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vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 DOI10.1186/s12889-016-3255-y STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access Study protocol of European Fans in Training (EuroFIT): a four-country randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle program for men delivered in elite football clubs FemkevanNassau1 ,HiddeP.vanderPloeg1*,FrankAbrahamsen2,EivindAndersen2,AnnieS.Anderson3, JudithE.Bosmans4,ChristopherBunn5,MatthewChalmers6,CiaranClissmann7,JasonM.R.Gill8,CindyM.Gray5, KateHunt9,JudithG.M.Jelsma1,JenniferG.LaGuardia10,PierreN.Lemyre2,DavidW.Loudon11,LisaMacaulay5, DouglasJ.Maxwell11,AlexMcConnachie12,AnneMartin13,NikosMourselas11,NanetteMutrie13, RiaNijhuis-vanderSanden14,KylieO’Brien7,HugoV.Pereira15,MatthewPhilpott16,GlynC.Roberts2,JohnRooksby6, MattiasRost6,ØysteinRøynesdal2,NaveedSattar8,MarleneN.Silva15,MaritSorensen2,PedroJ.Teixeira16, ShaunTreweek17,TheovanAchterberg18,IrenevandeGlind14,WillemvanMechelen1andSallyWyke5 Abstract Background: Lifestyle interventions targeting physical activity, sedentarytime and dietary behaviours have the potential to initiate and support behavioural change and result inpublic health gain. Although men have often been reluctant to engage in such lifestyle programs, many are athighrisk of several chronic conditions. We have developed an evidence and theory-based, gender sensitised, health and lifestyle program (EuropeanFans in Training (EuroFIT)), which is designedto attract men through theloyalty theyfeelto the football club they support. Thispaper describes thestudy protocol to evaluate theeffectiveness and cost-effectiveness ofthe EuroFIT program insupportingmento improvetheir level ofphysicalactivityand reduce sedentary behaviour over 12 months. Methods: TheEuroFITstudyisapragmatic,two-arm,randomisedcontrolledtrialconductedin15footballclubsinthe Netherlands,Norway,PortugalandtheUK(England).One-thousandmen,aged30to65years,withaself-reportedBody MassIndex(BMI)≥27kg/m2willberecruitedandindividuallyrandomised.Theprimaryoutcomesareobjectively-assessed changesintotalphysicalactivity(stepsperday)andtotalsedentarytime(minutesperday)at12monthsafterbaseline assessment.Secondaryoutcomesareweight,BMI,waistcircumference,restingsystolicanddiastolicbloodpressure, cardio-metabolicbloodbiomarkers,foodintake,self-reportedphysicalactivityandsedentarytime,wellbeing,self-esteem, vitalityandqualityoflife.Cost-effectivenesswillbeassessedandaprocessevaluationconducted. TheEuroFITprogramwillbedeliveredover12weekly,90-minutesessionsthatcombineclassroomdiscussionwithgraded physicalactivityinthesettingofthefootballclub.Classroomsessionsprovideparticipantswithatoolboxofbehaviour changetechniquestoinitiateandsustainlong-termlifestylechanges.Thecoacheswillreceivetwodaysoftrainingto enablethemtocreateapositivesocialenvironmentthatsupportsmeninengaginginsustainedbehaviourchange. (Continuedonnextpage) *Correspondence:[email protected] 1DepartmentofPublicandOccupationalHealth,andEMGOInstituteforHealth andCareResearch,VUUniversityMedicalCenter,VanderBoechorststraat7, Amsterdam1081BT,TheNetherlands Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2016TheAuthor(s).OpenAccessThisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0 InternationalLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource,providealinkto theCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomainDedicationwaiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)appliestothedatamadeavailableinthisarticle,unlessotherwisestated. vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 Page2of15 (Continuedfrompreviouspage) Discussion:TheEuroFITtrialwillprovideevidenceontheeffectivenessandcost-effectivenessoftheEuroFITprogram deliveredbyfootballclubstotheirmalefans,andwillofferinsightintofactorsassociatedwithsuccessinmaking sustainedchangestophysicalactivity,sedentarybehaviour,andsecondaryoutcomes,suchasdiet. Trialregistration:ISRCTN:81935608.Registered16June2015. Keywords:Intervention,Randomisedcontrolledtrial,Sedentarybehaviour,Physicalactivity,Diet,Long-termbehaviour change,Men’shealth,Footballclub,Cardio-metabolichealth,Obesity Background (3.6, 5.1) greater in the intervention group than the com- Low levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity, parison group [14]. There were also significant between- high level of sedentary behaviour and poor diet are group differences in self-reported physical activity and major threatstopublichealth.Low levels ofmoderate to dietary changes at 12 months, also in favour of the inter- vigorous physical activity are associated with increased vention group. The process evaluation showed that the risk of cardiovascular disease, some cancers (breast and group setting (being with other ‘men-like-me’) facilitated colon in particular) and type 2 diabetes [1, 2]. Sedentary thesebehaviouralchanges[15]. behaviour (any waking activity characterised by an en- European Fans in Training (EuroFIT) builds on the suc- ergyexpenditure≤1.5metabolicequivalentsandasitting cess of FFIT, and uses the allegiance that many men have or reclining posture [3]) is also associated with adverse for top professional football clubs in the Netherlands, health outcomesandincreasedmortality, independentof Portugal, Norway and the UK (England) to attract at-risk time spent being physically active [4–7]. However, the men to engage in lifestyle changes. EuroFIT extends the health risks of high levels of sedentary time are often focusofFFITfromweightloss,physicalactivityanddietto not recognised and are poorly understood by the general