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Vander et al.: Human Front Matter Abbreviations Used in the © The McGraw−Hill Physiology: The Text Companies, 2001 Mechanism of Body Function, Eighth Edition ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE TEXT A actin, adenine CP creatine phosphate G guanine A surface area CPK creatine phosphokinase g gram ACE angiotensin converting enzyme CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation G phase “time out” phase of cell 0 acetyl CoA acetyl coenzyme A Cr creatinine cycle ACh acetylcholine CRH corticotropin releasing hormone G phase first gap phase of cell cycle 1 ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone CSF cerebrospinal fluid, colony- G phase second gap phase of cell 2 (adrenocorticotropin, stimulating factor cycle corticotropin) CTP cytosine triphosphate GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid ADCC antibody-dependent cellular cyclic AMP cyclic 3(cid:2),5(cid:2)-adenosine GDP guanosine diphosphate cytotoxicity monophosphate GFR glomerular filtration rate ADH antidiuretic hormone GH growth hormone (vasopressin) d dalton GHRH growth hormone releasing ADP adenosine diphosphate DA dopamine hormone AIDS acquired immune deficiency DAG diacylglycerol G inhibitory G protein i syndrome (cid:1) change GI gastrointestinal alv alveoli (cid:1)E internal energy liberated GIP glucose-dependent insulinotropic AMP adenosine monophosphate DHEA dihydroepiandrosterone peptide ANF atrial natriuretic factor (cid:1)P pressure difference GLP-1 glucagon-like peptide-1 AP action potential DKA diabetic ketoacidosis GMP guanosine monophosphate APC antigen-presenting cell dl deciliter GnRH gonadotropin releasing atm atmosphere DNA deoxyribonucleic acid hormone ATP adenosine triphosphate DP diastolic pressure G stimulating G protein s AV atrioventricular DPG 2,3-diphosphoglycerate GTP guanosine triphosphate BM basement membrane e(cid:3) electron H hydrogen (H(cid:1)hydrogen ion) BMI body mass index E electric potential difference, voltage, H heat BMR basal metabolic rate internal energy h hour E epinephrine, enzyme Hb deoxyhemoglobin C Celsius (centigrade), creatine, ECF extracellular fluid HbH deoxyhemoglobin cytosine, carbon, capillary, ECG electrocardiogram HbO oxyhemoglobin 2 cervical ECL enterochromaffin-like cell HCl hydrochloric acid C clearance, concentration ECT electroconvulsive therapy HCO (cid:3) bicarbonate ion 3 Ca calcium (Ca2(cid:1)calcium ion) EDRF endothelium-derived relaxing HDL high-density lipoprotein cal calorie factor HGF hematopoietic growth factor CAM cell adhesion molecule EDV end-diastolic volume HIV human immunodeficiency virus cAMP cyclic 3(cid:2),5(cid:2)-adenosine EEG electroencephalogram H O hydrogen peroxide 2 2 monophosphate EF ejection fraction HPO 2(cid:3), H PO (cid:3) phosphate ion, 4 2 4 CCK cholecystokinin EKG electrocardiogram inorganic orthophosphate C creatinine clearance EP endogenous pyrogen HR heart rate Cr cdc kinases cell division cycle kinases Epi epinephrine 5-HT serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine CG chorionic gonadotropin EPP end-plate potential Hz hertz, or cycles per second C glucose clearance EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential G cGMP cyclic 3(cid:2),5(cid:2)-guanosine ES enzyme-substrate complex I current monophosphate ESV end systolic volume IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes CGRP calcitonin gene-related peptide ET-1 endothelin-1 mellitus C intracellular concentration (cid:2)(eta) fluid viscosity IF interstitial fluid i CK creatine kinase Ig immunoglobulin C lung compliance F net flux, flow IGF-I insulin-like growth factor I L Cl chlorine (Cl(cid:3)chloride ion) FAD flavine adenine dinucleotide IGF-II insulin-like growth factor II cm centimeter Fe iron IL-1 interleukin 1 CNS central nervous system FEV forced expiratory volume in 1 s IL-2 interleukin 2 1 CO carbon monoxide, cardiac output FFA free fatty acid IL-6 interleukin 6 C extracellular concentration f influx In inulin o i CO carbon dioxide f efflux in inch 2 o CoA coenzyme A FRC functional residual capacity IP inositol trisphosphate 3 XCOOH carboxyl group (XCOO(cid:3) FSH follicle-stimulating hormone IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential carboxyl ion) ft feet IUD intrauterine device COX cyclooxygenase FVC forced vital capacity Vander et al.: Human Front Matter Abbreviations Used in the © The McGraw−Hill Physiology: The Text Companies, 2001 Mechanism of Body Function, Eighth Edition JG juxtaglomerular NE norepinephrine RNA ribonucleic acid JGA juxtaglomerular apparatus NFP net filtration pressure RQ respiratory quotient ng nanogram rRNA ribosomal RNA K