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Variability of Active Galaxies: Proceedings of a Workshop of the Sonderforschungsbereich 328 Held at Heidelberg, Germany 3–5 September 1990 PDF

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Preview Variability of Active Galaxies: Proceedings of a Workshop of the Sonderforschungsbereich 328 Held at Heidelberg, Germany 3–5 September 1990

Lecture Notes scisyhP ni detidE yb .H Araki, Kyoto, .J Ehlers, MSnchen, .K Hepp, hcir~LZ .R .L ,effaJ Cambridge, ,AM .R Kippenhahn, ,nehcn~LM .D ,elleuR ettevY-rus-seruB H.A. ,relISmnedieW Heidelberg, .J Wess, Karlsruhe dna .J Zittartz, n16K Managing Editor: .W Beiglb6ck 377 .J.W Duschl S.J. Wagner .M dniznemaC ).sdE( ytilibairaV of Active Galaxies sgnideecorP fo a pohskroW fo eht hcierebsgnuhcsrofrednoS 823 dleH ta ,grebledieH ynamreG 3-5 rebmetpeS 0991 galreV-regnirpS nilreB grebledieH NewYork nodnoL siraP oykoT Hong gnoK anolecraB tsepaduB Editors Wolfgang J. Duschl Institut fL)r Theoretische Astrophysik, Universit&t Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 561, W-6900 Heidelberg, Germany Stefan J. Wagner Max Camenzind Landeseternwarte, K6nigstuhl W-6900 Heidelberg, Germany This book was processed by the authors using theT EX macro package from Springer-Verlag ISBN 3-540-53860-7 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-387-53860-7 Springer-Verlag NewYork Berlin Heidelberg This work subject is to whether reserved, are rights All copyright. the or whole part of the material concerned, is specifically the rights of reprinting, re-use translation, of recitation, illustrations, reproduction broadcasting, on microfilms or in other Duplication banks. data in storage and ways, of publication this or under permitted only is thereof parts the provisions of the Copyright German Law of September ,9 copyright a and current version, its in 1965, fee always must be paid. under fall Violations the prosecution act of Copyright the German Law. Berlin Heidelberg © Springer-Verlag 1991 Printed ni Germany Hemsbach/Bergstr. Druckhaus Beltz, Printing: Bookbinding: .J reff.~hcS GmbH & Co. KG., GrQnstadt - 2153/3140-543210 paper acid-free on Printed Foreword The fact that active nuclei of galaxies are the sites of the highest macroscopic energy densities is one of the major reasons for the attention attracted by the field of AGN research. This was noticed when it was found that the enormous amounts of energy radiated by the central engines vary on rather short time-scales, implying via the well-known light-travel argument that the radiating volumes are much smaller than the resolution limits of most ground-based telescopes. Ever since this discovery, variability studies have not only offered, in effect, a magnifying glass for the unresolvable scales, but also improved our understanding of the processes that generate mad reprocess the energy. Although the basic phenomena of variability were already known in the early 1970s, progress in the field of variability studies was not as rapid as originally hoped for. Two of the few completely new aspects that were discovered during the first half of the 1980s were the extremely rapid flickering in the X-ray emission of AGNs and the temporal variability of the morphology of the very central cores observed with VLBI. In the very recent past, however, interest in variability studies has again in- creased, triggered by empirical progress (both in the fields of observation and mathematical analysis) and theoretical advances in the stability of geometrical configurations (disks, jets, magnetic fields) and energy generation and reprocess- ing mechanisms. This led to the idea that a conference on the specific topic of variability might be a timely one and ultimately resulted in the production of these proceedings. All the various aspects of variability studies are intimately linked with each other, making logical order a desirable but unrealistic goal. The order of the con- tributions largely follows the order in which they were presented at the conference, broadly dividing between line- and continuum variability, with observational re- sults, methodological approaches and theoretical models accompanying each other. The final part is devoted to the important aspect of propagation-induced variabil- ity. We are grateful to the speakers and posterauthors for sending in the written versions of their contributions. Furthermore, we thank Drs. Klaus Meisenheimer, Thomas Schmutzler and Rainer Wehrse, who helped us to organize this confer- ence. The financial assistance of the Sonderforschungsbereich 328 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and logistic help by its speaker, Prof. Appenzeller, are gratefully acknowledged. Last, but not least, thanks are due to Mr. K. Anton, Mrs. E. B£r, Mrs. M. Darr, Mr. J. Heidt and Mrs. B. Hoffmann for technical help during the conference and in the course of assembling these proceedings. Heidelberg, Wolfgang J. Duschl December 1990 Stefan J. Wagner Max Camenzind Table of Contents HAVE ALL QUESTIONS BEEN ASKED? P. L. Biermann ....................................................... 