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Variation in Tree Fern Stipe Length with Canopy Height: Tracking Preferred Habitat through Morphological Change PDF

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Preview Variation in Tree Fern Stipe Length with Canopy Height: Tracking Preferred Habitat through Morphological Change

MISSOURI BOTANICAL MM 8 American Fern Journal 90(1]:1-15 (2000) 2000 ^A^DEN LIBRARY Canopy Variation Tree Fern Length with in Stipe Through Height; Tracking Preferred Habitat Change Morphological Nan Crystal Arens and Sanchez Baracaldo Patricia CA Department 94720-3140 of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, — common Abstract. Cyathea caracasana a open-habitat tree fern in the Andes of Colombia. is In full sun, stem growth rates are high (up to 2 cm/month) and individuals regularly produce woody spores. However, even the fastest growing ferns are overtopped by angiosperms after 10 to As 15 years of natural forest regeneration. individuals are overtopped, C. caracasana produces nearly vertical fronds with long stipes (commonly over 3 m] apparently to place the photosynthetic We surface into the canopy. compared stipe length and blade length and width among individuals growing in open sites and in the understories of two regenerating forests: one with a canopy of 20-25 m, and one with a canopy of 5-8 m. Stipes and blades were shortest in open habitat and longest in the low-canopy forest. Ferns in the high-canopy forest had intermediate measurements. number among Despite the change in frond length, the of primary pinnae per-frond did not differ the habitats sampled. This suggests that elongation cues are received late in the development of the frond. This conclusion supported by a positive relationship between stipe length and the is distance of the fern meristem below the canopy. Because both understory populations show stipe elongation relative to open-hapitat ferns, the cue to elongate likely a low red/far-red wavelength is ratio of the light received by the apical meristem. Extraordinary elongation is probably made possible by extra carbon resources available to low-canopy plants, which still have leaves in full sun. This sense and response mechanism allows individual plants to produce elongated fronds as their apical meristems are overtopped. Functionally, the long-stiped plants remain in full sun even open after they are overtopped, thus they "track" their preferred, habitat. When Plant populations respond to environmental variation in several ways. the environment fluctuates infrequently relative to the span of individuals, life may adaptive segregation produce differential response to environmental cues among separate populations. Consider variation in light environment. Sun- showed adapted populations of Impatiens capensis enhanced growth in L. nm) nm) response changes the of red (600-700 (700-850 to in ratio to far-red shade-adapted populations (Dudley and Schmitt, Sim- light relative to 1995). sun/shade segregation in growth response to red/far-red (R/FR) has heen ilar many angiosperm open compared observed species in understory) in [as to when communities (Morgan and Smith, 1979). In contrast, the environment span varies frequently relative to the life of individuals, adaptive segregation cannot occur and individuals must rely on morphological and physiological (Thompson, 1991; Sultan, 1993; Ackerly and Bazzaz, flexibility (plasticity) may 1995; Arens, 1997). In such cases, plants change form or physiology to suit new conditions, for example switching from sun-leaf to shade-leaf anat- omy (Arens, 1997). Alternatively, individuals *'track" or follow their preferred been moves. Conventionally, habitat-tracking in plants has applied habitat as it to intergenerationa! migration (Davis et al., 1986; Webb, 1987; Davis and Sa- AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 2 90 1 (2000) W 80 5°N km 100 Reserva Natural La Planada Fig. America 1. Within (Salzman may form of habitat-tracking also be applied to differential organ growth in non-clonal plants. When growing low-canopy secondary some in forest, individuals of the tree fem Cyathea caracasana Domin (Klotzsch) produce unusually long, vertically oriented stipes that place the photosynthetic portion of the frond into the can- sun. This naoer documents full oiu' an example bv means oi habitat-tracking wth dividual plant organs. Study and Methods Site Planada Andean mm 77°59'13"W "N, La Planada (Fig. receives about 4,500 1). ARENS & SANCHEZ BARACALDO: VARIATION TREE IN 3 of rainfall annually (cumulative data from 1982 1997) with season to a '*dry" from June to August. Cloud-harvesting approximately doubles the moisture available to plants (C. Rios, Instituto von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia, unpublished data). Average daily temperature with no seasonal is ig^'C, vari- Vegetation within ation. the reserve