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Volume 38, 2014 Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter Founded by Gregory G. Guzman Editors: Eva Albrecht and Hans Voorbij Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, 38 (2014) Table of Contents Editorial ............................................................................................................S...p..e..c...u..l.u...m.... .M....a..i..u..s.................................................. 3 Hans Voorbij, An updated list of surviving manuscripts of the ............................................... 4 Isabelle Draelants, Transfert de l’Atelier Vincent de Beauvais (Encyclopédisme et transmission des connaissances) de Nancy à l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT) à Paris ......................... 18 Recent publications and papers dealing with Vincent of Beauvais ....................................................................... 21 1.Books ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 2. Articles ................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 3. P apers .................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 2 Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, 38 (2014) Editorial Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter Newsletter The readers of the will have noticed that in 2013 no issue of the has appeared. Hans Voorbij has been involved in a serious car accident. Regaining health Newsletter took him more than one year. Since this situation had a great impact on the activities of both editors, we decided to postpone the publication of the until now. We trust that the readers will understand this decision. Newsletter th Speculum Maius This 38 issue of the opens with a contribution by Hans Voorbij on the manuscripts of the . It describes the framework of the manuscript inventory published on the Vincent of Beauvais website and summarizes the list of manuscripts. st On December 31 , 2013, the Centre de médiévistique Jean-Schneider at Nancy, which housed the Atelier Vincent de Beauvais (Encyclopédisme et transmission des connaissances), closed down. The Atelier has been transferred to the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes at Paris. In her contribution, Isabelle Draelants describes the transfer process and sketches the future of the Atelier within the context of the challenging project SOURCENCYME. Newsletter The concludes with a list of recent publications and papers dealing with Vincent of Beauvais. We end this Editorial with the usual appeal for contributions and, especially, Feature Articles. We would also appreciate any information that you can provide on all papers, articles, books, or reviews on Vincent of Beauvais that you present or publish. We call your special attention to digital facsimiles of manuscripts and incunabulum editions and other digital resources. We noticed that, since we took over the editorship of the Newsletter, the number of such resources relevant to the study of Vincent and his works is steadily growing. Only with your ongoing help and assistance can we keep our files and information up-to-date. You can send all your information to [email protected] . Hans Voorbij and Eva Albrecht 3 Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, 38 (2014) An updated list of surviving manuscripts of the Speculum Maius Hans Voorbij Biblioteca historica medii aevi Speculum Historiale In 1862, August Potthast published in his monumental a list of 1 Speculum Naturale Speculum Doctrinale Speculum Historiale surviving manuscripts of the of Vincent of Beauvais . Since that date, a steadily Speculum Morale growing number of manuscripts of the , , and the apocryphal has been identified, resulting in the publication of several lists of manuscripts. Some lists, like the one by Potthast, present the manuscripts in alphabetical order, using 2 Speculum Historiale Speculum as keys the names of the places and libraries where the manuscripts are kept ; others apply a 3 Naturale chronological order . In their Ph.D.’s on the genesis of the and the specula , Hans Voorbij and Eva Albrecht both listed the manuscripts following the text versions of 4 these two that they had identified . Apart from the discovery of several additional manuscripts, new codicological information has speculum become available in the past two decades that necessitates an update of the published lists of surviving manuscripts. Systematic stylistic analysis of the decoration and illumination of manuscripts originating from France and the Low Countries led to a revision of the production dates 1 Biblioteca historica medii aevi. Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke des europäischen Mittelalters bis 1500 (…) 2 EP.ogt.thast, A. , SBcerrilpitno, r1iu8m62, 564; 2nd, rev. ed., Berlin, 1895-1896, vol. II, 1095. M.-C. Duchenne, G.G. Guzman and J.B. Voorbij, “Une lSisctreip dteosr ems aOnrudisncirsi tPsr daued `iScpaetcourulumm M heisdtioi rAieavlei' de Vincent de Beauvais.” , 41 (1987) 286-294; T. Kaeppeli and E. PaSnpeelclau,l u"Vmin Ncaetnutriuasle BSpeelvcaucluemns Diso (cBtreianuavleais)", iSnp:e Tc.u Kluamep Hpiesltio, r[aianlde E. Panella], Speculum . VMoolr. a4l,e Rome, 1993, 435-458, here 437H-e4t4 `7Sp, pecruesluemnt Hliissttso roifa mlea' vnauns cVriinpctes notf vtahne Beauvais. Een studie, van zijn ontstaansgeschie adnendi s . An alphabetical list of manuscripts of the E.g. was published in J.B. Voorbij, Speculum D3 octrinale , (Ph. D., GroniVnagdeenm Uenciuvmersity). Groningen, 1991, 338. P. Cañizares FLear rcioz manpdil aI.c Vióinll adrerlo sealb Feerr enná nlad eedza, “dD me eednicai c/l oLpae cdoima pai fllaotrioilne gdiuo :s ealv oir au moyen âge / The compil adtei oVnic oefn ktneo dwel eBdegaeu vina itsh ee nM eidl dle Ages del conde de Haro,” in: M. J. Muñoz, , P. Cañizares, and C. Martín, eds. Speculum Doctrina. lPeo rto, 2013 (Fédération Internationale des Instituts d4 ’Études MédHiéevta ‘lSepse, cTuelxutmes H eits téotruidaeles’ du moyen âge, 69), 140D, eli sotn mtsatanaunsscgriepstcsh itehdaetn eixs celnu sdiev ecloym pilatie cvoann thaeint "bSopoekcsu lVu man Nda VtIu oraf lteh"e v an Vincent van Beauv.ais († 1264, ( J.B. Voorbij, , 292-335; E. Albrecht, Ph. D., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). Louvain, 2007, vol. 2, 1-6. 4 Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, 38 (2014) speculum 5 that had been assigned earlier to some of these manuscripts . Similar analyses of a few 6 manuscripts kept in German libraries led to new evidence on their dates and regions of production . specula The updated list that is presented here, offers these revised dates. It lists only the manuscripts that Speculum Maius contain at least one integral book of the text of one of the . A more detailed description of the Inventory of manuscripts of the Speculum Maius manuscripts of the is available on the Vincent of Beauvais website, in the section , 7 specula (http://www.vincentiusbelvacensis.eu/mss/mssSM.html) . The website also offers information on manuscript fragments and anonymous adaptations and abbreviations of the . speculum Speculum Naturale Speculum Doctrinale Speculum Historiale Speculum Morale This updated list groups the manuscripts per : , and 8 Speculum . The list includes manuscripts of the apocryphal , since there Historiale Memoriale temporum are indications that a few copies of this text were kept together with manuscripts of the 9 . The list also contains the few surviving manuscripts of the . This text, 5 Vincent de Beauvais: intentions et réceptions d'une oeuvre encyclopédique auA .M Sotoynenes A, g“Per. o Alectgeosm deun XaI Vtoe aC oClolorqpuues doef Vl'Iinnscteintut to df 'Béteuaduevsa misé Idlliuésvtarlaetsi,o onrsg”a, ninis:é M c.o Pnajouilnmteiemre-Fnot u pcaarr t, S. Ll'Austeiglinear nV ianncde nAt. dNea Bdeeaauuv, aediss ... . et l'Institut d'études médiévales ... 27-30 avril 1988 Illuminating the Borders of Northern French and Flemish Manuscripts, 1270-1310 . Saint-Laurent/Paris, 1990 (Cahiers d'études médiévales. Cahier spécial 4), 301-3G4o4th; iEc. MMaonoursec Hriuptnst ,c . 