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Vibrational instability of Population III very massive main-sequence stars due to the $\varepsilon$-mechanism PDF

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Preview Vibrational instability of Population III very massive main-sequence stars due to the $\varepsilon$-mechanism

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–5(2002) Printed5January2012 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Vibrational Instability of Population III Very Massive ε Main-Sequence Stars due to the -Mechanism Takafumi Sonoi1⋆ and Hideyuki Umeda1 2 1Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The Universityof Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113-0033 1 0 2 n a ABSTRACT J Very massive stars are thought to be formed in the early Universe because of a lack 4 of cooling process by heavy elements, and might have been responsible for the later evolutionoftheUniverse.Wehadaninterestinvibrationalstabilityoftheirevolution ] andcarriedoutthelinearnonadiabaticanalysisofradialandnonradialoscillationsfor R population III very massive main-sequence stars with 500−3000M⊙. We found that S onlytheradialfundamentalmodebecomesunstableduetotheε-mechanismforthese . h stars. The instability appears just after the CNO cycle is activated and the nuclear p energy generation rate becomes large enough to stop the pre–main-sequence contrac- - tion, and continues during the early stage of the core hydrogen burning. Besides, we o roughly estimated amount of mass loss due to the instability to know its significance. r t s Key words: stars: evolution – stars: massive – stars: oscillations (including pulsa- a tions) – stars: mass-loss – stars: Population III [ 1 v 4 8 1 INTRODUCTION excited mainly by the κ-mechanism of the metallic absorp- 8 tion ratherthan theε-mechanism. The first-generation stars born in the early Universe are 0 . thoughttohaveno,orfewheavyelements.Theymightplay 1 an important role for chemical evolution of the early Uni- 0 verse.Theinitialmassfunctionforthefirstgenerationstars In the zero-metallicity case, however, the metallic ab- 2 hasnotbeendefinitivelydeterminedyet.However,alackof sorption never occurs. Baraffe et al. (2001) analyzed the 1 heavy elements leads to a deficiency of the coolants in the stability of population III very massive stars and found : v star-formation stage and hence to an expectation that very that the fundamental mode becomes unstable due to the Xi massive stars might have been formed (e.g. Bromm et al. ε-mechanism for stars with 120−500M⊙. 1999;Abel et al. 2002; Omukai& Palla 2003). r a Ledoux(1941)suggested thatverymassivestarsmight experience vibrational instability in the core hydrogen- Population III very massive stars might have released burning stage. In case of very massive stars, influence of a significant amount of heavy elements by supernova ex- radiation pressuremakes theeffective ratio of specific heat, plosions and contributed to the chemical evolution of the γ, close to 4/3. Then pulsation amplitude in the core be- early Universe. The stars with & 300M⊙ experience the comescomparable withthat intheenvelope.Thissituation core-collapse supernova explosion at the end of their life, isfavorable forinstability duetotheε-mechanismsinceex- while those with 130−300M⊙ the pair-instability super- citation by this mechanism in the core can exceed flux dis- novaexplosion(Ohkuboet al.2006).Inaddition,theformer sipation in the envelope. Many authors have analyzed the stars leave intermediate mass black holes, for which several stabilityofverymassivestarsandproposedthecriticalmass candidateshavebeen found as ultraluminous X-raysources above which the instability occurs. With the pure electron (Feng& Soria 2011). Then, the evolution of the very mas- scatteringopacitytheradialfundamentalmodebecomesun- sive stars is very important for the above phenomena, and stable in case of & 60M⊙ (Schwarzschild & H¨arm 1959), have been investigated by several groups (e.g. Klapp 1983, whilewiththerecentOPALopacitytable(Rogers & Iglesias 1984; Heger et al. 2003; Marigo et al. 2003; Ohkuboet al. 1992) the critical mass is 121M⊙ for the solar metallicity 2006; Bahena & Klapp 2010). In this paper, we focused on (Stothers1992).Inthelattercase,thefundamentalmodeis