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Preview View from Dorchester, January 18, 2017

m DDoorrcchheesstteerr o r f w e i v www.viewnews.co.uk PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY Est. 2006 Issue 537 Wednesday, January 18th 2017 Schools face £13million budget cuts To advertise call THE headteacher of a ing and I am sure most Dorchester school has By Lottie Welch schools are heading for a 01297 446153 spoken out at proposed crisis in funding. “Schools with sixth cuts to school funding, describing the future for Schools in Dorset £13,036,592, equivalent forms have absorbed (cid:2)SchHoEoAl iDnT DEoArCchHeEsRtero, fM tikhee FTohleoymas Hardye strcyh oaso l“sg arcimro”s.s the coun- c£ano1nu3ulmda ill lbliouosdneg eftmrso obmrye 2t0ht1he9airt, ttoeMa £c2ihk6ee8r s .pFero pleuyp, il oHr e3a4d9- crpSouecurths gco sheoinlnlystc oelwf o2 tsi0htth1 ea 1irrb aofinugudn n dsdhii axn6vtg0he. W cisohnitningu Redo sseu cFcuensesr aflr oSmer vailcl e due to the government’s teacher at Dorchester’s C a r p ets Select pifnurgon pdoifnsoger dm nualfatai oirtneoar l mfuanfkoder- Tspaohisodtm 1h6aes fi usH ncadoridnnygcee f roSnrec sdhi oxbothyl ttfhhoaermn s£ 1gmhoaivvleleiro nnml oaesntn dt mwohraiest of us at... proposing is more cuts. schools. forms, which, he says, “I think that in all sectors But the National Union has suffered annual of education, the one that Your local signmaker of Teachers (NUT) re- funding cuts since 2011. has suffered the most is since 1983 ports that schools in the He said: “My view is The Home Selec(cid:2)on Specialists post 16 education. Dorset County Council that the outlook is grim area are set to lose in terms of school fund- (cid:2) TURN to page 3 Choose in comfort at home. (cid:2)DORCHESTER Mayoress Anita Free home select service for: Harries dressed GLASS & MIRRORS CUT TO SIZEE as a snowman GLAAZZING, GREENHOUSE GLASSS • Carpets for 24 hours to DOUBLE GLAZED UNITS • Vinyl & LVT Flooring raise money for UPVC WINDOWS & UPVC SPPAAREES the charity BBBBBBBrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiddddddddppppppppppppoooooooooorrrrrrrrrtttttttt GGGGGGGlllllllllaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssss aaaaaaannnnnnnndddddd • Woods & Laminates Home-Start. Here she is TTTTTTTTTTTTTTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllleeeeeeee CCCCCCCeeeeeeeennnnnnntttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee LLLLLLLtttttttttdddddddd Call Steve, John or Shaun. pictured with former mayor, 01305 753998 Councillor (cid:9)(cid:23)(cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:16)(cid:13)(cid:23)(cid:12)(cid:9)(cid:8)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:37)(cid:37)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:29)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:5)(cid:22)(cid:23) Stella Jones a Home-Start WWaall and Flooor Tiles, www.carpetselect.net volunteer. ssaaffffffeeeettyy flfloooorriinngg aannnd carpets See page 16 for [email protected] | www.bridpportglassandtile.co.uk Unit 1, Grove Trading Estate, Dorchester, DT1 1ST full story Monday to Friday 8.00am-5.00pm Saturdayy By appointment Telephone: 01308 427281 DORCHESTER’S VERY OWN FREE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER 2 Wednesday, January 18th 2017 60 SECOND INTERVIEW www.viewnews.co.uk (cid:2)WHATin town council politics interests you? Info at a glance ... BARRYIrvine was born in Belfast and has The good thing about the town council is every- completed a degree and diploma in theol- body seems to work well together and I’m there ogy. because I want to do well for the community, I’m HOSPITALS He was ordained in the Church of Ireland not there for a party political reason and what is Dorset County Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 251150 Bridport Community Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 422345 in 1976 and served his first curacy in good for the people of Bridport, there is so much WPoerytlmanodu tCho Cmommumnuitnyi Htyo Hspoistpailt .a .l .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...((0011330055)) 285210135401 Belfast in the 70s before moving to Eng- going on in Bridport and how we can bring it all together. DOCTORS land in 1980. Dorset Out of Hours GP Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0845 600 10 13 I think it is a wonderful place to be. Bridport Medical Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 421896 He lived in Nottinghamshire in 1980, then TKhene tL Hymoues Per Macetdicieca . l. P. r. a. c. t. i.c .e . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..((0011229977)) 444423139959 became a hospital chaplain in Cheltenham (cid:2)DOyou have any aims as town councillor? Elms Medical Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01297) 561068 in 1990, where he stayed for 15 years. I would like to get the people of Bridport who are DENTISTS He retired and moved to Dorset in 2006, very good and supportive of a lot of things to live Dorset Dental Helpline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01202) 854443 where he met his present wife. He also has in harmony more. CHEMISTS Bridport Lloyds Pharmacy (call to check late opening hours) . . . . . . . . two sons and four grandchildren. B . r.i d. .p . o. r. t. .C .o . -. o. p. . P. .h .a .r .m . .a .c . y. .( c. a. .l l. t.o . .c .h . e. c. k. . l.a .t .e . o. .p .e . n. i. n. g. . (h0o1u3r0s8)) .4 .2 . 4. 3. .5 .0 . He was appointed as a Bridport town (cid:2)TELLus a bit about the Cupboard Love food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 422100 councillor in 2015 and takes part in numer- bank. Bridport Boots (call to check late opening hours) . . . .