ddooccuummeenntt International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival 4 13–16 October CCA & GFT Cinemas, Glasgow Launch Night 7.30pm Thursday 12 October, CCA www.docfi lmfest.org.uk | 2 DOCUMENT 4 Introduction Document International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival screening programme that will stay with you long after the festival Launch Night is pleased to announce the launch of Document 4. is over. Programming this year’s festival was extremely difficult due both We invite you to what we are convinced is a rich, diverse, and to the high quality of work received, and the fact that the number intriguing group of films- to take part in the discussions, the music of submissions for 2006 more than trebled- a reflection, we hope, events, and meet with the many filmmakers, campaigners and Thursday 12th October • 7.30pm • CCA 4&5 of our belief that Document now provides the main platform in others who will be in attendance. It isn’t always easy viewing. But Britain for many films which attempt to engage with issues crucial it is essential viewing. As ever, we need debate about the issues of to our time. our time. The people who made these films performed a crucial This has always been, for us, a two-way dialogue: not only do we service for those of us- all of us?- who need to engage with that aim to bring films from around the world to challenge, provoke debate: an act of witness. See the films. Agree. Disagree. Engage. or inspire a local audience, but to support local filmmakers whose Mona Rai/Neill Patton. work has international resonance. Festival Co ordinators. We would hope therefore that you find something in our Heavyweight Planet / Lightweight Nation La Isla durmiente David Martín de los Santos Cuba • 2005 • 58 mins Illusions,hope and faith are the weapons that we create to survive in the face of adversity. Religion, superstition and art are the spaces where we can develop the concepts created In dark times like these and in a shoestring country like Scotland Sadly, also out on the frontline of the world’s conflict zones, the my our imagination to fight suffering. The Cuban citizen is a especially, there is a need more than ever for the Document rising body count of freelance journalists and many aspiring young dreamer, and this film attempts to make a trip towards a real Human Rights Film Festival to be recognised as a significant filmmakers attests to the fact that never have there been so many Cuba, as real as its dreams. cultural event and an artistic force for the good. people that would seem to be producing so little in pursuit of a lifestyle as a war reporter. While in terms of the international In a small nation that seems to perpetually struggle with itself press corp, it’s shocking to see just how quickly the pan-global and with its own identity, we need to face up to a stark situation corporate media can react in times of crisis, yet how slowly where – if we are not careful – the cultural agenda will not be humanitarian relief operates and is hampered in getting where it created by but marketed at us as residents, audiences and cultural matters. producers alike, by a centralised elite. So just why is it when the technology for both the production There has never been in this respect more of a need for creative and exhibition of documentaries has made it easier for us to do ‘independence’ (rather than Creative Industries) in exhibition and our own thing, or to choose what and where we see things, has all forms of cultural production, particularly at a time when the it really come to this? Despite claims that technology has had fall-out from the War on Terror is affecting all of us now on a daily a ‘democratising’ effect on our lives, why is it that we are still basis. stuck with a mainstream where the same group of privileged folk So what can we do in such an embattled (rather than embittered) (an observer class) who believe they are the only ones capable contact situation as ‘independent’ filmmakers and free-thinkers who want of making, distributing, commissioning and even curating the to deal with the serious stuff, rather than the lightweight lifestyle documentary form? Are these really to be our role models as culture that our nation is becoming synonymous with? Well we aspiring filmmakers, or the filmmakers that we see at Document can start by reclaiming that much abused word ‘independence’ Festival who duck, dive and survive on a daily basis and work with from its trendy and kiddy-on Corporate misappropriation. a cultural urgency that is often missing here in the UK? Because what I’m getting at here is a human right: Independence In the UK, mainstream documentary continues to be a product is a positive facet of our civil liberties and a flagship for any Social of a privileged gaze. A gaze that comes not from an intimate, Democracy. It’s also a term which all too often is too readily native or even naïve perspective, nor from an artist’s viewpoint, Document Festival dispatched as an agent of cultural curtailment. but from a calculated ‘objective distance’. It’s for the most part 15 Argyle Court In dealing with the Document Festival, let’s forget about any ‘Brit- an outsider’s view of things – a gaze that cuts across gender 1103 Argyle Street Doc’ style branding with its ‘Cool Britannia’ undertones, nor let divides, sexual preferences and ethnic origin. It’s a gaze that has Glasgow G3 8ND us retreat into the petty, self-interested, art world nationalism a lot to do with birth right (there’s still a belief in some quarters Tel: 0141 4290185 that’s currently being cultivated here in Scotland. Let’s instead that people ‘inherit talent’), and also a perspective that involves start to talk about Internationalism. Document Festival’s besieged the championing of the ‘Grierson tradition’. But, it’s sometimes m: 07963 476204 presence in the international film festival calendar is crucial. Not forgotten that John Grierson’s legacy is not just a documentary Email: [email protected] just for dissident filmmakers around the planet, whose numbers tradition but also probably one of corporate video culture too. www.docfilmfest.org.uk grow in attendance at the event year by year (unlike the Festival’s That the ‘cultural’ tradition of ‘social observation’ is a form of budget it has to be said), but also for a native audience who are hegemony that’s steeped both in the chaos of the class struggle venues angered, impassioned and even saddened by the lives and worlds and also in the dodgy-geezer practises of the secret state’s that are represented; worlds that may equally be 5,000 miles or surveillance activities. Surveillance never has and never will be just 5 minutes away from where you sit and read this. benevolent, and nor can any system of privilege be, for that matter. Look around you at this festival and you’ll find it thankfully George Orwell once said ‘that in a time of universal deceit, telling cultural guru and celebrity free. Look on the screen and you’ll see the truth is a revolutionary act...’ It’s sad to think that a freedom faces and meet folk in the audience who are living proof of what of expression that we have been brought up to cherish and take I’m on about here. The witnesses to all manner of horrors. Victims for granted, has been undermined to such an extent that there CCA yes, but more importantly survivors and fighters too. are many filmmakers in the UK now who aren’t making the films they really want to make, simply because they are scared. Scared 350 Sauchiehall Street We sometimes need to remind ourselves that as filmmakers of saying what they want to say or even of producing films that Glasgow G2 3JD we are also an audience facing an increasingly formatted, over- come from the heart as much as the head, for fear of being left Tel: 0141 352 4900 prescriptive and heavily censored future. An audience, too, that out, marginalised and it has to be said blacklisted by a paranoid doesn’t necessarily just want to be entertained but also educated and vindictive mainstream. Email: [email protected] and informed by what can broadly be termed documentary. Yet perversely not understanding an audience (i.e. ourselves) is an Document 4 shows that there is another way – films that are GFT argument that – with the exceptions of a few beleaguered and served up as an antidote, a resistance and most importantly a 12 Rose Street honourable individuals – many TV executives and festival curators showcase of films and filmmakers that positively prove that there consistently use against the kind of films and filmmakers on show is still a sense of genuine independence out there. The festival Glasgow G3 6RB at Document Festival. with its topical discussions that want to get closer to defining Tel: 0141 332 8128 our world also shows that we are in fine critical health – as Email: [email protected] Blacklisting, professional traducement and censorship aside, filmmakers and as an audience – and that we aren’t going to go who’d believe that film festivals would turn films down because away, in the same way that our subject matters aren’t. they were too long, too short, or more to the point didn’t suit a tickets sponsors branding mix? Doug Aubrey In terms of content production, it’s sad that an over-compliant, lifestyle-obsessed ‘independent’ mainstream media industry has been bought-off and sold-on so cheaply. This process of selling out and market consolidation has resulted in a profession that should know better, turning a blind eye to the legacy of the forgotten Day Passes £5/£10 holocausts on the planet. It creates a culture where contemporary Weekend Passes £15/£30 history is dismissed with a celebrity-led ‘been-there-done-that’ Single Screenings £2/£4 attitude, while global conflict and geo-politics are often mostly Asylum Seekers Free dealt with in a dumbed-down manner; as glorified travel shows, fronted by dare-doing presenters. | DOCUMENT 4 3 CCA 4 Friday 13 October 12.00 noon – 3.00 pm picture of the dislocation of ordinary lives are happy peasants! The anthropological Gender Montage Series in time of war. traveller visits distant places. When he 4.15pm – 5.15 pm returns home, he shows his collection of images to an audience more than ready Parno Grast; to collaborrate in the communal nostalgic Holidays and Weekdays myth. The footage of this film was captured on one single day in the year Sando Sillo 2005. A satire on cultural imperialism, Hungary • 2004 • 58 mins archive nostalgia, ethnic disempowerment. This documentary introduces Parno Grast Roll over Malthus... - playing authentic Roma music from the village of Paszab, this band really is one Kristina and Christ Who will sing a lullaby... big family in the literal sense of the word, Casino Transylvannia. Inesa Kurklietyte Nina Rudik with members ranging from 15-70. The Robert Lakatos Lithuania • 2006 • 22 mins band has been touring the world for years, Ukraine • 2006 • 29 mins Hungary • 2004 • 26 mins In Lithuania, women occupy a lower receiving much publicity and success Women’s Happiness or position than men in the Lutheran Church Masha’s father and Katya’s grandfather through their concerts. Yet on their An expressionist from modern Men’s Dignity hierarchy. Kristina, a graduate of Oxford are on paternity leave. They are among home turf in Hungary’s Szabolcs county, Transylvaina - Gypsy musicinas, stray dogs, Karine Verdiyan and Nika Shek Ua pnrivieesrts ibtye, cisa unsoet sohred aisi nae wd otom banec. Aosm aen tmheen f efrwo, mth eK iveevr yw fheow d (a4r6e dto t ob eu seex athcte)i,r tehtheyn isct ipllr ehdavjued ticoe f. a cOe nu nMeamy p1lsoty 2m0e0n4t, tahnedy ast Mreoeltdsa ovifa Cn lmuj a-s qcouenrteadmep oonra trhye B baulksayn Armenia • 2006 • 25 mins assistant pastor, she could act as a lay right to take parental leave. Challenging celebrate as Hungary joins the European surrealism at its best. This film explores the roles of women person only. Committed to theology and their traditional role as breadwinners, Union- but will their lives change for the in Armenia through portraits of two educating others, she has focussed on overcoming social stigma, and encouraging better- or will it be “business as usual” contrasting characters- one a divorcee encouraging women in her community to their wives to realize themselves outside for a people admired for their talents, yet 8.45 pm – 10.15 pm who, forced to give up her career as an seek equal rights with men in the Church of the home, Masha’s father and Katya’s seemingly despised for themselves? artist during her marriage, finds freedom, and in society at large. The film helps to grandfather do not think of themselves as Balkan Champion happiness, and creative expression in her challenge the belief that the traditions heroes or dependents. Instead, they are 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm Reka Kincses new life; she struggles, however, with the of the Church are outside national anti- pleased that- with the support of family Germany • 2006 • 86 mins stigma of being labeled a social outcast. discrimination labor laws. members and friends- personal choice The Legend The other a widow who, nostalgic for can prevail for them and their wives over of the Bird’s Egg In Autumn 1989 my father told us that her late husband, believes that women’s After the national premiere of this film, traditional gender roles. he had taken on the legal defence of the happiness lies in the patriarchal male- the Bishop and the Consistory of the 3.15 pm – 4.00 pm Zdenek Novotny dissdent Protestant minister Laszlo Tokes. headed household where women are Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lithuania Czech • 2005 • 57 mins I don’t remember much of what happened homemakers. Despite their conflicting banned Kristina from teaching in the In the north of the European part of now, only that my mother and father were opinions, both find strength in themselves church and its institution. Russia, in the land almost touching the both in agreement, which was rare in their and their work, as they raise their families Arctic Ocean, is the Republic of Komi. 20 years of marriage. I was 17 at the time, as single mothers. Nowadays there are only about 300,000 my sister was 9, and all of us knew that he hadput his life in danger. people of Komi nationality. The official languages are Russian and Komi. In the Then Laszlo Tokes gave an interview to a Finno-Ugric language the word “komi” foreign T.V. station, forcing a hole through means “the people of the same roots”... the “Wall of Silence”. Suddenly there was a face and a name to the uprising against The film recounts a story passed from Ceaucescu- and my father was his lawyer. one generation of Komi to another, from the times when Orthodox Christianity Mercenary first came into the land- the Legend of the 10.30 pm – 11.15 pm Vsevolod Babakhanov Bird’s Egg- of the lost stone heart of the There are women in Russia • 2005 • 12 mins shaman, Caldun Kyska, and of the search to recover it... Russian villages... He was a contract killler. Since the age Return Pavel Kostomarov oofn 1t6h,e h tee rwraitso irnyv oolfv tehde i nfo ervmeerry UcoSnSflRi.c Ht e 6.45 pm – 7.45 pm Levan Glonti & Antoin Kattin survived. He avoided punishment, but the Georgia • 2006 • 29 mins Russia • 2006 • 28 mins past still haunts him. He is an outlaw. You Liya’s past was tragic- her mother was Two women, a mother and her daughter, will not see his face, hear his voice, or killed by her father, and she herself was demonstrate that poverty in Russia is learn his name. But you will know him. beaten by him many times- and she increasingly a women’s phenomenon. Luba 14 Episodes spends her adult life attempting to cope and Alesya live in a typical Russian village: with these memories. To break the vicious the population consists of male drunkards, Murad Mazaev circle of violence in the village of her with few or no exceptions, and exhausted Ukraine/Netherlands • 2004 