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Vector Analysis and Cartesian Tensors PDF

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Vector Analysis and Cartesian Tensors Vector Analysis and Cartesian Tensors Third edition D.E. Bourne Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics University of Sheffield, UK and P.C. Kendall Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering University of Sheffield, UK SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.Y. First edition 1967 Reprinted 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991 Second edition 1977/81 © 1967, 1977, 1992 D.E. Bourne and P.C. Kendall Originally published by Chapman & Hall in 1992 ISBN 978-0-412-42750-3 ISBN 978-1-4899-4427-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-4427-6 Typeset in 10/12 pt Times by Pure Tech Corporation, India Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the UK Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may not be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction only in accordance with the terms of the licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency in the UK, or in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the appropriate Reproduction Rights Organization outside the UK. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the terms stated here should be sent to the publishers at the London address printed on this page. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data Bourne, Donald Edward. Vector analysis and cartesian tensors / D.E. Bourne and P.C. Kendall.— 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. I. Vector analysis. 2. Calculus of tensors. I. Kendall, P.C. (Peter Calvin) II. Title. QA433.B63 1992 91-28636 515'.63—dc20 CIP Contents Preface ix Preface to second edition Xl 1 Rectangular cartesian coordinates and rotation of axes 1.1 Rectangular cartesian coordinates 1 1.2 Direction cosines and direction ratios 5 1.3 Angles between lines through the origin 6 1.4 The orthogonal projection of one line on another 8 1.5 Rotation of axes 9 1.6 The summation convention and its use 14 1.7 Invariance with respect to a rotation of the axes 17 1.8 Matrix notation 19 2 Scalar and vector algebra 2.1 Scalars 21 2.2 Vectors: basic notions 22 2.3 Multiplication of a vector by a scalar 28 2.4 Addition and subtraction of vectors 30 2.5 The unit vectors i, j, k 34 2.6 Scalar products 35 2.7 Vector products 40 2.8 The triple scalar product 48 2.9 The triple vector product 51 2.10 Products of four vectors 52 2.11 Bound vectors 53 3 Vector functions of a real variable. Differential geometry of curves 3.1 Vector functions and their geometrical representation 55 3.2 Differentiation of vectors 60 3.3 Differentiation rules 62 3.4 The tangent to a curve. Smooth, piecewise smooth and simple curves 63 I ______________________ I~ C__O _N_ T_E__NT_ S_ _____________________~ VI 3.5 Arc length 69 3.6 Curvature and torsion 70 3.7 Applications in kinematics 75 4 Scalar and vector fields 4.1 Regions 89 4.2 Functions of several variables 90 4.3 Definitions of scalar and vector fields 96 4.4 Gradient of a scalar field 97 4.5 Properties of gradient 99 4.6 The divergence and curl of a v~ctor field 104 4.7 The del-operator 106 4.8 Scalar invariant operators 110 4.9 Useful identities 114 4.10 Cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates 118 4.11 General orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 122 4.12 Vector components in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 128 4.13 Expressions for grad fl, div F, curl F, and V2 in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 130 4.14 Vector analysis in n-dimensional space 136 4.15 Method of Steepest Descent 139 5 Line, surface and volume integrals 5.1 Line integral of a scalar field 147 5.2 Line integrals of a vector field 153 5.3 Repeated integrals 156 5.4 Double and triple integrals 158 5.5 Surfaces 172 5.6 Surface integrals 181 5.7 Volume integrals 189 6 Integral theorems 6.1 Introduction 195 6.2 The divergence theorem (Gauss's theorem) 195 6.3 Green's theorems 204 6.4 Stokes's theorem 209 6.5 Limit definitions of div F and curl F 220 6.6 Geometrical and physical significance of divergence and curl 222 7 Applications in potential theory 7.1 Connectivity 225 7.2 The scalar potential 226 7.3 The vector potential 230 7.4 Poisson's equation 232 II CONTENTS Vll 7.5 Poisson's equation in vector form 237 7.6 Helmholtz's theorem 238 7.7 Solid angles 239 8 Cartesian tensors 8.1 Introduction 244 8.2 Cartesian tensors: basic algebra 245 8.3 Isotropic tensors 250 8.4 Tensor fields 259 8.5 The divergence theorem in tensor field theory 263 9 Representation theorems for isotropic tensor functions 9.1 Introduction 265 9.2 Diagonalization of second order symmetrical tensors 266 9.3 Invariants of second order symmetrical tensors 272 9.4 Representation of isotropic vector functions 273 9.5 Isotropic scalar functions of symmetrical second order tensors 275 9.6 Representation of an isotropic tensor function 277 Appendix A Determinants 282 Appendix B Expressions for grad, diy, curl, and V2 in cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates 284 Appendix C The chain rule for Jacobians 286 Answers to exercises 287 Index 299 Preface We are very grateful to Chapman & Hall for their offer to reset this book completely. This has given us the opportunity to include small but important teaching points which have accumulated over a long period, to improve the notation and the diagrams, and to introduce some new