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Variationaldetermination ofapproximatebright matter-wavesolitonsolutions inanisotropictraps T. P. Billam, S. A. Wrathmall, and S. A. Gardiner Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom (Dated:January10,2012) We consider the ground state of an attractively-interacting atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in a prolate, cylindricallysymmetricharmonic trap. Ifatruequasi-one-dimensional limitisrealized, thenfor sufficiently weakaxialtrappingthisgroundstatetakestheformofabrightsolitonsolutionofthenonlinear Schro¨dinger equation. UsinganalyticvariationalandhighlyaccuratenumericalsolutionsoftheGross-Pitaevskiiequation 2 we systematically and quantitatively assess how soliton-like this ground state is, over a wide range of trap 1 andinteractionstrengths. Ouranalysisrevealsthattheregimeinwhichthegroundstateishighlysoliton-like 0 is significantly restricted, and occurs only for experimentally challenging trap anisotropies. This result, and 2 our broader identification of regimes in which the ground state is well-approximated by our simple analytic n variational solution, are relevant to a range of potential experiments involving attractively-interacting Bose- a Einsteincondensates. J 9 PACSnumbers: 03.75.Lm67.85.Bc ] s I. INTRODUCTION its own right, would be highly advantageous in experiments a seeking to probe quantum effects beyond the mean-field de- g scription[27–29],andpossiblytoexploittheeffectsofmacro- - Bright solitons are self-focusing, non-dispersive, particle- t scopic quantum superposition to enhance metrological pre- n like solitary waves occurring in integrable systems [1, 2]. cision [31, 32]. Similar concerns regardingadverse residual a They behave in a particle-like manner, emerging from mu- u 3Deffectsininterferometricprotocolspromptedarecentper- tualcollisionsintactexceptforshiftsintheirpositionandrel- q turbative study of residual 3D effects in highly anisotropic, ative phase. Bright soliton solutions of the one-dimensional . repulsively-interactingBECs[33]. t a nonlinearSchro¨dingerequation(NLSE)canbedescribedan- m alytically using the inverse scattering technique [3, 4] and The potential instability to collapse of attractively- are well-known in the context of focusing nonlinearities in interacting BECs [34–44] is the key obstacle to realizing - d optical fibers [4, 5]. Bright solitary matter-waves in an at- soliton-likebehaviorinaBEC.Previousstudiesofbrightsoli- n tractivelyinteractingatomicBose-Einsteincondensate(BEC) tarywavedynamics,usingvariationalandnumericalsolutions o representan intriguingalternativephysicalrealization [6–8]. of partially-quasi-1D GPEs [12, 13, 21, 45] [reductions of c In a mean-fielddescriptionan atomic BEC obeysthe Gross- the GPE to a 1D equation which retain some 3D character, [ Pitaevskii equation (GPE) [9], a three-dimensional NLSE. in contrast to the full quasi-1D limit] and the 3D GPE [16– 2 While in general non-integrable, in a homogeneous, quasi- 18, 34], have shown the collapse instability to be associated v one-dimensional(quasi-1D)limittheGPEreducestotheone- withnon-soliton-likebehavior. However,previousstudiesof 1 dimensionalNLSE,thussupportingbrightsolitons[10–15]. brightsolitarywavegroundstateshavefocusedonidentifying 4 thecriticalparametersatwhichcollapseoccurs. Approaches 8 Outside the quasi-1D limit the GPE continues to support 6 brightsolitarymatter-waves. Theseexhibitmanysoliton-like usedinthesestudiesincludepartially-quasi-1Dmethods[12], . variationalmethods[46]usingGaussian[10,34,47]andsoli- 1 characteristicsandhavebeenthesubjectofmuchexperimen- ton (sech) [34, 48] ansatzes, perturbative methods [49], and 1 tal [6–8] and theoretical [16–29] investigation. Both bright numericalsolutionstothe3DGPE[34,35,43,44,48]. Inthe 1 solitonsandbrightsolitarywavesareexcellentcandidatesfor 1 lattercase,thecollapsethresholdparametershavebeenexten- useinatominterferometry[30],astheircoherence,spatiallo- : sivelymappedoutforarangeoftrapgeometries[43,44]. v calization and soliton-like dynamicsoffer a metrologicalad- i vantagein,e.g.,thestudyofatom-surfaceinteractions[7,20]. Inthispaperweuseanalyticvariationalandhighlyaccurate X Towards this end, proposals to phase-coherently split bright numerical solutions of the stationary GPE to systematically r solitonsandbrightsolitarywavesusingascatteringpotential andquantitativelyassesshowsoliton-likethegroundstateof a [27–29]andaninternalstateinterferenceprotocol[18],andto anattractively-interactingBECinaprolate,cylindricallysym- formsolitonmolecules[26]havebeenexploredinthelitera- metricharmonictrapis,overawideregimeoftrapandinter- ture. However, while the dynamics and collisions of bright actionstrengths. Beginningwithpreviously-consideredvari- solitary waves have been explored in detail and have been ational ansatzes based on Gaussian [10, 34, 47] and soliton shown to be soliton-like in three-dimensional (3D) parame- [34,48]profiles,weobtainnew,analyticvariationalsolutions ter regimes [16–18], less attention has been directed at the fortheGPEgroundstate. Comparingthesoliton-ansatzvari- question of exactly how soliton-like the ground state of the