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July Annex Auction Auction: Previews: Tuesday, July 3, 2012, 10am Sunday, July 1, 9 am to 5 pm (lots 001-1000) Monday, July 2, 9 am to 5 pm Wednesday, July 4, 2012, 10am Days of sale from 9 am to end of sale (lots 1001-2041) 2751 Todd Street • Alameda, CA 94501 • Tel: (510) 740-0220 • Fax: (510) 749-7517 Michaan’s Auctions - Terms and Conditions of Sale STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE These Conditions of Sale are binding on all purchasers at Auction. Please of any amount in excess of $250,000. Internet Buyer’s Premium is read carefully. twenty-three percent 23% up to and including $250,000 plus eigh- By registering to bid at auction, in person, or through an agent, by teen percent (18%) of any amount in excess of $250,000. absentee bid, or telephone or any other means including the Internet TERMS OF SALE and e-mail, you agree to be bound by these Conditions of Sale (and a. The Purchase of and Payment for Property changes made as noted below.) 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Any statements made during, and all aspects applies: of, the mediation process shall be kept confidential and shall not All gemstone weights are approximate. be admissible in any subsequent arbitration or judicial proceeding. We are aware of the many types of treatments and/or enhance- Any resolution shall be confidential. (b) If the parties cannot agree ments used today on diamonds and colored stones. The purpose to mediation, or if mediation does not resolve the dispute, or in any is to improve their appearance i.e. color and/or clarity. Techniques event no longer than 60 days after receipt of written notice referred like heat treatments, color diffusion, irradiated, HTHP, oiling, resin, to above, the parties shall submit the dispute for binding arbitration bleaching, dying and impregnation are just a few techniques known before a single neutral arbitrator jointly selected, or absent agree- today. Some treatments combined. Some treatments are not detect- ment, selected from the panel of Arbitrators provided by the Ameri- able using standard gemological procedures. Not all treatments are can Arbitration Association (AAA). If, within 15 days, the parties permanent. Prospective buyers are therefore reminded that unless cannot agree on an arbitrator, then AAA shall select one (1) person otherwise noted in the description(s), it must be assumed that some as arbitrator in accord with AAA rules. The arbitrator shall be an form of enhancement may have been used. attorney, experienced in commercial law and with the UCC. The arbitrator shall be required to follow the law in making his award, Regarding laboratories certification: The certifications mentioned in and the award shall be in writing and shall set forth findings of fact the descriptions only reflect the opinions of the laboratory. From one and legal conclusions.(c) The arbitration shall occur within 60 days laboratory to another they do differ on the degrees of grading and/ of the selection of the arbitrator, in either Oakland or San Francisco, or treatments. And if a stone has a certificate from a laboratory we California, unless the parties agree to another location. Discov- cannot guarantee this grading. ery and the procedure for the Arbitration shall, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, follow the procedures and policies of AAA Watches must be examined carefully. Although we do attempt to governing commercial arbitration, subject however to the following mention in our descriptions significant defects, needed repairs, modifications: absent stones and the like, we do not guarantee the accuracy or 1. All arbitration proceedings shall be confidential. None of the par- operation of any watch function. ties nor the arbitrator, may disclose the existence, content or results of the arbitration without the written consent of all parties. Detailed condition reports are available for most pieces. These 2. The parties shall attempt to agree on the issues to be arbitrated, or reports contain more information than the catalog descriptions. Im- identify the disputed issues in writing no later than 45 days prior to ages shown may appear smaller or larger than actual size. arbitration. Bid Increments Minimum Value Maximum Value Expected Bid Increment from US $ 0 to US $ 49 US $ 5 from US $ 50 to US $ 199 US $ 10 from US $ 200 to US $ 499 US $ 25 from US $ 500 to US $ 999 US $ 50 from US $ 1000 to US $ 1999 US $ 100 from US $ 2000 to US $ 4999 US $ 250 from US $ 5000 to US $ 9999 US $ 500 from US $ 10000 to US $ 19999 US $ 1000 from US $ 20000 and above US $ 2500 As of: 6/29/2012 Page: 1 Lot # Description Lot # Description 001 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 039 COLLECTION OF MASONIC, PUNCHED COIN 002 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. JEWELRY. 