thevibrationalstabilityoftheirevolution,andextendedthe Baraffe et al.’sanalysistowardthemoremassivestars.That is,weconstructedthestellarmodelswith>500M⊙andcar- ried out the linear nonadiabatic analysis against radial and ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] nonradial oscillations. (cid:13)c 2002RAS 2 T. Sonoi and H. Umeda Table 1.Propertyofzero-metallicityZAMSmodels. -1yr 1 3000Msun M R logTeff logL logTc Mcc -40 1000Msun (M50⊙0) (1R0⊙.4) 5(K.0)4 (7L.1⊙0) 8(K.1)7 (M44⊙5) π2) 1 0.5 500Msun 1000 14.7 5.06 7.46 8.19 898 σ/(I 0 3000 25.6 5.07 7.99 8.21 2731 - M2WUmceceEddeQaandUo&oteIpNsLtecoIdomBnRovetIcaotUiv(M2eH0c0eoM2nr,eyOem2y0Da-0tsE5ys.)pLeaSndcoOdhekubdoeveetloapl.ed(200b6y) -1-1ε (erg g s)c 111100003456 εc ρc/<ρ> R/Rsu5n00Msun 369111258 ρρ/<>, R/Rcsun to calculate the stellar evolution. We constructed zero- 102 104 105 106 metallicity models with 500, 1000 and 3000 M⊙ duringthe Age (yr) core hydrogen-burning stage. These stars were calculated without considering mass loss. Overshooting is not taken Figure 1. Top: variation of the growth rate of the radial fun- into account in this study. damental mode for the 500, 1000 and 3000M⊙ stars. The open For the zero-metallicity stars, the only possible way of trianglescorrespondtotheZAMSmodels,shownintable1,while starting hydrogen burning is the pp-chain no matter how theopencirclescorrespondtothemostunstableones,forwhich thepropertyofoscillationsisshownintable2.Bottom:variation massive the star is. Hence, the temperature near the stel- lar centre is much higher than in the case of metal-riched of the nuclear energy generation rate at the centre εc and the ratio of the central density to the average density in the whole stars. During the pre–main-sequence stage, gravitational starρc/hρifor500M⊙. contraction releases energy so that the energy equilibrium in the whole star can be kept. When the central tempera- turereaches∼107 K,thepp-chainisactivatedandbecomes part of σ, σR, represents the oscillation frequency, and the to release enough energy to stop the gravitational contrac- imaginary partof σ,σI,givesthegrowth rateorthedamp- tion for stars with . 20M⊙. For the more massive stars, ing rate, depending on its sign. We used a Henyey-type however, the gravitational contraction cannot be stopped code developed by Sonoi & Shibahashi (2012) to solve this only by the pp-chain burning (Marigo et al. 2001). When eigenvalue problem. Note that for stability analysis related the central temperature reaches ∼ 108 K, the triple alpha to the ε-mechanism, it is important to evaluate the tem- reactionproducesenough12CtoactivatetheCNOcycleand perature and density dependences of the nuclear reactions thenthecontractionstops.Thus,themainenergysourcefor in the oscillation time scale. The detail is introduced by corehydrogen-burningofpopulationIIImassivestarsisthe Sonoi & Shibahashi (2012). CNOcycle.Table1showspropertyoftheequilibriummod- We adopted the “frozen-in convection” approximation, els for the ZAMS stage, which we define as the time when in which perturbations of theconvectiveflux are neglected. thegravitationalcontractionstops.Thecentraltemperature The very massive stars have the large convective core and ishardlydifferentamongthedifferentmassmodelsandcor- the convection-pulsation interaction might affect the vibra- reponds to the occurence of the triple alpha reaction. Due tional stability. But the uncertainty in the physical process to the large nuclear energy generation, the convective core remains still now, and hencewe neglected it for simplicity. isverylargeandoccupies≃90percentofthestellarmass. 4 RESULTS 3 LINEAR NONADIABATIC ANALYSIS OF RADIAL/NONRADIAL OSCILLATIONS 4.1 Variation of stability with stellar evolution We carried out a linear nonadiabatic analysis of radial Asdescribed above, thegravitational contraction continues (l = 0) and nonradial (l = 1, 2) oscillations. Any eigen- while only the pp-chain works. When the CNO cycle is ac- function of linear oscillations of stars is expressed in terms tivated,thecontractionstopssincetheenergygenerationof of a combination of a spatitial function and a time varying the CNO cycle is much higher than the pp-chain and can function. The latter is expressed by exp(iσt), where σ de- maintain theenergy equilibrium