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MEMS GYROSCOPES FOR TACTICAL-GRADE INERTIAL MEASUREMENT APPLICATIONS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY SAİD EMRE ALPER IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING SEPTEMBER 2005 i Approval of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Canan ÖZGEN Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. İsmet ERKMEN Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Tayfun AKIN Supervisor Examining Committee Members: Prof. Dr. Cengiz BEŞİKÇİ (Chairman) (METU, EEE) Prof. Dr. Tayfun AKIN (METU, EEE) Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Sahir ARIKAN (METU, ME) Asst. Prof. Dr. Haluk KÜLAH (METU, EEE) Dr. Tarık REYHAN (Bilkent University, EEE) ii ISM I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Said Emre ALPER iii ABSTRACT MEMS GYROSCOPES FOR TACTICAL-GRADE INERTIAL MEASUREMENT APPLICATIONS Alper, Said Emre Ph. D., Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tayfun AKIN September 2005, 301 pages This thesis reports the development of high-performance symmetric and decoupled micromachined gyroscopes for tactical-grade inertial measurement applications. The symmetric structure allows easy matching of the resonance frequencies of the drive and sense modes of the gyroscopes for achieving high angular rate sensitivity; while the decoupled drive and sense modes minimizes mechanical cross-coupling for low-noise and stable operation. Three different and new symmetric and decoupled gyroscope structures with unique features are presented. These structures are fabricated in four different micromachining processes: nickel electroforming (NE), dissolved-wafer silicon micromachining (DWSM), silicon-on-insulator (SOI) micromachining, and silicon-on-glass (SOG) micromachining. The fabricated gyroscopes have capacitive gaps from 1.5µm to 5.5µm and structural layer thicknesses from 12µm to 100µm, yielding aspect ratios up to 20 depending on the iv fabrication process. The size of fabricated gyroscope chips varies from 1x1mm2 up to 4.2x4.6mm2. Fabricated gyroscopes are hybrid-connected to a designed capacitive interface circuit, fabricated in a standard 0.6µm CMOS process. They have resonance frequencies as small as 2kHz and as large as 40kHz; sense-mode resonance frequencies can be electrostatically tuned to the drive-mode frequency by DC voltages less than 16V. The quality factors reach to 500 at atmospheric pressure and exceed 10,000 for the silicon gyroscopes at vacuum. The parasitic capacitance of the gyroscopes on glass substrates is measured to be as small as 120fF. The gyroscope and interface assemblies are then combined with electronic control and feedback circuits constructed with off-the-shelf IC components to perform angular rate measurements. Measured angular rate sensitivities are in the range from 12µV/(deg/sec) to 180µV/(deg/sec), at atmospheric pressure. The SOI gyroscope demonstrates the best performance at atmospheric pressure, with noise equivalent rate (NER) of 0.025(deg/sec)/Hz1/2, whereas the remaining gyroscopes has an NER better than 0.1(deg/sec)/Hz1/2, limited by either the small sensor size or by small quality factors. Gyroscopes have scale-factor nonlinearities better than 1.1% with the best value of 0.06%, and their bias drifts are dominated by the phase errors in the demodulation electronics and are over 1deg/sec. The characterization of the SOI and SOG gyroscopes at below 50mTorr vacuum ambient yield angular rate sensitivities as high as 1.6mV/(deg/sec) and 0.9mV/(deg/sec), respectively. The NER values of these gyroscopes at vacuum are smaller than 50(deg/hr)/Hz1/2 and 36(deg/hr)/Hz1/2, respectively, being close to the tactical-grade application limits. Gyroscope structures are expected to provide a performance better than 10 deg/hr in a practical measurement bandwidth such as 50Hz, provided that capacitive gaps are minimized while preserving the aspect ratio, and the demodulation electronics are improved. Keywords: Gyroscope, Angular Rate Sensor, Micromachining, Capacitive Interface Circuit, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS). v ÖZ TAKTİK AMAÇLI ATALETSEL ÖLÇÜM UYGULAMALARI İÇİN MEMS DÖNÜÖLÇERLER Alper, Said Emre Doktora, Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Tayfun AKIN Eylül 2005, 301 sayfa Bu tez taktik amaçlı ataletsel ölçüm uygulamaları için yüksek performanslı simetrik ve etkileşimsiz dönüölçerlerin geliştirilmesini anlatmaktadır. Simetrik yapı, yüksek açısal hız hassasiyeti için dönüölçerlerin sürüş ve algılama modlarının rezonans frekanslarının kolaylıkla eşleştirilebilmesi amacıyla, etkileşimsiz sürüş ve algılama modları ise düşük gürültü ve kararlı çalışma için mekanik etkileşimin en aza indirilmesi amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Üç farklı ve yeni simetrik ve etkileşimsiz dönüölçer yapısı sunulmaktadır. Bu yapılar dört farklı mikroişleme teknolojisi ile üretilmiştir: aşındırılmış-pul silisyum mikroişleme, nikel elektrokaplama, yalıtkan- üzeri-silisyum mikroişleme, ve cam-üzeri-silisyum mikroişleme. Üretilen dönüölçerlerin sığasal açıklıkları 1.5µm’den 5.5µm’ye, yapısal