PACIFICL INGUISTICS SerieCs -No. 85 VERBALC ONSTRUCTIONASN D VERBALC LASSIFICATIIONN N A TAORAN-AMIS by TeresaM . Chen Departmenotf Linguistics ResearcShc hooolf PacifiSct udies THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Chen, T.M. Verbal constructions and verbal classification in Nataoran-Amis. C-85, iv + 300 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1967. DOI:10.15144/PL-C85.cover ©1967 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. PACIFICL INGUISTICiSs i ssuetdh rougthh eL inguistic Circloef Canberraan d consisotTs f ours eries: SERIESA -OccasionPaalp ers SERIESB -Monographs SERIESC -Books SERIESD -SpeciaPlu blications EDITOR:S .A.W urm ASSOCIATEE DITORS:D .C.L aycockC,. L.V oorhoevDe.,T .T ryonT,. E.D utton EDITORIALA DVISERS: B.W . Bender K.A.M cElhanon Universiotfy H awaii Summer Instituotfe L inguistics DavidB radley H.P.M cKaughan La TrobeU niversity Universiotfy H awaii A. Capell P. MUhlhausler Universiotfy S ydney LinacrCeo llegeO,x ford MichaeGl. Clyne G.N.O 'Grady MonashU niversity Universiotfy V ictoriBa.,C . S.H.E lbert A.K.P awley Universiotfy H awaii Universiotfy A uckland K.J.F ranklin K.L.P ike SummerI nstituotfe L inguistics Summer Instituotfe L inguistics W. W.G lover E.C.P olome Summer Instituotfe L inguistics Universiotfy T exas G.W.G race MalcolmR oss Universiotfy H awaii AustraliNaant ionaUln iversity M.A.K.H alliday GilliaSna nkoff Universiotfy S ydney Universiotfy P ennsylvania E. Haugen W.A.L.S tokhof HarvardU niversity Universiotfy L eiden A. Healey B.K.T 'sou SummerI nstituotfe L inguistics CityP olytechnoifc H ong Kong L.A.H ercus E.M . Uhlenbeck AustraliNaant ionaUln iversity Universiotfy L eiden � Nguyn DangL iem J.W .M. Verhaar Universiotfy H awaii DivinWeo rd Institute, JohnL ynch Madang Universiotfy P apuaN ew Guinea Allc orrespondecnocnec erniPnAgC IFICL INGUISTICSi,n cluding orderasn d subscriptisohnosu,l bde addressetdo : The Secretary PACIFICL INGUISTICS Departmenotf Linguistics ResearcShc hooolf PacifiSct udies The AustraliNaant ionaUln iversity G.P.O.B ox 4C,a nberraA,. C.T.2 601 Australia Copyrigh©t The Author FirsPtu blish1e9d8 7 Typesebty Anne Rees Printebdy A.N.U.P rintinSge rvice Boundb y AdriatiBco okbindePrtsy Ltd The editorasr ei ndebtetdo theA ustraliNaant ionaUln iversiftoyr a ssistanicnet he productioofn t hiss eries Thisp ublicatwiaosnm ade possibblye a n initigarla ntf romt heH unterD ouglaFsu nd ISSN0 078-7558 ISBN0 858833 31 X TABLEO F CONTENTS page CH1AI·PON TDTEUTRRCO AMT