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VERHOEFF: Tumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Retina. As already stated, I have used the method as an ... PDF

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Preview VERHOEFF: Tumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Retina. As already stated, I have used the method as an ...

VERHOEFF: Tumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Retina. 35I As already stated, I have used the method as an accessory measure of suggestion without hypnosis in case of chalazion and other minor surgical operations, and it was attended by satis- factory results. It is not improbable that with a certain class of patients this method of fixation may for this reason do much to insure quiet submission for the short period necessary, if the mental attitude of the patient and operator and the surroundings will to make it so. Dr) St. John's favorable report with this method of fixation confirms my own experience. In deep-set eyes with overhanging orbital margin it should not be practiced. Convinced by my own experience of the usefulness and advantage of this modification of fixation I have had but one desire, and this to bring it to a more general notice of the society and have it put to the test in suitable cases. A RARE TUMOR ARISING FROM THE PARS CILIARIS RETINIE (TERATO-NEUROMA), OF A NATURE HITHERTO UNRECOGNIZED, AND ITS RELATION TO THE SO-CALLED GLIOMA RETINA,.* By F. H. VERHOEFF, A.M., M.D. (From the PathologicalLaboratory ofthe Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary.) Badal (i) and Lagrange, in I892, gave a description of a tumor arising from the pars ciliaris retinae, which they regarded as an adenocarcinoma. Four years ago Emanuel (2) reported from Leber's clinic a case similar in almost every respect, but he took the view that in both cases the growths were gliomata. The writer has recently met with a third case of the kind, which pre- sents a number of important features that either did not occur in the other two, or, as seems more likely, were overlooked. The findings in this case seem to be absolutely unique, and not only to demonstrate beyond question the real character of these three tumors, btit to indicate the nature of the whole class of tumors ordinarily referred to as gliomata retinae. The case is as fol- lows: Annie C., white, aged 2V/2 years, admitted to the Carney Hospital March I4, I904. Family history negative in regard to tumors. Mother noticed for the first time 3'/2 months ago that the child's right eye was more *Read by invitation of the society. 352 VERHOEFF: Yumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Reliiw. prominent than the left, that the pupil-was enlarged, and the eye inflamed. The child cried often at this time and frequently vomited. The inflamma- tioni soon disappeared, but the eye gradually became more and more promi- nent and the child "acted as if she did niot see with it." About two months ago the child was seen at the Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, where the diagnosis of glioma retinae was made and ehucleation advised. It was noted there that the lens showed cataractous changes in the cortex. On admission to the Carney Hospital, the right eye was muclh more prominenit than the left and showed two bluish staphylomata in tht ciliary region, each about the size of a bean; one situated on the nasal and the other on the temporal side above. There was no sign of inflammation and no pain. The cornea was perfectly clear, the pupil dilated, irregular, and unreacting. Tension +I. The lens was completely cataractous, brilliant white in color, and was dislocated downward and outward, the inner edge being tilted slightly backward. A red reflex could be obtained with the ophthalnioscope past the nasal side of the lens. No new growth could be made out in the ciliary region, but the child was so refractory that only a hasty examination was possible. The right eye appeared normal. The child was well nourished, and aside from the ocular condition, apparently healthy. On the day after admission the eye was enucleated. No signs of a new growth could be found in the orbit. Pathological condition. Immediately after enucleation the globe was sectioned in a vertical plane passing 'just anterior to the ora serrata. Diameters of globe, ant. post. 27mm., vertical 23.5mmn., horiz. 