potassium (K(cid:1)potassium ion) XNH amino group (XNH (cid:1)ionized 2 3 kcal kilocalorie amino group) s second, sacral kg kilogram NH ammonia S substrate, substance 3 km/h kilometer per hour NH (cid:1) ammonium ion S phase synthesis phase of cell cycle 4 k permeability constant NIDDM noninsulin-dependent SA sinoatrial p diabetes mellitus SAD seasonal affective disorder L liter, lumbar NK cell natural killer cell SE substrate-enzyme complex L tube length nm nanometer SERM selective estrogen receptor lb pound nM nanomolar modulator LDH lactate dehydrogenase nmol nanomol (cid:3)SH sulfhydryl group LDL low-density lipoprotein NO nitric oxide SO 2(cid:3) sulfate ion 4 LH luteinizing hormone NPY neuropeptide Y SP systolic pressure l optimal length NREM nonrapid eye movement SR sarcoplasmic reticulum o LSD lysergic acid diethylamide NSAIDs nonsteroidal anti- SRY sex-determining region on the Y LTD long-term depression inflammatory drugs chromosome LTP long-term potentiation SS somatostatin O oxygen SSRIs serotonin-specific reuptake 2 m meter, milli- O (cid:4)(cid:3) superoxide anion inhibitors 2 M molar, myosin XOH(cid:3) hydroxyl group STD sexually transmitted disease M° activated myosin OH(cid:4) hydroxyl radical SV stroke volume M phase mitosis phase of cell cycle 1,25-(OH) D 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin 2 3 MAC membrane attack complex D T thymine, thoracic 3 MAP mean arterial pressure Osm osmolar T triiodothyronine 3 mEq milliequivalent T thyroxine 4 MES microsomal enzyme system p pico TENS transcutaneous electric nerve mg milligram P product stimulation Mg magnesium (Mg2(cid:1)magnesium P partial pressure, pressure, t-PA tissue plasminogen activator ion) permeability, plasma T tubule transverse tubule MHC major histocompatibility concentration of a substance TBW total body water complex PAH para-aminohippurate TFPI tissue factor pathway inhibitor mi mile P alveolar pressure TH thyroid hormones alv mi/h miles per hour P atmospheric pressure TIA transient ischemic attack atm MIS Müllerian inhibiting substance P Bowman’s space pressure T transport maximum BS m min minute P glomerular capillary pressure TNF tumor necrosis factor GC miu milli international units PF platelet factor TPR total peripheral resistance ml milliliter pg picogram TRH thyrotropin releasing hormone mM millimolar PGA prostaglandin of the Atype tRNA transfer RNA mmol millimol PGE prostaglandin of the E type TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone mm millimeter PGE prostaglandin E 2 2 mmHg millimeters of mercury PGI prostacyclin, prostaglandin I U uracil 2 2 mol mole PHI peptide histidine isoleucine U urine concentration of a substance mOsm milliosmolar PHM peptide histidine methionine UTP uracil triphosphate mOsmol milliosmol P inorganic phosphate i mRNA messenger RNA PIH prolactin inhibiting hormone V volume, volume of urine per unit ms millisecond P intrapleural pressure time ip (cid:3)g microgram PIP phosphatidylinositol VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide 2 (cid:3)l microliter bisphosphate V lung volume L (cid:3)m micrometer pM picomolar VLDL very low density lipoprotein (cid:3)M micromolar PMDD premenstrual dysphoric Va max maximal oxygen O2 (cid:3)mol micromol disorder consumption (cid:3)V microvolt PMS premenstrual syndrome vWF von Willebrand factor mV millivolt PRF prolactin releasing factor PRG primary response gene W work n any whole number P plasma concentration of substance s s N nitrogen x general term for any substance Na sodium (Na(cid:1)sodium ion) R remainder of molecule, resistance NAD(cid:1) nicotinamide adenine r inside radius of tube dinucleotide REM rapid eye movement Vander et al.: Human Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Physiology: The preface Companies, 2001 Mechanism of Body Function, Eighth Edition Preface T Goals and Orientation (Chapter 7) for membrane receptors, and again in Part Three (Chapter 20) for antibodies. In this manner, the The purpose of this book remains what it was in the student is helped to see the basic foundations upon first seven editions: to present the fundamental prin- which more complex functions such as homeostatic ciples and facts of human physiology in a format that neuroendocrine and immune responses are built. is suitable for undergraduate students, regardless of Another example: Rather than presenting, in a academic backgrounds or fields of study: liberal arts, single chapter, a gland-by-gland description of all biology, nursing, pharmacy, or other allied health pro- the hormones, we give a description of the basic fessions. The book is also suitable for dental students, principles of endocrinology in Chapter 10, but then and