VICTORIAN STUDIES: INDEX TO VOLUME 54 (2011-2012) Authors of Essays, Review Essays, Bassett, TroyJ . Review: Colclough and Critical Responses, Review Fora, Weedon, The History oft he Book in the and Book Reviews West: 1800-1914, 361-63. Adams, James Eli. Review: Guy and Bivona, Daniel. Review: McParland, Small, The Routledge Concise History of Charles Dickens’s American Audience, Nineteenth-Century Literature, 769-72. 374-76. Alexander, Kristine. Review: Heath, Brake, Laurel. Review: Recchio, Eliza- Purifying Empire: Obscenity and_ the beth Gaskell’s Cranford: A Publishing Politics of Moral Regulation in Britain, History, 767-69. India and Australia, 733-35. Bright, Rachel K. Review: Berenson, Alfano, Veronica. Review: Levin, ed., Heroes ofE -mpire: Five Charismatic Men A. C. Swinburne and the Singing Word: and the Conquest of Africa, 567-69. New Perspectives on the Mature Work, Brown, Daniel. Review: Willems, Hop- 753-56. kins and Heidegger, 758-59. Allen, Joan. Review: Roberts, Political Buckton, Oliver S. Review: Fielding, Movements in Urban England, 1832- ed., The Edinburgh Companion to Rob- 1914, 559-61. ert Louis Stevenson, 539-41. Anderson, Amanda. Review: Gagnier, Burton, Antoinette. Review Forum: Individualism, Decadence, and Global- “Response: Victorian History: Some ization: On the Relationship of Part to Experiments with Syllabi,” 305-11. Whole, 1859-1920, 517-19. Review: Mazumdar, ed., /nsurgent Anger, Suzy. Review: Fleishman, George Sepoys: Europe Views the Revolt of 1857, Eliot’s Intellectual Life, 713-15. 729-31. Arata, Stephen. Review: Parrinder and Carroll, Siobhan. Review: Norcia, X Gasiorek, eds., The Oxford History of Marks the Spot: Women Writers Map the the Novel in English, Volume Four: The Empire for British Children, 1790- Reinvention of the British and Irish 1895, 575-76. Novel 1880-1940, 772-74. Childers, Joseph W. Review: Young, Glo- Atkison, David. Review: Brown, Child’s balization and the Great Exhibition: The Unfinished Masterpiece: The English Victorian New World Order, 555- 56. and Scottish Popular Ballads, 541-43. Chilton, Lisa. Review: Harper and Auerbach, Nina. Review: Nayder, The Constantine, Migration and Empire, Other Dickens: A Life of Catherine Hog- 127-28. arth, 744-46. Clark, Anna. Essay: “James Hinton Austin, Linda M. Review: Wolfreys, and Victorian Individuality: Polyg- Thomas Hardy and Wilson, ed., A amy and the Sacrifice of the Self,” Companion to Thomas Hardy, 173-76. 35-61. Ballantyne, Tony. Review: Cox, The Cohen, Monica F. Review: Williams, British Missionary Enterprise since Gilbert and Sullivan: Gender, Genre, 1700, 341-43. Parody, 379-81. SUMMER 2012 Cohen, William A. Review: Law, The Dugger, Julie M. Review: O’Siochain, Social Life of Fluids: Blood, Milk, and ed., Social Thought on Ireland in the Water in the Victorian Novel, 529-31. Nineteenth Century, 573-75. Cohn, Elisha. Essay: “Oscar Wilde’s Farrell, John P. Review: Morgan, ed., Ghost: The Play of Imitation,” The Ashgate Research Companion to 474-85. Thomas Hardy, 364-66. Collins, Tracy J. R. Review: Anderson, Federico, Annette. Review: Banks, A The Sporting Life: Victorian Sports and Polite Exchange of Bullets: The Duel Games; Bateman, Cricket, Literature and the English Gentleman 1750-1850, and Culture: Symbolising the Nation, De- 149-51. stabilising Empire, 121-23. Felluga, Dino Franco. Review: Eisner, Connors, Richard. Review: Green, Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Literary Pauper Capital: London and the Poor Celebrity, 168-70. Law, 1790-1870, 136-138. Ferguson, Christopher. Review: Agath- Cooter, Roger. Review: Carpenter, ocleous, Urban Realism and the Cosmo- Health, Medicine, and Society in Victo- politan Imagination in the Nineteenth rian England; Ueyama, Health in the Century: Visible