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Very High Redshift X-ray Selected AGN in the Chandra Deep Field-North PDF

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Preview Very High Redshift X-ray Selected AGN in the Chandra Deep Field-North

DraftversionFebruary2,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.04/03/99 VERY HIGH REDSHIFT X-RAY SELECTED AGN IN THE CHANDRA DEEP FIELD-NORTH A. J. Barger,1,2,3 L. L. Cowie,3 P. Capak,3 D. M. Alexander,4 F. E. Bauer,4 W. N. Brandt,4 G. P. Garmire,4 A. E. Hornschemeier5,6 To appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letters ABSTRACT Deep Chandra X-ray exposures provide an efficient route for locating optically faint active galactic nuclei(AGN)athighredshifts. Weusedeepmulticoloropticaldatatosearchforz >5AGNinthe2Ms X-ray exposure of the Chandra Deep Field-North. Of the 423 X-ray sources bright enough (z′ < 25.2) 3 for a color-color analysis, at most one lies at z = 5 − 6 and none at z > 6. The z > 5 object is 0 ′ spectroscopically confirmed at z =5.19. Only 31 of the 77 sources with z >25.2 are undetected in the 0 2 B or V bands at the 2σ level and could lie at z > 5. There are too few moderate luminosity AGN at z =5−6.5 to ionize the intergalactic medium. n Subject headings: cosmology: observations — galaxies: active — galaxies: evolution — galaxies: a J formation — galaxies: distances and redshifts 3 1 1. INTRODUCTION Alexanderetal.(inpreparation)mergedsamplesdetected insevenX-raybandstoformacatalogof503pointsources Most of our current information on very high redshift 1 over an area of 460 arcmin2. Near the aim point the lim- v active galactic nuclei (AGN) relates to the very high lu- iting fluxes are ≈1.5×10−17 erg cm−2 s−1 (0.5−2 keV) 2 minosity tail of the luminosity function (LF). At z > 5 and ≈ 10−16 erg cm−2 s−1 (2−8 keV). The sensitivity 3 the SloanDigitalSky Survey (SDSS) probes to an1450˚A degrades with off-axis angle beyond ∼ 6′, rising to about 2 absolute magnitude of about −26 (Fan et al. 2001a, b), 10−15 ergcm−2 s−1 (0.5−2keV)and10−14 ergcm−2 s−1 01 much brighter than the average luminosity of AGN at (2−8keV)atthemaximumangleof∼14′. The2−8keV lower redshifts (Pei 1995). Calculations of the contri- 3 number counts and completeness levels in the 1 Ms expo- butions of high-redshift AGN to the ionizing flux in the 0 sure of the CDF-N are described in Cowie et al. (2002a). Universe must therefore rely on large extrapolations(e.g., ′ / Johnson B and V, Cousins R and I, and Sloan z im- h Madau, Haardt, & Rees 1999), and deeper observations ageswereobtainedontheSubaru78.2mtelescope’sPrime p of the LF are needed to constrain this quantity directly. Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam; Miyazaki et al. 2002). The - Such observations can also test models of supermassive o observations and reductions are summarized in P. Capak r black hole formation (e.g., Haiman & Loeb 1998, 1999; et al. (in preparation). The exposure times are z′ (3.9 t Haehnelt, Natarajan, & Rees 1998). s hrs),I (2.9 hrs),R (5.3 hrs),V (8.4hrs), andB (1.7 hrs). a Wecanefficientlysearchforfaint,high-redshiftAGNus- The imagequalityis ≈0.8′′,exceptinthe V (1.0′′)andR v: ing combined ultradeep X-ray and optical imaging. Since (1.1′′) bands. Magnitudes and images are given in Barger at high redshifts observed-frame X-ray bands correspond i et al. (2002; 1 Ms sample) and A. J. Barger et al. (in X toveryhighrest-frameenergies,wecanobtainarelatively