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Variations in evapotranspiration and climate for an Amazonian semi-deciduous forest over seasonal, annual, and El Niño cycles George L. Vourlitis, José de Souza Nogueira, Francisco de Almeida Lobo & Osvaldo Borges Pinto International Journal of Biometeorology ISSN 0020-7128 Volume 59 Number 2 Int J Biometeorol (2015) 59:217-230 DOI 10.1007/s00484-014-0837-1 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by ISB. This e- offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at link.springer.com”. 1 23 Author's personal copy IntJBiometeorol(2015)59:217–230 DOI10.1007/s00484-014-0837-1 ORIGINALPAPER Variations in evapotranspiration and climate for an Amazonian semi-deciduous forest over seasonal, annual, and El Niño cycles GeorgeL.Vourlitis&JosédeSouzaNogueira& FranciscodeAlmeidaLobo&OsvaldoBorgesPintoJr. Received:29October2013/Revised:9April2014/Accepted:9April2014/Publishedonline:16May2014 #ISB2014 Abstract Tropical forests exchange large amounts of water witha long-term, regionalwarming and drying trend. These andenergywiththeatmosphereandareimportantincontrol- resultssuggestthatdroughtandwarminginducedbyElNiño ling regional and global climate; however, climate and and/orclimatechangecausedeclinesinEforsemi-deciduous evaportranspiration(E)varysignificantlyacrossmultipletime forestsofthesoutheastAmazonBasin. scales. To better understand temporal patterns in E and cli- mate,wemeasuredtheenergybalanceandmeteorologyofa Keywords Climatechange .Brazil .Deforestation . semi-deciduous forest in the rainforest-savanna ecotone of Ecotone .Energybalance .MatoGrosso .Transitionaltropical northernMato Grosso, Brazil,overa 7-yearperiodand ana- forest lyzedregionalclimatepatternsovera16-yearperiod.Spectral analysisrevealedthatEandlocalclimateexhibitedconsistent cyclesoverannual,seasonal,andweeklytimescales.Annual Introduction andseasonalcycleswerealsoapparentintheregionalmonth- lyrainfallandhumiditytimeseries,andacycleontheorderof Amazoniantropicalforestsexchangelargeamountsofwater 3–5.5yearswasalsoapparentintheregionalairtemperature andenergywiththeatmosphereandareimportantincontrol- timeseries,whichiscoincidentwiththeaveragereturninter- ling regional and global climate (Meir and Grace 2005). valofElNiño.AnnualratesofEweresignificantlyaffected However, spatial and temporal variation in rainfall and dry by the 2002 El Niño. Prior to this event, annual E was on season duration can profoundly affect energy exchange dy- average1,011mm/yearandaccountedfor52%oftheannual namics by affecting the partitioning of net radiation into rainfall,whileafter,annualEwas931mm/yearandaccounted sensible and latent heat exchange (Vourlitis et al. 2002, for 42% ofthe annualrainfall. Ourdataalsosuggest thatE 2005, 2008; Malhi et al. 2002; da Rocha et al. 2009; declined significantly over the 7-year study period while air Lathuilliereetal.2012;Rodriguesetal.2013,2014).Forests temperature significantly increased, which was coincident ofthenorthernandcentralAmazonBasinoftenexhibitlittle seasonalvariationinevapotranspiration(E)becauseofsmall variationinrainfalland/orseasonaltrade-offsbetweenavail- Electronicsupplementarymaterial Theonlineversionofthisarticle (doi:10.1007/s00484-014-0837-1)containssupplementarymaterial, ableenergyandevaporativedemand,whilesavannaandsemi- whichisavailabletoauthorizedusers. deciduous forest of the rainforest-savanna ecotone often ex- G.L.Vourlitis(*) perience larger seasonal variation in E because of higher BiologicalSciencesDepartment,CaliforniaStateUniversity, variability inrainfall and a morepronounced dry season (da SanMarcos,CA,USA Rocha et al. 2009; Vourlitis and da Rocha 2011; Rodrigues e-mail:[email protected] etal.2014). : While seasonal variation in E has been relatively well J.deSouzaNogueira O.B.PintoJr. DepartamentodeFísica,UniversidadeFederaldeMatoGrosso, described, interanual variations are less well known. High Cuiabá,MatoGrosso,Brazil rainfall