9mins After The War childhood, where domestic violence is women. They work as milkmaids at a 14 EPISODES consists of shocking images considered “normal”, Liya returns to her state farm–a profession that is underpaid from the first and second Russian- Srdjan Keca former home to attempt to awaken the and perceived as too strenuous for most Chechen wars. For nearly nine minutes Garlic and Watermelons Serbia • 2005 • 45 mins villagers and establish new relationships people. But Luba and Alesya, who are both we see people fleeing, bombings, and Lauren Feeney High up in the mountains of Kosovo live among them. still raising children and fleeing domestic countless wounded and dead. The film, & Cameron Hickey the Gorani, a minority Islamicized people violence, have little choice. While many in winner of the Amnesty International Prize of Slavic origin, with no country of their their circumstances would seek help from at the International Documentary Festival USA • 2006 • 55 mins own. The Kosovo war of ’99 brought the government, they have no one to rely Amsterdam, bears testimony to the scale With the Athens 2004 Summer Olympics disaster to these mountans and the lives on in their small, isolated village except and horror of this extraordinarily savage just over a year away, forty Gypsy families of its people, pushing them away in search themselves. war. The footage came from editor Islam are forced to abandon their settlement of new lives. The ones who chose to stay Saidayev; from Ukrainian journalist Tarak next to the main Olympic stadium so tell their stories- before the winds carry Protsuk, who was killed in Baghdad on that the land can be used for a parking them away. April 8, 2003; and from the collection lot. The film follows Prokopis Nikolau, a of Adam Tepsurkayev, who was killed produce vendor who lived his entire life in Alkhan-Kala, Chechnya by so-called in this settlement, as he struggles to find ‘death squads’ for his active and truthful a new home for himself and his family. Elechek coverage of the events in the Chechen- The local mayor agreed to pay the Roma Russian war. rent subsidies in exchange for vacating Nailya Rakhmadieva the land, but the money proves elusive Kyrgyzstan • 2006 • 27 mins and the families are forced to move Sairash was contentedly married for more from place to place due to evictions and than a quarter century until the day when sub-standard living conditions. Feeling New Penelope her husband took a second, younger wife. angry and tricked, Prokopis becomes an Georgii Dzalaev Sairash—who would not accept her new unofficial spokesman for the forty families, circumstances, including the quarrels and Tajikistan • 2006 • 26 mins fighting for both their dignity and the insults—walked out. Her community Economic depression and political chaos money they were promised. He meets and relatives blamed her, divorce laws force Tajik men to become migrant with human rights activists, takes his battle would not protect her, and any division of laborers, working in unsafe conditions with the mayor to the courts, and shares property would inflict pain on her beloved and with inconsistent pay. Tajik women My Dear Muslim his story with the international media that children. Though Sairash’s decision set attempt to keep their families alive, and, in Kerstin Nickig descend on Athens in Games her on a path of hardship, it was the path some cases, enter polygamous marriages Germany • 2005 • 36 mins to her true self: strong, independent, and to feed themselves and their families. 8.00 pm – 8.35 pm “Dear Muslim...” - so begins Sacita’s diary, capable of standing up for her own beliefs. Often, these women relate to Penelope, Sairash’s experience demonstrates that the wife of the mythical hero Odysseus, which she writes for her four year old Safari son, Muslim, so that he will understand the personal is indeed political. who waits many years for her husband Robert and Boglarka Polcz what his parents experienced in the war to return. The men working abroad and in Chechnya and why they fled to Poland.- Hungary • 2005 • 10 mins the women left behind face the same fate: but also so that he will be able to find The audience is invited to take part hard work and abuse of basic rights. This his way in an uncertain future where, she in a strange game- it is as if we are film outlines their plight. fears, his parents may no longer be alive. watching an early ethnographic film. The An intimate portrait of a refugee family is inhabitants of Szilagysag (Salaj) in Romania, created from this diary, their photos and at the Hadad-Nadasd Roma settlement, their personal accounts, creating a vivid take in their harvest. Look- our subjects | 4 DOCUMENT 4 CCA 5 Friday 13 October 12.00 – 1.00 pm 3,10 pm – 4.30 pm had held high hopes to marry her into a 10.30 pm – 11.15 pm rich family. After the accident, they could forget about that. 6.15 pm – 07.15 pm Cartoneros God Is With Us, Ernesto Livon-Grosman This Is The Track Men, That Is. Argentina • 2006 • 60 mins Pavol Korec Jan Sosisnksi Cthaorutosannedrso so ff oulnloewmsp slooymede owfo trhkee rs who Slovakia • 2002 • 41 mins Jaisalmer Ayo! Poland • 2005 • 47 mins cino mored edra itlyo isnotort tahned c citlya sosiff yB utheen ogsa rAbiargees Minteemrnoerdie sin o lfa bRooumr ac ammepns w inh oSl owvearkeia Gateway of the Gypsies “aG woodm isa nW, fritohm U tsh, eM meno”u tnetlilns st hoef Astlboarnyi ao, f which the locals leave behind every during WW11. Of approximately 1,350 Melitta Tchaicovsky & Pepe Ozan who decides to become a man. Before her evening on the streets. Some Cartoneros Roma who were forced to build a USA • 2004 • 54 mins whole family she solemnly pledges live in work independently, while others have strategic railroad in Eastern Slovakia, Shot in Northwest India, the homeland of that role. Her brothers will never need to formed co-ops to protect themselves only seven are alive today. This film not the Gypsies, “Jaisalmer Ayo! Gateway of blush from now on, as she is not going to against the abuses of the sytem. This film only collects their testimonies, but also the Gypsies” captures the ancient ways bring shame on them. As a man, she must follows the trash all the way from the shows rare footage from 1942, when of life of vanishing nomadic communities have no truck with women, but remain a sidewalk to the paper mill, and on . Slovak president Josef Tiso visited the of the Thar Desert, in Rajasthan who are virgin to the end of her days. The entire construction site. This film compares the believed to share common ancestors with community fully respects Bedri and wartime experience of the Roma with the European Roma (Gypsies). respects her-his choice. the reality that they face today. Neither 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm the landscape, nor the buildings, nor the For a period of seven months, the filmmakers followed the lives and travels railroad have changed in 60 years. And of snake-charmers, dancers, storytellers, what about the people?. traders, blacksmiths and musicians who Wide is the sea move from village to village in their struggle for survival. The remarkable Nikolay Makarov soundtrack of Rajasthani music merges Russia • 1987 • 30min with the images of an ancient world, while Russia: Rybinsk water reservoir. Some presenting the way of life, dance and people are sailing in a ship. They are sailing rituals of the last generations of nomads home. But their native land is at the sea remaining in the region. bottom. They were born there. There are tombs of their relatives. They name 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm White Gold – themselves mologzhans, the residents of The True Cost of Cotton Mologa-town. They still want the sea to Diyarbekir – My Home Sam Cole leave and their native town to revive... Zaradasht Ahmed 2005 • 8 mins We made the film «Wide is the sea...» in Norway • 2006 • 45 mins far 1986. White Gold-The True Cost of Cotton, After living for 26 years in Europe, reveals the extent of the enviromental It was the first to speak about a taboo like many immigrants, Ciwan Haco has damage and human right’s abuses caused subject – the tragedy of creation of encountered a problem: who is he now ? by the cotton industry of Central Asia, Rybinsk water reservoir, the biggest man- Is it enivitable that you lose you original mainly to supply European demand. The made sea on the Earth, the symbol of identity and become another person draining of the Aral Sea and the extensive man’s victory over nature... in another land? We take a trip with use of child labour are directly linked him from Sweden, where he lives, to with Uzbekistan’s billion dollar cotton 4.45 pm – 6.00pm Kurdistan where he was born, to find out. production. Discussion: Desmond Fernandes, lecturer Talk: Craig Murray, Britain’s outspoken in Human Geography & Genocide Studies, Ambassador to the Central Asian De Montfort University: Estella Schmid, Republic of Uzbekistan 2002–04: a Kurdish Human Rights Project: Zaradasht prominent critic of Western policy in the Ahmed, Director, Diyarbekir-My-Home; region. Mustafa Gundogdu, Kurdish Human Rights Project. 