City, Invisible World, Marketplace: Professionalism, Therapeu- 557-58. tic Desires, and Medical Commodifica- Fletcher, Ian Christopher. Review: tion in Late-Victorian London, 352-55. Lubenow, Liberal Intellectuals and Pub- Cullen, Fintan. Review: Breathnach lic Culture in Modern Britain, 1815- and Lawless, eds., Visual, Material 1914: Making Words Flesh, 719-21. and Print Culture in Nineteenth-Cen- Freedgood, Elaine. Review Forum: “Is- tury Ireland, 368-70. lands of Whiteness,” 298-304. Re- Cunningham, Gail. Review: Kaston view: John, Dickens and Mass Culture, Tange, Domesticity, Literature and the 378-79. Victorian Middle Classes; Reynolds, Frost, Ginger. Review: Lettmaier, Building Romanticism: Literature and Broken Engagements: The Action for Architecture in Nineteenth-Century Brit- Breach of Promise of Marriage and the ain, 319-21. Feminine Ideal, 1800-1940, 151-53. Curtin, NancyJ . Review: Hall, Ulster Gibbs, Frederick W. and Daniel J. Liberalism, 1778-1876: The Middle Cohen. Essay: “A Conversation with Path, 723-25. Data: Prospecting Victorian Words Daly, Nicholas. Review: Kestner, Mas- and Ideas,” 69-77. culinities in British Adventure Fiction, Grant, Kevin. Review: Bickers, ed., Set- 1880-1915, 763-64. tlers and Expatriates: Britons Over the De Groot, Joanna. Review Forum: Seas, 576-78. “Questions of Empire: Reflections Gubar, Marah. Essay: “Who Watched from an Open Frontier,” 283-90. The Children’s Pinafore? Age Trans- Dennis, Richard. Review: Welsh, Un- vestism on the Nineteenth-Century derground Writing: The London Tube Stage,” 410-26. from George Gissing to Virginia Woolf, Guerrini, Anita. Review: Ritvo, Noble 316-18. Cows and Hybrid Zebras: Essays on Ani- Droth, Martina. Review: Murphy, Nine- mals and History, 313-14. teenth-Century Irish Sculpture: Native Gunning, Tom. Essay: “Hand and Eye: Genius Reaffirmed, 370-72. Excavating a New Technology of VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 54, NO. 4 the Image in the Victorian Era,” ence’: How Scientists Read Their 495- 515. Tennyson,” 655-77. Hack, Daniel. Essay: “Wild Charges: Hopkins, B. D. Review: Wallis, A History The Afro-Haitian ‘Charge of the of the British Conquest of Afghanistan Light Brigade,” 199-225. and Western India, 1838-1849, 117-19. Haddad, Emily A. Review: Daly, The Hughes, Linda K. Review: Palmer, Empire Inside: Indian Commodities in Women’s Authorship and Editorship in Victorian Domestic Novels, 553-55. Victorian Culture: Sensational Strate- Hadjiafxendi, Kyriaki. Review: Wilkes, gies, 547-49. Women Reviewing Women in Nine- Itzkowitz, David C. Review: Green, teenth-Century Britain: The Critical Re- Moses Montefiore: Jewish Liberator, Im- ception of Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronté perial Hero, 119-20. and George Eliot, 328-30. Jackson, Alvin. Review Essay: “Widen- Haltman, Kenneth. Review: Tatham, ing the Fight for Ireland’s Freedom: Winslow Homer in London: A New York Revolutionary Nationalism in_ its Artist Abroad, 372-74. Global Contexts,” 95-112. Hamlin, Christopher. Essay: “Charles Jordan, Jane. Review: Dungan, The Kingsley: From Being Green to Captain and the King: William O'Shea, Green Being,” 255-81. Parnell and Late Victorian Ireland, Hansen, Peter H. Review: Colley, Victo- 133-34. rians in the Mountains: Sinking the Kale, Madhavi. Review: Mantena, Ali- Sublime, 334-36. bis of Empire: Henry Maine and the Hanson, Ellis. Essay: “Wilde’s Play: Re- Ends of Liberal Imperialism, 571-72. sponse,” 486-94. Karlin, Daniel. Review: Bailey, Cogni- Hart, Imogen. Review: Pergam, The tive Style and Perceptual Difference in Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition of Browning's Poetry, 756-57. 