Other McGraw-Hill Handbooks of Interest Avallone and Baumeister MARKs' STANDARD HANDBOOK FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Bleier FAN HANDBOOK Brady et al. MATERIALS HANDBOOK Brink HANDBOOK OF FLUID SEALING Chironis & Sclater MECHANISMS AND MECHANICAL DEVICES SOURCEBOOK Czernik GASKET HANDBOOK Harris and Crede SHOCK AND VIBRATION HANDBOOK Hicks HANDBOOK OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS Hicks STANDARD HANDBOOK OF ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS Lingaiah MACHINE DESIGN DATA HANDBOOK Parmley STANDARD HANDBOOK OF FASTENING AND JOINING Rothbart MECHANICAL DESIGN HANDBOOK Shigley and Mischke STANDARD HANDBOOK OF MACHINE 'DESIGN Suchy DIE DESIGN HANDBOOK Walsh MCGRAW-HILL MACHINING AND METALWORKING HANDBOOK Walsh ELECTROMECHANICAL DESIGN HANDBOOK Valve Handbook Philip L. Skousen Valtek International McGraw-Hill New York San Francisco Washington. D.C. Auckland .Bogota Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto Con ten ts Preface ix Acknowledgments xiii Chapter 1. Introduction to Valves 1 1.1 The Valve 1 1.2 The History of Valves 2 1.3 Valve Classification According to Function 7 1.4 Classification According to Application 13 1.5 Classification According to Motion 16 1.6 Classification According to Port Size 16 1.7 Common Piping Nomenclature 17 Chapter 2. Valve Selection Criteria 21 2.1 Valve Coefficients 21 2.2 Flow Characteristics 22 2.3 Shutoff Requirements 36 2.4 Body End Connections 37 2.5 Pressure Classes 47 2.6 Face-to-Face Criteria 49 2.7 Body Material Selection 50 2.8 Gasket Selection 58 2.9 Packing Selection 65 vi Contents Chapter 3. Manual Valves 85 3.1 Introduction to Manual Valves 85 3.2 Manual Plug Valves 87 3.3 Manual Ball Valves 101 3.4 Manual Butterfly Valves 111 3.5 Manual Globe Valves 132 3.6 Manual Gate Valves 147 3.7 Manual Pinch Valves 161 3.8 Manual Diaphragm Valves 170 Chapter 4. Check Valves 177 4.1 Introduction to Check Valves 177 4.2 Lift Check Valves 179 4.3 Swing Check Valves 188 4.4 Tilting-Disk Check Valve 192 4.5 Double-Disk Check Valves 198 4.6 Diaphragm Check Valves 204 Chapter 5. Pressure Relief Valves 209 5.1 Introduction to Pressure Relief Valves 209 Chapter 8. Control Valves 221 6.1 Introduction to Control Valves 221 6.2 Globe Control Valves 222 6.3 Butterfly Control Valves 261 6.4 Ball Control Valves 285 6.5 Eccentric Plug Control Valves 305 Chapter 7. Manual Operators and Actuators 321 7. 1 Introduction to Manual Operators and Actuators 321 7.2 Manual Operators 324 7.3 Pneumatic Actuators 335 7.4 Nonpneumatic Actuators 363 7.5 Actuator Performance 369 7.6 Positioners 370 7.7 Auxiliary Handwheels 376 7.8 External Failure Systems 384 7.9 Common Accessories 390 7.10 Electrical Equipment Certifications 403 Contents vii Chapter 8. Smart Valves and Positioners 411 8.1 Process Control 411 8.2 Intelligent Systems for Control Valves 417 8.3 Digital Positioners 423 Chapter 9. Valve Sizing 429 9.1 Introduction to Valve Sizing 429 9.2 Valve-Sizing Nomenclature 433 9.3 Body Sizing of Liquid-Service Control Valves 439 9.4 Body Sizing of Gas-Service Control Valves 458 9.5 Pressure-Relief-Valve Sizing 471 Chapter 10. Actuator Sizing 479 10.1 Actuator-Sizing Criteria 479 10.2 Sizing Pneumatic Actuators 487 10.3 Sizing Electromechanical and Electrohydraulic Actuators 497 Chapter 11. Common-Valve Problems 499 11.1 High-Pressure Drops 499 11.2 Cavitation 503 11.3 Flashing 526 11.4 Choked Flow 528 11.5 High Velocities 529 11.6 Water-Hammer Effects 530 11.7 High Noise Levels 531 11.8 Noise Attenuation 552 11.9 Fugitive Emissions 573 Chapter 12. Valve Purchasing Issues 595 12.1 Life-Cycle Costs 595 12.2 Spare Parts 599 Bibliography 809 Appendix A. Common Conversion Factors 813 Appendix B. Fluid Data 837 viii Contents Appendix C. Method 21-Determination of Volatile Organic CompoundLeaks 857 Abbreviations of Related Organizations and Standards 885 Glossary 887 Index 709 Preface The editors at McGraw-Hill first approached me about writing this handbook nearly three years ago, after reviewing an article that I authored for The Valve Magazine. They indicated that they were inter- ested in having me author a valve handbook, using my common denominator writing style. I liked the challenge that they proposed, and I accepted. Now, after literally hundreds of hours, dozens of phone calls and facsimiles, and four drafts, the handbook is ready for the valve-using public. When I began my career with Valtek International in 1975,I was like many who have started out in this industry: My only experience with a valve was taking a pair of pliers to a leaky faucet in the bathroom. But spending three years in