2.10 pm – 3.00 pm 9.15 pm – 10.15 pm Cement Nechama Goldstein Israel • 2006 • 26 mins “I have 12 mouths to feed and no options: The oldest was thrown into jail, and I depend on a boy in sixth grade to provide for me” This is how the mother of 12-year-old Ziad describes their life in East Jerusalem, a village surrounded by the Israeli separation wall. This is a A Big Lake/Vies Nouvelles family living in the margins of the Israeli- Olivier Meys, Liping Weng Palestinian conflict, leading their daily Owners of Nothing life which is affected in every way by the Belgium • 2004 • 56 mins occupation. This is a reality of families Sebastien Talavera Serrano Seventeen years ago, the construction of torn apart, a reality in which children are Spain • 2003 • 47 mins the biggest dam in the world began on forced to grow up too fast. Five year old Fatima has very poor the Chinese river Danin. Compared in eyesight: without glasses she is virtually significance with the Great Wall of China, 4.45 pm – 6.00 pm blind. Most of her life takes place in a the Three Gorges Dam has become a haze:it is only at school that she sees symbol of the expansion and megalomania Hoda’s Story well, for there in a hidden drawer, lies her of the Communist government, to the Johan Eriksson greatest treasure, blue spectacles with detriment of the living standards of ordinary people. Today, the Guo family, Israel • 2006 • 49 mins thick lenses. At the end of every school who first settled on the slopes above On March 1 2003 12 year old Hoda day she has to put them back in the the river as far back at the time of the Dhairwash was sitting at her desk in a UN drawer. Fatima lives in El Vacie-a slum on Third Empire, is threatened by a modern elementary school in Khan Younis on the the outskirts of Seville, Spain. Her parents wonder of the world. In 2009, during the Gaza Strip. At 14.00 hours a high velocity are extremely poor they have parctically last phase of deliberate flooding, their bullet was fired through her classroom nothing, not even a proper roof over their house will be on the very verge of the window. It hit Hoda in the head. The heads. They cannot afford glasses for their banks of the artificial lake. doctors at the hospital said that she daughter.This is a film about Fatima and El would never waken from her coma. After Vacie one of the oldest slums in Europe.... two weeks she started to recover. When she woke up she slowly discovered that her life would never be the same again. Hoda was so good looking. Her parents | DOCUMENT 4 5 CCA 4 Saturday 14 October 12.00 noon – 1.15 pm in the city of Poptun, a pretty village in demonstrating that adversity can always 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm the Disabled, the pupils and teachers Young Peoples Programme Guatemala. Their childhoods pass them be overcome. of special schools, deaf workers from by as they offer shoe shine services to the Admiralty shipyards, members of an people wealthier than themselves. Orthodox Christian community... this film asks people of different needs to try to understand each other. It is the first feature-length film about deaf people to be made in Russia. Mohajer (The Immigrant) 10.10 pm – 11.10 pm Vahid Vahed Robert’s Story Iran/Australia • 2006 • 24 min Ten Years Old Jim Brown This documentary follows the predicament of Hassan Ghader Abdullah, Chia Wei Wang UK • 2006 • 10 mins a 65-year-old Iraqi Kurd seeking Iranian Taiwan • 2006 • 10mins Bread In Robert’s Story, homeless artist Robert nationality after 30 years of being a Bratton relates a personal journey from As a foreign Child Bride, Chia suffers a lot. Marcelo Bukin refugee. It highlights the real social, violent childhood to an adult life of drug But she is stronger than others. Spain • 2005 • 5mins abuse, crime, homelessness and self- cultural, spiritual and political demands on someone who decides to leave their Edwin and Edson, 9 and 11 years old, recrimination. The film centres on his country in search of a new identity. Darfur Diaries work crushing rocks with their father in relationship with his abusive father. It was 2005 • Canada • 57mins a mine. Remarkably, their intense working Robert’s desire to tell this story. He died conditions have not diminished their love shortly after filming was completed. Darfur Diaries is a powerful documentary of life. that goes beyond the media headlines P.Y.0.- Yes I am! to present a first-hand look at the crisis May Abdalla/Tim Sowula taking place in Sudan. The people of 1.30 p m – 3.00 pm Darfur tell their story in their own words, UK • 2006 • 3 mins aside from the mediation of international Faustrecht- Rule of the Fists “A little black stain here, a little black agencies or government media managers. Weber Bernard and Robi Muller stain there... pretty soon the world just becomes black”. Ali, a young Somali in Switzerland • 2006 • 84mins ‘Faustrecht’ is the story of two violent Camden, sums up his feelings on ASBOS Moment of Fury and dispersal orders, questioning just how teenagers with a history of aggresssive Morvary Samare’ effective they are and whether the youth behaviour. Bernard and Muller followed are being unfairly targetted and marked Sweden • 2005–2006 • 10mins Tim and Gibran from their 16th to for life. Iran: after the revolution of 1979 when their 18th birthdays.The film shows Lima’s streets their ‘odyssey’ through institutions and A Life of Their Own Ayatollah Khomeini came to power, there was an impetus to question and, in some Marcelo Bukin foster homes, casting a glance behind the Christeen Winford cases, re-orient social values. This is the statistics of violence at young offenders Spain • 2006 • 13mins Scotland • 2005 • 28 mins case in most revolutions. Eventually the who are at once the perpetrators and the The reality of children in the streets of victims. Kenneth and Beartrice, who have spent dust settles; a nation works out where Lima, Peru. years of their lives shut away in long-stay its concensus lies. But twenty-five years hospitals, question this injustice at the later, where does Iran stand on the 3.15 pm – 5.00 pm same time as they battle to release others question of human rights? In 1999 Ahmad Social Care Programme from the same fate, and to ensure a life Batedi, a young student, participated in worth living for those moving into the a demonstration for freedom of speech community. and, in a moment of fury, raised a bloody t-shirt from the ground. Because of this act, he was imprisoned indefinitely. This 5.15 pm – 6.15 pm film was inspired by him and his action on that day. Iran Discussion 8.45 pm – 10.10 pm Angel’s Fire Marcelo Bukin Me and My Machine :Tag Spain • 2006 • 13mins Tadhg O’Sullivan Angel, 8 years old, works in brick manufacturing. He is a child. He is not the UK/Eire • 2006 • 3 mins Article 61 / Madeh 61 