(01308) 422475 The food bank is a big issue, I have seen that grow Lyme Regis Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01297) 442026 ous groups and activities around the town. Charmouth Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01297) 560261 unfortunately and we don’t want it to grow but Beaminster Chemist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 862288 it is, the number of people coming is going up all WDoerycmheosuttehr VLlioctyodrsia P Phaarrkm Pahcayrm . a. .c .y . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..((0011330055)) 276845041824 (cid:2) WHICH groups and activities are you in- (cid:2) WHAT encouraged you to join the town the time, because of all the cuts with universal Portland Boots Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 820409 volved in? council? credit, all sorts of things are happening. SPORT & RECREATION SINCEcoming here I have got involved with any- I have always been interested in politics and in We sent out on Christmas week 58 hampers – Bridport Leisure Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 427464 Beaminster Bfit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07792 791038 thing and everything. My first hobby is drama coming here I started talking to people and going some are homeless sleeping in tents and sleep- Weymouth College Sports Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 208713 and acting, I came to the arts centre and asked to meetings and some of the other liberal demo- ing bags. We really could do in this area a shelter BThuodmmaosu Htha rCdoyme mLeuisnuitrye SCpeonrttrse C .e .n . t.r .e . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..((0011330055)) 823606570782 them to put me in touch with the theatre group crat members said would I stand and I got elected of some kind. St Osmund’s Sports Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 756472 and I got involved with encore. first time. The people of Bridport really support us in LBBIurBirdRtpoAonRr BtY rL aSibdErsRatVorycICk . EL. .i b. .r a. r. y. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..((0011330088)) 482927757683 mIu tshice,n s os tIa grote tdo sat efowlka rndiginhgt ohnecree, aI malsoon tlhik ien ftohlek a Is atamg gsteilrli nlega ranminogu, ntht efrreo mis sCol lmr Duacvhe, a Rnidck Ia pridc ka nupd thearvmes c oofm tihneg fiono. d bank, the amount of food we BLyemame iRnesgteisr LLiibbrraarryy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..((0011320987)) 846423316521 Woodman and I play the Cajon (box drum) and Cllr Ros Kayes as well. We have a collection trolley in Morrisons and Charmouth Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01297) 560640 the Bodhran (hand drum) and I do a little but of Waitrose and we have to empty it twice a week DWoerycmheosuttehr LLiibbrraarryy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..((0011330055)) 726224441400 singing and also play the full drum kit in the 6 0 and Lidl’s give us all the bread that is left on a Portland Tophill Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 820171 music group in St Mary’s Church once a month. Tuesday night. Portland Underhill Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 820149 Then I got involved with politics and was Leakers have given us fresh bread every LDOoCrsAetL CCoOuUnNtyC CILoSuncil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 221000 elected as a town councillor in 2015 and through Wednesday morning and the south street traders West Dorset District Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 422248 being on the town council I chose to go on the through Nina’s give us fruit and veg. Bridport Town Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 456722 arts centre board and the CAB board because I Beaminster Town Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 863634 Lyme Regis Town Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01297) 445175 am involved with Cupboard Love food bank and (cid:2) WHAT three people would you invite to Charmouth Parish Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01297) 560826 Weymouth and Portland Borough Council . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 838000 we get a lot of references through the CAB. your dream dinner party? Dorchester Town Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 265844 Kenneth Branagh because he is a great actor and Portland Town Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 821638 (cid:2)DOyou still practice as a priest? from Northern Ireland. POLICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 I haven’t practiced as a priest for 10 years until this Ringo Starr because he is a Beatle and a drum- TOURIST INFORMATION Bridport TIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 424901 week, the rector at St Mary’s needs a bit of extra SECOND mer and I grew up with the Beatles. Lyme Regis TIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01297) 442138 help and came to me and asked if I would come Barack Obama for what he stands for in terms Dorchester TIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 267992 back and help. of the proper real American and what he is trying CITIZENS’ ADVICE Bridport CAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01308) 456594 I haven’t been doing anything within the church to do against the odds. Weymouth CAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 782798 here apart from the food bank and music group, Dorchester CAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0845 231400 but he needs help and I am going to help with INTERVIEW (cid:2)What do you like most about West Dorset? SAMARITANS Local helpline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(01305) 