years also have high cloud cover (Vourlitis et al. 2011); thus, cooler-wetter years may exhibit similar rates of F.deAlmeidaLobo E compared to warmer-drier years. However, warming and DepartamentodeSoloseEngenhariaRural, UniversidadeFederaldeMatoGrosso,Cuiabá,MatoGrosso,Brazil dryingthatoccurwithElNiño(Potteretal.2004;Malhiand Author's personal copy 218 IntJBiometeorol(2015)59:217–230 Wright2005)cancauseanincreaseintreemortality(Phillips (Fig.1).Meanannualtemperatureis24°Cwithlittleseasonal et al. 2005) that can alter C and H O cycling dynamics for variation,andrainfallisonaverage2,000mm/yearwitha4– 2 months–years after the event (Saleska et al. 2003; Meir and 5-monthdryseasoninMay–September(Vourlitisetal.2005). Grace 2005; Qian et al. 2008; Phillips et al. 2010). Tree species at our study site are typical of semi-deciduous Superimposedonthenaturalclimaticvariationistheclimate Amazonianforest(Ackerlyetal.1989;Lorenzi2000,2002) changeresulting fromgreenhousegas emissions and/orland and include Protium sagotianum Marchland, Dialium coverchange,whichisexpectedtocausea3–5°Cincreasein guianense (Aubl.) Sandwith, Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg., temperaturefortheAmazonBasinbytheendofthetwenty- Brosimumlactescens(S.Moore)C.C.Berg,Cordiaalliodora first century (Cramer et al. 2005; Costa and Pires 2010). (Ruiz&Pav.)Oken,TovomitaschomburgkiiPlanch&Triana, Warmingand dryingmay beespecially pronouncedinareas and Qualea paraensis Ducke. There are approximately 80 thatexperiencewidespreaddeforestationbecauseofchanges species and 35 families of trees with a diameter ≥10 cm; inalbedo,declinesinsurfaceroughness,increasesinconvec- however,nearly50%ofallindividualsareintheBurseraceae tion and runoff, and declines in soil water storage (Hodnett (P.sagotianum),Clusiaceae(T.schomburgkii),andMoraceae etal.1995;BaidyaRoyandAvissar2002;Costaetal.2003; (B. lactescens) families. Leaf area index (LAI) reaches a HaslerandAvissar2007;CostaandPires2010). maximumof5.0m2/m2duringthewetseasonandaminimum Given the potential importance of climate variation on of2.5m2/m2duringthedryseason(Sanchesetal.2008a).The tropical forest E, the goal of this research was to quantify soilisaquartzarenicneosolcomposedof≈90%sand,which seasonal and interannual variations in E and climate for a hashighporosityanddrainswithin4–7daysofrainfallevents tropical semi-deciduous forest located in the rainforest- (Vourlitisetal.2008). savanna ecotone of northern Mato Grosso, Brazil. This area islikelytobeespeciallysensitivetoclimatevariationgivenits Fieldmeasurements transitionalnature(ArrisandEagleson1994).Here,wereport temporal variations in weekly averaged E and local climate Twodifferenteddycovariancesystemswereusedtomeasure observed over a 7-year period and use well-known, but sel- E over the January 2000–2007 study period. Both systems domused,spectralanalysestoquantifypotentiallyimportant weremountedinthedirectionofthemeanwindataheightof patterns and cycles in these time series. The study period 42mabovegroundlevel,or12–14mabovetheforestcanopy. encompassed a relatively intense El Niño event in 2002 The first system (January 2000–March 2005) consisted of a (Chen et al. 2010) and a significant drought event in 2005 three-dimensional sonic anemometer-thermometer (SWS- (Marengo et al. 2008), allowing the characterization of E 211/3K,AppliedTechnologiesInc.,Boulder,CO,USA)and before and after these climate perturbations. In addition to an open-path infrared gas analyzer (NOAA-ATDD, Oak the7-yeartimeseriesforEandlocalclimate,monthlyclimate Ridge,TN,USA)tomeasurethemeanandfluctuatingquan- datawascompiledfortheperiodbetween1989and2005for titiesofwindspeedandtemperatureandH Ovapor,respec- 2 severallocaleswithin,oradjacentto,theforest-savannatran- tively (Vourlitis et al. 