003 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 040 COLLECTION OF FOUR PAIRS OF GOLD-FILLED GENTS CUFFLINKS. 004 COLLECTION OF VINTAGE COSTUME JEWELRY. 041 COLLECTION OF TWO GOLD-FILLED WATCH 005 COLLECTION OF VINTAGE RHINESTONE JEWELRY. CHAINS. 006 COLLECTION OF TWO COSTUME JEWELRY SUITES. 042 COLLECTION OF THREE GARNET VICTORIAN, 007 COLLECTION OF CHANDELIER CRYSTAL. BOHEMIAN JEWELRY ITEMS. 008 LOT OF FOUR BRACELETS. 043 COLLECTION OF THREE 10K ROSE GOLD, GOLD, 009 LOT OF MOSTLY STERLING JEWELRY. AGATE, STERLING SILVER GENTS ITEMS. 010 COLLECTION OF METAL WATCHES AND PARTS. 044 COLLECTION OF VINTAGE TORTOISE SHELL 011 PETIT POINT PANDA PURSE, MOTHER-OF-PEARL JEWELRY. FRAME. 045 COLLECTION OF VINTAGE LORNETTES. 012 COLLECTION OF VINTAGE CASES AND PURSES. 046 COLLECTION OF THREE BAKELITE, CUT STEEL 013 LOT OF COSTUME JEWELRY, WATCHES AND A BUCKLES AND HAIR ORNAMENTS. PAINTED MEXICAN BIRD. 047 COLLECTION OF CARVED STONE, SILVER, ENAMEL 014 LOT OF CONTEMPORARY NECKLACES INCLUDING ITEMS. PAPER. 048 COLLECTION OF JADE, YELLOW GOLD, CARNELIAN 015 COLLECTION OF BOLO TIES AND BUCKLE. ASIAN JEWELRY. 016 AFRICAN BEADED COLLAR. 049 CARVED PENDANT. 017 COLLECTION OF MIXED METAL, MULTI-STONE 050 BAKELITE DRESS CLIP. JEWELRY. 051 COLLECTION OF ENAMEL AND SILVER BROOCHES. 018 JET BUTTERFLY ORNAMENT. 052 COLLECTION OF NINE YELLOW GOLD, METAL 019 COLLECTION OF TEN GOLD-FILLED, METAL, CHARMS AND LOCKETS. MULTI-STONE STICKPINS. 053 PRESSED GLASS CAMEO, METAL BROOCH. 020 COLLECTION OF EIGHT MULTI-STONE, 14K, 10K 054 COLLECTION OF TWO SILVER AND ALPACA JEWELRY METAL STICKPINS. ITEMS. 021 BAG LOT OF FOREIGN COINS AND PAPER MONEY. 055 SILVER, METAL, MARCASITE LORNETTE. 022 GOLD-FILLED ELGIN OPEN FACE POCKET WATCH 056 LADIES COSTUME WRISTWATCH. WITH GOLD-FILLED CHAIN. 057 PORCELAIN CHERUB PENDANT. As is. 023 COLLECTION OF TWO POCKET WATCHES WITH 058 SIX BUTTONS, TWO SETS. CHAINS. 059 COLLECTION OF SILVER, TURQUOISE, BLUE STONE 024 COLLECTION OF METAL WATCHES AND WATCH JEWELRY. FOBS. 060 COLLECTION OF STERLING SILVER JEWELRY. 025 COLLECTION OF THREE OPEN FACE POCKET 061 COLLECTION OF SILVER, AMBER JEWELRY. WATCHES. 062 COLLECTION OF SILVER, METAL ABALONE JEWELRY. 026 COLLECTION OF FOUR CONVERTED WRISTWATCHES. 063 COLLECTION OF THREE SILVER, ENAMEL, CORAL BRACELETS.* 027 COLLECTION OF TWO GRUEN WRISTWATCHES. 064 COLLECTION OF TWO COSTUME ITEMS. Including KJL 028 COLLECTION OF VINTAGE PEN KNIVES. and Tortolani. 029 COLLECTION OF RHINESTONE COSTUME JEWELRY. 065 COLLECTION OF SILVER, METAL MULTI-STONE RINGS. 030 COLLECTION OF TWO LARGE COSTUME BROOCHES. 066 COIN FORM NECKLACE. 031 COLLECTION OF THREE MIXED METAL MESH 067 COLLECTION OF FIVE 10K YELLOW GOLD RINGS. JEWELRY ITEMS. 068 DIAMOND, 14K WHITE GOLD WEDDING RING SET. 032 COLLECTION OF UNMOUNTED GEMSTONES. 069 COLLECTION OF THREE SARDONYX, DIAMOND, 033 COLLECTION OF TWENTY VICTORIAN COSTUME, YELLOW GOLD PENDANTS. GOLD-FILLED, METAL, JET ITEMS. 070 COLLECTION OF VICTORIAN BABY JEWELRY. 034 COLLECTION OF 14K, 10K GOLD, DIAMOND, ENAMEL, METAL MASONIC/FRATERNAL PINS. 071 COLLECTION OF TWO GREEEN, WHITE STONE, 10K, 9K YELLOW GOLD EARRINGS. 035 COLLECTION OF TEN VINTAGE COSTUME JEWELRY ITEMS. 072 CULTURED PEARL, 14K YELLOW GOLD RING AND PENDANT. 036 COLLECTION OF SEVEN POCKET WATCH CHAIN PARTS, GOLD-FILLED WITH 10K YELLOW GOLD 073 MULTI-STONE, SILVER GILT RING. FINDING. 074 EMERALD, DIAMOND, 10K YELLOW GOLD 037 COLLECTION OF FOURTEEN GOLD, GOLD-FILLED, EARRINGS. SEED PEARL, MULTI-STONE VICTORIAN PINS. 075 DIAMOND, 14K YELLOW GOLD EARRINGS. 038 COLLECTION OF FOUR VICTORIAN GOLD-FILLED BAR 076 AMETHYST, 14K YELLOW GOLD RING. PINS. 077 SHELL CAMEO, 18K YELLOW GOLD RING. 078 DIAMOND, 14K YELLOW GOLD RING. Michaan's Auctions Preview List For July 3, 2012 As of: 6/29/2012 Page: 2 Lot # Description Lot # Description 079 GARNET, 10K YELLOW GOLD RING. 121 COLLECTION OF 9K ROSE GOLD JEWELRY. Including 080 JADE, 14K YELLOW GOLD PENDANT. a pair of 9k rose gold hoop earrings (missing one ear wire) together with a 9k rose gold bangle bracelet. 081 CITRINE, 18K YELLOW GOLD RING. 15.10 dwts Jewelry dented. 