ationalsolutiontohighlyaccuratenumericalsolutionsofthe systemis. Inparticular,theexperimentalfeasibilityofreach- stationaryGPE,whichwecalculateoveranextensiveparam- ingthequasi-1Dlimitofanattractively-interactingBEC,and eter space, gives a quantitative measure of how soliton-like hence obtaining a highly soliton-like ground state, remains the groundstate is. In the regimewhere the axialand radial an area lacking a thoroughquantitativeexploration. Obtain- trap strengths dominate over the interactions, we show that ing such a ground state, in addition to being interesting in theGaussianansatzvariationalsolutiongivesanexcellentap- 2 proximation to the true ground state for all anisotropies; in II. SYSTEMOVERVIEW thisregimethegroundstateisnotsoliton-like. Intheregime inwhichtheinteractionsdominateovertheaxial,butnotthe We consideraBECof N atomsofmassmand(attractive) radial, trap strength we demonstrate that the soliton-ansatz s-wave scattering length a < 0, held within a cylindrically s variationalsolutiondoesapproximatethetrue,highlysoliton- symmetric,prolate(theradialfrequencyω isgreaterthanthe like ground state. However, we show that the goodness of r axial frequency ω ) harmonic trap. The ground state is de- x theapproximationandtheextentofthisregime,whereitex- scribedbythestationaryGross-Pitaevskiiequation istsatall,ishighlyrestrictedbythecollapseinstability;even atlargeanisotropiesitoccupiesanarrowwindowadjacentto ~2 4πNa ~2 theregimewhereinteractionsbegintodominateoveralltrap 2+V(r) | s| ψ(r)2 λ ψ(r)=0, (1) strengths,leadingtonon-quasi-1D,non-soliton-likesolutions −2m∇ − m | | − " # and,ultimately,collapse. wherethetrappingpotentialV(r)=m[ω2x2/2+ω2(y2+z2)/2], x r Ourresultshavesubstantialpracticalvalueforexperiments λisarealeigenvalue,andtheGross-Pitaevskiiwavefunction usingattractively-interactingBECs;primarilytheydefinethe ψ(r) isnormalizedto one. Thisequationis generatedby the challengingexperimentalregimerequiredto realize a highly classicalfield Hamiltonian(throughthefunctionalderivative soliton-like ground state, which would be extremely useful δH[ψ]/δψ =λψ) ∗ to observe quantum effects beyond the mean-field descrip- tion such as macroscopic superposition of solitons [27–29]. ~2 We note that bright solitary wave experiments to date have H[ψ]= dr ψ(r)2+V(r)ψ(r)2 not reached this regime [6–8]. Secondarily, our quantita- 2m|∇ | | | Z " tive analysis of a wide parameter space provides a picture 2πNa ~2 of the ground state in a wide range of possible attractively- | s| ψ(r)4 . (2) − m | | interacting BEC experiments. In particular, it indicates the # regimes in which a full numerical solution of the 3D GPE Thisfunctionaloftheclassicalfieldψdescribesthetotalen- iswell-approximatedbyoneofouranalyticvariationalsolu- ergyperparticle,andthegroundstatesolutionminimizesthe tions,whicharesignificantlyeasierandlesstime-consuming valueofthisfunctional. todetermine. Whendealingwithvariationalansatzesforthegroundstate The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Af- solution, we proceed by analytically minimizing an energy ter introducing the most general classical field Hamiltonian functional in the same form as Eq. (2) for a given ansatz. andstationaryGPEinSectionII,webeginbydiscussingthe Incontrast,highlyaccuratenumericalgroundstatesaremore quasi-1DlimitinSectionIII.InSectionIIIAwedefinethedi- convenientlyobtainedbysolvingastationaryGPEofthesame mensionlesstrapfrequencyγ;inthequasi-1Dlimitthisisthe formasEq.(1). onlyfreeparameter,andallourresultsareexpressedinterms of thisquantity. Similarly, ourvariationalansatzes aremoti- vatedbythelimitingbehaviorsofthesolutioninthequasi-1D case;inthiscasewedefinethemasGaussianandsolitonpro- III. QUASI-1DLIMIT files, parametrized by their axial lengths. In Sections IIIB and IIIC we find, analytically, the energy-minimizing axial A. Reductionto1Dandrescaling lengthsforeachansatzasafunctionofγ. Comparisonofthe resulting ansatz solutions to highly accurate numericalsolu- For sufficiently tight radial confinement (ω ω ), such tionsofthestationaryquasi-1DGPEallowsustodetermine, r ≫ x thattheatom-atominteractionsarenonethelessessentially3D in the quasi-1D limit, the regimes of low γ in which highly [a (~/mω )1/2]itisconventional[10–15]toassumeare- soliton-likegroundstates canberealized(SectionIIID).We s ≪ r ductiontoaquasi-1DstationaryGPE thenconsiderthe3DGPEinSectionIV.Thesystemthenhas a second free parameter in addition to γ; we choose this to ~2 ∂2 mω2x2 beκ, the(dimensionless)trapanisotropy,whichisdefinedin + x g Nψ(x)2 λ ψ(x)=0. (3) SectionIVA.InSectionsIVBtoIVEwedefine3DGaussian −2m∂x2 2 − 1D | | − " # andsolitonansatzes,adaptedfromtheirquasi-1Danalogsand each parametrized by an axial and a radial length, and find Typicallyψ(r)istakentobefactorizedintoψ(x)andtheradial theenergy-minimizinglengthsforeachansatz. Ingeneralthis harmonic ground state (mω /π~)1/2exp( mω [y2 + z2]/2~), r r requires only a very simple numerical procedure, and in the such that g = 2~ω a . Alternative fac−torizationsare also 1D r s | | limit of a waveguide-like trap can be expressed analytically possible, which lead to an effective 1D equation retaining (Section IVF). In Section IVG we comparethe ansatz solu- more3DcharacterthanEq.