....... ·.. ' -------------------------------------------------------- ~.'.... Virginia MAY 1981 Appalachian Notes •Bristol -. ·- ., .. . ' ' ., • ' ... "cl'~ .. • ..... .. .. "'\ 1. , • " • -· Southwestern. Virgipia -GeR~alogiC~l. ~~ciefi · Vir.ginia·· ... Roano~e, • PUBLISHED QUARTERLY. SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA GENEAL(X;ICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS President Belva Counts First Vice-President S. A. Bell Second Vice-President Jerry Bartmess Recording Secretary Ilene Lavinder Corresponding Secretary John E. Burrows III Treasurer Mondia Dyer Assista,.nt Treasurer Raymond Brickey COMMITTEES Book Chairman Geri Glosh Book Review Belva Counts Historian Robert G Phlegar Hospitality Myrtle Bell, Carol Hill, Virginia Petty Membership Raymond Brickey Parliamentarian Bruce Anderson Pedigree Charts Mary Jane Vaden Program S.A. Bell, Nelle Shively, Inez StClair Publicity Jerry Bartmess, Loretta Caldwell, • George Tulli ,•, Research Ann Kyle Surname Index Virginia Appalachian Notes (VAN) ) Editor "Babe" Fowler Art Director Marian Landress Query F.ditor Minnie Hall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERSHIP: Single membership is $7. 50 a year (Jan to Dec); family membership $10.00, special rates to H.S. students & libraries (inquire). Membership in cludes the quarterly, VIRGINIA APPALACHIAN NOTES (VAN) , which is published in Feb, May, Aug, Nov; also an index & membership roster. Single issues are avail able at reinbursement cost of $2. 00 each as long as supply last. Send payment 1 to Mrs. Mondia E Dyer, Treasurer, PO Box 4J64, Roanoke, Va 24015. Make check payable to Southwestexn Virginia Genealogical Society. ============================================================================== " SV .GS is tax exempt under the Federal Income Tax under section 501 ( c) (3). Donors may deduct contributions to us as provided in section 170 of the Code. ) Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to SVGS are deductible for Federal estate and figt tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code. ===========================================================~============~===== BOOK REVIEWS: The SVGS welcomes genealogical books for review covering records and events of the area. All books sent will be reviewed as time and space per:rn1 t . PJoase include the price of the book, any advertising material that you have and place from which available. After review all books will be placed in the \ Virginia Room of the Roanoke Public Library, Roanoke, Virginia. Send books to be reviewed to Mrs Oren R Counts, 6804 Northway Drive NW, Roanoke, Va 24019. ==================~============================================================ ' .\ I' VIRG INIA P P A L A C H I A N N OTES ~ published ~uarterly by SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. ===== === = === = == == ======== === ==== =======================================-= Volume V - Number 2 - May 1981 CONTENTS Pres ident 's Message 41a Floyd County, Virginia, Legislative Petition 41 Tazewell County, Virginia, Mortality Schedule 46 Bed.ford County, Virginia, 1782 Tax List 47 Giles County, Virginia, Cemeteries 55 Scott,County, Virginia, Early Settlers 57 Craig County, Virginia, Index to Will Book 59 62 Civil War Letter by S. H. Hoilman 6J Montgomery County, Virginia, Deaths 66 Pulaski County, Virginia, Mortality Schedule Ancestor Chart 67 68 Queries Quarterly Exchange 73 Book Reviews 75 77 Charts 58, 61, 67 Newspapers ================================================================-======== MEETINGS