082 CITRINE, DIAMOND, 10K YELLOW GOLD RING. 122 ASIAN WHITE METAL BRACELET AND BONE 083 DIAMOND, 10K YELLOW GOLD RING. NECKLACE. 084 STAR SAPPHIRE, DIAMOND, 18K YELLOW GOLD 123 COLLECTION OF TWO 14K YELLOW AND ROSE PENDANT. GOLD GENTS RINGS. Including a 9k rose gold ring 085 COLLECTION OF TWO SAPPHIRE, DIAMOND, weighing 3.40 dwts, size 10 3/4 together with a 14k GARNET, 14K YELLOW GOLD PENDANTS. yellow gold nugget style ring weighing 5.70 dwts, size 11 086 BLUE STONE, WHITE STONE, 14K YELLOW GOLD 1/2. RING. 124 COLLECTION OF FIVE 14K YELLOW GOLD ITEMS. 087 GARNET, WHITE STONE, 14K YELLOW GOLD RING. 125 COLLECTION OF THREE 10K YELLOW AND ROSE 088 COLLECTION OF VINTAGE COSTUME ITEMS. GOLD RELIGIOUS PENDANTS. 089 COLLECTION OF TWO CORAL, 10K YELLOW GOLD, 126 DIAMOND, TANZANITE, 14K YELLOW GOLD RING. METAL JEWELRY ITEMS. 127 14K YELLOW GOLD HEART LOCKET AND CHAIN. 091 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. Includes 128 14K YELLOW GOLD CHAIN. costume gren stone bracelet. 129 DIAMOND, 14K YELLOW GOLD RING. 092 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 130 SAPPHIRE, 14K YELLOW GOLD RING. 093 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 131 SAPPHIRE, 14K YELLOW GOLD RING. 094 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 132 COLLECTION OF STERLING, WHITE METAL JEWELRY. 095 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 133 COLLECTION OF STERLING WHITE AND YELLOW 096 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. JEWELRY. 097 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 134 COLLECTION OF STERLING WHITE AND YELLOW 098 COLLECTION OF COSTUME ITEMS. JEWELRY. 099 COLLECTON OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 135 COLLECTION OF WHITE METAL EARRINGS. 100 COLLECTION OF BOLO TIES. 136 CARVED VINTAGE DRESS CLIPS. 101 COLLECTION OF MULTI-STONE, SILVER, METAL 137 WHITE METAL BRACELET. JEWELRY. 138 COLLECTION OF STERLING AND FETISH JEWELRY. 102 CULTURED PEARL, STERLING SILVER NECKLACE 139 WHITE METAL BRACELET. WITH BOX. 140 DIAMOND, 14K WHITE GOLD HEART PENDANT. 103 COLLECTION OF MULTI-STONE BEAD NECKLACES. 141 HAMILTON GOLD-FILLED OPEN FACE POCKET Broken. WATCH. 104 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 142 COSTUME MICKEY MOUSE WRISTWATCH & TISSOT 105 COLLECTION OF MULTI-STONE, SILVER, METAL ITEMS. METAL WRISTWATCH. 106 COLLECTION OF 14K, 10K YELLOW GOLD ITEMS. 143 COLLECTION OF MANY WRISTWATCH BANDS. 107 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 144 CROTON COSTUME LADIES WRISTWATCH. 108 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 145 COLLECTION OF TWO BEADED ITEMS. Including 109 COLLECTION OF FOUR ETHNIC NECKLACES. purse and belt. 110 COLLECTION OF RHODOCROSITE BEADS. 146 COLLECTION OF TWO BEADED HANDBAGS. 111 COLLECTION OF THREE MULTI-STONE BEAD 147 JADE BANGLE BRACELET. NECKLACES. 148 JADE BANGLE BRACELET. 112 COLLECTION OF THREE GARNET NECKLACES. 149 JADE BANGLE BRACELET. 113 COLLECTION OF FOUR STRANDS OF HEMITITE 150 JADE BANGLE BRACELET. BEADS. 151 COLLECTION OF TWO JEWELRY BOXES. 114 COLLECTION OF COSTUME NECKLACES. 152 SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL HEART PENDANT. 115 COLLECTION OF RHINESTONE JEWELRY. 153 STERLING SILVER, MULTI-STONE JEWELRY SUITE. 116 COLLECTION OF YELLOW METAL JEWELRY. 154 TRIFARI JEWELRY SUITE. 117 COLLECTION OF STERLING WHITE AND YELLOW 155 TRIFFARI RHINESTONE JEWELRY SUITE. JEWELRY. 156 COLLECTION OF THREE CRYSTAL NECKLACES. 118 COLLECTION OF VINTAGE COSTUME JEWELRY WITH 157 COLLECTION OF FRESHWATER PEARL, GOLD-FILLED JEWELRY. MOTHER-OF-PEARL BRACELETS AND NECKLACE. 119 COLLECTION OF YELLOW METAL JEWELRY. 158 COLLECTION OF FRESHWATER CULTURED PEARL, 120 COLLECTION OF STERLING WHITE AND YELLOW BLACK ONYX NECKLACES. JEWELRY. 159 COLLECTION OF CULTURED PEARL NECKLACES. 160 COLLECTION OF SIX COSTUME BROOCHES. 161 TURQUOISE, SILVER SQUASH BLOSSOM NECKLACE. Michaan's Auctions Preview List For July 3, 2012 As of: 6/29/2012 Page: 3 Lot # Description Lot # Description 162 NOMADIC JEWELRY SUITE. 257 Watercolor Sailboat, Signed 163 BRANCH CORAL NECKLACE.* 258 (20th Century) "Cafe Scene" Watercolor. 164 COLLECTION OF THREE COPPER, METAL 259 RUTH DAVIS (American 20th Century) "Mendocino, NECKLACES. 1986" Watercolor on paper. Sight: 14 x 20.50 inches/ 165 COLLECTION OF SIX STICK PINS AND BROOCHES. 35.6 x 52 centimeters. Signed and dated lower right "Ruth Davis, 1986" Frame: 23.25 x 29.25 inches/ 59.1 x 166 18K AND STERLING ALBERTO LUZZI BRACELET. 