(3)[12,13,21,45];similarfactor- tionstohighlyaccuratenumericalsolutionsofthestationary izationshave also been introducedfor axially rotatingBECs 3DGPEand,inSectionIVHassessthepotentialforrealizing [50] and for quasi-2D BECs in oblate traps [51]. In the ab- trulysoliton-likegroundstates. Finally,SectionVcomprises sence of the axial harmonic confining potential (ω 0), x → theconclusions. thereexistexactbrightsolitonsolutionstoEq.(3)ofthegen- 3 eralform1 where the variational parameter, ℓ , quantifies the axial G 1 [x vt+C] length. In the trap-dominatedlimit (γ ), the true solu- 2b1x/2sech −2bx !eiv(x−vt)m/~eimg21DN2t/8~3eimv2t/2~eiD, Etioqn.(t7e)nydisetlodsa(GusaiunsgsiiadnenwtiittihesℓGfr=om1.ASpup→besntid∞tiuxtiAng)Eq.(8)into (4) whereb ~2/mg Nisalengthscalecharacterizingthesoli- x 1D γ 1 2 ton’sspat≡ialextent,visthesolitonvelocity,C isanarbitrary H1D(ℓG)= 4 ℓG2 + ℓ2 − (2πγ)1/2ℓ , (9) displacement,andDisanarbitraryphase.  G G keyThleinsgetffhescctaivlees:1tDheGaxroiasls-hPairtmaeovnsikciileenqgutahtiaoxn co(~n/taminωsx)t1w/2o, wℓ h.eSreetHti1nDgi∂sHnow/∂eℓxpr=es0serdevaesaalsfuthnacttitohneovfartihaetiaoxniaallelnenerggthy ≡ G 1D G and the soliton length bx. A mathematicallyconvenientway describedbyEq.(9)isminimizedwhenℓ isapositive,real G toexpressthesinglefreeparameterofEq.(3)isasthesquare solutiontothequarticequation oftheratioofthesetwolengthscales; ℓ b 2 ~ω ℓ4 + G 1=0. (10) γ x x . (5) G (2πγ)1/2 − ≡ a ≡ 4mω2a 2N2 x! r| s| The positive, real solution to this quartic is (see solution in This parametrization is achieved by working in “soliton AppendixB) units”; lengths are expressed in units of b and energies are x expressedinunitsofmg21DN2/~2. Thissystemcanbecodified χ(γ) 1/2 2 3/2 1/2 as~=m =g1DN =1,andyieldsthedimensionlessquasi-1D ℓG = 24/3(πγ)1/6 χ(γ) −1 −1 , (11) GPE (cid:2) (cid:3)  !   1 ∂2 + γ2x2 ψ(x)2 λ ψ(x)=0, (6) wherewehave,fornotationalconvenience,definedχtohave −2∂x2 2 −| | − γ-dependencesuchthat " # in which γ can be interpreted as a dimensionless trap fre- quency [15]. The corresponding classical field Hamiltonian 1024π2γ2 1/2 1/3 χ(γ)= 1+ 1+ is 27  !  H1D[ψ]= dx 12 ∂∂xψ(x)2+ γ22x2|ψ(x)|2− 12|ψ(x)|4 .  + 1 1+ 1024π2γ2 1/2 1/3. (12) Z " (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) #(7)  − 27 !  [EqT.h(e6c)]hoaincdetohfeγcfloasrst(cid:12)(cid:12)ihcealsifineglld(cid:12)(cid:12)efHreaempilatroanmiaente[rEinq.th(7e)1]DcaGnPbEe   mostdirectlypicturedaschoosingtoholdinteractionstrength C. Variationalsolution:solitonansatz constant while varying the axial trap strength, parametrized by γ. Experimentally, however, any of ω , ω , a , and N Secondly,weconsiderasolitonansatz x r s may be varied in order to vary γ. In the case γ = 0 the ex- 1 x actgroundstatesolutionisasingle,stationarybrightsoliton: ψ(x)= sech , (13) ψ(x) = sech(x/2)/2. Inthefollowingsubsectionswedevelop 2ℓS1/2 2ℓS! analytic variational solutions ψ(x) for general γ. Compar- wherethevariationalparameter,ℓ ,againquantifiestheaxial ing these solutionsto highlyaccurate numericalsolutionsof S length. In the axially un-trappedlimit (γ 0), the true so- thequasi-1DGPE thengivesapictureofthebehaviorofthe → lution tends to a classical brightsoliton, as described by the groundstatewithγ. Furthermore,thesequasi-1Dvariational aboveansatzwithℓ = 1. Thevariationalenergyperparticle solutionsmotivatethelater3Dvariationalsolutionsandyield S isgivenby(usingidentitiesfromAppendixA) severalmathematicalexpressionswhichreappearinthemore complex3Dcalculations. π2γ2 1 1 H (ℓ )= ℓ2+ , (14) 1D S 6 S 4π2γ2ℓ2 − 2π2γ2ℓ  S S B. Variationalsolution:Gaussianansatz whichisminimizedwhen  WefirstconsidertheGaussianvariationalansatz ℓ4+ ℓS 1 =0. (15) 1/4 S 4π2γ2 − 4π2γ2 γ ψ(x)= πℓ2 e−γx2/2ℓG2, (8) Again,thisquarticcanbesolvedanalytically(seesolutionin  G   AppendixB)togivethepositive,realminimizingvalueofℓS; 1Equation(4)describessolutionsofunitnorm. Moregeneralsolitonsolu- χ(γ) 1/2 2 3/2 1/2 ℓ = 1 1 , (16) tions(B/2b1x/2)sech(B[x−vt+C]/2bx)eiv(x−vt)m/~eiB2mg21DN2t/8~3eimv2t/2~eiD S 21(cid:2)1/6(π(cid:3)γ)2/3  χ(γ)! −  −  ehraavlesnoolirtmonsBs(iamnudlteaffneecotuivsely.massη=B/4),asarisewhenconsideringsev- withχdefinedasinEq.(12).   4 1.0 ground state ψ0(x), and the corresponding ground state en- ℓ 0.8 (a) SGoaliutossnaannssaattzz,,ℓℓGS(cid:4)• mergetyricE1GDa,uussse-Hs earmpsieteudfuonspceticotnrasl;mtheisthiosdainsimapblaifisiesdovfesrsyimon- xialngth, 00..46 oisfethxeplpasineueddoisnpmecotrraeldmeteatihloidnuthseednfeoxrt3sDectciaolnc.ulSaetivoenrsa,lwquhaicnh- Ae l 0.2 tities are compared in Fig. 1(b–d): the variational minimum 0.0 energies H1D for each ansatz and the numericalgroundstate 0.01 energyE areshowninFig.1(b);therelativeerrorbetween 1D nalH1D 0.00 (b) 0.4 eHa1cDhaanndsaEtz1Din,dFeigfi.n1e(dc)a;sa∆nd=th(eHm1Da−ximE1uDm)/d|Eiff1Der|,einscsehboewtwnefeonr riatioergy,--00..0021 H′1D00..23 tahnedmthoestnaupmperoripcrailatgeraonusnadtzstwataevewfuavnecftuionnct(itohna,tewxipthrelsoswedesats∆a) Vaen-0.03 0.1 percentage of the maximum value of the numerically exact groundstate, ∆ψ = max(ψ ψ )/max(ψ ) [Fig. 1(d)]. -0.04 0.0 | Ansatz − 0| 0 All the shown computed quantities are insensitive to a dou- nal -1 (c) blingofthenumericalbasissizefrom500to1000states. ariatio∆g()10 -3 lenBtoatphptrhoexiGmaautisosniatnoatnhde seoxlaictotnsoalnustaiotznessopvreorvaidlearagneerxacnegle- vo -5 ofγ. In the regimeswhere the relativeerrorin the energy∆ iny,l becomes significantly lower than 10 9 in particular, the dif- rorerg -7 ferencebetweentheansatzsolutions−andnumericalsolutions rn Ee -9 becomes generally indistinguishable from numerical round- 3 off error. For the Gaussian ansatz the convergence to this x.