many medical students have also used previous save the details of individual hormones for later editions to lay the foundation for the more detailed chapters. This permits the student to focus on the coverage they receive in their courses. functions of the hormones in the context of the home- The most significant feature of this book is its clear, ostatic control systems in which they participate. up-to-date, accurate explanations of mechanisms, rather than the mere description of facts and events. Alternative Sequences Because there are no limits to what can be covered in an introductory text, it is essential to reinforce over and Given the inevitable restrictions of time, our organi- over, through clear explanations, that physiology can zation permits a variety of sequences and ap- be understood in terms of basic themes and principles. proaches to be adopted. Chapter 1 should definitely As evidenced by the very large number of flow dia- be read first as it introduces the basic themes that grams employed, the book emphasizes understanding dominate the book. Depending on the time available, based on the ability to think in clearly defined chains the instructor’s goals, and the students’ backgrounds of causal links. This approach is particularly evident in physical science and cellular and molecular biol- in our emphasis of the dominant theme of human ogy, the chapters of Part One can be either worked physiology and of this book—homeostasisas achieved through systematically at the outset or be used more through the coordinated function of homeostatic con- selectively as background reading in the contexts of trol systems. Parts Two and Three. To repeat, we have attempted to explain, integrate, In Part Two, the absolutely essential chapters and synthesize information rather than simply to are, in order, Chapters 7, 8, 10, and 11, for they describe, so that students will achieve a working present the basic concepts and facts relevant to knowledge of physiology, not just a memory bank of homeostasis, intercellular communication, signal physiological facts. Since our aim has been to tell a co- transduction, nervous and endocrine systems, and herent story, rather than to write an encyclopedia, we muscle. This material, therefore, is critical for an un- have been willing to devote considerable space to the derstanding of Part Three. logical development of difficult but essential concepts; We believe it is best to begin the coordinated examples are second messengers (Chapter 7), mem- body functions of Part Three with circulation (Chap- brane potentials (Chapter 8), and the role of intrapleural ter 14), but otherwise the chapters of Part Three, as pressure in breathing (Chapter 15). well as Chapters 9, 12, and 13 of Part Two, can be re- In keeping with our goals, the book progresses arranged and used or not used to suit individual in- from the cell to the body, utilizing information and structor’s preferences and time availability. principles developed previously at each level of com- plexity. One example of this approach is as follows: the characteristics that account for protein specificity are Revision Highlights presented in Part One (Chapter 4), and this concept is used there to explain the “recognition” process exhib- There were two major goals for this revision: (1) to ited by enzymes. It is then used again in Part Two redo the entire illustration program (and give the xvi Vander et al.: Human Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Physiology: The Companies, 2001 Mechanism of Body Function, Eighth Edition PREFACE xvii general layout of the book a “face-lift”) for greater response to suggestions by our colleagues, many top- teaching effectiveness, clarity, consistency, and esthetic ics have either been significantly altered or added for appeal; and (2) to update all material and assure the the first time in this edition; the following is a partial greatest accuracy possible. list of these topics. Illustration Program Chapter 1 Introductory section: “The Scope of Human Almost all the figures have been redone to some ex- Physiology” tent, ranging from a complete redrawing of the figure Chapter 2 New figures: Hemoglobin molecule, DNA double helix base pairings, purine-pyrimidine to simply changing the labeling of graph axes for hydrogen bond pairings greater clarity. Figures 20–1 and 20–10 (Figure 20–9 in Chapter 3 Cholesterol in membrane function the previous edition) provide examples of how a more Procedures for studying cell organelles realistic three-dimensional perspective has been added Endosomes to many of the figures, and Figure 20–13 (Figure Peroxisomes 20–12 in the previous edition) shows how the pictur- Chapter 5 