preparation; 2 Ms). We chose the optical position to be r complete sample of AGN, including sources surrounded ′ the highest surface brightnesspeak in the z image within a by very high column densities of gas and dust. Some ′′ 1.5 of the X-ray position. For most sources the opti- Compton-thick sources may be omitted from the sample cal counterpartis unambiguous, but in some cases (about but would not be expected to contribute much to the ion- 7%),thereismorethanonepossiblecounterpart(see,e.g., izing light. As there are only a handful of stars in X-ray Fig.2 of Bargeret al.2002). We discuss alternativecoun- samples,thereislittleprobleminseparatingredstarsfrom terpartsin§3.2. Foroff-axissourcesinextendedgalaxies, high-redshift AGN. Here we use deep broad-band optical and optically faint sources, we used the X-ray position. imagingandfollow-upopticalspectroscopytomeasurethe ′′ We measured magnitudes in 2 diameter apertures on z > 5 AGN population in the Chandra Deep Field-North imagessmoothedtothelowestresolutionimage(R)topro- (CDF-N)2Msexposure. WeassumeΩ =1/3,Ω =2/3 M Λ vide the most accurate colors. We estimated total mag- and Ho =65 km s−1 Mpc−1. nitudes by correcting the 2′′ diameter magnitudes to 6′′ 2. DATA diameterusinga medianoffset(∼0.8foreachfilter)mea- sured on the smoothed images. Three of the sources lie The deepest X-ray image is the ≈ 2 Ms CDF-N ex- too close to bright stars for accurate photometry; we ex- posure centered on the Hubble Deep Field-North. D. M. 1DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofWisconsin-Madison,475NorthCharterStreet,Madison,WI53706 2DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofHawaii,2505CorreaRoad,Honolulu,HI96822 3Institute forAstronomy,UniversityofHawaii,2680WoodlawnDrive,Honolulu,HI96822 4DepartmentofAstronomy&Astrophysics,525DaveyLaboratory,ThePennsylvaniaStateUniversity,UniversityPark,PA16802 5ChandraFellow 6DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,Johns HopkinsUniversity,3400NorthCharlesStreet,Baltimore,MD21218 7TheSubarutelescopeisoperatedbytheNationalAstronomicalObservatoryofJapan. 1 2 cluded these objects. We use the AB magnitude system eredis four ordersof magnitude smaller. If the rest-frame with m = −2.5logf −48.60, where f is the flux of opticaltorest-frameX-rayfluxratiosofhigh-redshift,low- AB ν ν the source in units of erg cm−2 s−1 Hz−1. The 1σ lim- luminositysourcesaresimilartothoseofthehigh-redshift, its on the total magnitudes are 28.5 (B), 28.4 (V), 28.2 high-luminositysourcesintheSDSSsample,thenthemag- ′ (R), 27.3 (I), and 26.9 (z ) based on measuring randomly nitudes of the optical counterparts to the low-luminosity ′ positioned apertures in the field. These are slightly more sourceswouldgoasfaintasz =25,whichiswell-matched ′ conservative (brighter) than those used in Barger et al. to our z = 25.2 color-selection limit. However, if instead ′′ (2002), where the limits were computed for 3 diameter high-redshift,low-luminositysourceshavelowerrest-frame aperture magnitudes using the distribution of sky back- optical to X-ray flux ratios (Green et al. 1995; Vignali, grounds in the individual pixels. The present limits deal Brandt, & Schneider 2003), then the counterparts could ′ better with correlated noise. be fainter than z =25. 