the engineering department at Valtek and then some 18 years as a technical communicator cured me of the notion that a process valve is just a larger version of a simple faucet. True, the two are related in a number of ways and they both work by the same scientific principles. However, the engineering design and complexity of process valves can be immense. The process services they are installed in can sometimes be brutal-even capable of destroying a valve in hours if misapplied. To me this is an exciting and dynamic industry, especially with the advent of smart technology, which has lifted the science and application of valves to a whole new level. Twenty years ago, when I first picked up a drawing pencil (yes, computer-aided design was still a couple years away), if one wanted Ix ]I[ Preface to find basic information about valves, not much was readily available. Unfortunately, if a person starting out in the valve business or process industry wanted to learn the basics about valves, instead of turning to a good reference handbook, he or she had to ask questions of more senior engineers or technicians. More often than not, the individual might not have had the educational background or experience to even ask the right questions. Hence, learning the basics of valves often took months and maybe even years to fully understand certain designs and principles. It's not that valve books didn't exist; they did then and still do today. The problem is that such books do not typically address the questions or level of understanding that most nonvalve experts ask. A few valve books existed, but none began with the simple concepts of fluid dynamics and valve design to build a foundation of common understanding between the reader and the author. Once this founda- tion is established, the more complex issues can then be addressed. Those valve books in existence were primarily authored by one or sev- eral of the industry "gurus" or experts. Many were product specific, such as those experts in severe service trims, packing boxes, or actua- tors. Others had studied the adverse effects of process flow, such as those who extensively studied cavitation or noise. Some handbooks were com.piled from aseries of "white papers" from a wide assortment of experts and brought together by an independent editor-a great method to put out a high level of knowledge quickly, but lacking in continuity and basics. While most books concentrated on design and severe services, little information was provided about selection options, or about installing, starting up, troubleshooting, and servicing valves. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to meet and work with many of these valve experts. I have a great respect for their knowledge and pioneering efforts in the field of valves. The knowledge that such experts impart is important to the entire industry. Once understood by the user, it can help solve application and process control questions. A problem inherent with many authors and some industry experts is their basic assumption that the reader knows as much as the author- or that at least the author and reader have the same high level of understanding or engineering background. Although that may be fine for those experienced in the industry over some 10 or 20 years or with advanced engineering degrees, it leaves a great many people out of the loop of understanding. I decided to write this book for those who need to know the essence of valves and know it quickly. In this day of cor- porate turnarounds or internal reengineering, the ability to understand Preface xi a particular segment of process control-such as valves-cannot wait for a decade of experience. Engineers and technicians responsible for valves need knowledge now-knowledge that is simple to understand and easy to apply. After the basics are understood, the finer parts of this business can then be explored, some of which are explained in this handbook, as well as other valve books. As a certified business communicator, one with years of technical writing and editing about valves, I have learned that the best approach to communication is to begin simply and write to a common denomi- nator. This means that if a principle or concept is written to a high school level, both the high school graduate and the engineer with a masters degree will understand it. But if that same concept is written to a higher level, such as a 16th grade level, only the university gradu- ate will understand it. That's not to say that higher knowledge in this book is missing or "dumbed down." Rather, this higher degree of information is presented in a structured, simplified