Draft version January 10, 2017 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleAASTeX6v.1.0 VELOCITY ANISOTROPY IN SELF-GRAVITATING MOLECULAR CLOUDS. I: SIMULATION Frank Otto DepartmentofPhysics,TheChineseUniversityofHongKong 7 1 0 Weiguang Ji 2 XinjiangAstronomicalObservatory,Urumqi,Xinjiang,China n and a J DepartmentofPhysics,TheChineseUniversityofHongKong 7 ] A Hua-bai Li G DepartmentofPhysics,TheChineseUniversityofHongKong . h p - o ABSTRACT r t The complex interplay between turbulence, magnetic fields, and self-gravity leads to the formation of s a molecularcloudsoutofthediffuseinterstellarmedium(ISM).Oneavenueofstudyingthisinterplayis [ by analyzing statistical features derived from observations, where the interpretation of these features 1 is greatly facilitated by comparisons with numerical simulations. Here we focus on the statistical v anisotropypresentinsyntheticmapsofvelocitycentroiddata,whichwederivefromthree-dimensional 6 magnetohydrodynamicsimulationsofaturbulent,magnetized,self-gravitatingpatchofISM.Westudy 0 how the orientation and magnitude of the velocity anisotropy correlate with the magnetic field and 8 1 withthestructuresgeneratedbygravitationalcollapse. Motivatedbyrecentobservationalconstraints, 0 our simulations focus on the supersonic (sonic Mach number M≈2−17) but sub- to trans-alfv´enic 1. (alfv´enic Mach number MA ≈0.2−1.2) turbulence regime, and we consider clouds which are barely 0 to mildly magnetically supercritical (mass-to-flux ratio equal to once or twice the critical value). 7 Additionally we explore the impact of the turbulence driving mechanism (solenoidal or compressive) 1 on the velocity anisotropy. While we confirm previous findings that the velocity anisotropy generally : v aligns well with the plane-of-sky magnetic field, our inclusion of the effects of self-gravity reveals that i X in regions of higher column density, the velocity anisotropy may be destroyed or even reoriented to alignwiththegravitationallyformedstructures. Weprovideevidencethatthiseffectisnot necessarily r a due to the increase of M inside the high-density regions. A 1. INTRODUCTION mationofmolecularcloudsandofstars(seee.g. McKee &Ostriker(2007)). Turbulenceisperhapsthemostelu- It is commonly accepted that the interstellar medium sive of these forces, because its driving mechanisms are (ISM)isgovernedbythecompetitionbetweentheforces still not well understood, it is difficult to treat theoreti- ofgravity, turbulence, andmagneticfields. Thebalance cally, and studying it observationally requires gathering between these forces plays a major role e.g. for the for- data from a large range of scales. Due to the stochastic nature of turbulence, statistical methods are widely used to study its properties. Many [email protected] ofthesemethodsworkwithvelocitydata,becausespec- [email protected] 2 troscopic observations are able to provide such data in cloud. This difference was attributed to the transition plenty, and because active turbulence will have a direct fromsub-tosuper-alfv´enicturbulencebetweenthelow- imprint on the velocity field, in contrast to the den- and high-density regions. sity field which may instead be imprinted with “fossil” turbulence. Notable methods which work on position- However,magneticfieldsarenottheonlypossiblesource position-velocity(PPV)cubesincludethe“spectralcor- for velocity anisotropy. Self-gravity in molecular clouds relation function” (Rosolowsky et al. 1999), the “veloc- leads eventually to the formation of large-scale struc- ity channel analysis” (Lazarian & Pogosyan 2000), and tures,whichareoftenfoundtobefilamentary,andthese the “velocity coordinate spectrum” (Lazarian 2004). A oriented structures can have an imprint on the velocity less elaborate, but still useful method, makes use of the fieldofthesurroundingmedium. Toourknowledge,the two-point correlation functions of the velocity centroid effectofself-gravityontheturbulentvelocityanisotropy (Esquivel et al. 2003; Esquivel & Lazarian 2005, 2011; has not been investigated. Burkhart et al. 2014), and we also employ this method In this study, we present the results from a series of in the present work. numerical simulations of driven magnetohydrodynamic While astrophysical turbulence is often assumed to be turbulence including self-gravity. Our simulations focus driven in an isotropic manner, the presence of magnetic onsub-totrans-alfv´enicconditions,i.e. wherethemag- fields introduces anisotropic behavior, because charged netic field dominates over or competes with the turbu- particles are forced to circulate around the magnetic lence. This choice is motivated by recent observational field lines while they may move freely along them. The constraints(Lietal.2009,2013,2014,2015a)whichindi- sizeofthiseffectdependsonscale. Whilelarge-scaletur- catethatthemagneticfieldisorderedoveralargerange bulent motions contain more kinetic energy than small- of scales, a scenario which is difficult to reconcile with scale motions, the local magnetic field strength and dominatingturbulenceasthisshouldleadtorathertan- hencethemagneticenergydensityareroughlyindepen- gled magnetic field structures. While many numerical dent of scale. Therefore the magnetic influence is more simulations in the past have favored such super-alfv´enic pronounced on small scales, and leads to elongation of scenarios,recentsimulationshavealsostartedtoexplore the turbulent eddies. A theoretical model for magneto- thesub-totrans-alfv´enicregime(e.g. Lietal.