includeareductioninsedentarytime.Itmakesamoreex- public. Our recent meta-analysis demonstrated that in- plicitandextensiveuseoftheoryto support sustainedlife- terventions focussing primarily on physical activity have style modifications. It incorporates a novel device (the little effect on sedentary time, whereas those focussing SitFIT™) that allows real-time self-monitoring not only of holistically on a combination of physical activity, dietary physical activity (through step counts), but also of seden- and sedentary behaviours are more successful in redu- tary behaviour (sitting time) and non-sedentary behaviour cing sedentary time [8]. In addition, behavioural inter- (upright time). Finally, participants are also encouraged to ventions that target physical activity as well as diet are useanapp-basedgame(MatchFIT),designedaspartofthe also more likely to result in long-term changes in these EuroFITstudy,toencouragesocialsupportaroundphysical health behavioursandmaintenanceofweightloss [9]. activitybetweensessionsandaftertheendoftheprogram. Becausepoorphysicalactivity,dietaryandsedentarybe- This paper describes the protocol for a randomised con- haviours all contribute to increased risks for many of the trolled trial, which aims to evaluate the effectiveness and same health outcomes, combined lifestyle intervention cost-effectiveness of the EuroFIT program in supporting programs have the potential to have a substantial public mentoimprovetheirlifestylesversusawaitinglistcompari- healthimpact.However,mentendtobeunderrepresented son group that is offered the program after the 12-month in lifestyle change programs, such as weight management follow-up. The primary aim of the trial is to determine programs [10], and are often considered a high-risk, but whether EuroFIT can help men aged 30–65 years with a hard-to-reach or underserved group. Men also have self-reportedBodyMassIndex(BMI)≥27kg/m2toincrease higher risk of diabetes and mortality risks than women at theirphysicalactivityanddecreasetheirsedentarytimeover the same levels of obesity [11]. In response to this, the 12months.Secondaryoutcomesareweight,BMI,waistcir- gender-sensitised Football Fans in Training (FFIT) pro- cumference, resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure, gram was specifically designed to attract overweight and cardio-metabolic blood biomarkers (e.g. glucose, insulin, obese men (aged 35–65) to a program delivered through HbA1c,lipids and liver function), food intake, self-reported thetopfootballclubsinScotlandtosupportmeninlosing physical activity and sedentary time, wellbeing, self-esteem, weight, becoming more active and improving their diet vitalityandqualityoflife.Cost-effectivenesswillbeassessed [12].FFITwassuccessfulinrecruitingmenathighriskof andaprocessevaluationconducted. illhealthfromacrossthesocio-economicspectrum;many reportedthatthefootballclubsettingwasapowerfuldraw Methods in attracting them to the program [13]. A randomised Studydesign controlled trial (RCT) of FFITshowed that mean weight This study is a pragmatic two-arm randomised con- loss at 12 months was 4.9 kg (95 % CI 4.0, 5.9) or 4.4 % trolled trial to assess the effect of the EuroFIT program vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 Page3of15 in four European countries. The trial will be conducted with chronic health conditions, recruitment is aimed at 15 football clubs in the Netherlands (four clubs), to be inclusive. Norway (three clubs), Portugal (three clubs) and the UK Inclusioncriteria: (England; five clubs). In total, 1000 participants will be recruited. Figure 1 summarises the study design using – Men; theCONSORTtemplate. – aged30–65 years; The study was approved in each country by local eth- – self-reportedBMI ≥27 kg/m2atinitialscreening; ics committees before the start of the EuroFIT study – consent torandomisation. (Ethics committee of the VU University Medical Center (2015.184); Regional committees for medical and health Exclusioncriteria: research ethics, Norway (2015/1862); Ethics Council of the Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon – donotprovide atleast4days ofusable datafrom (CEFMH 36/2015); Ethics Committee at the University objectivemeasurementofphysicalactivity/sedentary of Glasgow College of Medicine, Veterinary and Life timeoverthe course ofoneweek(asmeasuredby Sciences(UK)(200140174)). ActivPAL™fromPALtechnologies)atbaseline; – haveacontraindication to moderate intensity Participants physical activity asassessedbythe adapted Physical Evidence from the process evaluation conducted as ActivityReadinessQuestionnaire-Plus(PAR-Q+)[17]; part of the FFIT RCT suggested that one of the fac- – arealreadyparticipatinginaspecifichealthpromotion tors that attracted men to the program initially, and programattheclubatthetimeofscreening. engaged them from the outset, was the recognition it attracted other men ‘like me’, both in terms of ap- EuropeanFansinTraining(EuroFIT)program pearance (e.g., size, shape, level of fitness) as well as The EuroFIT program is designed to support men to: their interest in and allegiance to their football club become more physically active and less sedentary; im- [13, 15, 16]. In order to maximise the chances that prove their diet; and maintain these changes over the men signing up for EuroFIT will also have a sense of long term. The EuroFIT program will be delivered over being with others who were sufficiently ‘like me’, 12, weekly, 90-minute sessions that combine classroom whilst maximising reach, male football fans aged 30 discussion with graded group-based physical activity led to 65, with a self-reported BMI ≥27 kg/m2 at initial by community