May 15 - Spending the day at Bed.ford, Va. June 20 - Speaker meeting at City Library, R noke, Va. July 18 - WORKSHOP - see back page for registration blank. ===============================================================~======== THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE What could be more exciting to us than to know that we have Net ti Schreiner Yantis, past president of National Genealogical Society, a professional genealogist, a lecturer at the National Archi ves Genealogica l Ins titute , and author of several genealogical source books , as our ma in s peaker at our JULY 18 WORKSHOP!! Mr. John Salmon, Ar c hi vis t of the Virgi ni a Library Staff will also be a speaker. Make your reservati ons earl y . Our March 21 meeting with Dr. Warren L. Moorman di s cussing John Hook, New London merchant, Bedford Co., and Mrs . Patrici a G. Johnson , speaking on General Andrew Lewis on April 18 were mos t inf ormat i ve . Mrs. June Goode and Jack Denton, members f rom Bedfor d , Va . , will be our leaders for a field trip in Bedford at our Satur~, May 16 meeting. Meet at the museum across from the Courthouse a t 10:00 a . m. Having completed our work with the Roanoke His torical Society a t the East Hill Cemetery, Salem, Val, our next cemetery project is the the Wyt he CoW1ty Historical Society, Wytheville, Va. Both Societ ies will shar e t hese records . New books received to review for VAN and appearing s oon are: The McConnell Family, John and Edward Tuck Family, The Wampler Fa mily , and The Geor ge Phillip Williams Family -- all Southwes t Virginia f a milies . Our membership is growing. We appreciate a ll of you. Help us to col lect, share, and preserve records. Belva M CoW1ts , Pres ident. ;V{ 'f (e. c o r"cLs R-r-a_ '10 "" « Where.. do T /oo/c- ~ W h<=-r-=- ? Jl,p,,J ? I.!-/ F'LOY D cou::TY, VIRGINIA L~GISLATIVE PETITION County Meetj rlf~ i11 Floyd. Pursuant to notice a meeting of the citizens of Floyd County was held at their Court House , on Saturday 8th inst, to pass resolutions concerning the Distillir.,cr of Grain into Whiskey. Henry Deskins Srg was called to the chair, who expl-i.ir.ed the objects of the meeting, and Co'l John Williams appointed secretary. J . J . ~.Jill iams addressed the house in a Short & pertinent speech & pre sented the following resolutions Whereas : We the people of the County of Floyd in public meeting assembled, deploring the unhappy state of affairs produced by an inordinate thirst for speculation, particularly in articles of huino? necessity, the principal sufferers from which are the needy & unprotected families of the poorer classes; and deprecating the conduct of the unscrupulous, who ought to be the warmest friends of the country -- who instead of supporting the Govern ment, are buying up large quantities, & all the surplus of Grain produced by the Country for the purpose of distilling it into whiskey(underlined i n original) -- Therefore be it Resolved, I That inasmuch as the County has furnished its quota of men to the Confederate service, the most of which is actual labor from the fields, and in the event of a failure of the Grain Crops the ensuing year, every consideration of safety & Humanity requires us to protect ourselves, & pro vide for the families of the absent, by husbanding our resources, &thwart if possible the schemes of the Distiller , who seeks the destruction of, & perversion from its ordinary channel s , the fruits of our industry. Resolved II That we condemn in the strongest tenns the erection & putting into operation the Distilleries