manner with no assumptions of knowledge made. Because of this style, if the user reads this handbook from cover to cover, he or she may find some duplication of information. This is because most handbooks, like ency- clopedias and dictionaries, are used for reference purposes: they sit on a shelf until they are needed to answer a particular question or to explain a particular concept. With common denominator style, the reader will be able to turn to any section of the handbook, read it, and understand the concepts ...without keeping a finger glued to the glos- sary or the index, or left wondering about a term. With my experience in referencing valve books, I have learned one important fact: This industry is so large that no one book could ever hope to contain every fact, design concept, sizing equation, or princi- ple about the thousands of different valve models available today. If possible, the book would become a set of 20 volumes, and then be so massive that the user would find it extremely cumbersome. As I accepted this challenge of writing a valve handbook for McGraw-Hill, I took the approach that a dozen basic designs and a handful of scientific principles represent the foundation of the valve industry. Taking into account the dozens of valve manufacturers, each· design can have literally hundreds of particular features. Rather than research and include them all, I have opted to take the most common features and have described them in detail. A number of statements are made in the book describing the general design of a particular valve design or feature. Because no one rule can be steadfast in this dynamic business, these general statements are by no means certain or definite. Exceptions can always be found to these general statements. xii Prtf'ao. This also applies to any information in the handbook about in.taUa- tion, quick-checking, troubleshooting, and servicing of a valve. Th••e sections are provided as general guidelines to the user, compUed from various users and manufacturers. In no way can they possibly apply to every type of valve and are certainly not intended to replace th. man· ufacturer's technical and maintenance literature. By inc1udin. thie information, I hope that these tips and ideas will provide the Ult' with a broader base of information than may be provided by the manufac· turer's literature alone. The terminology used in the book is based upon my experi.nc. and the advice of others. With the wide diversity represented by th. valv•. ' . industry, I found the same valve part or concept can be caUed by d\Nt, or four different names. In the introduction of a new term, I hav._ included other common names for reference purposes. How.v.r, I UM the first term consistently throughout the entire handbook. Thi. i. not to say that the other terms are incorrect. Rather, I believe that I con•••• tency of terminology makes the concepts and designs easier to under- stand .. Some of the information contained in this book has com. to ••• through technical materials, training manuals, or white pap.n that 'I have collected over the years. In addition, dozens of valve manufac- turers graciously responded to my initial request for information aNi sent me boxes of material. In some cases, I have relied upon my own knowledge and experience with valves, as well as my interview. wi. dozens of users over the years. Overall, I was impressed with much 01 the recent material produced by valve manufacturers. Many hav•• oM to great lengths to portray their products with simple, easy-to-undlr- stand concepts .. Because my primary focus in valves has been control valv•• , I1m indeed grateful to those experts in the manual, check, and pJ'lIlUJ'l relief valve industries who patiently explained the finer pointa of tMAr products to me. I am also grateful for their review of my material, a. well as their suggestions and criticisms. One thing I have learned from authoring this handbook is that a great number of opinions exist among the valve experts of today. Although I respect all opinions and arguments offered to me as part of this project, in some cases I had to act as referee when two opinions conflicted. In such situations, the decision to promote one idea over another was based upon my judg- ment and the opinions of several leaders whose judgment I have come to trust. Philip L. Skousen AcknowledgIIlen ts Over the past two years, a great number of individuals have assisted the author with the preparation of this handbook, sharing their knowl- edge of particular portions of the valve industry, including the design, operation, troubleshooting, and service of a wide range