coaches, with one reunion meeting held screening will be eligible for inclusion. Since a healthy 6–9 months after the program ends. The EuroFIT pro- lifestyle is beneficial for most people, including those gram has built on the weight management, physical Fig.1Projectedtrialprofile vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 Page4of15 activity and healthy eating components used in the FFIT participantswithatoolboxofbehaviourchangetechniques, program[12],but extendsFFIT inthefollowingways: whicharereinforcedandpractisedthroughinteractionand discussion between participants during face-to-face group (cid:1) EuroFITincorporatesa specificfocusonreducing sessions.Thematerialsaredesignedtohelpparticipantsto sedentary timethroughthe integration ofanovel embed the new behaviours into their everyday life so that pocket-worn technology (the SitFITdevelopedby they are able to maintain these changes in the long term. PALtechnologies)forself-monitoringofsedentary Participants choose from the skills and strategies in the andnon-sedentarytimeand agreaterfocuson EuroFITtoolboxtochangetheirphysicalactivity,sedentary sedentary timeinthe classroomdiscussion; behaviour and diet. Simple, practical, relevant messages (cid:1) EuroFITfocuses onphysical activity,sedentary allow participants to understand what they can do to per- behaviourand healthyeating,rather thanweight sonally improve their physical activity, sedentary behaviour loss(although thisisencouragedwhere and diet. The men are supported to choose to engage in appropriate); thebehavioursthatpersonallyfitintheirlifeandtodevelop (cid:1) EuroFITaimstopromotesustainedlifestylechangeby: a clear rationale for why they value these new behaviours. odrawingmore explicitly onmotivational theories Moreover,interactionswithotherparticipantsprovidesup- (Self-DeterminationTheory[18]and port to collaboratively tackle challenges and encourage Achievement GoalTheory[19])toencourage changesbeingmade.Togetherthesecomponentsfosterthe mento develop internalisedandself-relevant formation of new, self-endorsed, healthy lifestyle routines motivationforbecomingmoreactive,sittingless thatsustainbehaviourchange. and eatingahealthierdiet; Self-monitoring of physical activity with a pedometer ofurthersupportingmentodevelop self- is an effective strategy to improve physical activity be- regulationstrategies thatincreasethe valueand haviour [24, 25], and proved to be very popular amongst importanceof health behavioursfortheirown men as one element of the FFIT program [23]. In light lives [20]; ofthis,EuroFIThasdevelopedtheSitFIT,apocket-worn oproviding evengreateremphasisonrelapse activity and sedentary/non-sedentary behaviour monitor. preventiontechniques [21]; The SitFIT provides real time feedback on both step oembeddingbetween-sessionandpost-program counts and upright (non-sedentary) time and so allows peer supportforchangingbehaviourthrough participants to actively self-monitor their daily physical socialmediaand game-basedsocialinteraction activity (steps), sitting time and upright time (time spent (the MatchFITapp); standing and walking). Participants use their SitFIT to (cid:1) EuroFITisculturally-sensitised forthedifferent track their progress against an individualised, incremen- countriestoreflectlocalphysical activity anddietary tal program to increase both their daily step count and norms. time spent upright. The SitFITcan also display steps and upright time data over the past seven days, and each Like FFIT, the program is gender-sensitised in relation participant can obtain a more detailed historical record to context, content and style of delivery. In relation to of his SitFIT data via computer upload (PC and MAC) context, delivery through top professional football clubs to the MatchFIT app. MatchFIT has been developed as aims to attract men either by tapping into the powerful part of the EuroFITstudy to enable between-session so- loyalty and affiliation that many feel (as self-identified cial support via a chat function, and provides a competi- football fans) towards the club they support, or by pro- tive element where each club-based EuroFIT group can viding the opportunity to take part in a program in a compete collectively in a step challenge against a context that men are likely to see as unthreatening to computer-generated football team, using an algorithm male identities. In addition, the EuroFITcoaches will be which takes account of the group’s previous week’s step trained in creating a positive social environment that performance. It should be noted that the competitive supports men in making changes suited to their own element is not a person-to-person competition. Rather, routinesandpreferences. the competition is group-based to enhance the social In relation to content, EuroFIT explicitly targets theory- supportaspectoftheprogram. derivedmechanismsofaction(e.g.autonomousmotivation, In relation to style of delivery, EuroFIT-licensed coa- task-orientedgoals),makesuseofthemostevidence-based ches (who receive two days of standardized training to self-regulationtechniques(e.g.self-monitoring,goalsetting, deliver EuroFIT) help the men feel comfortable and re- implementation intentions) [22] and is also informed by ceptive to change from the outset by reinforcing the ex- sociological theory [15] and how gendered identities relate perience that they are with other ‘men-like-me’ and that tohealthbehaviours[23].Usingthesupportingmanualde- their efforts each week, within and between program veloped by the EuroFIT consortium, coaches will provide sessions, are valued by the coach and the club. In vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 Page5of15 particular, the coaches are instructed in how to create a will be selected on a country by country basis, with the motivational, and autonomy- and mastery-supportive criteria for selection being that they promote forms of climate,and ontheimportance ofunderstandingandre- physical activity that are widely appropriate in their own specting participants’ perspectives and preferences for country and include country-specific physical activity lifestyle change. This delivery style aims to promote in- guidelines. trinsic interest and foster sustained engagement among participants. The coaches learn to provide a rationale for Data collection behaviour change, to collaboratively develop behaviour Recruitment change options for the men to choose from, and to Men willberecruitedthroughthe following clubs: facilitate the development of participants’ personally- relevant goals (rather than imposing goals on them). En- (cid:1) TheNetherlands: ADO DenHaag;FCGroningen; gagement is promoted by ensuring the sessions are en- PSV;Vitesse. joyable, fun, non-dogmatic, experiential and interactive. (cid:1) Norway: Rosenborg BK;Strømsgodset IF;Vålerenga Positive banter is encouraged to create a mutually sup- Fotball. portive ‘team’ environment that helps men to learn from (cid:1) Portugal:FutebolClubedo Porto; Sporting Clube de each other by sharing tips and advice, whilst facilitating Portugal;Sport LisboaeBenfica. interactional styles that men are familiar with in other (cid:1) UK(England): ArsenalFC;Everton FC;Manchester (predominantly) male contexts [26].Importantly, the pro- CityFC;NewcastleUnited FC; StokeCityFC. gram aims to maximise the time spent interacting with peers to promote long-term behaviour changes through Participants will be recruited from June 2015 onwards the collaborative construction of changes to masculine in the Netherlands, Portugal and the UK (England). Due identitiesandthewaystheyareexpressed[15,23]. to the later start of the football season, recruitment in Positive feedback and celebration of individual progress Norway will be from November 2015 onwards. Each of (not just achievement) towards small, short-term goals the 15 clubs across the four countries will recruit up to [19] helps participants feel competent and confident that 100 interested men who will be invited to an initial visit they can succeed in their long-term physical activity, sed- to the club to check eligibility. We aim to include a total entary behaviour, healthy eating targets (as well as weight of1000participantsfor thetrial. loss, if appropriate). Drawing on Self-Determination and We will use different recruitment strategies matching Achievement Goal theories and the process evaluation of individual clubs’ preferences. These may include club- FFIT, men are also encouraged to recognise the personal based activities, such as online publicity (e.g. advertising value and benefits of the changes that they are making on club/fan websites), e-mail, newsletter or social media (e.g. feeling fitter, having more energy) [18]. Throughout announcements (i.e. Twitter, Facebook), poster/flyers, the program, long-term social support [27] is promoted end of season home match-day advertising, face-to-face within the group by encouraging positive interactions to recruitment at home matches (handing out leaflets and build relationships during the 12 weekly sessions and by collecting contact details), active involvement of local encouraging the men to use social media (i.e. WhatsApp, supporters’ organisations and word of mouth. We may Facebook, etc.) and the MatchFIT app to support each also, where appropriate, publicise the program on na- other outside the sessions and to meet up between ses- tional football league websites and try to gain media sions to exercise together, as well as by encouraging the publicity via newspapers (local, regional, national), radio men to enlist the support of their wider social networks and TVcoverage. In addition, national EuroFIT websites (e.g.family,friends).Thelight-touchreunionsession(6–9 will be developed to attract men and provide informa- monthsafter the start ofthe program) provides men with tion aboutparticipation inthetrial. an opportunity to share their experiences of maintaining Men will be able to register their interest online the changes they made during the program since the end through a provided link (developed for the study and oftheinitial12,weeklysessions. linked to the study database). The research team will then phone all men who have registered an interest in Comparisongroup taking part in EuroFITas part of the trial (the only way As a waiting list control group, the comparison group in which the EuroFIT program will be available at this will be placed on a wait list to be offered a guaranteed time). The researchers will discuss the study and con- place on the EuroFIT program after their 12 month duct an initial telephone screening for eligibility by ad- follow-up measurements are completed. In addition, all ministering the PARQ+ and checking that the man is men (both intervention and comparison group) will re- not already involved in another health-related program ceive a healthy lifestyle leaflet following the baseline being delivered by the club. Eligible participants will be measurement and prior to randomisation. These leaflets sent a confirmation e-mail or postal letter, including the vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 Page6of15 participant-information sheet,aconsentform andanap- Participants will be randomly allocated to the EuroFIT pointment to attend an