiNaD00e4p2ar6t7m9e2n)tiosfGpuabmleisahnedd muzzleloadingrifle.Isn'tittimeyougiveitatry? 1;iIrnedssFicshhaenrigeess.tSoeVnidrgailnliasuWbisldclriifpe,tiPo.nO.orBdoexrs74a7n7d, 14 ThePerfectFallFloat byBruceIngram i\Oak,Iowa51591-0477.Addressallothercom- Whatbetterwaytousherinthebrilliantcolorsofautumn, I'!n,imctaatWiiolndslifec,oPn.cOe.rnBionxg111t0hi4s, 40pu1b0lWiceasttioBnroatdo Pages andexperiencesomegreatfishing,thanwithatripdown J-^et, Richmond, Virginia 23230-1104. Sub- theNewRiven 5 ption rate is $10.00 for one year, $24.00 for it?ielabyielairtsy.;O$u2t.-0o0f-pceoruenatcrhyrbaatceksairsesuteh,essuabjmeectbutto 17 PublicLakesoftheStauntonRiverDistrictofVirginia rStbepaidinU.S.funds.Tosubscribe,calltoll- Parteightofa10-partseriesonanglingandboating f£;Ire(s8s00c)ha7n1g0e-s93t6o9.ViPrgoisntimaaWsitledrli:feP,lPe.aOs.eBsoexn7d47a7l,l opportunitiesintheOldDominion. IiOak,Iowa51591-0477.Postageforperiodicals ).d atRichmond, Virginia and additional entry Zd DeerbytheDozen by CarolHeiserandSallyMills cces. Thismonth WildintheW&o^helpsto"buck"some (:>yright 2001 by the Virginia Department of ofthemythsaboutthewhite-taileddeer (TieandInlandFisheries.Allrightsreserved. 1' Department of Game and Inland Fisheries OctoberJournal s11 afford to all persons an equal access to Ijartment programs and facilities without rirdtorace,color,religion,nationalorigin,dis- 29 Journal 34 BackyardWild banityd,issecxr,imoirnaatgeed.aIgfayinosutbienlainevyeptrhoagtraymo,uahctaivve- Page 14 32 OnTheWater BirdFeeding itorfacility,pleasewriteto:VirginiaDepartment SmallBoatHandling 35 NaturallyWild cjameandInlandFisheries,ATTN:Comphance 33 Recipes Sharp-shinnedHawk Cicer, 4010 West Broad Street. P.O. Box 11104, F-imond,Virginia23230-1104. SmallDucks 'irginia Wildlife Magazine subscriptioncallsonly 1-800-710-9369 Dedicatedto the Conservation ofVirginia's WildlifeandNaturalResources 12 issues for $10.00! VOLUME NUMBER 36 issues for$24.00 62 10 aphoto essayby suburbia, it offers wildlife-watch- enlysliceofanunfetterednatureina KingMontgomery ing, a place to enjoy the outdoors, sea ofhumanity. It is a special place and sense of tranquility that could where reverent visitors find ample beitsmostdistinguishingfeature. fascination in all naturehas to offer, The park contains over 200 and they move quietly to preserve Huntley Meadows Park, species of birds including shore- thehush. 1,424 pristine wetland birds and waterfowl, 69 species of For more information, call Hunt- acres located in Fairfax butterflies, 22 kinds of dragonflies ley Meadows Parkat(703) 768-2525 County's Hybla Valley between and 8typesofdamselflies, 34differ- orseetheWebsiteatwww.fairfax. Alexandria and Springfield, is a ent mammal species, 30 varieties of va.us/parks/huntley.htm. D unique wildlife habitat surrounded reptiles and amphibians, 23 species KingMontgomerylives in Northern Virginia bwyhoalelalrogteomfepteroopploel.itAantraureeaoaasinsdian osefctfsi.shH,uanntdlecyouMnetaledsoswtsypisesa ohfeaivn-- aWinlddliisfea.frequent contributor to Virginia tK^ tri6es ojbirds andinsects, (ike tfievfantsvunctuafto their, and time,fo[[ow each other, the \ year has roomfora(i L' \ (RnCjjfiWafdo(Emerson, i83f iL W^ / r,!3^ver\lk>c^fnee(f5i6eaYl^fa5wel^^ ^ i Steadyy(acestoj)^ in dn({j>rayir9ik »-* 'wfiefe (tfature ma$i (leaCamfdfmr [^eslrerigAto^ocCuand^souL^ r 'X* -4 ^^:> Xi?i^3L iii^lA ^t: -X; ,1. > »y* r- /v U. .f^ ^fa "^ *">*>** -:-i '^ "4=^. ,^l l-^l? 