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VOCABULARYG RAMMAR LI I I A FacIe'A llalwy s Pesronailtayn d PresSeinmtp le 1F aecs Fogret appeaanrec PresCeontnti onuus Perdtiicncogn tent Phrasvaelr bs Comopunaddj ectives pag5e �--------------------------�----------------�------------------�--------- I ThMei dinghVti sitoDran goeurssi tuationPsa sSti mple 2D anegr! Makiinnegfr ceens Adjecstuifvfei xes IPas Cto tnionuus -edI- inagd jteicves PasPte rfSeicmtp le - page1 7 1----------------------------'----------------------'-- ---- ---- ---- OscPaitros rius Sptoa rnadc ihveemte n PrseenPte rfSeicmltpE 3G of orI t! Idenntgit fhyei Vercbol locations PasSti mple mainie da Iodmis • 29 page Dub-aAicr hittuercalB uinlgdsi JFu teuS rimple 4L andmakrs Wonderland I want+ iniftiinve beg ointgo • · Sacnnifnosgrp ecifiwca nt+o bj+e citfnniitiv1Feu teuC rontuoiuns ifnormation pag4e 1 I BriisIthA meircnaE ngslh iFuteuP rerfSeicmtp le 1------------------- -- --'-·-- ---------------- -'---- ----- ---� 1Fl eextpz Wilfdel i Releac tliaevuss I I 5S paekO ut! Guessintghe Prefixes meangio nfw ords Iodmis • I I page53 TwistSeitrse rs IW eather Modals I I 6E xtremWeea hter undsetnrading Gerusna dnidf nniitiveMso daplef rects connectors Noucnol lcoations • I page6 5 Anatcrtica Tarvel Fistrs,e cnoda ntdh ci r- - 7T rvael I Undresntdairnegf ereNnocues nu ffixes '---'c onditional Timcelu ases • page7 7 L__ __j ThEey eAsre Hoensty 1T hPea ssive 8H onesty IWa tichnYgo u Adjec+t pirveepsio tsionTsh Ce auastive Autrh'opsup rose Iodmis • 89 I I page --- � SpaCcaeed ts Enteirnetmant Reptoersdp eech 9T htas' 1 Revioefrw ae ding usetdo I b eu setdo I Reponrgvt eirbs Enteritmnaent! streagties getu setdo I Pharslav erbs • page1 01 AppendiceGsra mmaArp pendix Glsosray Prepsoitions • • • pag1e 13 page1 34 pag1e 43 PronucnitaioPnr atciec Phrasla rVebs IrregulVaerr bs • • • page1 31 page1 42 pag1e 44 1\R LISTENINGS PEAKING WRITING SKILLS • A lecture Desbcirnipge ople A descriopfat p ieorns onA ppaltiicfoonr amnsd Puntcuation inetrvwis e JOUS I A convaetrison !T aliknagb oaup tit cuer A narrative Usinagd itcioyn ar s Conenctoorfs 1ple Is euqencaen tdi me exrpeisosns SimpleA driaiotn erview Ecxhangiifnnogr matAi boino agprhy Booktiikncegt osn line Worodr der l ---- Guidteodsu r Comparitnuegrs piAc despctriioofan p lea c Itnertnr eesearch Adjectives )US imlpe A convaetrison Exepssrinogpn iions IA f aonrad g nasiets say Gviinapg r eseinotna t Concnteoorfs adidtiaonncd o natsrt --� ------ Newrspe otrs Itnevriewing 1A newrspe otr Usnigg arphasn cdh tasr Concnteoorfs cauasnerd se utl Jt hdi r Recormdeesdgs eas Buyinatg ar itnik cet Ani fnomraelm- ail Bookair nogo m Refeenrcing --- _____ _L_ - A radiineovtr iew Agreeinagn d Ano pineisosna y Undsetnradgia ndvtesr dsiaegeirng IC onenctorpsur poofs e