katmanlarının kalınlıkları ise 12µm’den 100µm’ye kadar değişmekte olup yapıların derinlik- açıklık oranları üretim sürecine bağlı olarak 20’ye kadar çıkabilmektedir. Dönüölçer yongalarının alanları 1x1mm2’den 4.2x4.6mm2’ye kadar değişmektedir. vi Üretilen dönüölçerler, standart 0.6µm CMOS sürecinde üretilen kapasitif okuma devrelerine hibrit olarak bağlanmıştır. Dönüölçerlerin rezonans frekansları 2kHz ile 40kHz aralığında olup, algılama modlarının rezonans frekansları 16V’dan daha düşük DC gerilimler yardımıyla sürüş modunun rezonans frekansına eşleştirilebilmektedir. Dönüölçerlerin kalite faktörleri atmosfer basıncında 500’lere ulaşırken, bu değer vakumda silisyum dönüölçerler için 10,000’i aşmaktadır. Cam taban üzerinde üretilen dönüölçerlerin parazitik sığalarının 120fF kadar düşük olabildiği görülmüştür. Arabirim devresine bağlı dönüölçerler daha sonra açısal hız ölçümleri yapmak üzere standart entegre devre elemanlarından kurulmuş elektronik kontrol ve geri-besleme devreleri ile birleştirilmiştir. Üretilen dönüölçerlerin açısal hız hassasiyetleri atmosfer basıncında 12µV/(der/sn)’den 180µV/(der/sn)’ye kadar değişmektedir. SOI dönüölçer atmosfer basıncında 0.025(der/sn)/Hz1/2’lik bir gürültü-eşdeğer-dönü (GED) değeri ile en iyi performansı göstermiş, diğer dönüölçerlerin GED değerleri küçük duyarga boyutları veya düşük kalite faktörleri nedeniyle 0.1(der/sn)/Hz1/2 ile sınırlı kalmıştır. Dönüölçerlerin orantı katsayısı hataları %1.1’den daha iyi olup, en iyi değer %0.06 olarak elde edilmiştir. Dönüölçerlerin sabit kaymaları demodulasyon elektroniğindeki faz hataları sebebiyle 1der/sn’nin üzerindedir. SOI ve SOG dönüölçerler 50mtorr’un altındaki vakum ortamında sırasıyla 1.6mV/(der/sn) ve 0.9mV/(der/sn) açısal hız hassasiyeti göstermişlerdir. Bu dönüölçerlerin GED değerleri ise taktik uygulama limitlerine yaklaşarak sırasıyla 50(der/saat)/Hz1/2 ve 36(der/saat)/Hz1/2 olarak ölçülmüştür. Derinlik-açıklık oranları korunarak sığasal açıklıkların küçültülmesi ve demodulasyon elektroniğinin iyileştirilmesi ile dönüölçer yapılarının 50Hz gibi pratik bir ölçüm bandı içerisinde 10der/saat’ten daha iyi bir performans sergilemeleri beklenmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dönüölçer, Açısal Hız Duyargası, Mikroişleme, Sığasal Arabirim Devresi, Mikroelektromekanik Sistemler (MEMS). vii DEDICATION “Every careful mankind recognizes the perfect ingenuity in the universe…” Dedicated to; The Greatest Artist and the Greatest Artwork viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank to my thesis advisor Prof. Dr. Tayfun Akın not only for his guidance and support during my graduate studies and the development of this thesis, but also for his everlasting friendly attitude. It is a great opportunity for me to make research together with him. I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Cengiz Beşikçi and Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Sahir Arıkan for their comments and suggestions during the development of this thesis. Special thanks to the members of METU-MEMS inertial sensors group; Refet Fırat Yazıcıoğlu and Mehmet Akif Erişmiş (both are currently at IMEC, Belgium) for their helps during the development of nickel electroforming process, İlker Ender Ocak for his helps during the process development and improvement of the capacitive interface circuit, Kanber Mithat Silay for his helps during the tests of the fabricated gyroscopes, and Kıvanç Azgın for discussions about the mechanical design of the gyroscopes. I would like to thank Orhan Şevket Akar and the remaining METU-MET staff, for their helps during the fabrication of the gyroscopes and keeping the fabrication facilities operating without interruption. I would also like to thank to Prof. Khalil Najafi and Dr. Jun-Seok Chae from The University of Michigan, for their helps and contributions during the development of the dissolved wafer process. I should include Murat Tepegöz for his assistance about software and network issues, Mehmet Ünlü and Kaan Topallı for valuable discussions on fabrication processes, and all other officemates for generating a nice research atmosphere. ix I am very grateful to my wife Nuray for her eternal patience and great support, and to my son İbrahim Ethem, “The sweet”. I also appreciate my parents Serpil and Ahmet Alper, as well as Nuran and Halil Karagöz, Fazilet and Eyüp Alper, Semahat and Hacı Gedikli, Meliha and (to the late of) İbrahim Özdemir, and all of my dear seniors and friends, who give continuous moral support to me. This research is funded by the State Planning Organization (DPT) with grant BAP 08-11-DPT-2002K120530, The Research and Development Department of Ministry of National Defense (MSB-ArGe) under contracts 99-03-01-54 and 2004., The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) with project EEEAG-100E020, and partially supported by ASELSAN. x

Dr. Tarık REYHAN. (Bilkent University, EEE) . Ocak for his helps during the process development and improvement of the capacitive interface I am very grateful to my wife Nuray for her eternal patience and great support, and to my son
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