(2015b)). hydrodynamic(MHD)turbulenceinincompressibleme- In addition to a range of sonic and alfv´enic Mach num- dia was presented by Goldreich & Sridhar (1995, here- bers (M = 1.8−17.3 and M = 0.2−1.2), we after GS95), and its predictions for the anisotropc scal- sonic alfv´en explore two different scenarios for the relative strength ing behavior of power spectra have been confirmed by between gravity and magnetic forces: one where the numericalsimulations(Cho&Vishniac2000;Choetal. simulated volume as a whole is in equilibrium between 2002), and have been found to also apply for compress- these forces, and one where the cloud mass is twice ible media (Cho & Lazarian 2003), thus showing its rel- the magnetically critical mass. Again, the choice for evance for studies of the ISM. theseparametersismotivatedfromrecentobservational Studying this magnetically induced anisotropy from constraints (Li et al. 2015a). Additionally we investi- (synthetic) observations of velocity data has been the gate whether the turbulence driving mechanism, which topic of a series of studies (Esquivel & Lazarian 2011; may be of more solenoidal or more compressive nature Burkhart et al. 2014; Esquivel et al. 2015) based on nu- (Federrath et al. 2010), has an influence on the velocity merical simulations of MHD turbulence. It was found anisotropy. thattheanisotropycanbereliablydetectedandusedto Our simulation methodology is detailed in Section 2. recover the mean orientation of the plane-of-sky (POS) From our simulations, we produce synthetic maps of component of the magnetic field (B-field) for sub- to the line-of-sight (LOS) velocity centroid, and we em- slightlysuper-alfv´enicconditions(M (cid:46)1.5), andeven A ploy a novel method to detect and quantify the velocity if the B-field is moderately inclined (< 40◦) with re- anisotropy from these maps. (Section 3). We then in- specttothePOS.Ontheobservationalside,Heyeretal. vestigate if and how the anisotropy correlates with the (2008) applied a directional variant of principal com- B-field orientation and with the gravitationally formed ponent analysis to a 12CO PPV cube from the Taurus structures. (Section 4). A discussion and comparison molecular cloud, and found a significant correlation be- with previous related results is provided in Section 5. tween the velocity anisotropy and the mean POS B- field orientation. In a followup study (Heyer & Brunt 2012), no such anisotropy was found in the 13CO data which trace the high-density, filamentary region of the 2. SIMULATION METHOD 3 solenoidal (ζ1) compressive (ζ0) ID B e˙ M M AR1 AR2 M M AR1 AR2 0 drv A A B0E1 0 10 2.01 ∞ – – 1.90 ∞ – – B0E3 0 1000 8.67 ∞ – – 8.65 ∞ – – B3E1 3 10 1.89 0.63 4.5 8.4 1.79 0.60 5.6 7.1 B3E2 3 100 3.71 1.24 3.7 4.4 3.58 1.19 4.9 3.3 B10E1 10 10 2.37 0.24 10.0 5.6 2.01 0.20 10.2 2.0 B10E2 10 100 4.06 0.41 7.8 2.7 3.73 0.37 9.8 3.9 B10E3 10 1000 8.20 0.82 3.1 4.6 7.87 0.79 3.1 1.9 B30E3 30 1000 9.11 0.30 3.6 2.8 8.42 0.28 4.3 4.0 B30E4 30 10000 17.3 0.57 2.8 2.8 N/A N/A – – Table 1. List of simulations and parameters used. B and e˙ are input parameters (see text). The sonic and alfv´enic Mach 0 drv numbersderivefromthevelocitydispersionv ,whichforeachsimulationiscalculatedbyaveragingoveraseriesofsnapshots rms offullydevelopedturbulence. Thespreadofv yieldsanestimatefortherelativeuncertaintyofMandM ofabout5%(at rms A 95% confidence level). The AR columns list the maximum aspect ratio of the top-10% autocorrelation contour of the column density as encountered during the gravitational stage of the simulations, AR1 for cr=1 and AR2 for cr=2; see Section 4.3. Weperformasetofthree-dimensionalidealmagnetohy- lence is driven at large wavelengths (L = 0.5L), and drv drodynamics (MHD) simulations, using a modified ver- its strength is controlled by the specific kinetic energy sion of the code ZEUS-MP (Hayes et al. 2006). The input rate e˙ (measured in units of c2). The magnetic drv s major modification is an implementation of the turbu- field,ifpresent,isinitiallyuniform,withstrengthB (in 0 lence driving scheme described in (Stone et al. 1998). unitssuchthatthemagneticpressureisgivenbyB2/2) While this scheme originally only used solenoidal (non- and pointing in the z-direction. These two parameters, compressive)drivingmodes,weextendittoallowforan e˙ and B , determine the root-mean-square velocity drv 0 