Revwi oefc onnectors I _L ------� __ _____ _ � -- ------ --�-- Filremv iews Makipnlga ns IA f irlemv iew !U sinegne tritnaemnt Wrtiinregv iew Ig uides I �---- ---L--- --�---------- WrtiinGgui de • ::Jage1 46 UniOtb jectives • PersonalaintdAy p pe<�rance • PreseSnitm ple * PreseCnotn tinuous * Listentiona g L ecture *DescribiPnego ple • WritinagD escriptoifoa n P erson * LifSek illAsp:p licatFioornm s andI nterviews Faces How good aatrr meee myeboruif nagc eDsot? h e bteelsaotnw fd i onudt . a.L ookt haet f saicixeng s or uApf o3r0 s eocnds. b. Nowa tlt ohnoeek x stif xa ciengs r o8uf po 3r0 s eocnds. c.T urn ptaog 1e06 .Do t hnee xptat ro ft htee satn cdh ceky ouarnw sers. GROUPB • Haev yeovue mre at nybody wfhaocsee w yoonfu'o tr get? Whyd oy oui ntyhko wuo nf'otr gtehpti esr son? Twoo ft hef aceso n thisp agea re popurlB arithi cselebrities. WEB EXTRA fnido utm orea boutth me atw:w w.burlingt/voinebwopookisn.tess I READ ING 5.C hootshee abnewssetar c cdoigrnt ot he text. 1.Int htiesxt thw,er iwtaenrmt as iyn lt.o. . a. rteealdtleh srets o orfhy e lfrie b.i fnorrmed aesar bouPtA c.g vied eatialbosu t ltahtreee sste oanrP cAh 1 WorCdh ecTkh:el olfwoiwnogr daspp ear d.h elrepa ddeairgnso sweh etthheehryva eP A int htee xMta.ek s uery okun owwh atth ey 2.Wh etnh wer irtaeeilrs edh asdh esP hAwe,a s. .. . mean. a.g aldt hsathw ea sn oatl one flatmbaltiens qude ya kcope b.u psetth tahtee w rasso mteihnwgro ng • • • withhe r c.a nygt rhtna oo nhea edv etro hlde r PREDICTCIONNGT ENT d.h apptyh hatec ro ndiwtaiso nn ot moers erious Befroedraeia nt ge xlotoka, tt hpei cetsau nrd 6.A nwsetrh qeu seitonisyn o uorw nw ords. thttei.l T eihwsli hle yloppu r etdhicceot en ntotf thtee xt. 1.Ho wd itdh wer iktnewor t hsahte PhA?a d 2.W hactul edso P As ufferuesrtesor eocginse people? 3.W hym itg hbau nseismsee tnigb e fdiicffuolrt 2.L ooaktt he atnitdth leet uperi.Wc hadto y ou thwer iter? thitnhkte e xitas b out? 4.W haitm epssrionP Asd ufofe rmearekso n othse?r 3.R eatdh e atnecdxh te wchke tyhoeurr 5.W hy dos uffPeAr ers spormenetdtte ihemye s prediwcatsci oornr ect. haevntg' otth eisre sg?l as Arteh feol lowisntga temenotrfs la ster?u e 4. 7.F inwodr dosrp harseistn h tee xtth ata nm:e Finevdi deintnch teee xttos pupoty rour 1.af r(apiadr a1gr)a ph answers. 2.ia nd tdiitoon( para2g)ra ph 1.Th mea nflo wlinogt he wwraiasts etnrrg a.e r 2.PA wfarissd tai gnosietndh 1e99 0s. 3.d efiint(eplay ra3g)r aph 4.m aeki pto sbslie( fpoarra 4g)ra ph 3.P oeplcaneg ePtAf rmo tehiprae rnts. 4.S omPeAs ufferteg ros omduuotcn h'. 