1857: Entrepreneurs, Connoisseurs and Kelvin, Norman. Review: Vaninskaya, the Public, 748-50. William Morris and the Idea of Commu- Hay, Simon. Review: Smith, The Ghost nity: Romance, History, and Propa- Story, 1840-1920: A Cultural History, ganda, 1880-1914, 712-13. 761-63. Kember, Joe. Review: Shail, ed., Reading Haynes, Douglas M. Review: Abugi- the Cinematograph: The Cinema in Brit- deiri, Gender and the Making of Mod- ish Short Fiction 1896-1912, 765-67. ern Medicine in Colonial Egypt, Kennedy, Dane. Review: Hyam, Under- 736-38. standing the British Empire, 348-50. Henchman, Anna. Review: Gold, Ther- Kennedy, Meegan. Review: Byrne, 7u- moPoetics: Energy in Victorian Litera- berculosis and the Victorian Literary ture and Science; Hunt, Pursuing Imagination, 738-40. Power and Light: Technology and Phys- Knight, Mark. Review: Lane, The Age of ics from James Watt to Albert Einstein, Doubt: Tracing the Roots of Our Reli- 142-45. gious Uncertainty, 535-37. Heuser, Ryan and Long Le-Khac. Kornbluh, Anna. Review: Robles, The Essay: “Learning to Read Data: Novel as Event, 176- 78. Bringing out the Humanistic in the Kumar, Krishan. Review: Blyth and Digital Humanities,” 79-86. Jeffery, ed., The British Empire and its Holmes, John. Essay: ““The Poet of Sci- Contested Pasts, 731-33. SUMMER 2012 Lahiri, Shompa. Review: Banerjee, Be- ody, 1878-1903, 543-45. Review: coming Imperial Citizens: Indians in the Bartley, Far from the Fashionable Crowd: Late-Victorian Empire; Kapila, Educat- The People’s Concert Society and Music ing Seeta: The Anglo-Indian Family Ro- in London’s Suburbs; Curtis, A Provin- mance and the Poetics of Indirect Rule, cial Organ Builder in Victorian Eng- 346-48. land: William Sweetland of Bath; Lambert, Andrew. Review: Figes, The Drummond, The Provincial Music Fes- Crimean War: A History, 565-67. tival in England, 1784-1914, 750-53. Langland, Elizabeth. Review: Ablow, McLennan, Nicole. Review: Hanson, ed., The Feeling of Reading: Affective Emigration, Nation, Vocation: The Lit- Experience and Victorian Literature, erature of English Emigration to Can- 523-25. ada, 1825-1900, 129-30. Larsen, Timothy. Review: Ellison, ed., Mahone, Sloan. Review: Coleborne, A New History oft he Sermon: The Nine- Madness in the Family: Insanity and In- teenth Century, 161-63. stitutions in the Australasian Colonial Lee, Maurice S. Essay: “Evidence, Co- World, 1860-1914, 579-80. incidence, and Superabundant In- Mao, Douglas. Review: Shuttleworth, formation,” 87-94. The Mind of the Child: Child Develop- Leighton, Denys P. Review: Tyler, The ment in Literature, Science, and Medi- Metaphysics of Self-Realisation and cine, 1840-1900, 113-14. Freedom: Part One of the Liberal Social- Marcus, Sharon. Essay: “Victorian ism of Thomas Hill Green, 357-59. Theatrics: Response,” 438-50. Levine, George. Review: Resnick, The Martin, Meredith. Review: Jamison, Origin Then and Now: An Interpretive Poetics en Passant: Redefining the Rela- Guide to the Origin of Species; Voss, tionship Between Victorian and Modern Darwin’s Pictures: Views of Evolution- Poetry, 521-23. ary Theory, 1837-1874, 532-35. Maurer, Sara L. Review: Wynne, Women Levine, Philippa. Review: Robertson, and Personal Property in the Victorian Chocolate, Women and Empire: A Social Novel, 551-53. and Cultural History, 123-24. Meeuwis, Michael. Essay: ““The The- Levine-Clark, Marjorie. Review: Mills, atre Royal Back Drawing-Room’: Regulating Health and Safety in the Professionalizing Domestic Enter- British Mining Industries, 1800- 1914, tainment in Victorian Acting Manu- 138-40. als,” 427-37. Lloyd, Jennifer M. Review: Batty, Scot- Miller, Renata Kobetts. Review: Terry, land’s Methodists, 1750-2000, 717-19. ed., Spheres of Influence, 746-48. Lonoff, Sue. Review: Pyrhonen, Blue- Moretti, Franco. “Introduction to beard Gothic: Jane Eyre and Its Prog- ‘Learning to Read Data,” 78. eny, 