arbitary mix of solenoidal and compressive modes, fol- dispersion v =(cid:104)[v(x)−(cid:104)v(x)(cid:105) ]2(cid:105)1/2 (where (cid:104)(cid:105) de- rms x x x lowing (Schmidt et al. 2006). For completeness, math- notes the spatial average), and hence set the turbulent ematical details of our driving scheme are given in Ap- sonic Mach number M=v /c , as well as the Alfv´en rms s √ pendix A. Mach number M = v /v , where v = B / ρ is A rms A A 0 0 thelarge-scaleAlfv´enspeed. Toinvestigatetheinfluence Startingfromuniforminitialconditions,oursimulations oftheturbulencedrivingmode,wehavecarriedoutsim- proceed in two stages. In the first stage, self-gravity is ulations both with purely solenoidal driving (ζ = 1.0; turned off, and turbulence is driven until the turbulent see Appendix A) and with purely compressive driving cascade is saturated (or longer). This is judged by veri- (ζ =0.0). Table1liststhesimulationparameterswhich fying that the power spectrum of the kinetic energy has havebeenusedforthepresentwork. Alloursimulations reached a stable distribution. In the second stage, self- are supersonic, and most of them are sub-alfv´enic. In gravityisturnedon,whileturbulencedrivingcontinues. the following, we will refer to the simulations by their The gravitational stage is run for several free-fall times, ID, appended with “ζ1” or “ζ0” for indicating whether if possible, though in the more supercritical scenarios solenoidal or compressive driving is used, respectively. the gravitational collapse can quickly lead to very high densities, which causes very small MHD time steps and Forthegravitationalstage,weadditionallyusethegrav- forces a stop of the simulation. All the simulations use itational constant G as a parameter to control the rela- an isothermal equation of state, and periodic boundary tive strength between gravity and magnetic forces. The conditions are employed. latter stabilize the cloud against collapse if the total (cid:112) cloud mass M = ρ L3 is less than M = fΦ 4π/G, 0 Φ Theoutputofeachsimulationisaseriesofsnapshotdat- whereΦ=B L2 isthemagneticfluxthroughthecloud, 0 acubes,eachcontainingthemassdensityρ(x,t),theve- and f is a geometric factor for which we use the value locityfieldv(x,t),andthemagneticfieldvectorB(x,t), f = 1/2π (Nakano & Nakamura 1978). Hence the crit- onauniform3DgridofN3pointsx,ataspecificsimula- icality parameter cr = M/M controls how (magnet- Φ tion time t. Our simulations are resolved with N =576 ically) supercritical the cloud is, as a whole. For this points per dimension. work, we have carried out the gravitational stage of the simulations with both cr =1 and cr =2. The simulations are carried out in reduced units, such that the average mass density ρ0, the isothermal sound Anexampleforhowourreducedunitscanbeconverted speed c , and the box length L have unit value. Turbu- s 4 to physical units will be given in Section 5. 0.50 3 ) 2 z 3. ANALYSIS METHOD 0.25 (y, V 1 d oi 3.1. Detecting anisotropy strength and orientation r z 0.00 0 nt e c 1 y Our analysis focuses on the velocity centroid, as this 0.25 cit is a quantity which is readily available from observed 2 elo spectroscopicdata. Itisalsoreadilyobtainedfromsim- v ulation data as follows: for each point r on the plane- 0.50 3 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 of-sky, the velocity centroid V(r) is computed by inte- y grating the line-of-sight velocity component v along LOS the line-of-sight coordinate s, weighted with the local 2.5 emissionintensity,andnormalizedbythetotalemission 160 intensity. Under optically thin assumptions, the local 2.0 s] emission intensity is proportional to the local gas den- xel 120 ϕ) sity ρ, so thVat(r)= (cid:82) dsρ(cid:82)(rd,ssρ)(vrL,OsS)(r,s) . (1) lscale [pi 80 11..05 SF(l,V 40 0.5 To identify stochastic anisotropies in this 2D map of velocitycentroids,followingEsquivel&Lazarian(2011), welookatitstwo-pointsecondorderstructurefunction, 0 30 60 90 120 150 whichisgivenbyaveragingthesquareddifferenceinthe plane-of-sky angle ϕ [◦] velocity centroid between any two points on the map which are separated by the distance vector l: 1.50 l=10 (cid:68) (cid:69) l=10 (fit) SFV(l)= [V(r)−V(r+l)]2 (2) 1.25 l=100 r /cl l=100 (fit) This structure function depends on the distance l sep- ϕ) arating the point pairs, and on the plane-of-sky (POS) (l, 1.00 V angleϕ(measuredcounter-clockwisefromthePOShor- F S 0.75 izontal axis), SF (l,ϕ)=SF (leˆ ) 0.50 V V ϕ where eˆ is a unit vector with POS angle ϕ. 0 30 60 90 120 150 ϕ plane-of-sky angle ϕ [◦] When evaluating Eq.