DraftversionJanuary9,2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 VERYLARGEARRAYOBSERVATIONSOFAMMONIAININFRARED-DARKCLOUDSII:INTERNALKINEMATICS SarahE. Ragan1,2,FabianHeitsch3,EdwinA.Bergin2,&DavidWilner4 1MaxPlanckInstituteforAstronomy,Ko¨nigstuhl17,69117Heidelberg,Germany email:[email protected] 2DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofMichigan,830DennisonBuilding,500ChurchStreet,AnnArbor,MI,48109USA 3DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofNorthCarolina-ChapelHill,CB3255PhillipsHall,ChapelHill,NC,27599USA 4SmithsonianCenterforAstrophysics,MailStop42,60Gardenstreet,Cambridge,MA,02138USA DraftversionJanuary9,2012 2 1 ABSTRACT 0 Infrared-darkclouds(IRDCs)arebelievedtobethebirthplacesofrichclustersandthuscontaintheearliest 2 phasesofhigh-massstar formation. We use the GreenBank Telescope(GBT) andVeryLargeArray(VLA) n mapsofammonia(NH )insixIRDCstomeasuretheircolumndensityandtemperaturestructure(Paper1),and 3 a here,weinvestigatethekinematicstructureandenergycontent. WefindthatIRDCsoveralldisplayorganized J velocityfields,withonlylocalizeddisruptionsduetoembeddedstarformation. ThelocaleffectsseeninNH 3 6 emissionarenothighvelocityoutflowsbutrathermoderate(fewkms−1)increasesinthelinewidththatexhibit maximanearorcoincidentwiththemid-infraredemissiontracingprotostars. Theselinewidthenhancements ] could be the result of infall or (hidden in NH emission) outflow. Not only is the kinetic energy content A 3 insufficienttosupporttheIRDCsagainstcollapse,butalsothespatialenergydistributionisinconsistentwitha G scenarioofturbulentcloudsupport. WeconcludethatthevelocitysignaturesoftheIRDCsinoursampleare duetoactivecollapseandfragmentation,insomecasesaugmentedbylocalfeedbackfromstars. . h Subjectheadings:techniques:interferometric,spectroscopic, stars: formation, ISM: clouds, ISM: kinematics p anddynamics,radiolines:ISM,Galaxy:structure - o r t 1. INTRODUCTION disentangle the problem along the line of sight. Ammonia s a Starformationhasbeenthefocusofobservationalandtheo- (NH3) has been a particularly useful probe in molecular [ clouds (Ho&Townes 1983), as it not only provides kine- reticalstudiesfordecades,butstilltheconditionsunderwhich 1 this process commences are quite uncertain. The identifica- matic information but also serves as a cloud thermometer (Walmsley&Ungerechts 1983; Maretetal. 2009). Am- v tion of objects in different evolutionary stages, such that a monia has been used widely to study local clouds (e.g. 2 sequence can be constructed, is the essential observational Myers&Benson 1983; Laddetal. 1994; Wiseman&Ho 0 ingredient needed to test theoretical scenarios. In the so- 1998;Jijinaetal.1999;Rosolowskyetal.2008;Friesenetal. 4 lar neighborhood, it is possible to resolve the precursors to 2009)andIRDCs(e.g.Pillaietal.2006;Devineetal.2011). 1 stars(ormultiplesystems),knownaspre-stellarcores,butthe These studies focus on the lower metastable states, (J,K) = . counterpart in massive regions has to date been difficult to 1 (1,1) and (2,2), sensitive to the coldest (<20 K) gas without isolate. WiththerecentsurveysbySpitzerinthemid-infrared 0 anyevidenceofdepletion. and advancementof millimeter and radio interferometricar- 2 InRaganetal.(2011,hereafterPaper1),wedetailedVery 1 rays,progressinidentifyingobjectsinvariousearlyphasesof Large Array (VLA) observationsmapping six IRDCs in the : massivestarformationhasbeenrapid. v Infrared-darkclouds(IRDCs), the densest parts of molec- NH3 (J,K) = (1,1) and (2,2). We used the maps to produce i column density and gas temperature profiles. With between X ular cloud complexesembedded within Galactic spiral arms 4 and 8′′ angular resolution, we find that ammonia traces (Jacksonetal. 2008), are believed to host these earliest r the absorbing structure seen at 8 and 24 µm with Spitzer a stages of clustered star formation. Studies in the infrared (Raganetal. 2009), and there is no evidenceof depletionof (e.g. Peraultetal. 1996; Eganetal. 1998; Raganetal. 2009; ammoniainIRDCs.Weestimatedatotalammoniaabundance Butler&Tan 2009; Peretto&Fuller 2009), millimeter con- of 8.1× 10−7 and found that the gas temperature is roughly tinuum (e.g. Rathborneetal. 2006; Vasyuninaetal. 