of process valves. These individuals have not only provided valuable input, but have also reviewed portions of the manuscript and recommended clar- ifications, which have been extremely valuable. Many of these individ- uals also provided the photography, artwork, illustrations, graphs, and table data-greatly adding to the content of the handbook. Special thanks to: Mark Peters of Accord Controls (Cincinnati, Ohio), a subsidiary of the Duriron Company; Tim Martin of Adams (Houston, Texas); Peter Amos and John Stofira of Advanced Products Company (North Haven, Connecticut); Roland Larkin and C. H. Lovoy of the American Flow Control, a division of American Cast Iron Pipe (Birmingham, Alabama); Bill Knecht of Anchor/Darling (Williamsport, Pennysylvania); Chris Buxton and Michelle Strauss of Anderson, Greenwood & Co. (Houston, Texas), a subsidiary of Keystone International, Inc.; Richard H. Stern of the Automatic Switch Company (Florham Park, New Jersey); Richard Weeks of Automax (Cincinnati, Ohio), a subsidiary of The Duriron Company; Dan Wisenbaker of Betis Actuators and Controls (Waller, Texas); Fermo Gianesello, Robert Katz, Herb Miller, Andrew Noakes, and Nicole Woods of Control Components Inc. (Rancho Santa Margarita, California); Nancy Winalski of Conval Inc. (Somers, Connecticut); xiii xiv Acknowledgments Walter W. Mott of Copes-Vulcan (Lake City, Pennsylvania); Lew Babbidge and Cindy Sartain of the Daniel Valve Company, a division of Daniel Industries, Inc. (House ton, Texas); Jean Surma of DeZURIK (Sartell, Minnesota); Rom Bordelon of Dresser Industries (Alexandria, Lousiana); Ken Senior of the DuPont Company-Polymers (Newark, Delaware); Dennis Garber of Durco Valve (Cookeville, Tennessee), a subsidiary of the Duriron Company; Philip R. Vaughn of DynaTorque Valve Actuators and Accessories (Muskegon, Michigan); Bob Sogge and John Wells of Fisher Controls (Marshalltown, Iowa); Susan Anderson of Flowseal (Long Beach, California), a division of Crane Valves; Lee Ann McMurtrie of the Groth Corporation (Houston, Texas); James D. Phillips of the Gulf Valve Company (Houston, Texas); Will Gavin of the Hydroseal Valve Company, Inc. (Kilgore, Texas); Lou Gaudio and Valerie D. Litz of ITT Engineered Valves; Ian W. B. Johnson of Kammer Ventile (Essen, Germany), a subsidiary of the Duriron Company; Domenic DiPaolo of Kammer USA (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), a subsidiary of The Duriron Company; Carter Hydrick of Keystone International, Inc. (Houston, Texas); Robert Hoffman of Mueller Steam Specialty (St. Pauls, North Carolina); Jime Holmes of Parker Electrohydraulics (Elyria, Ohio); Michael Fitzpatrick of Orbit Valve Company (Little Rock, Arkansas); Susan Anderson of Pacific Valves (Long Beach, California), a division of Crane Valves; Christ Letzelter of the Red Valve Company (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania); Kevin Speed of Jordan Valve (Cincinnati, Ohio), a division of the Richards Industries Valve Group; Chris Warnett of Rotork Actuation (Rochester, New York); Pierre Brooking of Sereg Vannes (Paris, France), a sub- sidiary of The Duriron Company; Stephen R. Gow of Spirax Sarco (Allentown, Pennsylvania); Frank Breinholt, Fred Cain, Candee Ellis, Alan Glenn, and Craig Heraldson of Valtek International (Springville, Utah), a subsidiary of the Duriron Company; Bill Sandler of the Valve Manufacturers Association of America (Washington, D.C.); Deborah Lovegrove and Tom Velan of Velan Valve Corporation (Williston, Vermont); Gilbert K. Greene of the Victaulic Company of America (Easton, Pennsylvania); John J. Murphy of Yarway (Blue Bell, Pennsylvania), a subsidiary of Keystone International Inc. I would also like to thank my employer, Valtek International, for its valuable assistance and support during this two-year project. Twelv~ years ago, as a technical communicator for Valtek, I was given the assignment to author a sizing and selection guide for control valves, working with a number of excellent engineers who helped guide me through that 200-page document. It was during that time that I first envisioned a handbook that would explain valves in a simple, straight- Acknowledgments XV forward manner. Valtek's parent company, The Duriron Company, Inc., took a special interest in this project-in partiular Duriron's chairman and CEO Bill Jordan. Bill supported this project from day one and encouraged me to complete it, for which I am grateful. And, finally, I'd like to thank my wife, Patty, for her general support and assistance with proofreading the manuscript. Her insightful com- ments and objectivity helped make this handbook what it