VICTORIAN STUDIES: INDEX TO VOLUME 53 (2010-2011) Authors of Essays, Review Essays, aldwell, Janis McLarren. Review: Critical Responses, Review Fora, Sparks, The Doctor in the Victorian and Book Reviews Novel: Family Practices, 548-51; Talai- Anderson, Clare. Review: Nijhar, Law rach-Vielmas, Wilkie Collins, Medi- and Imperialism: Criminality and Con- cine and the Gothic, 548-51: Penner, stitution in Colonial India and Victo- Victorian Medicine and Social Reform: rian England, 327-29; Schwarz, Florence Nightingale among the Novel- Constructing the Criminal Tribe in Co- ists, 548-51. lonial India: Acting Like a_ Thief, ‘arpenter, Mary Wilson. Review: Sos- 327-29. kice, The Sisters of Sinai: How Two Arata, Stephen. Essay: “Rhyme, Lady Adventurers Discovered the Hid- Rhythm, and the Materiality of den Gospels, 341-43. Poety: Response,” 518-26. connolly, Claire. Review: Tracy, [rish Arnstein, Walter L. Review: Sullivan, ness and Womanhood in Nineteenth- Macaulay: The Tragedy of Power, Century British Writing, 560-62. 538-40. raton, Lillian E. Review: Durbach, Bailey, Peter. Review: Kember, Market- Spectacle of De formity: Freak Shows and ing Modernity: Victorian Popular Shows Modern British Culture. 333-34. and Early Cinema, 596-97. reaney, Conor. Essay: “Paralvtic Ani- Bailey, Victor. Review: Ewen, Fighting mation: The Anthropomorphic Taxi- Fires: Creating the British Fire Service, dermy of Walter Potter,” 7-35. 1800-1978, 353-55. Daly, Nicholas. Essay: “The Volcanic Belich, James. Review Forum: “A Cul- Disaster Narrative: From Pleasure tural History of Economics?,” 116-21. Garden to Canvas, Page, and Stage,” Borsay, Peter. Review: Davis, Bath as 255-85. Spa and Bath as Slum: The Social His- Dames, Nicholas. Essay: “On Hegel, tory of a Victorian City, 747-49. History, and Reading as if for Life: BriggsJ,o . Essay: “Gavarni at the Casino: Response,” 337-44. Reflections of Class and Gender in Daunton, Martin. Review: Allen, The the Visual Culture of 1848,” 639-64. British Industrial Revolution in Global Budge, Gavin. Review: Perkin, Theology Perspective, 773-75. and the Victorian Novel, 720-21. Dawson, Gowan. Essay: “Literary Burney, Ian. Review: Gordon and Nair, Megatheriums and Loose Baggy Murder and Morality in Victorian Brit- Monsters: Paleontology and the Vic- ain: The Story of Madeleine Smith, torian Novel,” 203-30 562-64. Deane, Bradley. Essay: “Imperial Boy- Cain, Peter J. Review Forum: “The hood: Piracy and the Play Ethic,” Economics and Ideologies of Anglo- 689-714. American Settlerism,” 100-07. Dellamora, Richard. Review: Gamble, SUMMER 2011 John Ruskin, Henry James and_ the For the Record: On Sexuality and the Shropshire Lads, 734-36. Colonial Archive in India, 181-83. Deslandes, Paul R. Review: Ivory, The Franklin, J. Jeffrey. Review: Stewart, Homosexual Revival of Renaissance Journeys to Empire: Enlightenment, Im- Style, 1850-1930, 593-95. perialism, and the British Encounter DeVries, Jacqueline. Review: Larsen, wiih Tibet, 1774-1904, 542-44. Crisis of Doubt: Honest Faith in Nine- Fraser, Hilary. Review: Shires, Perspec- teenth-Century England, 123-24. tives: Modes of Viewing and Knowing in De Waard, Marco. Essay: “J. S. Mill, Nineteenth-Century England, 381-83. Leslie Stephen, and Victorian Intel- Furneaux, Holly. Review: Slater, lectualism: “The Noise the Wheels Charles Dickens, 588-90. Make as They Go Round,” 457-67. Gagnier, Regenia. Essay: “Victorian Emmott, James. Essay: “Parameters of Self-Projection and Critique: Re- Vibration, Technologies of Capture, sponse,” 479-84. and the Layering of Voices and Garnham, Neal. Review: Vaughan, Faces in the Nineteenth Century,” Murder Trials in Ireland, 1836-1914, 468-78. 