5.t ypkeisn,(d psa ra6g)r aph 5.T hwer ipterefret ros keecpo nhdeiarst e icorne t. 6.S cietsnh tavinesod tsi covaec rueefrd o PrA. • Havyeo euv er ibnes eiant uawthieeor n yodu ind'rte cnosiges omeoonrce ol udtn ' rmeembetrh eir Hnoawdm ieyd?o fuee l? Whadti ydo u do? 6 Unti 1 t. A FacIe1' A1 l waFyosr get A feywe asr agoa, m an begna callingm ef rmo theo tehrs idoef t hes teretI.i ngorehdi ,m buth er ana fter me,s houting",H eyF!r"ih gteneIds ,ho utebda ck," What'tsh ep roblme?" When her epliedh,si Amerciana ccenrtem indedm e:h ew asm y faltmatea ndI h adb ene lvinigw ithhi mf ort hreey ears. 5 Thiisnc iednta,ol ngw itshe veraolt hres,m adem e realiset hta aIm facel-nbid. hIav ea conidtni coallepdr osopagnosi,ao rP A.I 'nmo tr eallbyln id.W henI 'lmo onkgia ta faccea,n I descrieb itp erefctliyt.j' uss tth taw henI l ooakw ayI,d on'rtem embert hed eatils. PAw asf risdt ocumenteidn t he1 940sa ndw asb elvieedt ob ec ausebdy b raini njuorrya strkoe.H owevre,i nt he1 990sr,ep ortwse rep ublsihedo fp aerntsa ndc hilednrw how ere 10s uffreinfgr mo thed siodrer,b uth ad no injurTyh.ic sl easrhlwoye dt htas omep eoplaere bonr witthh ep robleamn,dt hta ciatn b eh eerditarNyeu.ro logtishs aven owp rovedt htai t isc ausebdy a deefcti na signleg ene. WhenI t ellmy frienadbsou tm y conidtni,ot hesya y",B ut yjouusr te ocgnismeed" !" YesI, " answer," bceausyeo us tlihla vel nogo rangeh ari, saq ueakvyoi ec andr ian tghr ough your 15e yerbow.i"t 'tsh escel eust hta allwo prosopagnostitcosf uncitno ins oceityB.u tw hat if you'raeta businemsese tinwgh erea ltlh em en are wearisnugi tasn dh aves hotrh ari? Ins hotr,l fiei ns'tea syf or PA suffreers.W e'er seena ss nobbisahn d strangbeec auswee don'sta yh elltoop eoplwee' er supposedt o know.S omehwo, "Sroyr,I d ind'tr eocgnisyeo u"s emes a poor 20e xcusef orl ookgi sntraightthr ough somenoe- espceialwlhye n thtas omenoei sy ourb oyfinred! (! Soh ow dow e copeW?e l,lw e usea lslor tosf s treagtise.S omeo f f usj usdto n'sto ciiaslem uch.O thero ptnisoi cnludsem iilnga t evreyonjeu sitn c aset heayr ea na cquanitanceo,r eptrneding I 25w e haven'gtot o urg lsases. Alli na lli,t 'as r eleift ok nowt hta my problehma s an ame andt hta ltoso fo tehrp eoplseh ariet- inf acti,t 'bsei leved thta onep ersoni n5 0s uffresf rmo PA. it'asl seoa sietro tellpe oplaeb outi tt hna to ltehte mt hnikI 'cmra zyA.n d 30n owt hta thye'ev foundo ut it's bcyaa u gseende ,w ho knows- oned ay theer may evenb ea cur.e Falfsrei ends rea(lil5si)men eea dnarssc eu entnao rtea lizar prete(nld2ii4nnm)geea nfsin gienntdopo r etendiendo 7 �OCABULARY PHRASALV ERBS T i:l"t -.i Wheanv eirfsbo llboyow neoedrm orpea rticles, itc alilesadp harsvarelbT .hm ee naionfg the form tThexet Vords \ pharsvaelir dsbfi efernftr otmehm enaionftg h e vearolbn e. 1.C hootsweop ossibalnwese rtsoc omptlee eacshe ntePnacayet .ti eontntot he wionr ds Heb egatno r una ftmeer. col.o ur When/ looakw ay;I d on'rte membtehre d etails. 