1 LINE AND CONTINUUM VARIABILITY IN NGC 4151 M. A. J. Snijders ..................................................... 9 THE OPTICAL, ULTRAVIOLET AND X-RAY VARIATIONS IN NGC 4151 M.-H. Ulrich ......................................................... 91 MAPPING THE BLR IN NGC 5548 & NGC 4151 J: Clavel ............................................................. 13 GROUND-BASED STUDIES OF EMISSION-LINE VARIABILITY: RECENT RESULTS FOR NGC 5548 AND FUTURE PLANS B. M. Peterson ....................................................... 47 VARIABILITY OF LINE PROFILES IN NGC 5548 W. Kollatschny, M. Dietrich ....................................... 57 CONTINUUM VARIABILITY IN NGC 5548: IMPLICATIONS FOR THEORETICAL MODELS S. Molendi, L. Maraschl, L. Stella ................................. 65 VARIABILITY IN MARKARIAN 279 G. M. Stirpe ......................................................... 17 A SEARCH FOR VARIABILITY IN PKS 1302-102 N. Jackson ....... : ................................................... 79 METEOROLOGY OF THE BROAD LINE REGION A. Robinson~ E. Pgrez, L. de la Fuente ........................... 83 AN ATLAS OF 2-DIMENSIONAL TRANSFER FUNCTIONS OF THE BROAD LINE REGION E. Pgrez, A. Robinson, L. de la Fuente ........................... 97 LIMITS ON THE EXPANSION OF THE RADIO SOURCE OQ 208 IN MKN 668 A. G. de Bruyn ..................................................... 501 BLR MODELS AND THE L-M RELATION FOR AGNS H. Netzer ............................................................ 107 VARIABILITY OF BL LAC OBJECTS IN THE RADIO REGIME E. Va|taoja ......................................................... 117 INTRADAY RADIO VARIABILITY OF QUASARS AND BL LAC OBJECTS A. Quirrenbach ..................................................... 131 VI Table of Contents THE HIGH FREQUENCY PROPERTIES OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION K. Ballard .......................................................... 143 SYNCHROTRON SOURCE MODELS AND THE INFRARED-OPTICAL VARIABILITY OF BLAZARS K. Meisenhelmer ................................................... 155 RAPID VARIABLITY OF BL LAC OBJECTS IN THE OPTICAL REGIME S. J. Wagner ........................................................ 163 UV VARIABILITY OF BLAZARS A. Treves, E. Girardi .............................................. 175 THE CONNECTION BETWEEN FREQUENCY DEPENDENT POLARIZATION (FDP) AND GROWING RADIO SHOCKS IN BLAZARS L. Valt aoja .......................................................... 179 OPTICAL OBSERVATIONS OF RAPID VARIABILITY IN THE QSO PG 0117+213 R. Ekins, S. Plunkett, B. McBreen ............................... 181 THE CONNECTION BETWEEN BLAZARS AND COMPACT RADIO SOURCES C.-I. Bj~Srnsson. .................................................... 187 VLBI KNOTS AND SUPERLUMINAL MOTION C. A. Hummel ..................................................... 193 RELATIVISTIC JET MODELS AND VARIABLE KNOT EMISSION M. Camenzind ..................................................... 201 PARTICLE ACCELERATION AND VARIABILITY: MAGNETIC RECONNECTION IN AGN H. Lesch ............................................................ 211 ELECTRON-ION COUPLING IN COMPTON-HEATED PLASMAS T. Schmutzler, H. Lesch ........................................... 221 VARIABLE RADIO SOURCES AND THE TWO-FLUID MODELS G. Pelletier, J. Roland, H. Sol .................................... 225 INFRARED VARIABILITY OF ACTIVE NUCLEI M. Ward ............................................................ 235 CONTINUUM VARIABILITY IN QUASARS AND SEYFERT GALAXIES T. J.-L. Courvoisier ................................................ 241 THE VARIABILITY OF LY-ALPHA IN 3C273 P. T. O'Brien, T. J. Harries ....................................... 247 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM OF THE RADIO-QUIET QUASAR 1821+643 AND COMPARISON WITH 3C273 M.-H. Ulrich ....................................................... 249 Table of Contents VII VARIABILITY OF ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI: A THEORIST'S VIEW M. A. Abramowicz ................................................. 