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THISDOCUMENTISIMPORTANTANDREQUIRESYOURIMMEDIATEATTENTION.Ifyouareinanydoubtastothe contents of this document or as to what action you should take you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other independent financial adviser authorised under the Financial Services and MarketsAct 2000 (“FSMA”) who specialisesinadvisingontheacquisitionofsharesandothersecurities. This document comprises an admission document prepared in accordance with theAIM Rules.Application will be made for the OrdinarySharesissuedandtobeissuedpursuanttothePlacingtobeadmittedtotradingonAIM.ItisexpectedthatAdmissionwill becomeeffectiveandthattradingintheOrdinarySharesonAIMwillcommenceat8.00a.m.on10July2012.TheOrdinaryShares arenotdealtonanyotherrecognisedinvestmentexchangeanditisemphasisedthatnoapplicationhasbeen,orisbeing,made fortheOrdinarySharestobeadmittedtoanysuchexchange. Thisdocumentisnotanapprovedprospectusforthepurposesofsection85ofFSMA,hasnotbeenpreparedinaccordancewiththe ProspectusRulespublishedbytheFinancialServicesAuthority(“FSA”)andacopyofithasnotbeen,andwillnotbe,deliveredto theUKListingAuthorityinaccordancewiththeProspectusRulesordeliveredtoorapprovedbyanyotherauthoritywhichcouldbe acompetentauthorityforthepurposesoftheProspectusDirective. AIMisamarketdesignedprimarilyforemergingorsmallercompaniestowhichahigherinvestmentrisktendstobeattached thantolargerormoreestablishedcompanies.AIMsecuritiesarenotadmittedtotheOfficialListoftheUKListingAuthority. Aprospectiveinvestorshouldbeawareoftherisksofinvestinginsuchcompaniesandshouldmakethedecisiontoinvestonly ARSchedule aftercarefulconsiderationand,ifappropriate,consultationwithanindependentfinancialadviser. 2(e) EachAIMcompanyisrequiredpursuanttotheAIMRulesforCompaniestohaveanominatedadviser.Thenominatedadviser isrequiredtomakeadeclarationtotheLondonStockExchangeonadmissionintheformsetoutinScheduleTwototheAIM RulesforNominatedAdvisers. The London Stock Exchange has not itself examined or approved the contents of this document.TheAIM Rules are less demandingthanthoseoftheOfficialListoftheUKListingAuthority. YoushouldbeawarethataninvestmentintheCompanyinvolvesahighdegreeofrisk.Whilethewholeofthisdocumentshouldbe read,theattentionoftheprospectiveinvestorsisalsodrawninparticulartoPartIIofthisdocumentwhichsetsoutcertainriskfactors relatingtoanyinvestmentintheOrdinaryShares.AllstatementsregardingtheGroup’sbusiness,financialpositionandprospects shouldbeviewedinlightoftheseriskfactors. Revolymer plc (IncorporatedandregisteredinEnglandandWalesundertheCompaniesAct2006withregisterednumber08024489) Placing of 25,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 1p each at 100p per Ordinary Share AIII4.4 Admission to trading onAIM NOMINATEDADVISERAND BROKER TheCompany,theDirectorsandtheProposedDirector,whosenamesappearonpage4ofthisdocument,acceptresponsibilityboth AI1.2 individuallyandcollectivelyfortheinformationcontainedinthisdocument.TothebestoftheknowledgeandbeliefoftheDirectors and the Proposed Director (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this documentisinaccordancewiththefactsanddoesnotomitanythinglikelytoaffecttheimportofsuchinformation.AlloftheDirectors andtheProposedDirectoracceptindividualandcollectiveresponsibilityforcompliancewiththeAIMRules. UponAdmission the Placing Shares will, following allotment, rank pari passu in all respects with the Existing Ordinary Shares includingtherighttoreceivealldividendsandotherdistributionsdeclared,madeorpaidontheOrdinarySharesafterAdmission. ThisdocumentdoesnotconstituteanoffertosellorasolicitationoroffertobuyorsubscribeforOrdinarySharesunlesspermitted byapplicablelawandregulation.ThisdocumentisnotfordistributionintheProhibitedTerritories.TheOrdinaryShareshavenot beenandwillnotberegisteredundertheUnitedStatesSecuritiesActof1933(asamended)orunderthesecuritieslegislationofthe ProhibitedTerritoriesorinanycountry,territoryorpossessionwheretodosowouldcontravenelocalsecuritieslawsorregulations andtheOrdinarySharesmaynotbeofferedorsolddirectlyorindirectlywithintheProhibitedTerritoriesorto,orfortheaccountof benefit of, any person within the Prohibited Territories. The distribution of this document in jurisdictions other than the United Kingdommayberestrictedbylawandthereforeanypersonintowhosepossessionthisdocumentcomesshouldinformthemselves aboutandobserveanysuchrestrictions.Anyfailuretocomplywiththeserestrictionsmayconstituteaviolationofthesecuritieslaws inanysuchjurisdictions. PanmureGordon(UK)Limited,whichisauthorisedandregulatedintheUnitedKingdombytheFSA,isactingasnominatedadviser