330-32. Morgan, Benjamin. Review: Evange- McBratney, John. Review: Walsh, lista, ed., The Reception of Oscar Wilde Kipling’s Children’s Literature: Lan- in Europe, 366-68. guage, Identity, and Constructions of Mulligan, William. Review: Kovié, Dis- Childhood, 115-17. raeli and the Eastern Question, 727-29. McGuire, Charles Edward. Review: Murphy, James H. Review: Campbell, Gregory, The Late Victorian Folksong The Trish Establishment 1879-1914, 131- Revival: The Persistence of English Mel- 32. Review: Boyce and O'Day, ed., VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 54, NO. 4 Gladstone and Ireland: Politics, Religion Victorian Biography Reconsidered: A and Nationality in the Victorian Age, Study of Nineteenth-Century “Hidden” 725-27. Lives, 324-26. Murphy, Patricia. Review: Oulton, Let Pettitt, Clare. Essay: “Time Lag and the Flowers Go: A Life of Mary Chol- Elizabeth Gaskell’s Transatlantic mondeley, 740-42. Imagination,” 599-623. Nicholas, Frank W. Review: Grant and Phelan, Joseph. Review: Straub, A Vic- Estes, Darwin in Galapagos: Footsteps torian Muse: The Afterlife of Dante’s to a New World, 145-47. Beatrice in Nineteenth-Century Litera- Novak, Daniel A. Essay: “Performing ture, 166-68. the ‘Wilde West’: Victorian After- Pinch, Adela. Review: Knowles, Sensi- lives, Sexual Performance, and the bility and Female Poetic Tradition, American West,” 451-63. 1780-1860: The Legacy of Charlotte Nussbaum, Martha. Essay: “Reinvent- Smith, 164-66. ing the Civil Religion: Comte, Mill, Pollack-Pelzner, Daniel. Essay: “Shake- Tagore,” 7-34. speare Burlesque and the Perform- Otter, Chris. Review: Canales, A Tenth ing Self,” 401-09. of a Second: A History, 314-16. Poovey, Mary. Review: Johnson, Mak- Oulton, Carolyn. Review: Colledge, ing the Market: Victorian Origins of Dickens, Christianity and The Life of Corporate Capitalism, 355-57. Our Lord: Humble Veneration, Pro- Potvin, John. Review: Rose, Making, found Conviction, 537-39. Selling and Wearing Boys’ Clothes in Page, Judith W. Review: Hetherington Late-Victorian England, 155-57. and Valman, ed., Amy Levy: Critical Prasad, Srirupa. Review: Pande, Medi- Essays, 742-44. cine, Race and Liberalism in British Paradis, Lia. Review: McClendon, White Bengal: Symptoms of Empire, 735-36. Chief, Black Lords: Shepstone and the Co- Prasch, Thomas. Essay: “Clashing lonial Siate in Natal, South Africa, and Victorian Culture Wars: 1845-1878, 569-71. Euripides vs. Aristophanes in Late- Parker, Joanne. Review: Killeen, History Victorian Discourse,” 464-73. of the Gothic: Gothic Literature 1825- Price, Richard N. Review: Carey, God’s 1914, 332-34. Empire: Religion and Colonialism in the Parry, Jonathan. Review: Brown, Palm- British World, c. 1801-1908, 580- 82. erston: A Biography, 563-65. Rasmussen, Bryan B. Review: Isba, The Patten, Robert L. Review: Cooke, /llus- Excellent Mrs. Fry: Unlikely Heroine, trated Periodicals of the 1860s: Contexts 153-55. & Collaborations, 359-61. Reitz, Caroline. Review: Atwood, Rus- Pearsall, Cornelia. Review: Douglas- kin’s Educational Ideals; Eagles, After Fairhurst and Perry, eds., Tennyson Ruskin: The Social and Political Lega- Among the Poets: Bicentenary Essays; cies ofa Victorian Prophet, 1870-1920, Morton, Tennyson Among the Novelists, 707-09. 170-73. Ritvo, Harriet. Review: Whorton, The Pennybacker, Susan Dabney. Review Arsenic Century: How Victorian Britain Forum: “Empire’s Discontents: Bur- was Poisoned at Home, Work, and Play, ton in Retrospect,” 291-97. 