2009), constant, between 8 and 13 K, across the clouds. Here, we andmolecularlines(e.g.Careyetal.1998,2000;Raganetal. further our analysis of these ammonia data, focusing on the 2006; Pillaietal. 2006; Sakaietal. 2008; Du&Yang 2008) velocitystructureof theclouds. Thehighangularresolution haveshownthatIRDCscontainfromtenstothousandsofso- larmassesofdense(N(H )∼1022−23cm−2)materialandhave allowsustoprofilethekinematicsandexaminetheirdynam- therightphysicalconditio2ns(T<15K,n>105cm−3)togive icalstateandstability. rise to rich star clusters, i.e. clusters which can potentially hostmassive(M>10M )stars. 2. DATA&METHODS ⊙ Star formation is dynamical by nature (see WeobtainedobservationsoftheNH (1,1)and(2,2)inver- 3 McKee&Ostriker 2007, for a review of the important sion transitions with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and processes), but observational tests of dynamics are compli- Very Large Array (VLA). The observationsare described in cated by the projection of this three-dimensional process detail in Paper 1. The single-dish and interferometer data onto the two-dimensional plane of the sky. Molecular line werecombinedinMIRIAD(afulldescriptionofthemethod emission – from a number of molecules excited in the cold isfoundinPaper1). Asummaryofthetargetpropertiessen- environments of molecular clouds – is the key tool to help sitivity and resolution of the combined data set is given in 2 Raganetal. TABLE1 Targetsummary IRDC RA DEC Distancea vlsr rmsb beamsize MIRDCc Area Bcrd (J2000) (J2000) (kpc) (km s−1) (mJy) (′′×′′) (103 M⊙) (pc2) (mG) G005.85−0.23 17:59:51.4 -24:01:10 3.14 17.2 2.8 7.7×6.8 5.5 0.55 1.63 G009.28−0.15 18:06:50.8 -21:00:25 4.48 41.4 4.8 8.3×6.4 1.8 1.8 1.43 G009.86−0.04 18:07:35.1 -20:26:09 2.36 18.1 4.3 8.1×6.3 2.6 1.3 0.87 G023.37−0.29 18:34:54.1 -08:38:21 4.70 78.5 2.5 5.7×3.7 10.9 4.4 1.05 G024.05−0.22 18:35:54.4 -07:59:51 4.82 81.4 4.3 8.2×7.0 4.0 1.8 0.99 G034.74−0.12 18:55:09.5 +01:33:14 4.86 79.1 6.8 8.1×7.0 5.5 1.6 1.43 aAssumethekinematicneardistancesfromRaganetal.(2006). bofthecombineddataset. cfromabsorptionat8µm(Raganetal.2009). dCriticalfieldstrength,see§4.3andeq.(8). Table 1. The combined data set has a velocity resolution of summarizes the kinematic properties of the emission peaks. 0.6 km s−1. In Table 1, we also list the estimated mass and Although we list only the velocity properties of the central cloud area based on 8 µm extinction, which was computed componentoftheNH (1,1)line,thevelocitystructuretraced 3 withSpitzerdatainRaganetal.(2009)andthecriticalmag- by the satellite lines closely follows the trends seen in the netic field strength required for support, which will be dis- central line. We also list the main line optical depth of cussedin§4.3. the NH (1,1) transition, τ (1,1), the ratio of thermal to 3 m Ateachposition,theammoniaspectrawerefitwithacus- non-thermal contributions to the pressure (R ), which will p tom gaussian fitting algorithm utilizing the IDL procedure bediscussedinSection4, andnotesaboutthevelocitytrend gaussfit. TheconfigurationweusedfortheVLAbackend in the cloud or particular characteristics of the integrated didnotfittheentireNH (1,1)hyperfinesignature(spanning intensity peak. In this section, we discuss the centroid 3 ∼3.6 MHz) in the bandpass (3.125 MHz). Our line-fitting velocityandlinewidthtrendsin eachIRDC individuallyand routine takes a “first guess” line center velocity of the cen- connect the detected 24 µm point sources to the kinematic tralline(fromRaganetal.2006,seeTable1)whichisoffset signatures. byapproximately7.7kms−1 fromtheneighboringhyperfine componentstoeitherside. Wefiteachofthecomponentsin- For the sake of our modeling, we categorize each IRDC dependently.FortheNH (2,2)lines,asinglegaussianwasfit based on its NH (1,1) emission morphology as either a 3 3 tothe lineindependentlyoftheresultsofthe (1,1)fit. From “sphere” for objects with an aspect ratio, r, close to one or these fits, we extract the peak intensity, line-center velocity, a “filament” for objects with r much greater than one. The andGaussianwidthofthelinesateachposition. axesusedtomakethisdistinctionareindicatedinFigures1– 6,andthemorphologicaltypeislistedinTable3.Forspheres, 3. RESULTS theaspectratioisnogreaterthan1.1,andtheelongatedstruc- Figures1through6showtheNH (1,1)integratedintensity1 tures,or“filaments,”rangefrom1.6to2.9inr. 3 and (2,2) integrated intensity plotted over the 8 and 24 µm G005.85−0.23: This source appears approximately round Spitzer images of the regions (from Raganetal. 