1260-1320: A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in France . New York and London, 2007 (Studies i6n Medieval History and Culture), esp. 145-170; AS.p Setcounluems, Historiale . London, 2012. See, for example, the set of four volumes of the (Douai version) that Konrad Sachsenhauser, dean of the Premonstratensian house at Schäftlarn (Southern Germany), purchased in 1333 and that is kept at Munich, BayeriscDheie S itlaluamtsibniibelritoetnh eHka,n cdlmsc h1r7if1t2en9 -i1ta7l1ie3n2i.s cAhlle fro Huerr vkoulnufmt iens d er bBeaiynegr icsochpeiend S itna aFtrsabnibceli o(Pthaerkis?T)e, itlh 1e: vVoolmum 10es. bcilsm z u1r7 M12it9t ea dneds 1 1741. 3Ja0h hrhauven dbeeretns. illuminated in Northern Italy (Verona?); see: U. Bauer-Eberhardt, . (Katalog der illuminier- ten Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek in München, 6), Wiesbaden, 2010, catalogue nrs. 1771-174. Speculum Maius This section also describes the rationale of thSpe emcualnuums cMrioprta dleescriptions and outlines the manuscript t8radition of the . Speculum morale The text that we know today under the title F,a wctaost ucmompiled by Franciscan authors after 1310; see T. Zahora, C. MLeaw cso amnpdi lDac. iSóqnu direel, s“aDbeecro emn plail iendga tdh me edia, . Uncovering the Franciscan voices in an encyclopedia of ethics with theS apidec oufl um Morale software”, in: M. J. Muñoz, , P. Cañizares, and C. Martín, eds. 557-576. It is an intriguing q9Supeesctuiolunm w Mhyo rthalee Franciscan authorsS apdeocputleudm t Hheis ttiotrleia le for their compilation. See notably the manuscripts Florence, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Fiesole 140 and 141 ( ), and Fiesole 142 ( , Douai version). 5 Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, 38 (2014) Speculum Historiale Speculum Naturale being a résumé of the that was incorporated into the , knew a 10 limited independent circulation . 11 specula Each manuscript in the list is equipped with a siglum: a combination of letters and numbers . The Speculum Naturale Speculum Historiale specula letters indicate the specific , the numbers are serial numbers. For the manuscripts of the 12 Speculum Naturale Speculum Historiale and the sigla also specify the versions of these two . specula Today, three versions of the and five versions of the are Speculum Naturale Speculum Historiale known. With the exception of the Douai version, which constitutes the latest version of both , the names of the versions of the and are linked to manuscripts in which the first traces of these versions have been found. Speculum Naturale For the : • the Tournai version: siglum: Na; containing 30 books; produced not before autumn/winter 13 • 1245/46 ; 14 • the Bruges version: siglum: Nb; 32 books; not before autumn 1257 ; the Douai version: siglum: Nc; 33 books; compiled after 1258; this version derives its name from 15 the Douai 1624 edition to which it largely corresponds . 10 Vincent added a short prologue to this or.écs.umé to promote its inHdeet p`Sepnedceunlut mst aHteis;t soereia Mle.' Paulmier- Foucart, “oH.ics.toire ecclésiastique et histoire universelle: le `Memoriale temporum'”, in: M. Paulmier- F11o ucart, S. Lusignan and A. Nadeau, eds. 87-110; J.B. Voorbij, , 169-183; E. ARelbardeicnhgt t, he W, voorll.d 1. ,E 3n0c-y3c4lo apnedd i5c 3W-6r5it.i n g in the Scholastic Age The list adopts the suggestions for alteratioSnp eocfu alu fmew N saitgulara tlheat Mary FrankSlpinec-Bulruomw nH ipsrtoorpioasleed in . Chicago and London, 2012, xvii. 12 For lack of evidence, 5 manuscripts of the and 5 of the cannot yet be classified. 13 Ms. Brussels, Bibliothèque royale 18465, originating frSopmic athe.e C mahoineares s tdeer yl' Aotf eSlaieinr tV-iMncaerntitn d aet Tournai; sBeeea uMv.a Pisaulmier, “Étude sur l'état des connaissances au milieu du XIII siècle: Nouvelles recherches sur la genèse du `Speculum maius' de Vincent de Beauvaois.c.”. 1154 ,1 (1978) 91-121. Bibliotheca Mundi. Vincentii Burgundi, ex ordine Praedicatorum ve nMesr.a Bbriuligs eesp,i Ssctaodpsi bBieblllioovtahceeenks i5s,0 S4p; esceuel uEm. A Qlburaedcrhutp, lex, Naturale, Doctrinale, Morale, Historiale ... [Benedictini collegii Vedastini, eds], , vol. 1, Duaci, 1624 (reprinted: Graz, 1964). This is the most widely available printed edition, notably since its facsimile reprint ine .1g9. 