(2) for a given distance vector l in practice, the average is computed by running over Figure 1. (Color online.) Top: Map of the velocity cen- all grid points r of the 2D map, provided that r+l is troidV(r)withlineofsightalongthex-direction(snapshot fromtheB10E2ζ1simulation,withsaturatedturbulence,no also within the map. Moreover, if l is not aligned with gravity). The mean magnetic field points upwards. Middle: one of the grid axes, the point r+l will in general not Map of the structure function SF as a function of scale l V fallontoagridpoint,sothatthecorrespondingvelocity and POS angle ϕ. At all scales, the structure function ex- centroid value V(r + l) is not directly available from hbits a minimum around ϕ = 90◦, the direction parallel to the magnetic field. Bottom: Normalized structure function Eq.(1); instead, we compute it by bilinear interpolation SF (l,ϕ)/c plotted against the plane-of-sky angle ϕ. Solid V l from the velocity centroid on the four neighboring grid linesshowtheactualdataforthescalesl=10px(redcolor) points. and l=100px (blue color), while the dotted lines show the corresponding fits according to the model function Eq.(3). Tomeasuretheanisotropypresentinthestructurefunc- tionSFV,wefit(least-squaresminimization)itsangular tion αl. Werestrictbl ≥0and0≤αl <180◦ toenforce behaviour to the following model function: a unique solution. The coefficient c = (cid:104)SF (l,ϕ)(cid:105) l V ϕ measures the average structure function at scale l, and SF (l,ϕ)∼c [1−b cos(2(ϕ−α ))] (3) V l l l plays no role in determining the anisotropy. This fit is done for each scale l, and yields a measure of theanisotropy strength b andoftheanisotropy orienta- Fig. 1 illustrates our procedure for obtaining the l 5 anisotropy strength and orientation, using one snap- lapse, and physical conditions differ between different shot of the sub-alfv´enic simulation B10E2ζ1. While the stages of the collapse. Hence it is mandatory to esti- plane-of-sky map of the velocity centroid (top panel) mate the errors for α and b from a single snapshot. l l exhibits anisotropy which can be visually recognized, Moreover, we are interested in analyzing not only the the picture becomes much clearer when looking at how full POS map, but also selected subregions of it (e.g. the structure function SF depends on the scale l and selected by a column density threshold). This is simply V the POS angle ϕ) (middle panel). At all scales, SF achievedbyincludingonlypointpairsfromtheselected V exhibits a minimum where the POS angle aligns with regioninthecomputationofEq.(2). Toobtainanerror the mean POS B-field orientation (here, ϕ ≈ 90◦). estimate for these cases, we randomly cut out from the When looking at the detailed angular dependence for selected region (or whole map) a set of non-overlapping a single scale (bottom panel), the approximately si- disc-shapedareas(ofacertaindiameterD),untilnofur- nusoidal angle-dependence of SF becomes apparent, thersuchareacanbecutout;Eachsuchdiscisrequired V and the position of the fitted sinusoid’s minimum in- to lie contiguously inside the selected region. For each forms us about the anisotropy’s orientation (α ) while disc,wethencomputethestructurefunctionSF using l V the fitted sinusoid’s amplitude yields a measure for the only points inside the disc, and obtain the anisotropy anisotropy’s strength (b ). parameters by fitting as above, yielding values α and l l,i b for the i-th disc. These values can be regarded as l,i points (b cos(2α ),b sin(2α )) in a 2D plane, and 3.2. Parameter uncertainties l,i l,i l,i l,i the geometric center of these points defines the aver- age anisotropy strength b and the average anisotropy The fitting procedure described above yields, for each l orientation α . Note that the process of covering the scale l, one value for each of the parameters α and b . l l l mapwithnon-overlappingdiscsdoesn’tcoverthewhole However,thestochasticnatureoftheturbulencedriving map. Therefore it can be repeated several times, and leads to fluctuations of these parameters from snapshot each time a different random subregion of the map will to snapshot. Even if the structure function is obtained be covered. For each covering, we obtain different val- byaveragingoverawholesnapshot,thereisnotenough ues of b and α , and again these can be summarized by datainasinglesnapshottocompletelyaverageoutthese l l themeansandthestandarddeviations. Wewillreferto fluctuations. Therefore it is essential to obtain an er- theerrorestimatesobtainedinthiswayasdisc-sampled ror estimate for the fitted parameters. We propose two errors. methods to do so. Some technical notes for the disc-sampling error esti- Thefirstmethodcanbeappliedifsnapshotswithequiv- mates are in order. First, the shape of disc is chosen so alent physical conditions, but different realizations of asnottobiasthedetectionoftheanisotropyorientation the turbulent field are available. This is the case for –thereisnopreferredorientationinadisc. Second, the the first stage of our simulations (i.e. before gravity is method is restricted to scales l much smaller than the switchedon): aftertheturbulentcascadehassaturated, disc diameter D, because for scales close to D, there is snapshots which are far enough separated in time are an insufficient number of point pairs to reliably