is typical of Pacific slope cloud forest at m this elevation, with a natural canopy approximately 25 in height composed common of relatively few tree species. The most canopy include ^7- trees chornea (Euphorbiaceae), Clusia (Guttiferae), Inga (Fabaceae], Miconia (Melas- tomataceae), Myrica and Psidium and Otoba (Myrtaceae), (Myristicaceae). Eleven described tree fern species have been reported from the reserve (Arens and Sanchez The Baracaldo, 1998]. majority of the reserve's 3,200 hectares are human covered with primary has been by forest that little-disturbed activity. Within primary forest, canopy gaps are an important part of the habitat dy- namic. Primary turnover due gap formation and canopy was forest to closure 3% estimated at annually (Samper K., 1992). This suggests that at a given point — in the forest, a canopy gap will open every 30 years, on average well within span most The the life of tree ferns. reserve also contains areas of recently abandoned pasture and secondary which represent than 50 forest, less years of natural regeneration. Secondary was by homo- forest identified relatively geneous canopy size class of trees; land-use records establish the time of aban- donment. abandoned Regeneration of pasture rapid, with canopies of 6 is 5 to meters closing within 10 20 years abandonment. Land use to after history in- formation available the reserve permits precise estimation of regeneration- at time. This makes La Planada a valuable site for studies of successional dynam- ics in the cloud forest ecosystem. We work was 1992 and completed Field initiated in in 1994. identified co- whose occurring individuals of Cyathea caracasana apical meristems experi- enced three distinct habitats: open habitat, the understory of 35-year- (1) [2) old secondary and the understory of 10-year-old secondary forest, (3) forest. Open grew abandoned and habitat plants in recently pasture cleared areas, m commonly Abandoned within 1,000 of reserve buildings. pastures were in was by the earliest stages of forest regeneration. Vegetation characterized grass- es, herbaceous angiosperms, moss, lycophytes, ferns, and Miconia saplings. In open grew Understory grew habitat, tree ferns in full sun. individuals in the shade below the closed canopy of secondary forest [approximately 35 years of sample "high canopy" subsequent regeneration); this referred to as forest in is m The canopy was approximately 25 height with no emergent discussion. in m uncommon Canopy gaps were and none were observed greater than trees. 2 in diameter. The younger secondary forest represented approximately 10 years and had of regeneration based on land-use history records, a multi-layered m m (uncommonly up m) canopy ranging from 5 to 8 to 10 in height; this sample referred to as "low canopy" forest in subsequent discussion. Most is ferns in low-canopy forest placed their blades in the canopy; however, the below apical meristems of these individuals resided canopy. For this study, we low-canopy had chose only those individuals in the forest that placed their photosynthetic surfaces in the canopy, because they maintain open-habitat AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 4 90 (2000) 1 c Fig. Frond of Cyothea caracasana showing the position measurements made 2. of in this study. Length of stipe was measured from A-B; length of frond blade was measured along the rachis from B-C; between distance pinnae first-order at three standardized positions (D) along the rachis. Blade width was measured at the widest part of the blade E-F. Original drawing by Caroline A.E. Stromberg. Sanchez as habitat-trackers. Co-occurring individuals (commonly with trunk heights their blades in the canopy and hmctioned and measured blade number length, length, blade width, primary pinnae of [Cyathea cara- casana and twice-pinnate-pinnatifid), between is distance pinnae first-order at standardized range sam (p 0.001). Since trunk height is commonly used as a rough proxy for age in erns (Conant, 1976; Seller. 1981: Bittner and Breckle. 1995: iqqrI Sfiilpr this result suggests that each habitat sam ARENS & SANCPIEZ BARACALDO: VARIATION TREE IN 5 Table Pearson product-moment 1. correlation coefficients (R) for log-transformed frond measurements. Stem height, stipe length, blade length, and blade width at widest point measured in centimeters. Log (distance) is the logarithmic transformation of average distance along the rachis between primary pinnae. NS ^ < < not * ** statistically significant; significant at p 0.01; significant at p 0.001. Log Log Log Log Log (stem height) (stipe length) (blade length) (blade width) (distance) Log (stem height) 1 Log -0.03 NS (stipe length) 1 Log 0.34* 0.44** (blade length) 1 Log NS NS NS (blade width) 0.29 0.30 0.19 1 NS Log (distance) -0.02 0.90** 0.53** 0.30 NS 1 mensurate range of age-size classes. Furthermore, there was no statistically- = significant correlation