information meeting at their intervention group or the waiting list comparison group club. At this information meeting, researchers will ex- in a 1:1 ratio, stratified by football club. The method of plain the study procedures and inclusion criteria, and randomised permuted blocks will be used, with random take men’s written informed consent for taking part in block lengths (4 or 6). The randomisation schedule for the study. Those who agree to take part in the trial will each club will be generated by a computer program and be asked to indicate in writing whether they are willing stored within the Clinical Trials Unit, with access re- to provide optional blood samples. At the club visit, par- stricted to those responsible for maintenance of the ran- ticipants will be asked to sign the PAR-Q+ screening in- domisation system. Research staff in each country will strument that was previously administered over the not have access to randomisation codes during baseline telephone. Men who have provided informed consent to data collection; when baseline data have been collected, take part in the trial will be fitted with an activPAL local research staff will access the random allocation for activity monitor to wear for the next seven days. Par- eachindividualviaastudywebportal.Datamanagement ticipants who provide at least four days of valid data (at and statistical staff within the Clinical Trials Unit will least 10 h per day of activPAL data) as assessed at a re- nothaveaccesstorandomisationcodespriortodatabase turn visit to the club one week later, will be included in lock, with the exception of statistical staff providing re- the study. They will then complete the remaining base- ports to the Independent Data Monitoring Committee; line assessments and proceed to randomisation. Partici- these staff members will not be involved in the develop- pants with less than four days of valid activPAL data will mentandimplementation ofthe finalstatisticalanalyses. be asked to wear the activPAL for another 7 days or will beexcludedfrom participationinthestudy [28]. Blinding Participants can leave the study at any time for any Because men will know which arm of the study they are reason and without consequences. Intervention group in, blinding is not possible. However, because random- participants who drop out from the EuroFIT program isation occurs later, group allocation will not be known willstillbeinvitedtoattendfollow-upmeasurement ses- toeitherparticipantsorfieldstaffatbaselineassessment. sions as part of the trial. Participants who cannot attend The primary outcomes for the trial will be measured by or fail to show up for their follow-up measurement ap- and downloaded directly from the activPAL, which gives pointment at the club will be offered a home measure- an objective measurement of activity pattern that is not ment visit or visit to the university premises to accessible to either research staff or participants until it maximise retention to the trial. If participants wish to has been processed. The researchers who process activ- fully withdraw from the study, their reason for leaving PALdata willbeblind togroupallocation. the study will be obtained via a structured phone inter- view, wherepossible. Procedures All participants will be offered club vouchers for at- We will collect data at baseline, and at follow-up assess- tending follow-up measurement appointments (post- ments immediately post-program and 12 months after program follow-up: 25 euro/20 pounds/400 kroner; baseline. At six months, participants will be asked to 12 month follow-up 75 euro/60 pounds/600 kroner), as complete an additional short online questionnaire for a gesture of thanks for their time commitment. All par- the economic evaluation. Full details of the measures are ticipants will be offered a short feedback report after the provided below and the timing of each measurement is 12 month measures which summarises their changes on providedinTable1. key outcomesoverthe courseofthetrial. Measurement sessionswillbeheldatthefootballclubs during evenings, in order to maximise attendance of Randomisation participants. All measurements will be conducted by re- We will be using an individually randomised design, as searchers/fieldworkers trained by study staff to standar- was used in the FFIT RCT, which confirmed that the dised protocols. Men who opt into the blood testing will higher sample size and costs associated with a cluster have a venous blood sample taken using trained nurses/ randomised design were unwarranted as minimal con- bioengineers. Participants will be asked to complete a taminationwasobservedbetween interventionandcom- questionnaire(eitherpaper-basedoronatabletprovided parison group participants (the mean difference in bytheresearchteam). Sufficient staffing willbeprovided weight loss between groups adjusted for baseline weight at measurement sessions to allow assistance to be avail- and club was 4.9 kg [95 % CI 4.0,5.9]; a sensitivity ana- able for men with low literacy or other difficulties in lyses adding club as a random effect adjusted for base- completing the questionnaire. In line with best practice, line weight to account for possible clustering gave 4.9 kg country validated versions of the questionnaire will be [95%CI3.8,6.0])[14,29]. used when available. For parts of the questionnaires vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 Page7of15 Table1SummaryofmeasuresusedintheEuroFITtrial Baseline Post-program 6Months 12Months Objectivephysicalactivityandsedentarytime activPALtmmicro X X X activPALwearingdiary(sleep,worktime) X X X Self-reportedbehaviours