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Vietnam Tracks : Armor in Battle, 1945–75 PDF

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1ETNAM PlftRINMCOUNTY FREE LIBRARY 1 I I I I Ml I I I I I 31111Q1Q0B9457 TRACKS Armor In Battle 1945-75 Simon Dunstan Foreword by Maj. Gen. George S. Patton, US Army (Ret.) VIETNAMTRACKS: Armorin Battle 1945-75 Oneofthemost neglectedaspectsofthe campaignswhichravagedSoutheast Asia has beenthe roleofthearmoredfightingvehicle. Formanyyearsitwasthe 'conventional wisdom' ofWesternarmiesthat inmountainous jungleorswampyterrainthelimitationsplaced uponanarmoredunit'smobilityoutweighed its potential advantage infirepowerovera lightly equippedguerillaenemy. Theclicheimagewas thatofthearmoredcolumnvulnerablystrung outalongheavilyminedandambusheddirt roads. — Inpointofhistoricalfact as Simon Dunstan demonstratesinthisfascinatingstudy — many commandersmade imaginativeandeffectiveuse ofarmor in thistheatreofoperations. TheinvolvementofFrench,American and Australian forcesalongsidetheArmyofthe RepublicofVietnambroughtavarietyof different approaches,andawiderangeof differenttanks, personnelcarriers,armoredcars andself-propelledguns. However,astrainof ingenious improvisation, arefusal toletthe terrainand the fightingconditionsdominate them, runsthroughthehistoryofmanyofthese units. Thisfirstserious reviewofthewholesubject discussesmanysuchinitiatives, fromthe French Foreign Legion'suseofamphibiouscargo carriersasfighting 'swamp-buggies' inthe 1950s, tothe 'bunker-busting'ofAustralian Centuriontankstwentyyearslater. The heartofthebookisanextraordinary collectionoffront-line photographswhichthe authorhasassembledfrommanysources,both officialandprivate, includingseveralbythe ANNAM legendarycombat photographer,Tim Page. Accompaniedbythekindofcaption material whichonlyanexpertcould provide, andwhich studentsofwarfaretooseldom find, these, more thantwohundredglimpsesofarmored operationsovera periodofthirtyyears,bring vividlytolife theaccountsandquotedmemoirs ofveteranswhichilluminate Dunstan'stext. Themenwhorodeand fought inthe 'tracks' NhaTrang facedaspecial kindofwar;thisbookrecords theirparticularpart in thehistoryofthe armoredsoldier,andalsoevaluatestheir equipmentandtactics,and theorganization oftheirunits. SouthChinaSea S TraVinK^Xj4fe*o/i0Delta COCHIN CHINA $20 CIVIC CENTER 3 1111 01005 9457 Armor Significant Engagements and Locations 1 LeatherneckSqi 2 LangVeiSpecia 3 MonkeyMounts 4 ArizonaTerritoi J(|l *7 1QP7 5 PineappleFores4 ., o - JUL <-o i2i2» 6 OperationStarli SEP 2- OT 7 BenHetSpecial 8 BuDop 9 FishHook J/ 10 ThunderRoad(QFC 4 1987 11 MinhTanh Roa< £££ ' v 12 MichelinPlantat J .[|-ji 13 IronTriangle Wftfc2-2- 14 HoBoWoods M^AY a3 1989 15 FSBCoralandE ^ ^| SFP 7 lone T)Efil2 19B9 OCT 2 199 1 \m FEB n 1 £/-/VO 1/ VIETNAM TRACKS mxj***& * PRESIDIO Simon Dunstan TRACKS VIETNAM Armor in Battle I945~I975 . © Copyright 1982 OspreyPublishingLimited Editor MartinWindrow : PublishedintheUnited Statesby PresidioPress, 31 PamaronWay, Novato,CA94947 ThisbookiscopyrightedundertheBerne Convention.Allrightsreserved. Apartfromany fairdealingforthepurposeofprivatestudy, research,criticismorreview,aspermittedunder theCopyrightAct, 1956,nopartofthis publicationmaybereproduced,storedina retrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyformor byanymeans,electrical,electronic,chemical, mechanical,optical,photocopying, recordingor otherwise,withoutthepriorpermissionofthe copyrightowner. Enquiriesshouldbeaddressed tothePublishers. Librarycatalogingdata Dunstan, Simon VietnamTracks: ArmorinBattle 1945-75 1 Armoredvehicles, Military — 2. Vietnameseconflict, 1961-75 Tankwarfare — — 3. Vietnam History 1945-75 I. Title 623.74'75'0959704342 UG446.5 ISBN0-89141-171-2 FilmsetandprintedinEngland byBASPrinters Limited, OverWallop,Hampshire CONTENTS FOREWORD by Major General George S. Patton, US Army, Ret. 7 i French Armor in Indo-China 9 'Groupe—ment Massu'; Crabes andAlligators; equipment and tactics; the de Lattre reforms GBs and GMs; large-scale sweeps; the tanks ofDien Bien Phu; summaries of French armoredunits in Indo-China. 2 Armor ofthe South Vietnamese Army 35 Organisation andequipment under the French, andin the 'advisor'period; success of first Mi13 companies; re-organisation andexpansion; the M41A3 Walker Bulldog; VCweapons evaluated; summaries ofARVNunit organisation anddeployment, and ARVNarmor inventory. 3 US Army Armor in Vietnam 60 MACV hostility to tank deploy—ment; early operationalexperience. Tactics and techniques: 'search anddestroy' Team Hocker at An Tho; lines ofcommunication security; convoy escort; ambush andcounter-ambush; securityperimeter defence; mi—ne warfare. Tacticalorganisation andequipment. PrincipalAFVs ofthe Vietnam War Mi13 ACAV, M48A3 Patton, Ms51 Sheridan. 4 US Marine Corps Armor in Vietnam 131 Unit deployment andmissions: infantry support, reactionf—orces, outpost security, convoyprotection; mine warfare. The Tet offensive, 1968 Task Force Robbie; the M50A1 Ontos, and the battle ofHue. Amphibian tractor battalions: the LVTP-$Ai amtrac; SLFoperations. 5 Australian Armor in Vietnam 161 The 'Ponies' ofiATF; Mi13s in the cavalry role; thefirst Centurions, and the lessons otafc'tPiicnsa;rCoeon't;urtiheonbsatattleBsifnohr B'Cao;rasl'umamnadr'yBaolfmRorAalA'C; rueniintfdoerpclemoeynmte;ntpetrofeVciteitonnaomf. 6 Armor ofthe North Vietnamese Army 181 RLBTiaahnrenee;1Ma9Nep7p2VeTaAihrnovauaantrsc,mieooanornfd:aNAtCVeRAnnAVtrLNaaolrc2mH0oiatrgnhhdilTnKaatnonhdnekstSuRaomebug.attn.hTdhoh:oenLlead1dsn9;g7of32fV0ie3Tnir-vd5aa4snNiSdoVanBnAe:dnNA'HVrSeamAtgog;reare'rsdLm'oaRormengoSiDvomeonernrng7ut1nH9s'a. enters Saigon. Dedication ToR. &W.F.D.

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