'H '<ta5' "^ ~.iv^ ^ » m)^i^ r L=<k ^ i^^ Oura^iCity toperceive equality in nature begins, as in art, with thejprettxj. Itexpands tkrouah successive stages oftfie heautifiiCtovafues as yet uncapturecf6y fancjuage. 'AideLeopold, ic)4C) '^^ I r Deer hunters looldng for a new challenge in gun hunting can find it in muzzleloading rifles. The satisfaction of hunting with a single shot frontloading rifle is a challenge that over 100,000 Virginians are enjoying each year. byDennyQuaiff Ten Tips for AMore nity. In less than a minuteIspottedthe Enjoyable doe running back up the ridge with Black thebuck inhotpur- Poivder suit. With only a Hunting splitsecondtomake Experience a decision I decided the buck was a shooter. I could see wasopening that he had at least day of last 8-points with an It year's special antler spread well early muzzle- past his ears. The Decidingon a loading sea- chase came to an son.Mystand abrupt halt when Muzzleloading was located on the ©socciay both animals Deer Rifle edge of a narrow, hardwood ridge stopped 60 yards off my left shoul- that bordered a 10-year-old pine der. Without hesitation my muzzle- In today's marketplace the selection plantation, which created a natural loading rifle roared, and when the of quality muzzleloading rifles has funnel that ran into an open creek smoke finallycleared, Icould plain- never been better. Hunters Wanting to bottom.Alightsouthernwindblow- ly see that my opening day prize getstartedmuzzleloadingmaybeover- ing in my face was perfect for the wasinthebag. whelmedwithalloftheriflesondisplay hunt, and several large rubs that The thrill of being in the woods attheirlocal dealer. Whenmakingade- were visible from my tree stand chasing whitetails in the fall of the cision on which type ofsmokepolebest helpedboostmyconfidencelevel. year with a black powder rifle is a fitsyourneedshuntersshouldasksome I hadn't been in my afternoon demanding challenge. The follow- basicquestions. stand more than 30 minutes when ing ten tips are things that begin- Wliat price bestfits your budget? The all of a sudden a doe came bustin' ners, and veteran muzzleloaders one thing that is always a major factor out of the pine thicket with a wide alike, can use when preparing for whenshoppingforanewmuzzleloader rackbuck on her trail. The two ani- opening day. Hopefully, they will isthecost. However, letmesuggestyou mals ran straight away from me offersomenewideasandcontribute never give up on quality to save a few without offering any shot opportu- toyoursuccessthisyear. dollars. Most of the top manufacturers 8 VIRGINIAWILDLIFEu www.dgif.state.va.us eriencei ^"^^ ^. '« .. Today's modem muzzleloader deserves much of the credit for bringing so many people into the sport. Above: The long barrel flintlock rifle is considered a part of our earlyAmerican his- tory. Below; Fortunately Virginians can make their own choice and decide which type of rifle best fits their hunting style. haveseveraldifferentmodelsonhandindiffer- entpricerangestomeetmostneeds. WillmynewriflemeettheVirginiaDepartmentof GameandInlandFisheries'(VDGIF)gamelaw reg- ulations?Amuzzleloadermustbe a single shot, flintlock, or percussion ignition rifle that must load from the muzzle ofthe gun. Itmustbe .45 caliberorlargerandabletofireonlyasinglebul- letorsabotedbulletthatisa .38caliberorlarger projectile. Whatcaliberisbestforhuntingwhite-taileddeer? It is my opinion, after taking more than 20 whitetaiilsandsomeofthewesternbiggamean- imals