2009), re- (r ∼1.1)intheNH3 (1,1)and(2,2)integratedintensitymap. spectively,andmapsofthelinecentervelocity(firstmoment) Thepeakatα(2000) = 17h59m51.4s,δ(2000) = −24◦01′10′′ and line width (second moment) for the central component correspondstothepositionofthepeakin8µmopticaldepth. of the NH (1,1) signature. We also plot the physical scale Thereareno24µmsourcesinthemappedregion. 3 assumingthedistancesinTable1. The smooth gradient in centroid velocity in this IRDC permits us to straightforwardly quantify and distinguish 3.1. Propertiesofindividualsources the large-scale ordered motions and the remaining residual motion on small scales. We show in the central panels of Paper 1 demonstrates that the gas in these IRDCs exhibit Figure 1 a clear velocity gradient oriented 30 degrees east uniform temperatures, changing by only a few Kelvin in a of north. The total gradient in the NH (1,1) emission is givenobject,notsignificantlymorethantheerror.Incontrast, 3 1.2 km s−1 over 35 arcseconds, or 0.5 pc, resulting in a their velocityfields– both the line-centervelocitiesand line velocity gradient of 2.4 km s−1 pc−1. If this linear gradient width measurements – show a connection between the is subtracted, the residual values do no exceed 0.2 km s−1, presence of embedded star formation activity and complex indicating the bulk motion dominates the dynamics of the kinematicsignatures. TheupperpanelsofFigures1–6show cloud. The overall linewidth measured across the cloud is the (zeroth, first, and second, from left to right) moment verylow,between1.3and1.8kms−1,butitincreasessharply mapsderivedfromtheNH (1,1)observationsforeachIRDC 3 at the edges(to ∼3 km s−1) where the centroidvelocityalso in the sample with symbols indicating the locations of the fallsoffquickly. 24 µm point sources and other young stars, and the lower panels show the same for the NH (2,2) emission. Table 2 3 G009.28−0.15: In this “filament” (r ∼1.6), there are three integrated intensity maxima: the central peak (α(2000) = 1 Since ourVLAbandpass included onlythe central 3.125MHzofthe 18h06m49.9s, δ(2000) = −20◦59′57′′, P2 in Table 2), which ∼3.5MHzhyperfinesignature,weobserveonlythecentralthreeofthefive maincomponentsoftheNH3(1,1)hyperfinesignature.Tocomputetheinte- has a 24 µm source associated with it, P3 to the north (off- gratedintensityoftheline,weassumethatthemissingouter-mostlinesare set 25 ′′), and the maximum (P1) to the south (offset 30 ′′). 0.22thestrengthofthemainlinesandthatthelinewidthsofallcomponents P2 is near the linewidth maximum (3.3 km s−1), and is also areequal. VLAobservationsofNH inIRDCsII:Kinematics 3 3 Fig.1.—SpectralmomentsinG005.85−0.23. Topleft: Spitzer/IRAC8µmimagewithNH3(1,1)integratedintensitycontoursoverlaid. Contoursbeginat0.2 Jybeam−1 kms−1andincreasein0.1Jybeam−1 kms−1steps. Bottomleft: Spitzer/MIPS24µmimagewithNH3(2,2)integratedintensitycontoursoverlaid. Contoursbeginat0.02Jybeam−1kms−1andincreasein0.01Jybeam−1kms−1steps.Topcenter:NH3(1,1)centroidvelocitymapinkms−1.Topright:FWHM ofNH3(1,1)centrallineinkms−1. Bottomcenter: NH3(2,2)centroidvelocitymapinkms−1. Bottomright: FWHMofNH3(2,2)lineinkms−1. Theredline representsthemajoraxisandthegreenlinerepresenttheminoraxis.Thestarsymbolrepresentsapointsourcewhichonlyappearsat24µm.TheVLAbeamis shownatthelower-leftcornerofthefirstandsecondmomentpanels. TABLE2 SummaryofNH3(1,1)and(2,2)peakcharacteristics Peak TdvPositionofNH (1,1)transition NH (2,2)line 3 3 R IRDC α δ v ∆v τ (1,1) v ∆v R Notes lsr m lsr p name (J2000) (J2000) (kms−1) (kms−1) (kms−1) (kms−1) G005.85−0.23 17:59:51.4 −24:01:10 17.36±0.02 1.41±0.03 4.9 17.49±0.04 1.37±0.04 0.1 smoothv-grad. G009.28−0.15 P1 18:06:50.8 −21:00:25 40.99±0.02 1.45±0.02 4.0 40.99±0.03 1.53±0.03 0.1 mainpeak P2 18:06:49.9 −20:59:57 41.70±0.07 2.37±0.07 4.0 41.75±0.08 2.14±0.08 0.04 24µmsource P3 18:06:49.8 −20:59:34 41.47±0.03 1.85±0.03 3.6 41.38±0.04 1.67±0.05 0.06 24µmsource G009.86−0.04 18:07:35.1 −20:26:09 17.75±0.04 1.35±0.04 3.3 17.50±0.06 1.64±0.07 0.1 “quiescent”peak,2v-grad. G023.37−0.29 18:34:54.1 −08:38:21 78.81±0.20 3.89±0.22 ··· a 78.16±0.15 3.66±0.19 24µmsource G024.05−0.22 18:35:54.4 −07:59:51 81.65±0.03 1.96±0.03 2.6 81.62±0.05 2.14±0.07 0.05 N-Sv-grad. G034.74−0.12 P1 18:55:09.5 +01:33:14 77.95±0.03 2.46±0.03 6.1 77.72±0.05 2.08±0.05 0.04 24µmsource P2 18:55:11.0 +01:33:02 78.69±0.03 2.09±0.03 2.9 78.58±0.07 2.04±0.07 0.05 24µmsource alinesaturated. red-shiftedincentroidvelocity. P1,whilethestrongestinin- attheeasternedgeofthecloud,wherethelineisblue-shifted tegrated intensity has the lowest linewidths detected in this by 1-1.5 km s−1 with respect to the bulk of the cloud at the object(1.4kms−1),andthereisnoassociated24µmsource. southeast edge in both NH (1,1) and (2,2) emission. The 3 The northern integrated intensity peak is 10 ′′ away from a linewidths are also enhanced at this edge, though no YSOs 24µmpointsource,butthekinematicstructureisnotaltered aredetectedinthisregion. byitspresence. Apart from P2 and P3, the bulk of the cloud resides at a G009.86−0.04:Weapproximatethissourceasafilament,the narrow range of line center velocities, between 41 and 41.5 most elongated structure (r ∼2.9) in our sample. The inte- kms−1. Thesharpestchangesincentroidvelocityarelocated grated intensity peak (α(2000) = 18h07m35.0s, δ(2000) = 4 Raganetal. Fig.2.—SameasFigure1butforG009.28−0.15. −20◦26′09′′) is dark at both 8 and 24 µm and corresponds The central region has very high linewidths (highest in the towherethecentroidvelocityandlinewidthisthelowest,all sample, 4 km s−1, see Figure 4), although because of the evidencefora quiescentregion. The NH (1,1)centroidve- high optical depth of the NH lines, these should be taken 3 3 locity field in this object is organized into two gradients in cautiously. either directionfrom the centralpeak in integratedintensity. The eastern (left-hand) gradient is of magnitude ∼1 km s−1 G024.05−0.22: This approximately round source (r ∼1.1) oriented80◦ east of north, and the western (right-hand)gra- appears centrally-peaked in line intensity (left panels of dientisofmagnitude∼1.5kms−1oriented65◦westofnorth. Figure5) at α(2000) = 18h35m54.1s, δ(2000) = −7◦59′51′′, Thecentral“hinge”positionisindistinctinthelinewidthmea- which corresponds also to the peak in 8 µm optical depth. surement. TheNH (1,1)mapsshowsa velocitygradientstartingatan 3 Overall the velocity field in the filament is smooth, with east-westaligned“ridge”slightlyoffsettothenorthfromthe several YSOs coincident with the ammonia emission: five peakofintegratedintensity. This“ridge”incentroidvelocity east of the intensity peak, and one to the southwest. The also correspondswith enhancedlinewidths (∼3.6km s−1) in NH (1,1)linewidthsare enhanced(> 2 km s−1) in the east. both the (1,1) and (2,2) lines, though with no distinction in 3 Curiously, the NH (2,2) emission, which appears to follow integratedintensitysimilartowhatweseeinG009.86−0.04. 3 the locations of the YSOs in the eastern region, exhibits an From the center of the cloud across this ridge, the velocity overall shift to lower line-center velocities (by 0.6 km s−1) changes by ∼1.1 km s−1, and corresponds to a gradient of and higher linewidths(by 0.5 km s−1). The opticaldepth of 2.1kms−1 pc−1. Atthesoutherntipof(1,1)emission, there theNH (1,1)mainline isbelow∼3inthe easternregion,so appears to be a clump with distinct red-shifted velocity but 3 it is unlikely that optical depth effects are the cause of the this is not detected in (2,2) emission. While there is one increased linewidth. This object appears to be undergoing Class II source coincident with northern ridge, this IRDC cluster formation, though the part of the cloud associated lacks24µmdetections(anindicatorofanembeddedsource) withNH (1,1)emissionpeakremainsquiescent. anywhereinthecloud. 