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A. I. BORISENKO I. E.TARAPOV VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS WITH APPLICATIONS VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS WITH APPLICATIONS by A. I. BORISENKO and I. E.TARAPOV Uevised English Edition Translated and Edited by Richard A. Silverman Dover Publications, Inc. New York Copyright © 1968 by Richard A. Silverman. Alt right* reserved under Pan American and Inter­ nationa) Copyright Conventions. Published in Canada by General Publishing Company, Ltd., 90 Lesmil) Road, Don Mills. Toronto, Ontario. Published in the United Kingdom by Constable and Company. Ltd. This Dover edition, first published in 1979, is an unabridged and corrected republication of the work originally published in 1968 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. International Standard Book Number: 0-486-63833-2 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-87809 Manufactured in the United States of America Dover Publications. Inc. 180 Varick Street New York. N Y. 10014 EDITOR’S PREFACE The present book is a freely revised and restyled version of the third edition of the Russian original (Moscow, 1966). As in other volumes of this series, I have not hesitated to introduce a number of pedagogical and mathematical improvements that occurred to me in the course of doing the translation. 1 have also added a brief Bibliography, confined to books in English dealing with approximately the same topics, at about the same level. In their prefaces to the three Russian editions, the au­ thors acknowledge the help of the following colleagues: Professors Y. P. Blank, V. L. German, G. I. Drinfeld, A. D. Myshkis, N. I. Akhiezer, P. K. Rashevsky, V. A. Marchenko and N. V. Yefimov. R. a. s. CONTENTS VECTOR ALGEBRA, Page 1. 1.1. Vectors and Scalars, 1. 1.1.1. Free, sliding and bound vectors, 2. 1.2. Operations on Vectors, 3. 1.2.1. Addition of vectors, 3. 1.2.2. Subtraction of vectors, 5. 1.2.3. Projection of a vector onto an axis, 6. 1.2.4. Multiplication of a vector by a scalar, 7. 1.3. Bases and Transformations, 7. 1.3.1. Linear dependence and linear independence of vectors, 7. 1.3.2. Expansion of a vector with respect to other vectors, 8. 1.3.3. Bases and basis vectors, 9. 1.3.4. Direct and inverse transformations of basis vectors, 13. 1.4. Products of Two Vectors, 14. 1.4.1. The scalar product, 14. 1.4.2. The vector product, 16. 1.4.3. Physical examples, 19. 1.5. Products of Three Vectors, 20. 1.5.1. The scalar triple product, 20. 1.5.2. The vector triple product, 21. 1.5.3. “Division” of vectors, 23. 1.6. Reciprocal Bases and Related Topics, 23. 1.6.1. Reciprocal bases, 23. 1.6.2. The summation convention, 26. vii 1.6.3. Covarianl and contravariant components of a vector, 27. 1.6.4. Physical components of a vector, 29. 1.6.5. Relation between covariant and contra- variant components, 31. 1.6.6. The case of orthogonal bases, 33. 1.7. Variable Vectors, 35. 1.7.1. Vector functions of a scalar argument, 35. 1.7.2. The derivative of a vector function, 36. 1.7.3. The integral of a vector function, 37. Solved Problems, 38. Exercises, 54. THE TENSOR CONCEPT, Page 59. 2.1. Preliminary Remarks, 59. 2.2. Zeroth-Order Tensors (Scalars), 60. 2.3. First-Order Tensors (Vectors), 61. 2.3.1. Examples, 62. 2.4. Second-Order Tensors, 63. 2.4.1. Examples, 64. 2.4.2. The stress tensor, 66. 2.4.3. The moment of inertia tensor, 68. 2.4.4. The deformation tensor, 70. 2.4.5. The rate of deformation tensor, 72. 2.5. Higher-Order Tensors, 76. 2.6. Transformation of Tensors under Rotations about a Coordinate Axis, 77. 2.7. Invariance of Tensor Equations, 81. 2.8. Curvilinear Coordinates, 82. 2.8.1. Coordinate surfaces, 84. 2.6.2. Coordinate curves, 64. 2.8.3. Bases and coordinates axes, 85. 2.6.4. Arc length. Metric coefficients, 86. 2.9. Tensors in Generalized Coordinate Systems, 88. 2.9.1. Covariant, contravariant and mixed com­ ponents of a tensor, 88. 2.9.2. The tensor character of gnc,gtk and g(k, 89. 2.9.3. Higher-order tensors in generalized co­ ordinates, 90. 2.9.4. Physical components of a tensor. The case of orthogonal bases, 90. 2.9.5. Covariant, contravariant and mixed tensors as such, 91. Solved Problems, 94. Exercises, 100. CONTENTS IX TENSOR ALGEBRA, Page 103. 3.1. Addition of Tensors, 103. 3.2. Multiplication of Tensors, 104. 3.3. Contraction of Tensors, 104. 3.4. Symmetry Properties of Tensors, 105. 3.4.1. Symmetric and antisymmetric tensors, 105. 