in our county, consuming in a few months the entire products of the County & petitions the Legislature to pass general Laws, prohibiting the Distilling of Grain into whi skey throughout the State, during the Continuance of the present war, as we in duty bound shall ever pray &e?, Resolved III That a copy of t0ese resolutions be transmitted each to our Delegate & Senator i n the Legislature, requesting them to lay them before their respective houses, and that they be instructed to vote (underlined in petition) for the same & that these preceedings be published in the Richmond & Lynchburg papers. P. Howell Esq in a lengthy speech objected to the Resolutions, but they passed the House unanimonsly - there being not a single dissenting voice John Williams Secte Henry Deskins P_t .ma To the House of Dclcgi'.tcs Senate of Virginia.: Wt· th\' 1111d,·1!<ir11ctl ri11.:"''" .,f Flrly.1 ('011111y. would most l111:al1ly rq1rc~c11t unto your hono1·:1ulc ho1lic's that wl· 1.i·c i11 gr1•:11 1ln·aJ uf 1111, 11 ··· ~110",·rin~ in l'llr 111111-:. 111 cun:'<''l"''n'°' uf the i11nnli11atc thir::.t for !'pt>c11lation in tl1c• artidc .,f 1.1<11·1111. " ·,. li:t''" d1-1dl0•rv ·ofcc•r tli-1:1!1·1·,· :<JJ1·111··11w up i11 c\·cn 11Ci"'hLorhurul. Grain h1i.; l>ce11 :w d j.; :s11ll lo,·i11~ 111111,.!lil 111• Ly 1l i1·-1• .. ;-:1i_,"1.1d• .- . ··" 1,,, sn~· .ll.'l1'r11~11,·J "' 1111kc 1licir ·~ilc'. They Rrc ~n·:tt fricnJ.~ ''·'· profr--i.,11 tn tlic ~o111Lli1·111 l'0111f,·1·d,•r:u·y: l111t if the i11ol1'pc11•!• :H·r .. f the ~uuth 1l('prll'ls upon tl1crn, w,, foai· we'' .-,.uld .- •'•ii l1r in tl11· Ion 11.f.; ·if .. 111,p .\ 11F .. , 'l'J.l°'y " ill, 111111·~~ .'·vur J1.,111.irnl1lc Im.lie;; prohibit it, soon have :ill "j, .. __ the a11°l ,·liildn·n "tan in.'-' l'11·lrr 1111' ··ir1·11111-t.111cL'~ it w1lul,I lo• i111pu~o1l•lr tu gc:-t tlic fathers un•l hu~l.Jand:< r1ft!:1·"· :-1:11 'Ill).{ f.1mi1; .. , f .. , , ••• 111!-t 111 tli, a1'111_\. ( >11r I 'Q11111y Cl'url h:i- bn·11 l1b1'rnl in taxin.i: the pl'opll· to rai~f' menu" t" 1:1:ike 11,.. f.11111l1r·• nf !111• "oldi1·r~. '"'Parr 111 t),. . .«en ie<•. t'Un1f.,r1uLlc: hut it l;Cl'lllS unle~s tlH'H~ housrt. of .Jit-trU• i!\011 :11"1 "("f•flt'd Ill t!1· ir "/'' 1"a(1<lll.;, ~r:\111 l'.'llll'Jt l.Je l.iaJ at all,\" Jll"il'C, anU W~ undCr:itllU1l1 OU!"0ll is not the vnly c111111111111i1y 111 till' ~1·11•· i11 tli·· ~a111C' -1tuat1•'l1 'f 2.. . We '"'o~J,1 the.refore most l1um?iy pray thnt n lnw may.be pnsscu proliil11t1ug tho 1ii~tillin_g of groin. diring ou·~ 1 present (hfficulhes. Our men will Le much Letter soluicr:i wil11out the lir1uor anu lhl·ir families enabled to obtain 1 bread . . ~our pe:it~o~ers 'rou.I~ hnmb~y repres;nt, ~lint in their ~pinion the only way to rernedy the evil, will be to pro h1b1t the d1st1~lrng of g1nm alt~gether .• The 1<le11 of sorr.e 1s to tnx tlH·in, but th11t will only augini:nt the evil. aad lei.d to still grcatt'rexto~·t1ons. \\ c co.ul<l so.y much more in support of our pc lit ion; but arc aware that vou need no argument to be eonnnced of the en! of wLich. nc compbin auu 0.:1 io duty bound will ever vrny &c. • (page BN-1) Sparrel H Griffith ?John Martin John Sweeney? Peter L Howard ?L T Viar Albert Matthews James B. Headen R Boothe A J Castle James B. Muncy Geo ?Whorley John Jones Fleming Pugh Sr C H Tunier? Joseph Howell Geo M Mo~ely?Morely Ahab. Weddle (most of the last column Jefferson Turner Levi Keith on this page was very 'Ihos H Mo~eley/Moseley? F. A. Huff faint on the photocopy) Joshua B young C. Sowers R P Fleenor James Palmer (page BN-3 ) Q A Buckingham C. M. Stigleman (part of this page was Joseph M Young J. W. Headen faint) A. J. Thomas George G. Helms John B Beckett J . M. Howard (Page BN-4) John P. Black L. W. Bower?