557-58. Endersby, Jim. Review: Lightman, Evo- Gerson, Gal. Review: Sylvest, British lutionary Naturalism in Victorian Brit- Liberal Internationalism, 1880-1930: ain: The ‘Darwimansa’nd their Critics, Making Progress?, 540-42. 553-55. Gilbert, Pamela K. Review: Kelley, Soap Evans, Tanya. Review: Delap, Griffin, and Water: Cleanliness, Dirt and the and Williams, eds., The Politics of Do- Working Classes in Victorian and Ed- mestic Authority in Britain since 1800, wardian Britain, 753-55. 570-72. Gilley, Sheridan. Review: Schlossberg, Fang, Karen. Review: Chang, Britain’s Conflict and Crisis in the Religious Life Chinese Eye: Literature, Empire, and ofL ate Victorian England, 125-26. Aesthetics in Nineteenth-Century Brit- Gitelman, Lisa. Review: Golden, Post- ain, 751-53. ing It: The Victorian Revolution in Let- Farina, Jonathan. Essay: “‘Dickens’s As ter Writing, 157-58. If’: Analogy and Victorian Virtual Golinski, Jan. Review: Bord, Science and Reality,” 427-36. Whig Manners: Science and Political Style Ferguson, Christopher. Review: Michie, in Britain, c. 1790-1850, Finnegan, Guilty Money: The City of London in Vic- Natural History Societies and Civic Cul- torian and Edwardian Culture, 1815- turei n Victorian Scotland, 143-45. 1914, 136-37. Goose, Nigel. Review: Cragoe and Re- Ferguson, Frances. Review: Schofield, adman, eds., The Land Question in Utility and Democracy: The Political Britain, 1750-1950, 742-44. Thought of Jeremy Bentham, 533-36; Gossin, Pamela. Review: Aubin, Bigg, Blake, The Pleasures of Benthamism: and Sibum, eds., The Heavens on Victorian Literature, Utility, Political Earth: Observatories and Astronomy in Economy, 533-36. Nineteenth-Century Science and Cul- Finkelstein, David. Review: Suarez and ture, 770-72. Woudhuysen, eds., The Oxford Com- Goudie, Sean X. Review: Watson, Carib- panion to the Book, 528-31. bean Culture and British Fiction in the Forman, Ross G. Review: Arondekar, Atlantic World, 1780-1870, 323-25. VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 53, NO. 4 Green-Lewis, Jennifer. Review: Siegel, Raphaelites: Text, Context, Subtext, Playing with Pictures: The Art of Victo- 347-49. rian Photocollage, 383-85; Falconer, Henry, Nancy. Review: Wagner, Finan- Hide, Points of View: Capturing the 19th cial Speculation in Victorian Fiction: Century in Photographs, 383-85. Plotting Money and the Novel Genre, Greiner, D. Rae. Essay: “Thinking of 1815-1901, 777-78. Me Thinking of You: Sympathy ver- Henthorne, Tom. Review: Dryden, sus Empathy in the Realist Novel” Arata, and Massie, eds., Robert Louis 417-26. Stevenson and Joseph Conrad: Writers Grene, Nicholas. Review: Alexander, of Transition, 582-83. Shaw's Controversial Socialism, Herringer, Carol Engelhardt. Review: i49-50. Janes, Victorian Reformation: The Gribben, Crawford. Review: Ferguson, Fight over Idolatry in the Church of Eng- McConnel, /reland and Scotland in land, 1840-1860, 126-27. the Nineteenth Century, 334-36. Higginbotham, Ann R. Review: Greg- Guerrini, Anita. Review: Bates, The ory, Reformers, Patrons and Philan- Anatomy of Robert Knox: Murder, Mad thropists: The ¢ owpe Th mple s and Science and Medical Regulation in Nine- High Politics in Victorian England, teenth-Century Edinburgh, 555-57. 536-38. Gurney, Peter. Review: Trentmann, Hill, Jen. Review: Lambert, The Gates of Free Trade Nation: Commerce, Con- Hell: Sir John Franklin's Tragic Quest sumption, and Civil Society in Modern for the North West Passage, 171-72. Britain, 139-41. Hoffenberg, Peter H. Review: Barrin- Hack, Daniel. Review: Sun-Joo Lee, ger, Quilley, and Fordham, eds., Art The American Slave Narrative and the and the British Empire, 584-86. Victorian Novel, 325-27. Houlbrook, Matt. Review: Clark, De- Hadley, Elaine. Review Forum: “Re- sire: A History of European Sexuality, Living Liberalism,” 311-18. 