24mm. The cornea is 11.5mm. in diameter, and at the center is only .5mm. thick. The two staphylomata are seen to be of the intercalary type, due to a thin- ning of the sclera between the ciliary body and cornea. Each is about 4mm. in diameter and 2mm. high, the walls being .25mm. in thickness. The anterior chamber is I.5mm. deep, and is free from coagulum after fixation. The pupil is 6mm. in average diameter. Hanging from the pupillary margin above there are five small white globular bodies attached by short delicate pedicles. The largest is .35mm. in diameter. On closer inspection a larger number of bodies apparently of the same kind, but much more minute, can be made out along the margin of the pupil. The iris is adherent to the cornea for a distance of imm. from the limbus all around. Beneath the staphlyomata it is not recognizable, probably having undergone atrophy. At one point there is a small anterior synechia. Arising from the ciliary body in the upper inner quadrant, there is a white irregular growth showing numerous rounded excrescences of various sizes, which fills the space between the ciliary body and lens, pushing the latter aside. Many of the excrescences are similar to the globular bodies attached to the margin of the pupil. Posteriorly the growth nowhere extenids as far backward as the ora serrata. Anteriorly the main body of the growth extends only a short distance beyond the anterior margin of the ciliary body, but as a thinner layer, showing, how- ever, here and there globutlar bodies,' it can be seen extending beneath VERHOEFF: Tumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Retinal. 353 the staphyloma on the nasal side, and growing over the posterior surface of the iris (Fig. I). On the temporal side the ciliary body appears to be unaffected and there is apparently no growth beneath the staphyloma on this side. The lens, g7nm. x 6.5mm., is completely opaque, swollen unequally, the nasal side being most enlarged, and is pushed over in contact with the ciliary body at the lower outer quadrant. The vitreous body, at first per- fectly clear, is after fixation coagulated in the form of an opaque granu- lar mass. The sclera is not appreciably thinned except at the sites of the staphylomata. The retina and choroid are in.situ, the optic disc is not cupped, and the nerve is apparently normal: I-listological examination. Fixation in Zenker's fluid. Embedding in celloidin and paraffin. Sections were made at different levels throughout the growth so that nothing important could escape notice. Staining in hematoxylin and eosin, Van Giesen's stain, Weigert's elastic tissue stain, Haidenhain's iron hematoxylin, and Mallory's connective tissue stain3. In addition the following modifications of Mallory's method3 for staining neuroglia were emploved: METHOD A. (i) Mallory's. phospho-molybdic acid hematoxylin. I5 min.-2 hrs. (2) Wash in water. (3) Mallory's phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin (or hematein), I h. or longer. (4) Wash in water. (5) io% aqueous sol. phosphotungstic acid, II/2 hrs. or longer. (6) Wash in water; examine on slide under microscope, and, if desired, differentiate further according to (5) below. (7) Acid fuchsin I2% solution, 5 min. or longer. (8) Wash quickly in water. (g) Alcohol 95%. Mount on-slide. (io) Blot, and apply xylol quickly. (ii) Blot, xylol, blot, xylol-balsam, cover glass. METHOD B. (I) Mallory's phospho-molybdic acid hematoxylin, 24-48 hrs. (2) Wash in water. (3) Mallory's phosphotungstic,acid hematoxylin (or hematein), i hr. (4) Wash in water. (5). Differentiate by placing sections for 5 seconds in aqueous solution of potassium permanganate, I:2000, then in oxalic acid solution, I: iooo, then in distilled water. Examine on slide under micro- scope and repeat process as often as necessary. The further steps are as in Method A, beginning with (7). The advantage of Method A is that it not only. gives a strong stain, but also sharp differentiation. It can be greatly shortened, and good 354 VERHOEFF: Tumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Retinae. results still obtained, by omitting step (3). Method B is to be used chiefly for staining cell processes. Both methods are especially successful after fixation in Zenker's fluid. On microscopic examination, the cornea shows nothing of importance. The iris is considerably atrophied and below shows marked ectropion uveac. Near its root, where it is adherent to the cornea and sclera, it is reduced to scarcely more than a line of pigment, and beneath the staphylomata only a trace of it remains. At one point it is adherent to the cornea and in retracting has formed an anterior synechia. Descemet's membrane, however, is intact at this point. The ciliary body and ciliary processes elsewhere than in the region of the tumor show simple atrophic changes. At the sites of the staphylomata the ciliary processes are car- ried forward, pressed together, and incorporated in the walls of the staphylomata. The lens presents the appearance of a traumatic cataract. Its fibers are widely separated, especially in the cortex, and the spaces filled with hyaline balls and granular material. "Bladder cells" are also to be seen. There is no proliferation of the capsular epithelium, but the latter shows degenerative changes. The choroid, retina, and optic nerve are normal. The main body of the new growth is attached to the surface of the ciliary body, being supported by the greatly elongated ciliary processes and by a certain amount of connective tissue arising from them. In the sections it appears in the form of intricate convolutions enclosing lumina of various shapes and sizes (Figs. 3 and 4). The structures forming the convolutions are chiefly of two types, one type being derived by more or less gradual transition front the other. That which is