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Vincent Gray letter to National Park Service 1/12/2012 PDF

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Preview Vincent Gray letter to National Park Service 1/12/2012

Visernt G, Giony Famuary 13, 201 The Honorable Jonathan 1, Jarvis, Direcler Natomal Park Servi 149 (Suet, N.W Washington, D.C, 20220 Dear Director Jarvis: sting relmburseonent for the National Park Service csfel (On Decerber 16, 2011, Twrate you req or the exaenses incurred by the District of Columbia required ta ensure a safe and Dralest by the two Occupy DC aroups. | would napresiate a zespanse In addition, T writs today to being to your at Columbia Denartnwent sf Health (DOH) raising sesious eoncess about Phe health aad safety of the ceapy DC protextars most acutely those et tae McPherson Square site, ‘The mast sstious of these conces:s include dangerous rol infestrtion as well a8 Uae setiaus potential for ‘cormmumieuble discase, kyporaermi and (id hare he jem he allchod zeport by tke iste of Dr Mohammed Akhter, Dircotor of DOH, has coaducted inspections a both carp sites and as informed me that the zosuitions st VsPherson Squate ace particulary a threat tw the Feat ana siety of both protestors and District residemls, ‘Those sks aze atvibuted wy improper disposal ans] coriainment of tash and bursan waste. This Tas Ic, in pat 9 st inozease in rodents a the a nit only scound the sits, bul inside tents and even in the Toad Rodents Save heen preparstian are, In action, hypothermia isan issue the District frees every winter In 2010, eleven people dicd ins he District due to bypotherm'a. If the weather wero to became colder we chuld he lave ith a tragedy of unprecedented love's. la aeiition, he DOT seport notes thst che mekeshill. hen some protestors ave using to attempt co leat teaLs Sve erenled the Fisk of carbon tonoxi poisoning, Sines both Occupy DC locations are under fedora control, fills to you to take immediate steps lo remedy this dangerous situation. AFa naiuizwan, the Ocoupy DC sites at McPherson Squats tnd Preetory Plaza ost be eorslidated at Freedom Plaza 1 allow “or elrmination of the 1a infestation, clean up, and restoration a MePherson Square. Steps lo ensure this Freedom Phir contizucs te bea sate place mnst also be taken, including regular safety aan compliance cheeks, Purther, 1 arm converted Cul the Tetisr T sen} you on Devembsr J6ta remaits unanswered Ditties vesidents shuld mut be Tired to caver he esis af the Oxeupy DC protests when the decisions that le to these on-going camp si:es were mace entirely by Une Natioral Park Service hank yuu cor your prompt attention to [betedhe CC: Allen Lew, City Admniststor Cathy Lanier, Chietal Potice Fnelosume

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