74.3 centimeters. 167 COLLECTION OF FOUR PAIRS OF MID CENTURY 260 V BERGERON. (20th Century) Nun's on the Beach, MODERN, MULTI-STONE, MIXED METAL CUFF LINKS. 1980, Acrylic on canvas board, 12 x 16 inches/ 30.5 x 168 VICTORIAN BUCKLE WATCH FOB. 40.7 centimeters Signed and dated lower left "V. 169 COLLECTION OF THREE COSTUME METAL SINGLE Bergeron, 1980" EARRINGS. 261 (20th Century) "Cafe Scene II" Watercolor. 170 DIAMOND, PEARL, 14K YELLOW GOLD RING. 262 Van Utrecht, Watercolor Painting of Paris, framed 171 DIAMOND, 10K YELLOW GOLD PENDANT. 263 High Desert Landscape 172 COLLECTION OF TWO PEARL, 14K YELLOW GOLD 264 Folk Art Painting of Family, framed PENDANTS. 265 A Hardwood Framed Mirror 173 RADO STEEL WRISTWATCH. 266 MARIA NATHANSON (20th Century) "Portrait of a 174 LOUIS VUITTON BAG. Man" Charcoal on paper. 25 x 19 inches. 175 JADE, 14K YELLOW GOLD PENDANT. The carved 267 Two Winery Posters jadeite plaque measures approximately 41 x 24 x 10 268 Framed Watercolor of Mountains and Lake Scene mm, depicting a horse, set in a 14k yellow gold pendant. 269 A. KLEIN "Landscape" Oil 177 COLLECTION OF METAL WRISTWATCHES. 270 Buvarian Landscape Oil 178 VINTAGE BEAD, 14K YELLOW GOLD NECKLACE. 271 One Framed Print of Cafe Scene "Secret Thoughts" 179 COLLECTION OF COSTUME BROOCHES. 273 Framed Engraving "The Ballad Singer" 180 COLLECTION OF THREE STERLING SILVER, TURQUOISE TURTLE BROOCHES. 274 Two Framed Prints; One of San Francisco Symphony and One of Watercolor House Scene 181 COLLECTION OF AMBER, STERLING SILVER JEWELRY ITEMS. 276 Chromolithograph Fruit Still Life, Framed 182 COLLECTION OF AMBER BEADS. 277 CHARLOT Two woks: "Three Women on th Beach" 183 COLLECTION OF GREEN STONE, SILVER, METAL 278 JULIUS GOTZ Pair of German Buvarian Mt. Scenes JEWELRY. 279 Two Prints of Scenic Doorways 184 MEXICAN AMETHYST, STERLING SILVER BRACELET. 280 An Interval in Business 185 OPAL, 10K YELLOW GOLD STICKPIN. 281 ENRICO EMBROLI (American 20th Century) "Serapi 186 STAR SAPPHIRE, WHITE STONE, 10K WHITE GOLD Uno" Serigraph on paper. 29.75 x 10 inches/ 75.5 x RING. 25.4 centimeters. Signed lower right "Enrico Embroli" Titled lower Center. 38.5 x 16.25 inches/ 97.8 x 41.3 187 MULTI-STONE, GOLD PLATED FLORAL BROOCH. centimeters. 188 RED STONE, 10K YELLOW GOLD RING. 282 ENRICO EMBROLI (American 20th Century) "Serapi 189 RUBY, DIAMOND, 10K WHITE GOLD RING. Tres" Serigraph on paper. 29.75 x 10 inches/ 75.5 x 190 STAR SAPPHIRE, DIAMOND, 10K WHITE GOLD RING. 25.4 centimeters. Signed lower right "Enrico Embroli" 191 RED STONE, DIAMOND, 10K YELLOW GOLD RING. Titled lower Center. 38.5 x 16.25 inches/ 97.8 x 41.3 192 PINK, WHITE STONE, 14K YELLOW GOLD PLATED centimeters. RING. 283 Handcolored Photo of Cotton Pickers, framed 193 BLUE TOPAZ, 14K YELLOW GOLD PENDANT. 284 Framed Chalk of Cafe Scene 194 DIAMOND, BLUE TOPAZ, 10K YELLOW GOLD RING. 285 "Fur Dich Meineliebe," Oil on Canvas, Nov '87 195 DIAMOND, 14K YELLOW GOLD PENDANT. 286 Framed Watercolor Street Scene 196 COLLECTION OF TRIBAL MOTIF METAL JEWELRY. 287 Three Travel Prints 197 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 289 "Couple" Oil on canvas 198 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY. 290 Framed Mixed Media 199 COLLECTION OF COSTUME JEWELRY AND POCKET 291 Beveled Hanging Wall Mirror WATCH. 292 DAVID SCOTT MEIER (American 20th Century) 251 Four Metal Table Bases with Hoof Feet "Untitled" Mixed media on paper with gold leaf. Sheet: 252 Cane Back Open Armchair 22.5 x 15 inches/ 57 x 38 centimeters. Signed center right "David Scott Meier" Frame: 30.75 x 22.75 inches/ 253 Contemporary Faux Painted Entertainment Cabinet with 78.10 x 58 centimeters. Iron Handles 293 PEREZ "Young Beauty" Oil on canvas. 254 Kneehole Writing Desk 294 Framed Flower Print "Spring Blossoms" Signed Lower 255 Marble Top Twin Pedestal Coffee Table Right Corner 255A White Marble Top Three Drawer Dresser 256 Framed Floral Print in Flemish Style Michaan's Auctions Preview List For July 3, 2012 As of: 6/29/2012 Page: 4 Lot # Description Lot # Description 295 Two Framed Prints; One Monterey Wine Festival and the 322 ENRICO EMBROLI (American 20th Century) "Serapi Other of Chey Panise Poster Cuatro" Serigraph on paper. 29.75 x 10 inches/ 75.5 x 296 Framed Black and White Abstract Artwork 25.4 centimeters. Signed lower right "Enrico Embroli" Titled lower Center. 