183-85. Hager, Kelly. Review: Susina, The Place Janowitz, Anne. Review: Sanders, The of Lewis Carroll in Children’s Litera- Poetry of Chartism: Aesthetics, Politics, ture, 758-61; Hollingsworth, ed., History, 147-49. Alice beyond Wonderland: Essays for the Jolly, Roslyn. Review: Myers, Antipodal Twenty-First Century, 758-61. England: Emigration and Portable Do- Hall, Lesley A. Review: Upchurch, Be- mesticity in the Victorian Imagination, fore Wilde: Sex Between Men in Brit- 177-79. ain’s Age of Reform, 185-87. Joshi, Priya. Review: Kerr, Eastern Fig- Hamlett, Jane. Review: Edwards and ures: Orient and Empire in British Writ- Hart, eds., Rethinking the Interior, c. ing, 179-80. 1867-1896: Aestheticism and Arts and Katz, David S. Review: Clark, Albion Crafts, 749-51. and Jerusalem: The Anglo-Jewish Com- Harris, Ron. Review: Frank, Master and munity in the Post-Emancipation Era, Servant Law: Chartists, Trade Unions, 1858-1887, 355-57. Radical Lawyers and the Magistracy in Kaufman, Heidi. Review: Baker, Shu- England, 1840-1865, 740-42. maker, Leonard Merrick: A Forgotten Helsinger, Elizabeth. Review: Giebel- Novelist’s Novelist, 357-59. hausen, Barringer, Writing the Pre- Knight, David. Review: Miller, James SUMMER 2011 Watt, Chemist: Understanding the Ori- William Morris’s Terza Rima,” gins of the Steam Age, 146-47. 506-17. Knight, Mark. Review: King, Benjamin Livesey, Ruth. Essay. “Communicating John, Newman and the Alexandrian Fa- with Jane Eyre: Stage Coach, Mail, thers: Shaping Doctrine in Nineteenth- and the Tory Nation,” 615-38. Century England, 340-41. LoPatin-Lummis, Nancy. Review: Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen. Review: Hunt, The Duel: Castlereagh, Canning Moore, Victorian Christmas in Print, and Deadly Cabinet Rivalry, 169-71. 131-33. Luckhurst, Roger. Review: Albrecht, Kreisel, Deanna K. Review: Fernandez, The Medusa Effect: Representation and Victorian Servants, Class, and the Poli- Epistemology in Victorian Aesthetics, tics ofL iteracy, 573-74. 162-63. Kurnick, David. Review: Louttit, Dick- Machann, Clinton. Review: Harrison, ens’s Secular Gospel: Work, Gender, and The Cultural Production of Matthew Personality, 590-93; Furneaux, Queer Arnold, 363-65. Dickens: Erotics, Families, Masculini- Makdisi, Saree. Review Forum: “Rid- ties, 590-93. ing the Whirlwind of Settler Colo- Laird, Heather. Review: Mossman, Dis- nialism,” 108-15. ability, Representation and the Body in Mandler, Peter. Review: Milgate, Stim- Irish Writing, 1800-1922, 728-30. son, After Adam Smith: A Century of Land, Isaac. Review: Haycock and Ar- Transformation in Politics and Political cher eds., Health and Medicine at Sea, Economy, 319-21. 1700-1900, 546-48. Martin, Maureen M. Review: Conley, Langbauer, Laurie. Review: Frost, Vic- From Jack Tar io Union Jack: Represent- torian Chilhoods, 373-75. ing Naval Manhood in the British Em- Langley, Leanne. Review: Bullock, pire, 1870-1918, 175-77. Rosa Newmarch and Russian Music in Martin, Moira. Review: Heath, Aging Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth- by the Book: The Emergence of Midlife in Century England, 738-40. Victorian Britain, 357-78; Chase, The Larsen, Timothy. Review: Erdozain, The Victorians and Old Age, 357-78. Problem of Pleasure: Sport, Recreation Mays, Kelly J. Essay: “Looking Back- and the Crisis of Victorian Religion, ward, Looking Forward: The Victo- 128-29. rians in the Rearview Mirror of Larson, Jil. Review: Gregory, Shaped by Future History,” 445-56. Stories: The Ethical Powero f Narratives, McClure, Kirstie M. Review Forum: 163-65. “Selvages of Living Liberalism: \ib- Lauster, Martina. Review: Brake and eral / Liberal\politique,” 294-302. Demoor, eds., The Lure of Illustration McNeil, Kenneth. Review: Breiten- in the Nineteenth Century: Picture and bach, “Empire and Scottish Society: The Press, 154-56. Impact