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ard vuavdelont action(s) etal, Unlawfut, ‘Guconsed sutios VEREFTED ADNTSMSTeARIVIE ACTION EOL ESL Sotabeteatve sour waseefftbaje rev 97 2uQJuae Soriaturu GxhiBit 1) to dateianee ene gee Seal UEiOy Pkeruutoa vis sfeiderst to cerbein diseated Pareyts) sho shall anever Uhetiselves pergonaliy by Ses tieeig, ered conpeetaelé out te Ragone Priteinser for failure vo = Auendes cuuplaint (see Exhibil a ateacncdy? For TREE ouseeed agains: musene rritztngem oo Decushor a, W805 for tetlaxe to aumver Avendad Couplalae Geo oer eree Bathauind) 25 pCHIG0o Frgteinger, ehivegh ais coment 4 fosnhag Tetition eS "strike /sen aside ucseene feec Exiitet C attaches). f Pekieien (EeMbiL =) was nol stuned. Dt ebkns med Peiduan, ac Covanc? for tugune re. keinger, aca CON enter Ree apsenance iit tose Reveseeesees Tose 6. Same Zetdeau vic, Ble WIO1Z which, stutes “ao Attorney shal rupascer ute of a purty uctil fhe sho files a writes entey o vance" (see Pxalhit L ebkached), dec ta gen MOSEIE S78 pereoaal and urdvate cyecity, iejunl (eee Bad spre ee SUE, utur Glog ef Law ant nieraeleeleys inaued (eee ExLibie E atvached) tise RE MUMS led a vecitsed notion Lo aisatcs tuceae Sttaaiedy? = THbo to GirSxu/aet apiae Jedenent’ ee geese attached) « 9, Buyers Fritsiqger, through his Counsel Rol proceed to the taking ef Luposivions with: ailesalions raiscs questions of fact, Uherefoze betitier tu epend strike Judenert(s) shall be stricken fron the record upon wale cen Nobico lo Come under kule W2959 (coe Exhibit F attache) 10. Janes wrivht Filed vation to pinmiss PEL. Fritzinger (Bxnipit #1 and placed cage on Beal 30, 2004 (nae Exhintt G altachad. Sanael Feldman, ase a 30 days where the on(3) of mugene ing Last for duly 11. Janoe o'Nenha, Sy his personal and private cepacicy, tan Feiud with records, and ohacructed juevine with the un- suthuvized taking Gf Motion (2xuibit £) off o* Noceing List for July 30, 2004 {seo Zxbibit # antached). 12, Judge Robert ¥reedbar? ordered Motion (exalktt 7), taken off Mesriug List unlawtally (2xkinit F}, le be reinstates GBenibit T} for xegunenl List of August 31, 2nad (See Eahibst a attected), 15. denes O'Reuioo, in his private and poxconal capecity, din retarded Court Urfer of Judye Hebert eresdberg (Evalbit 3), and again Lampared wilh records avd obstructed ‘justice by not placing Motion of Janes wright (ExLitit F) on acguient list of auguse 34, 2004 sec Exlibit K attacaed) » 44, Hearing told begore wil Siordano J. without Jumws wright's Motion (Zxhibit 7ybefors the covrt, wilh James p'wambs violating Robert Precdicry J. court Gedor and tempering wilh records and obstructiva justice by uct placing Molios (Eshibit F} on ac ewiieut list bf August 31, 2004, - 15. Beil Storfauo J. oparéLiag in his persona) and private ca~ pacity and without jurisdiction, caused injury and damaco Lo Janes weight b 7 striking Judgment (Exhisil B} uader color of Baw (gee THhAbit L atkached) + 1S. Bul Slordaao 3., operating in’ his vorsosal and grivate ca- Becity and withoul jurisdiction, cuused injury and cwnage to Jsmes wright by aot buving bis Motion (Exnibit E) hranckt betoce the Court. 17, Beil cordaao ., operating to hig porwoual and erivate ca pacity and withoat jurisdiction, caused iajury and dumive Lo fright by denying Duc Process ef Wotion {2uhibit F) before L Siordano J. knew Potitien te strika/act. sgide (Exkinit 49, Bucl Giordano g. ‘ew Same] 2. Palduan dia not enter hie appearance Ly Case #€0048Cv20024122 for Sugene Fritzinger 20. emi} Glordano Wf. anew Local ule 1912 wus vielated wiLt Sonuel F. Peldnan rot entering bis appearance for Eugene Fritedager. 21. 2nd] Glordano J. knew ‘Tunere Fauuel vr, veldnon, ate nul 90° Lo N2939 whan thory vers allegations ‘thus Eni] G:ordaco J. operated in capacity. Trirstvger, through his couneal Depesitions under Local aule vaising questions of tact, bis perscnal and private 222, BML Giordano J knew Nillian Foran J. a4G ot have furivdlotion With an unsluned Petition (ieiibte 2) thus Bad? Giusdare 1 eeeeee ts in his personal and private capacity. 