Foodintake(adaptedDINE) X X X Physicalactivity(IPAQ-short) X X X Domainspecificandtotalsedentarytime(Marshall) X X X Sleepingtime X X X Standingtime X X X Sedentary/activebehaviours(ActivityChoiceIndex) X X X Smoking X X X Objectivephysicalmeasures Bodyheight X Bodyweight X X X Waistcircumference X X X Restingbloodpressure X X X Bloodbiomarkers X X Self-reportedhealthandpsychosocialmeasures Wellbeing(Cantrilladder) X X X Self-esteem(Rosenberg) X X X Vitality X X X QualityofLife(EQ-5D-5L) X X X Longstandingillness,disabilityorinfirmity X X X Jointpain X X X Injuries X X X Self-reportedsociodemographicmoderators Age X Ethnicity X Maritalstatus X Education X Currentemploymentstatus X Income X Self-reportedmediators Motivationforphysicalactivity(adaptedBREQ-2) X X X Ego/Taskinvolvement X X Clubidentification(SportSpectatorIdentificationScale) X X X Weightmanagementstrategies X X X Weightlossactivities X X X Self-reportedmediators(interventiongrouponly) Needsupportofcoach X Needthwartingbycoach X Mastery/performanceclimate X Relatednesstogroup X Needsatisfactionfromphysicalactivity X vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 Page8of15 Table1SummaryofmeasuresusedintheEuroFITtrial(Continued) Self-reportedcost-effectiveness Health-relatedqualityoflife(EQ-5D-5L) X X X X Healthcareuse(iMTA) X X X Consequencesforemployment(iPCQ) X X X Medicationuse(iMCQ) X X Travelcoststoclub X X X Self-reportedprocessevaluation(interventiongrouponly) Coaches X X Participants X X X lackingofficialvalidation,translationwillbedonebymem- – Offermenahome/universityvisitifthey cannot bers of the EuroFIT research teams and back-translated attend orfailtoattend thefollow-up assessmentsat intoEnglishbytheprincipalinvestigatorsineachcountry. the club; – Offermenwhohavesuccessfullycompleteda Fieldworkstafftraining follow-up assessment,aclubvoucherinappreciation Fieldwork staff training will be standardized and quality oftheirtime. assured.Wewillorganiseatrainingmeeting forresearch leads from each country who will then train the field- Primaryoutcomes:objectivephysicalactivityandsedentary workers locally. Standard operating procedures will de- time scribe all aspects of trial delivery including specification The primary outcomes in this trial are changes in total of equipment used in the measurement sessions and any physical activity (i.e. steps per day) and total sedentary adaptations to survey instruments that are necessary in time (i.e. minutes per day spent sitting). This will be ob- differentcountry/culturalsettings. jectively assessed with the activPAL activity monitor (model activPALTM micro; PAL Technologies Ltd., Measurementfeasibilitystudy Glasgow, UK). The activPAL is a small monitor that The baseline and post-program measurement protocols weighs 9 g and is taped to the front of the thigh ideally have been tested during a feasibility study that was con- for at least seven complete consecutive days. It has no ductedbetween September2014and February2015 in all display screen; hence the data recorded by the activPAL four participating countries (1 club in the Netherlands, are not visible without being downloaded and processed. Norway and UK, and 2 clubs in Portugal). In total, 57 The activPAL has been found to have good measure- men participated in the feasibility study. Lessons learned ment properties to assess sitting, standing, stepping and wereincorporatedintothefinalstudyprotocol. posturaltransitionsinadults[30–32]. Once consent is obtained at the information meeting, Procedurestomaximiseretentiontothetrial trained researchers/fieldworkers will provide participants Tomaximiseretentionatthefollow-upassessmentswewill: with face-to-face instruction on how to affix the activ- PAL to the thigh. The face-to-face instruction will be – Sendmenanadvance reminder thatfollow-up mea- supported by written guidance on how to fit the activ- surementsareupcoming,usingapersonalisedletter/ PAL. Participants will be asked to wear the device 24 h e-mailsent2–4weeksaheadofthe measurement per day (including while taking a shower) for seven con- datesattheirclub; secutive days; they will be advised that they should only – Phonementwoweeksbefore thescheduled post- temporarily remove the device during water submersion programand 12monthmeasurement sessionsto activities (e.g. having a bath, swimming) and to refit the arrange anappointmenttime forthe measurements; device as soon as possible afterwards. Participants will – Sendaconfirmation ofthe date,timeand location be asked to keep a monitoring log to note any times oftheman’sappointmentbye-mail/mail (according when the device was removed and replaced. Participants tomen’sindividualpreferences); will also be asked to record work and sleep times in the – Textmeninthedaysleadinguptotheirappointment monitoring log. At baseline, the activPAL will be toremindthemaboutthetime,dateandlocation; returned when the participant attends the baseline – Offermenwhodonot show upatfirst measurement session at the club. At both post-program measurementvisita second opportunity for and 12 month follow-up assessments, participants will measurementatthe club; receive the activPAL and written instructions by mail for vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 Page9of15 fitting and wearing the device ten days before the Objective physical measures Body height will be mea- follow-up measurement is scheduled at their club. Each sured (to the nearest 1 mm) using a portable stadi- participant will receive a reminder text message to re- ometer (Leicester Height Measure) at baseline only after mindthemtowear thedevice.Maildeliveryoftheactiv- participants have