ILITSAOH NNEG UAGE1 1.G1e Infneorramla tion 1 1.L2ui inAsgftyfi icn it 1.R3e ovLfeiri eatwt ure 16 4 1.O4r ptahhanyoB d gfrP r inhaeoolDsorecgiipcta1il7o n CH2AF:PRT AEOMEDRFSWE CTORIRKIO PN 26 2.L1e x-PiracePnas-odst Me-lo 1 d9e79 26 2.L2xes iFecue asra etlaensd Ru 30 2.C3no sitnotrtnMhas loe d e 38 2.B4aN soiotCcfia osnes 41 CHR3A C:PART SEEELI AANMT IISO NS 58 3.T1Ph eaeCnt atRilst eanei+ oPAT 59 [ ] 3.T2Ah geCe aRnlsteitaeo+ nA GT 70 [ ] 3.T3Ih rnemu seCtnaRltstean ei+ oINS 78 [ ] 3.T4Lh oeCc aRlustesaei+ oLnO C 93 [ ] 3.T5Ph cleCe aaR lsteanei+ oPLC 102 [ ] 36. TTheieC m aRlsteanei+ oTIM 107 [ ] 3.O7tC haiesNkreoe -t lions 113 CHR4A A:PMCT IAEMSSIA ESNRK YGS TEM 132 4.L1oi mcs axiclina sLee 132 4.C2aP sameris Aani md si g 125 4.S3mmu aorCfy-a MsiaSentrygeks m 139 44. LocRltaeaotri vNeo uns 160 CH5AC:PSLT ISAAECITROFIA FOMV NIE SR BS 163 5.V0e Crslbsaaaitlfi iocn 163 5.T1Rh oeoIl ffne tl ieFoacentaulr es 164 5.P2ir mVaeCrrly-baS susobsertcansiiai ttonee rgms ofF arCFmaeessa et ure l7l 5.S3u obsrcaniat ttriieeomonSgfs ne tmFiaesca tu2r1e0 CH6AS:PYT INEDCTREA IA RNTOCI ATVOMVFIE SR BS 235 6.I1rn -tSeRleteanniptso ehnice 235 6.V2eD rreibfvsrNe oodmu ns 238 6.V3eD rreibfvsrOe otVdmhe errb s 250 BIOBGLRIAPHY 274 AUITNHDOERX 291 LANIGNUDAEGXE 293 TIOICPN DEX 294 iii Chen, T.M. Verbal constructions and verbal classification in Nataoran-Amis. C-85, iv + 300 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1967. DOI:10.15144/PL-C85.cover ©1967 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. CHAPTER 1 ITNROUDCITNO TOT HEAM ISL ANUGAGE 1.1Ge enralI nofmraitno TAmhsieln ageiu ssap bgo8y,8k9 pe0en2(os oap 1fl;9 se 6Wei 4aee Wn adn g 19o6tni6h nse)odl Ff aoo srTamAhi.m,eas a senh it ngcr, ao trumhepoe s t numoeftr ahoarbeulio slgg rioonFfuaos "plrcan sm ots out3ti38oi%t.fn h ge toFtonar lrmga ioipbsnoo'ap.aluI tlnmea osrtf si ioottznfhhe ee gehoaigalcrrt aehipaebn yiht tAahsm,er i afnoakum troahtnrbehigio n gal gpr,cso ouarntftieAhnrteg ,ta Bhyueaan ltnuPhdwnaae p ni pe .loT eihcsa n be epaxlibntyfeh adetc httaoh rttet h hgerrieobneutih pmhtastoe au rgineino n anddp iehsrtastvel.edTe Ah mimsepes elen ,eot tpsoohhtnehen arid n,ah abit faciornlatyraio elntnaeuhg aoe ncs ua otsspe tllravailiiic nnnog n centrated stetl.e ments TAhimeps e oopcpaycll uonenoa bgwrao rlnfwond l,td a ThueRn iVglfat,lta e iy rubnenttiChwneeegRn e atannrtn gaChdaeole s R taoanFflogo esre amx,t ending frtoThkmaeiiR v lriie tnnh oerp taoHhrfiuet nDear ilnst tor toihfce t coast He'nnur,age