38.5 x 16.25 inches/ 97.8 x 41.3 297 Italian Painted Console with Marble Top, The outswept centimeters. rectangular marble top over the rectangular molded frieze, centering an elaborate shell ornament in high 323 W La Bra "Coastal Scene" Oil relief, the side frieze panels hung with pendant shells, 324 French Handpainted Tapestry of a Peasant Girl, Framed raised on fluted supports headed by shells, joined by {Dimensions of frame 29 1/2 x 17 1/2 inches} X-cross stretchers surmounted by a shell on columnar 325 TIGER Two Offset Lithographs, Signed and Numbered volute. {Dimensions 36 x 18 3/4 x 50 1/2 inches} 853/1500 298 Two Watercolors Signed Leland Dake 326 "Tree of Butterflies" Watercolor, signed Janis Louoos 299 20th Century "Lunar Eclipse" Oil on canvas. 327 JAMES PARK (20th Century) "Expectation, 1961" 300 Four Framed Prints of Birds Etching on paper. 15.5 x 17.75 inches/ 39.3 x 45.1 301 Abstract Painting, Courtney (SF Woman Artist) centimeters. Signed and dated lower right "James Park 6/61" Titled lower left. Annotated lower center "Proof" 302 Two Color Block Prints and One Fashion Print Frame: 22.75 x 24.75 inches/ 57.8 x 62.8 centimeters. 303 Framed Watercolor of a Street Scene, Signed Dorothy 328 Two Framed Prints of Cloisters Hassard 329 FRANK LEON "Still Life" Oil 304 Framed Print of a Young Woman Reading a Letter by the Window 330 Framed Print of Roses 305 Still Life; Oil on Canvas with Fruit Signed Beverly Eden 331 "Three Children" Pastel and Charcoal, signed K Avon. 306 FLORENCE SACKETT (American b.1927) "Coast Fence" 332 Abstract Compostion, 1986. (20th Century) Multi Media Oil on canvas. 9 x 12 inches/ 22.9 x 30.5 centimeters. Sculpture 21.5 x 29.5 inches/ 45.5 x 75 centimeters Signed lower right "F. Sackett" Verso: Signed and titled Signed illegibly and dated lower right "1986" Frame: on stretcher bar "Florence Sackett, Coast Fence" Frame: 21.5 x 29.5 inches/ 45.5 x 75 centimeters 17.75 x 20.75 inches/ 45.1 x 52.7 centimeters. 333 MILDRED WATERS pair of watercolors 307 Four Prints; Three Floral and One Portrait 334 W. H. GILETRAP "Trail in the Woods" Oil 308 A Pair of Japanese Paintings: Flowers, each painted in ink 335 Oil on Board, Poppies, Framed and color on silk, framed, with a signature and a seal 336 "Mums" Oil. Framed {Each: 49 x 14 1/2 inches (124.5 x 37 cm)} 338 Laura Maxwell (California 1877-1967) Oil on artist 309 Two Boat Theme Prints board, San Carlos, Monterey Church. signed lower left 311 BERNARD SANDERS (American b.1904) "Portrait of a Laura Maxwell, titled lower right and verso, dated 1923 Man" Etching on paper. Plate: 8.5 x 7.5 inches/ 21.6 x 339 Framed Poster Advertisement 19 centimeters. Signed lower right "Bernard Sanders" 340 Two Framed Prints Illegibly titled lower left. Frame: 15.75 x 13.75 inches/ 341 Signed and Numbered Print "Ebb Tide" 40 x 35 centimeters. 342 TIGER "Sitting" Signed. Framed and glazed 312 THOMAS MANNING MOORE. (American 19th-20th Century) Snow Landscape, Oil on canvas board, 10 x 8 343 Bob and Ruby Lee "Girl with Flute", Lithograph Ed. inches/ 25.4 x 20.4 centimeters Signed lower left 104/780 "Thomas Manning Moore" Frame:15.25 x 13.5 inches/ 344 Large Framed Print of Water Plants 38.7 x 34.3 centimetes. 345 German Bisque Head Baby Doll with Open Mouth 313 Pair of Brightly Colored Floral Paintings Signed Fred Van {Height 13 1/2 inches} Ormer and Dated 346 Baccarat Rabbit and Turtle {Height of rabbit 3 inches} 314 Pastel Drawing of Landscape, Framed 347 Group of Crysal Items Including Coasters, a Ring Dish 315 JOSE MARIA DE SERVIN (Mexican, 1917 - 1983) "Girl and Two Vases on Swing" Oil on burlap. 26 x 20 inches/ 66 x 50.8 348 Group of Silverplate Cutlery and Salts centimeters. Signed upper left "Jose Ma de Servin" 349 Group of Seven Collector Dolls including Two Eskimo, a Frame: 29 x 23 inches/ 73.6 x 58.4 centimeters. Boxed Nancy Ann and Plastic Cake Toppers 316 Two Oil Paintings of Ladies and Hats 350 Two Blown Glass Perfume Bottles 317 Oil on Board of Mustard in Vineyard 351 Heavily Etched Brass Mantle Clock {Height 14 1/2 318 "Lady in Chair" Oil, signed B Hanley inches} [Glass piece needs to be reattached] 319 K.E. GALLAGHER (American 20th Century) "Twin 352 Set of Fifteen Wine Glasses with Greek Key Design Towers" Aquatint etching Signed lower right "K.E. {Height 6 3/8 inches} Gallagher" Titled and numbered lower left "Twin Towers, 353 Eighteen Sterling Mounted Mother of Pearl Handled 320 Watercolor of Boat, Russ Humphrey Knives {Length 9 1/2 inches} 321 Pair of Brightly Colored Floral Paintings Signed and 354 Set of Five Boehm Bird Plates Dated Fred Van Ormer 355 Ridgway Salt Glaze