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Varieties of Marxist Humanism. Philosophical Revision in Postwar Eastern Europe PDF

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Preview Varieties of Marxist Humanism. Philosophical Revision in Postwar Eastern Europe

VARIETIES OF MARXIST HUMANISM PhiolsophiRceavli sion inP ostwaEra setrn Europe (> (> <) <) JameHs. Satterwhite UNIVERSTIYO FP ITTSRBGUHP RESS Pitbtursg ha nd London SeriiensR ussiaannd E asEtu ropeSatnu diNeos.1 7 Publids bhyet heU niversoifPt iyt tsbuPrrgehsP si,t tsbuPrag.h1,,5 260 Copyri©g h1t99U2ni,v ersoifPt iyt tsbuPrrgehs s Allr ighrtess erved EurospLaonn,d on Manufactuirnte hde U niteSdt atoefsA merica LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation SatterwhJiatmeeH,s . Varietoifme asr xist huma:pn hiislmo soprheivciaslii nop no stwar EasteErunr opIeJ ameHs .S atterwhite. p. cm.-(SeriinRe uss siaannd E asEtu ropesatnu di:ev .s1 7) Includbeisb liograrpehfiecraelna cnedis n dex. ISBN0 -8229-(c3l7) 11-5 1.Co mmunisrte visionism-EEuarsotpeer,In .T. i tleI.IS .e ries. HX518.R149S9324 335I.4 -4d3c2 0 92'8048 CIP /5 05'3 y BelmonUtn iversLiitbyr ary. CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Vi INTRODUCTION TheE asEtu ropCeoannt ex3t CHAPTER 1 PoliRsehv isioCnriistmTi:hc ianlk iinnP go land fro1m9 53t o1 968 12 HistoriBcaaclk ground1 2 BiographIincfaolr matio1n7 TheC ritiqoufte h eS talinSiysstt em 19 The QuestoifoK nn owledge 56 CHAPTER 2 TheB udapSecshto ol71 TheH istoriCcoanlt ext 71 TheM emberso ft heB udapeSscth ool 74 TheP hilosophAigceanld a 7 6 The BudapSecshto oAnl : Assessment1 26 CHAPTER 3 CzechosloTvhaePk hiial:o soBpahcikcgarloo fu nd thPer agSuper ing13 0 TheH istoriSceatlt ing1 30 The PhilosopChriictailq ue1 34 TheP raguSep ring 168 CONCLUSION TheY ugosPlraavxG irso uipnt hEea sEtu ropean Contex1t7 4 TheC ommon Task 174 TheE ndo fP hilosophRiecvails ioniins m EasteErunr ope 188 NOTES 195 BIBLIOGRAPHY 223 INDEX 253 ACK NOWLEDGMENTS Iw oulldi kteoe xprmeysa sp precitaott hiooisnne c luded int hisst uwdhyo g enerohuesllpmyee db yp roviadci­ng cestsom aterainadgl isv ionftg h etiirm teoa nswer ques­ tionIsn.t his rIe agma rpda rctuilarilnyd ebttoe d ProfeSsvseotroS ztaorj anfooavrli hlci esf foornmt ysb e­ halwfi,t hout which my uEnadsEetur rsotpaenadni ng of Marxihsutm aniwsomu lbdei ncomplete. Iw ouladl sloi kteoe xprmeysg sr atittomu dywe i fe Olweann,dt ot hmea nfyr iewnhdobs y t heeinrc ourage­ mensta wt hipsr ojtehcrto ugh. vi VARIETIESO F MA RXISTH UMANISM (> (> <) <) INTRODUCTION ThEea sEtu ropCeoannt ext (> (> <) <) SINCTEH ES ECONDW ORLDW AR,M ARXISMI N Eastern hEauscr oompmeo nbleye ans sociwaittiehtd s rolaes t hed ominaonrrt u ilngi deolosgyys,t oeafm thougthhtas tev redt ol egititmhieaz cet ivoiftt ihees Communipsatr itnya nyc ountirnty h per ocoefs" ss o­ cialtirsatn msaftoiroAnl.to"hu gthh irso lhea cse trainly beeonn ea speocfMt a xrisomrM axristth ougihnEt a st­ erEnu rpoe-onteh arte maipnreodm inuennttci hla nge swepttha er eian1 989-90h-aibsty n om eanbse etnh e only Mraorlxei pslma ytehde rMea.r xitshto ughhats simultanseeovruesdal syt hes ourocfea far-reaching critioqftu heer uilngi deolTohgiyss.e coansdp eocft MarxiisnmE asteErunr ohpaesb eeanp precoinaltye d gradubaylm layn yo utstihdaeer ea. In ones ensieti, sn ots uripsritnhga itts houhladv e takseonm tei mfeo pre opulnef amiwliittahhr