64-1965. Speculum The Douai 1624 edition, however, is not always a reliable sourAccet,e ass d Bue Prrthemolide rU Cllomnagnrè dse dme olan -Fsétdraértead- in stieovne irnatle prunbaltiicoantaiolen ds,e s As, s“oAc ipartoiojencst d f'oErt ua dNees w c lEadssiitqioune sof Vincent of Beauvais”. , 8H (e1t9 ‘3S3pe) c3u1-2- 3lu2m6 ;H ainstdo “rTiahlee’ need of a New Edition of Vincent of Beauvais”. , Paris ,1951, 254-257. J.B. Voorbij, , 341-346, showed that several textual elements of the Douai edition are copied from the four-volume Venice 1493-1494 edition by Hermann Liechtenstein, including the omission of the 6 Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, 38 (2014) Speculum Historiale For the : • 16 • the Dijon version: siglum: Ha; first half (= 15 books); autumn 1245 ; the Klosterneuburg version: siglum: Hb; containing 30 books; not before autumn/winter 17 • 1245/1246 ; 18 • the Vienna version: siglum: Hc; first half (= 15 books) ; before 1250 ; 19 • the Saint-Jacques version: siglum: Hd; 32 books; after March 1253 ; the Douai version: siglum: He; 32 books; produced after July 1254; this version largely 20 corresponds to the text of the Douai 1624 edition . Speculum Historiale A number of manuscripts of the contain material from two or three versions. For these instances, the sigla in the list have three or more letters. Libellus Apologeticus Speculum Doctrinale Speculum Historiale specula general prologue ( ) and other introductory matter from the and the , which resulted in a distorted book numbering for these two . Today a range of digital facsimiles of incunabulum edit ions is available online, offering to scholars alternatives readily at hand when referring to the text of the Douai version; see h16ttp://www.vincentiusbelvacensis.eu/bibl/ed2.html . Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes Ms. Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale 568; sSepee cCu. lOuumr sHeils, t“oUrnia elexemplaire du `Speculum Majus' de Vincent de Beauvais provenant de la bibliothèque de Saint Louis.” , 85 (1924) 251-262. To this first half of the , the second half of the Douai version w17as appended afterwards. Vincent of Be Mausv. aKilso astnedr nAeleuxbaunrdge, rC thhoer Ghereraret.n Ssttuifdti 1es2 8on; s tehee J`.SBp. eVcouolurbmij M, “aTihues '` aSpndec iutsl utmra nHsilsattoiorinasl ein':t soo mmeed aiesvpaelc ts ovef rintsa gceunlaerssis and manuscript tradition”, in: W.J. Aerts, E.R. Smits and J.B. Voorbij, eds. , Groningen 1986 (Mediaevalia Groningana 7), 11-55. The Klosterneuburg manuscript presents the complete list of chapter titles of this version, the text itself of the manuscript being a representative of the Vienna version (mentioned below). The text of books XVI-XXX of the Klosterneuburg version was discovered afterwards in the severely damaged manuscript Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka R. 3o4.c1. (II.N.9.f.); see J.B. Voorbij, “La version Klosterneuburg et la version Douai du ‘Speculum historiale’: manifestations de l'évolution du texte”, in: M. Paulmier-Foucart, S. L18usignan and A. Nadeau, eds. , 111-140. Speculum Historiale Mss. Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 392-393; see J.B. Voorbij, “The `Speculum Historiale': some aspects”. To this first half of the , too, the second half of the Douai version was appended afterwards. 19 Ms. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale lat. 17550, origion.ca.ting from the Dominican house Saint-Jacques at P20a ris; see M.C. Duchenne, “Autour de 1 B2i5b4li,o uthneec raé Mviusinodni capétienne du `Speculum historiale'”, in: M. Paulmier-FoHuecta r‘Stp, Se.c Luulusmig nHainst,o arniadl eA’. Nadeau eds., , 141-166. [BenedicLtiibneir c cohllreogniiic Vaerudmastini, eds], . Vol. 4, Duaci, 1624 (rSeppercinutluemd: HGrisatzo,r 1ia9l6e5) . J.B. Voorbij, , 342-345, describes the material derived from Hartmann Schedel’s that is incorporated into the Douai edition of the .. 