Pitcher and a Turquoise Glaze Covered Urn {Height of pitcher 6 1/2 inches; height of urn 5 1/2 inches} 356 A Cased Game Set Michaan's Auctions Preview List For July 3, 2012 As of: 6/29/2012 Page: 5 Lot # Description Lot # Description 357 Satin, Lace & Ermine Throw, Lingerie Bags, Throw 394 Contemporary Upholstered Club Chair {Dimensions 32 measuring 63 x 41 inches. x 34 x 37 inches} 358 American Glass Three Piece Garniture: an epergne and 395 Wood frame w/ Green inlay a pair of lustres {Height of epergne 14 inches; lustres 11 396 Classical Revival Veneer Mirror Top Dresser 3/4 inches} 397 SULLIVAN (20th Centrury) "Live Oak tree by the Shore" 359 Sets of Cigarette Cards; mostly with military medals 1957. Watercolor on paper. Sight: 4 1/4 x 7 inches. 360 Four Vintage Lace Parasol Covers, largest is 37 inches Signed and dated lower right. Good condition. Framed, 361 Five Glass Christmas Trees matted, and glazed. 362 Two Decorative Shoes, One Sterling, One Wood with 398 White Glaze Quan Yin Figure Applied Bronze Decorations 399 Lead Crystal Candlestick Style Table Lamp 363 A Pair of Blue Glazed Porcelain Candlesticks, with a 400 Upholstered Sofa typical, cylindrical base and a flaring mouth, the exterior 401 White wood frame covered with a sapphire-blue glaze {Height: 8 1/4 inches 401A Group of Five Fans in Shadow Box Frames, some with (21 cm)} [Abrasions] mother of pearl {Dimensions of largest frame 23 x 32 364 Group of Plate Stands, Easels, and a Shelf. inches} 365 Set of Four Etched Labeled Decanters; together with two 402 Renaissance Style Tapestry with Central Figures and others (6) {Height 11 inches} Animals 366 Set of Six Silver Plate Master Salts, 19th Century, 403 Dinette Table with Curved Legs together with a second pair of plated master salts (8) 404 Three Hanging Knick Knack Shelves {Height of larger set 3 inches} 405 Etched Glass Table Lamp 367 Collection of Ephemera Including Cigarette Silks, Dance 406 Green Painted Ladies Desk with Mirror and Chair Cards, Calling Cards, and a Scrap Book 407 Temperance Sign 368 Collection of Owl Related Items including a Sculpture, Salts, and Two Framed Artworks 408 Dressing Screen with Rose Panels 369 Three Vintage Wall Mount Oil Lanterns with ebonized 409 Contemporary Men's Suit Butler and silvered metal {Height 18 1/2 inches} 410 Mahogany valet / butler 370 Tapestry Panel 411 Yellow Floral Upholstered Sofa Bed 371 Three Copper Plates fitted with Ball Feet 412 Group of Unframed Artworks of Flowers and 372 Two Modern Lady Dolls Lighthouses 373 Group of Cut and Molded Glass Items including Bells, 413 Queen Size Wrought Iron Headboard Plates, an Icebucket, etc 414 Gilt and Turquoise Painted Side Table 374 Three Art Nouveau Copper Plates converted to pin 415 Framed White Dresser Mirror trays; dove scarf pin; figural ashtray 416 Kuba/Shirvan Rug {Size approximately 3 feet 7 inches x 375 Frank Art Figure of a Bear 5 feet 5 inches} 376 A Hanging Scroll: Pine Tree 417 Baroque Style Carved Acanthus Leaf Frame Mirror 377 Eight Pieces of Hand Made Lace, Yardage, Doilies. 418 Glass Top Center Table with a Metal Tray Top Table 378 German Bisque Head Kidlyn Body Doll and Satin Bride 419 Ceramic Green Glaze Table Lamp OUtfit 420 Pair of Burgundy Upholstered Claw Foot Chairs 379 Four Hand Made Lace Collars, Including Battenburg, 421 Oil on Board of a Standing Man Irish and crocheted. 422 Pair of Green and Blue Upholstered Armchairs 380 Fossil of a Fish 423 Group of 5 small frames 381 Tiffany and Co. Sterling and Burlwood Handled 424 Pair of Burgundy Upholstered Claw Foot Chairs Magnifying Glass 425 "Bass Player" Etching 382 Large Grouping of Various Perfume or Scent Bottles 426 Pair of Wing Back Upholstered Chairs 383 Six Pieces of Handmade Lace, Including bobbin, silk 427 Fair of Gold Leaf Frames collars, crocheted lace on satin, etc. 428 Gilt Framed Wall Mirror 384 Two Framed Photos of Yosemite: a hand colored photograph of Half Dome; and a small black and white 429 Low Dresser with a Two Drawer Chest 385 "Two Kids and Cannery" Oil, signed Valerie Zint. 430 DAVID LANCE GOINES. (Late 20th Century) Three works:Chez Panisse Cafe & RestaurantSigned, numbered, 386 Small Wooden Three Tiered Stand and dated "David Lance Goines, 62/300, 1989" Chez 387 Folk Art Plaster Figure of a Rooster {Height 20 inches} Panisse Thirty-Third BirthdaySigned, numbered, and 388 Pair of Side Tables with Wrought Iron Bases dated "David Lance Goines, 45/125, 2004"Chez Panisse 389 Child's Rocker with