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005; Priante et al. sitionofnorthernMatoGrossotoassesslonger-term,regional 2004). Raw H O vapor fluctuations were outputted asmean 2 cyclesandtrendsinclimate.Giventhatover35%ofthesemi- voltages and converted to densities by multiplying by the deciduous forest of the forest-savanna ecotone of northern requisitecalibrationconstant(LeuningandMoncrieff1990), MatoGrossohasbeenconvertedtopastureoragricultureover andlatent(Q )and sensibleheat(Q )fluxeswerecomputed e h thelast30years(Soares-Filhoetal.2006),theseclimatedata followingacoordinaterotationofthewindvectors(McMillen provideanopportunitytoanalyzeifchangesinclimateforthis 1988). Fast response (10 Hz) fluxes were calculated and climaticallysensitiveecotonehavechangedinamannerthat storedonalaptopcomputeras30-minaveragesusinga200- isconsistentwithwhatisexpectedfromlandcoverchange. s running mean and digital recursive filtering technique. Al- though longer time constants have been suggested to mini- mize errors in the estimation of low-frequency turbulent Materialandmethods fluxes(Rannik and Vesala 1999),analysisofraw data using 200-and 800-s timeconstants suggeststhatthe potential for Sitedescription underestimating of low-frequency turbulent flux was small (Ferreira2004). Tower-basededdycovariancewas usedtomeasure instanta- Thesecondeddycovariancesystem(March2005–January neous (30 min average) rates of evapotranspiration (E) be- 2007) utilized a three-dimensional sonic anemometer- tweenJanuary2000and2007.Measurementsweremadeina thermometer(CSAT-3,CampbellScientific,Inc.,Logan,UT, 25–28-m-tall intact, mature terra firme tropical semi- USA) and an open-path infrared gas analyzer (LI-7500, LI- deciduous forest located 50 km NE of Sinop Mato Grosso, COR, Inc. Lincoln, NE, USA) to measure the mean and Brazil (11° 24.75′ S: 55° 19.50′ W), 423 m above sea level fluctuating quantities of wind speed and temperature and Author's personal copy IntJBiometeorol(2015)59:217–230 219 H O vapor, respectively (Vourlitis et al. 2008, 2011). Raw frommicrometeorologicaldatausingthePriestleyandTaylor 2 (10 Hz) data and 30-min average fluxes of Q and Q were (1972)equation, e h storedandprocessedusingasolid-statedatalogger(CR5000, (cid:2) . (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:3) CampbellScientific,Inc., Logan, UT, USA).Averagefluxes Q ¼α s sþγ Q*−Q ; ð1Þ e g ofQ and Q were calculatedas the covariance between the e h fluctuationsinverticalwindspeedandH Ovapordensityand where α=the Priestley–Taylor coefficient, s=slope of the 2 temperature,respectively,overa30-minintervalfollowinga saturation vapor pressure vs. temperature curve at a given coordinaterotationofthewindvectors. temperature, γ=psychrometric constant, and Q* and Q are g Sensorsforbothsystemssampledandoutputdataat10Hz. thenetradiationandgroundheatflux,respectively,measured The H O vapor channel of the gas analyzers used for both from the meteorological sensors. The advantage of Eq. 1 is 2 systemswascalibratedapproximatelymonthlyusingaporta- that Q is calculated using variables that are known to be e bledew-pointgenerator(LI-610,LI-COR,Inc.Lincoln,NE, important for driving spatial and temporal variations in Q e USA). Water vapor flux for both measurement systems was (i.e.,availableenergyandairandsurfacehumidity),andfew correctedforthesimultaneousfluctuationsinheat(Webbetal. dataarerequiredtoestimatetheQ .However,thetheoretical e 1980).Unfortunately,bothsystemswerenotoperationalatthe basisofαisunclear,andαcanvarysubstantiallydepending same time, so cross-comparison of the eddy covariance sys- oncanopyroughnessandsurfacewatercontent(XuandSingh temswasnotpossible. 2000).Givena knownQ ,suchasthatmeasuredfromeddy e Net radiation was measured above the canopy (40 m covariance, estimates of α calibrated to local conditions of above ground level) using a net radiometer (Q*7, canopyroughnessandsurfacemoisturecanbeestimatedfora REBS, Inc., Bellevue, WA, USA or NR-LITE, Kipp given timeperiodbyrearranging Eq. 1 (Viswanadham etal. and Zonen, Bohemia, NY, USA). Soil heat flux was 1991;Vourlitisetal.2002), measured using heat flux transducers (n=2) buried ap- .