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Preview Very Metal-poor Stars in the Outer Galactic Bulge Found by the Apogee Survey

Draftversion December 11,2013 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 VERY METAL-POOR STARS IN THE OUTER GALACTIC BULGE FOUND BY THE APOGEE SURVEY Ana E. Garc´ıa P´erez1, Katia Cunha2,3, Matthew Shetrone4, Steven R. Majewski1, Jennifer A. Johnson5, Verne V. Smith6, Ricardo P. Schiavon7, Jon Holtzman8, David Nidever9, Gail Zasowski5, Carlos Allende Prieto10,11, Timothy C. Beers6,12, Dmitry Bizyaev13, Garrett Ebelke13, Daniel J. Eisenstein14, Peter M. Frinchaboy15, L´eo Girardi16,17, Fred R. Hearty1, Elena Malanushenko13, Viktor Malanushenko13, Szabolcs Meszaros11, Robert W. O’Connell1, Daniel Oravetz13, Kaike Pan13, Annie C. Robin18, Donald P. Schneider19, Mathias Schultheis18, Michael F. Skrutskie1, Audrey Simmonsand13, and John C. Wilson1 3 Draft version December11, 2013 1 0 ABSTRACT 2 Despiteitsimportanceforunderstandingthenatureofearlystellargenerationsandforconstraining n Galactic bulge formation models, at present little is known about the metal-poor stellar content of a the central Milky Way. This is a consequence of the great distances involved and intervening dust J obscuration, which challenge optical studies. However, the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evo- 7 lution Experiment (APOGEE), a wide-area, multifiber, high-resolution spectroscopic survey within Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III), is exploring the chemistry of all Galactic stellar populations ] at infrared wavelengths, with particular emphasis on the disk and the bulge. An automated spectral R analysis of data on 2,403 giant stars in twelve fields in the bulge obtained during APOGEE commis- S sioningyielded five starswith low metallicity ([Fe/H]≤−1.7),including two thatare verymetal-poor . [Fe/H]∼−2.1 by bulge standards. h Luminosity-based distance estimates place the five stars within the outer bulge, where other 1,246 p of the analyzed stars may reside. A manual reanalysis of the spectra verifies the low metallicities, - o and finds these stars to be enhanced in the α-elements O, Mg, and Si without significant α-pattern r differences with other local halo or metal-weak thick-disk stars of similar metallicity, or even with t s other more metal-rich bulge stars. While neither the kinematics nor chemistry of these stars can yet a definitivelydeterminewhich,ifany,aretrulybulgemembers,ratherthandenizensofotherpopulations [ co-located with the bulge, the newly-identified stars reveal that the chemistry of metal-poor stars in 1 the central Galaxy resembles that of metal-weak thick-disk stars at similar metallicity. v Subject headings: stars: abundances — stars: atmospheres — Galaxy: center — Galaxy: structure 7 6 3 1 1Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia, Char- . lottesville,VA22904-4325, USA 1 2Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 0 85721, USA 3 3Observato´rioNacional,S˜aoCrist´ova˜o,RiodeJaneiro,Brazil 1 4UniversityofTexas atAustin,McDonaldObservatory, Fort Davis,TX79734,USA v: 5Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State University, i Columbus,OH43210, USA X 6National Optical Astronomy Observatories, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA r 7GeminiObservatory,670N.A’OhokuPlace,Hilo,HI96720, a USA 8NewMexicoStateUniversity,LasCruces,NM88003, USA 9DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofMichigan,AnnAr- bor,MI48109, USA 10Departamento de Astrof´ısica, Universidad de La Laguna, 38206LaLaguna, Tenerife,Spain 11Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Canarias, E38205 