/Bowen Abram D Burnett ?Alfred P Holly? R. P. Elliott T. H. Simmons Ferdinand Duff ?Huff B. P. Hylton Charles A Simmons Moses G Kelley Hary Weddle James C Turner James H Huff M. F. Hylton ? S L Hylton ?G. L. T. Jones John H Hylton J. B. Shelor ?W/M? W?/W Jones J . J . Humphries M. B. Hylton William Lan ?Lam Asa Keeth N. B. Stimson Fleminey ?Feltny? Champ T. Dunmill Geo. M. Switzer ?Rwen? Mdfunil John T. Lester Creed Underwood John McTu.niel? Geo W Lester Preston Goad Hary Mcfuniel? D E Williams Ransom Quisenberry Burel Jannay P. H. Martin Henry Taylor H R? Hall ?J. W. Helms ?Ja's Ronald (or J . J . ) J. "F, "Redman J. G.?/T. Helms Geo M Wells John Turner ?F. 0. Dobyns Monroe Howard James T. Radford ?L. V. Edward Geo W Goodykoontz James S Kelly ?W'. T. Deheart W'm M Goodykoontz ? (too faint) s. H. Fench G. W? Kitterman ?Richard ? ? J. Jeff Mabry Solomon Hylton ?J ames Adkins? John T Mabry Cha 's Weeks ?John ? ? Samuel Palmer Will 'l S?L Underwood ?John P Terry? Isaac Palmer John T underwood ? C P Hunt? NB Gillenwalters? Sam 'l Terry ?Fedric Wood? W Y Shelor G. W. Lancaster? EB ?John C King Griffith R. H. Bower ?Fleming Pugh Jr 'I'azwell T Graham ?Masarine C Howel William Likens? B S Black W. A. Underwood Henry Shively F M Payne ?Saml L Rigney A Gill enwaters DA Griffith ?Jas E Carterc on 't 4. ::z ../ (page BN-4 can 't ) Jacoub Fi s her ?Bethuel Hylton Petition of Capt C M George Hungate ?B. F. o'neal Stigl eman 's Company John H Spangler Caleb Weddle of Floyd Volunteers Sylvester Mills Rolen Sutphin (or Rolew) praying that the Givens Epperly Joshua Weddle Distilation of grain Wm Dickerson ?Wm H Hyltonn be prohi b_._ted in t he A. I. Short ?Foster I/?J Wood County of Floyd T. H. Mitchel? Mitckel Archelous Quesenbury ?Vu Thrash? Samuel B. Wickham ? A. L? Sutpin Mathew Williams Hendrick Sutphin (page BN-5) ? G. M. D. Williams Henderson P Sutphin A. Dickerson ?Elijah Dickers Wm Augustus Weeks Tho 's P Dobnys ? Dobnyns ? Samuel P Burnett fuvid Williams F.arly Dickerson ?William J. Caldwell Rily Dickerson James F Sowers ? Flemon H Poff Birdine Dickerson ?Archibald Weeks Joseph Sumpter Harvey Dickerson ?(name cut off on copy) Lani el 0" Mara Charlton Thomson ?Abra.ham B Watkins Green B Sowers Andrew Dickerson Gorden Roop Lafayete Sutphin John P Short Jyles H Roop ?Clabron MacPeek Generel Weaks Joseph Simmons ?Fredric Quesenbury ?John W Raford fuvid Spangler ?Samuel Harter Haden Morciel Alen Epperly ? Willis Alpherd Whitlock J . W. Mitchel Allen Weddle Crawford Moran? A. J. Young Chesley Hylton Hiram Dulany Samuel Spangler Elijah Weddle H. C. Lester ?Charles Thorn.mas William Quesenbary Z. Lester ? James M Burton Lues Quesenbary W. M. Sowers ?Richard B Alley ?Jesse Pratt W. S. Sowers ?James Tomrnor?/Tornmo s Benjiman MacPeek J. Bishop T. B. Wingfield Henry H Thompson W. J. Vancil ?Phelnen Janny? ? Moles Harry Sowers Floyd Roop Lues Hylton ?Luss r Weeks W H T Roop. ?Joshua Hylton ?Josephf Weeks Joseph R Wickham Elijah Weeks John Holt ?H. B. Shoolter?Hoalter Isaac W ONeal ?D W Sowers J. F. Calwell ?James Pratt ?Henderson Helton ?Alexander M Graham James W Guttery James M Pugh ? (very faint) Jeremiah B Burnett F. • H. Young James A Simmons Benjamin W Keeth * Calep?Caleb lovel Ianiel R Simmons William Keeth George Bradberry William J Keeth Abreham Woolwine (page BN-6) Tazwell W Hylton Isak Whorly 1st Lieut. A. Harman ?Heserkiah C McPeek C. N?M Bolt ?Holt 2nd Lieut G. Harman Erastus Hylton J, D. Idings Lieut. S. Slusher John Walters Jabez Harman (page BN-8) W. H. Anderson Simon P Weddle James G Harris Sparel Holt Calvin Delong Preston Quesonbery Reuben S. Wickham John C Burnett Eli Wade Geore W Sowers L. J. Hylton Thomas Willis W'm A Lee ?Clo bin Hylton James Keeth Shelby A Smith ?Abram Harris P. A. Weeks NS Wickham ?Philip W. Guthrie Henry H McPeek *E C Wickham ?La.nan Harman - (page BN-9) Alexander Gardner ?Mahlin Lemnon ?George Kefa var? 1 Floyd Epperly Enoch Philips ?Philip Shoemaker 2 William ? Johnson James G Alley George Siner J J . J. Dehart Luke Cox Wm Truslow 4 James Philips Daniel Carroll '!'a.swell M Ratliff 5 John Philips Robert Philips John Poff 6 Madison More? Frederic Quesenbery G. H. Ratliff 7 H. D. Craft Preston Philips ?Benjamin 1 Bell 8 George W Whitlock ?Briant Philips John H Gahart 9 Francis Collins W. C • Quesenbery John B Walters 10 R. C. Beasley ?Elijah Turman J" R" Palmer 11 ?Fr'ck Quesenberry Abraham Black.~~~ Jacob Clower 12 Jacob Sumpter Benjamin~~~~- Charles O/?P Craghead 13 John W. Wright ?Cumming ?Light? James H Jarrett 14 Anderson ?_ Howell Mah.lan Phillip Philip M Walters 15 George W. W_ ___ J . C. Conner George Whitlock 16 James M Webb At the request of my John F Furrow 17 ?Millne Quesinberry men I have signed their John K Lee 18 Allen T Howery names to this petition Jacob Boyd 19 Jer Goad J . Godbey ?Jesse T/?Y Carter 20 John W Tice Capt. of ?Cainan Lawrence 21 Wm H Castle Co. B ?54 ?Thomas F Carter 22 Harvy D Carter Regt Va . ? Fleming T Wimmer 25 M D L Harris Major Sowers 24 W. T. Clower 26 William H King (page BN-1J) Tobias Philips Samuel Hurt?Hunt H. 1. Smith 27 Abner Lester B. P. Shelor William S Moore 28 Oliver Henigan F. A. Winston William E Tice 29 James Bond Hiram Hoff Charles D Vest JO James M Castle Benjamin Harman Jr ?John H?W Thomas 31 James W Silver John T Wells G. W?H Via 32 E· Lloyd Quesenbury Levi Weddle S. Palmer 33 James M Boy.d Valentine Hylton Greenvill Leftwitch 34 Martin Cox Jessee Arthur Caleb Maxey 35 T. W. Gleason 36 Crockett Quesinberry Solomon Hylton S. R. Conner 37 James P Howery Joseph Hylton Jacob ?Turman Levi Hylton Benjamin Swiney 38 Joseph Harris Aston Hylton Joseph T Turner 39 Hiram Cock ?Heney Slusher ?John H Wimmer 40 George A Slusher Archilous Hylton Sen John Jenny 41 Samuel Harris Jacob J Weddle ?John E. Vest 42 John 0 Mitchel J . H_ Ratliff J. T. Clowers 43 ?John Sumner Nancy J Rogers ?Samuel 44 Henry M Duncan ?A. W. : Dehart Wm T. Simpson 4.5 William M Bol"t- ?Mos es Ma rtin ? J1.. J. Hudson 46 P. T. Howell James D? Smith A. J. F.arles 47 Lewis Lester ?Esther Whitlow ?Lerroza Lester Lutitia M Whitlow (Page BN-11) Harrison Lester Francis Whitlow (the 3 columns on this Joel Weddle page did not copy too ?Wm H. Man(n)ing Clark Hunga t e well) I/J? B Whitlow Alexander Weddle Jackson ?Godbey Benjami n Weddle James P Weddle W. Campbell H. W. Bishop _J Susanna Weddle Elizabeth Ann Howell Jula An Burges Stephen H Canady Catherine Howell Frances Sti gleman Moses Dickson Zilpha Star Caroline Epperly Wilson A Weaver Rebecca Hyl t on Margaret A Boon ?Tu.swell Sowers Cyrenia E Harman Sarah M Epperly ?Birdine Bi shop Ann Harman Susan A Marten? ? James W Phlegar Noama Harman Nancy B Marten? ? James Holland Margaret Harman Alex Bolen James Martin Mary Harman Ruth Carter William Huff Selia Harman Susan Ballinger l.fm A Canaday Christena Harman Louisa Ballinger ?Ma t is on Carter Barbra E Pratt Martha Ballinger Burwell Shi veley Martha Pratt Susan E Ballenger Judith Pratt Mary S Fisher (page BN-1.5) Sally