%) (d) regime is noticeably slower than for the soliton ansatz [Fig. a( mψ 2 1(c)]. This effect is a consequenceof the parametrizationin d∆ zeψ, terms of γ and the corresponding“soliton units”: increasing alin 1 γ leadsnotonlyto tohighertrapstrength,butalsoto higher mri peakdensities ψ(x)2,andhenceastrongernonlineareffect. Norerro 0 Forlatercom| pari|sontothe3Dcase,itisusefultodefinea -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 benchmarkvalueoftherelativeerror∆thatindicatesexcellent log (γ) agreementbetweentheansatzandthenumericallyexactsolu- 10 tion. Such a definition, however,will varyaccordingto pur- pose.Asourobjectivesinthispaperrelatesignificantlytothe FIG.1.Comparisonofquasi-1Dvariationalandnumericalsolutions: (a) Energy-minimizing axial lengths ℓ (Gaussian ansatz, squares) shapeof the groundstate, thisformsthe basis of ourbench- G andℓ (solitonansatz,circles)forthequasi-1DGPE.(b)Minimum mark; a maximum deformation of the wavefunction below S variationalenergycomparedwiththenumericallycalculatedground 0.1%ofthepeakvalue[asmeasuredby∆ψinFig.1(d)]cor- state energy E (black line) for each ansatz: for low γ we show respondsverycloselyto∆< 10 5. Becausetherelativeerror 1D − wHe1Dsh(soowlidHs1′yDm=bolHs)1,Dw/γhi(chholtleonwdsstyom−bo1/ls2)4, washiγch→ten0d;sfotor 1h/ig2haγs ∆thesacthuorasteensatonsaabtzaciskginroapupnldicvaablulee,oafv≈al1u0e−o1fin∆rfeoguimroersdwerhseoref γ (H is equal to the energy expressed in the “harmonic uni→ts,”∞~=m1′D=ω =1). (c)Relativeerrorinthevariationalenergy, magnitude below this backgroundvalue thus corresponds to x an excellent match in shape between the ansatz and the nu- ∆=(H E )/E .(d)Normalizedmaximumdeformationofthe 1D− 1D 1D mericallyexactsolution. Withrespecttothisbenchmark,the best-fitting ansatz wavefunction ψ with respect to the numeri- Ansatz Gaussianansatzrepresentsanexcellentfitforlog (γ)>1.15, calgroundstateψ ,∆ψ=max(ψ ψ )/max(ψ ),expressedas 10 0 | Ansatz− 0| 0 whilethegroundstateishighlysoliton-like(thesolitonansatz a percentage. For clarity in (a,b) [(c)], every 16th [20th] datum is markedbyasymbol. representsanexcellentfit)forlog10(γ)<−0.95. D. Analysisandcomparisonto1Dnumericalsolutions IV. BRIGHTSOLITARYWAVEGROUNDSTATESIN3D Theenergy-minimizingaxiallengthsℓ andℓ ,definedby A. Rescalingtoeffective1Dsolitonunits G S Eq.(11)andEq.(16)respectively,areshownasafunctionof γ in Fig. 1(a). There is no collapse instability in the quasi- We now consider the cylindrically symmetric 3D Gross- 1DGPE, andsolutionsareobtainedforall(positive,real) γ. Pitaevskiiequation[Eq.(1)].Comparedtothequasi-1Deffec- Asintendedbythechosenformsoftheansatzes,thelimiting tiveGross-Pitaevskiiequation[Eq.(6)],three-dimensionality casesareℓ 1asγ andℓ 1asγ 0. Toeval- introducesan additionalrelevantlengthscale, the radialhar- G S uate the accu→racy of th→e an∞satzes for→generalγ→, we compare monic length a = (~/mω )1/2. We incorporate this into the r r each ansatz with the numericallydeterminedgroundstate of dimensionlesstrapanisotropyκ ω /ω ,whichformsanad- r x ≡ the quasi-1D GPE. The computation of a numerically exact ditionalfreeparameter. Expressedinthesame“solitonunits” 5 asEq.(6),Eq.(1)becomes From Eq. (22) it follows that we must have ℓ > G 1/(2πγ)1/2κ to obtainaphysicallyreasonablesolution, i.e., a 1 2+V(r) 2π ψ(r)2 λ ψ(r)=0, (17) real, positive value of kG, consistent with our initial ansatz. −2∇ − κγ| | − Foragivensuchvalueofk ,Eq.(21)issolved(seesolution " # G inAppendixB)by withcorrespondingenergyfunctional H3D[ψ]=Z dr"12∇ψ(r)+·∇Vψ(∗r()r|ψ)(r)|2− κπγ|ψ(r)|4 , (18) wiℓthGχ=dheχfi(cid:16)n2γe4k/d3G−(a4π(cid:17)sγii1)n/12/E6kqG2/.3(12).χ(cid:16)γ2kG−4(cid:17)3/2−11/2−1, (23) # whereV(r)=γ2[x2+κ2(y2+z2)]/2. Inthefollowingsubsectionsweobtainvariationalsolutions C. AnalysisofGaussianansatzsolution for general κ and γ using ansatzes similar to the Gaussian and soliton ansatzes employed in the previous section, with Contrary to the quasi-1D limit, minimization of the vari- anadditionalvariable-widthGaussianradialprofile.Contrary ational energy in 3D requires simultaneous solution of two to the case in the quasi-1D limit, a self-consistent energy- equationsfor the radiallength, k 1, and the axial length, ℓ . minimizing solution for both the axial and radial length pa- G− G These equations are, respectively, Eq. (22) and [rearranged rameterscannotbeexpressedentirelyanalytically. However, fromEq.(21)] we reduce the numerical work required to the simultaneous solutionoftwoequations,andintroduceastraightforwardit- (2πγ)1/2 1/2 erative technique to achieve this. We also consider the case k = 1 ℓ4 . (24) of a waveguide-like trap (ωx = 0) separately, where an en- G " ℓG − G # (cid:16) (cid:17) tirelyanalyticvariationalsolutionexists(SectionIVF).Sub- Theseequationsdictatethatphysicalsolutionsmusthave sequently,inSectionIVG,weagaincomparetheansatzsolu- tionstohigh-accuracynumerics. 