of Foreign Missions at Home, c. Lecourt, Sebastian. Essay: ““To surren- 1790 to c. 1914,” 336-38. der himself, in perfectly liberal in- McWilliam, Rohan. Review: McKenzie, quiry’: Walter Pater, Many-Sidedness, A Swindler’s Progress: Nobles and Con- and the Conversion Novel,” 231-53. victs in the Age of Liberty, 755-56. Levine, Naomi. Essay: “Trebled Beauty: Melnyk, Julie. Review: Lomax, The VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 53, NO. 4 Writings of Hesba Stretton: Reclaiming Penner, Robert. Review: Llovd, Women the Outcast, 567-68. and the Shaping of British Methodism: Pen Menke, Richard. Review: Jackson, The sistent Preachers, 1807-1907, 723-25. Technology of the Novel: Writing and Pettitt, Clare. Review: Daly, Sensation Narrative in British Fiction, 158-60. and Modernity in the 1860s, 579-81. Michie, Elsie B. Review: Baker, Real- Pinch, Adela. Essay: “Rhvme’s End,” ism’s Empire: Empiricism and Enchant- 179-84. ment in the Nineteenth-Century Novel, Pionke, Albert D. Review: Wisnicki, 160-61. Conspiracy, Revolution, and Terrorism Mitchell, Sally. Review: Craig, The Nar- from Victorian Fiction to the Modern ratives of Caroline Norton, 151-52. Vovel, 361-63. Moore, James. Review: Keller, Triumph Plotz, John. Essay: “The Semi-De- of Order: Democracy and Public Space tached Provincial Novel,” 405-16. in New York and London, 138-39. Plunkett, John. Review: Cale and Di Munich, Adrienne. Review: Oost, Gil- Bello, eds., Jllustrations, Optics and bert and Sullivan: Class and the Savoy Objects in Nineteenth-Century Literar Tradition, 1875-1896, 369-71. and Visual Cultures, 586-88. Nandrea, Lorri. Review: Jaffe, The Af- Pole, Adam. Review: Doyle, Fighting fective Lifeo f the Average Man: The Vic- Like the Devil for the Sake of God: Prot- torian Novel and the Stock-Market estants, Catholics and the Origins of Vi- Graph, 779-80. olence in Victorian Belfast, 558-60. Newman, Beth. Essay: “Alice Meynell, Puckett, Kent. Review: Hyman, Making a Walter Pater, and Aestheticist Tem- Man: Gentlemanly Appetites in the Nine- porality,” 495-505. teenth-Century British Novel, 371-73. Nottingham, Chris. Review: Carpen- Punter, David. Review: Butler, Meta- ter, Bernard Shaw as Artist-Fabian, morphoses of the Vampire in Literature 732-34. and Film: Cultural Transformations in Nym Mayhall, Laura E. Review: Gleadle, Europe, 1732-1933, 756-58. Borderline Citizens: Women, Gender, and Richards, Joan L. Review: Jones, Femi- Political Culture in Britain, 1815-1867, ninity, Mathematics and Science, 1880- 350-51. 1914, 343-45. O’Brien Hill, Georgina. Review: Wal- Richardson, LeeAnne M. Review: ton, Imagining Soldiers and Fathers in Cordell, Fictions of Dissent: Reclaim- the Mid-Victorian Eva: Charlotte Yonge’s ing Juthority in Transatlantic Women’s Models of Manliness, 761-63. Writing of the Late Nineteenth Century, O’Farrell, Mary Ann. Review: Puckett, 721-23. Bad Form: Social Mistakes and_ the Richardson, LeeAnne M. Review: Oul- Nineteenth-Century Novel, 165-67. ton and Schatz, eds., Mary Cholmon Pearl, Sharrona. Review: Lyons, Spe- deley Reconsidered, 564-66. cies, Serpents, Spirits, and Skulls: Sci- Rigney, Ann. Review: Watson, Literar) ence at the Margins in the Victorian Tourism and Nineteenth-Century Cul- Age, 141-43. ture, 367-69. Pedersen, Susan. Review: Darwin, The Robbins, Ruth. Review: Waller, The Empire Project: The Rise and Fall of the Magnificent Mrs Tennant: The Adven- British World-System, 1830-1970, turous Life of Gertrude Tennant, Victo- 321-23. rian Grande Dame, 569-70. SUMMER 2011 Robinson, Solveig C. Review: Ferris, Stauffer, Andrew M. Review: McKitter- Keep, Bookish Histories: Books, Litera- ick, ed., The Cambridge History of the ture, and Commercial Modernity, 300k in Britain: Volume VI, 1830-1914, 1700-1900, 365-67. 