andbrokertotheCompanyinconnectionwiththePlacingandAdmissionandwillnotbeprovidingadvicetoanyotherpersonin relationtothePlacingandAdmissionoranyothertransactionorarrangementreferredtointhisdocument.Itsresponsibilitiesasthe Company’snominatedadviserundertheAIMRulesforNominatedAdvisersareowedsolelytotheLondonStockExchangeandare notundertheAIMRulesforNominatedAdvisersowedtotheCompanyortoanyDirectorortheProposedDirectorortoanyother personinrespectofhisorherdecisiontoacquireOrdinarySharesinrelianceonanypartofthisdocument.Norepresentationor warranty,expressorimplied,ismadebyPanmureGordon(UK)Limitedastoanyofthecontentsofthisdocument(withoutlimiting thestatutoryrightsofanypersontowhomthisdocumentisissued).PanmureGordon(UK)Limitedwillnotbeofferingadviceand willnototherwiseberesponsibletoanyoneotherthantheCompanyforprovidingtheprotectionsaffordedtocustomersofPanmure Gordon(UK)Limitedorforprovidingadviceinrelationtothecontentsofthisdocumentoranyothermatter.Noliabilityisaccepted PanmureGordon(UK)Limitedfortheaccuracyofanyinformationoropinionscontainedin,orfortheomissionofanymaterial informationfrom,thisdocument,forwhichtheCompany,theDirectorsandtheProposedDirectoraresolelyresponsible. ThisdocumentwillalsobeavailablefordownloadfromtheCompany’swebsitewww.revolymer.com. CONTENTS Page EXPECTEDTIMETABLE OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS 3 PLACING STATISTICS 3 DIRECTORS, PROPOSED DIRECTOR, SECRETARYANDADVISERS 4 DEFINITIONS 5 GLOSSARY OFTECHNICALTERMS 9 IMPORTANT INFORMATION 12 PART I INFORMATION RELATINGTOTHE COMPANY 13 PART II RISK FACTORS 36 PART III EXPERT’S REPORT 47 PART IV PATENTAGENT’S REPORT 64 PARTV FINANCIAL INFORMATION 95 SECTIONA–ACCOUNTANTS’REPORTONREVOLYMERPLC 95 SECTIONB–FINANCIALINFORMATIONONREVOLYMERPLC 97 SECTIONC–ACCOUNTANTS’REPORTONREVOLYMER(U.K.)LIMITED 98 SECTIOND–FINANCIALINFORMATIONONREVOLYMER(U.K.)LIMITED 100 PARTVI ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 128 2 EXPECTED TIMETABLE OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS Publication of this document 4 July 2012 Admission and dealings in the Ordinary Shares to commence onAIM 8.00 a.m. on 10 July 2012 AIII4.7 Expected date for CREST accounts to be credited EIS Placing Shares andVCT Placing Shares on 9 July 2012 All other Placing Shares on 10 July 2012 Despatch of definitive share certificates in respect of the Placing Shares to be held in certificated form 17 July 2012 Each of the dates in the above timetable is subject to change without further notice. PLACING STATISTICS Placing price per Placing Share 100p AIII4.4 Number of Existing Ordinary Shares in issue as at the date of this document 28,015,170 Number of Placing Shares to be issued 25,000,000 Number of Ordinary Shares in issue onAdmission 53,015,170 Percentage of the Enlarged Issued Share Capital represented by the Placing Shares 47.2% Estimated gross proceeds of the Placing receivable by the Company £25.0 million AIII8.1 Estimated net proceeds of the Placing receivable by the Company £23.2 million Market capitalisation, uponAdmission, of the Company at the Placing Price £53.0 million AIM ticker REVO ISIN GB00B84LVH87 SEDOL B84LVH8 3 DIRECTORS, PROPOSED DIRECTOR, SECRETARYANDADVISERS AI1.1 Directors: John Michael Keenan (Non-executive Chairman) Dr Roger Bruce Pettman (Chief Executive Officer) Robin James Scott Cridland (Chief Financial Officer) Michael Charles NettletonTownend (Non-executive Director) Robert Milton Frost (Non-executive Director) Proposed Director:* Julian Spenser Heslop (Independent Non-executive Director) Company Secretary: Robin James Scott Cridland Registered Office: One LondonWall London EC2Y 5AB Head Office: 1 Newtech Square Zone 2, Deeside Industrial Park Deeside Flintshire CH5 2NT NominatedAdviser and Broker: Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited Moorgate Hall 155 Moorgate London EC2M 6XB ReportingAccountants and Ernst &Young LLP Auditors to the Company: 100 Barbirolli Square Manchester M2 3EY LegalAdvisers to the Company: Maclay Murray & Spens LLP One LondonWall London EC2Y 5AB LegalAdvisers to the Eversheds LLP NominatedAdviser: 70 Great Bridgewater Street Manchester M1 5ES PatentAgent: DYoung & Co LLP 120 Holborn London EC1N 2DY Scientific Expert: Cambridge Consultants Limited Science Park Milton Road Cambridge CB4 0DW Registrar: Capita Registrars Limited The Registry 34 Beckenham Road Beckenham Kent BR3 4TU Company website: www.revolymer.com * TheProposedDirectorwillbeappointedasaDirectoruponAdmission 4 DEFINITIONS The following words and expressions shall have the following meanings in this document unless the context otherwise requires: “2006Act” the CompaniesAct 2006, as