Mitochondrial DNA ing of complex events has been improved. Also, even Preinitiation complex when a specific part of the text has not required revi- Factors altering the activity of specific cell proteins sion, we have added some new figures (for example, Protein delivery and entry into mitochondria Figure 20–7) to illustrate the text, particularly in the Regulation of cell division at checkpoints in mitotic case of material we know to be difficult. cycle Of course, the extensive use of flow diagrams, Chapter 6 Patch clamping which we introduced in our first edition, has been Primary active-transport mechanisms continued. Conventions, which have been expanded Digitalis and inhibition of Na,K-ATPase in this edition, are used in these diagrams through- Cystic fibrosis chloride channel out the book to enhance learning. Look, for example, Endocytosis at Figure 16–28. The beginning and ending boxes of New figures illustrating transporter conformational the flow diagram are in green, and the beginning is changes further clarified by the use of a “Begin” logo. Blue Chapter 7 Paracrine/autocrine agents three-dimensional boxes are used to denote events Melatonin and brain pacemakers that occur inside organs and tissues (identified by Receptors as tyrosine kinases and guanylyl cyclase bold-faced underlined labels in the upper right of the JAK kinases and receptors boxes), so that the reader can easily pick out the Phospholipase, diacylglycerol, and inositol anatomic entities that participate in the sequences of trisphosphate events. The participation of hormones in the se- Calcium-induced calcium release quences stand out by the placing of changes in their Receptor inactivation plasma concentrations in reddish/orange boxes. Sim- Chapter 8 Regeneration of neurons ilarly, changes in urinary excretion are shown in yel- Comparison of voltage-gated sodium and potassium low boxes. All other boxes are purple. Thus, color is channels used in these diagrams for particular purposes, not Information on neurotransmitters just for the sake of decoration. Functional anatomy of the central nervous system Other types of color coding are also now used con- Chapter 9 Pain sistently throughout the book. Thus, to take just a few Olfaction examples, there are specific colors for the extracellular Chapter 10 Diagnosis of the site of a hormone fluid, the intracellular fluid, muscle, particular mole- abnormality cules (the two strands of DNA, for example), and the Chapter 11 Passive elastic properties and role of titan lumen of the renal tubules and GI tract. Even a quick Factors causing fatigue perusal of Chapter 20 will reveal how consistent use Role of nitric oxide in relaxing smooth muscle of different colors for the different types of lympho- Chapter 12 Cortical control of motor behavior cytes, as well as macrophages, should help learning. Parkinson’s disease Effect of the corticospinal pathways on local-level Updating of Material neurons Once again, we have considerably rewritten material Walking to improve clarity of presentation. In addition, as noted Chapter 13 Electroencephalogram above, most figures have been extensively redone, and Sleep new figures have been added (only a few of these are Binding problem listed below). Finally, as a result of new research or in Emotions Vander et al.: Human Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Physiology: The Companies, 2001 Mechanism of Body Function, Eighth Edition xviii PREFACE Schizophrenia Parturition and placental corticotropin releasing Serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) hormone Learning and memory, and their neural bases Postcoital contraception Chapter 14 Erythropoietin mechanism of action Lack of crossing-over in X and Ychromosomes Anti-angiogenic factors in treatment of cancer ACTH and onset of puberty Capillary filtration coefficient Leptin and onset of puberty Shock Tamoxifen and selective estrogen receptor modulators Static exercise and blood pressure (SERMs) Aging and heart rate Chapter 20 Carbohydrates and lipids as nonspecific Drug therapy for hypertension, heart failure, and markers on foreign cells coronary artery disease C-reactive protein and other nonspecific opsonins Dysfunctional endothelium in atherosclerosis Apoptosis of immune cells Homocysteine, folate, and vitamin E in atherosclerosis Mechanism by which diversity arises in lymphocytes Coronary stents Tumor necrosis factor and lymphocyte activation Nitric oxide and peripheral veins Roles of acute phase proteins Platelet receptors for fibrinogen Mechanisms of immune tolerance Therapy of stroke with t-PA Psychological stress and disease Chapter 15 Pulmonary vessels and gravitational/physical Also, our coverage