527-28. Rodger, N. A. M. Review: Land, War, Na- Stein, Richard L. Review: Whelan, tionalism, and the British Sailor, 1750- Class, Culture and Suburban Anxieties 1850, 544-46. in the Victorian Era, 745-47; Kuchta, Rubery, Matthew. Review: Leary, The Semi-Detached Empire: Suburbia and Punch Brotherhood: Table Talk and Print the Colonization of Britain, 1880 to the Culture in Mid-Victorian London, Present, 745-47. 780-82. Steinlight, Emily. Review: Hamilton Salesa, Damon. Review: Crais, Scully, and Salmon, eds., Advertising, Sub- Sara Baartman and the Hottentot Venus: jectivity and the Nineteenth-Century A Ghost Story and a Biography, 329-31. Novel: Dickens, Balzac and the Lan- Schroeder, Natalie. Review: Gabriele, guage of the Walls, 133-36. Reading Popular Culture in Victorian Sumpter, Caroline. Essay: “On Suffer- Print: Belgravia and Sensationalism, ing and Sympathy: Jude the Obscure, 577-79; Fantina, Victorian Sensa- Evolution, and Ethics,” 665-67. tional Fiction: The Daring Work of Sunderland, David. Review: Mokyr, The Charles Reade, 577-79. Enlightened Economy: An Economic His- Sherwood, Marika. Review: Slavery, Di- tory of Britain 1700-1850, 775-76. plomacy and Empire: Britain and the Tambling, Jeremy. Review: Paroissien, Suppression of the Slave Trade, 1807- ed., A Companion to Charles Dickens, 1975, 173-75. 766-69. Showalter, Elaine. Review: Federico, ed., Tromp, Marlene. Review: Craton, The Gilbert & Gubar’s Tlie Madwoman in Victorian Freak Show: The Significance the Attic After Thirty Years, 715-17. of Disability and Physical Differences in Shuttleworth, Sally. Review: Matus, 19"-Century Fiction, 727-28. Shock, Memory and the Unconscious in Tusan, Michelle. Review: Parsons, Victorian Fiction, 551-53. Thomas Hare and Political Representa- Slinn, E. Warwick. Review: Morgan, tion in Victorian Britain, 351-53. Narrative Means, Lyric Ends: Tempo- Vernon, James. Review Forum: “What rality in the Nineteenth-Century British Was Liberalism, and Who Was Its Long Poem, 769-70. Subject?; Or, Will the Real Liberal Sloan, Barry. Review: Ferguson and Subject Please Stand Up?,” 303-10. Holmes, eds., Revising Robert Burns Vicinus, Martha. Review: O’Gorman, and Ulster: Literature, Religion and ed., The Cambridge Companion to Vic- Politics, c. 1770-1920, 736-38. torian Culture, 717-20; Shattock, ed., Small, Helen. Review Forum: “The The Cambridge Companion to English Forms of Liberalism,” 287-93. Literature, 717-20. Small, Ian. Review: Powell, Acting ranjes, Vlasta. Review: Hager, Dickens Wilde: Victorian Sexuality, Theatre, and the Rise of Divorce: The Failed-Mar- and Oscar Wilde, 731-32. riage Plot and the Novel Tradition, Stack, David. Review: Pearl, About Faces: 763-66; Hatten, The End ofD omestic- Physiognomy in Nineteenth-Century Brit- ity: Alienation from the Family in Dick- ain, 331-32. ens, Eliot, and James, 763-66. VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 53, NO. 4 Wahrman, Dror. Review Forum: “The rian Fiction: Possessing the Past, 378- Meaning of the Nineteenth Cen- 81; Sadoff, Victorian Vogue: British tury: Reflections on James Belich’s Novels on Screen, 378-81. Replenishing the Earth,” 91-99. Zimdars-Swartz, Sandra L. Review: Waters, Catherine. Review: Kortsch, Hynes, Knock: The Virgin’s Apparition Dress Culture in Late Victorian Wom- in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, 338-39. en’s Fiction: Literacy, Textiles, and Ac- tivism, 575-77; Ofek, Representations Authors of Books Reviewed of Hair in Victorian Literatures and Albrecht, Thomas. The Medusa Effect: Culture, 575-77. Representation and Epistemology in Vic- Watts, Ruth. Review: Smith, ‘A Victo- torian Aesthetics, 162-63. rian Class Conflict?’ Schoolteaching Alexander, James. Shaw’s Controversial and the Parson, Priest and Minister, Socialism, 149-50. 