255 THE STABILITY OF THICK DISKS W. Glatzel .......................................................... 265 BRIGHTNESS AND COLOR VARIATIONS OF ACCRETION DISKS: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PARAMETERS R. Wehrse, H. StSrzer ............................................. 275 STRUCTURE AND VARIABILITY IN BROAD ABSORPTION LINES OF QUASAR SPECTRA V. L. Afanasjev, E. A. Nazarov, H. Lorenz ...................... 182 ARE THE BROAD EMISSION LINES OF QUASARS AFFECTED BY GRAVITATIONAL MICROLENSING? J. Wambsganss, P. Schneider ...................................... 287 GRAVITATIONAL MICROLENSING AND THE HAMBURG QUASAR MONITORING PROGRAM U. Borgeest, R. Kayser, S. Refsdal, J. Schramm, T. Schramm 192 LENSING OF BL LAC OBJECTS M. Stlckel ............................................................ 303 List of Participants M. Abramowicz, SISSA, International for Advance School Studies, al~artS Costiera ,11 Trieste, 34014 Italy E-Mail: abramowi at itssissa K. Anton, Landessternwarte KSnigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany I. Appenzeller~ Landessternwarte KSnigstuhl, Heidelberg 6900 ,1 Germany E-Mail: ctO at dhdurzl S. Appl, Landessternwarte KSnigstuhl, Heidelberg 6900 ,1 Germany E-Mail: bc7 at dhdurzl K. Ballard~ Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh, EH9 H3 J, U.K. E-Mail: krb at uk.ac.roe.star P. Barr, EXOSAT Observatory, ESTEC, Postbus 299, 2200 GA Noordwijk, The Netherlands E-Mail: exosat :: pb B. Baschek, Institut tiK Theoretische Astrophysik, Im Neuenheimer Feld ,165 0096 Heidelberg ,1 Germany :liaM-E 70c at dhdurzl P. Biermann, MPI ri~f Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hfigel ,96 5300 Bonn ,1 Germaay E-Mail: p165bie at mpirbn.uucp C.- I. BjSrnsson, Stockholms Observatorium, 63331 Saltsjabaden, Sweden E-Mail: bjornsso at astro.su.se U. Borgeest~ Hamburger Sternwarte, Hamburg 2050 112, Gojenbergsweg ,08 Germany W. Brinkmann, MPI ffir Extraterrestrische Physik, 8046 Gavching .b Miin- chen, Germany E-Mail: mpe :: wpb H. Brunner, Astronomisches Institut, WMdhguser Str. ,46 7400 Tfibingen, Germany E-Mail: ait :: brunner A. G. de Bruyn, Radiosterrewacht, Postbus ,2 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands E-Mail: ger at nfra.nl M. Camenzlnd, Landessternwarte KSnigstuhl, Heidelberg 6900 ,1 Germany :liaM-E 4ba at dhdurzl J. Clavel, ESA-IUE Observatory, Apartado E 50727, - Madrid, 28080 Spain E-Mail: jclavel at vilspa T.J.-L. Courvolsier, Observatoire de Sanverny, Switzerland 1290 Oen~ve, :liaM-E at cgeuge54 courvois M. D~ither, Institut fiir Theoretische Astrophysik, Im Feld Neuerdaeimer ,165 0096 Heidelberg ,1 Germany hiaM-E 5fb at dhdurzl X List of Participants M. Dietrich, Universit£ts-Sternwarte, Geismarlandstr. ,11 3400 GEttingen, Germany E-Mail: mdietri at dgog~dgl W.3. Duschl, Institut ffir Theoretische Astrophysik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 561, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany cj0 E-Mail: at dhdurzl R. Edelson, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0391, USA E-Mail: rick at jila or elroy :: rick U. Erkens, Landessternwarte KEnigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany E-Mail: i61 at dhdurzl H. Fink, MPI ffir Extraterrestrische Physik, 8046 Oarching b. MEnchen, Germany E-Maih rosap hhf at dgaippls or rope :: hhf K.J. Frlcke, Universit£ts-Sternwarte, Geismarlandstr. ,11 3400 G6ttingen, Germany K.-D. Fritz, MPI fEr Kernphysik, Postfach 103980, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Ger- many W. Glatzel, Universit£tssternwarte GEttingen, Geismarlandstr. ,11 3400 GEttingen, Germany E-Mail: wglatze at dgogwdgl E. van Gronlngen, Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, Box 515, 157 02 Upp- sala, Sweden 21609 E-Mail: :: laban :: ernst M. Haehnelt, Landessternwarte KEnigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg, Germany J. Heidt, Landessternwarte KEnigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany E-Mail: p20 at dhdurzl K. Horne, STScI, Homewood Campus, San Martin Drive 3700, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA E-Maih horne at stsci C.A. Hummel, MPI ffir Radioastronomie, Auf dem HEgel ,96 5300 Bonn ,1 Germany E-Mail: p479chu at mpirbn.uucp N. Jackson, University of Manchester, Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratory, Jodrell Bank, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SKll 9DL, U.K E-Mail: njj at starlink.jodrell-bank.manchester.ac.uk J. Kirk, MPI fEr Kernphysik, Postfach 103980, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany R. Khanna, Landessternwarte KEnigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany W. Kollatschny, Universit£ts-Sternwarte, Geismarlandstr. ,11 3400 G6ttingen, Germany E-Maih wkollat at dgogwdgl T.Krichbaum, MPI f/Jr Radioastronomie, Auf dem HEgel 69,. 