of pathophysiology, everyday ap- forces plications of physiology, exercise physiology, and mol- Hemoglobin cooperativity ecular biology have again been expanded. Carbon monoxide and oxygen carriage Despite many additions, a ruthless removal of ma- Emphysema terial no longer deemed essential has permitted us to Chapter 16 Mesangial cells and glomerular filtration maintain the text size unchanged from the previous coefficient edition. Channels, transporters, and genetic renal diseases Finally, The Dynamic HumanCD-ROM is correlated Micturition, including role of sympathetic neurons to several figures. ADynamic Human (dancing man) Aquaporins icon appears in appropriate figure legends. The Medullary circulation and urinary concentration WCB Life Science Animations Videotape Series is also Pressure natriuresis correlated to several figure legends, and videotape Calcitonin icons appear in relevant figure legends. Bisphosphonates and osteoporosis Chapter 17 Colipase and fat digestion HCl secretion and inhibitory role of somatostatin Study Aids Intestinal fluid secretion and absorption Chapter 18 Inhibition of glucagon secretion by insulin Avariety of pedagogical aids are utilized: Roles of HDLand LDL IGF-I and fetal growth 1. Bold-faced key termsthroughout each chapter. IGF-II Clinical terms are designated by bold-faced Mechanism of calorigenic effect of thyroid hormones italics. Leptin effects on hypothalamus and anterior 2. The illustration program is described earlier in pituitary the preface. Overweight and obesity 3. Summary tables. We have increased the number Fever and neural pathways from liver of reference and summary tables in this edition. Endogenous cryogens Some summarize small or moderate amounts of Chapter 19 Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) information (for example, the summary of the Viagra (mechanism of action) major hormones influencing growth in Table Therapy of prostate cancer with blockers of 18–6), whereas others bring together large dihydrotestosterone formation amounts of information that may be scattered Mechanism of dominant follicle selection and function throughout the book (for example, the reference Mechanism of corpus luteum regression figure of liver functions in Chapter 17). In Estrogen effect in males several places, mini-glossaries are included as Cause of premenstrual tension, syndrome, and reference tables in the text (for example, the list dysphoric disorder of immune-system cells and chemical mediators Estrogen, learning, and Alzheimer’s disease in Chapter 20). Because the tables complement Oxytocin and sperm transport the figures, these two learning aids taken Vander et al.: Human Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Physiology: The Companies, 2001 Mechanism of Body Function, Eighth Edition PREFACE xix together provide a rapid means of reviewing the tools needed for teaching on-line, or for most important material in a chapter. incorporating technology in the traditional 4. End-of-section or chapter study aids course. a. Extensive summaries in outline form 3. The Student Study Guideis now available as part b. Key-term lists of all bold-faced words in the of the Online Learning Center. Written by section/chapter (excluding the clinical terms) Donna Van Wynsberghe of the University of c. Comprehensive review questions in essay Wisconsin—Milwaukee, it contains a large format. These review questions, in essence, variety of study aids, including learning hints constitute a complete list of learning objectives. and many test questions with answers. d. Clinical term lists of all bold-face italicized 4. Instructor’s Manual and Test Item File(007-290803-3) words in the chapter. This serves to remind the by Sharon Russell of the University of student of how the physiology has been applied California—Berkeley contains suggestions for to clinical examples in the chapter. teaching, as well as a complete test item file. e. Thought questions that challenge the student 5. MicroTest III testing software.Available in to go beyond the memorization of facts to solve Windows (007-290805-X) and Macintosh (007- problems, often presented as case histories or 290804-1). Acomputerized test generator for use experiments. Complete Answers to Thought with the text allows for quick creation of tests Questions are given in Appendix A. based on questions from the test item file and The chapter summaries, key-term definition lists, requires no programming experience. and review questions appear at the ends of the sec- 6. Overhead transparencies(007-290806-8). Aset of tions in those chapters that are broken into sections. 