1837-1902, 129-31. Allen, Robert C. The British Industrial Weinroth, Michelle. Essay: “Redesign- Revolution in Global Perspective, 9 7 ing the Language of Social Change: $49~-439. Rhetoric, Agency, and the Oneiric \rias, Rosario, and Patricia Pulham, in William Morris’s A Dream of John eds. Haunting and Spectrality in Neo- Ball,” 37-63. Victorian Fiction: Possessing the Past, Willburn, Sarah. Review: Galvan, The 378-81. Sympathetic Medium: Feminine Chan- Arondekar, Anjali. For the Record: On neling, the Occult, and Communication Sexuality and the Colonial Archive in Technologies, 1859-1919, 725-27. India, 181-83. Williams, Carolyn. Review: Bolus- Aubin, David, Charlotte Bigg, and H. Reichert, The Age of Eclecticism: Liter- Otto Sibum, eds. The Heavens on ature and Culture in Britain, Earth: Observatories and Astronomy in 1815-1885, 531-33. Nineteenth-Century Science and Cul- Wilson, Cheryl A. Review: Engelhardt, ture, 770-72. Dancing Out of Line: Ballrooms, Bal- Baker, Geoffrey. Realism’s Empire: Em- lets, and Mobility in Victorian Fiction piricism and Enchantment in the Nine- and Culture, 167-69. teenth-Century Novel, 160-61. Wise, Julie M. Review: Olverson, Baker, William, and Jeanette Roberts Women Writers and the Dark Side of Shumaker. Leonard Merrick: A Forgot- Late-Victorian Hellenism, 345-47. ten Novelist’s Novelist, 357-59. Wollaeger, Mark. Review: DiSanto, Barringer, Tim, Geoff Quilley, and Under Conrad’s Eyes: The Novel as Crit- Douglas Fordham, eds. Art and the icism, 359-61. British Empire, 584-86. Worth, Aaron. Essay: “Imperial Trans- Bates, A. W. The Anatomy of Robert Knox: missions: H. G. Wells, 1897-1901,” Murder, Mad Science and Medical Reg- 65-89. ulation in Nineteenth-Century Edin- Zakreski, Patricia. Review: Denney, burgh, 555-57. Women, Portraiture and the Crisis of Belich, James. Replenishing the Earth, Identity in Victorian Literature: My Lady 91-121. Scandalous Reconsidered, 152-54. Blake, Kathleen. The Pleasures of Ben- Zieger, Susan. Review: Arias, Pulham, thamism: Victorian Literature, Utility, Haunting and Spectrality in Neo-Victo- Political Economy, 533-36 SUMMER 2011 Bolus-Reichert, Christine. The Age of eds. The Land Question in Britain, Eclecticism: Literature and Culture in 1750-1950, 742-44. Britain, 1815-1885, 531-33. Craig, Randall. The Narratives of Caro- Bord, Joe. Science and whig Manners: Sci- line Norton, 151-52. ence and Political Style in Britain, c. Crais, Clifton, and Pamela Scully. Sara 1790-1850, 143-45. Baartmen and the Hottentot Venus: A Brake, Laurel, and Marysa Demoor, Ghost Story and a Biography, 329-31. eds. The Lure of Illustration in the Craton, Lillian. The Victorian Freak Nineteenth Century: Picture and Press, Show: The Significance of Disability 154-56. and Physical Differences in 19"-Century Breitenbach, Esther. Empire and Scottish Fiction, 727-28. Society: The Impact of Foreign Missions Daly, Nicholas. Sensation and Modernity at Home, c. 1790 to c. 1914, 336-38. in the 1860s, 579-81. Bullock, Philip Ross. Rosa Newmarch Darwin, John. The Empire Project: The and Russian Music in Late Nineteenth Rise and Fall of the British World-Sys- and Early Twentieth-Century England, tem, 1830-1970, 321-23. 738-40. Davis, Graham. Bath as Spa and Bath as Butler, Erik. Metamorphoses of the Vam- Slum: The Social History of a Victorian pire in Literature and Film: Cultural City, 747-49. Transformations in Europe, 1732-1933, Delap, Lucy, Ben Griffin, and Abigail 756-58. Williams, eds. The Politics of Domestic Cale, Luisa, and Patrizia Di Bello, eds. Authority in Britain since 1800, 570-72. Illustrations, Optics and Objects in Denney, Colleen. Women, Portraiture Nineteenth-Century Literary and Visual and the Crisis of Identity in Victorian Cultures, 586-88. Literature: My Lady Scandalous