material. The kinema tics section has been extended to deal with the existence and nature of angular velocity, including rotating frames of reference and the concept of the Coriolis force. A new section on the application of vector analysis in optimization theory has been added, giving a simple approach to the method of steepest descent, which students have found stimulating. New examples and exercises have been added, and some deleted. D.E. BOURNE P.e. KENDALL Preface to second edition The most popular textbook approach to vector analysis begins with the defini tion of a vector as an equivalence class of directed line segments - or, more loosely, as an entity having both magnitude and direction. This approach is no doubt appealing because of its apparent conceptual simplicity, but it is fraught with logical difficulties which need careful handling if they are to be properly resolved. Consequently, students often have difficulty in understanding fully the early parts of vector algebra and many rapidly lose confidence. Another disadvantage is that subsequent developments usually make frequent appeal to geometrical intuition and much care is needed if analytical requirements are not to be obscured or overlooked. For example, it is seldom made clear that the definitions of the gradient of a scalar field and the divergence and curl of a vector field imply that these fields are continuously differentiable, and hence that the mere existence of the appropriate first order partial derivatives is insufficient. The account of vector analysis presented in this volume is based upon the definition of a vector in terms of rectangular cartesian components which satisfy appropriate rules of transformation under changes of axes. This ap proach has now been used successfully for ten years in courses given from the first year onwards to undergraduate mathematicians and scientists, and offers several advantages. The rules for addition and subtraction of vectors, for finding scalar and vector products and differentiation are readily grasped, and the ability to handle vectors so easily gives the student immediate confidence. The later entry into vector field theory takes place naturally with gradient, divergence and curl being defined in their cartesian forms. This avoids the alternative, more sophisticated, definitions involving limits of integrals. An other advantage of the direct treatment of vectors by components is that introducing the student at a later stage to tensor analysis is easier. At that stage tensors are seen as a widening of the vector concept and no mental readjust ment is necessary. The approach to vectors through rectangular cartesian components does not obscure the intuitive idea of a vector as an entity with magnitude and direction. The notion emerges as an almost immediate consequence of the definition and xu I L-I _______P _R_E_F_A_C_E_T_O_S_E_C_O__ND _E_ D_IT_I_O_N_ ______- --' is more soundly based, inasmuch as both the magnitude and direction then have precise analytical interpretations. The familiar parallelogram law of ad dition also follows easily. The essential background ideas associated with rotations of rectangular cartesian coordinate axes are introduced in Chapter I at a level suitable for undergraduates beginning their first year. The second and third chapters deal with the basic concepts of vector algebra and differentiation of vectors, res pectively; applications to the differential geometry of curves are also given in preparation for later work. Vector field theory begins in Chapter 4 with the definitions of gradient, divergence and curl. We also show in this chapter how orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems can be handled within the framework of rectangular car tesian theory. An account of line, surface and volume integrals is given in the fifth chapter in preparation for the integral theorems of Gauss, Stokes and Green which are discussed in Chapter 6. The basic approach to vectors that we have adopted enables rigorous proofs to be given which are nevertheless within the grasp of the average student. Chapter 7 deals with some applications of vector analysis in potential theory and presents proofs of the principal theorems. Chapters g and 9, on cartesian tensors, have been added to this second edition in response to the suggestion that it would be useful to have between two covers most of the vector and tensor analysis that undergraduates require. The case for adding this material is strengthened by the fact that the approach to vectors in the early chapters makes the transition to tensors quite straight forward. Chapter 8 deals with the basic algebra and calculus of cartesian tensors, including an account of isotropic tensors of second, third and fourth order. Chapter 9 briefly discusses those properties of second order tensors which have risen to importance in continuum mechanics over the last twenty years. Some theorems on invariants and the representation of isotropic tensor functions are proved. We warmly acknowledge the many useful comments from students and colleagues who have worked with the first edition. They have enabled us to make improvements to the original text. We particularly thank the following: Dr G.T. Kneebone and Professor L. Mirsky for their early interest in the first edition; Professor A. Jeffrey and Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd without whom this new edition would not have appeared. D.E. BOURNE P.e. KENDALL

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