removed their shoes. Body weight will PALwassuccessfully trialled inthefeasibility study. be assessed at all measurements (to the nearest 0.1 kg) In order to meet the inclusion criteria for the trial, as using a calibrated electronic flat scale (Tanita HD366). described above, participants need to provide at least Participants will be allowed to wear light clothes (such four valid days of activPAL data at baseline. Data from as shorts and t-shirts), but will be asked to remove any the attachment and removal day will not be used for heavy items of clothing, their shoes and any items in analyses as these are incomplete days where the partici- their pockets. We will calculate BMI as weight in kilo- pant started or finished wearing the activPAL during the grams divided by the square of height in metres (kg/m2). day. ActivPAL data will be considered valid when the Waist circumference will be measured twice (to the participant wore the device for at least 10 h of the wak- nearest 0.1 cm) with a Seca 201 measure, with partici- ingday. pants asked to remove their shirts. If the difference be- tween the two waist measures is more than 0.5 cm, a Secondaryoutcomes third measurement will be conducted. The mean will be calculated fromthetwo nearest measures. Self-reported behaviours Using an adapted version of Resting blood pressure will be measured with an the Dietary Instrument for Nutrition Education (DINE) Omron705-CPII blood pressure monitor after5minsit- questionnaire [33], we will assess self-reported dietary ting still. If measured systolic blood pressure is over behaviour via the frequency of intake of the following 139 mmHg and/or measured diastolic blood pressure is foods and drinks: cheese, burgers or sausages, beef, pork over 89 mmHg, two further measures will be taken and or lamb, fried food, chips or French fries, bacon or ham recorded, and in line with duty of care, men will be orpate,savourypies,pasties,sausagerollsandporkpies, given letters advising them to consult their GP. A mean savourysnacks,consumptionoffruit,vegetables(notpo- willbe calculated from thesecondandthird measures. tatoes), chocolate, sweets, biscuits, sugary drinks (fizzy Blood samples will be taken at baseline and after drinks, diluting/ fruit juice) and milk. We will also assess 12 months from those who provide the additional con- frequency of breakfast consumption and alcohol sent for this measure. Participants who have opted-in to consumption. provide blood samples will be asked to confirm that they Self-reported physical activity will be recorded using have fasted for at least 6 h. Time of last food/drink the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (other than water) intake will be recorded on the elec- (IPAQ), which assesses walking, other moderate inten- tronicCaseReportForm(eCRF).Avenousbloodsample sity physical activity and vigorous intensity physical ac- (using 1 × 9 ml Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid tivity [34]. Self-reported sedentary time will be assessed (EDTA) tube, 1 × 7 ml Serum-separating tubes (SST), with the Marshall questionnaire [35], which assesses and 2 × 2 ml fluoride oxalate) will be taken by a trained total and domain specific sitting time (i.e. sitting during phlebotomist (usually a fieldwork nurse) using a stand- transport, at work, while watching TV, while using the ard operating procedure. Samples will be stored at 4 °C computer for leisure, and during other leisure activities). (either in a refrigerator, cool bag with ice pack or on wet We will assess both sleeping and standing time using a ice) until processing at a local hospital, laboratory, or single item question (How many hours in each 24 h day onsite within 24 h (ideally within 12 h) (42). Two 1 ml do you usually spend: Sleeping (including at night and aliquots of whole blood from the EDTA tube will be dis- naps); or Standing [36]). We will capture activity and pensed into barcoded screw-cap Eppendorf tubes. All sedentary behaviours by using the Activity Choice Index blood tubes will then be centrifuged at 3000 rounds per [37], measured on a 5-point scale (from ‘never’ to ‘al- minute for 20 min at 4 °C to separate red cells /plasma/ ways’).Itemsinclude:using stairs insteadofescalators or serum. The SST will be allowed to clot for at least lifts; walking instead of driving or taking public trans- 30 min after collection before spinning. After spinning, port; parking away from destination or getting off public 0.5 ml aliquots will be pipetted with plasma (5 from transport early to have a longer walk; using work breaks EDTA tube, 2 from fluoride oxalate tubes) and serum (5 to be physically active; choosing to stand up instead of from SST). These will be stored in barcoded tubes at sitting; choosing to do things by hand instead of using −80 °C in barcoded boxes in an alarmed freezer, with mechanical/automatic tools. capability to transfer samples promptly into a spare In addition, smoking behaviour will be assessed, in- freezer in the event of freezer breakdown. Time of sam- cluding date of quitting and amount of current con- ple collection, start of sample processing and freezing sumption,whenrelevant. will be recorded in the eCRF. At the end of baseline vanNassauetal.BMCPublicHealth (2016) 16:598 Page10of15 collection for each country (except for the UK where Regulation In Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-2) [42]. they will be delivered directly following baseline collec- This questionnaire consists of 15 statements which re- tion at each club), all baseline samples will be shipped to quire a response on a 5-point scale (range ‘not