200 full-color transparencies representing the These aids appear at the ends of nonsectioned chap- most important figures from the book is ters. Clinical term lists and thought questions are al- available to instructors. ways at the ends of chapters. 7. McGraw-Hill Visual Resource Library(007-290807-6). 5. Avery extensive glossary, with pronunciation ACD-ROM containing all of the line art from the guides, is provided in Appendix B. text with an easy-to-use interface program 6. Appendixes C and D present, respectively, enabling the user to quickly move among the English-metric interconversions and images, show or hide labels, and create a Electrophysiology equations. Appendix E is an multimedia presentation. outline index of exercise physiology. 7. Acomplete alphabetized list of all abbreviations Other Materials Available used in the text is given on the endpapers (the insides of the book’s covers). from McGraw-Hill 8. The Dynamic HumanCD-ROM (0697-38935-9) Supplements illustrates the important relationships between anatomical structures and their functions in the 1. Essential Study Partner(007-235897-1). This human body. Realistic computer visualization CD-ROM is an interactive study tool packed and three-dimensional visualizations are the with hundreds of animations and learning premier features of this CD-ROM. Various activities, including quizzes, and interactive figures throughout this text are correlated to diagrams. Aself-quizzing feature allows students modules of The Dynamic Human.See pages xxvi– to check their knowledge of a topic before xxvii for a detailed listing of figures. moving on to a new module. Additional unit 9. The Dynamic Human Videodisc(0-667-38937-5) exams give students the opportunity to review contains all the animations (200(cid:1)) from the coverage after completing entire units. Alarge CD-ROM. Abar code directory is also available. number of anatomical supplements are also 10. Life Science Animations Videotape Seriesis a series included. The ESPis packaged free with of five videotapes containing 53 animations that textbooks. cover many of the key physiological processes. 2. Online Learning Center(http://www.mhhe.com/ Another videotape containing similar animations biosci/ap/vander8e/). Students and instructors is also available, entitled Physiological Concepts of gain access to a world of opportunities through Life Science.Various figures throughout this text this Web site. Students will find quizzes, are correlated to animations from the Life Science activities, links, suggested readings, and much Animations.See pages xxvii–xxviii for a detailed more. Instructors will find all the enhancement listing of figures. Vander et al.: Human Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Physiology: The Companies, 2001 Mechanism of Body Function, Eighth Edition xx PREFACE Tape 1: Chemistry, The Cell, Energetics (0-697- Study Cards offer a quick and effective way for 25068-7) students to review human anatomy and Tape 2: Cell Division, Heredity, Genetics, physiology. Reproduction and Development (0-697-25069-5) 18. Coloring Guide to Anatomy and Physiology(0-697- Tape 3: Animal Biology I (0-697-25070-9) 17109-4) by Robert and Judith Stone emphasizes Tape 4: Animal Biology II (0-697-25071-7) learning through the process of color association. Tape 5: Plant Biology, Evolution, and Ecology The Coloring Guide provides a thorough review (0-697-26600-1) of anatomical and physiological concepts. Tape 6: Physiological Concepts of Life Science 19. Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles(0-697-13790-2) by (0-697-21512-1) Robert and Judith Stone is a guide to the 11. Life Science Animations 3D CD-ROM structure and function of human skeletal (007-234296-X). More than 120 animations that muscles. The illustrations help students locate illustrate key biological processes are available at muscles and understand their actions. your fingertips on this exciting CD-ROM. This 20. Laboratory Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology(0-697- CD contains all of the animations found on the 39480-8) by Eder, et al., is a full-color atlas Essential Study Partnerand much more. The containing histology, human skeletal anatomy, animations can be imported into presentation human muscular anatomy, dissections, and programs, such as PowerPoint. Imagine the reference tables. benefit of showing the animations during lecture. 21. Case Histories in Human Physiology, third edition, 12. Life Science Animations 3D Videotape(007-290652-9). by Donna Van Wynesberghe and Gregory Cooley Featuring 42 animations of key biologic is a web-based workbook that stimulates processes, this tape contains 3D animations and analytical thinking through case studies and is fully narrated. Various figures throughout this problem solving; includes an instructor’s answer text are correlated to video animations. See page key. (www.mhhe.com/biosci/ap/vanwyn/). xxviii for a detailed listing of figures. 