3.4.2. Equivalence of an antisymmetric second- order tensor to an axial vector, 107. 3.5. Reduction of Tensors to Principal Axes, 109. 3.5.1. Statement of the problem, 109. 3.5.2. The two-dimensional case, 110. 3.5.3. The three-dimensional case, 113. 3.5.4. The tensor ellipsoid, 118. 3.6. Invariants of a Tensor, 121. 3.6.1. A test for tensor character, 122. 3.7. Pseudotensors, 122. 3.7.1. Proper and improper transformations, 122. 3.7.2. Definition of a pseudotensor, 124. 3.7.3. The pseudotensor eJtr, 125. Solved Problems, 126. Exercises, 131. VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS: RUDIMENTS, Page 134. 4.1. The Field Concept, 134. 4.1.1. Tensor functions of a scalar argument, 134. 4.1.2. Tensor fields, 135. 4.1.3. Line integrals. Circulation, 135. 4.2. The Theorems of Gauss, Green and Stokes, 137. 4.2.1. Gauss’theorem, 137. 4.2.2. Green’s theorem, 139. 4.2.3. Stokes' theorem, 141. 4.2.4. Simply and multiply connected regions, 144. 4.3. Scalar Fields, 145. 4.3.1. Level surfaces, 145. 4.3.2. The gradient and the directional derivative, 146. 4.3.3. Properties of the gradient. The operator V, 149. 4.3.4. Another definition of grad 9, 150. 4.4. Vector Fields, 151. 4.4.1. Trajectories of a vector field, 151. 4.4.2. Flux of a vector field, 152. 4.4.3. Divergence of a vector field, 155. 4.4.4. Physical examples, 157. 4.4.5. Curl of a vector held, 161. 4.4.6. Directional derivative of a vector held, 164. 4.5. Second-Order Tensor Fields, 166. 4.6. The Operator V andRelaledDifferentialOperators, 168. 4.6.1. Differential operators in orthogonal curvi­ linear coordinates, 171. Solved Problems, 174. Exercises, 182. VECTOR AND TENSOR ANALYSIS: RAMIFICATIONS, Page 185. 5.1. Covariant Differentiation, 185. 5.1.1. Covariant differentiation of vectors, 185. 5.1.2. Christoffel symbols, 187. 5.1.3. Covariant differentiation of tensors, 190. 5.1.4. Ricci’s theorem, 191. 5.1.5. Differential operators in generalized co­ ordinates, 192. 5.2. Integral Theorems, 196. 5.2.1. Theorems related to Gauss’ theorem, 197. 5.2.2. Theorems related to Stokes’ theorem, 198. 5.2.3. Green’s formulas, 201. 5.3. Applications to Fluid Dynamics, 203. 5.3.1. Equations of fluid motion, 203. 5.3.2. The momentum theorem, 208. 5.4. Potential and Irrotational Fields, 211. 5.4.1. Multiple-valued potentials, 213. 5.5. Solenoidal Fields, 216. 5.6. Laplacian Fields, 219. 5.6.1. Harmonic functions, 219. 5.6.2. The Dirichlet and Neumann problems, 222. 5.7. The Fundamental Theorem of Vector Analysis, 223. 5.8. Applications to Electromagnetic Theory, 226. 5.8.1. Maxwell's equations, 226. 5.8.2. The scalar and vector potentials, 228. 5.8.3. Energy of the electromagnetic held. Poynting’s vector, 230. Solved Problems, 232. Exercises, 247. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Page 251. INDEX, Page 253. 1 VECTOR ALGEBRA In this chapter we define vectors and then discuss algebraic operations on vectors. The vector concept will be generalized in a natural way in Chapter 2, leading to the concept of a tensor. Then in Chapter 3 we will consider algebraic operations on tensors. 1.1. Vectors and Scalars Quantities which can be specified by giving just one number (positive, negative or zero) are called scalars. For example, temperature, density, mass and work are all scalars. Scalars can be compared only if they have the same physical dimensions. Two such scalars measured in the same system of units are said to be equal if they have the same magnitude (absolute value) and sign. However, one must often deal with quantities, called vectors, whose specification requires a direction as well as a numerical value. For example, displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, the moment of a force, electric field strength and dielectric polarization are ail vectors. Operations on vectors obey the rules of vector algebra, to be considered below. Scalars and vectors hardly exhaust the class of quantities of interest in applied mathematics and physics. In fact, there are quantities of a more complicated structure than scalars or vectors, called tensors (of order 2 or higher), whose specification requires more than knowledge of a magnitude and a direction. For example, examination of the set of all stress vectors acting on all elements of area which can be drawn through a given point of an elastic body leads to the concept of the stress tensor (of order 2), while examination of the deformation of an arbitrary elementary volume of an I

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