com- statistically independent, but correspond to equivalent pute a stochastic average of the structure function at physical conditions. Hence we can collect a sample of that scale – figuratively speaking, there is only a small the parameters α and b from individually fitting each l l number of turbulent eddies at larger scales, which pre- snapshot. Thissampleisthensummarizedbythemean anisotropy strength ¯b and mean anisotropy orientation cludes a meaningful statistical analysis. Third, as the l disc-sampling method operates on a single snapshot, it α¯ , and the corresponding sample standard deviations l can also be applied to observational data, where one are used as error estimates. (Note that for the orien- also doesn’t have the luxury of having multiple snap- tation, which is defined on a periodic interval with a shots available. period of 180◦, we are using the circular mean and cir- cular standard deviation.) Additionally, the sample size can be doubled by combining equivalent lines of sight, 4. RESULTS namely those perpendicular to the mean B-field. We will refer to these error estimates as snapshot-sampled 4.1. Baseline turbulent anisotropy errors. The second method is designed to be used on a sin- Due to the randomness of the turbulent fluctuations, gle snapshot. For the second stage of our simulations, weak transient anisotropies will generally appear, even which includes self-gravity, the molecular cloud can col- intheabsenceofmagneticfieldsorgravity. Tomeasure 6 compressive compressive 0.3 solenoidal 0.3 solenoidal solenoidal (disc-sampled) solenoidal (disc-sampled) 0.25 0.25 h h gt gt n n e 0.2 e 0.2 str str y y op 0.15 op 0.15 otr otr s s ni 0.1 ni 0.1 a a 0.05 0.05 0 0 0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.1 1 scale / Ldrv scale / Ldrv Figure 2. Scale-dependenceoftheanisotropystrengthbforpurehydrosimulations(noB-field). TheleftpanelisforM≈1.95 (B0E1)whiletherightpanelisforM≈8.66(B0E3). Thicklinesshowthebdataaveragedover3linesofsightand10snapshots offullydevelopedturbulence. Thinlinesindicatethecorresponding1σdeviations(snapshot-sampled). Thedifferentturbulence driving mechanisms (compressive and solenoidal) are represented by the solid and dashed lines, respectively. The individual data points show the results for solenoidal driving from a single snapshot (with disc-sampled errors; see text). the anisotropy strength of these transient anisotropies, lence driving mode on the baseline anisotropy strength, we conducted a set of pure hydrodynamic simulations as the results agree within their 1σ deviations. Third, (i.e. using B = 0) and measured the anisotropy the results differ very little between simulations with 0 strengthofthevelocitycentroidmapasdescribedinSec- different sonic Mach number. We find the baseline tion 3. Fig.2 displays the snapshot- and LOS-averaged anisotropy strength to generally lie between b ≈ 0.05 anisotropy strength b as a function of the scale l, for at small scales and b (cid:46) 0.25 at scales near the driving l moderate (left panel) as well as highly (right panel) su- scale. personic turbulence, with both compressive (solid lines) and solenoidal (dashed lines) driving. The uncertainty Finally, we note that the orientations of these transient of the anisotropy strength has here been estimated by anisotropiesaredistributedrandomly,asexpectedinthe thesnapshot-samplederrors,asdescribedinSec.3.2. To absence of a governing direction like the magnetic field. verify that the disc-sampled errors give a similar esti- To verify, Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the measured mate for the uncertainty, we have evaluated them with anisotropyorientationforoneofthepurehydrodynamic discs of diameter D = 64px for a single snapshot, at a simulations. fewscalesuptol=24px. Wefindthatthedisc-sampled errors tend to be slightly smaller than the snapshot- sampled errors, though both methods agree reasonably well on the magnitude of the uncertainty. 1600 These results set a baseline value for the anisotropy strength. In the following investigations, anisotropies 1200 will be considered to be non-transient (i.e. caused by othereffectsthanrandomturbulentfluctuations)onlyif themeasuredanisotropystrengthliessignificantlyabove nt u 800 this baseline strength. co We can make the following observations: First, the 400 strength of transient anisotropies increases with the scale l, reaching a plateau at the driving scale L . drv This can be understood by noting that for larger scales, 0 the number of turbulent eddies at that scale becomes 0° 45° 90° 135° 180° smaller,sothattherandomorientationsofthesefewed- anisotropy orientation diesarelesslikelytoaverageout. Ontheotherhand,at Figure 3. Distribution of the plane-of-sky angle of the ve- small scales a large number of eddies is present, and av- locity anisotropy at the scale l = 24px, determined for the eragingoverthemleadstoaweakerresidualanisotropy. B0E1ζ1 simulation using disc-sampled (D = 64px) data Second,wedon’tfindaconclusiveinfluenceoftheturbu- from 10 snapshots and 3 lines of sight. 