771777 the midweek service on a Wednesday and one in The countryside, being near the sea. Coming ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hour helpline St Swithun’s Church on a Thursday. here and being 10 minutes from the sea is just Answered locally in confidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0845 7697555 wonderful and to walk along there is beautiful. YYoour locaal newwsspapper team... PHILIP EVVAANS JAMES COLES JJACKIE EVVAANS ALISON KING ANITTAA ROUTLEY HOWARD LARCOMBE STUARRRTT BROOM LISA BRIGHT FRANCESCCA EVVAANS LOTTIE WELCH TREVOR BEVVINS NAATTTAALIE EDMEADES ROB COOMBE Managing Director Assistant Group General GGeneral Manager Office Manager Accounts Manager Sports Editor Sports Reporter Sub Editor Lyme Regiss Editor Reporter Reporter - Group Sales Manager Assistant Sales Managerr Manager & Deputy Editor Weyymouth/Dorchhester 01297 446155 01297 446168 001297 446141 01297 300283 012997 446149 01297 446152 07966 1440429 01297 446141 01297 4461544 01297 446161 07763 535778 01297 446145 01297 446146 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] acccoouunts@@vviewneewws.coo.uk [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] frranceesccaa@@vviewwnews.coo.uk [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] rob.coombe@@vvieewwneewws.ccoo.uk GEMMA WHITTAAKER IZZY STREET JODIE GLLOOVER JULIE TWEEN ROB LARCCOMBE ADAM NEALE STEVE CHAN KKAAATTIE AUSTIN HAAYYLEY SAUNDERS SOPPHIE OO’’’CCCOONNELL BEN KIRKBBYY CHARLIE SUTTTTON ANDREEAA BUDDEN CLLAAIRE DENSLLOOOW Sales Executive Sales Executive Sales EExxecutive Reception & Production Manager Website Manager & Assisttant Web Designer Property Vieww Designer Designer Designer Designer Designer Credit Controller Accounts Assistant Sales Executive & Entertainmeent Editor Prrooduction Manager 01297 446153 01297 446156 01297 446166 01297 446169 01297 4461400 01297 446144 01297 446144 01297 446143 01297 446167 012997 446164 01297 446164 01297 4461667 01297 446148 01297 446159 [email protected] [email protected] jodie@@viewnews.co.uk [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] vview Published by Capital MMedia Newspapers Ltd, ffrom Unit 3, St Michael’’ss Buusiness Centre, Church SStreet, Lyme Regis, Dorsset DT7 3DB . . TTeelepphone: 01297 4466057 FFaaxx:: 0011229977 444455660077 E-mail: [email protected] WWeeb: www.vieewnews.co.uk nnewspapers www.viewnews.co.uk DORCHESTER Wednesday, January 18th 2017 3 POLICE NEWS in brief (cid:2)ON the afternoon of January 9th at approximately 4.30pm hours a vehi- cle was stopped in Pummery Square, Poundbury for driving offences. The driver abandoned the vehicle and made off on foot. The vehicle was seized and recovered under Section 165 of the Road Traffic Act. Police would be interested in speak- ing to anyone who may have wit- nessed this incident or can give an ID of the driver. If you have any information then contact Dorset Police via 101, quoting Lions boost for Disabled reference number 55170004274. (cid:2) ON Wednesday, January 11th the side window on a green Mitsubishi Club new mini bus appeal Shogun car was broken into near Hardy's Monument. Several personal belongings were stolen from the vehicle including a handbag, phone and keys. Police would like to remind people to remove all personal belongings from vehicles, especially when they (cid:2)IRENECalcutt receives the cheque from Lions President Rick Rogers are left at remote locations. DORCHESTERLions have helped the town’s Disabled many nearby villages and is also used by the Stroke Club of means including bingo sessions, tombolas, coffee morn- If you have any information con- Club on the road to a new minibus with a £1,000 donation. and Dorset Blind. ing, charity stalls and other events. nected to this crime contact Dorset The club is now about £4,000 away from their total and “It really does get a great deal of use by the whole com- The club has a concert coming up in the Corn Exchange Police on 101 quoting reference num- hopes to have the new vehicle on the road by the sum- munity,” said Secretary Irene Calcutt, who received the on April 26th with the Navy Band from Yeovilton, with ber 55170005305. mer. cheque from Lions President Rick Rogers. tickets, at £10, now on sale from Nicoll World Travel in (cid:2) POLICE have reported an incident It will replace a 17-year-old bus which has clocked up The Lions decided on the donation after hearing how High East Street and ProActive at Poundbury, or from club getting on for 80,000 miles and is becoming increasingly close the Disabled Club were to raising the estimated members. of suspicious activity, which took costly to maintain. £54,000 cost of a new bus. The club itself usually runs two meetings a month with place in Toller Porcorum on Wednes- The Disabled Club are not the only users of the vehicle. “We thought it was a great cause to put some of our fund- occasional additional trips and outings. day 11th January at approximately It is shared with local Magna Housing Association homes raising towards,” said Mr Rogers, who congratulated the Further details about the club can be obtained by calling 12.50pm. for residents’ trips, provides a shopping bus service for 30-strong club in raising about £30,000 through a variety Mrs Calcutt on Dorchester (01305) 263085. A resident was standing on his back doorstep and heard the back latch of his garden gate, he then observed a Jewellery and cash stolen in burglary male walking away from his property. The description is a white male, ap- proximately mid 40s, 5'10", dark- coloured hair which is greying with POLICE in Dorchester are appealing Road area near the cemetery. relevant time to please contact Dorset dents to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity many grey flecks in it. He was wearing for witnesses and anyone with infor- A quantity of cash and a number of Police. to Dorset Police.” a green jacket and dark trousers and mation to come forward following a items of jewellery, mainly Pandora, “I am particularly keen to hear from Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset was carrying a thin black dog lead. He burglary in the town. were stolen. anyone who has seen or been offered Police by calling 101. went in the direction of School Lane Sometime between 11am on Friday, Police Constable Andrea Watson, of items of jewellery for sale in unusual towards the recreation ground. December 30th and 2.20pm on Mon- Dorchester Police, said: “I am appeal- circumstances since the time of the in- Police say it have been an innocent day, January 2nd, offenders gained ac- ing to anyone who saw or heard any- cident. member of the public looking for cess to a property in the Maiden Castle thing suspicious in the area during the “Finally, I would like to remind resi- their dog, but think it is a little suspi- BOILERMAN cious that they did not ask for permis- Schools face tough cuts with new sion to enter the garden. LTD 3791 (cid:2) OFFICERS from Dorchester Neigh- OIL & GAS Government funding proposals bourhood Police Team and the Dorset Police Rural Crime Team are continu- HEATING & BOILER MAINTENANCE ing with their extended patrols in the Breakdown Repairs & Spares rural areas and villages surrounding From page 1 Dorset County Council’s and encouraged teachers, an effective education to Telephone: 01308 424861 Dorchester. cabinet member for learning parents and governors to pupils if there is no money These patrols are specifically tar- “No matter what school it is and skills, said: “We wel- unite against the proposals. for staff, buildings, re- geted towards preventing and de- across the UK, we are facing come the government’s sec- He said: “These are shock- sources, materials, activities tecting rural crime and poaching a very grim future.” ond consultation on a ing figures that will create or a full subject choice. offences and to provide visible reas- Education secretary Justine national funding formula for despair in schools up and “Parents and school gover- surance to the rural communities. Greening said the reorgani- schools. down the country. nors should unite with teach- It is part of an ongoing initiative sation of school funding will “Overall, this signals a step “Far from being the level- ers in demanding the that is undertaken across a range of make it fairer for all schools. towards rebalancing schools’ ling up of funding that coun- government fund our educa- shifts and will incorporate assistance She said: “Our proposed funding nationally and an in- cils and heads have tion properly. from other specialist police depart- reforms will mean an end to crease in funding for Dorset demanded, the government “This is no way to run an ments where necessary. historical unfairness and un- pupils. is levelling down and education system. More derfunding for certain “However, we are disap- schools across the country money needs to be given to (cid:2) THERE will be a public meeting on sc“hWooel sn.eed a system that pcroeianstee di na tf uthned sl efvoerl Doof risne-t fpaacreli armeaeln tt.erm cuts in this otruyr sacnh oeodlusc taot igoivne styhset ceomu ni-t Dorrcchester - Bridporrtt-LLLyyme Regis aTvhouirdsdinagy , Jsacnamuasr yi n2 6tDho arct h2e.3s0teprm o inn tfhuen dsn esecdhso oolsf atchceoirr dpinugp itlos sscehno tool sd aisntdri tbhuet em feuthnoddin cgh oto- “It is impossible to deliver can be proud of.” WWaarm and friendly hoouseholds Brownsword Hall, Pummery Square, rather than their postcode, schools. Full support team on hand Poundbury. levelling the playing field “All schools are facing What each school in Dorchester could lose in its The meeting will offer help and ad- and giving parents the confi- considerable financial pres- annual budget by 2019 (Figures according NUT): ££770000 per 44-we ekk stayy vice from Police, Trading Standards dence that every child will sures with little increase in (cid:3)Damers First School - £28,441 Students out alldaayy wweekdaayys and Neighbourhood Watch on how have an equal opportunity to funding since 2010 and are (cid:3) Thomas Hardye School - £603,157 beGsut etsot asvpoeiadk fearlsl iwngill vinicctliumd eto S sucpaemrins.- hreaTasch he btnheeeewinr ffuuwlnl edpliocnotgem nfteoidarml .”ublya twhaaikvtiheni.gn” athctei onf untod inmg anthaegye (cid:3)(cid:3) DThoerc Phreinstceer o Mf Widadllees s Scchhooool l- -£ £897,,106214 Rewarding and fun exxperience tendent Matt Lawler from Devon and Dorset County Council, but However, Kevin Courtney, (cid:3) St Osmund’s Middle School - £160,482 Email: Cornwall and Dorset Police Alliance said it was disappointed by general secretary of the Na- (cid:3) Manor Park First School - £72,229 [email protected] rPirse, vPernintcioipna Dl eTrpaadritnmge Sntta anndda Jrdons OHffiar-- pthoes edle vfoerl Doofr sfeut nsdcihnogo lsp.ro- tsiaoinda tlh aUt ntihoen fiogfu rTese awchoeurlsd, (cid:3)(cid:3) SBtr oMaadrmy’as yCnaet hFoirlsict SFicrhsot oScl h- £o3o7l -,6 £1380,786 (Host Family Serviices) cer, Dorset County Council Trading Cllr Deborah Croney, cause “despair” in schools (cid:3) Charminster St Mary’s First School - £30,518 Standards Department. 