3 G023.37−0.29: The integrated intensity map of this G034.74−0.12: The overall velocity field of this filament round IRDC (r ∼1.1) peaks at α(2000) = 18h34m54.1s, (r ∼2.0)appearsquitedisorganized,particularlyinlocations δ(2000) = −8◦38′21′′, although throughout this cloud, where 24 µm point sources are detected. There are two in- the lines are saturated and/or optically thick, making it tegrated intensity peaks in this IRDC, both in the vicinity impossible to derive reliable optical depths or very accurate of 24 µm sources (star symbols in Figure 6), and both po- lineproperties. Thereisa24µmpointsource(notpresentat sitions show high linewidth. The strong NH (1,1) peak in 3 8 µm) near the center of the region, slightly offset from the the northwestportionof the cloud (α(2000) = 18h55m09.5s, intensity peak, which is likely a deeply embeddedprotostar. δ(2000) = +1◦33′14′′, P1 in Table 2) is directly coinci- VLAobservationsofNH inIRDCsII:Kinematics 5 3 Fig.3.—SameasFigure1butforG009.86−0.04.NH3(2,2)integratedintensitycontours(overplottedinbottom-leftpanel)beginat0.03Jybeam−1kms−1and increasein0.01Jybeam−1kms−1steps. dent with a 24 µm point source, enhanced linewidths and a itisunlikelythatopticaldeptheffectsarethecauseoftheen- slightly blue-shifted centroid velocity. The optical depth of hancedlinewidth. Itmaybethecasethattheyoungstarsare the NH (1,1) main line is 6.1. The centrally located peak havingadynamicaleffectontheslightlywarmergasprobed 3 (α(2000) = 18h55m11.0s, δ(2000) = +1◦33′02′′, P2 in Ta- bytheNH (2,2)emission.Thisdoesnotappeartobethecase 3 ble 2) is offset 10 ′′ from the position of the 24 µm source inG023.37−0.29,wherethereisonlyasingular24µmpoint andoffset15′′fromthenearbypeakinlinewidth.Theoptical source and the lines are optically thick, which would likely depth of the NH (1,1) line here is 2.9. These two locations limitourabilitytoprobenearanyembeddedsource(s). 3 arealsowheremostoftheappreciableNH (2,2)emissionis IRDC G034.74−0.12 also exhibits evidence that a cluster 3 found. is actively forming with the two 24 µm point sources cor- responding to very strong NH emission and several other 3 3.2. Comparisonbetween(1,1)and(2,2)kinematics young stars in the vicinity. However, in these two locations As is shown in the left panels of Figures 1 through 6 the of 24 µm point sources, which is also where most of the NH3(1,1)emissiontendstobemorewidespreadthanthe(2,2) NH3(2,2) emission is detected, the linewidth appears more emission.Inthissection,wecomparethevelocityfieldsofthe enhanced in the NH3(1,1) rather than (2,2). We note that twostates.Thecentralpanelsshowtherangeinlinecenterve- thehighopticaldepthofNH3(1,1)atP1(6.1)maycontribute locities, whichgenerallyencompassthesame range,andthe to the broadened line here. The observations of this object rightpanelsshowsimilartrendsinlinewidth. Table2 shows were the noisiest of the sample, and it is also the most dis- the velocity propertiesof the (1,1)and (2,2) at the locations tantIRDC,sowemaynotbesensitivetotheeffectweseein oftheNH (1,1)intensitypeaks. G009.86−0.04(thenearestIRDC). 3 InG009.86−0.04and, to a lesser extentin G023.37−0.29, wefindthatthemedianNH (2,2)linecentervelocityisoffset 3.3. Linewidth 3 tolowervelocitiesby∼0.6kms−1comparedtotheNH (1,1), The NH (1,1) linewidths in our sample of IRDCs are 3 3 andthemedianFWHMofthe(2,2)lineishigherthanthatof between 1.1 and 4 km s−1, occupying the high tail of the the (1,1) line by ∼0.8 km s−1. Figure 7 shows the distribu- linewidthdistributionpresentedintheJijinaetal.(1999)sur- tionsoflinecentervelocityandlinewidthfromboththe(1,1) veyof264densecores,butonparwithotherammoniastud- and (2,2) maps. G009.86−0.04has several young stars and iesofIRDCs: Pillaietal.(2006),whofoundaslightlylower 24 µm point sources in the eastern part of the cloud, which rangeintheirsingle-dishstudy,andWangetal. (2008), who correspondstothelocationsofthehighlinewidthsandblue- found that different cores within an IRDC exhibited differ- shiftedlinecentervelocitiesintheNH (2,2)map.Theoptical entlinewidthsinthehigh-resolutionstudy: higherlinewidths 3 depthoftheNH (1,1)mainline islessthan3in thisregion, nearlocationsofembeddedstarformationactivityandlower 3 lowerthantypicalvaluesof4or5throughoutthesample,so linewidthsinquiescentregionsofthecloud. Foroursources, 6 Raganetal. Fig.4.