(cid:2)(cid:2) . (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:3) proximately 2 cm into the surface litter layer (HFT-3.1, α¼Q s sþγ Q*−Q ð2Þ e g REBS, Inc., Bellevue, WA, USA). Air temperature and atmospheric water vapor density were measured at the Usinglinearregressionwiththeoriginforcedthroughzero, top of the tower (42 m above ground level) using a calibrated values of α were estimated for each month using thermohygrometer (HMP-35, Vaisala, Inc., Helsinki, Eq.2wheneddycovariancemeasurementsofQ wereavail- e Finland). Precipitation was measured at the top of the able,withthe30-minaverageQ measuredfromeddycovari- e tower using a tipping-bucket rainfall gauge (TE-525; anceasthedependentvariableandthe30-minaverage(s/s+ Texas Electronics, Inc., Dallas, TX, USA), and data gaps γ)(Q*−Q ) measured from the micrometeorological sensors g werefilledwithdataobtainedfromamanualraingaugethat as the independent variable (see for example, Fig. 2). was read daily by personnel from the Fazenda Maracai When no eddy covariance data were available, values of located 5 km E of the study site. These data were highly α were interpolated for months before and after eddy correlated to data collected on-site (Vourlitis et al. 2008). covariance data were available, while longer gaps were Micrometeorological data were averaged every 30 min filled using the mean variation approach (Falge et al. from observations made every 60 s and stored on a 2001) where values of α were estimated as the mean datalogger (CR5000, Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, value for a given month. UT,USA). Using calibrated values of α, daily estimates of E were calculated using Eq. 1, where E=Q /λ, and λ is the e Gap-fillingofE latent heat of vaporization. Daily estimates of E were averaged over weekly intervals, providing estimates of Powersystemand/orsensorfailurelimitedtheamountofdata E for 77 % of all possible weeks. Missing values of E, collected from the eddy covariance system, and over the 7- which occurred when there were gaps in meteorological yearstudyperiod,theeddycovariancesystemwasoperational data, were estimated using auto-regressive, integrated only 53 % of the time. However, the meteorological system moving average (ARIMA) models, which were fit to the E used a separate power system and was operational more timeseriesusinganiterativeBox–Jenkinsapproach(Edwards frequently than the eddy covariance system, and over the 7- andCoull1987). yearstudyperiod,themeteorologicalsystemwasoperational for77%ofthetime.Therefore,datacollectedfromthemore Erroranalysisandestimation consistentmeteorologicalmeasurements,alongwiththedirect measurements of E from the eddy covariance system, were Errors associated with the calibrated estimates of E (Eq. 1) usedtoestimateEforthemeasurementperiod.Instantaneous werecalculatedassumingbothrandomandsystematicsources (30-minaverage)ratesoflatentheatflux(Q )werecalculated of error (Moncrieff et al. 1996). Random errors in E were e Author's personal copy 220 IntJBiometeorol(2015)59:217–230 estimated as a function of the ±95 % confidence interval Long-termtrendsinregionalclimate (±95 % CI) of α calculated by linear regression (Eq. 2). Systematic errors in E were estimated by assuming that all Climate data collected over a 16-year period from 1989 to oftheerrorassociatedwithenergybalanceclosurewasdueto 2005consistingoftotalmonthlyrainfallandaveragemonthly asystematicerrorintheunder-measurementofEfromeddy humidityandairtemperaturewereobtainedfromtheNational covariance. This assumption is reasonable given that E is Climatic Data Center (www.NCDC.gov) for 7 sites located measured by two different sensors (i.e., sonic anemometer within or adjacent to the 9–14° S transition zone of the andanopen-pathgasanalyzer)thathavedifferencesinsensi- southern Amazon Basin (Fig. 1; Table 1). Unfortunately, tivity and stability, are spatially separated, and may not be longer time series were not available