between trunk height and stipe length (R -0.03, Table Thus, differences in frond measurements among habitats were not due 1). to populations sampled, different age-size or age- or size-related allometric var- iation. Light environment experienced by individual ferns was estimated using photo-paper (Azon non-erasable diazo sepia paper, Preprint) sensors light placed at the apical meristem of each tree fern (Friend, 1961; Kitajima and Augspurger, 1989). Paper sensors were calibrated for a 24 hour interval with a LI-COR 1000 light meter (Lambda Instruments Corp., Lincoln, NE). Photo- was synthetically active radiation (PAR) calculated for each paper photo sensor increment using the regression derived from LI-COR Although calibration data. method precise than instantaneous meter measurements, this less light is it does give integrated measures of light environment that can be compared among From measurements individuals. the plant's perspective, integrated are more meaningful than instantaneous meter which ecologically light readings, cloud cover and time While method are subject to the vagaries of of day. this on does provide useful information light quantity, it is insensitive to light which important quality, also ecologically (Perez-Garcia et 1994; Ritchie, is al., van Hinsberg and van Tienderen, 1997; 1997). SYSTAT and were performed Manipulations analyses in 5.2 (Wilkinson, MS and Macintosh. 1989) Excel 5.0a for Results We compared frond measurements in pair-wise fashion between habitats Mean among using assuming unequal variances. stipe length differed a t-test < < when This held three habitats 3A, p 0.001). result 0.001) stipe all (Fig. (p lengths were logarithmetically transformed to compensate for unequal vari- cm ± ances. Open habitat ferns possessed the shortest stipes (66.4 15.22 cm. had Appendix ferns living in the high-canopy forest intermediate stipe 1); cm ± growing low-canopy produced lengths (102.9 21.7 cm); ferns in forest cm ± longer and more variable stipes (207.9 49.1 cm). Blade significantly between low- and high-canopy samples, and low-canopy forest length differed AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 6 JOURNAL: 90 (2000) 1 300 300 B E 250 - 250 o B 200 o - 200 150 - o L^O o 100 100 c 50 - 50 Low Open High canopy canopy Open High canopy Low canopy B 200 25 o 20 - 150 15 - 100 Q 10 - 5 TJ 50 o 5 > < PL, ^ ^^H^^^ ^ Open High canopy Low canopy Open High canopy Low canopy 13 35 o Z 30 1- 25 I- C 20 - 15 o I ? 10 - o 5 E Open High canopy Low canopy Fig. Average frond measurements compared among 3. habits. Data (Appendix are averages of 1] sampled 20 individuals per habitat; error bars are one standard deviation. A) Length of stipe from trunk to the first primary pinna; B) length of the frond blade measured along the rachis from the primary pinna first to the frond tip; C) width of the frond blade at its widest point; D) average (of measurements three taken standard at positions] distance along between the rachis primary pinnae on same the side of the frond; E) average number of first-order pinnae per frond. ARENS SANCHEZ & BARACALDO: VARIATION TREE FERN LENGTH IN STIPE 7 ^ R Log = < (blade length) 0.45 0.001 p Log R = (average between < distance first-order pinnae) 0.90 p 0.001 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 1.6 1,8 2 2.2 2.4 Log length) (stipe Fig. 4. Logarithmically-transformed data for stipe length, blade length, and the average distance between between first-order pinnae. Linear relationships these parameters suggest an allometric growth relationship between stipe length and both blade length and average distance between pinnae. first-order < and open However, was no forest habitat (Fig. 3B, p 0.001). there significant between open and difference in blade length habitat high-canopy Sim- forest. blade width differed between low- and high-canopy and low- ilarly, forest, < canopy forests and open habitat (Fig. 3C, p 0.001); blade width did not differ and among between pinnae tance first-order also differed the three habitats (Fig. < number However, pinnae 3D, p 0.001). the of first-order per frond did not < among any open differ statistically 0.001) of the three habitats: habitat (p mean mean mean 27.7 27.5 = = (Appendix 26.9 4.0 1). Variation in stipe length might be allometrically related to size or age of the we To evaluate hypothesis, performed a logarithmic transformation plant. this on measurement and calculated Pearson product-moment data correlation co- parameter combinations an (Table allometric efficients fR) for all 1). If rela- would show was such transformed data high tionship present, correlations. Non-significant correlations between trunk height and parameters except all < blade length 0.01, Table 1) indicate that differences in frond size were (p not due primarily to an allometric relationship with size-age class. Moderate correlation between stipe length and blade length (Fig. and between blade 4), AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 8 90 1 (2000) 30 T T T 25 Canopy height (m) Fern trunk height (m) 20 B 15 'S X 10 5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Age (yrs) Canopy Fig. 5. height in regenerating secondary forest at La Planada and average stem height of Cyatbea caracasana plotted through time. Average canopy heights were estimated based on plots known of regenerating forest of age within the reserve. Tree fern stem heights based on average growth rates of plants within open and understory habitats. growth parameters blade and length, the distance betv/een pinnae show first-order (Table Fig. 1, 4) a allometric growth between clear, relationship these parameters. In contrast to stipe and blade lengths, the number of pinnae per first-order frond does not vary with environment The invariance param- (Fig. 3E). of this compared with eter, differences in stipe, blade, and distance between first- order pinnae, suggests that variation in frond dimension arise by elongation of support structures (stipe and rachis) during the elongation phase of fi-ond expansion, rather than development when number early in the pinnae of are set. Discussion among the (Arens was common cies also very along roadsides and open other Within habitats. mature caracasana produced when forest, C. spores only growing in forest many years, hi full an ARENS & SANCHEZ BARACALDO: VARIATION TREE FERN LENGTH IN STIPE 9 6 C/D 200 400 600 800 1000 Distance of meristem below canopy (cm) Untransformed measurements Fig. of stipe length plotted against the distance of the plant's 6. meristem below the canopy. The linearity of this relationship suggests a direct gradient response below low of stipe length to the light gradient the canopy. Sanchez Baracaldo, 1998) and reached a height of up to two meters before woody species formed a canopy. Individuals of C. caracasana in sunny habitat new produced abundant and spores recruited sporoph3^es. In contrast, C. car- acasana grew slowly in the understory of the closed canopy forest and seldom produced Arens and Sanchez These spores (Arens, 1996; Baracaldo, 1998). caracasana open, sunny environments such data suggest that C. prefers as human-disturbed landscapes or forest gaps. Since mature forest canopy turn- over high in this montane forest, long-lived ferns like C. caracasana might is be expected to show habitat-tracking or plastic responses to such changes in environment. light showed Growth rate data for forest ferns that individuals placing their pho- canopy by means have tosynthetic blades in the of long, vertical stipes statis- growth compared open indistinguishable rates to those in habitats (Ar- tically low-canopy ens and Sanchez Baracaldo, 1998). Similarly, ferns in a forest that do not produce stipes sufficiently long to reach the canopy had low growth individuals growing below the closed canopy (Arens and San- similar rates, to chez Baracaldo, 1998). These observations support the conclusion that stipe Cyathea caracasana allows individual plants continue growth elongation in to — and spore production as open-habitat plants to track their preferred habitat by means morphological change. of a 10 AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 90 1 (2000) a o N O 6 o c 00 1000 Distance of meristem below canopy (cm) Untransformed Fig. measurements 7. of stipe angle plotted against the distance of the plant's meristem below the canopy. The Unearity of this relationship suggests a direct gradient response of stipe length to the light gradient below the low canopy. For this strategy to work, individual must plants sense and respond to their environment How in appropriate ways. does Cyathea caracasana low detect a canopy which Wh' y into might extend it frond? extreme its is observed only in the low-canopy forest? In angiosperms, changes in light quality (R/FR) can induce and internode Low petiole R/FR elongation. induced significant internode elongation in Gly- max cine (LJ Merr. (Thomas and Raper, Phaseolus 1985), vulgaris L. (Beall et Meerb (Morgan and Smith, 1979), Sinapis alba and Datura L., fi stim ulated by low R/FR (van Hinsberg and van Low Tienderen, R/FR 1997). pro- duced petiole elongation in Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Graham and Decoteau, and 1997), Tblaspi arvense Com- L. (Metzger, 1988). pared with grown plants high R/FR in elongated light, structures result pri- marily from lengthening individual cells with a minor component of addition- al cell division in support structures (Beall These et al.. 1996). data are con- sistent with our observation that support structure and (stipe rachis) length in Cyathea caracasana increases produce to fronds can that reach the canopy of young secondary however, forest; the architecture of the frond (number of first- order piimae) does not chai

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