5300 Bonn ,1 Germany E-Mail: p459kri at mpirbn.uucp H. Lesch, Landessternwarte KEnigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg, Germany H. Lorenz, Zentralinstitut ffir Astrophysik, 1591 Potsdam, Germany List of Participants XI B. McBreen, Physics Dept., University College, Sillorgan Road, Dublin 4, Ireland E-Mail: bmcbreen at irl.earn K. Melsenhelmer, MPI fiir Astronomie, KSnigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Ger- many E-Mail: meise at dhdmpisv S. Molendi, MPI .f extraterr. Physik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str.1, 8046 Garching b. Mfinchen, Germany E-Mail: mpe :: sil H. Netzer, School of Physics, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel :liaM-E 13h at taunos P. O'Brien, Dept. of Phys., University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, U.K. :liaM-E pto at r plvad starlink.ucl.ac.uk O :: zouad :: pro I. Papadakis, Department of Physics, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, U.K. :liaM-E jhep at uk.ac.qnc.star H. Paul, Zentralinstitut ffir Astrophysik, 1591 Potsdam, Germany M. Penston, Royal Greenwich Observatory, Madingley Rd., Cambridge CB3 OEZ, U.K. E-Mail: mvp at starlink, astronomy.cambridge.ac.uk E. P@rez, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain E-Maih 28844 :: jpe ro 28846 :: ]pe B. Peterson, Dept. fo Astronomy, 174 West 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-II06, USA E-Mail: peterson at ohstpy A. quirrenbach, MPI fiir Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hfigel ,96 5300 Bonn, Germany A. Robinson, Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Rd., Cambridge CB3 OEZ, U.K. E-Mail: ar at starlink.astronomy.cambridge.ac.uk H.-J. RSser, MPI fiir Astronomie, K6nigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany E-Maih roeser at dhdmpisv E. Rokaki, Institute d'Astrophysique, 98bis, Blvd. Arago, 75014 Paris, France iapobs E-Mail: :: rokaki rokaki or at friap51 J. Roland, Institute d'Astrophysique, 98bis, Blvd. Arago, 75014 Paris, France E-Maih roland at friapS1 R. Schaaf, Institut ffir Astrophysik, Auf dem Hiigel 71, 5300 Bonn ,1 Germany E-Mail: k412rei at mpirbn.uucp T. Schmutzler, MPI f~r Kernphysik, Postfach 103980, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany T. Snljders, Astronomisches Institut, W~ldh£user Str. 64, 7400 Tiibingen, Germany E-Mail: aitmyx :: snijders XII List of Participants H. Sponholz, Insti~ut f/ir Theoretische Astrophysik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 661, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany :liaM-E g82 at dhdurzl M. Stiekel, MPI flit Astronomie, KSnigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany E-Mail: stickel at dhdmpisv G. Sfirp% Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Via Zamboni ,33 40126 Bologna, Italy :liaM-E astbo3 :: giovanna or giovanna at astbo3.cineca.it H. StSrzer, Institut ffir Theoretische Astrophysik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 561, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany :liaM-E y98 at dhdurzl A. Treves, Dip. di Fisica, Universita di Milano, Via Celoria ,61 20133 Milano, Italy :liaM-E vaxmi :: treves M.-H. Ulrleh, ESO, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, 8046 Gazching b. Mfinehen, Germany :liaM-E marie at dgaeso51 E. VaRaoja, Turku University Observatory, SF - 21500 PiikkiS, Finland E-Mail: valtaoja at kontu.utu.fi L. Valtaoja, Turku University Observatory, SF - 21600 Piikki6, Finland E-Mail: valtaoja at kontu.utu.fi S. Wagner, Landessternwarte KSnigstuhl, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany E-Mail: w08 at dhdurzl J. Wambsganss, MPI Astrophysik, Karl-Sehwarzschild-Str. ,1 8046 Garching b. Mfinchen, Germany E-Mail: jkw at dgaippls I. Wanders, Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, Box 515, 157 02 Uppsala, Sweden E-Mail: plafys :: laban :: ignaz M. J. Ward, Dept. of Astrophysics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford, U.K. R. Wegner, MPI ffir Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hfigel 69, 5300 Bonn ,1 Germany R. Wehrse, Institut fiir Theoretische Astrophysik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 561, 6900 Heidelberg ,1 Germany E-Mail: b28 at dhdurzl A. Witzel, MPI fiir Radioastronomie, Auf dem H(igel 69, 5300 Bonn ,1 Ger- many E-Mail: plO3wzl at mpirbn.uucp

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