Elgin L. F. Fisher Timand.ra Howell Catharin Boling Martha A Ianiel Minerva E Howell Sallie Harter Mary S. Ianiel Sarah Weddle Mary A Harter Ann Ianiel Mrs Sarah Weddle Elizabeth Harter ? Weddle Margaret Harter (page BN-19) Mary J Gill Bell Baber Tho 's Lancaster Elizabeth S Carter Laura G Howard Isaac E Robertson Sarah Gill Sophia A Burnett Jessy Underwood Anne _ Gill Alley Ratliff James Underwood Emeline F? Gill Matilday Viar 5. John Sowers Elizabeth Wickham Maryan Ratliff Nathan Cockram Suzanna Wickham Addaline Ratliff Jesse P Boyd Lioney Omara John Jinney Elizabeth Burnett (Page BN-17) A. H. Cannaday Emilly Hylton Thomas B?P Shelor Jr 10. Jacob Bowes Jr Almiria Burnett Wm M Shelor Robert Palmer CathaRine Weddle Tho ' s B Shelor Abraham Phlegar Sarh E Weddle W. M. Alltizer Samu el Phle gar ?Octav a th Pratt Benjamin G Boon J W'm Lester ?Didd( wie ?mie ?nur) Pratt Andrew F Stigleman D. H: ?S Howell ?John Pratt Barna Bolin Vanbeuren Wade Harriett Harter James W Stigleman Caleb Howell Eve Pratt Henry Ballenger Elizabeth Ann Hylton William H Fisher (page BN-21) Cathari ne Pratt Joseph Wever John Chaffin Lemuel R Wickham John Reed Sarah Chaff in ?Hiram Hyl ton Andrew W Lancaster Nancy Eller John C Weddle Charles Thomas Jas M L ?D Harman Joshua Pratt Wm H Epperly Joel Sowers John B Hylton M. M. Switaer Julia A Rakes Henry A Hylton Sarah A Shelor Rebeca Chafin James Howell Mary G/?J Shelor William Holloday * Jacob Harman Mary J Weddell Heneyetta Holloday Adam Har ter Nancy Suery? Joel Ross Jeremiah Ratliff Milla Reed Betsy Ross Wm A Simpson Mirana Reed Jinney Ross Sarah An Burges Mary M Lester (Page BN-16 ?) Sarah M Burges Serrena M Lester Margaret Hylton Mrs Sarah Reed Rhoda Simmons *Henry Harman Permelia H Simmons Fleming J Tice Walter R Godbey Wm C Simmons Tho 's D Howell Junior S Dobyns Hiram Boyd George M Dobyns William Ira Howard John G Hoff Zachary ~ Dobyns William B Wells Joseph H Henderson Carter William R. Kittennan Z. T. Hamilton Samuel F Dobyns L. W. Boyers (page BN-2.3) William E Kirby John F Williams Samule Stimson (page BN-25) Asbury B Williams Lelon Stimson Sallie Wilks Susen Williams Samuel G Light Mary Dobyns Martha A Fishburn William Sowers Ciset R Waggel Susan B Hamilton Mrs Nancy E Sauers ?Jacob Sowers Levi G Adkins Miss Rosa B Sauers J . T. Sowers Harvy T Spanglor A Austin Proffit Tho's S Robertson W T Lester William H Boyles ?L Tice Cephas Pri tchi t William B Howell Catharine L Howard ?M_F_ _ TAZEWELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1850 Mortality Schedule The f' allowing are abs tracts of deaths (those who are married) from the 1850 census mortality schedule. The original is at the Virg~nia State Archives and is on microfilm. p 228 Line 1. Jacob Stump = 48 = male = married = d June 5. Martha P Wright = 20?26 = female = married = d Mar 7. Sparks Martin = 39 yrs = male = married = d Nov. 8. Jane Boyles?Bozles = 4-0 yrs =female =married = d Aug. 14. Clementine Harrison = 43 yrs = female = married = d Jan. 18. Peggy Hall = 60 yrs = female = married = d Mar 20. William Jones = 82 yrs = male = married = b not known = d Jany 24. Alex• r? Mahood = 90 yrs = male = married = b Ireland = d Nov = = 27, Mary Mullins 96 female = married = d Oct = 33. William Beavers = 44 yrs male = married = d June 34. Matthias Harman = 67 yrs = mal~ = married = d Feb 35. Elizabeth Beavers = 49 yrs = female = married = d July page 3. Susan McQuire = 45 yrs = female = married = b SC = d Sept 6. Elizabeth Carter = 21 yrs = female = married = d March 9. Henry Bowen = 81 y-rs = male = widowed = d April