3. HIGHREDSHIFTAGN 3.1. Optically Bright Sample 6 High-redshift sources in the X-ray sample are easily identified because the increasing line blanketing of the FT 4 (45) Lyman forest at high redshifts produces extremely large HI breaks across redshifted Lyα (e.g., Fan et al. 2001b). S Songaila & Cowie (2002) measured the average forest D E 2 (42) transmission in the redshift range z = 3.8 − 6.2. The R magnitude break across Lyα is 1+z 0 ∆m=3.8+20.3 log10 . (1) (cid:18) 7 (cid:19) -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 10 10 10 10 10 At z = 5, where Lyα lies between R and I, the break is 0.5-2 KEV FLUX (erg cm-2 s-1) 2.4 magnitudes, while at z = 6, where Lyα lies between ′ I and z , it is 3.8 magnitudes. If the epoch of reioniza- Fig. 1.— Redshift versus 0.5−2 keV flux for the entire sam- tion is at z ∼ 6.1 (Becker et al. 2001), then the break is ple. Sources fainter than 2.5×10−17 erg cm−2 s−1 are shown at extremely large at redshifts higher than this. The Lyα thislimit. Threesourceswithpooropticalphotometryareexcluded line moves through our longest wavelength (z′) band at fromtheplot,asarethe13spectroscopicallyidentifiedstars. Solid curves show flux versus redshift for sources with a 2−8 keV rest- z ≈6.5,whichisthe largestredshiftwhereasourcewould frameluminosityofLx=1042 ergs−1(lowestcurve),1043 ergs−1, be seen in our optical data. 1044 erg s−1, and 1045 erg s−1 (highest curve), computed with a K-correction for an intrinsic Γ=1.8 power-law spectrum where Γ is the photon index. Sources with broad-line optical spectra are 2.0 enclosed inasecond, largersymbol. Spectroscopically unidentified sources with z′ < 25.2 (z′ > 25.2) are denoted by open squares (plus signs) at z =−0.7 (z =−0.3). Large open diamonds denote 1.5 the optically-selected high-redshift quasars from the SDSS sample (Brandtetal.2002; Mathuretal.2002). B) 1.0 A Figure 1 shows redshift versus 0.5−2 keV flux. Barger ( et al. (2002) and A. J. Barger et al. (in preparation) give -z’ 0.5 I optical spectroscopic identifications for 249 of the X-ray sources, including 16 off-axis sources where the X-ray po- 0.0 sition is within the envelope of a bright galaxy but not ′′ within 1.5 of the nucleus (Hornschemeier et al. 2002). -0.5 We analyze the colors for the 423 (out of the 500 with accurate photometry) X-ray sources with optical counter- -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 parts brighter than the 5σ limit of z′ =25.2. In Fig. 1 we REDSHIFT split the spectroscopically unidentified counterparts into z′ < 25.2 (open squares at z = −0.6) and z′ > 25.2 (plus Fig. 2.—I−z′intheABsystemversusredshiftforthe423sources signs at z =−0.3). with z′ < 25.2. Sources without redshifts are shown at z = −0.3, and broad-line AGN are enclosed in a second, larger symbol. The The solid curves in Fig. 1 are for fixed rest-frame dashedline(I−z′=1.5)isthecolorofz∼6sourcesinthequasar 2 − 8 keV luminosities ranging from 1042 erg s−1 (low- andgalaxy models describedinthe text. None ofthe spectroscop- est curve) to 1045 erg s−1 (highest curve). The open dia- icallyunidentified sources arered enough in I−z′ to be at z >6. monds show the 0.5−2 keV fluxes of the highest redshift sourcesfromtheSDSSsample(Brandtetal.2002;Mathur Figure 2 shows I −z′ versus redshift (spectroscopically et al. 2002). These form an optically complete sample for unidentified sources are at z = −0.3) for our z′ < 25.2 z > 5.7 and z′ < 20 over an area of 1500 deg2 (Fan et sample. We see fromFig. 