1 <ℓ <1, (25) (2πγ)1/2κ G B. Variationalsolution:Gaussianansatz andhencethatγ>1/2πκ2mustbesatisfiedinorderforphys- icalsolutionstoexist. WefirstconsideranansatzcomposedofGaussianaxialand Where solutions exist, they must be found numerically. radialprofiles.Wephrasethisas However, a very practical method of numericalsolution fol- lowsfromtheshapeoftheℓ surfacedefinedbyEq.(23),and κ1/2γ3/4k G ψ(r)= Ge−κγkG2(y2+z2)/2e−γx2/2ℓG2. (19) shownin Fig. 2(a), which is a decreasingfunctionof kG for π3/4ℓ1/2 all (real, positive) γ. The method can be consideredgraphi- G cally, in termsof locatingthe intersection(s)of Eq. (22) and Here, the first variational parameter, ℓ , quantifies the axial G Eq.(24). Thesecurvesareshown,forvariousκ,inFig. 2(b– lengthoftheansatzinanalogytothequasi-1Dcase. There- d), along with the lower bound from inequality(25). Below ciprocal of the second variational parameter, k 1, quantifies G− aκ-dependentthresholdvalueofγthecurvesfailtointersect, the radial length of the ansatz. In the trap-dominated limit indicating instability of the BEC to collapse. At the thresh- (γ ) both these lengths approach unity ( ℓ ,k 1). → ∞ { G G} → old value [dotted curves in Fig. 2(b–d)] there is exactly one Substitution of this ansatz into Eq. (18) yields (using identi- intersection, and above the threshold value [other curves in tiesfromAppendixA) Fig.2(b–d)]therearetwointersections. Inthelattercasethe higher-ℓ intersection, which smoothlydeformsto the limit- γ 1 2k2 2κ G H3D(ℓG,kG)= 4 ℓG2 + ℓ2 − (2πγ)1G/2ℓ +2κkG2 + k2 (20) ing case {ℓG,kG} → 1 as γ → ∞, represents the physical,  G G G minimal-energyvariationalsolution. Thissolutioncanbelo- Setting the partialderivativeswith respectto bothℓG andkG cvaatleudeku¯si,nsgataisfsyiminpgle1“stka¯irc<aske”,minettohEodq:. 2su3bpsrtoitduuticnegsaattrriiaall equaltozero,wededucethatℓG mustsolvethequarticequa- value,ℓ¯G,satisfyingℓ≤<Gℓ¯ G1,andsubsequentlysubstitut- tion G G G ≤ ingthistrialvalueintoEq.22producesaniteratedtrialvalue, ℓG4 + (2kπG2γℓ)G1/2 −1=0, (21) ik¯tG′er,astaiotinsfoyfintghiks¯Gpr<ock¯eG′ss<coknGv.erTgehsusth,ebetrgiianlnvinalguewsitthok¯thGe=tru1e, k andℓ . G G andthatk mustsolve Thephysicalsolutionstoequations(21)and(22)fordiffer- G entanisotropiesκareshownontheℓ surface,andprojected G k = (2πγ)1/2κℓG 1/4. (22) into the ℓG–γ plane, in Fig. 2(a). These solutions are also G (2πγ)1/2κℓG−1! shown as black crosses in the ℓG–kG plane in Figs. 2(b–d), 6 1.0 Axiallength,ℓ (a) G 0.8 1 −G k Anisotropy,κ gth,0.6 0.56 n γ ≈ e l γ=1.2 al di0.4 a R γ=4.8 0.2 (b) γ=900 κ=1 (Radiallength)2,kG−2 log10(γ) 0.00.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Axiallength,ℓ G 1.0 1.0 2 0 0.8 0.026 0.8 0.≈0 1−G γ ≈ 1−G γ k k h,0.6 γ=0.25 h,0.6 γ=0.01 gt gt n n e e l l al al di0.4 di0.4 Ra γ=4.8 Ra γ=4.8 0.2 0.2 (c) (d) γ=900 κ=16 γ=900 κ=256 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Axiallength,ℓ Axiallength,ℓ G G FIG.2.Energy-minimizingvariationalparametersforthe3DGPEusingaGaussianansatz:(a)axiallengthℓ asafunctionoftheradiallength G k 1 andtheparameterγ[Eq.23]. Linesshowthesimultaneoussolutionsofequations(22)and(24)fortheaxiallengthℓ andradiallength G− G k 1,fordifferentanisotropiesκandvaluesofγ. Projectionsofthesesolutionsontheγ–ℓ planearealsoshown;heretheblacklineindicates G− G thequasi-1Dresult[fromfigure1(a)]. (b–d)Illustrationoftheintersectionsofequations(22)[lineswithverticalasymptoteℓ =1/(2πγ)1/2κ G shownwithfinedashes]and(24)forvariousκ:thehigher-ℓ intersection,whichcorrespondstoaphysicalsolutionfortheaxiallengthℓ and G G radiallengthk 1,canbefoundusinga“staircase”methodstartingfromk = 1. Thenumericalsolutionsobtainedthisway, andshownby G− G pointsin(a),areshownbycrossesin(b–d). Thelowestvaluesofγplottedin(b–d)arethelowestforwhichaself-consistentGaussianansatz solutionisfound. where they form a line connecting the physical-solution in- in this regime. Importantly,for γ abovethe collapse thresh- tersectionsofEq.(22) andEq.(24) forthevariousγ shown. old the projected curvesfor each anisotropyagree well with InFig.2(a)thecollapseinstabilityismanifestasarapidrise theGaussianansatzinthequasi-1DGPE,suggestingthatthe in k — correspondingto a decrease in radial extent— and Gaussianansatzgivesagoodapproximationtothetruesolu- G fall in ℓ — corresponding to a decrease in axial extent — tionhere. G just abovea κ-dependentthreshold value of γ. There are no self-consistent solutions for these quantities below this col- lapse threshold. For increasing anisotropies κ, this collapse D. Variationalsolution:solitonansatz thresholdoccursatlowervaluesofγ. Forthehighesttwoval- ues of κ considered the collapse threshold lies in the regime Secondly,weconsiderasolitonansatzcomposedofaaxial whereℓ isalreadyapproaching0;ouranalysisoftheGaus- sechprofileandaradialGaussianprofile.Wephrasethisas G sian ansatz in thequasi-1Dlimitindicatesthatthe3D Gaus- γ1/2κ1/2k sian ansatz will be a poorapproximationto the true solution ψ(r)= (2πℓ )1/2Se−κγkS2(y2+z2)/2sech(x/2ℓS). (26) S 7 1 (a) Axiallength,ℓ S 0.8 1 Anisotropy,κ −S gth,k0.6 γ ≈0.59 n e l γ=1.2 al di0.4 a R γ=4.8 2 0.2 2,k −S (b) ngth) γ=900 κ=1 le log10(γ) (Radial 00.0 0.2Scaled0a.x4iallengt0h.6, √2πγℓ0.8 1.0 S 1 1 2 0 0.8 0.027 0.8 0.