for these sites because perfectlysynchronized(Burba2013);however,werecognize ofanincreaseinthefrequencyofdatagapsbeforeand after that errors associated with energy balance closure may stem this 16-year period. Data gaps were filled by calculating the fromavarietyofsourcesincludingerrorsinthemeasurement composite average of a given variable across all sites and ofavailableenergyandsensibleheatflux(Wilsonetal.2002). regressingthetimeseriesofagivensiteagainstthecomposite Our eddy covariance systems have typically exhibited an average. An inverse-distanceweighting function (Isaaks and energy balance closure of 78–92 % (Vourlitis et al. 2001, Srivastava1989)wasusedtoestimatethemonthlyclimatol- 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2011; Priante et al. 2004). Using ogyfortheSinopstudysitefrom1989to2005. estimates of energy balance closure for each month, a new value of monthly α was recalculated (Eq. 2) after Statisticalanalysis increasing the value of E to achieve perfect energy balance closure. The new value of α was then used to Powerspectralanalysiswasusedtoquantifythetimescalesof recalculate a daily value of E (Eq. 1) to reflect a variance and elucidate the potential for cycles in the E and systematicunder-measurementofE. Thedifferencebetween climatedata(PlattandDenman1975;Baldocchietal.2001). the estimates of E assuming full and normal energy balance Following Baldocchi et al. (2001), Fourier transformation closurewastakenasthesystematicerrorinE.Thetotalerror techniques were used to decompose the time series into a associatedwiththeweeklyestimateofEwasthencalculated series of frequencies, and peaks in spectral density are ob- asthesumoftherandomandsystematicerrors.Onaverage, servedasafunctionoffrequencyorperiod.Timeserieswere systematic errors accounted for 51 % of the total estimated differenced prior to Fourier transformation by subtracting errorinE. each observation by the mean of the time series. The power Fig.1 Mapofthestudyregion withthestateofMatoGrosso (center)andtheSinop,Mato Grossostudysite(blackcircle). Alsoshownarethelocationand elevationofsitesusedto reconstructthelong-term (16years)climate(graycircles) fortherainforest-savanna transitionzoneneartheSinop studysite Author's personal copy IntJBiometeorol(2015)59:217–230 221 Table1 Characteristicsofthesitesusedtoreconstructthelong-term(1989–2005)regionalchangesinclimatefortheforest-transitionzoneoftheSE AmazonBasin WMOID Stationname Latitude(degS) Longitude(degW) Elevation(m) DistancetoSinop(km) Direction(deg) Weighting 82861 ConceiçãodoAraguaia 8°15′ 49°17′ 160 690 61 0.10 83361 Cuiabá 15°33′ 56°07′ 170 472 198 0.14 83064 PortoNacional 10°43′ 48°25′ 253 690 82 0.10 82825 PortoVelho 8°46′ 63°55′ 85 1,054 295 0.06 83235 Taguatinga 12°16′ 46°26′ 660 910 96 0.07 83264 Vera 12°12′ 56°30′ 450 162 213 0.41 83208 Vilhena 12°44′ 60°08′ 652 563 258 0.12 DataincludetheWorldMeteorologicalOfficeidentification,stationname,latitudeandlongitude,elevation,distanceanddirectionfromtheSinop,Mato Grossofieldsite,andtheweightingusedtogeneratetheaverageclimatetrendforSinop,MatoGrosso.Theweightingschemewascalculatedasan inverse-distanceweightingthatcalculatedtheratiooftheinversedistanceofagivensitedividedbythesumoftheinversedistancesofallsites spectral densities were normalized by their respective vari- season (Fig. 3). Values ranged from a maximum of 1.32 in ances,sowhenplottedonalog–logscale,theareaunderthe May 2002, which exceeds the value of 1.26 for saturated curveequaledunity(Baldocchietal.2001). surfaces (Priestley and Taylor 1972), to a minimum of 0.41 Temporal trendsinE and local and regionalclimate vari- in September 2002 (Fig. 3; Supplementary data Table S1). ables(airtemperature,vaporpressure,rainfall,anddryseason Overall, α was on average (±95 % CI) 0.75±0.05, and the duration) were assessed using ordinary linear regression coefficient of determination of the linear regression (r2) (Fig.2).Atemporaltrendwasdeterminedtobesignificantly between the eddy covariance measurements of latent different from zero if the mean (±95 % CI) slope did not heat flux (Q ) and the meteorological variables (Eq. 2) was e encompasszero. 