amended; “Admission” the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading onAIM and such admission becoming effective in accordance with Rule 6 of theAIM Rules; “AlM” a market operated by the London Stock Exchange; “AIM Rules” theAIMRulesforCompaniespublishedbytheLondonStock Exchange and those other rules of the London Stock Exchangewhichgoverntheadmissionofsecuritiestotrading on, and the regulation of,AIM; “AIM Rules for NominatedAdvisers” the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers setting out the eligibility, ongoing obligations and certain disciplinary matters in relation to nominated advisers published by the London Stock Exchange; “Articles” the articles of association of the Company adopted, conditional onAdmission, on 7 June 2012; “Audit Committee” the audit committee of the Board; “Board” or “Directors” the board of directors of the Company, whose names are set out on page 4 of this document; “Business Day” adayotherthanaSaturday,Sundayorotherdaywhenbanks in the City of London, England are not generally open for business; “certificated” or “certificated form” in the description of a share or other security which is not in uncertificated form (that is not in CREST); “CAGR” CompoundedAnnualGrowthRate,theannualisedgainofan investment over a given time period; “Company” Revolymer plc; “CREST” the relevant system (as defined in the Uncertificated Securities Regulations) in respect of which Euroclear UK & Ireland is the operator (as defined in the Uncertificated Securities Regulations) in accordance with which securities may be held or transferred in uncertificated form; “EIS” Enterprise Investment Scheme under the provisions of Part 5 of the IncomeTaxAct 2007; “EIS Placing” the conditional placing of the EIS Placing Shares at the Placing Price in accordance with the PlacingAgreement; “EIS Placing Shares” theOrdinarySharestobeallottedandissuedtoEISinvestors pursuant to the EIS Placing; 5 “EMI Code” the code constituted by sections 527 to 541 of, and Schedule5 to, ITEPA and Part 4 of Schedule 7D to the Taxation of Chargeable GainsAct 1992; “EMI Options” options granted as enterprise management incentive options pursuant to the provisions of Schedule 5 to ITEPA; “Enlarged Issued Share Capital” the enlarged issued ordinary share capital of the Company following completion of the Placing; “EU” or “European Union” has the meaning given to it in Article 299(1) of the Establishing the European Economic Community Treaty as amended by, among others, the Treaty on European Unity (the Maastricht Treaty), the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Treaty of Lisbon; “Euroclear UK & Ireland” Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited; “Exchange EMI Options” the options over Ordinary Shares to be granted under the SharePlan,asmorefullydescribedatparagraph8ofPartVI of this document under the heading ‘‘Exchange EMI Options’’ and denoted as being Exchange EMI Options in paragraph 3.17 of PartVI of this document; “Exchange Unapproved Options” the options over Ordinary Shares to be granted under the SharePlan,asmorefullydescribedatparagraph8ofPartVI of this document under the heading ‘‘Exchange Unapproved Options’’ and denoted as being Exchange Unapproved Options in paragraph 3.17 of PartVI of this document; “Existing Ordinary Shares” the existing Ordinary Shares in issue as at the date of this document; “FSA” the Financial ServicesAuthority of the United Kingdom; “FSMA” the Financial Services and MarketsAct 2000, as amended; “Group” or “Revolymer” the Company and its subsidiaries; “HMRC” Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs; “IAML” Invesco Asset Management Limited, acting at all times as agent for and on behalf of its discretionary managed clients, a wholly owned subsidiary of Invesco Ltd; “IFRS” International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted for use in the European Union; “Investment CompanyAct” the United States Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended; “IP Group” IP2IPOLimited,awhollyownedsubsidiaryofIPGroupplc; “IPVenture Fund” a fund managed by Top Technology Venture Limited, a subsidiary of IP Group plc; “ITEPA” IncomeTax (Earnings and Pensions)Act 2003; “JDA” Joint DevelopmentAgreement; 6 “Lock-inAgreements” the agreements by which each of the Directors and certain institutional Shareholders has agreed with Panmure Gordon and the Company certain undertakings with respect to their holdings of Ordinary Shares on Admission, as more particularly described in paragraph 21 of Part I of this document; “London Stock Exchange” London Stock Exchange plc; “LTIP” the Revolymer plc LongTerm Incentive Plan 