—SameasFigure1butforG023.37−0.29. theenhancedlinewidthappearstocorrespondtothelocations Thenon-thermalvelocitydispersion of24µmpointsources. We find that the linewidth increases with increasing dis- ∆v2 k T tFaingcuereto8,IwReDCshso,wasthwatasthenomteadxibmyumPilllianieewtiadlt.h(d2e0t0e6c)t.edIinn σNT = s8ln2 − µmBH (1) IRDCs varies directly with distance, which may be a result islargerthanthe soundspeed(see Paper1 fortemperatures, of clumpingwithin the beam increasing with distance. Cer- ranging from 8 to 13 K) for all IRDCs – in fact, none of tainly,withSpitzerwedoseeobjectsonthe2-3′′scalewhich the velocity dispersions are smaller than Mach 2. The dis- wouldnotberesolvedwiththebeam(sometimes6-8′′inlow- tributionsare peaked, with tails to high Mach numbers. For elevationsources). Atthesametime,theminimumlinewidth IRDCscontainingsources(seediscussionabove),thesetails, doesnot show any trend with distance. As notedabove, the or “excesses” are correlated with locationsin the vicinity of integrated intensity peaks with 24 µm point sources have a thesources. higherlinewidththanthosepeakswithout,buttheapparently starlesspeakstypicallyhaveverylowlinewidths,independent 4. DISCUSSION of distance (∆v ∼ 1.4 km s−1). Therefore, in the following Judging from Figures 1 through 6, it is unlikely that one discussion, we proceed with our analysis assuming that the model of IRDC kinematics can fully account for the range trends are intrinsic features not determined by the distance. ofbehaviorsobserved. Thebroadcharacteristics– the over- AsshowninthelowerpanelofFigure8,thecloudmassesin- all linewidths and ranges of centroid velocities, see Table 2 creaseslightlywithdistance,whichcouldsimplybeaselec- –areroughlyconsistentamongthecloudsinthesampleand tioneffect. Highercloudmassessuggestdeepergravitational with previous molecular line studies (e.g. Pillaietal. 2006; potentials,whichinturnwouldgiverisetolargerlinewidths. Raganetal.2006). However,oursampleexhibitsbothglobal Yetthetotalkineticenergycalculatedfromtheaveragedline trends (e.g. smooth velocity gradients) and localized effects widthsandthecentroidvelocitiesdoesnotchangeperceptibly (e.g. signatures of feedback from young embedded proto- withdistance. stars) that can now be investigated with high angular reso- ThedynamicalpropertiesofallIRDCsare summarizedin lutionobservations. Figure9. Thecentroidvelocitydistributions(leftcolumn)are Asafirstapproximationofstability,wecomputethevirial asymmetric, with tails to lower or higher velocities than the mass of the clouds (M = 5RV2 /(3G)), where R is the Virial rms systemicvelocity.Thiscouldindicateasubstantialelongation radiusof the cloud,G is the gravitationalconstant, and V rms alongtheline-of-sight,orhighlyasymmetricinfall. Therel- =321∆V/2.35where∆Vistheaveragelinewidthofthecloud. ativemotionstothesystemicvelocityaremostlysupersonic. Virialmassesforthewholecloudsaretypically102−3M ,and ⊙ thevirialparameters,α= M /M,from0.1to0.7,suggest- Virial ing that IRDCs are bound structures prone to collapse. The VLAobservationsofNH inIRDCsII:Kinematics 7 3 Fig.5.—SameasFigure1butforG024.05−0.22.NH3(2,2)integratedintensitycontours(overplottedinbottom-leftpanel)beginat0.04Jybeam−1kms−1and increasein0.01Jybeam−1kms−1steps. cloud masses M are taken from the dust extinction maps by linewidthatthepositionsofyoungstarsand(sometimes)dis- Raganetal.(2009). tinctcentroidvelocitycomponents.Weseenostrongtrendfor Thelinewidthsobservedinoursample(1.1-4.0kms−1)are thepositionsofthe24µmpointsourcestohaveexceptionally inexcessofthethermallinewidth,∼0.18kms−1. Theratioof highopticaldepthsin NH (1,1),thuswe donotexpectopti- 3 thermaltonon-thermalpressureinthecloud,asexpressedby caldeptheffectstocontributestronglytolinewidthenhance- Ladaetal.(2003),isR ≡c2/σ2 ,wherec istheisothermal ments. Furthermore,starlesspeaksinNH intensity(existing p s NT s 3 sound speed, and σ is the three-dimensionalnon-thermal inallcloudsexceptG023.37−0.29anG034.74−0.12)tendto NT velocitydispersion. WecalculatevaluesforR ateachofthe havethelowestlinewidths. p intensitypeaksintheIRDCs(seeTable2)andfindanaverage Broadened linewidths are an indicator of increased inter- value of 0.07, indicating that non-thermal pressure is dom- nal motions which accompany the onset of star formation inant. “Non-thermal effects” encompass many things, such (Beutheretal. 