exception. Most of the machines around us are Mahvash Zia Sheikholeslami In this poverty-stricken community by taken for granted as temporary gadgets, the scenic shores of Lake Titicaca, the the passing fads of progress. For Iran • 2005 • 73 min. suffering of the adults is sometimes some, however, particular machines In Iran, Article 61 of the Islamic Criminal A reluctant silence transformed into physical aggression fundamentally define the terms of Code provides impunity for crimes against the children. living: Me and My Machine explores committed in defence of one’s life, honour, Hazel Baillie Mauris from Titicaca one such complex relationship- a young chastity or property. But why is it that Scotland 2005 4 mins Marcelo Bukin offender discusses his relationship with in practice this tolerant statute is not A brief insight into the difficulties endured his electronic tag and how it affects his applied to women? Why are women by Aphasia sufferer, Alwyn, through a Spain • 2006 • 11mins options. who defend themselves against violent mixture of live-action, animation and stills LakeTiticaca: 6 brothers and sisters live attacks by their husbands given severe photography. a precarious life. Judith, the eldest, is prison sentences? Why is it that in cases Based around a single conversation in eleven; she is the one who takes care of domestic violence perpetrated by which Alwyn explores his problems of her younger siblings. They survive women, the courts almost always dismiss retrieving particular letters and words, thanks to rudimentary fishing, exposing self–defence, instead giving a verdict of this film offers a fresh and unusual take on themselves to the dangers of the deepest premeditated crime? Going behind the the subject of communication impairment, navigable lake in the world. Judith, walls of an Iranian prison, the director and raises the question- why are some prematurely grown up by necessity, interviews women imprisoned for murder, words just so much easier to say than introduces us to her harsh but beautiful which they committed spontaneously in others? environment. situations where their husbands were Fine abusing their human rights, threatening, Hazel Baillie beating or raping them or their children. Increasing media interest and the Scotland 2005 9 mins involvement of human rights organisations This inspiring short documents the story brings hope that the judiciary may yet of professional Blues musician Alwyn who treat cases of crimes committed in self– following a severe stroke, awoke with defence by men and women with equal a serious physical disability rendering measure. him unable to play the piano, and with it, perhaps even more distressingly, the communication impairment Aphasia. With narration by Alwyn’s own daughter Rhiannon, ‘Fine’ explores a personal I am Deaf account of Alwyn’s trying but positive and often humorous journey, as he attempts Nickolay Makarov Welcome to Poptun to re-learn to communicate verbally, Russia • 2005 • 75 min Marcelo Bukin and re-discovers the skills, passion and The heroes of this film are an artist Spain • 2006 • 11mins motivation to continue playing music. and actor, a journalist and writer, the The story of three children that live A quirky, uplifting film, shedding new students of the Academy of Arts for light on the difficulties of Aphasia and | 6 DOCUMENT 4 CCA 5 Saturday 14 October 12.00 noon –3.00 pm 4.30 pm – 5.45 pm 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm Radovan Karadzic, leader of the Bosnian 10.30 pm – 11.15 pm Serbs, pursued a course of “ethnic Camcorder Guerillas cleansing” as he struggled to gain Programme independence from the Muslim-controlled Bosnian government in the former www.camcorderguerillas.net Yugoslavia. Indicted by the World Court in The Hague for his actions, Karadzic 3.15 pm - 4.15 pm has allegedly been hotly pursued for the past eight years. However, he remains a free man. Does this fact lend credence to the existence of the ‘Holbrooke Deal’ Through Our Eyes in which he was promised freedom in Melina Henderson exchange for his political retreat? Has The Seeds UK • 2004 • 15mins Karadzic given up any of his political Wojciech Kaperski influence at all? Through Our Eyes shows what it was Poland • 2005 • 28mins like coming to Britain through the In a hut on the side of a village eyes of refugees, asylum seekers and Our House 8.45 pm – 10.30 pm surrounded by a chain of the Altai unaccompanied minors. This film is Sevan Matossian Mountains there lives a family totally the testimony to the resilience and rejected by the rest of the community. determination to survive of all young US • 2003 • 83mins They live in penury, hardly able to make people who face potentially overwhelming Winner of multiple awards , Our House ends meet. Once an enormous tragedy trauma in their lives. The film challenges shows a year in the life of three residents took place there and now everyone, both Prisoners of the Cold War: negative attitudes and raise awareness and at a California supported-living facility is parents and their children, are paying for understanding of the difficulties asylum documented with startling directness and the sins of the past. Campaigning seekers face in their daily lives. honesty. for the Grenada 17 Laura, Tim W., and Tim S. were all born David Grey with developmental disabilities and are now living outside an institution for the UK • 2006 • 60 mins first time in years. Our House, a feature The story of the ongoing campaign to free length verite documentary, explores 17 former members of the Grenadian an intimate and original view of human Government, who were imprisoned after struggle told through three unique people. the US invasion in 1983. Filmed over the duration of one year, by Vukovar The government was in power on the Sevan Matossian, who lives and works Janko Baljak Caribbean island between 1979 and 1983, at their home, the documentary strings when events let to the killing of Prime together a mosaic of humor and pain all Serbia & Montenegro Minister Maurice Bishop. taking place under one roof. 2006 • 103mins What happened is still bitterly disputed, This is the first Serbian-Croatian Asylum: A Place of Refuge but the 17 were convicted in what 7.45 pm – 8.30 pm cinematic co-production since the break- Amnesty International describes as a Peter Barber-Fleming up of the former Yugoslav socialist state. miscarriage of justice, leaving deep trauma UK • 2005 • 57mins The film examines a very painful subject on the island, and many unanswered - the war-time atrocities committed in In 2000 Glasgow officially welcomed the questions. Throughout their long battle, Vukovar in the early 1990s. ‘We tried to arrival of asylum seekers in Scotland. what keeps the campaigners going and give accounts of this terrible story from There are now over 7000 living here. This how optimistic are they about the future? both perspectives. The most important film, made over many months tells the feature of this film is this two-layered stories, past and present, of 5 individuals structure. The instigators were also or families of differing circumstances, the participants in these frightening ages and nationalities. It tells of the events, their creators and their victims. extraordinary and yet common place We tried to identify the reasons for circumstances which have brought them war in a town that lived a peaceful to Scotland and explores their present life, that was reasonably wealthy, with difficulties, fears and aspirations. no unemployment, with many mixed marriages and inter-ethnic bondages. How Radovan Karadzic did this terrible explosion of violence happen here, of all places?’ – Most Wanted? Heribert Blondiau Germany • 2004 • 45mins Robert Bratton Retrospective To coincide with the screening of ‘Robert’s Story’, Artworks are proud to present a retrospective of Robert Bratton’s work in their gallery space from 12th October to 10th November 2006. With the untimely death of Robert last year, Glasgow lost one of it’s finest talents. An artist who produced a diverse range of work which is often thought provoking and emotional, his work never fails to leave an impression on the viewer. This exhibition provides a rare opportunity to view a body of work unique in it’s eclecticism and vibrancy. Artworks, The Big Issue Building 71 Oxford Street, Glasgow G5 9EP 0141 418 7000 | DOCUMENT 4 7 CCA 4 Sunday 15 October 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm Palestinian writer and politician, to tell him what happened since he died. In the Welcome to Dungavel background, the October 2000 riots, the Camcorder Guerrillas Palestinian Intifada, the terror attacks Scotland • 2004 • 25mins and Israel’s retaliations. Mohammad tries to continue his creative work Imagine escaping persecution in your own and spread his ideas of reconciliation country, only to be locked up without between Palestinians and Israelis. Two trial in Dungavel. According to Amnesty events change the course of his life: the International, the UK detains an estimated Meron Terror Attack, in which two of his 25,000 asylum seekers every year: men, nephews were charged and convicted for women and children. aiding the terrorist; and the production Using documentary, testimony, animation, and screening of his film Jenin, Jenin. The original music and drama, Visit Dungavel: Israeli public reacted to both these events Monster of the Glen, is a shocking, funny, with anger and criticism. With the help informative and moving series of short of friends and after a long legal battle he films about detention and what to do succeeded in getting his film screened but about it! this struggle left a deep scar. 1:10 pm – 2:40 pm 4:00 – 5:00 Punam Lucian Muntean, Natasa Stankovic Serbia and Montenegro Women in Struggle 2005 • 27 mins Buthina Canaan khoury The voice of nine–year–old Punam Palestine • 2004 • 58mins Tamang transports us to the Nepali city of Bhaktapuru. Punam’s mother died Women in Struggle looks at four when she was only five. She was left with Palestinian women who chose to step out her father, her newborn sister Rabina, of their traditional roles to engage with and her two–year–old brother Krishna. the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and as a Now that her father works from sunrise result, served time in Israeli jails. to sundown in a rice factory, during the This film explores the impact on their daytime Punam assumes the roles of head subsequent lives. of the family, caregiver, and homemaker. This film also takes us into the world 5:10 pm – 6:35 pm of Punam’s friends, children who work in quarries and brick–making factories The South to help their families get by, and takes a – Alice Never Lived Here peek into the poor five–grade school that Senyora Bar David represents Punam’s symbol of hope. Israel • 1998 • 82mins This film follows the journey of 3 women through their personal memories, a journey in time and space from the the almost forgotten past to the possible future, a journey from the small village of Didimoticho (Greece) to Jaffa (Israel). We move from the poor quarters of Tel Aviv to the filmmaker’s roots through the stories of her grandmother and are Kevin is an orphan. He has lived alone bites of and police services, One Day offered a vision of the future through from age ten in Kisumu, Kenya. Now presents a nuanced critique of everyday Tiny Katerina Elinor, a 15 year old, growing up in Jaffa seventeen, he knows his chances for life in communist Poland in 1962. trying to overcome the unseen borders survival are slim- where he lives, forty Ivan Golovnev of class. percent of girls his age are HIV Positive. Russia • 2004 • 24 mins Determined to make a difference, Kevin Northwestern Siberia: Katerina, a young 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm makes an incredible journey, venturing girl of the Khanty people, learns about across the land to the halls of power in the outside world. We follow her story Just Married the capital, challenging top industrialists, from her second to her fourth year, as Ayelet Bechtar religious leaders, and even the Vice she starts to attain the conventional Israel • 2005 • 71mins President. This is the story of a young skills she will need as a woman in her man’s courage, inspiring others like him culture- collecting wood, feeding the dogs, The film follows two fearless and resilient to bring about change, set against the herding the deer. Skills passed down as Palestinian women during the first year background of the AIDS epidemic and the Even if she had been time-sanctioned certainties. Yet these of their marriage. Kifach and Suhad are turmoils of Africa. a criminal... faced with a cruel reality: a new Israeli certainties, and the traditional coexistence law forbids Palestinians who marry Israeli Jean Gabriel Periot with nature, are about to be shaken when 9:10 – 10:20 citizens to live in Israel. France • 2006 • 10mins the “modern” world suddenly intrudes. This is not only a personal story, but also France, summer 1944. The public Love and Broken Glass the story of thousands of couples denied punishment of women accused of having (Kærlighed og Smadret Glas) their most basic right - the right to love. affairs with Germans during the war... Suvi Andrea Helminen 8:10 – 9:10 Denmark • 2006 • 35 mins Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. 13-year old Guljamal is a lively girl, who loves to jump around, dance and smash bottles, but she spends her days at home raising her younger brother. She dreams of love and One Day in People’s Poland a boy called Marat, but lives in a culture Maciej Drygas where many young girls are kidnapped Poland • 2005 • 59 min and married to strangers. September 27, 1962. An ordinary day in Poland. 1600 babies are born, 600 people 2:50 pm – 3:50 pm die, and the weather is neither good nor Since You Left bad. And yet, something of note happens everywhere in the country. The police Mohammad Bakri Make it Real (to me) arrest a suspect, the neighbour buys some Israel • 2005 • 58mins Miles Roston salt, and a man is openly reprimanded for Mohammad Bakri visits the grave of wearing a beret. With a complex collage Australia • 2005 • 55 mins his mentor, the late Emil Habibi, a of footage from Polish archives and sound | 8 DOCUMENT 4 ��������� ������1eve1 p h o t o w o r k s ��������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� * I’m fine. �� � �� � �� �� �� � ���� ��� � ���� � � � � ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� * ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Money worries. Relationship troubles. Work stress. ����������������������������� Family problems. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� When you feel down, it can be difficult to talk about. �������������������������������������������������� We’ll help you find the words. Breathing Space is a free confidential phoneline you ������������������ can call from 6pm to 2am. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� Anyone can get depressed ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� It helps to get some breathing space ������������������������������������������������� 0800 83 85 87 �� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� www.breathingspacescotland.co.uk �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� independent / radical book fair • titles with which you can make a positive change in the world • stalls at CCA throughout the festival • cornerstoned by AK Press: making available radical political books, pamphlets, media and other materials published by independent presses, not the corporate giants, • the sorts of books that are less-and-less publicly available • self-organised bi-monthly events, bringing regular access to independent / radical publishers and producers back to Glasgow | DOCUMENT 4 9 CCA 5 Sunday 15 October festival 12:00 noon – 1:25 pm 3:10 pm – 4:10 pm 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm 9:00 – 11-00 Balkan Shorts The Seafront Anton Califiano people: UK • 2006 • 22mins A meditative portrait of a forgotten slice of British life at the seaside. Steve, seaching for his fortune with a metal Coordinators detector says there is more gold in the Mona Rai, Neill Patton sea than on land. Penpa, who originally Programme came to the UK from Tibet, was surprised to find that the sea was so salty. Tim, With the Nomads Mona Rai, Neill Patton Unser America who is 67, swims in the sea every day but Julian Richards Technical Coordinator Kristina Konrad never puts his head under. UK • 119mins Chris Bowman Drowned Dreams Germany • 2005 • 84mins With the Nomads opens with an elderly Assistant Coordinator Gledis Bica “Our America” is a search for clues; a Tuareg man predicting that none of his Martini Salvi journey through an ever-present past, 25 Albania • 2006 • 10mins people will still be living as nomads in Website years after a revolution which nobody Economic difficulties forced 36 persons fifty years’ time. It contemplates the believed could succeed. It is a personal from Shkodra to set out illegally on 9 everyday labour of desert nomads with Camilla Elvik, Angela Murray encounter of a European woman with a January 2004- on the boat to Italy they an intimate but unromantic eye. There Ident/poster design small country in Latin America, which at wre probably dreaming of a better life. is no narrator: instead, Tuareg people Once Were Farmers the time had just freed itself from a 45- They didn’t get it. speak of their hardships, their distaste for year dictatorship and was attempting the city living and the nomad’s fierce love of Trailer impossible, under the bitter hostility of liberty and open spaces. Extraordinary Chris Bowman the Big Brother in the north, the U.S.A. feats break in, too: an invasion of locusts, Programme Design Filmmaker Kristina Konrad returns to Giovanni and the the castration of an angry adult camel and Kevin Hobbs neo-liberal Nicaragua, battered by war Myth of Visual Arts the inspection of a well bottom by a man and corruption: a Nicaragua which 20 dangling from 65-metre ropes. This is not years previously had offered one of the Gabriele Gismondi an anthropological study but an individual last inspirational autonomous movements UK Premiere film-maker’s response to the rhythms, thanks to: before the gates of reaction closed- a Italy • 2006 • 19mins dramas and personalities of a family, a way movement that became a a rallying-point Icon Of Tears Sicily, 1968. A small town called Gibellina of life and a place. for thousands around the world. 20 years is destroyed by a terrible earthquake. Ilir Kabashi on, are things better? Nothing remains standing. The decision Variant magazine Kosovo • 2005 • 31 mins is made to completely rebuild the town, 1:35 pm – 3:00 pm Ferdan Çerkezi from Gjakova in Kosovo 18km East of the ruins. The best Italian CCA architects and artists are called to create GFT Mental Health Programme has four sons and a husband. They are all miissing. She lives alone. Despite the fact a new and futuristic Gibellina.- Giovanni, GMAC a man in his seventies,has moved from the bodies of those who died in the war Uma Rai the old town to the new- with some are brought back from Serbia on a daily Max.Rai reservations... basis, she still hopes that her loved ones Leigh French will return alive. Every day she cleans Abigail Howkins. their shoes. Speaks to their pictures. Jennifer McColgan Paula Larkin Curtis Larkin Mc Laughlin. Thomas McLaughlin. Radio La Colifata Doug Aubrey Marie Oleson Valentina Monti Wonderful World Andrew Murray. Italy • 2005 • 28 min Le Pont sur la Drina Coco Schrijber Yasmine Fedda Independent radio station La Colifata has been around for twelve years. A Bridge Over the Drina UK Premiere Martina Salvi. Broadcasting from the Jose T. Borda Xavier Lukomski Netherlands • 2004 • 46mins Suzy Ferguson. Neurological and Psychiatric Hospital Belgium • 2005 • 18 mins A city without homeless people is not Kristen Neilson in Buenos Aires, it is presented by its The Bridge On the Drina (1945) is a really a city. Filthy bums, irritating bawlers, Eva Reilly. patients, employing a few volunteers book by Nobel Prize Laureate Ivo Andric, dishevelled characters? They enrich Kenny @ CCA to look after the technological aspects describing the long, conflict–ridden our existence in a way we don’t really of running the station. You can find its history of the region around the small comprehend...Wonderful Worldenters Claire Jackoson listeners in the bars of Buenos Aires or town of Visegrad in eastern Bosnia. Taking the heads of people who have fallen Francis McKee in cars stuck in traffic jams. In essence, the book as a leitmotif, director Xavier out of our welfare state. Vagabond Jan Anne Vance Radio La Colifata forms an unsteady Lukomski mixes an image of the bridge Dominique approaches everyday as a Catherine Rogan. bbraicdkg ein tthoa tth teh era mnkesn toafl lsyo iclli ectayn. Vuasele ntoti ngae t aonf dV itsheeg rraidve rre Dsidreinnat wPoitlhjo t hMee tvessutdim, goivneyn boeuat uotfif uhli sd ‘ahyo-m eeve’ nb yw bhuellnd ohzee irss c. Shaasskeida , Tariq Kataria. Mori and Mirta Morrone trace one day to the International Criminal Tribunal for a former academic, has been homeless Joe Mullholland in the life of the patients, examining the the former Yugoslavia on September 17 for 15 years. Her learning helps her to Jak Milroy role of the Radio La Colifata project in and 18, 2001. While Mevsud recounts the survive. The love elderly Lucy and Herman Gordon Asher. re–integrating them back into society. harrowing story of how he and several feel for each other would make anyone Kristian Hoelscher Othner teh eis daa py riens iqdueensttiiaol ne, lAecptrioil n2 6th, 2ro0u0g3h, out othteh eDrsr ipnua lldeudr iflnoga tthineg w daera din b Boodsiensia f, rwoem emnuvsioicuasl . t rWibounted etorf uslp Wirioterdld i nisd aiv vidisuuaalsl awnhdo Angela Murray Argentina... see only the bridge at different times of hang on the edge of oblivion. Jenny Graydon Discussion: the day, the light changing ever so slightly. Patricia @ London Disability Arts Forum Mental health & Citizenship Working at night and in the early morning 7:40 – 8:40 Jason Hall Jenny Graydon - Chief Executive, Glasgow because of shelling, the men retrieved Claire Harris Sunny Intervals Association for Mental Health (GAMH) approximately 180 bodies from the river Chitra Ramaswami over a period of three months in order to and Showers All the projectionists, front of house give them a proper and decent burial. Jonathan Goodman Levitt volunteers, everyone involved in the UK • 2003 • 58mins discussions, and those kindly hosting film 4:20 pm – 5:45 pm Dr Allan Levi was recently diagnosed with makers. manic depression and suspended from his ...and anyone else who has helped us job as a University Professor as a result. throughout the year that we forgot to Dear Father, Filmed over a year with Allan, his wife mention. quiet we’re shooting... Jackie, and their three children, this film is an intimate, sad, and surprisingly funny David Benchetrit portrait. Israel • 2005 • 85mins Do soldiers and civilians have a right to know why and in the name of what they are called to battle, to kill and be killed? The film deals with the folly and futility of wars and the phenomenon of conscientious objection in the Lebanon war (1982) and up to date. It is a harsh and piercing look, an uncompromising self examination of Israeli society, the occupation and the oppression. | 10 DOCUMENT 4 CCA 4 Monday 16 October 12:00 noon – 12:50 pm 2:10 pm – 2:55 pm ‘An astonishing piece of work, a wonderful Big Issue: Social Care Award film, quite unlike anything I’ve seen’ John Pilger Award Ceremony and Screening: CCA4 Monday 9pm 7:45 – 8:45 The Big Issue in Scotland is very excited to be involved with the Document 4 Film Festival. Having covered the event in our pages in previous years, we felt coming on board was a great pairing of