2 that none of the sourceslie at al. 2001b). The present X-ray sample probes almost two z >6,sincesuchsourceswouldberedderthanI−z′ >1.5. orders of magnitude fainter than the typical X-ray flux In Fig. 3 we show V −I versus I −z′. The dashed line seen in the SDSS sample; however, the area of sky cov- is the track with redshift of the composite SDSS quasar Barger et al. 3 spectrum of Vanden Berk et al. (2001), extrapolated with be chance projections, with the true optical counterparts a f ∼ ν−0.46 power-law below Lyα, modulated by the being fainter. If we assume that these 30 sources are sim- ν Songaila & Cowie (2002) forest transmissions, and con- ilar to the 77 isolated faint sources discussed above, then volved through the Suprime-Cam filters. The extrapola- we can include these sources in our candidate z > 5 pop- tionbelowthe Lymancontinuumlimitisnotcriticalsince ulation with a scaling factor of 1.4. the high incidence of Lyman limit systems at these red- Haiman & Loeb (1999) predicted a surface density of shifts truncatesthe spectrumatshorterwavelengths. The ∼ 50 z > 5 sources in a 6′ radius circle above a flux of dot-dash line shows the same calculation for a f ∼ ν0 2×10−16 erg cm−2 s−1 (observed 0.4−6 keV). We find ν galaxy with no emission lines and a cut-off at 912 ˚A. The less than four such z >5 objects, or a maximum of 5.6 if deepforestabsorptionmovesthetracksfarfromthegalaxy we use the 1.4 scale factor discussed above. The surface populations. Apart from the one z = 5.19 AGN (large density is at least an order of magnitude lower than the ′ solidsquare)with z =23.9,there are no other z >5 can- Haiman & Loeb estimate, strengthening the similar con- didates. Given the possibility that in a small number of clusion reached by Alexander et al. (2001) and Hasinger cases we may have chosen the wrong optical counterpart (2002) by about a factor of three. orthecolorsarecontaminatedbyanearbyobject,wealso visually searched differenced images for objects with red 4. DISCUSSION V −I colors. No further candidates were found. We compute the number density of z = 5−6.5 sources in the rest-frame 2 − 8 keV luminosity range 1043 to 5 1044 erg s−1 following the procedures described in Cowie et al. (2002b). In Fig. 4a we show the number density 4 obtained using only the one z > 5 spectroscopic identifi- 5.2 cation (solid diamond). We also computed an upper limit 3 to this number density by assigning all the optically faint B) (5.19) 5.0 sources that could lie in the redshift interval redshifts at A thecenteroftheinterval;thehorizontalbarcorrespondsto 2 4.8 I ( thosewithLx inthespecifiedluminosityrange. InFig.4a V- 4.6 wecompareourz =5−6.5numberdensitywiththelower 1 4.4 redshift number densities from Cowie et al. (2002b) for 4.0 both the 1043 to 1044 erg s−1 (solid circles) and 1044 to 0 1045 ergs−1 ranges(opencircles). Again,the symbols de- notethenumberdensitiesobtainedfromonlythespectro- -1 scopically identified AGN, while the horizontal bars show -1 0 1 2 the upper limits. The bars are not consistent with one I-z’ (AB) another because all the unidentified sources are included in each redshift bin if they lie in the specified luminosity Fig. 3.