2005). In each IRDC (except G005.85−0.23 asinfall,outflows,orsystematiccloudmotions(i.e. rotation) and G024.05−0.22) of our sample, we see that the sites of andpossible“support”fromturbulentmotions(Arons&Max 24 µm point sources are accompanied by an enhancement 1975) or magnetic fields (Mouschovias&Spitzer 1976). In inNH (1,1)linewidth(inG009.86−0.04,theenhancementis 3 the followingsections, we explorethese effectsindividually, ratherseen in the NH (2,2)linewidth). Beutheretal. (2005) 3 sotodeterminethedominantprocesses. found that in a molecular core with an infrared counterpart, the N H+(1-0)emission (knownto trace dense gas similarly 2 4.1. ConnectingstarformationandIRDCkinematics toNH ,e.g.Johnstoneetal.2010)exhibitedbroadlineemis- 3 TheIRDCsinoursamplespanarangeofstagesofstarfor- sion,whereaslinewidthsininfrared-darkcores–presumably mation,somedevoidofembeddedsourcesandsomehosting atanearlierevolutionarystage–weresignificantlynarrower several. In Paper 1, we showed that the presence of young (∆v ∼ 1 kms−1). Theincreasedinternalmotionsgivingrise stars does not significantly affect the kinetic temperature of to broadenedlines can be attributedto orderedmotion, such the gas traced by ammonia, at least beyond the ∼1K errors asinfall,outfloworrotation. weestimate2.However,asweshowedinSection3.1,thepres- ence of youngstars, particularly24 µm point sources, has a 4.2. Kinematicsof“starless”IRDCs localizedeffectontheIRDCdynamics,namelyanincreasein Because the feedback from embeddedprotostars can con- fuse the kinematic signatures in the IRDCs, here we take 2WenotedinPaper1thattheseobservationsofthe(1,1)and(2,2)tran- a closer look at the IRDCs which show little or no evi- sitionsofammoniaarenotnecessarilysensitivetohottergasonthesmall- dence of actively forming stars. Our sample includes one estscales,which(forexample)mayarisefromayoungembeddedprotostar heatingacompactcore.Gasinwarm,compactregionsarebetterprobedwith IRDC, G005.85−0.23, which lacks any coincident Spitzer higher-Jtransitionsofammoniaorothermolecules. point sources, thus does not appear to host embedded star 8 Raganetal. Fig.6.—SameasFigure1butforG034.74−0.12.NH3(2,2)integratedintensitycontours(overplottedinbottom-leftpanel)beginat0.04Jybeam−1kms−1and increasein0.01Jybeam−1kms−1steps. TABLE3 Summaryoffitresults IRDC geometrya n0b T0c ξnd σrese ∆f name (cm−3) (K) (kms−1) G005.85−0.23 sphere 1.1×106 5.0×103 1.1 2.4 0.18 G009.28−0.15a filament 4.0×105 5.4×103 2.3 2.5 0.23 G009.28−0.15b filament 8.9×105 1.2×104 5.5 3.8 0.27 G009.86−0.04 filament 6.8×105 2.0×103 6.2 1.6 0.28 G023.37−0.29 sphere 6.0×105 6.0×103 1.7 2.6 0.31 G024.05−0.22 sphere 5.5×105 6.0×103 1.7 2.7 0.4 G034.74−0.12 filament 3.4×105 2.3×104 2.0 5.3 0.18 aFittinggeometry(BE-sphereorisothermalcylinder). bFittedcentraldensity. cFittedisothermaltemperature. dNormalizedstabilityparameter.ξn=ξmlforcylinders,andξn=ξBE/6.5forBE-spheres.ξn>1indicatesinstability. eResidualvelocitydispersionneededatminimumtosupportthecloudenergetically. fNormalizedrmserroroffit. formation. G024.05−0.22, has one Class II object (with no tonortheast(33◦ eastofnorth)centeredontheintegratedin- 24 µm counterpart, see Figure 5) near the edge of the NH tensitypeak. InG024.05−0.22thegradientisfromnortheast 3 (1,1)emittingregion,thusthe bulkof the IRDCappearsde- tosouthwest(8◦eastornorth)butisnotsymmetricaboutthe voidofYSOs. Itispossibleinbothcasesthatembeddedpro- peakinintegratedintensity.Inthiscase,thevelocitygradient tostarsintheIRDCareheavilyextinctedbydustbeyondour isnotsmooth,buthasasharpridgestructureintheeast-west detectionlimit,butwecontinueourdiscussionassumingthat direction, which also corresponds with enhanced linewidths thekinematicsaredominatedbytheglobalforcesratherthan (∼3.6kms−1 comparedto<2kms−1 throughouttherestof protostellarfeedback. thecloud). Both of these IRDCs have nearly round projected mor- Smooth velocity gradients are often interpreted as phologies. In G005.85−0.23,the gradientis fromsouthwest signatures or rotation (e.g. Arquilla&Goldsmith 1986; VLAobservationsofNH inIRDCsII:Kinematics 9 3 Fig.8.— Top: Linewidth vs. IRDC distance. The linewidth at the in- tegrated intensity peaks (marked with asterisks where there 24 µm point sourcespresentand+signsforthosewithout24µmpointsources)andthe maximumdetected linewidth overall inthecloud(markedwithdiamonds) bothincreasewithincreasingdistance. Bottom: Totalmass(from8µmab- sorption,Raganetal.2009)vs.distance. cal IRDCs is a tempting interpretation, but one that should be made cautiously. Burkert&Bodenheimer (2000) show that large-scale turbulent motions (i.e. turbulence with a steep power spectrum) can lead to centroid velocity gradi- ents that look like shear or rotation. Indeed, even in these IRDCswhichappeartobethemostquiescent,thelinewidths Fig.7.