140-42. Peterson, Linda H. Review: Atkinson, Roberts, Matthew. Review: Saunders, SUMMER 2012 Democracy and the Vote in British Poli- Stubenrauch, Joseph. Review: Byrne, tics, 1848-1867: The Making of the Sec- Modern Spiritualism and the Church of ond Reform Act, 561-63. England, 1850-1939, 339-41. Rosenthal, Jesse. Review: Reed, Dick- Tabili, Laura. Review: Makepeace, The ens’s Hyperrealism, 376-77. East India Company’s London Workers: Russell, Penny. Review: Loy and Loy, Management of the Warehouse Labour- Emma Darwin: A Victorian Life, 326-28. ers, 1800-1858, 350-52. Ryan, Vanessa L. Review: Garrat, Victo- Teukolsky, Rachel. Review: Hewison, rian Empiricism: Self, Knowledge, and Ruskin on Venice: “The Paradise of Cit- Reality in Ruskin, Bain, Lewes, Spen- ies,” 159-60. cer, and George Eliot, 525-27. Thomas, James H. Review: Webster, Salmon, Richard. Review: Matoff, Con- The Twilight of the East India Com- flicted Life: William Jerdan, 1782-1869, pany: The Evolution of Anglo-Asian London Editor, Author and_ Critic, Commerce and Politics, 1790-1860, 545-47. 125-27. Sanders, Lise Shapiro. Review: Ain- Twells, Alison. Review: Prevost, The dow, Dress and Identity in British Liter- Communion of Women: Missions and ary Culture, 1870-1914, 549-51. Gender in Colonial Africa and the Brit- Sanders, Mike. Essay: “‘“God is our ish Metropole, 344-45. guide! our cause is just!’ The Na- Ulrich, John M. Review: Kerry and tional Chartist Hymn Book and Victo- Hill, eds., Thomas Carlyle Resartus: rian Hymnody,” 679-705. Reappraising Carlyle’s Contribution to Schmitt, Cannon. Review: Cohen, The the Philosophy of History, Political The- Novel and the Sea, 178-79. ory, and Cultural Criticism, 709-11. Schwarzkoff, Jutta. Review: Fraser, Vargo, Gregory. Essay: “‘Outworks of Chartism in Scotland, 134-36. the Citadel of Corruption’: The Shuttleworth, Sally. Essay: “Spiritual Chartist Press Reports the Empire,” Pathology: Priests, Physicians, and 227-53. The Way of All Flesh,” 625-53. Vicinus, Martha. Review: Pionke and Smaji¢, Srdjan. Review: McCorristine, Millstein, eds., Victorian Secrecy: Econ- Spectres of the Self: Thinking about omies of Knowledge and Concealment, Ghosts and Ghost-Seeing in England, 147-49. Review: Miller, American and 1750-1920, 336-37. the British Imaginary in Turn-of-the- Smith, Jonathan. Review: Hesketh, Of Twentieth-Century Literature, 759-61. Apes and Ancestors: Evolution, Christi- Williams, James. Review: Mills, Ap- anity, and the Oxford Debate, 715-17. proaching Apocalypse: Unveiling Reve- Stanley, Matthew. Review: Simon, Com- lation in Victorian Writing, 338-39. municating Physics: The Production, Wise, Julie M. Review: Bevis, The Art of Circulation and Appropriation of Gan- Eloquence: Byron, Dickens, Tennyson, ot’s Textbooks in France and England, Joyce, 163-64. 1851-1887, 531-32. Yeo, Eileen Janes. Review: Smitley, The Stansky, Peter. Review: Hart, Arts and Feminine Public Sphere: Middle-Class Crafts Objects, 157-58. Women and Civic Life in Scotland, c. Stauffer, Andrew. Essay: “Introduction: 1870-1914, Wallace, The Women’s Suf- Searching Engines, Reading Ma- frage Movement in Wales, 1866-1928, chines,” 63-68. 321-24. VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 54, NO. 4 Young, Kay. Review: Pinch, Thinking Batty, Margaret. Scotland’s Methodists, about Other People in Nineteenth-Cen- 1750-2000, 717-19. tury British Writing, 519-20. Berenson, Edward. Heroes of Empire: Zakim, Michael. Review: Heller, London Five Charismatic Men and the Conquest Clerical Workers, 1880-1914: Develop- of Africa, 567-69. ment of the Labour Market, 721-23. Bevis, Matthew. The Art of Eloquence: Zlotnick, Susan. Review: Ketabgian, Byron, Dickens, Tennyson, Joyce, The Lives of Machines: The Industrial 163-64. Imaginary in Victorian Literature and Bickers, Robert, ed. Settlers and Expatri- Culture, 527-29. ates: Britons Over the Seas, 576-78. Blyth, RobertJ . and Keith Jeffery, eds. Authors of Books Reviewed The British Empire and its Contested Ablow, Rachel, ed. The Feeling of Read- Pasts, 731-33. ing: Affective