Cain Seat Cafe & Restaurant Seventeenth BirthdaySigned, 390 Bieffe Motorcycle Helmet, Size: Large 60 numbered, and dated "David Lance Goines, 68/300, 1988" 391 Needlepoint Stool 431 Group of Ceramics and Glass Including a Pair of Large 392 Duncan Phyfe Style Revolving Drum Form Side Table Planters 393 Pair of Victoria Czech Ceramic Urn Form Lamps with 432 Three Assorted Chairs Shades Michaan's Auctions Preview List For July 3, 2012 As of: 6/29/2012 Page: 6 Lot # Description Lot # Description 433 Pair of Architectural Prints in Gold Frames 483 Unframed Engraving, Ancient Distant View of Oxford 434 Three Pieces of Painted Furniture; a Tall Chest, a Wicker from the East Shelf and a Chair 484 Renaissance Style Hall Table 435 Asian Style Hall Table 485 Large Group of Spears and Arrows 436 Asian Style Stool with Cloisonné Inset Top 486 Small Dog/Cat Door 437 Two Black Table Lamps with Pineapple Tops 487 Wooden Framed Beveled Hanging Wall Mirror 438 Two Garden Statues 488 Dresser with Matching Night Stand and Headboard 439 Three Small Floral Patterned Mats 489 Pair of Brass Torcher Floor Lamps 440 Ten Offset Lithograph Prints 490 Bedroom Suite Consisting of a Low Dresser, Headboard, 441 Pair of Contemporary Torcher Lamps Night Stand and Mirror 442 Pair of Burgundy Upholstered Claw Foot Chairs 491 Three Side Tables; Two Mirror Tops and One Marble Top 442A Chinese Hardwood Wall Mount Cabinet 492 Tinted Photograph "Column of Progress" 443 Framed Wall Mirror 493 Vintage Steamer Trunk 444 Pair of Marble Top Side Tables 494 Pair of Tapestry Panels with Tassels 445 Pair of Ceramic Vase Form Table Lamps 495 Northern Italian Neo Classical Style Open Arm Chair 446 Light Wood Wardrobe 496 Two 19th Century Side Chairs; One with a Cane Seat 447 TV Cabinet 497 HEATHER PETO. (American, 20th Century) "Still life of 448 Pair of Ivy Topiary Lilac" Oil on board. Sight: 15 x 19 inches. Signed 449 Octagonal Side Table lower right. Very good condition. Framed and linen 450 Unframed Etching "Kamael" liner. Not examined out of frame. American, 20th 451 Upholstered Armchair with Carved Legs Century. 452 Three Framed Floral Prints 498 Vintage Movie Billboard "Little Miss Marker" 453 Framed Gallery Print "Pete Turner Carnegie Hall" 499 Lodge Chair 454 Floral Pattern Hook Rug, Stained 500 Two Forest Scene Paintings 455 Pair of Brass Torcher Floor Lamps 502 Two Framed Oval Needlepoints 456 Seven Dining Chairs with Barley Twist Legs 503 Two Piece Hutch 457 Three Asian Style Prints; One of Ginger Jars and Two of 504 Framed Print of Three Native American Indians with Floral Horses 458 TV Cabinet 505 Two Upholstered Side Chairs 459 White Ginger Jar Form Table Lamp 506 Pair of Monet Reproduction Prints "Lady's with Parasols" 460 Upholstered Armchair 507 Pair of Brass Swing Arm Floor Lamps 461 "Wiemer Moden" Pain of Fashion Plates. 508 Mid-Century Side Board with a Two Tier Side Table 462 Carved Desk with Barley Twist Legs 509 White Glass with Yellow Rose Motif Table Lamp Together 463 Pair of Tall Brass Candlesticks with a Green Glass and Metal Table Lamp 464 Seven Dining Chairs with Barley Twist Legs 510 Graphic Table Lamp 465 Book Plate Etching "Venduta della Piazza del Popolo" 511 Large Wooden Framed Wall Mirror 466 Three Contemporary Torcher Lamps 512 Area Rug with Red and Green Ground 467 Overstuffed Living Room Armchair with Matching 513 Gray Upholstered Love Seat Ottoman 515 Gray Painted Bench 468 Beige Upholstered Recliner 516 A Child's Chair and Two Foot Stools 469 Oval Framed Wall Mirror with Turtle Motif 517 Wing Back Armchair with a Floral Upholstered Barrel 470 Green Upholstered Sofa Chair 471 3 wood frames 518 Framed Bead and Crewel Work Plaque, Naval Memorial dated 1872 472 Green Upholstered Bench 519 Pair of Upholstered Fauteuils with Matching Ottomans 473 Window Valence with a Group of Draperies [Loss to one chair leg] 475 Pair of Brass Torcher Floor Lamps 520 Hexagonal Shaped Display Cabinet 476 Wooden White Painted Framed Wall Mirror 521 Large Unframed Wall Mirror 477 American Country Four Drawer Chest 522 Chinese Rug with Ivory Ground, Beige and Tangerine 478 Cut Glass Table Lamp Borders and Floral Decoration with Losses and One 479 Asian Style Ceramic Table Lamp Together with a Corner Stained Pineapple Form Table Lamp 523 Two Brass Floor Lamps 480 Renaissance Style Hall Table 524 Pair of Gray Painted Barrel Chairs with Pink Cushions 481 Tapestry with Central Flora and Fauna 525 Unframed Etching "Ox" by Munster 482 Pair of