is. I am also thankful for my three daughters-Lindsay, Ashlee, and Kristin-who saw a little less of their dad during this project and were very under- standing (well, mostly understanding) when I needed to use the home computer. It's all yours now, girls! Valve Handbook 1 Introduction to Valves 1.1 The Valve 1.1.1 Definition of a Valve By definition, valves are mechanical devices specifically designed to direct, start, stop, mix, or regulate the flow, pressure, or temperature of a process fluid. Valves can be designed to handle either liquid or gas applications. By nature of their design, function, and application, valves come in a wide variety of styles, sizes, and pressure classes. The smallest indus- trial valves can weigh as little as 1 lb (0.45 kg) and fit comfortably in the human hand, while the largest can weigh up to 10 tons (9070 kg) and extend in height to over 24 ft (6.1 m). Industrial process valves can be used in pipeline sizes from 0.5 in [nominal diameter (ON) 15] to beyond 48 in (ON 1200),although over 90 percent of the valves used in process systems are installed in piping that is 4 in (ON 100) and small- er in size. Valves can be used in pressures from vacuum to over 13,000 psi (897 bar). An example of how process valves can vary in size is shown in Fig. 1.1. Today's spectrum of available valves extends from simple water faucets to control valves equipped with microprocessors, which pro- vide single-loop control of the process. The most common types in use today are gate, plug, ball, butterfly, check, pressure-relief, and globe valves. Valves can be manufactured from a number of materials, with most valves made from steel, iron, plastic, brass, bronze, or a number of special alloys. 1 1.2 The History of Val.•.•• 1.2.1 Earliest Use of the VaIN Prior to the development of even .imple irrigation systems, crops cul- tivated by early civilizations were at the mercy of whims of weather, water levels of rivers or lakes, or the strength of humans and animals to transport water in primitive vessels. Because of the unpredictability or hardship associated with thete methods, early farmers sought a number of ways to control the flow of nearby water sources. The primary ideal of a valve most likely arose when these simple farmers noticed that fallen tree. or debris diverted, or even stopped, the flow of streams; thus the concept arose of using artificial barriers to divert water into nearby fields. Eventually, this idea expanded into simple irrigation using a planned series of ditches and canals, which by using gravity could transport, store, and widen the reach of the water source. An important element of these early irrigation systems was a remov- able wooden or stone barrier, which could be placed at the entrance of each irrigation channel. This barrier was the early progenitor of what we now commonly call the gate valve and could be wedged between Introduction to Valves 3 the walls of a canal to stop the flow or divert the flow to other chan- nels, or when placed in a position between shut and fully open could regulate the amount of water entering the channel downstream. As early as 5000 BC, crude gate valves were found in a series of dikes designed as part of ancient irrigation systems developed by the Egyptians along the banks of the Nile River. Archaeologists have found that other ancient cultures in Babylon, China, Phoenicia, Mexico, and Peru also used'similar irrigation systems. As early engineers examined these primitive process systems, they began to apply the technology to new uses. For example, as early as 1500 BC, the tombs of Egypt were equipped with extensive drainage systems, which included siphons, bellows, and simple plug valves carved from wood. Designed to bring water to the surface from under- ground wells, sophisticated saqqiehs in Egypt were equipped with simple wooden valves in the buckets used to transport the water. The Romans, having conquered the Middle East, quickly saw the value of the Middle Eastern hydraulic engineering and expanded the concept into a series of aqueducts in Europe, which were used to sus- tain new cities that were located in areas away from major water sources. These aqueducts included early pumps, piping, and water- wheels, as well as gate and plug valves made of wood, stone, or lead. 1.2.2 Historical Development of the Valve Generally, valves during the Middle Ages were crude, carved from wood, and used mainly as bungs in wine and beer casks. Valve design changed very little until the Renaissance when modern hydraulic engi- neering principles began to evolve. In an attempt to improve the per- formance of canal