Experience and Victorian Boyce, D. George and Alan O'Day, eds. Literature, 523-25. Gladstone and Ireland: Politics, Reli- Abugideiri, Hibba. Gender and the Mak- gion and Nationality in the Victorian ing of Modern Medicine in Colonial Age, 725-27. Egypt, 736-38. Breathnach, Ciara and Catherine Law- Agathocleous, Tanya. Urban Realism less, eds. Visual, Material and Print and the Cosmopolitan Imagination in Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, the Nineteenth Century: Visible City, In- 368-70. visible World, 557-58. Brown, David. Palmerston: A Biography, Aindow, Rosy. Dress and Identity in British 563-65. Literary Culture, 1870-1914, 549-51. Brown, Mary Ellen. Child’s Unfinished Anderson, Nancy Fix. The Sporting Life: Masterpiece: The English and Scot- Victorian Sports and Games, 121-23. tish Popular Ballads, 541-43. Atkinson, Juliette. Viclorian Biography Burton, Antoinette. Empire in Question, Reconsidered: A Study of Nineteenth- 283-311. Century “Hidden” Lives, 324-26. Byrne, Georgina. Modern Spiritualism Atwood, Sara. Ruskin’s Educational Ideals, and the Church of England, 1850- 707-09. 1939, 339-41. Bailey, Suzanne. Cognitive Style and Per- Byrne, Katherine. 7uberculosis and the ceptual Difference in Browning’s Poetry, Victorian Literary Imagination, 756-57. 738-40. Banerjee, Sukanya. Becoming Imperial Campbell, Fergus. The Irish Establish- Citizens: Indians in the Late-Victorian ment 1879-1914, 131-32. Empire, 346-48. Canales, Jimena. A Tenth of a Second: A Banks, Stephen. A Polite Exchange of History, 314-16. Bullets: The Duel and the English Gen- Carey, Hilary M. God’s Empire: Religion tleman 1750-1850, 149-51. and Colonialism in the British World, c¢. Bartley, Alan. Far From the Fashionable 1801-1908, 580-82. Crowd: The People’s Concert Society and Carpenter, Mary Wilson. Health, Medi- Music in London’s Suburbs, 750-53. cine, and Society in Victorian England, Bateman, Anthony. Cricket, Literature 352-55. and Culture: Symbolising the Nation, Cockin, Katharine, ed. Spheres of Influ- Destabilising Empire, 121-23. ence, 746-48. SUMMER 2012 Cohen, Margaret. The Novel and the Sea, Figes, Orlando. The Crimean War: A 178-79. History, 565-67. Colclough, Stephen and Alexis Weedon. Fleishman, Avrom. George Eliot’s Intel- The History oft he Book in the West: 1ISO0- lectual Life, 713-15. 1914, 361-63. Fraser, W. Hamish. Chartism in Scot- Coleborne, Catharine. Madness in the land, 134-36. Family: Insanity and Institutions in the Gagnier, Regenia. /ndividualism, Deca- Australasian Colonial World, 1860- dence, and Globalization: On the Rela- 1914, 579-80. tionship of Part to Whole, 1859-1920, Colledge, Gary. Dickens, Christianity and 517-19. The Life of Our Lord: Humble Venera- Garratt, Peter. Victorian Empiricism: Self, tion, Profound Conviction, 537-39. Knowledge, and Reality in Ruskin, Bain, Colley, Ann C. Victorians in the Moun- Lewes, Spencer, and George Eliot, tains: Sinking the Sublime, 334-36. 525-27. Cooke, Simon. /llustrated Periodicals of Gold, Barri J. ThermoPoetics: Energy in the 1860s: Contexts © Collaborations, Victorian Literature and _ Science, 359-61. 142-45. Cox, Jeffrey. The British Missionary En- Grant, K. Thalia and Gregory B. Estes. terprise since 1700, 341-43. Darwin in Galapagos: Footsteps io a Curtis, Gordon D.W. A Provincial Organ New World, 145-47. Builder in Victorian England: William Gregory, E. David. The Late Victorian Sweetland ofB ath, 750-53. Folksong Revival: The Persistence of Daly, Suzanne. The Empire Inside: In- English Melody, 1878-1903, 543-45. dian Commodities in Victorian Domes- Green, Abigail. Moses Montefiore: Jewish tic Novels, 553-55. Liberator, Imperial Hero, 119-20. Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert and Sea- Green, David R. Pauper Capital: London mus Perry, eds. Tennyson Among the and the Poor Law, 1790-1870, 136-38. Poets: Bicentenary Essays, 170-73. Guy, Josephine M. and Ian Small. The Drummond, Pippa. The Provincial Routledge Concise History of Nine- Music Festival in England, 1784-1914, teenth-Century Literature, 769-72. 750-53. Hall, Gerald R. Ulster Liberalism, 1778- Dungan, Myles. The Captain and the 1876: The Middle Path, 723-25. King: William O'Shea, Parnell and Hanson, Carter F. Emigration, Nation, Vo- Late Victorian Ireland, 133-34. cation: The Literature of English Emigra- Eagles, Stuart. After Ruskin: The Social tion to Canada, 1825-1900, 129-30. and Political Legacies of a Victorian Harper, Marjorie and Stephen Constan- Prophet, 1870-1920, 707-09. tine. Migration and Empire, 127-28. Eisner, Eric. Nineteenth-Century Poetry Hart, Imogen. Arts and Crafts Objects, and Literary Celebrity, 168-70. 157-58. Ellison, Robert H., ed. A New History of the Heath, Deana. Purifying Empire: Obscenity Sermon: The Nineteenth Century, 161-63. and the Politics of Moral Regulation in Evangelista, Stefano, ed. The Reception Britain, India and Australia, 733-35. of Oscar Wilde in Europe, 366-68. Heller, Michael. London Clerical Work- Fielding, Penny, ed. The Edinburgh ers, 1880-1914: Development of the La- Companion to Robert Louis Stevenson, bour Market, 721-23. 539-41. Hesketh, Ian. Of Apes and Ancestors: VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 54, NO. 4 Evolution, Christianity, and the Oxford Lane, Christopher. The Age of Doubt: Debate, 715-17. Tracing the Roots of Our Religious Un- Hetherington, Naomi and Nadia Val- certainty, 535-37. man, eds. Amy Levy: Critical Essays, Law, Jules. The Social Life of Fluids: 742-44. Blood, Milk, and Wateri n the Victorian Hewison, Robert. Ruskin on Venice: ‘The Novel, 529-31. Paradise of Cities’, 159-60. Lettmaier, Saskia. Broken Engagements: Hunt, Bruce J. Pursuing Power and The Action for Breach of Promise of Light: Technology and Physics from Marriage and the Feminine Ideal, James Watt to Albert Einstein, 142-45. 1800-1940, 151-53. Hyam, Ronald. Understanding the Brit- Levin, Yisrael, ed. A. C. Swinburne and ish Empire, 348-50. the Singing World: New Perspectives on Isba, Anne. The Excellent Mrs. Fry: Un- the Mature Work, 753-56. likely Heroine, 153- 55. Loy, James D. and Kent M. Loy. Emma Jamison, Anne Elizabeth. Poetics en Pas- Darwin: A Victorian Life, 326-28. sant: Redefining the Relationship Be- Lubenow, William C. Liberal Intellectuals tween Victorian and Modern Poetry, and Public Culture in Modern Britain, 521-23. 1815-1914: Making Words Flesh, 719-21. John, Juliet. Dickens and Mass Culture, McClendon, Thomas V. White Chief, 378-79. Black Lords: Shepstone and the Colonial Johnson, Paul. Making the Market: Victo- State in Natal, South Africa, 1845-1878, rian Origins of Corporate Capitalism, 569-71. 355-57. McCorristine, Shane. Spectres of the Self: Kapila, Shuchi. Educating Seeta: The Thinking about Ghosts and Ghost-See- Anglo-Indian Family Romance and the ing in England, 1750-1920, 336-37. Poetics ofI ndirect Rule, 346-48. McParland, Robert. Charles Dickens’s Kaston Tange, Andrea. Architectural American Audience, 374-76. Identities: Domesticity, Literature and Makepeace, Margaret. The East India the Victorian Middle Classes, 319-21. Company's London Workers: Manage- Kerry, Paul E. and Marylu Hill, eds. ment of the Warehouse Labourers, 1800- Thomas Carlyle Resartus: Reappraising 1858, 350-52. Carlyle’s Contribution to the Philosophy Mantena, Karuna. Alibis of Empire: Henry of History, Political Theory, and Cul- Maine and the Ends of Liberal Imperial- tural Criticism, 709-11. ism, 571-72. Kestner, Joseph A. Masculinities in British Matoff, Susan. Con/flicted Life: William Adventure Fiction, 1880-1915, 