pe h enom­ enotnoa pprieactteh icsr itfiucnaclto ifEo ansE tu ropean Marxitshto ugAhftt.ae lril n,t hyee airmsm ediaftoell­y lowiWnogr lWda rI I, autnl teiatlsh tte i moef S talin's deatihn1 95a3f ,a imrolnyo liitdheiocl ougniicetaxyl­ istiendm osotf E astEeurrno Bpeec.a uosfie td si fferent developYmuegnots,l waavsai nae xcepttoit ohnis st ate­ mente;v etnh ehroew,e vtehrre,i gMiadr xicsomm monly charactaesr" iSztieandli sbme"g atnol osietd so minant 3 Introduction 4 positoinolinyn 1 95a2n d1 9513A .l swoh,e na c ritical stanwciet hMianr xitshto ugbhetg atnod eveilnoE pa st­ erEnu rotpoea ,li ln teanntdps u rpoistue sse tdh sea me concepftruaamle wuosrekbd y tohfef ivcairailTa hnatt. thes ubstacnotnitveeon fst o meo ft hesceo nceipnt­s creasidnigflfiyen rt ehdte w oc asweosu lndo t be readily percebiyvse odm eounnef amiwliitathrh ec onceptual framewoorwr ikt thh sep ecsiofciica l/pcoolnitteixcta.l The craistpiecocafMtl a rxitshto ugihnEt a stEeur­n ropwea st he outocfao mper oceosfs se archsienlgf ­ examinaotnit ohnep arto fm anyt hinkTehresyh. a d identwiiftitheh dCe o mmunimsotv emeanntdi tpsr o­ gram afb oert tseorc ibeuthtya db eefno rcteord a dically rethtihnekpi ors itiinro ens potnots hee girro wianwga re­ nesosft hnea tuorfte h Set alisnysitsetTm h.i psr ocoefs s self-examdiinfaftseilroiengd hi tne layc cho urn,ytw ith Yugoslaagvaibiaen i snogm ewhoafat n e xceptNieovn­. etrheliense sv,e irnys ta(nYcuegl oasviinac luidtwe ads) theq uestoifot nhe S talinistt harstet aalritttheyed s e thinkoenrt sh epiart ohf c ritiacsaslelsyts hieno gf fi­ ciaild eology. Fora varioeftr ye asotnhsar te lattote h ec omplex interopfsl oacyia anldp o litfiaccatilont r hspe o stweax­r perieonfEc aes tEeurrno opnel,fy o ucro untries-Czech­ oslovakia, HuPnogla,ar anyndd,Y ugoslavia-fully develotphceer di tuiscoeaf lM arxitshto ugahsat b asis foarr ejecotfti hooenf fiicdieaoll Iotig syt .ha2ec tiovfi ty crittihcianlk freormst hefsoeu cro unttrhiaectso nsti­ tutes theo fts hupebr jeescetn t study. Ofi nteirnet shtpe r esceonntt iesxa ts pecoirfiiecn ­ tation Mwairtxhiiwsnhm i cihn fortmheead c tivoift y thecsrei ttihcianlk Tehrisos.r ienthaatsci oomnet ob e knowansM· a rxihsutm anibsemc auosfie te sm phaosni s thcer eartoilvheeu manpsl aiyna ctivsehalpyti hnegri er­ aliitnoy p,p osittoti hoveni etwh ahtu manasrm ee roeb ­ jecotfse xtnearlf orcoers" lawsW.h"a tt himse ant concrewtielblleyc arefeuxlalmyi nientd h ec ourosfe thisst udfyo;pr r espeunprto seasg ,e neorvaelre vwii s sufefnitc.i Introduction 5 Ine acohft hfeo ucro untrami oevse,m ednetv eloped alonsgi millianrae tsr oughtlhyes amtei mAe .b asic charactoefer aicsmhto ivce mewnatsa r etutrotn h wer it­ ingosfM arxp,a rctuilatrotl hyne e wldyi scovered "young Marxo"ft hEec onomaincd P hilosopMhaincuaslc ripts. Therwee rsee verreaals foontrsh irse tutroMn a xr.O ne wast hamta nwya ntaef dr elsohoa ksa m eanosfb reaking ouotf t hiem pasosfSe t alinwihsimch,ha nde gleacs tee­d riosutsu odfyM araxn hda sdt reasv seerddy e terministic approbaacshpe rdi maornia ls ye lecitnitveer proeft ation CapitAanlo.t hwears thayto utnMhgae r sxt reshsue­d manc reataicvtei vity-baycm teiavnoisfwt hyi cphe o­ plcer eatthee ir reawloirtolyfd,m eatnhieaningrdt, h eir sociianls tituAtlitoohungsth.h icsr eataicvtei tvaikteys plawcieht itn hlei mitaotfai s opnesc siofciiacan ldh is­ toriccoanlt etxhtic,so