22. Survey of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases(0-697- 13. Life Science Living LexiconCD-ROM (0-697-37993-0 27535-3) by Kent M. Van De Graaff is a black- hybrid) contains a comprehensive collection of and-white booklet that presents the essential life science terms, including definitions of their information on 100 of the most common and roots, prefixes, and suffixes as well as audio clinically significant diseases. pronunciations and illustrations. The Lexicon is student-interactive, featuring quizzing and notetaking capabilities. Acknowledgments 14. The Virtual Physiology LabCD-ROM (0-697-37994-9 hybrid) containing 10 dry labs of the most We are grateful to those colleagues who read one or common and important physiology experiments. more chapters during various stages of this revision: 15. Anatomy and Physiology Videodisc(0-697-27716-X) Jennifer Carr Burtwistle is a four-sided videodisc containing more than Northeast Community College 30 animations of physiological processes, as well as line art and micrographs. Abar code directory Nicholas G. Despo is also available. Thiel College 16. Anatomy and Physiology Video Seriesconsists of Jean-Pierre Dujardin the following: The Ohio State University a. Internal Organs and the Circulatory System of the Cat (0-697-13922-0) David A. Gapp b. Blood Cell Counting, Identification & Hamilton College Grouping (0-697-11629-8) H. Maurice Goodman c. Introduction to the Human Cadaver and University of Massachusetts Medical School Prosection (0-697-11177-6) d. Introduction to Cat Dissection: Musculature David L. Hammerman (0-697-11630-1) Long Island University 17. Study Cards for Anatomy and Physiology(007- Dona Housh 290818-1) by Van De Graaff, et al., is a boxed set University of Nebraska Medical Center of 300 3-by-5 inch cards. It serves as a well- organized and illustrated synopsis of the Sarah N. Jerome structure and function of the human body. The University of Central Arkansas Vander et al.: Human Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Physiology: The Companies, 2001 Mechanism of Body Function, Eighth Edition PREFACE xxi Fred Karsch Leeann Sticker University of Michigan Northwestern State University of Louisiana Stephanie Burdine King James D. Stockand Wood College Emory University Steven L. Kunkel Richard Stripp University of Michigan Medical School Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy, Long Island University Michael G. Levitzky Louisiana State University Medical Center Donna Van Wynsberghe University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Joseph V. Martin Rutgers University Samuel J. Velez Dartmouth College John L. McCarthy Southern Methodist University Benjamin Walcott SUNYat Stony Brook Kerry McDonald University of Missouri Curt Walker Dixie College Philip Nelson Barstow College R. Douglas Watson University of Alabama at Birmingham C. S. Nicoll University of California, Berkeley Scott Wells Missouri Southern State College Colleen J. Nolan St. Mary’s University Eric P. Widmaier Boston University David Quadagno Florida State University Judy Williams Southeastern Oklahoma State University Sharon M. Russell University of California, Berkeley John Q. Zhang Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic Allen F. Sanborn Barry University Their advice was very useful in helping us to be accurate and balanced in our coverage. We hope that David J. Saxon they will be understanding of the occasions when we Morehead State University did not heed their advice, and we are, of course, solely Amanda Starnes responsible for any errors that have crept in. We would Emory University like to express our appreciation to Kris Tibbetts, Spon- soring Editor; Pat Anglin, Developmental Editor; and Edward K. Stauffer Peggy Selle, Project Manager. University of Minnesota To our parents, and to Judy, Peggy, and Joe without whose understanding it would have been impossible Vander et al.: Human Front Matter Visual Tour © The McGraw−Hill Physiology: The Companies, 2001 Mechanism of Body Function, Eighth Edition human PART ONE BASIC CELL FUNCTIONS Physiology The Mechanisms of Body Function Visual Tour chapter 16 C H A P T E R Beautifully Rendered _ Full-color Art The Kidneys and Regulation of Water and Inorganic Ions Almost all of the figures have been redone in this edition, ranging from a complete redrawing of the figure to SECTION A Renal Sodium Regulation SECTION D BRSBteAarnsPUGTTSuiuuaIHlcrcobbCli tmYuu nR uFllPSaeaaeurrrrIRrneu OnySRIl aaNceeL orlcSatO