—V−IversusI−z′forthez′<25.2sample. Solid(open) range. To compare with the optically-selected samples of squares denote galaxies with (without) redshift identifications. All Boyle et al. (2000) and Fan et al. (2001b), in Fig. 4b we sourcesaredetectedabovethe2σlevelinallthreebands. Onesigma show the results for an Ω = 1, Ω = 0 cosmology with uanndceVrta−inItie=s1a.r8e,sthyopwicnalfoorfathze′l=oca2t5i.o2nsofruormcewlyhiincghagtalIax−iezs′m=ig0h.2t Ho =50 km s−1 Mpc−1. MThe smallΛnumber uncertainties scatter intoregionsofthecolor-colorspaceandbemisidentifiedas arelargeinFig.4,butthenumberdensities inthe 1043 to highredshiftobjects. Theonespectroscopicallyidentifiedz=5.19 1044 erg s−1 range (AGN whose luminosities would clas- sourceisshownwithalargesolidsquare. Thedashed(dot-dashed) sifythemasSeyferts)showaslowdecreasewithincreasing curveshowsthequasar(bluegalaxy)trackwithredshift. Redshifts redshiftfromz =0toz =6. Thisresultholdsevenwithin aregivenatthepositionsofthediamondsonthetracks. the systematic uncertainties shown by the the horizontal bars. In contrast, the number densities in the 1044 to 3.2. Optically Faint Sample 1045 erg s−1 range (AGN with quasar luminosities) peak Of the 500 X-ray sources in our sample, 77 have z′ > at z = 1.5−3 and closely match in shape the evolution 25.2. Two of these have spectroscopic redshifts (z = 3.40 of the optically-selected samples. Figures 4a and b show and z = 4.14) from Barger et al. (2002). Of the remain- that this conclusion does not depend on the cosmological der, 44 are detected above the 2σ level in V or B and geometry. cannot lie at z >5, leaving 31 faint sources that could be The number density at z = 5−6.5 for L ≈ 1043 to x atz >5. Manyofthesefaintsourcesmaylieatlowerred- 1044ergs−1isaboutthreeordersofmagnitudehigherthan shifts (e.g., Yanet al.2002),andsome may be false X-ray the optically-selected SDSS sample at L ≈ 1045 erg s−1. x detections; about half lie within a factor of 2 of the flux While this conclusion is based on the single z > 5 ob- limit at their off-axis radius, so this is an upper bound. ject, the factthatother high-redshiftAGNhavealsobeen Within a 6′ off-axis radius where the sensitivity is rela- found in the relatively small Chandra fields (Silverman et tivelyuniform,9oftheseopticallyfaintsourcescouldhave al. 2002; z = 4.93) and in the small (74 arcmin2) optical rest-frame2−8keVluminositiesinexcessof1043 ergs−1, field of Stern et al. (2000; z = 5.5) gives us confidence if they wereplacedin thez =5−6.5redshift range. Only that the CDF-N field is not anomalous. If we use our 7 of these are not detected in R or I and could lie beyond spectroscopically identified point, the slope β of the LF z = 6. The cumulative surface density of field sources to (φ(L)dL = L−βdL) would be about 2.6, which is similar z′ = 25.2 is ∼ 1.2×105 deg−2, so we expect that about to the brightend slopeatlowerredshifts inboththe opti- 30 of our sources with bright optical identifications may cal(Pei1995)andX-ray(Miyajietal.2000). Ifweinclude 4 the unidentified objects, the maximum value of β would be about 3. A detailed LF determination for this redshift Fan et al. (2001b) investigated the AGN ionizing flux interval will require much larger area X-ray samples. byfittingavarietyofpower-lawstoextrapolatethebright SDSS data. A power-law with our observed slope of -3 10 β = 2.6 matched to the SDSS data fails by more than an order of magnitude to ionize the intergalactic medium 10-4 at these high redshifts, even extrapolating to faint mag- nitudes (their Fig. 10). We may derive this result more 3C P -5 directly by calculating the number of ionizing photons M 10 R/ (ni) per baryon (nb) produced in the redshift interval by E the observed AGN. We first sum the K-corrected fluxes B -6 M 10 of the sources to determine the rest-frame 1450 ˚A back- U N ground light they produce and then convert this to the -7 10 number density of ionizing photons using