without thecontraction. notes the eigenfrequency. The former, the spatial part, is a Suchhighenergygenerationinducesthevibrationalin- radialfunctionfortheradialoscillations, whiledecomposed stability duetotheε-mechanism;thenuclearenergy gener- intoasphericalharmonicfunction,whichisafunctionofthe ationincreasesatshrinkingphaseinpulsations.Thismakes colatitudeandtheazimuthalangle,andaradialfunctionfor expansioninthepulsationsstrongerandthenuclearenergy thenonradial oscillations. generation drops more. This cyclical behaviour makes the For the radial (non-radial) oscillations, equations gov- star act as a heat engine and the pulsation amplitude will erning the radial functions lead to a set of fourth-order grow. (sixth-order) differential equation, of which coefficients are Fig.1showsthevariationofthegrowthrate,−σI/(2π), complex, including terms of frequency σ. Together with of theradial fundamental mode for 500, 1000 and 3000M⊙ proper boundary conditions, this set of equations forms a stars and theprofiles of the equilibrium models for 500M⊙ complex eigenvalue problem with an eigenvalue σ.The real star with the stellar evolution. The positive value of the (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–5 Instability of Pop III Very Massive Stars 3 Table 2.Propertyofoscillationsforthemodelsmarkedwiththeopencirclesinfigure1. Periods(h) Growthtime-scaleτg (yr) l Mode 500M⊙ 1000M⊙ 3000M⊙ 500M⊙ 1000M⊙ 3000M⊙ 0 F 4.31 6.17 10.4 1.63×104 1.22×104 8.99×103 1H 1.70 2.13 2.98 −6.81×10 −2.90×10 −1.97×10 2H 1.24 1.59 2.28 −2.35 −7.12×10−1 −5.45×10−1 1 g1 10.3 11.1 12.7 −9.20×104 −1.54×105 −3.51×105 p1 1.84 2.17 2.71 −4.42×102 −8.31×102 −7.37×102 2 g1 6.32 6.77 7.64 −6.31×104 −1.02×105 −2.09×105 f 2.13 2.53 3.19 −2.40×103 −3.55×103 −4.46×103 p1 1.53 1.80 2.37 −8.21×10 −1.88×102 −2.13×102 8×10) 68 /drK 00..46 12HHF l=0 E) ( 4 de 0.2 π 2 4 0 W/( 0 0.6 g2 l=1 -1s)1100-256 411...995×××111000563 yyyrrr de/drK 00 ..024 gpp112 -1erg g 110034 500Msun /drK 00..46 gg21f pp12 l=2 ε (102 de 0.2 101 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Mr/M r/R Figure2.WorkintegralW fortheradialfundamentalmode(top) Figure3.Profilesofdek/dr≡σ2ξr2ρr2,whichisproportionalto and nuclear energy generation rate ε (bottom) for 500M⊙. The thelocalkineticenergydensityoftheoscillationsandnormalized R winotrhkeinwtehgoralelisstanrorEm.alizedwiththeoscillationenergyofthemode masoRd0esdfeokr/tdhred5r0/0RM=⊙1m,oofdrealdmiaalr(kle=dw0)itahndthneoonp-reandciairlc(lle=in1F,i2g). 1.Thedottedverticallinedenotesthetopoftheconvectivecore. growth rate means instability, while the negative value sta- bility. As the nuclear energy generation abruptly increases Lamb frequency. The gravity waves of the g-modes cannot just before the ZAMS stage, the growth rate does as well propagate in the central nuclear burning region due to the and becomes positive. large convectivecore (Fig. 3). Fig.2showstheworkintegralforthefundamentalmode Theinstabilityofthefundamentalmodecontinuesdur- and the nuclear energy generation rate for 500M⊙. Before ing the early stage of thecore hydrogen burning. The most the abrupt increase in the nuclear energy generation rate, unstablemodels,markedwiththeopencirclesinFig.1,are the ε-mechanism does not work efficiently in the core. But atage≃5×105yrandthegrowthtime-scaleis∼104yr.As aftertheincrease,excitationbytheε-mechanismcausesthe pointed out by Baraffe et al. (2001), the growth time-scale instability. in the case of theε-mechanism is relatively long. And since Table2showstheresultsofthestabilityanalysisforthe the central temperature does not increase efficiently from models marked with the open circles in Fig. 1. The growth 500 to 3000M⊙, theeffect of thenuclear energy generation time-scale is defined as τg ≡ −2π/σI, that is, the e-folding and thegrowth rate does either. time of the amplitude. The positive values of the growth After the activation of the CNO cycle, the stellar ra- time-scale mean the instability as well as the growth rate. dius expands. With this, the density contrast between the The radial fundamental mode becomes unstable since the innerand outerparts of thestar, or theratio of thecentral amplitudeisrelativelylargeinthecoreandexcitationbythe density to theaverage density in thewhole star, ρc/hρi, in- ε-mechanism thereexceeds fluxdissipation