≈0 1−S γ ≈ 1−S γ k k h,0.6 γ=0.25 h,0.6 γ=0.01 gt gt n n e e l l al al di0.4 di0.4 Ra γ=4.8 Ra γ=4.8 0.2 0.2 (c) (d) γ=900 κ=16 γ=900 κ=256 0 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Scaledaxiallength, √2πγℓ Scaledaxiallength, √2πγℓ S S FIG.3. Energy-minimizingvariationalparametersforthe3DGPEusingasolitonansatz: (a)axiallengthℓ asafunctionoftheradiallength S k 1andtheparameterγ[Eq.30].Linesshowthesimultaneoussolutionsofequations(33)and(34)fortheaxiallengthℓ andradiallengthk 1, S− S S− fordifferentanisotropiesκandvaluesofγ. Projectionsofthesesolutionsontheγ–ℓ planearealsoshown;heretheblacklineindicatesthe S quasi-1Dresult[fromfigure1(a)]. (b–d)Illustrationoftheintersectionsofequations(33)[lineswithverticalasymptoteℓ =(π/3)/(2πγ)1/2κ S shownwithfinedashes]and(34)forvariousκ:thehigher-ℓ intersection,whichcorrespondstoaphysicalsolutionfortheaxiallengthℓ and S S radiallengthk 1, canbefoundusinga“staircase”methodstartingfromk = 1. Thenumericalsolutionsobtainedthisway, andshownby S− S pointsin(a),areshownbycrossesin(b–d). Thelowestvaluesofγplottedin(b–d)arethelowestforwhichaself-consistentsolitonansatz solutionisfound. Aswiththe3DGaussianansatz,thefirstvariationalparame- Onceagain,settingpartialderivativeswithrespecttobothℓ S ter,ℓ ,quantifiestheaxiallengthoftheansatzandtherecip- andk equaltozeroallowsustodeducethat: G S rocal of the second variational parameter, k 1, quantifies its radiallength.Inthequasi-1DlimitbothlengtG−hsconsequently ℓ4+ kS2ℓS 1 =0, (28) approach unity ( ℓG,kG 1). Substituting this ansatz into S 4π2γ2 − 4π2γ2 { } → Eq.(18)yields(usingidentitiesfromAppendixA) andthatk mustsolve S 6κγℓ 1/4 π2γ2 1 k2 k = S . (29) H (ℓ ,k )= ℓ2+ S S 6κγℓ 1 3D S S 6 S 4π2γ2ℓ2 − 2π2γ2ℓ S− !  S S  + 3κkS2 + 3κ . (27) toFobrotaminEaqp.h(y2s9i)cailtlyforlelaoswosnatbhlaetswoleutmiouns,ti.hea.,vaerℓeSal,>po1s/i6tiκvγe π2γ π2γk2 S valueofkS,consistentwithourinitialansatz.Foragivensuch  8 valueofk ,Eq.(28)issolved(seesolutioninAppendixB)by self-consistentsolutionsexist. For increasinganisotropiesκ, S this collapse threshold again occurs at lower values of γ. In ℓ = χ γkS−4 1/2kS2/3 2 3/2 1 1/2 1 , (30) claopnsteraisntsttoabtihlietycapsreecolfudtheessGoaluutsisoinansiannesxatazc,tlhyotwheevleimr,itthwehceorle- withSχdhefi2(cid:16)n1e1d/6a((cid:17)πsiγin)2E/3q.(12).χ(cid:16)γkS−4(cid:17) −  −  opbnriloeitpyeexrotpfyeoocbtfsstehthrevecinosgolllahitpiogsnehliaynnsbstaaritbgzihltitot-ysboseelivtaoecnrce-ullyirkareteesgt(rrγoicu→tnsdth0set)a.pteoTsshsiiins- 3D. The solution curvesin Fig. 3(a) illustrate that this effect isworstforlowtrapanisotropiesκ,butistosomeextentmit- E. Analysisofsolitonansatzsolution igatedforhigherκ. However,afullcomparisonwithnumeri- callyexactsolutionsisnecessarytoquantifytheseeffects;we AsinthecaseoftheGaussianansatz,minimizationofthe undertakesuchacomparisoninSectionIVG. variational energy in 3D requires the simultaneous solution ofequationsfortheradiallengthk 1 andtheaxiallengthℓ . S− S These equations are, respectively, Eq. (29) and [rearranged F. Variationalsolution:waveguideconfiguration fromEq.(28)] In broad experimental terms, the collapse instability sets 1 1/2 a maximumvalue forthe ratio ofinteractionstrengthto trap k = 1 4π2γ2ℓ4 (31) S ℓ − S strength(equivalenttoaminimumvalueofγ)whichincreases " S (cid:16) (cid:17)# (and hencethe minimumvalue of γ decreases) with the trap Theseequationsdictatethatphysicalsolutionsmusthave anisotropy κ. In the context of atomic BEC experiments one would typically think of controlling the interaction–trap 1 1 6κγ <ℓS < (2πγ)1/2 (32) sωtrecnognthstraantti;oibnythviasrysiintugaetiiothnetrh|easc|oolrlaNpswehinilsetahboillditiyngplωarceasnda x trap-anisotropy-dependent upper limit on the product a N. andhencethatγ > (π/3)2/2πκ2 mustbesatisfiedinorderfor | s| However,the minimumvalueofγ doesnotincreasewithout physical solutions to exist. These equations and constraints limit in the trap anisotropy κ: In an experiment one can, in can be further simplified by casting them in terms of ℓ = S′ principle,removeallaxialtrappingtocreateawaveguide-like (2πγ)1/2ℓS;thisyieldstwoequations, configuration;inthiscaseωx =0andthetrapanisotropyκ → ,whiletheparameterγ 0. Inthislimitareparametriza- k = (2πγ)1/2κℓS′ 1/4 (33) ∞tionisnecessary,andonly→needstobeperformedforthesoli- S (2πγ)1/2κℓ π/3 tonansatz,whichisclearlymoreappropriateinthiscontext. and  S′ −  parEalmimeitnerastioonf othfeth3eDaxGiaPlEtra[pEqe.lim(1i7n)a]t.esTohneeroefmthaeintiwngoffrreeee parameterisΓ=γκ =(a /2a N)2,wherea =(~/mω )1/2is k = (2πγ)1/2 1 ℓ 4 1/2, (34) theradialharmonicoscillrato|rlse|ngthscale. Trhesolitonransatz S ℓ − S′ maybere-writtenintermsofΓas " S′ # (cid:16) (cid:17) andaninequality, ψ(r)= (2Γπ1ℓ/2k)1S/2e−ΓkS2(y2+z2)/2sech(x/2ℓS). (36) S π/3 <ℓ <1, (35) (2πγ)1/2κ S′ SubstitutingthisintoEq.