La Laguna, Tenerife,Spain 12Department of Physics & Astronomy and JINA, Joint In- stitute for Nuclear Astrophysics, Michigan State University, E. Lansing,MI48824,USA 13ApachePointObservatory,POBox59,Sunspot,NM88349- 0059, USA 14Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge,MA02138, USA 15Texas ChristianUniversity,FortWorth,TX76129,USA 16Laborat´orio Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia - LIneA, Rua Gal. Jos´e Cristino 77, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - 20921-400, Brazil sit´edeFranche-Comt´e,41bisavenuedelObservatoire,25000Be- 17Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, INAF, Vicolo sanc¸on,France dell’Osservatorio5,I-35122Padova,Italy 19DepartmentofAstronomyandAstrophysics,ThePennsyl- 18Institut Utinam, CNRS UMR6213, OSU THETA, Univer- vaniaState University,UniversityPark,PA16802 2 Very Metal-Poor Stars in the Outer Galactic bulge 1. INTRODUCTION to be α-enhanced (a signature of rapid formation) was limited to [Fe/H]≥−1.08. Similar results were obtained Thechemicalcompositionsoftheoldeststarsholdfun- from high-resolution, near-infraredspectroscopy of four- damentalclues about the earlyhistory of galaxies. Even teen bulge giants with [Fe/H]∼−0.33 by Rich & Origlia ifnotruePopulationIIIstarspresentlyexistintheMilky (2005),andsevenmorewith[Fe/H]≥−1.05byCunha& Way, their nature can be constrained from observations Smith (2006). Subsequent high-resolutionoptical analy- of the elemental abundance patterns of the most metal- ses(e.g.,dozensofstarsbyFulbrightetal.2007,Zoccali poor existing Galactic stars (e.g., Beers & Christlieb et al. 2006, and Lecureur et al. 2007) — still probing 2005; Ekstr¨om et al. 2008). Theoretical predictions sug- only [Fe/H]≥ −1.30 — revealed a bulge that is more gest that the oldest, most metal-poor stars in the Milky α-enhanced than the local thick disk. Starbursts were Way (MW) are to be found in the bulge (e.g., White & invokedtoexplainthesehigherα-elementlevelswithina Springel 2000;Tumlinson 2010). However,these ancient classicalformationscenario. However,morerecentstud- relics are extremely difficult to identify because of the iescomparingbulgewithinnerdisk(Bensbyetal.2010), combinationofveryhighextinction,foregroundcontam- or thick-disk stars (and with more homogeneous analy- ination, and the fact that the most metal-poor stars are ses — Mel´endez et al. 2008; Ryde et al. 2010; Alves- butasmallfractionofalargepopulationofstarslocated Brito et al. 2010;Gonzalez et al. 2011)did find common in the inner Galaxy. As a result, our view of the early abundancepatterns,whichsupportsbulgeformationsce- stages of Galactic formation and chemical evolution has narios invoking either secular evolution or radial stellar beenskewedbystudiesofmoreeasilyaccessibleGalactic migrations associated with spiral arms and/or the bar halo samples, at large Galactocentric distances. (Scho¨nrich& Binney 2009,but cf. Minchev et al. 2012). To date, the origin of the Galactic bulge is still un- A striking aspect of all previous spectroscopic sur- certain. The boxy X-shape (e.g., McWilliam & Zoccali veys of the bulge is that despite sample sizes approach- 2010)and high metallicity (e.g., Rich 1988) of the bulge ing a thousand stars, until only very recently the most suggests secular formation associated with the disk and metal-poor star identified had [Fe/H]= −1.69 (Zoccali bar — i.e., a pseudo-bulge (e.g., Immeli et al. 2004; Ko- et al. 2008), with only four stars having [Fe/H]< −1.5 rmendy & Kennicutt 2004). On the other hand, the known. Clearly, any hope of probing the extremely mi- metallicity