7 1 1 compressive solenoidal solenoidal (disc-sampled) 0.8 0.8 h h gt gt n n e 0.6 e 0.6 str str y y p p o o otr 0.4 otr 0.4 s s ni ni a a 0.2 0.2 compressive solenoidal solenoidal (disc-sampled) 0 0 120 120 ee 110 ee 110 gr gr e e d d n / 100 n / 100 o o ati ati nt 90 nt 90 e e ori ori y y p 80 p 80 o o otr otr s s ani 70 compressive ani 70 compressive solenoidal solenoidal solenoidal (disc-sampled) solenoidal (disc-sampled) 60 60 0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.1 1 scale / Ldrv scale / Ldrv Figure 4. Scale-dependenceoftheanisotropystrength(toppanels)andtheanisotropyorientation(bottompanels)forstrongly sub-alfv´enic MHD simulations. On the lefthand side: M≈2.2,M ≈0.22 (B10E1); on the righthand side: M≈8.7,M ≈ A A 0.29 (B30E3). Thick lines show data averaged over several snapshots of fully developed turbulence, and averaged over the two linesofsightperpendiculartothemeanB-field. Thinlinesindicatethecorresponding1σ deviations(snapshot-sampled). Solid and dashed lines show data for compressive and solenoidal turbulence driving, respectively. As in Fig.2, the individual data points show the results for solenoidal driving from a single snapshot with disc-sampled errors. 4.2. Correlation between anisotropy and B-field in supersonic turbulence (lefthand side), the anisotropy absence of gravity strength is very high (> 0.8) at small scales and drops continuously towards the driving scale. Likewise, the With non-zero B-field strength, it is expected from anisotropy aligns extremely well (within 1◦) with the GS95theorythattheturbulentvelocityfieldwillexhibit POSB-fieldorientation(whichisat90◦)atsmallscales, anisotropy aligned with the orientation of the mean B- while at larger scales the spread in the anisotropy ori- field. Using snapshots from our simulations where tur- entationbecomesmorepronounced, thoughevenat1/4 bulenceissaturated,butgravitynotyetswitchedon,we of the driving scale the spread is still below 10◦. For havemeasuredtheanisotropyfromthevelocitycentroid strongly supersonic turbulence (righthand side), we see maps where the LOS is perpendicular to the B-field, asimilardependenceoftheanisotropystrengthandori- andindeedwefindthatthevelocityanisotropyissignif- entation on scale, with overall lower levels of anisotropy icantly stronger than the baseline results from the pre- strength and larger spreads of orientation. Neverthe- vious section, and that it aligns very well with the POS less, except for scales close to the driving scale, the B-fieldorientation. Ontheotherhand,forLOSparallel anisotropy strength is significantly stronger than base- to the B-field, the velocity anisotropy shows behavior line levels, and the anisotropy aligns very well with the basically indistinguishable from the baseline (B = 0) POS B-field, especially at small scales. scenario. We note that the decreasing anisotropy strength and The velocity anisotropy is most pronounced for sub- the increasing misalignment between anisotropy and B- alfv´enicconditions,whichisexemplifiedinFigure4with fieldwithincreasingscaleisingoodagreementwiththe two simulations with M < 0.3. In the case of mildly GS95 theory. As there is more kinetic energy in large- A scale turbulent eddies than in small-scale ones, at large 8 1 1 compressive compressive solenoidal solenoidal solenoidal (disc-sampled) solenoidal (disc-sampled) 0.8 0.8 h h gt gt n n e 0.6 e 0.6 str str y y p p o o otr 0.4 otr 0.4 s s ni ni a a 0.2 0.2 0 0 120 120 compressive solenoidal ee 110 solenoidal (disc-sampled) ee 110 gr gr e e d d n / 100 n / 100 o o ati ati nt 90 nt 90 e e ori ori y y p 80 p 80 o o otr otr s s ani 70 ani 70 compressive solenoidal solenoidal (disc-sampled) 60 60 0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.1 1 scale / Ldrv scale / Ldrv Figure 5. Like Figure 4, but for trans-alfv´enic MHD simulations. Left: M≈3.6,MA ≈1.2 (B3E2). Right: M≈8.0,MA ≈ 0.80 (B10E3). scales (especially close to the driving scale) turbulence strength matches the baseline levels, and its orientation will be more dominant, and skew the anisotropy results fluctuates strongly. Evidently, under these conditions, towards the baseline levels. the magnetic field is only able to imprint its orientation on the velocity anisotropy at small scales, where it can Figure4showsresultsbothforcompressive(solidlines) dominate over turbulence. andsolenoidal(dashedlines)turbulencedriving. Weob- servethatsolenoidaldrivingleadstosomewhatstronger Ourresultsforthevelocityanisotropyinthefaceofcom- anisotropies, which are also somewhat more tightly petition between turbulence and B-fields, but without aligned with the POS B-field up to larger scales. It is gravity, are summarized in Figure 6. As we have seen, possible that the more shock-like motions, which com- the anisotropy is most clearly defined