in theenvelope. creases. This causes theamplitudein theenvelopebecomes Ontheotherhand,theotherradialmodesarevibrationally much larger than in the core. Fig. 2 shows that in such a stable since the amplitude is much larger in the envelope stagefluxdissipation intheenvelopeexceedstheexcitation than in thecore (Fig. 3). bytheε-mechanism,whichworksefficientlyinthecore.The Althoughnon-radialmodesofl=1and2werealsoan- instability disappears at age ≃1×106 yr,or Xc ≃0.4. Ac- alyzed,nounstablemodeswerefound.Theacousticwavesof cordingtoBaraffe et al.,thedurationoftheunstablephase thenon-radialp-modescanpropagateinalessdeepinterior becomes longer as the stellar mass increases from 120 to than those of the radial oscillations since they are reflected 500M⊙. In this mass range, the stellar structure may be- at the depth where the oscillation frequency is equal to the comemorefavourabletotheε-mechanisminstabilityasthe (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–5 4 T. Sonoi and H. Umeda stellar mass increases. In the mass range analyzed in this Table 3.Propertyofmasslossduetotheinstabilityofthefun- study, on the other hand, the stellar structure and hence damentalmode. the duration of the unstable phase do not change substan- tially with stellar mass. (MM⊙) τ(uynr)s (Md⊙My/rd−t1) (∆MM⊙) (MM⊙cc) Compared with the result of Baraffe et al., the dura- 500 1.2×106 2.0×10−5 2.0×10 3.4×102 tion of the unstable phase for 500M⊙ is longer, while the 1000 1.1×106 6.8×10−5 6.1×10 6.9×102 maximum value of the growth rate is lower. In their anal- 3000 1.0×106 3.1×10−4 2.3×102 2.0×103 ysis, around the ZAMS stage, the growth rate initially has Fromlefttorightthetableentriesread:stellarmass,durationof a positive and extremely high value, and then shows the vibrationallyunstablephase,mass-lossrateforthemodelmarked rapidvariation with timeduetotheadjustmentofthestel- withtheopencirclesinFig.1,totalamountofthemasslossand lar structure when the initial CNO is produced (see their convectivecoremassattheevolutionarystagewhentheinstabil- fig.4).Inouranalysis,ontheotherhand,thegrowthrateis itydisappears. initially negative and becomes positive just after the onset of the CNO cycle. This implies a difference in the methods Forthestarswith500−3000M⊙,theconvectivecoreoccu- to calculate evolutionary models. pies≃90percentofthestellarmassattheZAMSstage(ta- ble 1), but monotonically decreases during the core hydro- genburningstage.Then,themassfractionoftheconvective 4.2 Mass loss corebecomeslessthan70percentattheevolutionarystage Appenzeller (1970a,b) performed non-linear analysis of vi- when the instability disappears (table 3). Thustheamount brational instability of very massive main-sequence stars of the mass loss in our result is not enough to trigger the against radial pulsation. It was demonstrated that recur- above situation. For the more massive stars, however, the ringshockwavesintheouterlayersresultsintheformingof convectivecoreandamount ofmass lossareexpectedtobe acontinuouslyexpandingshellaroundthestarwhentheve- larger.Besides,althoughtheinstabilitydisappearsduetoin- locity amplitudeexceeds thesound velocity.Eventually the creaseinthedensitycontrastasdiscussedinsection4.1,the outermost layers of the shell reach the escape velocity and strongermasslosscouldmaintainthevibrationalinstability mass loss occurs. In addition, due to the shock dissipation, by limiting the density contrast, like models of Wolf-Rayet the amplitude cannot increase significantly above the value stars shown in Maeder (1985). Then, it is worth analyzing at which theshell is formed. if theabove situation occurs for stars with >3000M⊙. Baraffe et al. (2001) performed linear stability analy- sis of the population III very massive stars and estimated mass loss due to the vibrational instability against the ra- 5 CONCLUSIONS dial fundamental mode. Although the absolute value of the amplitudecannotbedeterminedinthelinearanalysis,they We have analyzed the vibrational stability of the main- set thevelocity amplitudeto thesound velocity at thestel- sequencestageofpopulationIII500−3000M⊙ starsagainst larsurface.Besides,theyassumedthatthepulsationenergy the radial and non-radial modes. We found that only the gainedthroughtheheat-enginemechanismwastransformed radial fundamental mode becomes