23. Bail Giordano J. knua Willian Horan J. aid rot. save jurisdiction gf Petition (mvhibirc} with Sauuel #. Feldman vievatine Los eacts 10124 thus Gail Clordano uJ. operated in his personal afd seagate capacity 24. Bail’ Giordauo J. kiew Williae Necan’ J. did not have, jurisdietion cf Petition (ruhibit Cc) with Local Fule 2959 being violabod. chew there were alZagations raising gucstious of Zact, ‘nd with Locet Rule wi012 being violated by Samael) F. Feldman Tot having standing by Pring foreard vnsigiied Petition to strike/uet selde IoAucor with Samel ¥. Feldnan gresonling a: unsigned Petition (Exicnit C) thus Gull Gloraara 7. operated in he personal and private capaci ey and withuct turisdicticn danaging James Wright in exucce of 655,090.60 (txhibir B) (exhibit 1) plus punitive daavgne. ‘Tho individual te whom, this “Admio: pata De teNee tole action’ via AEFidavit personally on’ gaiee ee point eesiay under persities of porjury, algned aid’ avors Party a iNatary Public, within 20 days"and gent istrative ection ia dirccted to the sddones provided telaw. Dae: isl, _ . no addtesa On thts: aay of _ 2011, uarsunally appeared nals Of pitty, anu persdaaTIy presented aad signed the facts contained within dacaed ta ba trie aston penalties of perjury. seul of Notary ‘ocary Sublic siynature and Badrese er ee # FRO: Janes Heighe Box 3782 Easton, PA 18085 TO: Eugene Fritatagar 1201 Turner “Strece Allentown, FA La102 22: Ameniied Completoe ou are to de! fault of anavering an asendad Couplaint gent to you of October 17,7003, Wulees yea File su anaver 20 che Aneaded Complatae sent so yor on Soroka 17. 2003 by ceretzteace of Malling within 10 deps oF Sevrrae AT. 2003 a DEFAULT TUDGIENT will be obtained againat soe Noventer 17, 2003, é ds oes tte (Gr Samuel F. Feldaon Ba BBS LY oon fone teat naman cote “The uotice coquired by Rule 257.1{0}@) shall be sustaataly in the following form: (CAPTION wpone Exitednver To: (Defencant) a Soveaber 17 2063, Daw of Notes: ue IMPORTANT NOTICE YOU AREAN DEFAULT BECAUSE YOU HAVE FAILED TO ENTTR A.WIXTTEN APPEARANCE PERSONALLY OR BY ATTORNEY AND FILE TX WRITING WITH THE COURT YOUR DEFENSFS OR OSTECTIONS TO. THE CLAIMS S31 FORTH AGAINST YOU. UKLESS YOU ACT WITHIN TEN DAYS FOL [HE DATE OF THIS NOTICE, A JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU WTTLOUT A HEARING AND YOU MAY LOSE YUUR PROPPRTY OR OTHER EMPORTANT THINGS. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER, TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOUDO NOT TIAVE A LAWYER, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SELFORTH BELOW, THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITIL INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER, JP YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH IXFORMATION ABOUT |AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ETIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FER OR NO FEE. ‘Gelephone Uuwaber} aveeed Sati or Attorney) Taditess) B r INTHE COL RY OF COMMON PLRAS OF NULITAMPTON COUNTY, PENNSVP.-VANLL 4, CIVIL DIVISION eT i ise James Wright e Plaintitr vs 2 Wile Na. CouasCv20uRINETZ2 Erie Rothrask 1. Zahseutes Treadwell Jr. Jetfrey K Hiwwheeker Eugene Fritainger Melissa Rudas Holly Roggiera and any Citizens nat kuown to Plaintiff al this time Northampton County, Bennsytvunia Pleuye enter as app radgment pursuant to Teale 1037(aW(by BA. Re from the record aud the attached aff P. in the above entitted cause of Plaintiff James Wrigh Berea . Peet a) pene de SES sgey Wright enigas on 3787 SE Peamylvanta [18042] ero, és coe a at o> oo UE you CO Th THe count oF Cowon PLEAS OF RoRTHAMPTOR CONEY, ans “Ay. Janes veighe . oat ua, sBCTIOGROBI22 Hie novteoce : _—_ Wilaseete Readaei, se, Bagene rege ambecter * NOTICE OF FILING JUDCHENT Eugene Fricztoner Sumel F. Feldaan Williaa &. Mecan * Melisea fades Wolly Suygiera . aed any Cittzeng not mon co plaineif? at this tine Defendants “utgnent Notice is hereby given thet a An the sbove-capt toned 655,000. 