gradient of the bulge seen by Zoccali et al. nor, but exceedingly interesting, metal-poor content of (2008) and its old age (∼10 Gyr, Clarkson et al. 2008) the central Galaxy requires much larger samples — a are more consistent with a classical bulge (e.g., Rahimi challenging prospect, given the significant distance and et al. 2010; Bournaud et al. 2011). However, the above foreground dust obscuration. The situation is changing criteria are clearly not definitive model discriminators, rapidly, the large ARGOS survey at medium-resolution given that: Kunder et al. (2012) also discuss metallicity recently reported [Fe/H] and averaged [α/Fe] for stars gradientsinasecularscenario,thehighmetallicityinthe in the inner Galaxy down to [Fe/H]=−2.60 (Ness et al. classical scenario could be explained by early starbursts 2012). Here we report the discovery of five additional (McWilliam & Rich 1994), and old age could be under- stars with [Fe/H]. −1.5 in the central Galaxy found stood in a secular scenario if disk instabilities occurred within a sample of ∼2,403 stars observed in bulge fields atearlytimes. Moreover,recentstudiesbyBabusiauxet bytheApachePointObservatoryGalacticEvolutionEx- al. (2010) and Hill et al. (2011) suggest that the central periment (APOGEE; Majewski et al. 2010), part of the MW may include the superposition of a classical bulge SloanDigital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III; Eisenstein et al. and a pseudo-bulge. 2011), commissioning. APOGEE uses a high resolution, To discriminate between these formation scenarios, a H-band spectrograph with 300 optical fibers mated to comprehensive chemical analysis of the central MW is the large field-of-view, Sloan 2.5-m telescope (Gunn et needed, to characterize the metal-poor end of its metal- al. 2006). We also present detailed abundance ratios for licitydistributionfunction(MDF)andassessabundance these stars and find that they are similar to metal-poor patternsofbulgepopulationsatallmetallicities. Thera- tiobetweenα-elementandironabundances([α/Fe]20)of stars in other parts of the Galaxy. a stellar population is sensitive to the initial mass func- 2. OBSERVATIONSANDABUNDANCEANALYSIS tion of its parental population, whereas the position of APOGEE commissioning observations were taken in the “knee” of the metallicity-[α/Fe] relation is sensitive May-July 2011 for ∼4,700 K/M giant stars in 18 fields to the early star formation rate (e.g., McWilliam 1997). spanning −1◦< l < 20◦, |b| < 20◦, and δ > −32◦ (see Thespreadin[α/Fe]atgiven[Fe/H]dependsonwhether Nideveretal.2012,Fig.1). Starswereselectedfromthe the metal-poor bulge stars were accreted or produced 2MASS Point Source Catalog (Skrutskie et al. 2006) by in situ, and by which mechanisms (Immeli et al. 2004; color ([J −K ] ≥ 0.5) and magnitude (H≤11.0) (see Rahimi et al. 2010). Moreover, in the secular instabil- s 0 Zasowski et al. 2013). The observed spectra were of ity scenario, the bulge [α/Fe] pattern should resemble high quality (R = 22,500, S/N > 150 per pixel, at thatoftheinnerdisk. Unfortunately,thisdiscriminatory near Nyquist sampling), although misplacement of the powerof chemicalabundances has barely been exploited red detector led to degraded resolution (R ∼14,500) because most spectroscopic studies have been restricted for 1.65 < λ < 1.70µm. The raw datacubes were re- to high metallicity bulge stars. For example, the pio- duced to calibrated, 1-D spectra and stellar radial ve- neeringmedium-resolutionopticalstudy oftwelvegiants locities (RVs) were derived using the APOGEE reduc- by McWilliam & Rich (1994) that discovered the bulge tion pipeline (Nidever et al. 2012). Effective temper- 20 [X/Fe]=A(X) − A(X)⊙ − (A(Fe) − A(Fe)⊙), A(X) = atures (Teff), surface gravities (logg), and [Fe/H] from log(NX/NH)+12, where NX represents the number density of an early version of the APOGEE Stellar Parameter and nucleiofelementX. Chemical Abundances Pipeline (ASPCAP, Garc´ıaP´erez Garc´ıa P´erez et al. 3 TABLE 1 DerivedStellar Parameters andAbundancesforthe Metal-Poor BulgeCandidates. 