4 Wednesday, January 18th 2017 WEST DORSET www.viewnews.co.uk KENNEDY Dorset’s recycling TTThheeerrrrreeee’s’snnoonneeeeeeeeedddttoo bbbrrreeeeeaaaakktthheebbaannkk....... ALLAN THOMSON rates continue to rise ££ ££ On Tuesday January 3rd 2017 at home, £ aged 84 years. Much loved husband, father DORSETresidents are now re- The survey took place between ship’s Joint Committee, said: £ & grandpa. The Funeral at St Michael the cycling more than ever before. June and October last year in “The DWP is continuing to de- ££ Archangel, Lyme Regis on Tuesday January According to statistics from Purbeck, Weymouth & Portland, liver on its primary goals of in- ££ £ 24th at 3.00 pm. Donations if desired for St the Department for Environ- and West Dorset. creasing recycling rates, ment, Food and Rural Affairs Of the 5,371 residents sur- providing quality services and GGGeett mmooorrrreee fffffffooooooorrr yyoouurr mmooonneeyyy Michael’s Church or Save the Children c/o (Defra), the Dorset Waste Part- veyed, 54.4 per cent said that saving money for the Dorset tax- wwwiitthh ggrrreeeeeaaaatt vvaalluuee AAddvveeerrrrttiissiinngg... AJ Wakely & Sons, 7a Silver Street, Lyme nership has raised its recycling they were “very satisfied”, with payer, despite the many chal- CCaall RRoob on 01122299977 444611446 Regis, DT7 3HR. rate once again –from 56.7 per a further 39.8 per cent stating lenges we face. cent the previous year, to 58.5 they were “fairly satisfied” with “Dorset residents have shown View Family Announcements per cent for the 2015/16 finan- their service. that not only are they among the cial year. In recent reports to its seven country’s keenest recyclers, they The results place Dorset as the partner councils, the DWP pre- are overwhelmingly satisfied joint top county for recycling, as dicted it will be £1.28million un- with the service we provide. well as in the top three councils derspent for the 2016/17 Coupled with the good news that Judith and Tony Chaffey are that both collect and dispose of financial year, which will help we’re able to save money for our delighted to announce the their waste, and in the top 15 partner council’s budgets. partners, you can see how well engagement of their daughter overall, out of 350 local author- These savings are mainly due the organisation continues to Catherine to Aaron Walker. ities. to a lower cost household recy- perform. Dorset Waste claims that the cling centre (HRC) contract, re- “We need to make sure that Congratulations and much love overall satisfaction rate for the duced costs for processing this coming year is just as suc- Mum, Dad & family Recycle for Dorset service is 94 recyclable materials, and addi- cessful as the last and we can per cent – but this was before the tional garden and commercial only do that by continuing to company started charging for waste subscribers. work closely with our partners certain types of waste at its Councillor Tony Alford, chair and the people of Dorset who we Bobby Ashton household recycling centres. of the Dorset Waste Partner- serve.” Grants available for community projects Happy 7th Birthday All my love always Nanny GRANTS of up to £10,000 are available from the “Have a look, and give it a go, there are so many county council for community projects in Dorset. great initiatives and ideas which we would really The council’s Community Innovation Fund is like to help.” making a total of £85,000 available for schemes Dorset County Council’s voluntary sector policy Congratulations which support communities and local people to be officer, Laura Cornette, said: “We want to help STEPHEN safe, healthy, independent and prosperous. community projects that support our top priorities The grant scheme has already supported seven for people in Dorset. on your M.B.E. projects including: the Waterlily Project which has “One of our aims is helping people stay healthy. From Dad, Mum, been able to recruit a community development Community projects can provide a vital link in Richard & Family. worker helping vulnerable women who have ex- helping people adopt healthy lifestyles and lead So very proud of you! perienced domestic abuse and Weymouth Street active lives. Pastors who have bought essential equipment to “If you want to make a difference, and need a bit train their nightlife volunteers. of finance to start, please get in touch.” MIKE STOODLEY Dorset County Council’s Cabinet member for To apply for the grants from the Community Health, Wellbeing and Communities Cllr Rebecca Innovation Fund go to www.dorsetforyou Happy Birthday Dad Knox said: “We’re delighted with the response to .gov.uk/dorset-community-innovation-fund the first round of grant allocations and it’s great Have a great day. that we can offer the same opportunity to more All our love Teresa & Bob local communities. Got a story? Email xxx “The process is simple, but whoever applies needs to make sure it’s those who are most in need [email protected] who will benefit from the initiative. Happy Birthday (cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:5)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:8) January 23rd. Lots of love from Aunts, 2222 CLEARANCE AND MMD Uncles and Cousins xxx REMOVVAAL SPECIAALISSSTTTTSS BBeamminster Professional, reliable, efficcient Still eating cake at 50 fully insured & fully licennseed inn Happy Birthday MATT (BEAKER) GALE all waste aspectss from you know who. No job ttoooo ssmmaallll No distanccee ttoooo ffaaaarr FREE FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENT FORM CALLL Message.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 077388 994466 220099 ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. 