evidently the primitive form consists of a single layer of columnar epithelium with oval vesicular nuclei, and differs from the normal unpigmented epithelium of the ciliary body only in staining more deeply. The convolutions of this kind are perhaps most numerous over the posterior surface of the ciliary body, and both here and over the ciliary processes they can often be traced into direct continuity with the normal unpigmented epithelium. In some places the latter simply changes its character without altering its position, so that the pigment epithelium is lined directly by the epithelium of the tumor (Fig. 2). In other places the new epithelium grows over the normal unpigmented layer. The other type of convolution is several cells in thick- ness, but strictly speaking is not stratified epithelium, since the cells are not arranged in parallel rows. The cell outlines are generally seen with difficulty, the appearance presented being that of a band the central two- thirds or more of which is closely packed with elongated nuclei, having their axes all perpendicular to the surface. One border of the band is sharply defined and beneath it there is a clearer zone in which no nuclei occur unless they are undergoing karyokinesis. In this zone the outlines of the cells are easily recognizable, giving it a striated appearance. The other border of the band is not sharply outlined, and next to it there is an ill-defined zone having a reticulated structure, in which the nuclei are fewer in number, smaller and more rounded in shape. The picture pre- .... 6 5 VERHOEFF: Tumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Retina,. 355 sented by this type of convolution, even in hematoxylin and eosin speci- mens, recalls at once that of an embryonic retina in an early stage of development. This type never arises directly from the normal epithelium, but always by transition from the simple columnar type. That this band type of convolution really does represent different stages in the development of an embryonic retina is demonstrated beyond any manner of doubt by staining after Method B given above. After this method, if the differentiation is not carried too far, the individual cells are plainly brought out and are seen to correspond in every way to those of an embryonic retina. Fig. 5 shows the growth in this form over the pos- terior surface of the iris, where the bands attain their highest development, and Fig. 6 shows its detailed structure as brought out by special staining. The embryonic rods and cones, their nuclei and fibrils, are clearly shown. The cell processes which run toward the sharp margin of the band are always more deeply stained than those running in the opposite direction. The cells nearest the iris probably represent early forms of Muller's fibers. As already noted, only one margin of the band type of convolution is sharply defined. This is true also of the simple columnar epithelium. In sections stained by Method A it is easily seen that the sharp margin is due to a definite fenestrated membrane (Fig. 7), similar to the mem- brana limnitan-s externa and to the membrane in the pigment layer of the retina recently described by the writer.' When the membrane lies in the plane of the section, the openings in it are clearly made out. They are small, much smaller in the band convolutions than in the columnar epi- thelium, and hexagonal in shape. Into these openings the ends of the cells exactly fit without projecting through, in the case of the columnar epithe- lium, but in the case of the band convolutions, protruding beyond the mem- brane in the form of knob-like processes, the embryonic rods and cones. Besides these projections, the cells here and there end in large bulbous expansions, which are plainly granular, but which can be seen distinctly only when a small diaphragm is used in the microscope. These expan- sions evidently do not correspond to rods and cones. Similar appearances are to be seen in the ependyma of an embryo pig, and they are probably connected in some way with the process of cell division. Near the center of each opening in the membrane and usually exactly on a level with it, there are always two dots, and occasionally four dots, to be seen (Fig. 7). The dots stain intensely in the neuroglia stain, and are extremely minute, so much so that it is impossible to make out their exact shape, but they do not appear to be quite round. They always occur close together in pairs, but occasionally one of the pair is not seen distinctly owing to its being obscured by the other. Sometimes the dots are so close together as to appear as short rods. Frequently the dots seem to be situated in an indistinct round body; possibly this is an optical effect. Very rarely, instead of the one or two pairs of dots there occur as many as fourteen pairs of very much larger dots. Sections stained in a simple aqueous solution (.5%) of acid fuchsin often show the dots and the mem- brane fairly well. 356 VERHOEFF: Tumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Retina. The margin of the epithelium which shows the membrane is never in contact