2MASSStarID= 17062946-2325097 17083699-2257328 17324728-1735240 18013387-1907266 18155672-2133077 l[◦] 359.727099 0.396365 8.108990 10.301410 9.811497 b[◦] 10.358167 10.228863 8.491406 1.842886 −2.282258 α2000 [hms] 170629.46 170836.99 173247.28 180133.87 181556.72 δ2000 [hms] −232509.7 −225732.8 −173524.0 −190726.6 −213307.7 H [mag] 9.38 9.794 9.686 9.665 8.828 AKs [mag] 0.319 0.293 0.247 0.607 0.275 Vhelio [kms−1 ] −39.49 328.49 21.03 142.17 −49.79 d[kpc] 9.43 8.37 9.64 7.40 5.71 S/N 403 326 230 159 251 Teff [K] 3900(±150) 4300(±150) 4200(±150) 4000(±150) 4100(±150) logg [cgs] 0.36(±0.50) 0.70(±0.50) 0.55(±0.50) 0.52(±0.50) 0.63(±0.50) [Fe/H] −1.47(±0.20) −2.10(±0.20) −2.05(±0.20) −1.54(±0.20) −1.66(±0.20) ξt [kms−1 ] 3.0(±0.5) 2.5(±0.5) 2.5(±0.5) 2.5(±0.5) 2.5(±0.5) A(Fe) 5.98(±0.12) 5.35(±0.12) 5.40(±0.12) 5.91(±0.12) 5.79(±0.12) A(O) 7.72(±0.38) 7.04(±0.38) 7.13(±0.38) 7.75(±0.38) 7.42(±0.38) A(Mg) 6.23(±0.15) 5.76(±0.15) 5.71(±0.15) 6.30(±0.15) 6.12(±0.15) A(Si) 6.15(±0.10) 5.58(±0.10) 5.57(±0.10) 6.36(±0.10) 6.18(±0.10) [O/Fe] +0.53(+0.28) +0.48(+0.28) +0.52(+0.28) +0.63(+0.28) +0.42(+0.28) −0.26 −0.26 −0.26 −0.26 −0.26 [Mg/Fe] +0.17(+0.09) +0.33(+0.09) +0.23(+0.09) +0.31(+0.09) +0.25(+0.09) −0.07 −0.07 −0.07 −0.07 −0.07 [Si/Fe] +0.11(+0.05) +0.17(+0.05) +0.11(+0.05) +0.39(+0.05) +0.33(+0.05) −0.08 −0.08 −0.08 −0.08 −0.08 etal.2013,inprep.) wereusedtoselectcandidatemetal- 1.0 17083699−2257328 pfinroogomr[Fsteht/aeHrsG]AianSlaP1cC2tAicbPucle≤gnet−ecro1.m.7Sm,ixibssustitaornosinnwegewrfieealssdeslreewcjteietcdhteinads1fh0rao.5vm◦- Relative flux000...468 111788301215435736287872−−−112791303573220467067 further consideration for showing peculiar line profiles 17062946−2325097 0.2 (potentially a spectroscopic binary). Specific sections of 1.5622 1.5624 1.5626 1.5628 1.5630 the APOGEE spectra of the five metal-poor stars (Ta- Wavelength [µm] ble 1) were then re-analyzed interactively via a classical 1.0 0.8 a1sylD.n-1tLh9T9es7Ei)s,scpuoesmecdtpruummtaedrscyfonsrthmtehoseidsienladpaipvtrmidoouascaphlhs(etsereelelsarF(Aipgas.pr1alu)m.nedTteherets Relative flux 0000....0246 and chemical compositions listed in Table 1. Equipped −0.2 −0.4 withthemodelatmospheres,stellarspectraweresynthe- 1.5506 1.5508 1.5510 1.5512 1.5514 sized using the Uppsala code bsyn and a line list (ver- Wavelength [µm] Fig.1.— Observed (circles) and synthetic (solid line) spectra sion 201202161204) compiled specifically for APOGEE of the Fe i 1.56259 µm (top panel) and OH lines at ∼1.5510 µm (Shetrone et al. 2013, in prep.). Both the instrumental (bottom panel)forthefivemetal-poorstarsinourstudy. Spectra and macroturbulence profiles were described by Gaus- were offset vertically by multiples of 0.15 (Fe) and 0.25 (OH) for clarity. Thesynthesisforthebest-fittingabundanceand±0.2dex sians whose widths were adjusted to the variable instru- fromthatarealsoshown. mental resolution (λ/∆λ = 12,000–22,000). Following Mel´endezetal.