01133008 3012488 Datefor insertion Wednesday _ _ / _ _ / _ _ FFoor a ffrreeee nnoo oobblliigatioonn qquuootee Send to:Devon, Dorset & Somerset Series of Newspapers Limited, Unit 3, St Michael’s Business Centre, Church Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset, DT7 3DB or Email: [email protected] Signed: ........................... Telephone: ........................................................... Address: ....................................................... EEmmail: mmaallccoollmm@@22-mmd.ccoo.uukk ............................................................................................................................................................................ oorrviissiittuussatwwwwww..22mmd.ccoo.uukk Please include SAE for return of any photos. PLEASE NOTE: We cannot accept announcements without a signature, address and telephone no. AREAAS CCOOVVEREDD:: SSeeaatton, AAxxmmiinnsstteerrrr,,,, LLyyyymmee Regis, Beaminsterr,, Dorchesterr,, Weymouth All announcements must be in by 12 noon on Friday for the following weeks publication. all villagges in surrooundingg areeaas, AND BEYOND www.viewnews.co.uk DORSET Wednesday, January 18th 2017 5 Funding cuts to NHS services would have ‘damaging consequences’ say campaigners A PUBLICmeeting is being held in Dorchester “We’ve organised this public meeting so that By Trevor Bevins in the coming week to discuss cuts to NHS ser- people will have the chance to hear speakers vices. and ask questions about what’s being proposed Dorchester Labour Party and West and South the ambulance service and its failure to meet tar- and be better informed when it comes to mak- Dorset Green Party have joined forces to hold gets is not addressed; there is not enough evi- ing their voices heard through the consulta- the meeting next Wednesday, January 25th, at dence that the ‘integrated community’ models tion. 7pm in the Corn Exchange. proposed would provide better outcomes for pa- “Services at risk include GP surgeries, A&E, The event is being held in response to the tients or be more cost effective… Children’s and Maternity and Community Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group’s Review “We’re concerned that GPs and NHS workers Hospitals.” (cid:2)CAMPAIGNERSsupporting the NHS were in and Public Consultation on changes to local ser- have not been properly engaged with or con- The public meeting is open to all and Dorchester’s South Street on Saturday – collect- vices. sulted about the changes.” amongst the speakers will be Green Council- ing signatures for a petition. Said Claudia Sorin from Dorchester Labour: Jenny Shackleford of West and South Dorset lor and Weymouth GP, Dr Jon Orrell, Labour Keep Our NHS Public Dorset and the Dorset “We believe the £158million of cuts being pro- Green Party is encouraging people to come to the Councillor Paul Kimber and Lib Dem Coun- Peoples Assembly followed their campaigning posed will have far-reaching, damaging conse- public meeting: “People are being asked to take cillor Ros Kayes, who are both on the Health with a debate at the Colliton Club, featuring Wey- quences and that the Clinical Services Review is part in the public consultation by filling out a Scrutiny Committee, and representatives from mouth Green Party councillor and local GP, Dr flawed: the assessment of travel times is not questionnaire which has cuts and closures Save SCBU and Kingfisher Campaign, Keep John Orrell. based on real life examples; the current state of built in to all the options. Our NHS Public and Unison Health. Numbers down at consultation event NUMBERSwere down at an NHS con- “There were a handful of us for the Deputy locality chairman Dr Martin sultation event in Dorchester last Thurs- demo and very few people attending the Longley said the overall response had day (January 12th) due to poor weather. consultation event,” said Philip Jordan. been positive and many people wanted to Despite protests in the town, which He says he expressed concerns that the engage with the consultation process. have attracted thousands, less than 200 evidence for integrated community mod- “We have allayed some fears and peo- turned out for the six-hour consultation els providing better outcomes for patients ple have been able to get their concerns event at the Dorford Centre. and being more cost effective were not on paper so the CCG can look at them.” Among them was a small group of covered in the consultation document, but The consultation exercise runs until the protestors who sought shelter in the foyer was told the studies are available on the end of February with copies of the docu- to keep out of the wind and driving rain. CCG website. ment available online from the Clinical Their banners expressed concerns about There was also worry that the NHS Commissioning Group website, the future of children’s services and ma- workforce is not being given enough say www.csr.dorsetsvision.nhs.uk, and from (cid:2)CLAUDIASorin, Barry Tempest, Phil Jordan, Damien Stone from ternity at Dorset County Hospital. in the proposals. local libraries. Dorset Health Campaign BRIDPORT AUCCTIONS CONSULLTTAATTION DORSEETT Friday 27th Jannuary IT’S MMMIIINNNEE. IIITTT’S YOOURS. (Starts at 10am) Viewing Days: Wednesday 25th & Thurssdaay 26th (9am-5pm) IITT’’SS OOOUUUUUURR NNNNNHHSSS. We want you to help us shape your local NHS services. Pick up a consultation document and Chinese & European Ceramics, Oriental Bronzzes, Silver & Plate Art questionnaire and PPootttteerryy iinncc. AAmmaannddaa PPoopphhaamm, AArrtt DDeeccoo ppiieecceeeess, JJeewweelllleerryy,VViinnttaaggee Clothing & Footwear, Black Forest, Many Clocks, Air Pistols, Militaria inc. have your sayy.. Swords, Uniforms, Bayonets, etc. Cameras, Postcards, Telescopes, Find out more at Books & Vintage Magazines, Walking Sticks, Muusical Instruments inc. Guitar & Amp, Arcade Machines, Books & Vintage Magazines, the Dorsettt’’’ss VViision Taxidermy, Paintings & Prints, Old Pine Furniture, Chairs, Mirrors, Boxes. website. Metalware inc. rare Farm Dairy Milk Can madee by J. Lee of Bridport for a Stoke Abbott