90 itker has been entered against you in ths amount of on Decesher 1 4 copy of alt darments ELled wich the Protbonocary ia support of rhe within Frorhondesry/Clenk, Gil Die es ore Neve any questions regarding this Notice, please contact the Etling party: Janes Uright PO, ts DST Easton, 2A 16045 TELEPHONE HO. = (hts nocice ts given in accordance with PacKeG.P. 236.) os 1H THE GOUT OF ComON FLEAS OF MOHTHAMPTON COUNTY, ome) fe sume Wedge to oe Mesa evi. orveszoN Py va Erie Sothrack B. Lincoln Treadveli, a. fotkrey E tawbacker Bigeae Crisainger Samual F. Felden Stivtes “yr vorea Melissa tadea Uolly Ruggiero reaeciee roger and any Cieizena noe FoR Koom to plaineir at ehta etm Sncee Judguent in favor of Plainci££/ReGqmiagt and against: Hugeae Feitzingar coossewzocz004122 File Wo: Tor wane of_ Manner yaad al Tap lak 7 . (%) Assess damages ea follows: st 455,000.00 ebe on reeerese feom_12/1/03 _ sevorney's Comteston pal ST (X) Tecoretty thac che foregoing agcessneut of damages La for specified anounee alleged co be due in the couplaine and 1s calculable as a gum cectaia fron the conplarnte ( ) Pursuant co Pa.8.C.P, 237 {norica of prascive Cor inal judgoene or decree), I cectity thac a copy of this praecipe hoe heen asiled to cach ocher party who has appetced in this action or fo his/her Attorney of Record. (CE) Porsuane co Pa.k.C.P. 237-1, 1 eestity that weiccen notice of the lacention fe {ile this praecips var mailed oc delivered eo the party aqainet whom judgaene is ro be entered and ro his/her attorney ot Record, if any, after che default avcwrted aml at Least ten days prior to the dace of the fillag of this praccipe am! a copy of the notice is setached. bare: Mecamber 1, 2003 stasatunk: : PRINT nau 3 We tene avtosmey rors Eo tex aE appeess:___ Ps 9 Bex STE Easton, FA_ 16005 TELEMGHE 80.7, suveave covet iu Wo. co na, Lefeonce, | ___, seg , sumeNT 9 ENTERED 4S ABO, AFE"DAVIT Thar Tan the Uespondent/Platreiét, being duly ewara, deposes and saya: A, Lau the responden¢/plaintifé, and have personal imoviedss of the facta Bot foreh am thts aftidavie. 2. Thac the reependent/plainedté herein, on chy 13th day of detober 2003, duly filed tm tia cause oc Amended Complaint againat Bugene Feiteinger. 3. That the reapondent/elatcetse iwreia, om the 3rd day of October 2003, dely Htled in chie esuse an Second see of vec led adziaions againer Bagene Feftatager. 4, That examination of the Collet fled vad cucocd in ehie cause shows that, the derendane, Eugene Feitsiager herein ves served a copy of che Amended com phaint of cvspondent/plaintifé Jauea wrtyst wieh Cectificace of Mailing on October 17, 2803, See (exhibit "8 }. 3. That a Nottes of Default for your failura ta aneuee the Amended Complaint ms served ox Borane Priczinger on Sovenber 17, 2003 by Cartificace of mailing, excluding the date thereat, See (Exhibit "A". 6. Tht core chan 20 day have elapsed since the date on which the said de- fondant, togene Frteringer luesin vas served a copy of the fmendad Complaint boy responden:/platoti€® Janes Uright excluding the date thervol. 7. That’ the dafeadaut, Eugene Fritsinger herein has Zetled to angver aa co Feapondent/y:aintti#‘s Amandad Complaiae, or aetve a coRy af nq anawet/ ob- fection, which ie mighc Save nad, upon James Wrist veepondant fplaimeith, 4. Ag no Eine has respondent/plaintif£ granted an extenstoa of cine co mMNEE OF pcoceed excepe under Rule 1037) 28CP and the Comem Law, Thee 1 the vespomfent/slatnt ect forth im ends APftdavit. and have peraonal bnovledga ul the facts 10, That che respondent /platacstf herein, on che Jed day af October 2003, duly £Ued in this cause a xocond set of Verified Alnisslons egsinst, de fondant, Cugese Fritzinger herein 42, Tht an examination of che Coure fates and record in this cause shows choc the Uefendanc, Gugece teitcinger berain waa served vith a copy Of che Verified Adwissions of recsondent/plaintife Janes Wright with Cereifieste of weiting on October 3, 2003. Sea (Exibie 'B'. 32, Tut a Mortee of Metanie for your failure ta answer the Verifted Ac- missiuce was served an Engene Friczinger by eetpondent/pleiatife James Weight by Certificate of Ha Cling on Novenber 4, 2003, excluding eke date chereaf. See (Enhtbir “E"}. fo remaeatte Sefendanc, Eugene Feiceinzer neceda hes tiled 20 smower a seenasmmetest/plateritt's verified admiseione seh se ataett by November 14, 2003, or gerve s Copy ee oe angwer/objestion wich ye might have bad, upon Janee trighe, Sex (Eahtbee vaffidavte on flled by de— + excluding the deca thereat, Bisstous, See ydement on DaFaute on ad- 028 C987) Sune 210, 527 42a Aecoan Gg SSPDONent/PLAKncLEE 4 antteted to Jotgamat oo detest 00 area cosplaine, Sea 5 8 Bank, ws Nctany 3 Coyne, Prothonotary Bevtanasarh of Comooa Fieas of ‘alloguany teary, Fanmtylvanta Cit Divioton at Yo. choke LOete Thine TAT TEsegnMene /platoetet shad have venedy for tnjurtee done bin Tele 42 va. S101. Ph Cnt December 1, 2003

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