ntesxttia lflf ocrodnss iderable rootmo m aneuvAenrdm.,o sitm porttahnivtsi, eo wfh u­ man realittyhp eeo rfsfpeertcehtdati thvp eer ocoefcs rse ­ atiwoansa c ontinounoewu,hs e recbuyr riennstt itutions andp attecronusal lds boec hanged. Witihnt hceo ntoefxS tt alintihsicmso, n cweapste x­ tremerlayd iaclatlh,o iungiht ieavlelny p trhoet agonists werneo atl waaywsa rhoew r adiScoamloe.f t hteh inkers critoifcS atla lisneiesmmae tdf irtsobt e litehvaett h ey wermee recloyr rnegcs tomiaeb erraitnai s ohnasrc eodn ­ ceptuunailv erse-poouitn totibhnvegi oausis tw, e re. Alsob,e cautsheeu ys etdh es amev ocabuolfafriyc ial Marxiussme tdh,re a dincaatluo rfte h edierp arwtausr e toal aregxet ecnlto afkreodtm h vei eowft hgeu ardoifa ns orotdhoxeys,p eciiantl hleeyia rr wlryi tings. Int hcea soeft hteh rceoeu nttrhiaretes m aiwnietdh in the" SovBileot-c P"olanCdz,e chosloavnadHk uina­, gary-trheeac ttioSo tna licnaimsaems a r esuofls ti m­ ilaerv enTthse.i mpetfuostr h ep rocewsassS talin's deaitnhe arly T1h9o5u3ng.oha t g redaetac lh angoeudt ­ wardilny thceosuen tartfi iersws hta,wt a sf emlots wta s thdei sappeaofrt ahnPecr ee seSnucded.e Snltya,lw ians nott hetroeo vertsheceeo urosfee v enFtusr.t mhoerre, witthh e succcersissfiioosln l ohwiidsn ega tshi,g nals Introduction 6 emanatfirnotgmh Seo viUenti on-whgiucihdp eodl iti­ calli ifnet hceo untorfit ehSseo vibelto c-gwreeawk er and woefrtece onn tradailcltoowrfiyon,rg mloereyewi an intellleicfteu.a l Ther esuilnEt a stEeurrno wpaese noucghha ntgoe caussoem pee opplaer,t iciunltaerlllye tcobt eugailns ,t o reexianmteh epilra icnea ndt heciorn tribtuot itohne Stalisnyisstaten mdt ot rtyoc omteo t ermwsi tihtt he­ oretiacsaw lellWylh .a tb egaansf aisntti rrbiencgasm e morper onouanfctetedhr Te w entiSeotvhiP eatr Ctoyn ­ greasnsdK hrushcshpeeve'acsth t acSktianlgai nnd the "cuolftp ersonaIltwi atssy u.d"d emnulcyhe asiteobr e critoifcw ahla hta dg onoen u ndeSrt alAilnt.h ough Khrushcihnetvew'nastst oc onsolhiidsa tpeo isdietoi­on logicaanldcl eytr ainnloytt o u ndermtihnseey stoerm chanigiten a nyf undamewnatyta,hl ee ff eocfht i ssp eech inE astEeurrno wpaesn othisnhgo orftd evastaItti ng. shootkhP ea rttoiy t s raonodot pse ntehdde o otroe nor­ mous chaInnCg zeesc.h oslotvhapekr ioacw,ea sssc on­ tainaendds moldeorneltdyo,b retahkr outghhse u rface int he1 960IsnP. o laannddH ungatrhype, r ocweasss rapiIdnP. o latnhdee,v enotfts h e" PolOicstho boefr " 1956 ahg arde at iamnpidan Hc utn,g ary leevtdeot n htes revoluwthiiocnwh,a sa ne venotfi ncalcuilmapbolret thearneed l sewihneE raes tern IEnYu urgoopsel.ta hvei a, procoefsc sr itiqtuhSietn iagnl imsotd ealsd eveliopne d theS oviUenti ohna db eguena re,lra ifttehreS oviet­ Yugosblraevia nk1 94a8s;a r esuilttt o,oa ks lightly dif­ ferecnotu rbsuett h ber ooaudt liwneervsee rsyi milar. Wheni tb ecammeo raep partehnattth ec ritioqfu e StaliMnairsxti wsamsm orfea r-retachhahinan dbg e en realeiazreldti heores,ne g agiintn hgic sr itciaqmuteeob e termreedv isioTnhiest tesr.wm a sn onte wh,a vibnege n firasptp ltioEe dd uaBrednr steaittn h een do ft hper evi­ ousc entubruyti, tt oookn a vergye nemreaaln iinn g postwEaars tern WEuhirlosept eir.le3lf ertroai " nrge vi­ sioonf"M arxitshte otrhyte,e rwma sa ppltioea dny one whod iffefrredo m the Pcaurrltriyen inenat n yg iven

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