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EXPLORING THE PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS, STUDENTS, AND PARENTS ABOUT THE NEW 4-YEAR ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH PROGRAM A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY HANDE KEFELI IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES July, 2008 Approval of the Graduate School Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oya Yerin Güneri Head of Dep. This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ok Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc. Prof. Dr.Ay(cid:1)egül Dalo(cid:2)lu (METU, FLE) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ok (METU, EDS) Assist. Prof. Dr.Hanife Akar (METU, EDS) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : HANDE KEFELI Signature : iii ABSTRACT EXPLORING THE PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS, STUDENTS, AND PARENTS ABOUT THE NEW 4-YEAR ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH PROGRAM KEFELI, Hande MS, Department of Educational Sciences Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet OK July 2008, 150 pages With the newly designed curricula, the preparatory year of the Anatolian High Schools (AHS) was terminated while expanding its English program to four years. Within that context, utilizing semi-structured interview protocols this descriptive study aimed to bring an insight into the perceptions of parents, students, and teachers about the new AHS English program. Moreover, the perceptions of the participants on the materials provided by MONE and European Language Portfolio were also aimed to be revealed. Additionally, it was targeted to bring out what participants think about the applicability of the communicative language teaching, student-centered approach, and multiple intelligences, since they were stated in the foreign language curricula. While the population consisted of AHSs in Ankara, the sample of the study made up of 4 groups of parents, students, and teachers from 4 AHSs in Ankara. Each group consisted of 12 interviewees, which makes 36 participants in total. In selecting students and parents convenience sampling, and in selecting teachers purposive sampling was utilized. iv Analyzing the data collected using content analysis the findings revealed that parents, students, and teachers do not favor the current English language practice in AHSs where preparatory class is terminated. Additionally, the findings showed that in order to learn English, preparatory class is a necessity either after 5-year or after8-year elementary education. Results also showed that all groups perceive English positively and support teaching and learning of the language. As for the perceptions of the participants on the materials, they expressed how insufficient they are in terms of teaching the language and in terms of practicing the language teaching approaches stated in the curriculum. Moreover, it was found that most of the participants did not know about the European Language Portfolio. Lastly, according to the answers, the English language teaching approaches stressed in the curriculum were difficult to be practiced in classes. Keywords: Anatolian high school preparatory class; English language teaching; communicative language teaching; student-centered approach, multiple intelligences v ÖZ Ö(cid:1)RETMENLER(cid:2)N, Ö(cid:1)RENC(cid:2)LER(cid:2)N VE VEL(cid:2)LER(cid:2)N YEN(cid:2) 4 YILLIK ANADOLU L(cid:2)SES(cid:2) (cid:2)NG(cid:2)L(cid:2)ZCE PROGRAMI HAKKINDAK(cid:2) GÖRÜ(cid:3)LER(cid:2)N(cid:2)N (cid:2)NCELENMES(cid:2) KEFELI, Hande Yüksek Lisans, E(cid:4)itim Bilimleri Bölümü Tez yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Ahmet OK Temmuz 2008, 150 sayfa Dört yıla yayılan yeni düzenlenmi(cid:5) lise programı çerçevesinde Anadolu liselerinde (cid:2)ngilizce hazırlık sınıfı kaldırılarak bu sınıfın programı dört yıla yayılmı(cid:5)tır. Bu betimsel çalı(cid:5)ma ile ö(cid:4)retmenlerin, ö(cid:4)rencilerin ve velilerin yeni lise (cid:2)ngilizce programı uygulaması hakkındaki dü(cid:5)üncelerinin nitel ara(cid:5)tırma yöntemi ile incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bununla beraber Milli E(cid:4)itim Bakanlı(cid:4)ı’nın sa(cid:4)lamı(cid:5) oldu(cid:4)u materyaller ve Avrupa Dil Pasaportu ile ilgili görü(cid:5)lerinde ortaya konulması amaç edinilmi(cid:5)tir. Bunlara ek olarak çalı(cid:5)manın yabancı dil programında belirtilen ileti(cid:5)imsel yakla(cid:5)ım, ö(cid:4)renci merkezli ö(cid:4)retim ve çoklu zeka kuramı konularına da ı(cid:5)ık tutması hedeflenmektedir. Böylesi bir programın ve uygulamanın yeni olması sebebi ile öznel fikirlerin ortaya konulması ve alanla ilgili önemli hususların açı(cid:4)a çıkması amacı ile