763-64. Jerdan, 1782-1869, London Editor, Au- Ketabgian, Tamara. The Lives of Ma- thor and Critic, 545-47. chines: The Industrial Imaginary in Vic- Mazumdar, Shaswati, ed. /nsurgent Se- torian Literature and Culture, 527-29. poys: Europe Views the Revolt of 1857, Killeen, Jarlath. History of the Gothic: 729-31. Gothic Literature 1825-1914, 332-34. Miller, Brook. America and the British Knowles, Claire. Sensibility and Female Imaginary in Turn-of-the-Twentieth- Poetic Tradition, 1780-1860: The Leg- Century Literature, 759-61. acy of Charlotte Smith, 164-66. Mills, Catherine. Regulating Health and Kovic¢, Milos. Disraeli and the Eastern Safety in the British Mining Industries, Question, 727-29. 1800-1914, 138-40. SUMMER 2012 Mills, Kevin. Approaching Apocalypse: nial Africa and the British Metropole, Unveiling Revelation in Victorian Writ- 344-45. ing, 338-39. Pyrhonen, Heta. Bluebeard Gothic: Jane Morgan, Rosemarie, ed. The Ashgate Eyre and Its Progeny, 330-32. Research Companion to Thomas Hardy, Recchio, Thomas. Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cran- 364-66. ford: A Publishing History, 767-69. Morton, John. Tennyson Among the Nov- Reed, John R. Dickens's Hyperrealism, elists, 170-73. 376-77. Murphy, Paula. Nineteenth-Century Irish Resnick, David N. The Origin Then and Sculpture: Native Genius Reaffirmed, Now: An Interpretive Guide to the Ori- 370-72. gin of Species, 532-35. Nayder, Lillian. The Other Dickens: A Reynolds, Nicole. Building Romanti- Life of Catherine Hogarth, 744-46. cism: Literature and Architecture in Norcia, Megan A. X Marks the Spot: Nineteenth-Century Britain, 319-21. Women Writers Map the Empire for Brit- Ritvo, Harriet. Noble Cows and Hybrid ish Children, 1790-1895, 575-76. Zebras: Essays on Animals and History, O’Siochain, Séamas, ed. Social Thought 313-14. on Ireland in the Nineteenth Century, Roberts, Matthew. Political Movements in 573-75. Urban England, 1832-1914, 559-61. Oulton, Carolyn W. de la L. Let the Robertson, Emma. Chocolate, Women Flowers Go: A Life of Mary Cholmonde- and Empire: A Social and Cultural His- ley, 740-42. tory, 123-24. Palmer, Beth. Women’s Authorship and Robles, Mario Ortiz. The Novel as Event, Editorship in Victorian Culture: Sensa- 176-78. tional Strategies, 547-49. Rose, Clare. Making, Selling and Wear- Pande, Ishita. Medicine, Race and Liber- ing Boys’ Clothes in Late-Victorian Eng- alism in British Bengal: Symptoms of land, 155-57. Empire, 735-36. Saunders, Robert. Democracy and _ the Parrinder, Patrick and Andrzej Gasio- Vote in British Politics, 1848-1867: The rek, eds. The Oxford History of the Making of the Second Reform Act, Novel in English, Volume Four: The Re- 561-63. invention of the British and Irish Novel Shail, Andrew, ed. Reading the Cinemat- 1880-1940, 772-74. ograph: The Cinema in British Short Pergam, Elizabeth A. The Manchester Fiction 1896-1912, 765-67. Art Treasures Exhibition of 1857: Entre- Shuttleworth, Sally. The Mind of the Child: preneurs, Connoisseurs and the Public, Child Development in Literature, Science, 748-50. and Medicine, 1840-1900, 113-15. Pinch, Adela. Thinking about Other Peo- Simon, Joseph. Communicating Physics: ple in Nineteenth-Century British Writ- The Production, Circulation and Appro- ing, 519-20. priation of Ganot’s Textbooks in France Pionke, Albert D. and Denise Tischler and England, 1851-1887, 531-32. Millstein, eds. Victorian Secrecy: Econ- Smith, Andrew. The Ghost Story, 1840- omies of Knowledge and Concealment, 1920: A Cultural History, 761-63. 147-49. Smitley, Megan. The Feminine Public Prevost, Elizabeth E. The Communion of Sphere: Middle-Class Women and Civic Women: Missions and Gender in Colo- Life in Scotland, c. 1870-1914, 321-24. VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 54, NO. 4