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i mm a. M »1 »5£ £*% 4 *w < CommonwealthofVirginia TimothyM.Kaine,Governor L HUNTING &FISHING f^l ICENSEFEED Colonel W. Gerald Massengill Subsidized thispublication SecretaryofNatural Resources L. PrestonBryant,Jr. n a couple of weeks the spring Iwouldliketoclosebyoffering DepaIrntlmaenndtFoifshGearimees and gobbler hunting season will the following guidelines for this ColonelW. Gerald Massengill, open across the Commonwealth spring gobbler hunting season InterimDirector and the Virginia Department of thatwillnotonlymakeyourtrip GameandInland Fisherieswants afield safer, but will offer you to remind hunters that an enjoy- valuable knowledge that could Membersofthe Board habulnetidnagysianfetlhye.woodsbeginswith saveyourlife. SWhaerrdryBSurmtiotnh,CHraulmilfeayx,Buchanan;BoardChai worTkhhearDdepeaarcthmyeenatrtcooinntsiunrueesthatto dis1.tiBngeuciasuhseedabgyobitbslebro'lsdhwehaidtei,s JCW.ailmMleaisrasWmh.aTlHlaGzrDeeaelvr,i,sOJoar.nk,,tNoHonrafgoulek hunting is a safe outdoor activity blue and red colors, NEVER C. T Hill,Midlothian andthatthehuntingpublicisawareoflaws wear white, blue or red clothing - not even Randy Kozuch,Alexandria and regulationsthathelp foster a safehunt- socksorundershirts. JohnW.J.Montgomery,Jr., Sandston ingexperience.Thevastmajorityofthenear- Richard E. Railey, Courtland ly 300,000 hunters that go afield in Virginia 2. Turkey hunters should wear blaze or- ThomasA. Stroup, Fairfax eachyear do so safely. However, some inci- angewhenwalkingtoandfromtheircalling CharlesS.Yates,Cleveland dents do occur that can result in an injury positionsandwhensettingupormovingde- andattimesarefatal. Withoutquestion, one coys. Wearingblazeorangeisalwaysrecom- Magazine Staff accident is one too many, but what makes mended;however,ifyouchoosenottowear LeeWalker, Editor this doubly tragic is the fact that, in most blazeorange, thentieasashofblazeorange MelWhite, RonMessina,JuliaDixon, cases,theseincidentswerepreventable. to anearby tree to alertothers ofyourpres- ContributingEditors Forthe firsttime in47yearsorsince the ence. EmilyPels,ArtDirector Departmentbegankeepinghuntingincident 3. Choose a calling position that will pro- Carol Kushlak, ProductionAssistant reports,therewerenohunting-relatedfatali- vide you with a backstop as wide as your Colorseparationsand printingby ties reported during the 2005 general shouldersandwill protectyou fromthetop NittanyValleyOffset,StateCollege,PA. firearms season. Thisimportantstatisticis a ofyourheaddown.Alargetreeisbest. testament to the Department's free Hunter VirginiaWildlife(ISSN00426792)ispublishedmonth SafetyEducationProgramandthehundreds 4. Whenchoosingacallingposition, select ly by the Virginia Department ofGame andInlani. ofvolunteerswhoassistin teachingcloseto onewithagood viewofyoursurroundings Fcihsahnegrieess.toSeVinrdginaillasWiulbdslcifrei,ptP.ioOn.oBrodxer7s47a7n,dReadddOreask' 15,000 participantseach year. In mostcases, andwherethesundoesnotdistortwhatyou Iowa51591-0477.Addressall othercommunication- parentsaccompanytheirsonsanddaughters areseeing. concerning thispublication to Virginia Wildlife,P.O andtakethecoursetogether,eachpreparing Box 11104, 4010 West Broad Street, Richmond to share in this traditional activity. The 5. Never shoot at a sound or movement. Voinregiyneiaar,23$22330.-91510f4o.rStuwboscyreiaprtsi;on$2r.a0t0espaerree$a1c2h.95bafdoi Hunter Safety Education program empha- Wait until you have a good, clean shot at a issue, subject to availability. Out-of-country rate i' srmscMeiuoooszrmrrpevposieeanvshsaaiilusbbm,,nioptloufaiiirttnrntysdgawt.nimalItetidtladhlyin,iis,cfysahes,lomtsiosouwdaderafneetetnogtitiryfsnreiteacaewatanrtdhediwsooaanti,iynmgndogratiuaotpvtdoilpdudeaiaouacntoarsderl.n selmenoa6gc.uiaenl.nNdbesIihvrnitdsed.otrdeaaeldmen,ro,tcvaauelnnl,otoitulwhteatrivhnheeaunloottorehuredmrovafohkiyueconeuttareunrprdrkearecsey--- $NsPpaPlc.e2loOrr4ee.ii.anbo9srtBed5eero,iyfxcfsuoaeocn7rlfand4sfldo7silpc7ne,aaefstlio.lRodyrleealadad-atfrdmOrRroaeaieeukncs,ndsht(mI8scmoo0hun0wasl)daent,sg5s7ebV11sie50tr9-hgp1t9aio-a3nn0i6i4Vd9ai$7.r57iag..nin0Pn0dPUoi..oasaSst.Tdt\mdo\aafigstuestinuoedfbnorsi knowledgesyourpresence. Copyright2006bytheVirginiaDepartmentofGamt from the course learn that hunting is about andInlandFisheries.AHrightsreserved. beingpartoftheoutdoorexperience,observ- 7. Never stalk a turkey. Another