at small scales; pressivedrivinginduces,canrandomlycompressorelon- however, small scales are also strongly affected by nu- gatetheturbulenteddiesinrandomdirections,thushav- merical diffusion. Hence we have elected to measure it ing a disorienting effect on the overall anisotropy. atascaleofl=24pixels≈0.08L . Thisscaleissmall drv enoughtonotbeaffectedbythedrivingscale,itstillex- For the case of trans-alfv´enic conditions (MA ≈ 1), hibitssignificantanisotropyforsmallandmediumMach the scale-dependence of the strength and the orienta- numbers, and it is big enough to avoid numerical dif- tion of the velocity anisotropy is depicted in Figure fusitiyeffects(cf.AppendixA)aswellaspossibleorien- 5, with moderately supersonic conditions on the left tation bias due to the discreteness of the computational and strongly supersonic conditions on the right. Com- grid. The figure shows, for each combination of sonic pared to the sub-alfv´enic case, the anisotropy strength andalfv´enicMachnumber,theanisotropystrengthmea- is now much smaller (b ≈ 0.1−0.2), but nevertheless sured from lines of sight perpendicular and parallel to it is still elevated compared to the baseline levels (cf. the mean B-field. For the parallel LOS, all simulations Figure 2) at small scales, where also the alignment of yieldasimilaranisotropystrengthofb≈0.05,whichco- the anisotropy with the mean POS B-field is still good incides with the baseline anisotropy strength in absence (within ±10◦). For larger scales though, the anisotropy of B-fields. For the perpendicular LOS, we systemati- 9 measure the strength and orientation of the velocity LOS B, solenoidal anisotropy and to estimate their uncertainties. Addi- LOS B, compressive tionally we average over the two lines of sight perpen- LOS || B, solenoidal dicular to the mean B-field, which also contributes to LOS || B, compressive 1.0 the uncertainty estimate. As was previously indicated b=0.05 inFigures2,4,and5,thedisc-sampledvaluesanderror b=0.5 estimates are in good agreement with the results from A M averaging over several snapshots. 0.5 The lefthand side of Figure 7 shows the B10E1ζ1 sim- ulation with cr = 1 over a period of four freefall times. Whenwemeasuretheoverallvelocityanisotropyforthe wholemap(theseresultsaredepictedbythesolidlines), wenotethatanisotropystrengthdropsslightlyovertime 0.0 0 5 10 15 (from b ≈ 0.5 to b ≈ 0.35) but it stays well above baseline levels. Accordingly, the anisotropy orientation M maintains a very tight correlation with the POS B-field Figure 6. Anisotropy strength b as a function of sonic (M) orientation. A similar behavior can be observed on the and alfv´enic (MA) Mach number, for saturated turbulence. righthand side of Figure 7, which shows the results for The area of each symbol is proportional to b, measured at the B3E1ζ0 simulation with cr = 2, i.e. with weaker scale l = 24 pixels. Open symbols show b for LOS perpen- dicular to the mean B-field (averaged over the two possi- B-field, different turbulence driving mode, and higher ble LOS), while the grey filled symbols show b for the LOS criticality. Heretheanisotropymaintainsitsstrengthat parallel to the B-field. Squares and circles are used to indi- b≈0.2, and likewise it aligns within a few degrees with cate solenoidal and compressive driving, respectively. Each the POS B-field. From these results alone, one could (M,M )pointcorrespondstooneofthesimulationsinTa- A ble 1. have the impression that gravity did not have a big in- fluenceonthesimulation. However,thetwosimulations cally observe the anisotropy strength to be larger than represented in Figure 7 do exhibit obvious formation thisbaselinelevel,mostsignificantlysoforsmallerMach of extended, filamentary structure due to gravitational numbers. Likewise,forperpendicularLOS,wenotethat collapse, as can been seen from the maps of the column theorientationoftheanisotropycoincidesverywellwith (mass) density (indicated by the contours in the left- thePOSB-fielddirection. Thedeviationisbelow3◦ for hand panels of Figure 11 for B10E1ζ1 and of Figure 12 smallMachnumbersandwithin20◦ forhighMachnum- for B3E1ζ0). bers (cf. Figures 4, 5). To investigate whether gravity affects the regions close to and far away from these filamentary structures, we 4.3. Influence of gravity on velocity anisotropy have divided the map of velocity centroids into two re- gions: the low-density region where the column density In the second stage of our simulations, we start from a N lies below the mean column density value (which is snapshot with saturated turbulence and turn on grav- N =1 in simulation units), and the high-density region ity while the turbulence continues to be driven. The whereN islargerthanthemean. Wethenmeasuredthe relative strength between the magnetic forces and grav- velocityanisotropyindividuallyforeachregion,whichis ity is determined by the criticality parameter cr (see accomplished by restricting the disc-sampling