Upholstered Oak Chairs 526 Green Painted Vanity with Chair 527 Mid-Century Low Dresser with a Twin Headboard Michaan's Auctions Preview List For July 3, 2012 As of: 6/29/2012 Page: 7 Lot # Description Lot # Description 528 Two Brass Table Lamps and a Reading Lamp 573 Cedar Lined Blanket Chest with Key 529 French Style Demilune Console Table with Marble Top 574 Corner Display Shelf 530 Table Lamp with a Brass Base 575 Pair of Contemporary Torcher Lamps 531 Pair of Two Drawer Night Stands and a King Size 576 Two Wicker Armchairs Headboard 577 Antonio Tempesta, Batavorum Cum Romanies Bellum, 532 Pair of Faux Ivy Ball Form Topiary Unframed Etching 533 CHARLES COURTNY After GERICAULT "Trumpeter of 578 Blue Painting of Figures the Hussars" 579 Two Small Benches and a Bookshelf 534 Black, Gold and Gray Floral Runner 580 Steamer Trunks 535 Large Wall Mirror with a Gilt and Cream Frame 581 Five Light Brass Chandelier 536 Ball and Claw Foot Side Table 582 Work Table 537 Five Unframed Pop Art Posters, Old Movie Stars 583 Victorian Doll House 538 Three Square Side Tables 584 Oversized Red Upholstered Lounge Chair 539 Carved Gothic Style Desk 585 2 lg wood frames 540 Child's Wicker Rocker 586 Draw Leaf Table 541 Pair of Low Round Tables with Claw Feet 587 Toy Chest 542 Bow Front Buffet 588 Two Folding Tables 543 Two Bent Wood Side Chairs 590 Long Bookshelf Together with a White Painted Cabinet 544 Two Swivel Desk Chairs 591 Full Size Headboard with Cane Panels 545 Unframed Etching "Cows" by J. Janson 592 Entertainment Cabinet 546 Brass Reading Lamp 593 Early Victorian Pedestal Table 547 Two Metal Smoke Stands Missing Inserts 594 Two Vintage Ceiling Fixtures 548 Afghan Bokhara Rug 595 Pair of Bookshelves 549 Framed Picture of a Woman in a Long Dress 596 Mission Style Desk 550 Asian Style Vase Form Table Lamp with Bat Motif 597 Pair of Pink Painted Rush Seat Children's Chairs 551 Stained Glass Window with Losses 598 Louis XVI Style Mirror with Floral Swag [Losses] 552 Wooden Framed Beveled Glass Wall Mirror 599 JOHN MARSHAL (American 20th Century) Framed 553 Two Large Oils on Wood; Paintings of Bamboo Katazome dye resist textile panel, cipher signature lower 554 Small Pictorial Hook Rug right {Dimensions 52 x 26 inches} 555 Four Assorted Prints 600 Striped Upholstered Stuffed Armchair 556 Two Vintage Grinders on Stands 601 Pair of Framed Asian Style Plaques 557 Veneer Buffet 602 Drop Front Secretary 558 Two Candlestick Lamps 603 Three Drawer Chest 559 Art Deco Style Oak Armoire with Mirrored Door 604 Pair of Vase Form Table Lamps [Lacking base] 605 Two Door Display Cabinet 560 Baroque Style Oak Sideboard with Mirror 606 White Upholstered Armchair 561 Pair of Brass Table Lamps 607 Framed Canadian Native Print by Gabriel Gely 562 Rectangular Coffee Table with Mirrored Sides and Legs 608 Pair of Contemporary Upholstered Armchairs 563 French Style Open Armchair Together with a Side Chair 609 Framed Oil on Board Signed B. LeRoux Both with Green Upholstered Seats and Backs 610 Gilt wood frame 564 Framed Watercolor of a Couple Kissing in a Restaurant 611 Brass Swing Arm Lamp Booth, Signed 612 Two Piece Country Style Pine Corner Cabinet 565 Metal Framed Mirror 613 Pair of Contemporary Torcher Floor Lamps 566 China Cabinet 614 Framed Oil on Canvas of a Pig in the Garden Signed 567 Spindle Back Chair with an Oak Open Armchair Gathil Gidge 568 WILLIAM HERBERT LUMPKINS (American 20th 615 Vintage Suit Case Century) "Impact, 1965" Watercolor on paper. 7.50 x 616 A Tool Cart and Two Work Benches 10.75 inches/ 19 x 27.3 centimeters. Signed and dated 617 Pine Blanket Chest in pencil lower right "William Herbert Lumpkins, 65" Titled lower left "Impact" Verso: Two labels: Ankrum 618 Two Sound Systems and a Pair of Speakers Gallery and Synanon Foundation. Frame: 15.25 x 17.75 619 Small Pine Chest of Drawers inches/ 38.7 x 45.1 centimeters. 620 Pair of Xirli "Nun" Sandpaintings 569 2 Gilt wood frames w/ white patina 621 Chinese Rug with Creme Ground and Tan Floral 570 Two Spindle Back Chairs with Losses Decoration 571 Vintage Drill Press 622 Oil on Canvas of a Village by the Water, Signed 572 Four Danish Modern and Mid-Century Style Chairs 623 Yellow Upholstered Barrel Chair and a Green Painted Kitchen Chair Michaan's Auctions Preview List For July 3, 2012

Unframed Etching "Panteon De Agrippa Detta La. Rotonda". 632 . a galleon (8). 761. Miniature Sea Galleon; two pairs of associated bookends.
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