çalı(cid:5)mada görü(cid:5)me yöntemi kullanılmı(cid:5)tır. Çalı(cid:5)manın evreni Ankara’daki Anadolu Liselerinden olu(cid:5)urken, örneklem buna parallel olarak Ankara’da bulunan 4 Anadolu Lisesinden seçilmi(cid:5) üçer kisilik veli, ö(cid:4)renci ve ö(cid:4)retmen guruplarından olu(cid:5)maktadır. Dolayısı ile toplamda 36 ki(cid:5)ilik bir örneklem bu çalı(cid:5)mada kullanılmı(cid:5)tır. Ö(cid:4)renci ve vi velileri seçerken uygun örneklem, ö(cid:4)retmenleri seçerken ise amaçlı örneklem yöntemi kullanılmı(cid:5)tır. Yarı yapılandırılmı(cid:5) görü(cid:5)meler aracılı(cid:4)ıyla toplanan veriler içerik analizine tabi tutulmu(cid:5)tur. Yapılan calı(cid:5)mada sonuçlar göstermi(cid:5)tir ki velilerin, ö(cid:4)rencilerin ve ö(cid:4)retmenlerin ço(cid:4)unlu(cid:4)u Anadolu Liselerindeki (cid:2)ngilizce hazırlık sınıfının kaldırılmasını onaylamıyor. Bununla birlikte katılımcıların ço(cid:4)unlu(cid:4)undan elde edilen veriler (cid:2)ngilizce ö(cid:4)renmek için hazırlık sınıfının gerek 5 yıllık gerekse 8 yıllık zorunlu ilko(cid:4)retim sonrasında olması gerekti(cid:4)ini göstermektedir. Bulgular ayrıca katılımcıların büyük ço(cid:4)unlu(cid:4)unun (cid:2)ngilizceye ve (cid:2)ngilizce e(cid:4)itim ve ö(cid:4)retime olumlu baktıklarınıda göstermi(cid:5)tir. Katılımcıların Milli E(cid:4)itim Bakanlı(cid:4)ınca sa(cid:4)lanan materyaller ile ilgili görü(cid:5)leri ise bunların gerek dil ö(cid:4)retiminde gerekse programında geçen dil ö(cid:4)retim yöntemlerinin uygulanmasında yetersizlikler oldu(cid:4)unu gösterilmi(cid:5)tir. Bunlara ek olarak Avrupa Dil Portfoloysu ile ilgili de katılımcıların büyük ço(cid:4)unlu(cid:4)unun konu hakkında desteklenme ihtiyacı içinde oldukları ortaya çıkmı(cid:5)tır. Çalı(cid:5)madan elde edilen di(cid:4)er bir sonuç ise (cid:2)ngilizce ö(cid:4)retiminde kullanılması öngörülen yöntemlerin (ileti(cid:5)imsel yakla(cid:5)ım, ö(cid:4)renci merkezli ö(cid:4)retim ve çoklu zeka kuramı) sınıf içinde yeterince uygulanamadı(cid:4)ıdır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Anadolu liseleri hazırlık sınıfı, (cid:2)ngilizce ö(cid:4)retimi, ileti(cid:5)imsel yakla(cid:5)ım, ö(cid:4)renci merkezli ö(cid:4)retim ve çoklu zeka kuramı vii Dedicated to my parents, my brother, and my fiancé who stood by me all the way… As appreciation of their love, endorsement, and encouragement… Thank you! viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It has been said that life is a journey along which one learns, lives, enjoys. As a part of this journey, the entire process of preparing thesis takes place through which I have been inspired and enlightened. For such a memorable phase of life, the process of obtaining a thesis would not have been possible without the guidance, support, encouragement, and patience of my advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet OK. He guided me through this process by sharing his many valuable suggestions for improving the quality of the study. In addition, many thanks to all those who kindly gave their time to review the interviews and the codes. I also would like to extend my appreciation to the committee members, Aysegül DALO(cid:1)LU and Hanife AKAR. In particular, many thanks to the participants since without their willingness to take time from their busy schedules to participate in interviews, this study could not have taken place. I also would like to express my sincere thanks to the administrators of the schools who did their best to find me interviewees. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the officers in MONE for helping me to take the quickest permission. Special thanks go to my parents, Fügen and Gürkan, for their continuing moral and emotional support. I am very grateful to my family who provided me the opportunity to study and supported me in every stage of my degree. Their reinforcement and endorsement have kept me going over the degree. In addition, without the support of my brother Ali, finding articles form the endless sea of studies would have been very difficult. With his constant companion through out the process, he shared every document he found without complaining. I also owe much to my grandmother, Emine, who always heartened me by praying and by giving me enthusiasm and courage. ix Lastly, my heartfelt appreciation goes to my fiancé, Murat. With his care, affection, optimism, humor and patience, he kept the spirit alive when it was needed the most. I also wish to address a very warm "thank you" to the Çalık family who always stood beside me during the preparation period. x

bring an insight into the perceptions of parents, students, and teachers about the new . 1.5.4 English Teaching Approaches in Anatolian High Schools.. 13.
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