Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2020 with funding from Kahle/Austin Foundation https://archive.org/details/vectorstensorsinO000dani Vectors and Tensors in Engineering and Physics, SECOND EDITION D. A. Danielson Naval Postgraduate School esv iCW Advanced Book Program A Member of the Perseus Books Group In memory of my mother and father All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechani- cal, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Copyright © 2003 by Donald A. Danielson Westview Press books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the United States by corporations, institutions, and other organizations. For more information, please contact the Special Markets Department at the Perseus Books Group, 11 Cam- bridge Center, Cambridge MA 02142, or call (617) 252-5298. Published in 2003 in the United States of America by Westview Press, 5500 Central Av- enue, Boulder, Colorado 80301-2877, and in the United Kingdom by Westview Press, 12 Hid’s Copse Road, Cumnor Hill, Oxford OX2 9JJ Find us on the World Wide Web at www.westviewpress.com A Cataloging-in-Publication data record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 0-8133-4080-2 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1984. Text designed and typeset by the author 10 9 8 i 6 5 CONTENTS PREFACE VECTOR ALGEBRA ' Ped e LINe r)Gore COINS ee Me fe edhe os Doge ane Sea, 9h4 kv s, Yuta EZ ER NOE bearer a harf c nits coe, Ant ste! Ged seed 8 ee DyO N Ue) Rea SINS La Oe A le oat sre ese fg aed ae Ns Pra ge Lo aN AsO e) OGL wet ee eh ferc o May SPn ote TeO me TYol G eta ATU aIN Le VEL OTS snakeeee e G PGP AE CIN) ek Eh eeneec ee ae a, ica e gl TENSOR ALGEBRA Cee CEN OO Har) EEN Ene Serre nt hr at Seen Lt, ans Gig? BDO EOP GEL Ls Oba WN oO] metic cec c, 4 geet g <b iee -i 2.3 MORE PROPERTIES OF SECOND-ORDER TENSORS ..... Dam EVok SAE Rely)to n) Semen hr RAN a Ope Bega Bee ie ST Demme CAE EOIN) BH GIS ee ee Be ne Sih Rote malian uaa 5 CARTESIAN COMPONENTS 3.1 COMPONENTS OF A VECTOR AND RORC Es OPAL OTN Ui ia ot Roca ats Bee been RoI) Ve ONL re ce tan a eee ee des oe IGEN VEC LOR ALEPREGEN LATIONS spike vetpees euvur «6 3.4 GEOMETRIC DISTORTIONS AND THE POLAR DECOM POS UPA SCH OEM earns ee eae eee TPE TAR LD. tA UL ALON S ode em ER Tet etcuis Grace Gighae S OMEN ELC Pe d GELS re cei 1 Oe eres eecM Ess aotmt a Meo e tans GENERAL COMPONENTS 4.1 CHANGE OF CARTESIAN BASE VECTORS AND COORDINATE Vo LE Wo touareg ene Oe me ttn ei cect > Ae a Ne bee WO-ODIMENSIONS 2 ec ikealaah g e ao eenO LATIONS INSTHREE “DIMENSIONS = ) seeSteen c e 44 INVARIANCE OF TENSOR COMPONENTS ........... Aaa a BN ORAS Aco bite) ns ee oe ee ee EERE 6S ADEN LAL MINGOR OTHERS 80 ve 5 co wots 0. mere REC 5.a eo se TENSOR FIELDS OF ONE VARIABLE pee BASIC CALCULUS OF VECTOR PIBLDS@ nesess oo 5 meV ING DA SEV EO LORS @ ouies ntiicenet tie Glave RLMEa hae ws 5.3 NEWTONIAN MECHANICS OF A PARTICLE .......... 5.4 DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY OF A SPACE CURVE ...... ome MO LLON CO teAthiIGLLN BOLY s a erocle& be aj he ene ar OO Le LONGO TsO LAE RS meee ess bet. ko piney os iv Contents 6 TENSOR FIELDS OF MANY VARIABLES 99 6.1 DIFFERENTIATION OF SCALAR FIELDS ............ 99 6.2 DIFFERENTIATION OF VECTOR FIELDS............ 104 6.3 LINE, SURFACE, AND VOLUME INTEGRALS.......... 108 6.4 GREEN’S THEOREM AND POTENTIAL FIELDS OF TWOSVARIA BLES ere ee ee ee 113 6.5 STOKES’ AND DIVERGENCE THEOREMS AND POTENTIAL FIELDS OF THREE VARIABLES ............... ren ee 6.GaeNOTATIONIOFSOTHERS 0-00. aren ee a ae 129 7 APPLICATIONS 131 Tal SHEATACONDUGCTION teat yearn aea e ee 131 72m SOLID MECHANICS mete. ee nee 138 73s ELUID MECHANICS = eee See re 148 7.4. NEWTONIAN ORBITAL MECHANICS .............. 157 7.5 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY ...... Pe ee 164 7.6 NOTATION OF OTHERS .......... 5 a eae Bee Pee 176 8 GENERAL COORDINATES 177 8.1 GENERAL CURVILINEAR COORDINATES............ 177 8.2 ORTHOGONAL CURVILINEAR COORDINATES ........ 184 5 3 SURFACE COORDINATES 0-3 uu ee a 191_ 8.4 MECHANICS OF CURVED MEMBRANES ............ 200 8S NOTATION OF OTR ERS anes weg ee ee ae 205 9 FOUR-DIMENSIONAL SPACETIME 207 OSU ECLA LAE ALINGL V on ag 207 DEMEGE NECA LTR DA LIVI)Y ancy oe 216 JromeNaO LILON tORL OTH ERS gaara ne 222 REFERENCES 225 HISLTORICAL E ee Set en a ee ee ee Poke I a 225 MATHEMATICAL 2 00/on 0et e2e2 225 PHYSICAL ee te ene ee ee Seen eee ee 227 ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 231 INDEX 275 PREFACE I have written this text for those who want to understand the close correspondence between mathematics and the physical world. The emphasis herein on physical interpretation means that certain aspects of mathematical rigor are neglected. “Rigor” to a mathematician can be “rigor mortis” to an engineer. An advanced undergraduate student majoring in a physical science, engineer- ing, or mathematics would have the necessary prerequisites for this book. The reader is expected to know only some elementary calculus and linear algebra. In order to make the subject accessible to a wide audience, certain valuable mathe- matical tools such as the calculus of variations have not been used. The focus of revision for this second edition is the insertion of additional steps in the derivations of mathematical formulas and problem solutions. The changes will make it easier for the reader