1.A m anm gihwte aars u itt oa . .. . JWI.GramAmpapre npdaigxe, aw.e ddinbg.f ooltbla eg amcme.te ing 114-115 2.A blipnder sownou lpdr obnaobetln yj ao. y. . ac.o ntc ebr.p atiinenxhgi bition 3.M atecahc phha rsvaelr ibnI ittoms ea ning cb.a llepte orrfmance i1n1U .s teh peh ravsearllbt iso s np ag1e4 t2o 3.A na cquanitnace coulbdes omeofnrmoe helypou . you.r.. . af.ma iyl b.sc hoolc .n ehiobgurohdo I 11 4.A cleu mgihhte yloptu o . .. . 1 r.u na fter a.m eebtyc hnace af.i snodm teihnhgdi debns. o lavp euz zle 2.ru n owfift h b.t uronns ee 'yeisn cc.a rsroymt ehihnega vy 3.r uni tno anotehrd ietcrion 5.Y oum gihrte lpyt o. .. . 4.l ooakw ay c.c hase aa.b ookb .q uase tico.n eam-na il 5.l ootkh rough d.f iinfndo ratmiaobnot u 6.Y ouc oulsdha re a. .. . 6.l oofko wrard to e.s teal a.f ace b.b ook cm.e al 7.lo oukp f.f eeexlc iatbeodu t g.i gonre � 2.C omptlete hpea ssagteh wweoi rtdhs and pharsebse wl.oT helnti esann cdh eycoku r answers. 4.C omptlete hsee ntewnicttehhsc e o rrfeocrtm of saut iabplher avsearflbr oEmx er3c.i se alilna llr emindgi •n copwei ths nigle • • 1.T hteh ief£ 1,000y est.e rday pretendd siorderr elaises ijnuyr H H. • • • 2.Da inei ssos nbobi.Ss hhaewl ay..s.. .m.ew. h.e.n we pass. 3.L ooWkh'o i tsh aptoie lcma.n.. .?.. ... 50F IRSDTA TES 4.T hlegi hwta ss ob ritt ghhaIh ta tdo. . 5.W hevneePra itcrgko es hoe.u ..ts .,o. meohnee H knwos. Haev yous eetn hefli m5 0F irDsatt eis't?sa bout 6. Are yyouornue xstkig inl esns?o ·H··· ay oungc oupl,eH enyr (AadmS andle)ar ndL ucy 7.Id otnk 'nwo whatth waotr mde anLse.t. ' sit H. (DreBwa rryem)o.rTyh'erienl voeb,u tH enyrs oon itnh deci itony.a r H. 1· .H. thatth ehya ev sae riopurosb lemf:r oom ne dayt ot hen exLtu,c fyo rgewthso H enyr is. Shes uffresf rmo a2 ·.. .. H •• calleadn teorgarde amnesicaa,su edb ya n sher ecieevdi na 3 H. • •• caarc cidnetA.s a resluts,h ec anntor emembera · .... thinfrgmo oned ayt ot hen exSth.e a slo 4 . .. H. thinskt haetv erdya yi s1 3tOhc tboer2 002. . Herf athaenrd b rothse.r thatths ii st rue, . .H• •• re-ilnitgvh ee ventosft hadta ys ot hasth ew on'gte t upseHte.n ryh,o weve,wr ants Ltuoc y rela 6· H • lei.Hf em akesh erav dieot ow atcehv ermyo rnnig, ...........h. .e.wr. h.os. .h.ei s. ,t hsif limi sv ery 8· H • enetratinianngdt he taicnigsg reatD.o nt'm issi t! Barrymore andS andlweorn t hea wadrf ort he Besotn -ScreTeena ma tt heM TV MoviAew adrs. 8 Unit1 4 T<;>p.Y9J .��.�9.���!..Y..... 4.I ny ounro tebworoiktt,he ae d jecbteilvoews ······. ........................ . itnh ceo rrceacttey g.So ormweo rdmsa yf it PERSONALITYA ND APPEARANCE morteh aonn cea teyg.o r s, •d ark •c urly 1.R eatdh dee scriopfat s itsoairn g Wnh.i ocfh •s triagth •s piy k e thaed jecitcnio vledosou ry toihuns kh ow •s lim •w avy posipteiorvnseia tltyr aiWthsis?ch ho w •s kinny •w ell-itbl u negattirvaeit s? •f air •p etite •c hubyb •m usuclar •p lain •g orgeous Aries •u nattractiv•es houlder-lentgh •g ood-looking Hair Build GeneArpaple arance (21sMta rc-h1 9thA pnl) Youa rev eryc onfident 5.W rittweoo rt hrseeen tednecsebcsir naig andl ovteo t akea ction, cleerbiUtyse. tahdej ecitnEi xveers4c .i se soy ou'rae n aturlaela der. Seief ypoaurrtc naegnru essh ew/hsoih se. Peopllei kyeo ub ecause you'rgee neroaunsd f un tob ew ithY.o um ake COMOPUNADDJE CTIVES Jt decisiqonusi ckalnyd c an A compnoduj caetdeii fvso rmferdot mw o beq uitiem puls.i ve ajdectuisvluecyas oln,nce tbeydah ypnh.e Tryn ott ob et oob ossy Comopnudj aedctaeiro vfeetnsu e sdt od escribe andb ea bimto re appaearcnea dnp erastloyin. open-min!d ed 2.C omptlete hsee ntewnicttehhs ae d jectiv6e.sC opmlteet hsee ntewnicttehhsc e o mpound bewl.o adjecbteliovwe.s talkatei •v selfi•s hehlp flu• stubborn big-hea•d berdo asdh-oduelerd condseiarte• romanti•c n osy• calm lon-lggeged• oldfa-shioned 1.H ess' o thantoo neele c sasna ayw ord kin-hderated• shotr-tmepered .. no whehnes a' orun!d 1.S asla estsaisnsm tutso ftdeenwa ilt h 2.Th asn to'noefy ourb unssei!sD o'nbte s o. ..!.. .... anygc rutsomers. . . 3.l wta s'nvte ry ofy otuo ltskao l ouwdhliylI e 2.My g arnfdathhaetrpe osmp u sHiecsr' .el aly .n . . wasr etsing. 3.A stnrgaegra vues sfoomoed waant.de r ·n·· 4.P laesleti estnoo uard viScteob.pe isnog 4.W hya era lslue pmrodetllasslil ,ma n.d.. .?. ..... 5.Y oua taelt lh iec cer me.aT hawta sre lyal. . 5.T hmea nwa sm uscluaarn d from .n .. ofy o!u doipnhgy swiocrakl. 6. tIo b etr .yw hepne opalsmeke f or 6.T h.e.. ...s. inigasewl ra ylsa ftoecr o entrcs. .n dietcrions. Hei rsae yla lrrgoa!n t 7.H eb oughhigtsi rlfrietneadsn fdclw hoeorcso.l a How . ! no 8.S hseq 'uit.e..N othiunpsge htes. r .n 3.U steh aed jecftriovEmex se rc1ai ns2edt s o • Copmlteet hsee nteMnaceket sh.et mr ue comptlete hel olfwoinsge nteTnrcyeu sts.oe foyro u. atl eaesittga hdjectives. 1.Id otnm 'inshdai rng. ... 1.Iw oulleid k bao fyriIeg nidr lfwhroii e.sn ..d . 2.T hmeo sgtene routsih nIvg'e e vedro nwea s. .. . 2.Th e ipdreeonsfatc onutsryh obuel. d.. . 3.T hmeo sstel ftishhi Ivn'ege v edro nwea s. .. . 3.Ig eatn yg ratd amdy ubese chcaeanb et o.o .. 4.W heInm eeatna cquaintIa.n c..e ., 4.V eryyou ncgh dierlna ero ft.e..n . 5.I 'lmoo kifnogr watrod. ... 5.M anTVy a nfdli mc elebsra iert. i..e . 6.Iv 'el aernteocdo pew it.h ... VocabulBaurliyd epra,g e7s8- 79 9 c� Chootshece o rrteicmetex prestshieonn , 1. GRAMMAR rewrtihtseee ntences. 1 H.ed irevso utes itcdhtiey . '---.., (reaylIr n exwte ke) 2.W haitts h baoty ntgtr ody oi? PRESESNITM PLE (atthm eo mentI s oemtei)sm PRESECNOTN TINUOUS 3.D iead neostng 'eatl too fp heoc nalls. (toIdu asyul ayl) A.R ead etxhmaep lsea nda nswetrh eq usetoins. 4.D oy ouund ertsnadm yq eutsion? a.P As ufferaelrwsa yssm ilaete veryone. (ervyde aIyn ow) b.Sh eh opetsh atth ewyi lfli nad c urfeo PrA . 