(18)withωx =0yields(usingiden- titiesfromAppendixA), whichareextremelysimilarto thoseencounteredinthecase oftheGaussianansatz. Thenumericalsolutionoftheseequa- 1 k2 Γk2 Γ H (ℓ ,k )= S + S + , (37) tγGioa>nuss(sπfioa/n3r)at2hn/e2saπptκzh2.y,sfioclallowsosluthtieosna,mwehpicrhocceadnuroenalsyuesxeidstfowrhthene fromwhich3DweSdedSuceth2a4tℓtS2he−e1n2eℓrgSy-mi2nimiz2inkgS2variational Variational-energy-minimizing solutions to the soliton parameterssatisfy ansatzequationsfordifferentanisotropiesκareshowninFig. 1 3; these are shown superimposed on the ℓS surface and pro- ℓS = k2 (38) jectedintotheℓS–γplaneinFig.3(a),andalongsideequations S (28)and(29)andinequality(35)inFig.3(b–d).Thecollapse and instabilityisevenmoreevidentinthesolitonansatzthaninthe Gaussianansatz,sinceitoccursinaregionwithalargerback- 6Γℓ 1/4 groundvalueofℓS. Onceagain,thecollapseismanifestasa kS = 6Γℓ S 1 . (39) rapidriseink anddropinℓ —correspondingtobothaxial S− ! S S andradialcontractionofthe solution—immediatelypriorto Contrarytothemoregeneral3Dcase,ananalyticsimultane- a κ-dependentthresholdvalueof γ. Below the threshold, no oussolutionofEq.(38)andEq.(39)existswhenℓ satisfies S 9 1.0 (a) 1.0 (a) 1 ℓgth,Sngth,k−S 00..89 xialℓngth, 00..68 ne Ae 0.4 el l xialladial 00..67 0.2 AR 0.0 al -1 (b) D1.00 (b) rrorinvariation∆nergy,log()10 ---753 Scaledgroundstateenergy,H′30000....88990505 Anκiκκs=oκκ==t2r==o516p66414y Gauss Soliton Ee -9 -1 0 1log (Γ)2 3 4 nal -1.0 (c) FIG. 4. Comparison of 3D variation1a0l and numerical solutions in ariatio∆g()10--32..00 tiaiaolwnlsae,vnegggitvuheidnℓeSbycaonEndfiq.rgau(d4ria1at)li,olneexn(igsωtthxfok=rS−1al0lf:oΓr(a=th)eκEγsnoe>lrigtoy3n-1m/2ai/nn4si.amtzi(z.bi)ngSRoealluxa--- rrorinvnergy,lo ---654...000 Ee tive error in the minimum variational energy of the soliton ansatz, (d) ∆ = (H3D − E3D)/E3D, where E3D is the numerically determined nal -2.0 groundstateenergy. ariatio∆g()10-3.0 vo thedepressedcubicequation iny,l -4.0 rg or 1 rrne ℓ3 ℓ + =0. (40) Ee -5.0 S− S 6Γ -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 log (γ) 10 Usingthegeneralsolutionforadepressedcubicequationfrom AppendixB,onefindsthatthephysicalroot(withreal,posi- FIG.5. Comparisonof3Dvariationalandnumericalsolutions: (a) tiveℓSsatisfyingthelimitℓS →1asΓ→∞)isgivenby Energy-minimizingaxiallengthsℓG(Gaussianansatz,solidsymbols) andℓ (solitonansatz,hollowsymbols). (b)Scaledvariationalener- S 1 1 3 1/2 1/3 gies H3′D = κH3D/γ(κ +1/2) (a similarly scaled ground state en- ℓS = −12Γ + 33/2Γ 16 −Γ2 earllgyanEis3′oDtro=pieκsEκ3)Dc/oγm(κp+are1d/2w)itthentdhsentoum1eirnictahlleylcimalcitulγate→dg∞roufnodr  !   + 1 1  3 Γ2 1/2 1/3. (41) svtaartieateinoenraglieenseErg3Dy∆(bl=ac(kHd3Dot−s)E.3(Dc),d/)EN3DofromratlhiezeGdarueslsaitaivne(ecr)raonrdinsothlie- −12Γ − 33/2Γ 16 − ton(d)ansatzes. Forclarityevery4thdatumismarkedbyasymbol Consequently,solutionsonlyexistfor Γ>31/2/!4,asshownin in(a–d). Fig.4(a). generalizedLaguerrefunctions(radialdirection). Theansatz withthelowestvariationalenergyisusedbothtooptimizethe G. Comparisonto3Dnumericalsolutions scalingofthebasisfunctionsandasaninitialestimateforthe solution. Expanding the stationary 3D GPE in such a basis Thevariationalenergy-minimizingaxiallengthsℓ andℓ producesasystemofnonlinearequationswhicharesolvedit- G S are shown as functions of γ in Fig. 5(a) for the general 3D erativelyusingamodifiedNewtonmethod. Asimilarmethod case; for the waveguide limit both axial and radial lengths wasusedtosolveasimilarcylindricallysymmetric,stationary ℓ and k 1 are shown as functions of Γ in Fig. 4(a). As in 3DGPE,withrepulsiveinteractions,inRef. [52]. S S− thequasi-1Dcase,wequantitativelyevaluatetheaccuracyof Asinthequasi-1Dcase,wecompareseveralquantitiesbe- theansatzsolutionsforgeneralγ(Γ)bycomparingthevaria- tweentheansatzandnumericalsolutions.Fig.5(b)showsthe tionalminimumenergyH withthenumericallydetermined scaled energy H = (H /γ)/(1+1/2κ) in the general 3D 3D 3′D 3D ground state energy E . We calculate E using a pseu- case. Thisscalingissuchthat E —whichisdefinedanal- 3D 3D 3′D dospectral method in a basis of optimally-scaled harmonic ogouslyto H withrespectto E —tendsto1asγ . 3′D 3D → ∞ oscillator eigenstates; this is formed from a tensor product Figs. 5(c) and (d) show the relative error in the variational of symmetric Gauss-Hermite functions (axial direction) and minimumenergy∆ = (H E )/E fortheGaussianand 3D 3D 3D − 10 solitonansatzes, respectively. Thesamequantity∆isshown H. Discussion forthe waveguidelimit in Fig. 4(b). Allquantitiesshownin Figs. 5 and 4 are computed using between 2000 and 12000 Aphysicalinterpretationoftheaboveresultsfollowsfrom basisstates(κ-dependent)andareinsensitivetoadoublingof consideringtwo conditionsthat must be satisfied in order to thenumberofbasisstates. realizeasoliton-likegroundstate;(1)theradialprofileshould be“frozen”toaGaussian,thusrealizingaquasi-1Dlimit;and (2)interactionsshould dominateoverthe axialtrapping. On In the general 3D case, a close inspection of Fig. 5(b–d) first inspection these conditions seem mutually compatible, is necessary to revealthe overallrelationbetween the ansatz andsatisfiablesimplybyincreasingtheradialtrapfrequency solutions and the numerically obtained ground state. In the ω with other parametersheld constant. However, condition high-γ limit Fig. 5(b) shows that both the Gaussian varia- r (1)canonlybesatisfiedifthemaximumdensityremainslow tional energies (solid symbols) and the ground state energy enoughto