C frbiFyPe oIGissttlProtnithYororLaespnecEtmti eoSioKns niOsdeFns eRyEsN aAnLd RAe SnTCCBOuaaoohsrmmnnloeSS ttreeo WrrmeccooRrcerrlleae eeacoopttsteriifftoopepy oGSnntr orooE F nrdCRRx isCoeuaenomgm tnurt toRporlleoa l aoelSt bfo:iw soVfo aneVrspaaosttpoioirpnnersgessinsin HSBIRnoeuYtunfoiCBDenfriarogceRc alnrtre LOrahiMbtsonGtro esegioonE socaB lfNnstoh oeH- fa Ido HOynHyfadNi nysrH dmdoRloirgnEsmogeGgneUeo-LinsoA tnIaTo tIGnOicsaN in stbhiemreepnel -ead dliamdbeeednli sntioog n mcahla anpnyeg rosepfs .et hcAte ir vefieag lhuisartesics for TMSRTBEohEaiCtGsceAaaMR“SSSPCUaiDTtrEEEe nnorUcNieliCugCCCmIiun -ddtvTSCLOuDTTTraBoRpeiraoA oslIIIbia lNanr oeidWWOOOtiCunooynTtPiindc inNNN nosulgooIiOABaapetsan myO nnemcoooAAAttpcT l rtN free feoB ci AtR tvPSKRnbLurrfeW eae UEaSEtryrOroMa lrrsbaVY oSMSbaeaftFtoI eoItnh cesnEMT iUrmoRdroteeS”WE c rAi nM eRsbMuORpTei R:snernmMutQ uaD YieaT booaBnUtl SbhstIhunRlfeiEsAU ep lee oefSCC lSaMLrosiTTebpolhAuIrrest,Oa db i oNaSonSNWuriynrnCpuolSsea ettEAmdtsilenoosTmi ncuaEenmRd, TPSCEHMfEhoAoefCtiHRSSSBKGP1CSSreLtraTaEEEEEeo,miaCcaadso2rnCCCCCsnlIsttabcn5ImOtasoTTTTTeoU tir-etloihIIIIIoaD nNoyurOOOOOMeRylinsn inaim erhoNNNNNSciotd Cglnyse iR i duBBBCCd ttsBCRSEtlre a aioooHSKRSKnaGestsxUUEEiEnnao glioUyVYtYflsMMrte nvum oI L Tri EMATMTtlrorAoDoaWaaEE pfAAmnclTR RtCi stRPRepsiMMIQiaooYnYeOeUStSl naatcNDEssiiS3steuiTeusmImONS CSDDKEliiIaduUCAARSSSHSCCsnrTREEEEedHHeslenCCCCekdmIEiAAPATOtafTTTTyiaTPPrltoliliaIIIIaki NccTTlOOOOoIdRsanDoCsaEEmni elNNNNsaoRRsiESt psla ssoip yi lDDDEsie11aofssoA in66 anSnNsSKRN t,Uss aUCT EeEePeDotMVwHYLMsieo IfI O rMNtEMTn KBiotUWAEIAioA IcCRGAnDRc aRAMQHceYriYNLbdiaUTdS olEo oTEnQDYSsEsaiUiRTis ats IDMeElaO y SnaIsStNTSiodnsIS E,O tdAahNneSSdE (a) CMprlHoatsCesi nII Afrangtigmeennt BeginAntigeDne f(ebn)se Mgtehchraneeism as ocft thoee Brnod yccCeHlAaPpI(ATmBrnE-mtcRitgieu elTntl. nBorW eegycglEoeiNnbp uTtolYairn)7n03d understanding of SECTION C REVIEW QUESTIONS 505 B Cell Clapsrso ItIe MinHC Cprloatsesi nII MHC huMacrmophage reHcTee plcpteeolrrl Cprloatsesi nII MHC Helper T-cell receptor Helper T Cell an Helper T Cell Nucleus Nucleus Chapter Outline Before you begin a chapter, it is FSeIqGueUnRceE o f2 e0ve–nt1s 0by which antigen is processed and presented to a helper T cell by (a) a macrophage or (b) a B cell. In both cases, begin the figure with the antigen in the extracellular fluid. important to have a broad overview of Adapted from Gray, Sette, and Buus. what it covers. Each chapter has an pBr ceeslelns ti nan rteigspeno ntsoe h teol paenrt iTg ecnelilcs sitsi ma suelcaotniodnf,u tnhcet iootnh oerf Antigen-presenting cell being the differentiation of the B cells into antibody- outline that permits you to see at a secreting plasma cells. The bindinPg between helper T-cell receptor and hy antigen bound to class II MHC proteins on an APC is glance how the chapter is organized the essential antigen-specificevent in helper T-cell acti- vation. However, this binding by itself will not result in T-cell activation. In addition, nonspecificinteractions and what major topics are included. oocnc tuhre bseutrwfaeceens ootfh tehre (antotancahnetdig henelipc)e rp Tai rcse lol fa npdro AtePinCs, (see Figure 20-10) and these provide a necessary costimulusfor T-cell ac- p(tTsiIea vLccra-rea1teFlci)tloir,en ina naanl lael(odlF ryna gi,tg ggeutue hmwanreemto i st2ar oh o0nun n–ttneih 1gtct1esher ) one.cos iofcai ss tttt bhiafmieacn chudcteloyiudnrtso g h,(k TecoiNnlafp ueFetsshr) e, eisTnw AttchehePrielclC leh A ut otPako cCpi tnt rha oto1es- CMlHasCs pIIrotereincHTee pclpteoelrlr 1 2 ITLNmN-1oFantca3hnintigge pnriocteins vide yet another important stimulus for activation. Helper T Cell Thus, the APC participates in activation of a helper T cell in three ways: (1) antigen presentation, (2) pro- vanistiiogne noifc ap lcaossmtiam-muleums binr atnhee pforormte ionf, aan md a(t3c)h siencgr entoionn- FIGURE 20–11 of IL-1 and TNF (Figure 20–11). Three events are required for activation of helper T cells: 1 The activated helper T cell itself now secretes var- presentation of the antigen bound to a class II MHC protein ious cytokines that have both autocrine effects on the on an antigen-presenting cell (APC); 2 the binding of helper T cell and paracrine effects on adjacent B cells matching nonantigenic proteins in the plasma membranes and any nearby cytotoxic T cells, NK cells, and still of the APC and the helper T cell; and 3 secretion by the other cell types; we will pick up these stories in later APC of the cytokines interleukin 1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis sections. factor (TNF), which act on the helper T cell.

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