with muzzleloading rifles, the .50 caliber OCTOBER 2001 wouldbethebestall around choice. Some ofthenewly designed .45 cal- iber, in-line ignition rifles have test- ed to be a little flatter shooting and the .54 caliber will generate more knock-down power. However, for hunters looking for one rifle to do theoveralljob,the.50caliberishard tobeat. WJiat type ofblackpowder rifle best suitsmyhuntingstyle?Thefirstthing you must decide is if you want a flintlock or percussion rifle. Your next decision is ifyou prefer a side- lock or in-line ignition system. Manyofthehunters todaywhouse the more traditional side-lock per- cussionorflintlockriflesenjoyreliv- ingabitofAmericanhistory.Onthe other hand in-line rifles are more user friendly and deserve much of thecreditforbringingsomanynew- comers into the sport. I would en- Flintlock hunters carry two pow- gcouunrdaegaelerreoardecralsltsoomviesiotftthheeirmalnocua-l nobetterthanheorshecansee.Top- dleoradheodrnwsi.thThFeFGbigforhotrhne ibsarurseula.lly notch scopes provide an advantage hftliaouocanntdtsui.irnneRgrgesrpmidafeirlrtmeenbcwetirel.arlnybdoeducirosmcnueeswsyoymuouruzrznloeepw-- wuchoniudtleedrtmalaiolksweatlhirgeehdtoifncfoentrdheientceimofonovsreawbhauencndk Ttpheaharnne,dcs,hwmaahirsliglcleohhoaofdirgneFn,diFtFwoeiFsntGththhfeaoerlmototuhnhcegehrfblaharos-th- ofalifetime. rel rifle. Open Sights or Scopes thanthesabotedbulletthatisballis- ticallymoreefficient. Always make sure that your Most muzzleloading rifles come muzzleloaderhas abarrel with a ri- equippedwithopensightsfromthe fling twist, which achieves the best factory. There areanumber ofcom- results with the type of projectile panies that specialize in making re- you plan to hunt with. Check with placement sights to fit most of the the manufacturer of the rifle that modelsonthemarkettoday.Iregard youplantopurchasetodetermineif this as a personal preference and bullets are available across the would suggest that black powder counter or if the rifle has been de- shooterstalkwithanexpertatoneof signedtoonlyshoottheirbullets. thelocalgunshopsorcallthemanu- Ifamodem,in-linemuzzleloader facturerinquestion. isyourchoicedon'texpectittoshoot Ever since the regulation was Bullets andPowder thepatchedroundballloadthatper- changedtoallowscopesonmuzzle- formsbestfromabarrelwithaslow loaders in 1995, I have witnessed twist ofone-tum-in 60 to 66 inches. more and more hunters change over. I am a member of two hunt muzTzhleerleoaadreertbhurleleetbsasdiecsitgynpeedsfoofr hBuyntthewsiathmeatmokoerneiftyroaduirtidoensailresitsylteo clubs and do not know of muzzleloading rifles. The round rifle don't expect it to work well any members who are not ball, conicalbullet, andsaboted bul- with a saboted or elongated conical currently hunting with let. bulletthatismadeforamuchfaster telescopicsights. Riflemen who hunt with round twistingbarrelthatrangesfromone- When shopping for a ball loads rely on superb accuracy tum-in 20 to 48 inches. It is impor- scope never cut cost for and pinpoint shot placement. The tant to do your homework (in ad- quality. The optics on any hunting roundballstartsoffwithlessenergy vance)andnotbedisappointedafter rifle are just as important as thanthemuchheavierconicalbullet you spend your hard-earned A the rifle. hunter^ean shoot andlosesenergyatamorerapidrate money. VIRGINIA WILDLIFEu www.dgif.state.va.us 0-(^^ raoV^?.^'-

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