unstable due to the ε- into thekinetic energy of theescaping matter. mechanism.Theinstabilityappearsjustafterthepre–main- Althoughnon-linearanalysisisactuallynecessarytoin- sequence contraction stops and the nuclear energy genera- vestigate the pulsational mass loss, we estimated the mass- tion becomes large enough to maintain the energy equilib- lossrateinthesamemethodasBaraffe et al.Themassloss rium, while it disappears in the middle part of the core hy- rate was evaluated for each unstable model and integrated drogen burning stage as the density contrast between the withtime.Inthisstudy,theequilibriummodelsevolvewith- innerandouterpartsofthestarsbecomeslarger.Theother outmasslossalthoughtheirmassshouldbeactuallyreduced radialandnon-radialmodesneverbecomeunstablesincethe by following themass loss rate at each evolutionary stage. amplitude in the envelope is much larger than in the core. Theresultsareshownintable3.∆M denotesthetotal Unfortunately, the result contains uncertainty due to the mass lost during the unstable stage. The one for 500M⊙ is large convectivecore.Improvementinourknowledgeabout roughly consistent with the result of Baraffe et al., 25M⊙. the convection-pulsation interaction is required to obtain a Besides,intheirresult,theratioofthemass-lossamountto definiteconclusion on thestability analysis. thetotalstellarmassincreasesfrom120to500M⊙.Extrap- To measure the significance of the instability, we esti- olating from theirresult, significant mass loss was expected mated the amount of mass loss due to the instability by to occur for stars with > 500M⊙. Such a tendency is also adopting the Baraffe et al. (2001) method, although non- foundinourresult;4percentfor500M⊙,while7.7percent linear analysis was actually necessary. We found that the for 3000M⊙. Such mass loss would to some extent cause amount is less than 10 per cent of the whole stellar mass. differencefrom theevolution withoutthemassloss, but,by Thus, we concludethat mass loss dueto thisinstability, by itself,mightnothavesignificantinfluenceonthequalitative itself, is not significant for the later evolution. However, we later scenario of thestars. note that Marigo et al. (2003) suggested that the radiative The very massive stars have significantly large convec- mass loss is supposed to siginificantly affect the evolution tive cores. If the mass loss is so strong that the stellar sur- of the population III very massive stars with > 750M⊙. facewouldbecomeclosetothetopoftheconvectivecore,the Ekstr¨om et al.(2008)showedthatrotationalmodelsofpop- CNO-elementsproducedbythetriplealphareactionandthe ulation III stars favourthesurface enrichment of theheavy CNO cycle will reach the surface by the convective mixing. elements due to rotational mixing processes, which might Thiscouldcausetheradiativemasslosstobecomeefficient. trigger stronger radiative mass loss. Then, the effect of the (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–5 Instability of Pop III Very Massive Stars 5 vibrational instability should be combined with the above effects for more exact investigation of the evolution. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to the anonymous referee for his/her useful comments for improving thisLetter. The au- thors are also grateful to K. Omukai for his helpful ad- vicesforstartingthisstudy.Thisresearchhasbeenfinanced by Global COE Program “the Physical Sciences Frontier”, MEXT, Japan. REFERENCES Abel, T., Bryan, G. L., & Norman, M. L. 2002, Sci, 295, 93 Appenzeller, I. 1970a, A&A,5, 355 Appenzeller, I. 1970b, A&A,9, 216 Bahena, D. & Klapp, J. 2010, Ap&SS,327, 219 Baraffe,I.,Heger,A.,&Woosley,S.E.2001,ApJ,550,890 Bromm, V.,Coppi, P.S.,&Larson, R.B.1999, ApJ,527, L5 Ekstr¨om, S., Meynet, G., Chiappini, C., Hirschi, R., & Maeder, A. 2008, A&A,489, 685 Feng, H. & Soria, R.2011, New Astron.Rev., 55, 166 Heger,A.,Fryer,C.L.,Woosley,S.E.,Langer,N.&Hart- mann,D. H.2003, ApJ, 591, 288 Klapp, J. 1983, Ap&SS,93, 313 Klapp, J. 1984, Ap&SS,106, 215 Ledoux, P.1941, ApJ, 94, 537 Maeder, A. 1985, A& A, 147, 300 Marigo, P., Girardi, L., Chiosi, C., & Wood, P. R. 2001, A&A,371, 152 Marigo, P.,Chiosi, C.&Kudritzki,R.P.2003, A&A,399, 617 Ohkubo, T., Umeda, H., Maeda, K., Nomoto, K., Suzuki, T., Tsuruta, S.& Rees, M. 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