0.84(range=0.62–0.92;TableS1). Average weekly rates of E generally increased during the wet season in January and February and reached a peak in Results March–April; however, week-to-week and interannual vari- ability was high (Fig. 4a). After the March–April peak, E Seasonaltrendsinα,E,andmicroclimate declinedduringthedryseasonintoSeptemberandincreased onlyslightlyintoDecembereventhoughtherewasadequate There was a clear seasonal pattern in the Priestley–Taylor rainfall(Fig.4a,c).TheseasonalpatternofEwassimilarto coefficient(α)whereαwashighestinMayattheendofthe theseasonalpatterninQ*(Fig.4b)withtheexceptionthatQ* wet season and lowest in September at the end of the dry exhibitedsubstantiallylessvariabilitythanEduringtheMay– Fig.2 Anexampleofthelinear April 2005 regressionmethodusedto 800 calculatethecalibratedPriestley– Taylorcoefficientαfromeddy covariancemeasurementsof latentheatflux(Q)and 600 e micrometeorologicaldata consistingoftemperature,net ) 2 m radiation(Q*),andgroundheat W/ 400 flux(Q)forApril2005.The g ( slopeoftheregression e Q correspondstoαwiththe regressionforcedthroughthe 200 origin(seeEq.2).Alsoshownis thecoefficientofdetermination (r2)andthenumberof 0 instantaneous(30-minaverage) values(n)usedtoestimateα a = 0.72; r2 = 0.82; n = 921 -200 -200 0 200 400 600 800 [(s/s+γ)(Q*-Q )] (W/m2) g Author's personal copy 222 IntJBiometeorol(2015)59:217–230 Fig.3 Averagemonthlyvalues 1.4 ofthecalibratedPriestley–Taylor coefficientαcalculatedfrom eddycovariancemeasurementsof 1.2 latentheatflux(Q)and e micrometeorologicalvariables a (Eq.2).Thesolidlinedisplaysthe or 1.0 interpolatedvaluesusedwhen yl a eddycovariancemeasurementsof T Qewerenotavailable ey- 0.8 stl e Pri d 0.6 e at br ali 0.4 1999 C 2000 2001 2002 0.2 2003 2005 2006 0.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Septemberdryseason,andQ*increasedmorethanEduring weeks experiencing up to 300 mm of rainfall and others the October–December dry–wet season transition. Weekly experiencingnomeasureablerainfall,butduringthedrysea- variations in rainfall revealed a distinct wet season between son, there were extended periods when there was no OctoberandAprilandadistinctdryseasonbetweenMayand measureablerainfall.Rapidincreasesanddeclinesinrainfall September (Fig. 4c). During the wet season, week-to-week were apparent during the dry–wet (September–October) and and interannual variations in rainfall were large, with some wet–dry (April–May) season transitions, respectively. 35 0 30 60 90 120150 180210240 270300330360 220 0 30 60 90 120150180210240270300330360 350 0 30 60 90 120150180210240270300330360 a b c 200 30 300 180 k) 25 160 ek)250 m/wee 20 2W/m)112400 mm/we200 E (m 1105 R (net18000 ainfall (110500 R 60 5 50 40 0 20 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 28 0 30 60 90 120150 180210240 270300330360 100 0 30 60 90 120150 180210240270300330360 d e C) 26 %) 90 oure ( 24 dity ( 80 22000001 at mi 2002 Air temper 22 elative hu 70 2222000000003456 20 R 60 18 50 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Fig.4 aAverageweeklyevapotranspiration,bnetradiation(Q*),ctotalweeklyrainfall,daverageweeklyairtemperature,and(e)relativehumidityasa functionofdayoftheyear(upperx-axis)andmonth(lowerx-axis)fortheJanuary2000–2007studyperiod Author's personal copy IntJBiometeorol(2015)59:217–230 223 Seasonal variations in air temperature (Fig. 4d) and relative withtheaverage(±95%CI)warmingontheorderof0.001± humidity(Fig.4e)exhibitedrelativelylessweek-to-weekand 0.0009°C/week,or0.052°C/year(Fig.5c). interannual variations compared with other meteorological Power spectral densities for E (Fig. 6a), air temperature variables, and on average, temperature and humidity were (Fig.6b),andrainfall(Fig.6c)exhibitedpeaksover52-week higherduringthewetseasonandlowerduringthedryseason. cycles, indicating