(2008),severaliterationswereperformed [α/Fe]=+0.6 (consistent with our final derived values). toensureconsistencybetweenthederivedchemicalcom- The adopted values of T and logg for the stars are positions andthose ofthe model atmospheresemployed. eff giveninTable1,andwerecheckedusingthetemperature Initial estimates of the atmospheric parameters were and gravity-sensitive profiles of H i lines at 1.61137 µm basedontheobservedspectra,incombinationwiththeo- and1.68111µm, withtheoreticalline absorptionprofiles reticalisochrones. TodetermineTeff,theratio(ROH−Mg) from Ali & Griem (1966). of the sum of OH line strengths (at 1.57589 µm and Stellar metallicity estimates ([Fe/H]) are based on 1.57608µm)tothatofanearbyMgiline(at1.57533µm) mean values of iron abundance derived from a sample was measured.21 ROH−Mg is quite sensitive to Teff, due of four to thirteen measured Fe i lines, and assuming a to the strong temperature dependence of OH for T & eff solar abundance value of A(Fe)⊙=7.45 (Asplund et al. 4500 K, with only a small dependence on logg. We cal- 2005). For the other elements, values of A(O)⊙=8.66, ibrated ROH−Mg versus Teff using data for the field red A(Mg)⊙=7.58, and A(Si)⊙=7.55 (Asplund et al. 2005) giantsαBoo, µLeo, β And, andδ Oph,andgiantsfrom were assumed. The lines were selected from the ASP- the globular clusters M3, M13, and M71. Though span- CAP line list amongthose with minimum blending from ning a large range in metallicity, age, and mass, these molecular lines in the atmospheric parameter range ex- particular stars define an ROH−Mg-Teff relation with an plored in this study. Sample spectra and synthesis for intrinsic scatter of only ∼±100–120K. the Fe i 1.56259 µm line are shown in Figure 1. Surface gravities were derived from isochrones (Dot- Microturbulent velocities (ξt) were derived by forcing ter et al. 2008) with an assumed age of 10 Gyr and consistencybetweentheabundancesobtainedfromweak and strong Mg and Si lines. The lines used were the fol- 21 Citedwavelengths refertovacuum measurements. lowing: Mgi1.57450,1.57533,1.57700,and1.59588µm, 4 Very Metal-Poor Stars in the Outer Galactic bulge TABLE2 4400 (l,b)=(0.0,10.0) 2M17083699−2257328 (8.5,8.5) 2M17324728−1735240 AbundanceSensitivitytoStellarParameterUncertainties. 2M17062946−2325097 3300 A(Fe) A(O) A(Mg) A(Si) ∆Teff(+150K) 0.090 0.276 0.090 0.072 NN2200 (−150K) −0.084 −0.258 −0.090 −0.042 ∆logg (0.5)[cgs] −0.008 −0.110 −0.060 0.000 1100 (−0.5)[cgs] 0.032 0.140 0.050 0.015 ∆ξt (0.5kms−1 ) −0.008 −0.006 −0.080 −0.050 440000 (10.0,2.0) 2M18013387−1907266 (10.0,−2.0) 2M18155672−2133077 (−0.5kms−1 ) 0.016 0.006 0.080 0.070 ∆[Fe/H](0.2dex) 0.003 0.120 −0.007 0.006 3300 (−0.2dex) 0.007 −0.100 0.005 0.000 NN 2200 1100 and Si i 1.59644,1.60992,1.66853,and 1.66853µm. We obtain ξt =2.5 km s−1 for all stars (except one with 3.0 00 −−220000 00 220000 −−220000 00 220000 km s−1). VVHHEELLIIOO ((kkmm ss−−11)) VVHHEELLIIOO ((kkmm ss−−11)) Fig. 2.— Heliocentric RV distributions for stars inthe four ob- The oxygen abundances were obtained from the anal- servedbulgefields,withthevelocities ofthefivemetal-poor stars ysis of 10 to 17 OH lines covering λλ = 1.5395– indicated. 1.6376 µm. The mean abundance values are listed in bulgestarsispresentlyunconstrainedbecauseitishighly Table 1, and the observed and synthetic spectra of OH dependent on uncertain extrapolations of the halo den- lines at ∼1.5510 µm are shown in Fig. 1 for all stars. sity law to small Galactocentric radii, as well as on the Because there may be some interdependence of O and unknown shape of the bulge MDF. Moreover, RVs pro- C abundances through CO formation, our determina- vide little additional discrimination between bulge and tions requirea priori knowledgeof C abundances,which overlappinghalopopulationsbecauseofthesimilar(near were estimated from very weak CO bands, and the non- zero) mean velocity and comparably large velocity