Recon- Carpenter, Charles A. Bernard Shaw as sidered, 152-54. Artist-Fabian, 732-34. DiSanto, Michael John. Under Conrad’s Chang, Elizabeth Hope. Britain’s Chinese Eyes: The Novel as Criticism, 359-61. Lye: Literature, Empire, and Aesthetics in Doyle, Mark. Fighting Like the Devil for Nineteenth-Century Britain, 751-53. the Sake of God: Protestants, Catholics Chase, Karen. The Victorians and Old and the Origins of Violence in Victorian Age, 375-78. Belfast, 558-60. Clark, Anna. Desire: A History of Euro- Dryden, Linda, Stephen Arata, and pean Sexuality, 183-85. Eric Massie, eds. Robert Louis Steven- Clark, Michael. Albion and jerusalem: son and Joseph Conrad: Writers of Tran- The Anglo-Jewish Community in_ the sition, 582-83. Post-Emancipation Eva, 1858-1887, Durbach, Nadja. Spectacle of Deformity: 355-57. Freak Shows and Modern British Cul- Conley, Mary A. From Jack Tar to Union ture, 333-34. Jack: Representing Naval Manhood in Edwards, Jason, and Imogen Hart, the British Empire, 1870-1918, 175-77. eds. Rethinking the Interior, c. 1867- Cordell, Sigrid Anerson. Fictions of Dis- 1896: Aestheticism and Arts and Crafts, sent: Reclaiming Authority in Transat- 749-51. lantic Women’s Writing of the Late Engelhardt, Molly. Dancing Out of Line: Nineteenth Century, 721-23. Ballrooms, Ballets, and Mobility in Vic- Cragoe, Matthew, and Paul Readman, torian fiction and Culture, 167-69. VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 53, NO. 4 Erdozain, Dominic. The Problem of Plea- Gamble, Cynthia. John Ruskin, Henry sure: Sport, Recreation and the Crisis of James and the Shropshire Lads, 734-36. Victorian Religion, 128-29. Giebelhausen, Michaela, and Tim Bar- Ewen, Shane. Fighting Fires: Creating the ringer, eds. Writing the Pre-Raphael- British — Fire Service, 1800-1978, ites: Text, Context, Subtext, 347-49. 353-55. Gleadle, Kathryn. Borderline Citizens: Falconer, John, and Louise Hide. Women, Gender, and Political Culture Points of View: Capturing the 19% Cen in Britain, 1815-1867, 350-51. tury in Photographs, 383-85. Golden, CatherineJ . Posting It: The Vie Fantina, Richard. Victorian Sensational torian Revolution in Letter Writing, Fiction: The Daring Work of Charles 157-58. Reade, 577-79. Gordon, Eleanor, and Gwyneth Nair. Federico, Annette R., ed. Gilbert ©& Viurder and Morality in Victorian Brit Gubar’s The Madwoman in the Attic ain: The Story of Madeleine Smith, After Thirty Years, 715-17. 562-64. Ferguson, Frank, and Andrew R. Gregory, James. Reformers, Patrons and Holmes, eds. Revising Robert Burns Philanthropists: The ¢ owpe) li mple § and Ulster: Literature, Religion and and High Politics in Victorian England, Politics, c. 1770-1920, 736-38. 536-38. Ferguson, Frank, and James McCon- Gregory, Marshall. Shaped by Stories: nel, eds. /reland and Scotland in thé The Ethical Power of Narratives, Nineteenth Century, 334-36. 163-65. Fernandez, Jean. Victorian Servants, Hadley, Elaine Living Liberalism, Class, and the Politics of Literacy, 287-317. 573-74. Hager, Kelly. Dickens and the Rise of Di- Ferris, Ina, and Pail Keen, eds. Bookish vorce: The Failed-Marriage Plot and the Histories: Books, Literature, and Com- Novel Tradition, 763-66. mercial Modernity, 1700-1900, 365-67. Hamilton, Keith, and Patrick Salmon, Finnegan, Diarmid A. Natural History eds. Slavery, Diplomacy) ind Empire: Societies and Civic Culture in Victorian Britain and the Suppre ssion of the Slave Scotland, 143-45. Trade, 1807-1975, 173-75. Frank, Christopher. Master and Servant Harrison, Antony H. The Cultural Pro Law: Chartists, Trade Unions, Radical duction of Matthew Arnold, 363-65. Lawyers and the Magistracy in Eng Hatten, Charles. The End of Domesticity: land, 1840-1865, 740-42. Alienation from the Family in Dickens, Frost, Ginger S. Victorian Childhoods, Eliot, and James, 763-66. Haycock, David Boyd, and Sally Archer, Furneaux, Holly. Queer Dickens: Erotics, eds. Health and Medicine at Sea, 1700- Families, Masculinities, 590-93. 