5.M ym otrhw eorqkuiset l ea.t (fotneI t omrorow) Altlh em ena rew earisnugi ts. c. 6.O unrei gohubsra erl aevitnhcgeo nutry. d.M anyp eoplseu ffferro PmA . (soIos nel dom) e.I a mm eetimnygb oyfneanttd h ea irpotrotn ight. 7.Im etef rnidefso croff e.e f. Shei sl iviwnigt ahf latmattheiy se ar. (tmoorroIow n W edendsays) 8.F ioincsao miwnigth herb oyfnrdi.e Whitceheni suss eiden aocfth h e 1. (otniIgf ehrqteu ntly) examapoblvees? 2.W hiecxmhap elt lakasob u.t?. . 2.C ompletthese e ntewnictehsv etrhibens 1.ar eguhlaaborirr t ot uine brackUesttesh P.er esSeinmtpo lrPe r esent 2.a t meporryaat cion Conntuoius. 3.ag eenrIta r uth 1.S uasnan. ....( .stuFedrcnyh)t htiersm . ana tciwohni ichshp a epnnign ow 2.. . J.eo u suya .l..( l.idcsussh)sii edasw ityhou ? 4. 3.T hiifssa anstct!Oi utrae m. ...(.wn.i)t.h .me.a c th! 5.a d efipnlnifa toer n tefhauert ure 4.W hy. .y.o..u.. ..(. t.tr.oyd. )o. that now? 6.a t huogh,tf eelgoi ren xptteainc o as ttaivveer b 5.T hakti onfdc a.r. (..ue.s)a.l t.oo .fp. et.or.l . ( ) 6.Im ' soyr,br uIt. ..(..n. o.rmet.e .m.be.)ry ourn aem. 7... .(.n.tgo. o.t).os . hc.o.ot lo moowr.r B. Reade xmtahpel easn dc omplteet her usl.e 8.P engus.i .n(.i.lev.)o. ny.li .tn.h s.eo. u ertnh a.H er emembenrasm esb,u tn otf aces. hemsipeher. b.W e don'stoi calimsuec h. - c.D oehse u sualrleyc ognhiisfser iends? SATITVVEEB RS-Somsett aei v d.S hei snw'eta rihnegrg losses. versbusc ht hiasnsek le,o, o hkae,va nwde icgah n e.H e'sl ooiknag tm y face. refteoar na t ciaoswn e alsals taWtheet.neh se vrebrse fteoar na tciwoenc ,a n uPsreen stte he f. Aret hetyr yitnogf inadc ure? Conutoi.un s Weu slulauyst eh bea fsoer omft hvee rb 1. + ...t..of ortmh3 erp de rssniougnl oaftr h e PrseeSnmitp le. 2.I tnh Pers eeSnitm pwleue sa,ex u liairvye rbs 3.C ompletthese e ntewnicttehhsc e o rrfeocrtm ianls leen netcso nilnny e agvteis eennetcs oft hvee rbs inD ebcriaidcfek v etethrseb. I adnq ueisotns. refteor ssat aotrae n oanc.t i 3. We... u+v see+r .b.. ...t of ortmh e 1.WWeh e. er. .o..f.gy. .oo..iu..o.n. ..n.hg w.. .oe .s. al.h.yin. o de.guxm olto(?d thnt hi).n k PerseCnontt oiunsu. 2.D ad.. . tshuoepI .' smue r itv eryg. o.o..d Itnh Peer seCnontt oiunwsue,u saena x uiliary 4. (tea)s t veiranbl l s encteesonln iyn ng etaive I 3.H e ...a .tte hb oonko wl.t.. . .iten ertsnig(.l ook) sentaennqdcue eisnso .st 4.. ..h e. .t.h.te.o .am.te.osn. o.w.? GramAmpapre pnadgiexs How much.. .t..h e.y. .?(. ew.gi.h.). ... 113-114 5.O ufrer ndis. .. nae ws wmimignp ool. The.y. . pao oplar ttyih Ssu nyd(.aa hev) Unti1 4. Rewrtihtseee nternpecleasc,ti htneig m e �7 .C opmlteet hpea sswaigtethh c eo ercrfto rm expsrieosinnis tl caisw itthh oisnber ackets.o ft hvee ribns braUcskteeh Pters e.s ent Chantgheve e rbs nwehceerrseys. a SimpolrPe r esCeonnnttu iouTsh.el nti esann d 1.H esro dno espnrc'attit shpeei ainnt oh e cheycokua rns wers. mornin(ga.tt h meo metn) ��-L":;'!i' ':7:t P'rof..:1l•l1fe r ie• nNde•t wo• rlkn•b {ol••) """"' •'"'".