7 Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, 38 (2014) Speculum Doctrinale Speculum Of the , only one version has been identified so far: siglum Do; 18 books; produced Doctrinale circa 1250. Alphonse Dantier, however, reported the presence of a different text of the in manuscript Louvain, University Library 34. Unfortunately, Dantier’s report cannot be 21 verified because the Louvain manuscript was lost in the library fire in 1914 . Speculum Morale Memoriale temporum The list uses the siglum Mo for manuscripts of the , and MT for manuscripts of the . speculum Speculum Naturale Speculum Doctrinale This list shows that at least 25 of the surviving manuscripts were produced before the year 1300, most of which being copies of the and the . At least 9 of Libellus Apologeticus them date from circa 1270-1280 or earlier, thus being in the range of Vincent of Beauvais’ own Speculum Maius Speculum Morale lifetime. A few of these manuscripts contain a version of the that introduces a Speculum Maius quadripartite , including the . This may be an indication that the 22 project of a quadripartite dates back to Vincent’s days . Manuscripts of the Speculum Maius Speculum Naturale: Tournai version (Na), including Memoriale Temporum (MT) • • Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, 9152, books I-VII; 15th century (Na1) Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, 18465, books I-VIII; ca. 1270-1280 (Na2) Speculum Historiale. Memoriale Temporum Book VIII of the Tournai version contains a résumé of the This résumé knew a • limited independent diffusion, under the name : • Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, 1549; 15th century (MT1) • Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 4936; 14th century (MT2) Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 604; 13th century (MT3) Speculum Naturale: Bruges version (Nb) • • Arras, Médiathèque municipale, 795 (8), books XX-XXXI; 14th century (Nb1) Arras, Médiathèque municipale, 566, vol. 1 (437), books I,20-XVI,19; second half of 13th century • (Nb2) B r u g e s , S t a d s b i b l i o t h e e k , 5 04, books I-X,61; 14th century (Nb3) 21 Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires (…) A. Dantier, “Deu xième rapport (…) sur une mission (…) en Suisse, en Allemagne et en Belgique, pendant les mois d'août et de septembre 1855”. Speculum Maius ,6 (221857), 274-306. Speculum Maius o.c. passim Other indications for this project of a quadripartite , found on several locations within the text of the , are discussed by E. Albrecht, , vol. 1, . 8 Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, 38 (2014) • • Bruges, Stadsbibliotheek, 505, books I-XVI; 15th century (Nb4) • Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, 18466, books XVII-XXXII; middle of 13th century (Nb5) San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Biblioteca del Real Monasterio San Lorenzo, Lat. O.I.5, books X-XV; • 14th century (Nb6) Laon, Bibliothèque municipale, 426, books XI-XVIII, and Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 6428C, • books XIX-XXVII; shortly after 1260 (Nb7 and Nb12) Minneapolis, Bakken Museum, no shelf numbers, vol. 1: books I-XVI; vol. 2: books XVII-XXV; and • London, British Library, Add. Ms. 15583, books XXVI-XXXII; ca. 1270-1280 (Nb8) • Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, 3574, books XVI-XXXII; 14th century (Nb9) Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 6428A, vol. 1, books I-XV; and vol. 2, books XVII,122-XXXII; • 15th century (Nb10) • Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 6428B, books I-X; 1297 (Nb11) • Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 14387, books I-XVI; ca. 1260-1310 (Nb13) Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 16167, books I-XV, 72; and lat. 16168, books XVII-XXX,74; ca. • 1260 (Nb14) • Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 16172, books IX-XIV, 76; 13th century (Nb15) • Paris, Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, 52, books I-XVI; 14th century (Nb16) • Parma, Biblioteca Palatina, 97, books XV-XXIV; 14th century (Nb17) • Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ottob. lat. 108, books I-XVI; 15th century (Nb18) Veillereille-lez-Brayeux, Collège de Bonne Espérance, 3 volumes, no shelf numbers: vol. 1: books X- XVI; vol. 2: books XVII-XXV; and vol. 3: books XXVI-XXXII; ca. 1300/1310 (Nb19) Speculum Naturale: Douai version (Nc) • • Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, lat. fol. 76, books I-XII; ca. 1320-1360 (Nc1) • Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale, 48, books XXII-XXXI; 13th century (Nc2) • Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional, Il. 