Farmerr And many other lots of an interesting and deecorative nature! Telephone 01308 459400for condition rreports and details. CCome andd see us on Catalogue on our website from Thursdaay 19th January Free valuation ffoor Auction * Property Cleearance Service TTTuuesday 244tth Januarryyy VVaaluations ffoor Probate & Insurrance Easstton Methodisstt Churrcch, Poorrttland 2.30pm-8pm The Auction House of Bridport No.1, St. Michael's Trading Estate, Bridpoort, Dorset. Website: www.bridportauctionhousse.com for deettails of morrree eventtss visit www.dorrssettssvision.nhs.uk Email: [email protected] 6 Wednesday, January 18th 2017 DORCHESTER www.viewnews.co.uk Here we come APPLESin Dorchester’s Railway Community Or- 17th, to drive away spirits and wake up the trees. chard should be growing well this year – judging The orchard, just off the Culliford Road rail by the strength of the singing at the annual Was- bridge is run by Transition Town Dorchester and sail on Saturday. offers year-round work for volunteers. And any evil spirits will have been frightened It was created on what was an area of over- away by the banging of saucepans, watering grown land by clearing away brambles and cans and a host of other make-do instruments. sycamores and planting trees and fruit bushes. As tradition has it the trees were also ‘blessed’ The site now attracts bees and also has a pond by youngsters climbing in their boughs and and picnic area. toasted with apple juice, cake and cider. Some of the trees were donated through the Wassail comes from the Anglo-Saxon, waes Waitrose community scheme with more than a haeil, which means ‘to be healthy’ and was tradi- hundred fruit and hedgerow trees donated by tionally carried out on the 12th night, January the Woodland Trust. www.viewnews.co.uk DORCHESTER Wednesday, January 18th 2017 7 a-wassailing Musical mash-up A ‘MAYOR’SMusical Mash-Up’ is being planned in Dorchester’s United Church on February 11th as a charity fund-raiser. It will feature music from Pop Club, the (cid:2)VISITORS Decadettes and the Rock Choir, starting at to Dorch- 7.30pm. ester’s Admission to the event will be free but Railway Mayor Councillor Tim Harries is hoping that Commu- people will dig deep and make a donation nity Orchard during the evening – the funds going to his joined in mayoral charities for this year. with wassailing Application approved traditions ANapplication to convert the former Defra of- fices on Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester into a warehouse has been approved. The building, which also houses the driving test centre and used to be home to some NHS staff, is next door to the Westerly BMW garage. The majority of the building is currently unoc- cupied and Defra staff are expected to move elsewhere on, or before, their lease ends in March. A planning application says that the conver- sion is for a local firm and is expected to em- ploy around 30 people, but does not say who it is behind the scheme. Expert needed A GARDENINGexpert is needed to help offer advice on a Dorchester allotment project. The Volunteer Centre is looking for help with a community project and would like an experi- enced gardener to help guide others for a cou- ple of hours a week on Wednesday mornings. Potential volunteers should call the centre on 01305 269214. OPEN MOORNING Sunday 22nd Januarry 10am - 12pm Speak to our exppert tutors TGTooooeuutrr hooeuulprr aawmmitaahzz iiynnooggggu ccr aaammppppuulicssation yYoooouuu hhcaaavvnee hh aaallwvveea ytthhsee wssammniitlleedd. Book a new patient ccoonnssuullttattiion today! Call 01297 529255 PPre-regiister todday aat: Our Services include kmc.ac.uk/coursseinfo/ Dentures - Aesthe al Den try - Privatte DentalPlan Implant Secured Dentuures - DentalImplants - Toooth Whitening Crowns & Bridges -Hyggienist Services Dorchester, Dorset DT2 8PY www.lymebayden try.co.uk Temple House, 63 Broad Street, Lyyme Regis, DTT7 3QF r yden try.co.uk 8 Wednesday, January 18th 2017 DORSET www.viewnews.co.uk (cid:2)PAULTutton’s winning picture of a kingfisher Kingfisher snaps up photo comp top prize A FREEZE-frame pic- ture of a Kingfisher, Unlock youur taken by a Dorchester schoolteacher, has won a Dorset photo compe- tition. buusiness ppotential Maths teacher from St Osmunds School Paul Tutton describes him- with Barterrcard self as an enthusiastic amateur having taken up photography as a hobby five-years-ago. He has specialised in looking for Dorset’s rarest wildlife, in par- (cid:2)PAULWallis, Paul Tutton, Vicki Cooper ticular kingfishers, ot- Gain extra sales, introduuctions to ters and Dartford Local photographers endars and the overall very impressed,” said warblers. were asked to put for- winner also received a Paul Wallis, Op- new customer and a nooticeable Judges said that every ward photographs that GoPro Camera. tometrist at I J Brown photo he takes involves they considered to be “A huge thank you to Opticians. edge over your compeetitors by a huge investment of their “Vision for a Life- everyone who entered The winners were: time, research and pa- time”. the competition. The Noel Wittin, Mick usingg Bartercard. Barteercard is tience. The 12 winning pho- number of entries and Rose, Gerald White, The competition was tographs were chosen the standard of photog- John Fanning, Colin business tool offering yyou many organised by I J Brown by the team at I J raphy was exceptional Crabb, Steve Wright, opticians, based in Brown Opticians and and made choosing the Adrian Trenholme, unique advantages, inncluding Bridport, Dorchester, have been used in their winners by the team Nick Guppy, Paul Tut- Swanage and Wey- 2017 calendar. Each of very difficult. I’m sure ton, Dane Shaw, Gareth guaranteed new