2012; “Official List” the Official List of the UK ListingAuthority; “Ordinary Shares” ordinary shares of 1p each in the capital of the Company; “Orderly MarketAgreements” the agreements by which each of the Senior Managers has agreed with Panmure Gordon and the Company certain undertakings with respect to their holdings of Ordinary Shares on Admission, as more particularly described in paragraph 21 of Part I of this document; “Panmure Gordon” Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited, nominated adviser and broker to the Company; “Placees” subscribers for the Placing Shares, as procured by Panmure Gordon on behalf of the Company pursuant to the Placing Agreement; “Placing” the conditional placing of the Placing Shares (including the EIS Placing Shares and the VCT Placing Shares) at the Placing Price pursuant to the PlacingAgreement; “PlacingAgreement” theplacingagreementdated4July2012enteredintobetween the Company, the Directors, the Proposed Director and Panmure Gordon relating to the Placing, further details of which can be found in paragraph 18 of PartI of this document; “Placing Price” 100p per Ordinary Share issued pursuant to the Placing; “Placing Shares” the 25,000,000 Ordinary Shares to be allotted and issued pursuant to the Placing; “PlacingWarrants” the unlisted warrants to be granted by the Company to Panmure Gordon pursuant to the PlacingAgreement; “PlacingWarrant Instrument” the warrant instrument dated 4 July 2012 constituting the PlacingWarrants; “ProhibitedTerritories” UnitedStates,Canada,Australia,SouthAfrica,theRepublicof Ireland,Japanandanyotherjurisdictionwherethedistribution of this document or the offer of Ordinary Shares (or any transaction contemplated thereby and any activity carried out inconnectiontherewith)wouldbreachapplicablelaw; “Prospectus Directive” the Prospectus Directive (2003/71/EC); “Prospectus Rules” the prospectus rules of the UK Listing Authority made in accordancewithsection73AofFSMAasamendedfromtime to time brought into effect on 1 July 2005 pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 and the Prospectus Regulations 2005 (SI 2005/1433); 7 “Proposed Director” the proposed director of the Company as at the date of this document,whosenameissetoutonpage4ofthisdocument; “QCA Guidelines” the Corporate Governance Guidelines for AIM Companies published by the Quoted Companies Alliance, as amended from time to time; “Quester” Quester Capital Management Limited; “Remuneration Committee” the remuneration committee of the Board; “Revolymer UK” Revolymer(U.K.)Limited,awhollyownedsubsidiaryofthe Company; “SecuritiesAct” the United States SecuritiesAct of 1933, as amended; “Senior Managers” Dr. David Pears, ChrisTamillo andTerence Cosgrove; “Share Schemes” the Share Plan and the LTIP; “Share Plan” the Revolymer plc Employee Incentive Plan 2012; “Shareholders” holders of Ordinary Shares; “UK ListingAuthority” the FSA acting in its capacity as the competent authority for the purposes of PartVI of FSMA; “Unapproved Options” optionsgrantedasunapprovedoptionswithnobeneficialtax treatment applying to them; “uncertificated” or a share or shares recorded on the register of members as “in uncertificated form” being held in uncertificated form in CREST, entitlement to which,byvirtueoftheUncertificatedSecuritiesRegulations, may be transferred by means of CREST; “Uncertificated Securities the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 Regulations” (SI/2001/3755); “United Kingdom” or “UK” the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; “£”, “pence”, “p” or “pounds” pounds sterling, the legal currency of the United Kingdom; “US” or “United States” the United States ofAmerica, its territories and possessions, any state in the United States, the District of Columbia and other areas subject to its jurisdiction; “US$” and “cents” the legal currency of the US; “VCT” aVentureCapitalTrustasdefinedinPart6oftheIncomeTax Act 2007; “VCT Placing” the conditional placing of the VCT Placing Shares at the Placing Price in accordance with the PlacingAgreement; “VCT Placing Shares” the Ordinary Shares to be allotted and issued to VCT investors pursuant to theVCT Placing; “VCT Scheme” Venture Capital Trust Scheme under the provisions of Part 6 of the IncomeTaxAct 2007. 