avoid any deformationof the radial profile due to E (black dots) approach1 as γ , whereasthe soliton an3sDatzenergies(hollowsymbols)te→ndt∞ohigherenergies.This thecollapseinstability.Increasingωrleadstoexactlysuchde- formation,andultimatelytocollapse,asithasthesecondary correspondstotheactualgroundstatemostcloselymatching effectofstronglyincreasingthedensity. Thisstrongincrease the Gaussian ansatz in this limit, as one would expect. In- indensitywithω isparticulartothecaseofattractiveinterac- deed,therelativeerrorinvariationalenergy,∆,fortheGaus- r tions.Increasingω inarepulsively-interactingBEClikewise sianansatz[Fig.5(c)]continuestodropexponentiallywithγ r acts to increase the density, but this increase is counteracted forallanisotropiesκ, makingitpossibletofindregimesofγ bytheinteractions;theseacttoreducethedensity,andcause where the Gaussian ansatz gives an excellent approximation theBECtoexpandaxially.Intheattractively-interactingcase tothetruegroundstate. theresponseoftheinteractionsistheopposite: increasingω r leads to axial contraction of the BEC. Consequently condi- In the opposite, low-γ limit, collapse occurs at a κ- tion (1) is far harder to satisfy for an attractively-interacting dependent value of γ; this corresponds to the points in Fig. BEC than a repulsively-interacting one. Responding to this 5(a–d) where solution curves abruptly cease. Prior to col- problem simply by reducing the interaction strength (either lapse(athighervaluesofγ)therelationbetweentheGaussian through as or N) leads to violation of condition (2). The | | ansatz,thesolitonansatz,andtheactualgroundstateishighly nature of the problem is made particularly clear by consid- dependent on the trap anisotropy κ [Fig. 5(b)]. In the case ering the waveguide limit: here condition (2) is automati- ofa sphericallysymmetrictrap, wherethe anisotropyκ = 1, cally satisfied (ωx = 0). This makes it possible to achieve thesolitonansatzvariationalenergyisneverclosertothetrue a highly soliton-like groundstate by satisfying condition(1) groundstateenergyE thantheGaussianansatzvariational alone. However,suchagroundstateisachievedbylowering 3D energy. A regime of soliton-like groundstates consequently the product ωr1/2asN, and thus by progressing towards the | | cannot exist at this low anisotropy; as the soliton ansatz is limitofextremediluteness. intrinsically asymmetric, this is to be expected. For higher Thisphysicalbehaviorofthesystempresentsconsiderable anisotropies, the soliton ansatz energy is closer to E than challengesforexperimentsaimingtorealizeahighlysoliton- 3D theGaussianansatzenergyinasmallregimepriortocollapse. likegroundstate. Inessence,themostdesirableconfiguration Exactlyhowsoliton-likethegroundstateisinthisregimecan istohaveextremelyhighanisotropiesκ,whilekeepingωr as be quantitativelyassessed using the relative error ∆. This is low as possible. Realizing such a configuration through ex- shown for the soliton ansatz in [Fig. 5(d)]. For each κ the tremelylow,orzero,axialtrapfrequenciesωxisproblematic: “background”valueof∆inthelimitγ isdifferent;this such frequencies are hard to set precisely experimentally as → ∞ effectisduetothedecreasingsizeoftheaxialpartoftheen- they require a very smooth potential to be generated, poten- ergywithrespecttotheradialpartforincreasingγ. Intheop- tially over a considerable length. Furthermore, in the case posite, low-γ, limit ∆ increases sharplyclose to the collapse ωx =0themean-fieldapproximationceasestobevalidforan pointasthegroundstatewavefunctionrapidlycontracts. The attractively-interactingBEC;thetruewavefunctionshouldbe maximumextentto which∆ decreasesfromits high-γlimit, translationallyinvariantin thiscase, butthe mean-fieldsolu- beforethisincreaseduetocollapse-relatedcontractionatlow tion breaks this symmetry [53]. Even for very low but non- γ,quantifieshowsoliton-likethegroundstatebecomesinthis zeroωx themean-fieldapproximationcanlosevaliditydueto regime. Evenforthehighestanisotropyshown,κ = 256,the the extremedilutenessof the BEC, and the energygap from regime of γ over which ∆ dropsbelow its backgroundvalue the ground state to states with excited axial modes can be- is rather narrow, and the actual drop in ∆ is only one order come low enough to cause significant population of the ex- ofmagnitude. ComparedtobenchmarkofSectionIIID,this citedstatesatexperimentallyfeasibletemperatures. indicates that the true groundstate remains considerablyde- It is informativeto consider the parametersused in bright formedwithrespecttothesolitonansatz. Theminimumerror solitarywaveexperimentstodate[6–8]. Noneoftheseaimed in the soliton ansatz energydoes, however,improvewith in- torealizehighlysoliton-likegroundstatesinthesenseconsid- creasing anisotropy κ. Excellent agreementcan be achieved eredhere. However,theynonethelessindicateregimeswhich in thewaveguidelimit(κ ): Fig.4 showsthatexcellent haveprovedtobeexperimentallyaccessibleandofferaguide → ∞ agreement, with respect to the benchmark figure of Section to future possibilities. All have operated outside the regime IIID,canbeobtainedforΓ>103/2. ofhighlysoliton-likegroundstates; directcomparisonofthe

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