method Section 2), and we have run the gravitational stage of to discs which lie exclusively within the selected re- our simulations with cr = 1 (trans-critical cloud) and gion. The results of this investigation are included in cr = 2 (notably supercritical cloud). We now investi- Figure 7. For the low-density region (which makes up gate whether the oriented structures, which may form the larger fraction of the map), the velocity anisotropy due to gravitational collapse, have an influence on the behaves similarly to that measured on the whole map; velocity anisotropy. its strength turns out to be somewhat larger than the whole-map result, and its alignment with the POS B- Figure 7 shows how the velocity anisotropy (again mea- field is maintained very well throughout the simulation. suredatscalel=24px)developsovertime. t=0isthe In contrast, the velocity anisotropy measured on the momentwheregravityisswitchedon,andwenormalize (cid:112) high-density region undergoes a striking development, simulation time by the freefall time t = 3π/32Gρ . ff 0 which is most prominent for the B10E1ζ1 simulation Here we employ the disc-sampling method as described (left panels in Fig. 7): it starts out with a strength in Section 3.2, using discs of diameter D = 64px, to 10 0.7 0.7 N = any 0.6 0.6 N < 1 N > 1 h h gt 0.5 gt 0.5 n n e e str 0.4 str 0.4 y y p p o 0.3 o 0.3 otr otr nis 0.2 nis 0.2 a a N = any 0.1 N < 1 0.1 N > 1 0 0 120° 120° N = any N = any 100° N < 1 100° N < 1 N > 1 N > 1 et 80° et 80° s s off off B 60° B 60° y- y- p 40° p 40° o o sotr 20° sotr 20° ni ni a 0° a 0° -20° -20° 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 time / tfreefall time / tfreefall Figure 7. Development of the anisotropy strength (top panels) and of the offset between the anisotropy orientation and the large-scale B-field (bottom panels) over time. The anisotropy was measured at the scale l = 24px. Shown are the results for the B10E1ζ1 simulation with cr = 1 on the left, and the B3E1ζ0 simulation with cr = 2 on the right. Thick solid lines show theresultsfromanalyzingthecompletemap,whilethickdashedanddottedlinesshowresultsfromanalyzingonlyregionswith column density N <1 and N >1, respectively. The corresponding thin lines indicate the 1σ uncertainties, obtained from the disc-sampling procedure (with D=64px; see Section 3.2) and from averaging over the two LOS perpendicular to B. close to that from the low-density region, but then be- to form structures. gins to weaken until it reaches almost baseline levels. At that moment, the orientation of the anisotropy loses 4.3.1. The correlation between velocity anisotropy and local its alignment with the POS B-field; it instead starts structure to align in the perpendicular direction, though with a larger spread (±20◦). This re-oriented anisotropy then A possible cause for the changing orientation of the ve- gathers strength and eventually regains the strength of locity anisotropy in the high-density regions is that the theinitialanisotropy,lyingagainsignificantlyabovethe velocity field is getting affected by density structures baseline. Qualitatively, a similar behaviour is observed which are emerging due to the gravitational collapse. for the B3E1ζ0 simulation (right panels in Fig. 7): the To investigate this possibility, we focus on the simula- velocity anisotropy is initially roughly aligned with the tion which exhibits this reorientation most prominently POSB-field,thenstartstofluctuatestrongly,andeven- (B10E1ζ1), and take a look at the pairwise correlations tuallysettlesatanorientationroughlyperpendicularto betweenthelocalorientationsofthevelocityanisotropy the B-field. (V), the column density (N), and the magnetic field (B). Here, the local orientation of the column density We’dliketostressthatthelossand/orchangeoftheve- is measured by a method analog to that for the velocity locityanisotropy’salignmentinthehigh-densityregions anisotropy (i.e. based on the the second order structure isindeedcausedbygravity,andcannotbeexplainedby functionofthecolumndensity, cf.Sec.3), andanalysed e.g. shocks which are caused by the turbulence driving. at the same scale of l = 24px. The results are shown At the moment where we switch on gravity (t = 0), in Fig. 8. On one hand, we observe that in the low- the state of the simulation is identical to the preceeding densityregion(leftpanel),allthreeorientationsarepar- pure-MHDstage,andFig.7showsthatatt=0(andin allel to each other (with offsets <20◦), where the tight- fact for some time thereafter) the velocity anisotropy is estcorrelationisseenbetweenV andB. Overtime,the well aligned with the POS B-field in all regions, regard- correlation between all three orientations becomes even less of density. The loss/change of alignment is only stronger. On the other hand, in the high-density region encountered after the gravitational collapse has begun (see Fig. 8, right panel) the three correlations develop