ccthhshioernu sngpttm ohoo 'ieP'finnt.g T thculeatn ylshgl eevmes "aPngcatqht"onh muae"egm "A hoi " rmA ihsbace"soe t mbsaheli einds tlheie[trap tl).utaas1T rJh nhemae"em A mica"oyf m rteeohwi morf rto dfhr ie pr ressotn pulreaxselcip lvr:uo nIonuidnithes hie plgdryb ot lbheuaa ptetohi nr fiernscwtoio tutuaesmnih.trit hshdeeu arysdt s e hp dir toronfe toeour n tsheeeaslmtn vhdgu itsvih eemenosp nsr iwttahhsae tt thnire.ati m bee of Ancootrnh,feje aervec pcosteuiyubra myeelyd ldl ei rnnlf,Ktylo i arTinmaogac (laksnoaoC siwmh -niL naeKgnei d Sok ama,iit tsnaht )anhtae"m m Aiiess " dreeifdvrt iohwrmeof rodro r Ihbntaianottfsh e TaRlribi vakaesigri reenolnarn cty hlen ao "rmltshAPeilsrnn :eaa ermigsod.cs r mai p"qmlA"iby sy " tihorepw en.o A pftltnheeoerr g ptrc hoaieumnretn wo hi ot tcuessori ndtact abncedak mneo"mi wA,stn n"h maeawee sa x st tceoon tvdPheeaergdn r gocuapqs otfch eean sntodrur agteliah owselen. rlY snu (9 a16hn9so t )liha dvr .id e w Hceil tmahstat hmtee r mnegia n wfaisu rsbsteytPhd m ue ay su trofre te toih irema amimnts eoedrnn oiirhtetoghbhe.urneeT rr brhonerr iSdnoegu thern PagnrgioPcnnuia o pnTqra ta ' iuitnnupg ri unctp kth reeemdr f etetoro tmhsee.esW lhtvethrneewm o a ifsicf aapldtloieytd ,wt aoosrt heextended Pcaganrqgao wslue lp.s Letachvrebie inyodlg tfisi h cetejo teneutcsrao n ltsohatgrsnsiopd pe soc ialist ifno elw,cke hl toouoorts sheee" m sAitn"rha omutieghws ho orruekttf o et ro bottphheea o nepdlli aert.n hS geiut nalhncgaegee us racdihgebeee,rd Naa,tin aasn o orrdtithat,etlh rreeeimnn cs o l tcy eo eonnbnnivautlt so arpiopt.ape r 1 Chen, T.M. Verbal constructions and verbal classification in Nataoran-Amis. C-85, iv + 300 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1967. DOI:10.15144/PL-C85.1 ©1967 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. 2 121°E 122°E 25°N 24°N o 23°N o 25 50 KM. 22°N Fgiuer 1.1 Dirsibtuotnio ff ormsoanN ativeE htnicG roups (AdapftreodWm ei andlai ng 1966 andT suhciad 197) 6 LNE:DG AEtA,a S yeB,ae T ld,hCeB a quoD,nA ium,EsPn uF,y P iuaG,wm aan H a,RiS usaIki,i Jy K.alu nt(avx eact,tiP )naK(xz ette,i)hY mn aLic , MT .s ou AMIGSPR: SO( UN1a),n Hskshluii,auh nCto,aa( lPs4ni),n H ace'nhnu.g (2) (3) (5) Fraarimeeserna dgla esandhdi oF nuwi sr1ng ea .n2d [ 1.3.] 