to learn the subject matter solely from this text. Whereas my own students were the proving ground for the material in the first edition, other readers have suggested many of the improvements in this second edition. My heartfelt thanks goes to each of these individuals who seek the truth. The universe stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it ts written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and tts characters are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures, without which it 1s humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth. — Galileo Galilei, 1623 Chapter 1 VECTOR ALGEBRA 1.1 INTRODUCTION Tensor mathematics is a beautiful, simple, and useful language for the description of natural phenomena. Tensor fields are the abstract symbols of this language. Each tensor field represents a single physical quantity that is associated with certain places in three-dimensional space and instants of time. Quantities such as the mass of a satellite, the temperature at points in a body, and the charge of an electron have a definite magnitude. They can be represented adequately by pure numbers or scalars (tensors of order zero). Properties such as the position or velocity of a satellite, the flow of heat in a body, and the electromagnetic force on an electron have both magnitude and direction. They are better represented by directed line segments or vectors (tensors of order one). Other quantities such as the stress inside a solid or fluid may be characterized by tensors of order two or higher. Tensor equations express the relationship between physical quantities. We will study the basic equations governing the trajectories of point masses in a gravitational field, motion of finite rigid bodies, transfer of heat by conduction, deformation of solids, flow of fluids, and electromagnetic phenomena. By solving these equations, we will be able to predict the course of future events. You will gain from this book a manipulative skill with tensors and an ability to apply them to model our physical world. Then when you encounter a tensor in your studies or research, you will recognize it as such and have the correct mathematical tools to work with. 1.2 HISTORICAL NOTES Great scientific breakthroughs result from the accumulated efforts of many re- searchers working over a long period of time. Nevertheless, later generations in- accurately attribute these achievements solely to just one or two individuals who first assembled the ideas of their predecessors into a unifying theory or book. We list here some of the individuals who are now credited with the development of our field. For an exciting experience in the world of mathematics, read the classic works under historical references at the back of this book. Euclidean geometry is based on the Elements by the Greek Euclid (300 B.C.). Cartesian coordinates are named after the French scientist Descartes (1596-1650). Newton (1642-1727) presented the motion of the planets and other bodies in strictly geometrical terms. The great mathematician Euler (1707-1783) used Cartesian components for force and moment of inertia. The French mathematician 2 1 Vector Algebra Cauchy (1789-1857) correctly described the general state of stress in an elastic body. The words “scalar,” “vector,” and “tensor”! were used by the Irish mathe- matician Hamilton (1805-1865). The German mathematicians Gauss (1777-1855) and Riemann (1826-1866) were major contributors to the metrical geometry of non-Euclidean manifolds. The great physicist Maxwell (1831-1879) was aware that the dielectric permittivity, the magnetic permeability, and the conductivity for electric currents may be linear vector operators. Our present vector and dyadic notation is almost the same as that used in the old book by the Americans Gibbs and Wilson (1901). Tensor calculus was perfected by the Italian mathematicians Ricci (1853-1925) and Levi-Civita (1873-1941). Einstein (1879-1955) gets credit for first applying the generalized calculus of tensors to gravitation. 1.3. VECTOR BASICS In the first erght chapters of this book, we model physical space by three-dimensional Euchdean geometry. In a Euclidean space we may construct straight line segments. If we ascribe a direction to a line segment, it becomes a vector. A vector may be represented geometrically by an arrow (see Fig. 1.1). The direction of a vector is the direction of its arrow, and the magnitude of a vector is the length of its arrow. We represent a vector algebraically by a lowercase boldface letter, such as v, e, or f. A scalar is simply a pure number. In the text of this book every number is real; that is, every number can be represented by a terminating or nonterminating dec- imal. Scalars are designated by italic letters, such as c, k, or W. The magnitude (length) of a vector v is denoted by |v| or v. Of course, the magnitude (abso- lute value) of a scalar c is also denoted by |c|. (Both |v| and |c| are nonnegative ee | 20 Figure 1.1. The sum and difference of vectors u and v; multiplication of v by the scalars 2 and 0. 1The word “scalar” stems from the Latin “scalae” meaning “stairs” (scale of numbers from negative to positive infinity). The word “vector” stems from the Latin “vectus” meaning “carried” (denoting a direction). The word “tensor” stems from the Latin “tensus” meaning “stretched” (tension).