130, books XVI-XXVII, 93; early 14th century (Nc3) • Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 14388, books XVII-XXXIII, 107; 15th century (Nc4) Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ottob. lat. 109, books XVII-XXXIII; 15th century (Nc5) Speculum Naturale: unclassified manuscripts • • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 39, books I-XV; early 14th century (Nx7) • Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 7818, books X, XI and VI; 15th century (Nx13) • Oxford, Exeter College, XV, books I-XXXII, 93; end of 13th century (Nx14) • Vatican, Archivio del Capitolo di S. Pietro, A 40, books XVII-XXXII; 14th century (Nx26) Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 7112, books I-IV, 102; 15th century (Nx25) Speculum Doctrinale (Do) • • Avignon, Bibliothèque municipale, 228, fols. 171r-265v, books V-VI; ca. 1300 (Do14) Basel, Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität, Cod. membr. Basiliense B.IX.6, books V-VI; ca. 1315 (Do1) 9 Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, 38 (2014) • • Bruges, Stadsbibliotheek, 251, books I-IX; last quarter of 13th century (Do2) • Bruges, Stadsbibliotheek, 252, books X-XVIII; 14th century (Do3) • Budapest, University library, 112, fols. 51r-144v, books V-VI; 16th century (Do23) • Krakow, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, 498, books I-VIII; and 447, books IX-XVII; 1418-1419 (Do4) • London, British Library, 11.A.XIV, fols. 223-312: book X; 15th century (Do21) • London, British Library, Add. 18.334, fols. 109r-129r, books V-VI; 13th century (Do15) • Milan, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, AD.XIV.38, fols. 1r-116v, books V-VI; 15th century (Do16) • Mons, Bibliothèque universitaire, 32/362, books II-IX; ca. 1270-1280 (Do5) • Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 23797, fol. 230r-313r: books V-VI; 15th century (Do6) • Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, 1015, books I-X,1; and 1016, books X-XVIII; ca. 1310-1350 (Do7) • Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 6428, books I-XVIII; ca. 1270-1310 (Do8) • Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 16100, books I-XVIII; ca. 1260-1300 (Do9) • Paris, Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, 53, books I-XVIII; 14th century (Do10) • Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, 1096, fols. 49r-137r, books V-VI; 13th century (Do17) Philadelphia, private collection Albert C. Baugh, no shelf number, books V-VIII; 15th century • (Do11) Pisa, Biblioteca del Seminario, Arciv. S. Caterina 54, books V and VI,1-109; end of 13th century • (Do12) Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury School, Ancient Library, Ms. 5, fols. 7v-150v, books V-VI; 15th century • (Do22) Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, HB.III.35, fols. 11r-58r, books V-VI; ca. 1300 • (Do18) Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Tarragona, 94, fols. 3r-93v, books V-VI; 15th century • (Do19) • Valencia, Catedral, Núm. 1, books I-XVIII; 14th century (Do13) Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 4827, fols. 173r-231v, books V-VI; ca. 1300 (Do20) Speculum Historiale: Dijon version (Ha) • Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek, II.1.fol.194, vol. I, books I-VI; vol. II, books VII-XV; vol. III, books • XVI-XXIII; and vol. IV, books XXIV-XXXI,127; 1469-ca. 1470 (Ha1) • Barcelona, Biblioteca de la Catedral, Cod. 23, books I-VII; 14th century (Hae1) • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 8, books I-XIV; early 14th century (Hae2) • Chalon-sur-Saône, Bibliothèque municipale, 5, books I-VII,148; early 14th century (Ha2) Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale, 568, books I-VII; Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, 17970, books VIII- XV; and Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale, 569, books XVI-XXIII,2; 2nd half of 13th century (ca. • 1260?) (Ha3) Eichstätt, Universitätsbibliothek, Staats- und Seminarbibliothek 180, books XXV-XXXII; • 1462(Ha14) Erlangen, Universitätsbibliothek, 407/1, books XVI-XXIII; and 407/2, books XXIV-XXXI; ca. 1286- 1300 (Ha4) 10

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