3 TAhmeti eosrir drsydii ievtndfit iiovo beJny nas repa esCangehd i nese anotglhi.orsE oxtptsfernntootdhmrsoi o nugt ehan csa otlaeosrntga lt he pl,ta Ahimegni rcnsoios usopftfv ibs er e:a(s) nN1n cashAihmsi,h (H2ks)uiA ilum(saC3,no) Ama ,is( stP4ai)Alns ma a,in(n Hd5 e )'nnA u sgmc.ih Tphpoeu nlo Nafat Aniimisos1hs, 14i 0H2hks; ui, 2l,u 69a8C5noa;,a1l , 8s9;4t 9 Pi,2n, 08a5anH6ne;dn ,1g 2,(c0s0ha 16'o9s4ufWen;i ee a1n9.dW6 i e6 W)ang aWnadn gg iahvnafeyven ner rjo eeurnnc socoattfentit o iihfrssi u pb,ig nrgou assumtihiniatgcst o kmmnooanwm Floooennsred gamtg ghei.n Hs ooetl,wrso ev Yu(9a1)6dn 9om eetsnh Jtanaiteposh sancoe llk iIae(nr 9a1s1h 6a)dt hmea de diivioinnfvst igeor a ocucpgoser hodidgicirnbaasgul,pt at trcnioiudo l ntural alnnuidsgi teirc(e uYdn1a9ic9n,:f4e6 .8fs1L 1aJ)tnaeepersatlg ehoi nsots liUktieswk( ua9a41s ,3A)h s(9a1,3ai 5Mn )ad(b 91u5dct3ihui)seiin od sgyn h l thgrpr,enso eeamul tNyho,ee,r r tnCthehanetntS hdroe au glptr .shoO eunr n tbhiaeosss f o scrtiuacakntlhidu oin rnrpsseigi a ,aoWti ne(9 16h1a)s proatp wodosii-eviwodinanaN sty oo r atS hoeugrtr.nho euarpnnd BYyu' aascn (c91o:6-9u8,9t)n fhtieg v reo uapgrseep ho iogcfr aaAlmliys dtirsiafbsloou lvl(tesseeu d rF ei g 1.1:) 1N.NA SAIH.MSTI nhHoe rr sngttmprho l,eoco dua ttinehgneeh i boofu rhood to'Hdsua Cay,ilh tiaayessnn geb ihiottuSshre esoe T fda earqnosdk ot he Kluavwnamhosoiv onYel tiadaat nl r ad taaethneadb v eaeeb nsbt oyhr eb ed Cihnterh.seeI eln ucidtniehg sdpra o2rsu0ete ttl,lse omacoelatnnthgee d caolssr ttfiarpBo uimstn unh roetirM oknta u hitt nash aoe(ieu sF egti uhr e 1. 2). 2H.IUS KAUI.MLST AhgNiro csopcu uitpenh rsaeso r rtwoi lfpai rngridab tye d HaiulReeinirv n n oatrHnhtksdehui R vleuiiartnn sh hoeb,u e ttthwee en CeanCntodrMa atoslauRt inaaonnlTf g a .eiI swln aucindtniehg sdpra orue sleetkmtwneanoTns ato vsnVa ga,rK,t ii a,atva Pnnrada.i sT iuhnrnehe biogurs aTrnsegu aaoIn-wdAoa Btftua. any nua nl COAAIMSSST.eAp fLarH roksanmuiAt lsumbea tiydCh a oesM uttonaaRlia, nn ge 3t. ChtoeAaa smls i igbnrihtoteahusaepnc s tottaaerelsrra ainicsdoaes lt ed frooemt.r hI stndhcieetlnds hgu iraosrueempt e ktnnlatoTesswai onln, ag Va,Mk ao,kTna us,vtT uakseaaai,Pninu elg,sea inMnleadao uentlx,iea fnnrgdo m notrsoto. hu th 4P.NI AAI.MNSL oictnanh itheegeb doo utfro' Thdsa'oani Coygtyid Pu,t ni na Aimisas lr fsreeorae Tsad'u i Anttim.gosT i hgsr hoaauissnpt ihe sgb ours tPhyue,uB mu,aPn wau,aain nRnudgk pr.asoT iuh earlclesoo oonat fsirh eeee s grioineutds pPhsnieAi n masea.r aI lnucidtniehg sdr a osrueept tlements kwnanoVs aa nl(nMng,Ta)a ol,oTra o,aVr nkae,uvPk lohi,aoj Knosadiln .ta 5H.E 'NNAUI G.MSTC hHe gceohodnigtticrris aionpAbfuimu ostu isio sn iernrtbutypPh taeeai Pdnwu day nus mooauTfa tt' ig.uhr n