8 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS The following technical terms are used in this document unless the context otherwise requires: ACNFP Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes, the statutory, independent body of scientific experts that advises the UK Food Standards Agency on any matters relating to novel foods and novel food processes; active the constituent of a substance responsible for its effects; amphiphilic a material that possesses both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties; ANDA Abbreviated New DrugApplication, an application for a US generic drug approval for an existing licensed medication or approved drug; bioequivalent/bioequivalence the absence of a significant difference in the rate and extent to which the active ingredient in pharmaceutical equivalents or alternatives becomes available at the site of drug action whenadministeredatthesamedoseundersimilarconditions in an appropriately designed study; CMO Contract Manufacturing Organisation, an organisation that provides outsourcing services to clients in respect of, inter alia,formulationdevelopmentandcommercialproductionof pharmaceutical and biotechnological products; copolymer a polymer derived from two or more different types of molecules; Cosmetics Directive the Cosmetics Directive (76/768 EC); CRO Contract Research Organisation, an organisation that provides outsourcing services to clients in respect of, inter alia, clinical research and trials of pharmaceutical and biotechnological products; cud theremnantsofthegumaftertheingestionofsweetenersand flavours following chewing; EFSA European Food SafetyAuthority; enzyme biological molecule that catalyses chemical reactions; FDA Food and Drug Administration, the US government body responsible for the regulation of, testing and approval of, inter alia, pharmaceutical products; FMCG Fast-Moving Consumer Goods, typically being retail goods that are replaced or fully used up over a short time period; g gram, a unit of mass; Generation 2 gum the Company’s bioequivalent NRT chewing gum product; Generation 3 gum the Company’s accelerated nicotine release NRT chewing gum product; 9 graft polymer aspecialtypeofbranchedcopolymerinwhichthesidechains are structurally distinct from the main chain; GRAS compounds that are ‘Generally RegardedAs Being Safe’ for human consumption; hydrophilic a material that attracts water. In chemistry, hydrophilicity is the physical property of a substance that is attracted to, and has a tendency to be dissolved by, a mass of water; hydrophobic a material that repels water. In chemistry, hydrophobicity is the physical property of a substance that is repelled from a mass of water. Hydrophobic molecules in water tend to cluster together; in vitro refers to studies that are conducted outside of an organism, such as in a test tube; intellectual property/IP all intellectual property, including (without limitation) patents,trademarks,servicemarks,tradeorbusinessnames, goodwill, domain names, database rights, rights in designs, copyrightsandtopographyrights(whetherornotanyofthese rights are registered, and including applications and the right toapplyforregistrationofanysuchrights)andallinventions, know-how, trade secrets and confidential information, customer and supplier lists and other proprietary knowledge andinformationandallrightsunderlicencesandconsentsin relation to any such rights and all rights and forms of protection of a similar nature or having equivalent or similar effect to any of these which may subsist anywhere in the world for their full term, including renewals and extensions; ionic strength a measure of concentration of ions in a solution matrix material in which more specialised structures are embedded; NHPD Natural Health Products Directorate, a division of Health Canada that is responsible for implementation of the Natural Health Product Regulations, including Good Manufacturing Practices, for Natural Health Products for sale in Canada; NRT Nicotine Replacement Therapy, the remedial administration of nicotine to the body by means other than tobacco, usually as part of smoking cessation; OTC Over-the-Counter,beingproductsthatmaybesolddirectlyto a consumer without a prescription from a healthcare professional, as compared to prescription drugs, which may be sold only to consumers possessing a valid prescription; PAP phthaloylaminoperoxycaproicacid,atypicalbleachingagent; pH a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution; polyacrylic any polymer of acrylic acid; polymer a large molecule formed by the linkage between a large number of smaller molecules (monomer); 10

is required to make a declaration to the London Stock Exchange on admission in the form set out .. biological molecule that catalyses chemical reactions; . Background and history of Revolymer . moisture, and low oxygen transmission rates in high humidity environments (increasing the shelf life of.
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