the form of the near-ultraviolet AGN spectrum given in Madau, Haardt, 10-8 & Rees (1999), which gives a ratio η =4.7×1025 ionizing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 photons per erg Hz−1 at 1450 ˚A. (η would be less for a REDSHIFT galaxy shaped spectrum.) We therefore have 10-3 ni = 4 π η f . (2) i n c A n 10-4 b bXi 3C 10-5 The fi are the fluxes corresponding to the z′ magnitudes P for z ∼ 5.7, and A is the observed solid angle in stera- R/M 10-6 2dF dians; we set nb = 2.0× 10−7 cm−3. In the central 6′ E -7 of the CDF-N field, which has the deepest uniform sensi- B 10 M tivity and where the z = 5.19 source is found, we obtain NU 10-8 2dF SDSS ni/nb ≈ 0.07. There is almost no change if we include all ′ the possible z >25.2 sources in the region because these -9 10 ′ objects are extremely faint in z and hence contribute lit- 10-10 tle to the sum in Eq. 2. For a Poisson distribution there 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 is less thana 2%probabilityof seeing0 or1 sourceswhen REDSHIFT the true value is greater than 6, so at 98% confidence we can conclude that n /n < 0.4. Thus, there are too few i b Fig. 4.—(a)Numberdensityofsourceswithrest-frame2−8keV moderate luminosity AGN at z = 5 − 6.5 to ionize the luminosities between 1043 and 1044 erg s−1 (solid symbols) and intergalactic medium. between 1044 and1045 ergs−1 (opensymbols)versusredshift. Di- amondisfromthispaper,andcirclesarefromCowieetal.(2002b). Points below (above) z = 2 were determined from the observed- Support came from the University of Wisconsin Re- frame 2−8 keV (0.5−2 keV) sample. An intrinsic Γ = 1.8 was search Committee (A.J.B.), the Alfred P. Sloan Founda- assumed, for which there is only a small differential K-correction to correct to rest-frame2−8 keV. Poissonian 1σ uncertainties are tion (A.J.B), NSF grants AST-0084847 (A.J.B.), AST- based on the number of sources in each redshift interval. Horizon- 0084816 (L.L.C.), and AST-9983783 (D.M.A., W.N.B.), tal bars show the maximal LF in the 1043 to 1044 erg s−1 range NASA grants DF1-2001X (L.L.C.) and NAS 8-01128 found by assigning all the sources that could lie in each redshift (G.P.G.), and CXC grant G02-3187A (D.M.A., F.E.B., (and then luminosity)interval aredshiftat thecenter of theinter- W.N.B.). val. (b) As in (a) but for an ΩM = 1, ΩΛ = 0 cosmology with Ho =50 km s−1 Mpc−1. Dot-dashed curves show the 2dF quasar LF of Boyle et al. (2000): upper curve is for objects with abso- lute 1450 ˚A magnitudes brighter than −23 (quasars) that roughly matches our Lx > 1044 erg s−1 selection, lower curve is for ob- jectsbrighterthan−26.8thatmatchestheSDSSsensitivitytohigh- redshiftquasars. DashedlineshowstheSDSSobjectsbrighterthan −26.8 inthe z =3.5to z =6range. Solidsquare and uncertainty isfortheSDSSz>5.7quasarsampleto−26.8(Fanetal.2001b). REFERENCES Alexander, D. M., Brandt, W. N., Hornschemeier, A. E., Garmire, Cowie,L.L.,Garmire,G.P.,Bautz, M.W.,Barger,A.J.,Brandt, G.P.,Schneider,D.P.,Bauer,F.E.,&Griffiths,R.E.2001,AJ, W.N.,&Hornschemeier,A.E.2002a,ApJ,566,L5 122,2156 Cowie,L.L.,Barger,A.J.,Bautz,M.W.,Brandt,W.N.,&Garmire, Barger,A.J.,Cowie,L.L.,Brandt,W. N.,Capak, P.,Garmire,G. G.P.2002b, ApJ,submitted P., Hornschemeier, A. E., Steffen, A. T., & Wehner, E. H. 2002, Fan,X.,etal.2001a, AJ,122,2833 AJ,124,1839 Fan,X.,etal.2001b, AJ,121,54 Becker,R.H.,etal.2001, AJ,122,2850 Green,P.J.,etal.1995,ApJ,450,51 Boyle, B. 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