dis- detection of the C i atomic line at 1.68950µm in any of persions of the two populations. The measured RVs are the stars. generallycompatible with thoseof moremetal-richbulge Internal errors in the abundances were derived from stars dominating the samples in these fields (Fig. 2), al- theabundancesensitivitytostellarparameters(Table2) thoughthestar2M17083699-2257328hasanextremeve- using the star 2M17083699-2257328 as a baseline and locity (V = 328.5 km s−1 ) compared to bulge stars hel adoptingthe valueslistedinTable2asouruncertainties in the same field (< Vhel >= −18.1 km s−1 , σv = in the other parameters. For all elements, and oxygen 53.4 km s−1 ) and may therefore less likely be a bulge inparticular,abundanceuncertaintiesaremostsensitive starondynamicalgrounds. We conclude that, while our to errors in T . Overall, the abundances show mod- eff metal-poor stars are spatially coincident with the bulge- erate sensitivity to errors in logg (typically ∆ A(X) < dominated,centralGalaxy,wecannotdefinitivelyascribe 0.1 dex), and are similarly or less sensitive to uncertain- population membership to them by position or velocity. ties in microturbulence and [Fe/H]. Final uncertainties were computed by adding the errors in quadrature and 4. THEIRONANDα-ELEMENTCONTENTOFTHE are 0.12, 0.38, 0.15, and 0.10 dex for Fe, O, Mg, and Si, METAL-POORSTARS respectively. Even if as many as four of the five stars in this study are truly bulge members, they would represent a mere 3. POPULATIONMEMBERSHIP 0.17% of the 2,403 candidate red-giant stars targeted The stars in Table 1 have (l, b) typical of the outer in the twelve bulge fields. Careful, detailed, analysis of bulge, as do ∼ 1246 other automatically-analyzed stars the data confirmed their low metallicities, with three at inoursample,but itis unclear whetherthe starsinthat [Fe/H]∼ −1.6, and two at [Fe/H]∼ −2.1. The metallic- table areactuallyin, andbelongto, the bulge. To gauge ities derived here are robust ([Fe/H] errors ±0.11 dex), distances, luminosities were estimated from the adopted and comparable to, or lower than, the median metallic- logg andderivedTeff,assumingM=0.8M⊙,asexpected ities of either local halo or metal-weak thick-disk stars, for oldgiants. To determine MH,bolometric corrections but certainly much more metal poor than the typical wereestimatedfromT usingacalibrationderivedfrom bulge star. Whether they are bulge, halo, or even thick- eff stellar isochrones in Girardi et al. (2000). Extinctions diskmembers,thesestarsareamongthemostmetalpoor were estimated by combining near- andmid-IR photom- ever found in the central parts of the Galaxy. etry (Majewski et al. 2011) and the Indebetouw et al. Ourabundanceestimatessuggestthatallfivestarsare (2005) extinction law. The derived distances (Table 1) α-enhanced, with mean abundance ratios and standard have relatively large uncertainties, given the uncertain- deviations [O/Fe]=+0.52±0.08, [Mg/Fe]=+0.26±0.06, ties in T , gravities, assumed masses, and extinctions. and [Si/Fe] =+0.22±0.13. Figure 3 contains these de- eff Nevertheless, the distances — projected on the Galac- rived [X/Fe] (along with literature values — rescaled to tic plane at d/cos(b)=5.71–9.59 kpc — place these stars our assumed solar abundances — for bulge, disk, and marginally or completely within the nominal bulge, as- halo stars), and shows Si to have the most scatter (with suming the latter has a ∼2–3 kpc radius and ∼8 kpc perhaps a hint of two [Si/Fe] subgroups), but oxygen to distance. However, both the Besanc¸on (Robin et al. be most enhanced. A rangeof solaroxygenvalues exists 2012)andTrilegal(Vanhollebekeetal.2009)MWmodels