substantial annual variation in all of these variables.Thetemperatureandrainfalltimeseriesexhibiteda cycleontheorderofahalfyear(20,26weeks),whichreflects Interannualtrendsinα,E,andmicroclimate the periodicity associated with peaks in the wet and dry seasons (Fig. 4c, d). All three time series exhibited peaks in Weekly estimates of E for the 7-year study period varied spectraldensityover10–17-weekcycles,whichwerecoinci- substantially over time with a mean of 18.5 mm/week dent with seasonal climate peaks and transitions, and more (2.6 mm/day) and a range of 3.4–30.7 mm/week (0.5– rapidcyclesoccurredover4–5-(Fig.6a,c)and2-weektime 4.4 mm/day) (Fig. 5a; Supplementary data Table S2). Large scales (Fig. 6b), which were coincident with time scales of temporalvariationsinEnotwithstanding,ourdataindicatea frontalactivity. small but statistically significant decline in E over time Annualvariationsinrainfallwerelargeandvariedbetween (Fig. 5a), and when calculated over an annual time scale 1,861 mm in 2002 and 2,645 mm in 2003 (Table 2). These (Table 2), E declined by on average (±95 % CI) 17.6± years corresponded to an El Niño (2002)–La Niña (2003) 12.0 mm/year (n=7 years; r2=0.74; p<0.01) over the study cycle, which brought lower (2002) and higher than average period. The declining trend in E was not coincident with (2003) rainfall to this portion of the Amazon Basin (Chen declines in local rainfall or net radiation, as temporal trends et al. 2010), but total annual E was remarkably similar (i.e., inthesetimeserieswerenotsignificantlydifferentfromzero 1,008and942mm,respectively)betweentheseyearsdespite (Fig. 5; Table 2). However, the decline in E was coincident the nearly 800-mm difference in annual rainfall. However, withasignificantincreaseinaverageweeklyairtemperature, priortoElNiño(2000–2002),Ewas onaverage 1,011 mm/ 40 a k) 30 e e w 20 m/ m E ( 10 0 -0.007 + 0.006 mm/week 300 b 0.006 + 0.052 mm/week 250 k) ee 200 w m/ 150 m P ( 100 50 0 c C) 28 o e ( 26 ur at 24 er p m 22 e Air t 20 0.001 + 0.0009 oC/week 18 Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fig.5 aAverageweeklyevapotranspiration,btotalweeklyprecipita- evapotranspiration(a),thestandarddeviationofmeanweeklytempera- tion,andcaverageweeklyairtemperaturefortheJanuary2000–2007 ture(c),andthemean(±95%CI)temporaltrendcalculatedbyordinary study period. Also shown is the total error associated with estimating linearregression Author's personal copy 224 IntJBiometeorol(2015)59:217–230 Table2 Totalannualprecipita- tionandevapotranspiration(E), Year Rainfall Dryseason Temperature RH(%) Rnet(W/m2) E(mm) E/P averageannualtemperature,rela- (mm) (weeks) (°C) tivehumidity(RH),netradiation (R ),theratioofevapotranspira- 2000 1,999 26.0 24.6 84.5 137.1 1,009 0.50 net tiontoprecipitation(E/P),anddry 2001 2,006 25.0 24.5 80.9 135.5 1,018 0.51 seasondurationfromJanuary 2002 1,861 31.0 25.0 78.3 131.9 1,008 0.54 2000to2007.Alsoshownarethe 2003 2,645 23.0 24.9 78.8 128.8 942 0.36 grandmean±1sd 2004 2,155 28.0 24.8 81.2 126.1 934 0.43 2005 2,253 28.0 25.2 72.2 134.8 908 0.40 2006 2,040 22.0 24.7 79.3 136.3 942 0.46 Average 2,137 26.1 24.8 79.3 132.9 965 0.46 sd 256 3.1 0.3 3.8 4.1 44 0.07 Fig.6 Normalizedpowerspectra a ofaverageweekly evapotranspiration(a),air 0.1 52 w temperature(b),andtotalweekly rainfall(c)fortheJanuary2000– 17 w 2007studyperiod.Numbers 10 w abovepeaksinspectraldensity 0.01 4-5 w correspondtotheperiod(weeks/ 14 w cycle)associatedwitheach spectralpeak.Thepowerspectral densitieswerenormalizedbytheir 0.001 respectivevariancessowhen plottedonalog–logscale,the areaunderthecurveequaledunity 0.0001 b 0.1 26 w 52 w 17 w 2 w 10 w n) 0.01 3-6 w S( n 14 w 0.001 0.0001 c 52 w 0.1 14 w 0.01 8 w 4-5 w 20 w 0.001 0.0001 0.01 0.1 1 Frequency (Cycles/week)

Francisco de Almeida Lobo & Osvaldo Borges Pinto Jr. Received: 29 Pongratz J, Bounoua L, DeFries RS, Anderson LO, Mauser W, Klink CA.
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