soguAupbo p gfsr ou PaiAnnsmi cisou fftrft orh smeeat fn odapr omicsHnk e 'ennutt,go cwhard tshoeu ttihpie nsr.odlT nfiah g sptr i holsterua ref eetraoHrs gee 'cnnduh Amis. Wiae Wnad(9n 167g,6i) r:nge 3atmroid g hroiyaors Ftfrtosi maaoorbnniio ngal trsmi,eb tne,hti atinstho eenevt ecehnen yntt,Ath smueg ir rwoefurodper s c e tmoot voteweh aseaenrtcr dob atySsh eetefqe rstdon hrmoett hBhu,ef n ruonms twhseeat n,d ftrthoshemoe. uW PthutheHyhnCauei hnm sna aeers ir tnih vee d eacasoisttnt eh r aenle iytnh ce ee,ntn Athtimuetsrr et ryowirfayus r ther retdonu oacbawreai rdHnn ud a Tlat'iiudenincgs. t Bt astyrnht ideai ,tm He'nnAu gsm cifrwhodma esras esuof lfrait om e norestv nb etyPm uat,ysh uem Pan,is wkaaatnihdscsae uc utRs lusclufyto ffrtftohPh nemie m n gA iusp 4 24°N ...J q Q; � ,... ;;e � UJ ll.J () () 0 () - ll., - () � Q.. 23.5°N Fgiuer 1.2S etetmlenotfsN asnhhi-mAis (mAis nam)e s LNE:DG BEu,sS uuar,msVi aand,rP va4,arT rkaesawskin,aoT nispna,u ka 1 Po,k2R pi,odN 3 koaa,rot aVana,n5 Maa,xn oR6r i,an naxa 7 Tak8 o,Dk a9 ,au Tris1e0nd ik,iwT r1a1s ai,k1 K2a ar,ra onroan 13 Ptao14, r Vo1an,5 kg Mouaantn1.k6 a ai17 RERI(SVh18 Ce insnmeae:s1a9 ) RM20e iubrvSk ,hu oaReu icrfv\ ,lu>JRi naei gnrv , dM aR-ieavHa nieul Rerein,frvH ,u RneiggrvHyi ,seu hRke iurvl.a n 5 24 <: oq: Lu (J 0 (J .... - -.... _---- lI.. H 1 - , } (J /� ,/ oq: ,;'" ""',, ' Q.. " • J - , .', 23.SON \.. ......1. �!.. Fgiuer 1.3S etetmelntosf N anhsiahn dH suikunl (ahCniesnea ems) LE:GA HEi s'NnnDceBgHh ,u Ca,ilC tihCye,i Sn -h Dnao EgnFu ,puf, inu ng FF ui,nnK gnuGl,ga J fuHu,i Y ls,uIiuT it'JuaD niigs trict KH us,li innLnjM gCu W,hia No,N h'a usDno itts.t ric AB,C,D ,E , N aRnes;Fgh G,iiH,I oh,J ,n H ksnuiR lueagion NATVLAIELO:SAR P= GiAhe'cnNag Ih,acg' n,N a'nn= agTc,hahn sogi,a 1 Yuin.n2 g ghs3 4 5 6 Noa-rtsAaatm,nnhi oerd tiuhaneliderenesnacvrt tt,i ii ssgop inonk etnh e Narnes.ghA iicohctn toochr seedstun i aink1nge,9 t n 6ha 4e1r8re,1e 3 sapkeoetfrhd siei. scaN tloartmsaasi nem-teAatnlrltoeesic C nah tie-da n Counntesyauo·rbHfi uu nrCa b,ilft tiohyaermecu ni ls notfgfeiv lrvigel Tnhaeom tfeh vlseail sgae:erP sehe'n iaIghccn,'Ng aa,'nn aTgcha,hnso, agi nad YuinnAgglmlh .iysf n otrcsmaf amrtneovhl amielog Nfea' nnagc,h approfxeiil vmfemaridstoo emwHl nuyCtay iol(e twisFegnei u1 n3r.a ,earC . e) 1.2L ignusitci Affniiyt ThFraosmntlaon uagabgeteltosoAh nuengs en fts larihymoala iossn ibgne ceen etbsahle(ioddfsrti e a,ls Dseye17eb 9a1n Tnu sdc1 h:9-i71.d2T6 a)h e gepholipg corasaoFifost irairnml