—Distribution ofvelocity fitparameters forIRDCG009.86−0.04 far exceed the thermal sound speed in the typical IRDC en- aNnHd3G(20,223).d3i7s−tr0ib.2u9tiownitphlothtteedNiHn3t(h1e,1r)edplhoitstteodgrinamth.eBbolathckhihsitsotgorgarmamsaarnedntohre- vironment (about 0.2 km s−1). Such linewidths could be malizedtothenumberofpositionswitha(1,1)measurement. Theleftpanel causedbyoutflowsfromalow-massstellarcomponentnotde- showsthelinecentervelocitiesandthebottompanelshowstheFWHM,both tectableintheRaganetal.(2009)Spitzerobservations. Even inkms−1. in the absence of stellar feedback, non-thermal linewidths would be expected as consequence of the cloud formation Goodmanetal.1993). Sincetheprojectedgeometryofboth (e.g.Va´zquez-Semadenietal.2007;Heitschetal.2008b),or oftheseIRDCsisroughlycircular,wecanreasonablyapprox- ifglobalgravitationalcollapsedominatesthecloudevolution imatethecloudsasspheres.Ifweassumesolid-bodyrotation, (e.g.Burkert&Hartmann2004;Fieldetal.2008). Below,we theresultingvelocitygradientsare2.4and2.1kms−1pc−1for examinethesepossibilitiesingreaterdetail. G005.85−0.23andG024.05−0.22,respectively. Ifthisorga- nized motion is linearly fit and subtracted from the centroid 4.3. DynamicalconditionsofIRDCs velocityfield,theresidualsarelessthan0.2kms−1. We can then compare the importance of rotational kinetic To refine our energetics estimates of the previous sec- energy to gravitational energy, parameterized by the ratio, tion, we analyzed the spatial energy distribution within the β (in this case for a uniform density sphere), defined as clouds. Todate,dynamicalstudiesofIRDCshavebeenlim- β = Ω2R3/(3GM), where Ω is the angular velocity, R is the ited mainly to single-dish surveys with resolution elements cloudradius,andMisthecloudmass(Goodmanetal.1993). of ∼30′′, which is insufficient to resolve the relevant (sub- For the mass, we take valuesfromRaganetal. (2009) using parsec) scales. With our VLA dataset, we have mapped the 8 µm absorptionas a mass-tracer overthe regionmappedin velocityfield acrossan IRDCs, so we are nowable to quan- ammonia. For reference, a value of β = 1 is equivalent to tifytheenergydistributioninIRDCs.Todeterminethedegree 3 ofstability, we will fit(idealized)geometries, guidedbyour breakupspeedforasphericalcloud,andlowervaluessignify classificationoftheIRDCsin”spheres”and”filaments”(see a lessening role of rotation in cloudenergetics. Underthese assumptions,wefindβvaluesof2×10−4and5×10−4,lower Tab.3). Thefitsresultindensityprofiles,isothermaltemper- atures, and a criticality parameter (see below). We use the thantheextremelylowendoftheβrangeseenindarkcores fittedtemperaturesasameasureoftheenergyrequiredtobal- (Goodmanetal. 1993) because the masses are much higher ance gravitational and kinetic energy content, which can be (500 and 2500 M respectively). Adopting a more realistic ⊙ centrallypeakeddensityprofile,ρ∝r−2forexample,reduces comparedtothemeasuredtemperaturesfromPaper1.Thefit resultsaresummarizedinTable3. β by a factor of 3. In this simplistic picture, rotation plays onlyasmallroleinthedynamicsofthecloud. 4.3.1. “Filaments” Such a simple solid-body rotation model for such spheri- 10 Raganetal. Fig.9.—SummaryofIRDCkinematics.Leftcolumn:Histogramofthecentroidvelocityinunitsofthesoundspeed.Verticaldashedlinesindicatethetransition betweensub-andsuper-sonic.Rightcolumn:Histogramsofthenon-thermalvelocitydispersion(eq.1).Allvaluesaresupersonicbyatleastafactorof2. Forthefilament-likeclouds,weconstructradialmassden- withthecylinderscaleheight sity profiles from the dust column densities assuming an isothermalcylinderastheunderlyingmodel.Thedensitypro- 2c2 H2 ≡ s , (3) fileforanisothermalcylinderisgivenby πGρ 0 (e.g.Ostriker1964)withthesoundspeedc ≡ k T /(µm ). s B 0 H Thefittingisdoneintwosteps. First,weconstructafilament following the mass distribution as traced by dpust extinction ρ ρ(r)= 0 , (2) withSpitzer(Raganetal.2009)bycalculatingthecenter-of- (1+(r/H)2)2