intheliterature(fromdifferentindicatorsand/ormodel- predict that APOGEE target selection in these “bulge” ing); a different choicewould haveled to smaller oreven fieldsshouldalsoyieldasmallnumberofmetal-poorhalo larger enhancements. The A(O) are also the most un- stars — thoughthe expected ratioof metal-poor halo to certain because of the great sensitivity of molecular line Garc´ıa P´erez et al. 5 1.0 weak thick-disk points for comparison to our oxygen re- sults,themetallicitiesandα-elementabundancepatterns O/Fe] 0.5 FFuullbbrriigghhtt e&t aJlo.h 2n0s0o0n 2003 of our low-metallicity stars are comparable to what is [ 0.0 MAlevleesn dBerzit oet e atl a. l2. 0200810 found in the metal-weak thick disk. This makes a some- Gonzalez et al. 2011 −10..05 Rutchi et al. 2011 whatstrongercaseforapossibleconnectionbetweenthe bulge and thick disk, as suggested previously, and lends [Mg/Fe] 00..05 flautretdhebrostuhppthoertGtoaltahceticnobtuiolgnetahnadtmthigicrkatdinisgks(tSacrhso¨pnorpicuh- −10..05 & Binney 2009). The results in Table 1 indicate that these stars, as a [Si/Fe] 00..05 BHThuaillcogke disk gthroousep,ofdhoanlootsthaarsv,ebuuntumsuaaylc[oOn/tFaein] vsoamlueesmceommbpearrsedthtaot −0.5 Thin disk have lower[Si/Fe] and slightly lower[Mg/Fe] values. In- −2.5 −2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 [Fe/H] deed, three of the stars have low values of [Si/Fe] com- Fig.3.—Comparisonofourα-elementmeasurementsoftheTa- ble1 stars (filled circles)withthose fromthe literature for bulge, pared to most halo stars of similar metallicity, with one disk,andhalostars. being2M17083699-2257328,whichhasthemostextreme RV and thus might be expected to be the most likely formationtoatmosphericstructureand,therefore,tothe halo member. The two remaining stars cannot be chem- modeling employed in the spectral synthesis and to the ically distinguished from local halo stars. It should be adopted stellar parameters (especially T ). For abun- eff notedthatNissen&Schuster(2010)identifiedapopula- dance ratios, partofthe sensitivityto stellarparameters tion of α-poor halo stars. More data on the metal-poor iscancelledout,sothatthe [O/Fe],[Mg/Fe],and[Si/Fe] populations ofthe inner Galaxymay help to disentangle internal errors shown in Figure 3 are reduced to +−00..2286, possible metal-poor bulge stars from halo stars. +0.09 and +0.05 dex, respectively. −0.07 −0.08 With the exception of silicon, the α-enhancement 5. CONCLUSIONS abundances of our sample stars are not much differ- We have found five giant stars within the commis- entfromthoseofother,previouslyreported“metal-poor sioning data of the SDSS-III’s APOGEE project that bulge stars” shown in Figure 3, although the latter are have sky positions and Galactic plane-projected dis- almost entirely at higher metallicity and exhibit signifi- tances (d/cos(b)=5.71–9.59 kpc) expected for the bulge, cantscatter. ThreeofourstarsexhibitlowerSienhance- but that exhibit distinctly low iron content (−2.10 ≤ ments, but comparable to those seen in the only avail- [Fe/H]≤−1.47). We present abundance ratios for these able literature datapoint for [Fe/H]< −1.5 (Gonzalez et stars,significantly augmenting the sample of metal-poor al. 2011). However,the latter star also apparently has a bulge stars with detailed chemical information and in- peculiar,smallerMgenhancement,afeaturesharedwith cludingtwostarsmuchmoremetal-poor([Fe/H]∼−2.1) none of our stars. Data for more metal-poor stars in the than the previous bulge star with this information (a Galactic bulge are needed to confirm whether these par- micro-lensed dwarf with [Fe/H]= −1.89, Bensby et al. ticular