true for the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences at me’ to ‘very true for me’); these assess participants’ in- the University of Glasgow in a single consignment by trinsicmotivation,identifiedregulation,introjectedregu- using World Courier (http://www.worldcourier.com), lation, external regulation and amotivation in relation to where they will again be stored at −80 °C. Similarly, the exercise. Participants will also complete six items related 12-monthblood samples willbeshippedto Glasgow ina to ego/task involvement [43–45], allowing us to explore singleconsignmentafterallthesesampleshavebeencol- participants’ motivational criteria for what it takes to lected in each country (except for the UK, as described succeed according to their own goals. These will be used above). in part to compare the variance between those that en- All blood samples will be analysed at the end of the gage with the program to those who do not. The self- trial. If analysis of the blood data shows a high risk for reported questionnaire also includes the Sport Spectator any of the cardio-metabolic disease biomarkers that the Identification Scale which contains seven Likert-scale participant should be aware of, we will inform the items assessing identification with a sports team (re- participant. sponse options range from 1 (low identification) to 8 (highidentification))tomeasuremen’sdegreeofidentifi- Self-reported health and psychosocial measures cation withtheirfootballclub [46]. Participants will be asked to complete measures of their To assess the potential contribution of other weight self-reported health and psychosocial measures, using loss activities, we will ask participants to report if they existing and validated measures were available. did anything else to lose weight (such as attending exer- Wellbeing will be measured using the Cantril ladder [38]. cise workouts, attending a commercial weight loss pro- Self-esteem will be assessed by the 10 item version of gram, having weight reduction surgery). Participants will the Rosenberg self-esteem questionnaire [39], in which also be asked to report what sort of strategies (i.e. eating participantsrateeachstatementona4-pointLikertscale breakfast on a daily basis, limiting quantity, restricting (ranging from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’). Vi- intake of certain foods, drinking fewer sugary drinks or tality [40] will be measured using four statements (i.e. ‘I less alcohol and consciously eating more slowly) they felt alive and vital’; ‘I had energy and spirit’; ‘I nearly al- use to manage their weight on a 5-point scale ranging ways felt alert and awake’; and ‘I felt energised’) on a 7- from ‘never’ to‘always’. point scale (ranging from ‘not at all true for me’ to ‘very We will also assess the extent to which EuroFIT true for me’). Health-related quality of life will be mea- participants report that coaches and other group sured using the EQ-5D-5 L [41]. This is a standardised members were able to create a needs-supportive mo- instrument for use as a measure of health outcomes. tivational climate. Specifically, we will measure the Participants rate their mobility, self-care, usual activities, extent to which participants report that coaches were pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression on a 5-point able to support their autonomy, competence to make scale. They also rate their health today on a scale from 0 changes, and feelings of relatedness, using a 5-point to100. scale ranging from ‘not true for me’ to ‘very true for In a face-to-face structured interview with a member me’ [47]. We will also measure ‘thwarting’ of auton- of the fieldwork staff, participants will be asked to report omy, competence, and relatedness needs by the coach joint pain, and any long standing illnesses, disabilities or using a 9-item measure adapted from Bartholomew et infirmities. Injuries that occurred before and during the al. (2011) which are rated on a 7-point scale ranging EuroFITtrialwillalsoberecordedduringthisinterview. from ‘strongly disagree’to ‘strongly agree’ [48]. In addition, six items will assess the extent to which men Self-reported socio demographic measures The self- feel the group climate supported mastery and perform- reported questionnaire will assess demographic charac- ance rated on a 7-point scale ranging from ‘not at all teristics (age, ethnicity, education, marital status, current true’ to ‘very true’ [49]. Relatedness need satisfaction employment status, income) at baseline. These charac- from the group will be measured by 6-items adapted teristics will be used as potential moderators of any from Van den Broeck et. al. (2010), and rated on a 7- intervention effects on behavioural and other outcomes, point scale ranging from ‘not at all true’ to ‘very true’ to identify whether the program is more or less benefi- [50]. Finally, at 12 months only, we will ask participants cialfor pre-specifiedsubgroupsofmen. to rate the satisfaction they experienced from engaging in physical activity on a 6-point scale (range ‘false’ to Self-reported mediators Motivation for physical activ- ‘true’) drawn from the adapted psychological needs sat- ity will be assessed using the adapted Behavioural isfactioninexercisescale[51].

van Nassau et al. BMC Public Health (2016) 16:598. DOI 10.1186/s12889-016-3255-y . (Ethics committee of the VU University Medical Center. (2015.184); Regional committees for medical and the Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon. (CEFMH 36/2015); Ethics Committee at the University.
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