1900, 546-48. Gabriele, Alberto. Reading Popular Cul- Heath, Kay. Aging by the Book: The Eme ture in Victorian Prini: Belgravia and gence of Midlife in Victorian Britain, Q° Sensationalism, 577-79. I19-198. Galvan, Jill. The Sympathetic Medium: Hollingsworth, Cristopher, ed., Alice Feminine Channeling, the Occult, and beyond Wonderland: Essays for the Communication Technologies, 1859- Twenty-First Century, 758-61. 1919, 725-27. Hunt, Giles. The Duel: Castlereagh, Can- SUMMER 2011 800 ning and Deadly Cabinet Rivalry, Larsen, Timothy. Crisis of Doubt: Honest 169-71. Faith in Nineteenth-Century England, Hyman, Gwen. Making a Man: Genile- 123-24. manly Appetites in the Nineteenth-Cen- Leary, Patrick. The Punch Brotherhood: tury British Novel, 371-73. Table Talk and Print Culture in Mid- Hynes, Eugene. Knock: The Virgin's Ap- Victorian London, 780-82. parition in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, Lee, Julia Sun-Joo. The American Slave 338-39. Narrative and the Victorian Novel, Ivory, Yvonne. The Homosexual Revival of 325-27. Renaissance Style, 1850-1930, 593-95. Lightman, Bernard. Evolutionary Natu- Jackson, Tony E. The Technology of the ralism in Victorian Britain: The ‘Dar- Novel: Writing and Narrative in British winiansa’nd their Critics, 553-55. Fiction, 158-60. Lloyd, Jennifer M. Women and the Shap- Jaffe, Audrey. The Affective Life of the Av- ing of British Methodism: Persistent erage Man: The Victorian Novel and the Preachers, 1807-1907, 723-25. Stock-Market Graph, 779-80. Lomax, Elaine. The Writings of Hesba Janes, Dominic. Victorian Reformation: Stretton: Reclaiming the Outcast, The Fight over Idolatry in the Church of 567-68. England, 126-27. Louttit, Chris. Dickens’s Secular Gospel: Jones, Claire G. Femininity, Mathematics Work, Gender, and Personality, 590-93. and Science, 1880-1914, 343-45. Lyons, Sherrie Lynne. Species, Serpents, Keller, Lisa. Triumph of Order: Democ- Spirits, and Skulls: Science at the Mar- racy and Public Space in New York and gins in the Victorian Age, 141-43. London, 138-39. Matus, fill L. Shock, Memory and the Un- Kelley, Victoria. Soap and Water: Cleanli- conscious in Victorian Fiction, 551-53. ness, Dirt and the Working Classes in Vic- McKenzie, Kirsten. A Swindler’s Progress: torian and Edwardian Britain, 753-55. Nobles and Convicts in the Age of Liberty, Kember, Joe. Marketing Modernity: Victo- 755-56. rian Popular Shows and Early Cinema, Mckitterick, David, ed. The Cambridge 596-97. History of the Book in Britain: Volume Kerr, Douglas. Eastern Figures: Orient VI, 1830-1914, 527-28. and Empire in British Writing, 179-80. Michie, Ranald C. Guilty Money: The King, Benjamin John. Newman and the City of London in Victorian and Ed- Alexandrian Fathers: Shaping Doctrine in wardian Culture, 1815-1914, 136-37. Nineteenth-Century England, 340-41. Milgate, Murray, and Shannon C. Stim- Kortsch, Christine Bayles. Dress Culture son. After Adam Smith: A Century of in Late Victorian Women’s Fiction: Lit- Transformation in Politics and Political Economy, 319-21. Kuchta, Todd. Semi-Detached Empire: Miller, David Philip. James Watt, Chem- Suburbia and the Colonization of Brit- ist: Understanding the Origins of the ain, 1880 to the Present, 745-47. Steam Age, 146-47. Lambert, Andrew. The Gates ofH all: Sir Mokyr, Joel. The Enlightened Economy: John Franklin’s Tragic Quest for the An Economic History of Britain 1700- North West Passage, 171-72. 1850, 775-76. Land, Isaac. War, Nationalism, and the Moore, Tara. Victorian Christmas in British Sailor, 1750-1850, 544-46. Print, 131-33. VICTORIAN STUDIES / VOLUME 53, NO. 4