hunter TheDepartmentofGameand Inland Fisheriesslid] ingwildlifeinthewild,andconnectingwith could be behind that gobble and those de- afford toall persons an equal access toDepartment the natural—world. As most ethical hunters coys. programsandfacilitieswithoutregardtorace,color, willtellyou it'smoreabouttheoutdoorex- religion,nationalorigin,disability,sex,orage.Ifyou periencethanwhatyoubringhomefordin- 8. Whenyougetagobbler,carryhimoutof baenlyievperotghraatmy,ouacthiavvitey,beoernfdaicislcirtyi,mipnlaetaesdeawgraiitnesttion. ner. thewoodsdrapedinblazeorange. Virginia Department ofGame and Inland Fisheries. ATTN: Compliance Officer, 4010 WestBroad Street P.O.Box 11104,Richmond,Virginia23230-1104. "This publication is intended for general informa- tionalpurposesonlyandevervefforthasbeenmade to ensure its accuracy. The information contained Mission Statement hereindoesnotserveasalegalrepresentationottisli TomanageVirginia'swildlifeand inlandfishtomaintainoptimumpopulationsofallspeciestoserve theneeds and wildlife laws or regulations. The Virginia of theCommonwealth; toprovideopportunityforalltoenjoywildlife, inlandfish,boatingandrelatedoutdoor DepartmentofGameand Inland Fisheries doesnot recreation;topromotesafetyforpersonsandpropertyinconnectionwithhoating,huntingandfishing. assumeresponsibilityforanychangeindates,regu- lations,orinformation thatmayoccurafterpublica- Dedicated to the Conservation ofVirginia's Wildlife and Natural Resources tion." VOLUME 67 .NUMBER 4 TheCircleRemainsUnbroken byTeeClarkson About Virginia'sAmericanShadRestorationProgram thecover: Duringthe2005 continuestobeanupstreambattle,butisshowing springgobbler promisingresults. seasonhunters reportedhar- vesting 14,355 2ndAnnualJamesRiver birds. Eastand FishFestival westoftheBlue byTeeClarkson RidgeMoun- tainschanged -^ Celebrating the annual shad migration is til quickly "catching on." littlefrom springof2004. Theharvestof 8,779gobblers PartnersforColdWater incountieseast Conservation oftheBlueRidgedecreasedonly 1% Virginia'sstatefish,thebrooktrout, ishelping overlastyear'sharvestof8,864birds. toforgeanewgenerationofanglersand WestoftheBlueRidgeMountains,the harvestof5,576gobblerswas2%high- conservationists. erthanlastyear(5,474).Despitesome inclementweatherconditionsaround YouthFriendlyHunting thestateduringlastyear'sYouthDaya totalof196gobblerswereharvested; byBruceIngram thiswasupslightlyfrom 191 birdsin Virginia'sYouthSpringTurkeyHuntistheperfect 2004. photo©JohnR.Ford opportunitytointroduceachildtothesportof hunting. WhataSucker! byEmilyBrown A NativetocoastalVirginia,sealampreysareshowing r 73111Gil J! upinsomeunusualplaces. / WILDLII : Magazine APRIL JOURNAL Subscriptions For subscriptions, OnTheWater circulation problems and BoatOperatorsResponsibilities address changes call Recipes 1-800-710-9369 SpringtimeisShadTime PhotoTips 12 issues for $12.95 It'sADigitalWorki 24 issues for $23.95 NaturallyWild Common Flicker The story of Virginia's shad migration continues to be an upstream battle. VIRGINIAWILDLIFE www.dgif.virginia.gov byTeeClarkson photos ©Dwiglit Dyke 4? here is something unmistak- and she is back on her way to the ably comforting about the cy- spawninggrounds. Odds are though % cles ofnature that make us feel shewasn'tbornhereintheJames. whole, that make us feel connected Inresponsetoanoveralldeclineof again to the way things work, to the Americanshadintheearly1990sdue waytheyhavealwaysworked. Ifyou to over harvesting, pollution and a allowyourself, you can feel thepulse loss of spawning habitat, the Ameri- of the earth spinning on its axis, the can Shad Restoration Program was rushofsurvivalashickoryandAmer- initiatedinVirginiain1992,following ican shad pile into our rivers every the lead ofMaryland and Pennsylva- springby the thousands. One on top nia. With The Department of Game another,slidingbackandforthandin- andInlandFisheriesactingasthelead between each other in the current, agency, the restoration has been a these fish battle their way hundreds massive group effort. Help has come ofmiles upstream to where they will from a broad source of interests in- spawn. cluding: the City of Richmond, The Directly above me, where 1-95 JamesRiverAssociation,TheVirginia bridges the James River, the world is Marine Resources Commission, The rushing. The daily mad dash to Ash- Virginia Institute of Marine Science, land, Petersburg, D.C. Perhaps