ote oanitt ooohn rte a h reeSaoasus ttoh fe Aisiawn h Asiuotcsnnrhilen aagausrapegio essksei eF engnin u1 r.Te4h .e luisintpsgioincot t fiFh ooesnrl a maonaagsw u hiaotngAlh eueesss n it arone fla,hym oirwi,es cv l.eneM ooaatsrt ttac etlm faptistihcvssoaapeai nl c ed Frosmnlao uaanagagseenr as olf fyso haroj obmontraroc a tfhAh tueorss nnie a lnage(usHca afgu.1d ,9r1 6i;92c 61o6D59,u5y17 reba91tn;1 ;9D 7aa6hnld Bl17u9.7s )t 1.2.Th1eP oisitno oFfom rosaAnb ogriniaLla nugageisnt heJIu. tsronaens i LanguFaagmleiy Tfhdeeaiw oc nhsirttcudo d,a mi tooeewsfsht a i brscaeoehs ndc e ondary sosus,rus tcgtheeg iavedtfe rFnooscmrlae man on cugoslunidacig gafenist ly atftechreue nr atrclcye ptetdPho retur Oosee-ntncs(ArA oi)PNna struction of sosuynsCdtla (elp91m)e 6i .2n optuostao ntut nshdtpaiartnwo hgibti tlhnee m Insdnigo aronoAfesuuo tspnari lenna gscu oarnmngcoseder eletdec aedris iptions otfFh roesmnl ao aen,tsg ihcurepoa amgrmaoltr,oaip gtnhvyrhdoeaee tl ionship otfh lneagstuetoa rh geeoeAs fsut n s ents.ri oa D'ylesen xtiiscsutod(t9ysi16o tc5tfa ha lne)ags iuecna adhghtiiei egsnn taelr deisryvia tlniodrnwn ta aeenlrnxd atc leop genrea.cstI eefnm tettahhgeo d olfie cxtoisisttstoa ti rcb,uDse 'sy otesrbne vsdcaetathnbice eoson untn e rd afsllo :oF woosmsrhaamayb v eoeeon nfeo ltadhroeeeAfs rau tsoss nin t ea seentm.tteY sl,ei atn eptnalt"pheieTPedrto isotoifhn ae yl osyMnpina oael LanoFgfoou sra(9amg1,6"e 3 sD)a yaneln ntaes et guhsriiegatvtoshnF a otr mosan lnage"usrpa ogcbsoattnbuaisltn iyegf llae(ymy D"i1e3 9n2:6 6bc2ea)u se indfircovabmotu citlaaotharnheretsa Fi h motoeens rsl a anagirunea gfeasc t mumcocohrls erlet ealgeyted in tcehoaamnlnielt g yh.h iT tenh evkeeni cd ietilsssfpi nlmcoyotn n cevinhino ugufts goo ar s nttbdawae kedteeri nsv iety ahnodemt n.oyeB g1iy9D 7ys1eetn eho mam evotdevo etwhdhaoo eeregm nydi t amstpsibucoyon n tchteahhhdtied ie g inryvagso m Fnioogtnsrl n amagiusa ges "kletiplory tob odve tue eoer r iotnrph reo ."c.(y eD.1ed7a 9nu15: .r)T1 eh e letxtaiipcsruotohrsiclaeceesi dnl tttfsso m eo ad neieyrfcnn fotcn lfsuo sri o Dytehonan teh l ewcpora niandnbniegoovtl utasiit . td y AcctoDoyr( 9ed16,ni5r nsmaFgaao)or bnio lgnuaiganfgaotelrsws meo p arate gpr:tso Ahuyteaas blauflimaycitn EhdaeF so ontsrH ame,ws iAiyttoiahancl clfaisaeisndeni pdaepsnr mdibeemoemnatfrtrAh ryueso s ninlt kaeieaan gpart frMoamln saaeyianoan o-sdnP teoth lnweoyoo fn -nsr.1eniag alraoyupos- Poly (htoet ohbneeeEri n ngoggue oat tfnsOh oiacei)dnae ce ;r aa tnEhdae s t