with connective tissue, and in fact is usually perfectly free, lining a space or lumen. The lumina of this kind may contain apparently noth- ing, or they may be filled with coagulated serum, or more rarely, with tumor cells. It is only in those places where the epithelium of the pars ciliaris retinae first becomes changed into tumor cells, or where the con- volutions are massed together, that the membrane is in contact with other surfaces. On the other hand the opposite margin of the epithelium is almost always closely united with connective tissue, and it is this margin which faces the surface over which the tumor grows. It is, however, never in direct contact with the underlying surface, but is separated from the latter by a greater or less amount of loose connective tissue.. The lumina, too, formed when the diffuse margin is internal, are entirely different from those just described. In this case they are filled with fibrillated connective tissue not to be distinguished from vitreous humor. This has not simply been enclosed by the tumor, since the latter does not come in contact with the normal vitreous humor, but it is newly formed, and the stages in its formation can be easily traced. It is best brought out in sections stained by Mallory's connective tissue stain; Van Giesen's stain is far less satisfactory. In the small lumina, hyaline con- nective tissue can be seen entering their openings and filling the cavities. Soon after entering, the connective tissue changes its character, forming a loosely fibrillated tissue containing a few vacuolated connective tissue cells and leucocytes of different kinds. It is only occasionally that a blood vessel is met with in this tissue, and when one is found its walls are very thin, like those in the vitreous body of the embryo. In the larger lumina the tissue is still more fibrillated, and what is particularly striking, at the periphery it is condensed into a more homogenous layer, identical in appearance and staining reactions with the hyaloid membrane of the normal vitreous body. This hyaloid membrane is usually most fully developed in the larger globular bodies formed by a single layer of epi- thelium (Fig. 8). However, it is also present as a thinner layer in the lumnina enclosed by the band-like convolutions. As already noted, the lumina vary greatly in size and shape, but they always show a decided tendency to become round. The smallest ones, which are quite numerous, correspond in size to the rosettes of the so- called glioma retinae, and are seldom formed by the simple columnar epithelium. The walls of the larger lumina, on the other hand, may con- sist of either type of convolution. Both the small and the large lumina are undoubtedly formed by a continuous growth of the convolutions, and there are probably no strictly isolated spherical bodies in the tumor like the rosettes of "glioma retinxe." The rosette-like pictures here in most cases represent small globular buds from the walls of the larger lumina, in which the fenestrated membrane is internal. At some levels the growth is in contact with and has spread over the surface of the lens, eroding the capsule in places, but not infiltrating the lens substance. Near by and often upon the surface of the lens, the VERHOEFF: Tumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Retina,. 357 growth undergoes a remarkable change in character, becoming converted into a meshwork of fnbrils containing large cells. The cells are irregular in shape but have rounded outlines, present a homogeneous appearance, and often are continued into one or more long processes. Their nuclei are oval or round, and, as a rule, relatively small compafed to the size of the cells. The fibrils are sometimes very fine, sometimes very thick, do not branch, and are free from nodosities. Even in hematoxylin and eosin specimens this tissue is easily recognized as neuroglia, but its nature is fully demonstrated by the neuroglia stain, Method A, which differentiates the fibrils in a most beautiful manner (Figs. 9, lo). In addition to this, they fail to stain by Weigert's elastic tissue stain, are colored red by Mal- lory's connective tissue stain, and yellow by Van Geisen's stain. It is note- worthy that the transition into neuroglia always takes place from the columnar oI- cuboidal epithelium, never directly from the thicker convolu- tions, and occurs where the growth extends far from its blood supply. In places, ouitgrowths of connective tissue are found coated with neuroglia in the same way as the lens capsule. In addition to the form of neuroglia proliferation just described, there is another variety which consists simply of an aggregation of spindle and somewhat stellate cells among which there are few neurofglia fibrils. These cells are somewhat similar to the cells in the optic disc which were described, the writer believes incorrectly, by Nikolai as muscle fibres. It is not possible to demonstrate by staining methods that these are glia cells, since the neuroglia stains are only differential for the fibrils, but they can scarcely be looked upon in any other