we're The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, not so unlike these fish as we would The Association of Independent Wa- like to think. Funneling into traffic, termen, Virginia Commonwealth pushingforward,alwaysforward. University, The ChesapeakeBay Pro- A couple false casts and let it go, gram, FlyFishersofVirginia, theFish quartering upstream and across the Foundation and Coastal Zone Man- current,letitsink,mend,letitsink,let agement, as well as the Pamunkey it sink, okay strip, strip, strip, bang! and Mattaponi Indian tribes whose Again my 6-weightis almostyanked ancestors relied on these fish for sur- outofmy hand as anAmerican shad vivalthousandsofyearsbeforethear- thumps hard against the current 40 rivalofEuropeansettlers. feetbelowtheboat.Afterseveralmin- Throughtheeffortsoftheseorgan- utes the fish reluctantly surrendersto izations, the American shad have my hand. Just a quick pop of the fly made a substantial comeback. Begin- " ** ~*" Ohm _»_aw»«nt«i ^mm^v •^^^ g^»*»*'* ^^—mm ^H"fft APRIL 2006 ningin 1995, whenthe firsthatchery- and seasonal employees, was raised fishbeganreturningtospawn, shippedtotheJamesRiver,whereshe the percentage of hatchery fish cap- and500,000otherfrywerereleasedat tured has steadily declined from 90 duskintothesecoolflowingwaters.If percent to 70 percent. "These num- this in fact is the story ofherjourney bers are an indication that the pro- thenonlyroughly1inevery400ofthe gram is working," says Tom Gunter fryreleasedthatdayhavesurvivedto who coordinates the state's restora- adulthood and returned to the river tion program for The Department of to spawn. This fish has defied the GameandInlandFisheries. odds. AsthisAmericanshaddisappears Justa fewmoremilesandshewill backintotheJames, Icanonlyspecu- be past the rapids formed at the fall latehowlongandstrangehertriphas line in downtown Richmond. The been to this point. More than likely fishstackuphere,restingandwaiting thisshad's life story reads something to make their way upstream into the like this: Her motherwas caughtin a rushingwaters. ThroughHollywood netinthePamunkeyRiver,wherethe Rapids, over the fish ladder at Bosh- eggswereimmediatelyfertilized and er'sDam,someofthemcontinueup- shippedtoeithertheKingandQueen stream as far as Powhatan and be- Fish Hatchery or Harrison Lake Na- yond,over100milesfromtheocean. tional Fish Hatchery. There, the eggs The spring runs of shad and her- were kept in a hatchingjar for4 to 11 ring once led to fishing villages here days, depending on water tempera- on thebanks oftheJames, where na- ture, until sheemerged, wigglingher tive peoples scooped fish from these way through the protective sac of a samewaterswithwovennets, smok- nearly microscopic egg and swim- ingthem overfiresalongthe riverby ming up a tube and into a holding the thousands. When the European tank. Several days later the entire settlers arrived, they stopped here as tank, loaded ona truckbyvolunteers well, their boats too big to continue i ©Spike*00 upstream. The migra- \ tion of the shad helped them surviveleantimesand created a lucrative business in the years to follow. "This is the wheel of history re- turning on itself. Twohundred, three hundred,fourhundredyearsago,the native people camped right here. There were fishing villages on the banksoftheriver and onBelle Isle in downtownRichmond," RalphWhite, the overseer of the James River Park System, explained to a group of on- lookers at theJames River Fish Festi- val in May of 2005. "The species re- mains the same and the festive sense remains the same," he continued. Ralphwasoneofthefoundingfathers ofthe fish festival thathas celebrated the return of the shad and the health of the James River for the last two years. The James River Fish Festival is not the only celebration marking the shads' return. The Shad Rodeo, formed five years ago by Cheairs Porter, Rob Caudle and Matt King, has celebrated the restoration of the shad in the James River in a some- whatdifferentway. This tournament, Since 1995, fisheries biologists have which has averaged 40-45 entrants been taking and hatching shad eggsin the last several years, raised over the spring and releasingthefryback $5000dollarsforTheYoungSupport- intoVirginia'stidalrivers. Sincethat timetheJames Riverhas received 84.8 ers Group ofthe Virginia Performing million, Pamunkey 24.9 million, Rappa- Arts Foundation in 2005. Before that, hannock 