a festival that focuses firmly on human rights, and a publication which has been championing human rights in many forms for 13 years. This year we’re pleased to be co-presenting The Big Issue in Scotland/ Document 4 Social Care Award, which will look at the best in documentary filmmaking on issues that can affect us all; issues like addiction, disability, injustice and homelessness. We’re looking for a film that will tell a compelling story - but that will bring a touch of Volver a Villaro M74: Heading lightness and humanity to a tough issue. The award itself has been specially made by Artworks, a highly successful arts project run by The Big Issue’s sister charity, The Big José Javier & Pérez Prieto in the wrong direction Issue Foundation. Spain • 48 mins Neil Gray For more information on The Big Issue in Scotland, go to http://www.bigissuescotland. Produced by Documania and directed by UK • 2006 • 17mins com 2004 Doc’Amateur award-winner José The proposed M74 motorway in the For more information on Artworks go to http://www.bigfoundationscotland.org.uk From Dust Javier Pérez Prieto, this documentary explores Alzheimer’s disease through Southside of Glasgow is the single largest Selection: Dhruv Dhawan road project in Britain: “A five-mile the life of 88-year old Julián Urrestarazu, concrete monster on stilts”. Through Our House, Sevan Matossian/US/2003/ 83 United Arab Emirates living in a residential home in Bilbao lyrical yet horrifying imagery, this film Nicht Boese sein! (Don’t get Cross with Me), 2005 • 56mins together with his wife Belén. Julián travels documents the existential nightmare of Wolgang Reinke, Germany 2006, 95 Filmed in Sri Lanka From Dust is a with his wife to his home town, Villaro, living by a motorway; and borrowing from Flowers Don’t Grow Here, cinematic expose that takes an incisive which he seems to have completely past experience in Glasgow, questions Director Shira Pinson, UK, 2005, 52 look at a government’s response to a forgotten until he gets there. The film and challenges the proposed re-shaping of I am Deaf, Nikolai Marakov, Russia, 2005, 75 natural disaster. Shot in the aftermath takes a very close look at the disease urban space in an area already blighted by of the Asian Tsunami, this documentary in a direct and emotional way, and previous planning travesties. Faustrecht – Rule of the Fists Weber brings us into close contact with three includes interviews with internationally Bernard and Rob Muller,Switzerland, 2006, 84mins individuals and questions why survivors in renowned professionals such as Dr. Barry Wonderful World, Coco Schrijber, Netherlands, 2004, 46mins Sri Lanka weren’t allowed to rebuild their Reisberg (expert on retrogenesis, Clinical homes. Director of the Aging and Dementia Following a span of natural disasters, this Research Center at New York University untold story reveals visits the survivors Medical Center, author of the Global banana and pineapple plantations of 5:50 pm – 7:35 pm waiting in tents and the ulterior motives Deterioration Scale and the most-quoted Costa Rica, with local trade unionist and that are stalling the rebuilding effort in Sri expert on Alzheimer studies worldwide). environmentalist, Carlos Arguedas. Carlos Lanka - A controversial film about the shows us how the chemical cocktail used “100 meter rule” and the opportunities 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm to grow the fruit is affecting workers, that arise in the aftermath of a natural the neighbouring communities and the A Home of their Own Lyari – Highway of Tears environment, and how this once fertile disaster. Jak Milroy Fionn Skiotis and unspoilt land is being consumed and 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm laid waste by the greed of the big fruit Scotland • 2006 • 33mins Australia • 2006 • 28mins producers – all in the name of bringing Social Care Winner In 2002 Glasgow City Council, through Since the 1980’s, successive governments cheap bananas and pineapples to our the New Labour Government, gave its have sought to construct an expressway dinner tables. tenants a chance to vote for stock tranfer, along the Lyari river corridor, but have offering better homes and improved been opposed by civil society groups and 4:30 pm – 5:40 pm services . the affected communities. The advent of Over 80,000 council tenants had the the Musharaf Government in 2001 meant chance to vote - though not all did, 30,000 this costly “development” project could voted yes. proceed, along with the destruction of With a winning vote all Glasgow City some of Karachi’s oldest communities. Council Housing stock was transferred to the newly formed “Glasgow Housing 3:00 pm – Four Hours in Chatila Association”. Carlos Lapena However, people who had previously bought thier homes from Glasgow City Spain • 2005 • 23 mins Mentiras Council or had bought an ex-council September 16th, 17th and 18th 1982: house and were factored by the Council, Nick Higgins During the Israeli “Operation: Peace for were not given the right to vote. Scotland • 2006 • 14mins Galilea” the Lebanese Falangist militia, “A Home of their Own” shows what has Mentiras is a visually stunning but under Israeli army protection led by Ariel happened since then. profoundly unsettling journey through the Sharon, massacre 2750 palestinian and world’s largest city. Lebanese civilians in the refugee camps of Based on one mans’ confession to human Sabra and Shatila outside Beirut. rights crimes committed with the backing Jean Genet, a witness of the aftermath Don Silva of the Mexican government - it is the of the slaughter, has written a forceful Heidi Brandenburg story of a troubled conscience and the testimony on which this film is based. England • 2006 25 mins rupturing of official lies. Don Silva is an observational documentary that the captures an honest portrayal of the life of an elderly Peruvian man and his daily routine. Smoke and Mirrors Neil Gray Scotland • 2006 • 25 mins This film: made in partnership with ‘Edinburgh Against Stock Transfer’ campaign group, documents their Visit Palestine successful challenge to The City of Radio Qman Txun Katie Barlow Edinburgh Council’s plan to privatize Max Lopez 2005 • 78mins all 23,000 of the city’s council homes. It considers the impact of gentrification Spain • 2005 • 52 What drives a young, well-educated Westerner to volunteer as a “peace programmes on working-class Todos Santos Cuchumatán is a Maya activist” in the Middle East? communities, and shows how a well- village on the Guatemala plateau where organised grass-roots, community-based Pura Vida? (Pure Life?) bank holidays take place just one week Caiomhe Butterly is one of a growing struggle can challenge and defeat deeply Jan Nimmo before elections. By taking local radio number of volunteers who risk their own unpopular policy decisions. station Radio Qman Txun as a guide our safety to intervene in the long-running Scotland • 2006 documentary works out a portrait of and bloody conflict between Israel and Imagine Costa Rica: a green paradise, the life in the village during these intense Palestine. Several internationals have been diverse, dense forests full of exotic plants days through the three main characters’ injured. Some have died. and animals, rivers and coastal waters point of view: Rosendo, the radio speaker; In this film, she describes witnessing the teeming with life, skies alive with more Cristalina, the young Maya queen of the aftermath of the attack on Jenin in April bird species than all of Europe. Pura Vida! holidays and Fortunato, a rural teacher 2002. The film follows her work, the main But is there another reality, something who is a candidate to become a deputy. emphasis being “the accompaniment rotten, which is tarnishing the green image of communities at risk”. Despite being of the `’Switzerland of Central America‘? threatened, shot in the leg and deported Pura Vida? takes a journey through the later that year, she is determined to go back.