customers, mouth in conjunction the winning photogra- if you’ve seen our new James and Mark Ex- with WessexFM. phers received five cal- calendar you will be cell. improved cash flow andd reduced Aviva funding for choral group cash expensess. WEYMOUTHChoral Society has been awarded also members of the Wessex Youth Orchestra, a grant of up to £1,000 from the Aviva Commu- playing cello, flute and percussion. Call: 0800 840 6333 nity Fund. With the headliner of Vivaldi’s sparkling and The choral society has been making music for ever-popular ‘Gloria’, the programme will also or visit: www.bartercard.coo.uk more than 150 years and has a long history of include other Baroque pieces including Bach’s supporting the local community by performing lyrical and intense ‘Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring’ for charity, carol singing in hospitals and care and movements from Handel’s celebratory homes and helping at a fundraising seafront ‘Water Music.’ stall on Weymouth Carnival Day. The event will also include some contempo- They applied to the Aviva Community Fund rary pieces from 20th and 21st century British for funding to help stage an ambitious season, composers. which will include a concert performed by 19 young singers. The young performers are from the Dorch- If you have a story email ester Area Schools Partnership (DASP) and in- [email protected] clude vocalists from the DASP Classics Choir and the Thomas Hardye Singers. Several are 10 Wednesday, January 18th 2017 DORSET www.viewnews.co.uk Osprey celebrates ten years with Swapping snowdrop service for sunflowers open day WEYMOUTHand Dorchester will be day, February 6th at 3pm; Sherborne VISITORS had a chance to try their hand at without Weldmar Hospicecare Snow- Cheap St Church on Friday, February a host of activities when Osprey Leisure drop Services this year. 3rd at 11am; and Stalbridge Pound Gar- Centre on Portland held its annual open day. But the charity says that the two dens on Sunday, February 5th 3pm. The event had a special celebration ele- towns will host new Sunflower Ser- All are welcome to attend these ser- ment to it this year because it marked the vices which are due to take place in vices. 10th anniversary of the centre being opened July. Snowdrops can be planted in memory to the community. Said Chris Davies from the charity: of a loved one, and their name included General manager Nigel Williams said they “In the past, the Snowdrop Services in the Snowdrop Memorial book which had been inundated with phone calls about have been held in 11 different locations is kept in each location. Weldmar ask the event and interest had been “huge”. in Dorset but some have had a low up- for a donation of £10 to cover costs; He added that among events staged were take and attendance. this donation would be acknowledged water polo, archery, aquafit, canoe life- “We have developed our support ser- by a commemorative card. guarding, indoor cricket and cycling, karate vices for the bereaved, and these now For more information call Weldmar’s and fitness classes. include: quarterly Time to Remember Family Support Services on 01305 He said: “We had fantastic weather and, to services; annual Sunflower Services in 215321. round it all off, we had a bar for the first the summer and the pre-Christmas time and some spectacular fireworks. (cid:2) NIGELWilliams welcomes visitors to Osprey Leisure Centre’s 10th anniver- Light Up a Life Services all at different Daffodil sellers needed “It was fantastic to be able to offer such a variety of activities which had not been pos- sary open day loOcatthieorn Ds tohrrsoeut gtohwounts D woirlsl ehta.”ve Snow- MARIECurie fundraisers in the sible in the early years of our formation drop services during February to re- Dorchester area are appealing for since we took over from the Royal Navy in member those who have died. businesses who could take and 2007. These services are held in late winter sell daffodils for them during “Ongoing community fundraising has en- abled equipment to be bought for archery, when snowdrops first appear, remind- March. water polo and fitness classes and all this ing us that the hope and warmth of Helpers are also needed with has added to our popularity which is grow- spring are not far away. selling daffodils at Tesco on Friday, ing all the time. There will be eight Snowdrop Ser- February 24th and in South Street “We are led by community and customer vices of Remembrance in 2017 - the following day. Beaminster St Mary’s Church on demand and if people continue to come in Plans are also being made for then we know we are doing things right and Thursday, February 9th at 11am; sales outside Lidle on Friday, will be able to provider even more in the fu- BlandfordSt Peter’s & St Paul’s March 10 th and Saturday 11th ture.” Church on Tuesday, February 7th at and then in South Street on Satur- He added that the open day had also pro- 2.30pm; Bridport Roman Catholic day, March 25th. vided the centre with a welcome chance to Church on Thursday, February 2nd at Potential volunteers are asked to thank its many supporters. 11am; Gillingham Cemetery Gardens He said: “The early evening enabled us to on Saturday, February 4th at 11am; contact local fundraising commit- hold a reception to thank all those who had Lyme Regis St Michael the Archangel tee chair Richard Crosby on 07879 helped make our charity here at Osprey such (cid:2) INDOORcricket organiser Aarron Riley tries his hand at batting watched by on Thursday, February 9th at 2.30pm; 692369 or by email to a success.” Under-16 team members from Beaminster and Martinstown Shaftesbury St Peter’s Church on Mon- [email protected]

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