7.8 million and the Potomac the tournament raised money for 1.3 million, totaling 118.8 million shad. Freedom House Homeless Shelter While hatchery raised shad stillmake up the majorityofreturning adultstoVir- ginia'stidalriversa good percentageof naturalspawning is nowoccurring, which isa good sign thatrecoveryef- fortsareworking. In recentyears biolo- gists havedocumentedthe natural spawning ofshad upstream ofBoshers Dam and downstream ofthefallline. Illustration £,Spike Knuth and the Historic Richmond Founda- tion.Thetournamentwinnerisdeter- mined by the cumulative length of five fish, based on the honor system sinceallfisharereleased,butwinning the tournament is not first on the list of most competitors, many don't evenmeasuretheirfish. "It'sjustcool tothinkthatsomeoneisgettinganew musical instrument or a hot meal be- causeoftheshad,"Cheairssays. After releasing this fish to contin- ue on herjourney, I stand and check my fly before making another cast. I am literally surrounded. Boats to my left, my right, upstream, and down, cars zooming past above me. This mustbewhatitislikewhenyou find yourself in the middle of the school swimmingupstream. Withsomeluckthatparticularfish will makeittospawn, and witheven more luck, her fry will survive and make the journey downstream past this spot, past Williamsburg, into the Chesapeake Bay, then out into the open ocean for four or five years, be- forereturning.Swimmingagainright past where I am anchored on their way to the same spawning grounds where they were born. With some luck,Iwillbeheretoo. TeeClarksonisanEnglishteacherandinhis spare time runs Virginia Fishing Adven- tures, afishingcampforkids. For more in- formation you can contact Tee at: tsclark- [email protected]. FormoreinformationonTheShad Rodeo,emailquestionsto: [email protected] ShadFishing:A Com- pleteGuide ToSpecies, Gear, & Tactics, byC. Boyd Pfeifferand published byStack- pole Booksoffersa wealth ofangling information. American shad arestillundera strict harvestmoratorium (recreationaland commercial) and itisillegalto harvestthem. Pleasecheckthe currentfishing regulations regarding Virginia'sshad fisheries. VIRGINIA WILDLIFE www.dgif.virginia.gov byTeeClarkson photos ©DwightDyke attling along the old cobble- stone street in downtown *T Richmond on a Saturday morninglastApril, onecan'thelpbut be reminded of what life used to be likehere.Theoldtobaccowarehouses have been converted to loft apart- ments, fish houses turned to office spaces, andtheopenairmarkets, that wouldhavebeenbouncingwithlifea hundredyearsago,havesurrendered tothenewmalls15milesfromherein thesuburbs. Mike Kendrick, a 22-year-old biology major atVCU, pointsoutwhatlives underthe rocksin theJames River. APRIL 2006 Today, however, people have come, not to reminisce about a past they can't remember, or change for that matter, but to acknowledge a re- birth they can witness right before their eyes, the rebirth of the James River. The Second Annual James RiverFishFestival, madepossibleby a conglomerate of organizations and volunteers from the Richmond De- partment of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities to the Depart- mentofGameandInlandFisheriesto the Biology Department at Virginia Commonwealth University, is a cele- bration of all the work that has been done in order to revitalize the entire JamesRiverwatershed. Thisisalsoacelebrationofthean- nual shad migration. In the spring, both hickoryandAmerican shad pile into the James by the tens of thou- sands,headingbacktothesamegrav- el bars where they were born only a fewyearsearlier.Inthe1970stheriver hadbecomesochokedwithsediment Participantsoflastyear'sJames River Fish Festivaladmiring a hickoryshadjustcaught and pollutants that the shad, which from theJames River. Shad maketheirwayupstream through the breachesin Manchester, Brown'sand BelleIsle dams, upthrough the notch in William'sIsland Dam and ultimately through theverticalslotfishwayat Bosh- ers Dam. once migrated up the James in such great numbers that people literally scooped them out of the water with nets, had all butquitcoming. Thanks to millions of dollars in sewer up- grades, the breeching of dams, the constructionoffishladdersandacon- certed jointstockingeffortby theU.S. Fishand WildlifeServiceand theVir- ginia Department of Game and In- VIRGINIA WILDLIFE www.dgif.virginia.gov

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