light. JIn some situations their grad- ual transition into the cells of the distinct neuroglia formations is per- fectly plain. The epithelium forming the walls of some of the globular bodies, especially the larger ones in which the hyaloid membrane is well devel- oped, differs somewhat from the columnar epithelium already described. The cells are lower, often somewhat globular, and stain more intensely in eosin. This change in character of the epithelium is no doubt the result of a lack of nourishment, since the walls of the globular bodies are entirely dependent for their blood supply upon the few vessels in the enclosed vitreous humor. A similar but more marked change is seen in other parts of the tumor, particularly near its surface where the columnar epithelium grows far from its base. Here the cells may even become elongated horizontally. Such an appearance is seen in places also beneath the staphylomata, and the epithelium usually takes on this character just before it passes into neuroglia tissue. Not infrequently this modified epithelium is found within a mass of connective tissue, or in the vitreous humor which fills some of the lumina, where the cells may take on the appearance of neuroglia cells. Leaving the ciliary body, the growth anteriorly follows along the pos- terior surface of the iris, passing around the pupillary margin and growing for a short distance on the anterior surface. The whole upper half of the iris is lined in this way by the tumor, and on the temporal side the latter OPH.-24 358 VERHOEFF: Tumorfrom Pars Ciliaris Retince. extends for some distance beneath the staphyloma. Between the ciliary body and cornea, especially beneath the nasal staphyloma as already noted, the iris has almost disappeared and so that here the tumor is really brow- ing upon the sclera. In places it grows as a uniform layer, sometimes in the simple columinar type, and sometimes in the band type. More often than not-ir fact, always in the case of the band type-there is a cer- tain amount of new-formed connective tissue between the growth and the underlying structures. In places the growth is heaped up in the form of nodules showing on a smaller scale the convoluted structure in the main body of the tumor. These nodules are particularly apt to contain the rosettes already described. In other places, after assuming the simple col- umnar type, the growth is transformed into comparatively large papillary projections composed almost entirely of neuroglia (Fig. ii). In'one situa- tion a very interesting formation is observed. This is a cyst-like struc- ture formed by columnar epithelium and containing coagulated serum into the lumen of which a bud of neuroglia projects (Fig. I2). Another peculiar formation is produced by a layer of columnar epithelium growing over the layer of the band type and at intervals undergoing transformation into neuroglia. But perhaps- the most interesting as well as the most instructive appearance of all is that illustrated in Fig. 5. Here the growth comes down in the band form over the posterior surface of the iris, passes around the pupillary margin and buds out as a perfectly globular body filled with vitreous humor. The hyaloid membrane is present in this structure but can be made out well only by an oil immersion lens. On the temporal side of the iris, where the growth is farthest from the parent tumor, it assumes the modified columnar type, but here, too, globular bodies are formed at the pupilary margin filled with vitreous humor show- ing a well-marked hyaloid membrane. At certain places along the sclera the tumor shows a decided tendency to invade the underlying tissue. In no place, however, does the invasion extend very far, nor do the cells accumulate in such numbers as to form definite nodules. As a rule they are seen simply as lines, or double rows, of cells filling the tissue spaces. In every case the invasion is by direct continuity of growth, and there is no evidence of local metastasis by the lymphatics. In a number of sections the growth is seen in the iris stroma at the angle made by the junction of iris and cornea. Here it takes the columnar type and sometimes forms rosettes. Occasionally the growth is found growing not upon but within one of the ciliary processes, and in a few sections it is found invading the ciliary body itself. The tumor is dependent for its blood supply upon the few vessels which accompany the connective tissue stroma. The latter, as already indicated, is derived chiefly froni the ciliary processes and is not very abundant. The tumor cells in general grow upon the surface of this stroma, and not in it, just as they do upon the surfaces of the ciliary processes. It is from this stroma that the vitreous humor is derived which fills some of the globular bodies. No vessels are ever found in the convo- lutions themselves, as they are in the adult retina. Notwithstanding the 7 9 IO 12

Badal (i) and Lagrange, in I892, gave a description of a tumor arising from Mother noticed .. Christian (7) found them in neuroglia cells of several
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