enhancement variations are a distinctive feature 2012), which was excluded from our comparison of only of low-metallicity stars in the bulge. giants. Assuming our sample stars are true bulge members, it There is no strong evidence that our stars are signif- is interesting to compare their abundances with those icantly chemically different from other more metal-rich of thick-disk stars. Fulbright et al. (2007) and Zoc- bulge stars — or even different from other stars in the cali et al. (2006), deriving large α-enhancements for the haloormetal-poorthickdisk,althoughsomestarsinour bulge compared to published thick-disk abundances, ar- sampledoexhibitsomewhatlowerSienhancementsthan gueforahigherstarformationrateforthebulge,whereas typically seen in other Galactic stars at these metallic- the studies by Mel´endez et al. (2008), Alves-Brito et al. ities. Unfortunately the presently available kinematics (2010),andGonzalez etal.(2011)(which analyzedstars and chemistry are not sufficient to determine with cer- from both populations homogeneously) claim no signif- taintyhowmanyofthestarsmaybetruebulgemembers. icant α-enhancement differences (§1). We can now ex- Nevertheless, this initial APOGEE sample significantly tend these comparisons to lower metallicities using the contributes to the task of compiling a more throrough disk data from Fulbright (2000), Fulbright & Johnson census of the metal-poor stellar content of the central (2003)22, and Ruchti et al. (2011). Bear in mind that MW, and portends the promising results to be expected such a comparison, especially for oxygen (see Garc´ıa from the ongoing APOGEE exploration of the Galactic P´erez et al. 2006), should be viewed with caution be- bulge. cause of potential systematic errors in the analyses: dif- ferent abundance and stellar parameter scales, different stellar evolutionary stages, different abundance indica- We acknowledge funding from NSF grants AST11- tors, and different locations in the Galaxy. With these 09718 and AST-907873. Funding for SDSS-III has been caveats, we find the abundances of our stars to be com- provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Par- parable to those of the metal-weak thick-disk stars in ticipatingInstitutions, the NationalScience Foundation, Figure 3. While (1) some of our Si abundances may be and the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. marginally too low, and (2) there are not many metal- The SDSS-III website is http://www.sdss3.org/. SDSS- III is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consor- 22 Oxygenabundances basedonlyontheforbidden[Oi]lineat tium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS- 630nmwereusedfromthissource. III Collaboration including the University of Arizona, 6 Very Metal-Poor Stars in the Outer Galactic bulge the BrazilianParticipationGroup,BrookhavenNational Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, New Mex- Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Carnegie Mellon ico State University, New York University, Ohio State University, University of Florida, the French Participa- University, Pennsylvania State University, University of tion Group, the German Participation Group, Harvard Portsmouth, Princeton University, the Spanish Partici- University, the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, the pation Group, University of Tokyo, University of Utah, MichiganState/NotreDame/JINAParticipationGroup, Vanderbilt University, University of Virginia, University Johns Hopkins University, Lawrence Berkeley National of Washington, and Yale University. 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