�.',. '1" '� • 2.I t akmeyd otgo t hvee etv eyry ear. (tmooorwr) 3.W aitaenrCd i dnya er'ncta lgtl hiepniaerrns t DonB'et Victim att hem oment(.e vyd eary) a 4.I u suya llknwo whasth mee ans itn'osw l aet atn ihgta,n dP aula (nwo) ...(.s).ia .tt.h .e.cr. o mputeSrh.e 5.V eriajs o igngwgi tafh r ineonwd. .. ..(.o.p.e.nh.)e. fr av ouristieet, (usluya)l Faecboo.Lk iek miilnolso fo ther 6.D ot hneu srefsii nswho rakt fciolcvkeev eyor ' Faecboouks erPsa,u l.a.... .(..e njoy) aftenroon(?n wo) 3: .. 11 shraindge tialosfh erlf iew ith 7.I Msr W ashitnopgnly aitnnegn sti himso rning? hero nl nie" rfiesn'dB:u ts he . (evym eorrnngi) 4·. ........ (norte lasiet)h abty d oingt h,i s shem igthb ei vnintgic rmiinals 5.J eaann Kde iatrhce h taitnCgo.pm lteet heir tot aek over ihdenret iAty t.yp ical dilagoubey w rittihnmegis siqnuget sions. Faecboouks e5r . . ( porvi)d e Jaen: H 0 ? valaublieno frmatni,so uch daaset Ketih:Y esI,l eim kyn eswhc ool. ofb itrhm,o bi-lpehonneum bera nd ? a home adderssC.y be-rcrmiinals Jaen: ...? ........ KeithN:o I,d o'nste mey o lfder nidvsey r ofte6 n. H (uste)h iisnof rmatni too "becomteh"a pte rsoann da ccess 11 ofnt.e thebiarn k accoupnotil.c aeUer K Je:a n ? soc oncernaebodu tt hitsh atthe y H 0 H KeitIh':smut dyimnagt hEsn,g laitra snhd, ......(nowp lan)an atoinale -crmie 7·. .. geogrtahptihesyr. m unittod eawli tthh per obleYmo.u cana voibdec omingav itcimm:a ke Jaen: ? 0 H sure ycohuoo set heo ptitohna t Kei: tYhesIk, n wo AleGxad nre.Hr 'eis n mym atchalss s. 8·... ....( .all.wo)o nlyyo ufrr nidest o vieywo upre rsolnd aetials. Jaen:5 .. . . .... ? Kei:t NhoI,m' ndooti anyngti hnsgpc eaitlh is afetronnoD.oy ou wacnotmo etv reo? I Complteet hsee nteUnscteeh sPe.r esent 6. SmiploerP resCeonnnttu ious. 1. At leaasw te eoIkn. ,c.. e . 2.S tompa kisnomg uc hn ois!We e 3.T hwieske enmdy,f ma iy.l .. . GrammRaerv iew 4.J eync nnat'c omteot hpear ttyno itgS.hh .e 11 5.E vemroyr noiundrgo ,.g .. . 8.R ewrtihtfeeol o lwinsegn teunscgiet nsh e 6.A cocdrintoge xptesPr,As uffe.r..e .rs wordisbn r ackentosct.h aDntogh eoe r iingal meaning. 1.H ow muchi tsh miasg az(iocnset/) 2.I h vaent'g oatc a.(r own) Miar ah oebmsre�e P.qo rup ees rigau een sioeii? 3.W ei tnentdom eeftol rnu cht omroro(wae.r) Looaktt hmaatnW .h iyhs e r unnaifnttgeh rba ot.Iy ? 4.Be rnadp alyasl too ff oolt(lboat.fe n) NOTLo okt ahatmta nW.h dyo ehser uantf etrh at 5.T hceh lidenra erq utia ett hmeo men(ttla.k ) boXy ? 6.Iv 'eg ot ptlosa ePneaus tl no itg.h (am) Extrgara mmare xerciessa t: burin/ g otnbookess.'/ il,epouir ns1 11 www .

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