locks, Leonado da Vinci analyzed the stresses that would occur at different lock gates with varying heights of water on either side of the gate. These early studies of the concept of pressure drop helped determine the basis for modern fluid dynamics, which is essential to understanding and calculating the performance of valves. In 1712, Englishman Thomas Newcomen invented his atmospheric engine (sometimes called a heat engine), which used low-pressure steam to drive a piston forward. When attached to a pivot beam, this simple engine could be used to lift water. As Newcomen improved his machine, he introduced a simple iron plug valve, which could be used to regulate the flow of steam to the piston-the first known applica- tion of a throttling valve. 4 Chapter One In the late 1700s, the pioneering Scottish engineer James Watt looked for ways to improve Newcomen's atmospheric engine. Watt examined a number of ways to improve the Newcomen machine, which was slow and not very powerful because of the low-pressure steam. Also, because of the single-direction action, each stroke had to be returned to position by counterweights, which was extremely inefficient. Watt's final redesign of the inefficient Newcomen engine evolved into the first double-acting engine. Watt's engine introduced steam to both sides of the piston, driving both the upstroke and downstroke simulta- neously. A piston rod was attached to both sides of a crank to produce rotary motion for driving wheels, which finally led to the development of steam locomotives and steamboats. Critical to Watt's steam engine were self-acting valves, which were used to introduce and vent steam from both sides of the piston. Although these iron valves were crude by today's standards, their function was critical to the success of the steam engine, which ushered in the Industrial Age. During the 1800s the use of steam power in transportation and tex'" tile industries, as well as waterworks, accelerated the development of more sophisticated valves. With the obvious temperature considera- tions of steam service, valves could no longer be made of wood or soft metals. Instead, steam engineering led to iron valves, machined to close tolerances. Not only were these iron valves far more durable, they were able to withstand the high temperatures and excessive stroking associated with steam engines without excessive leaking. The advent of steam power produced a greater need for coal, which led to the development of sophisticated underground pumping sys- tems, including new types and styles of valves, such as gate valves. The Industrial Age also spurred the use of natural gas in cities as the fuel for lighting and heating, which required simple ball valves for this early gaseous application. The Corliss steam engine (Fig. 1.2), unveiled in 1876, wa. designed with sophisticated self-acting control valves-including the fir.t intro- duction of linear globe valves, some of which are similar to designs available today. The discovery of crude oil as a plentiful and inexpen.ive form of power in the early nineteenth century spawned the creation bf the petroleum refinery. From refineries, other process indu.trill .oon fol- lowed, which led to the development of chemical, petrochemical, pulp and paper, and food and beverage processing plants-creating the need for hundreds of process valves in each plant. Electricity as a source of power led to the creation of coal-fired, hydroelectric, and, eventually, nuclear power plants, which Involved the use of valves in not only simple water and steam applications but also severe service applications that involved high pressure drops and subsequent cavitation, flashing, and choking. 1.2.3 The Valve and the Modern Era Before the 1930s, nearly all valves in process plants were manually operated, which required workers to open and close the valves by hand according to the needs of the process. Obviously, this resulted in a slow response, since a worker had to run or pedal a bicycle from the control room to the valve, as well as poor accuracy in throttling situations where a worker had to estimate a certain valve position. For those rea- sons, during that decade, automated control valves made their first appearance. Control valves allowed the control room to send pneumat- ic signals directly to the valve, which then moved to the necessary posi- tion automatically, without the need of human involvement. Today, the global valve industry involves hundreds of global manu- facturers who produce thousands of designs of manual, check, pres- sure-relief, and control valves. Modern valve designs range from sim- ple gate valves, similar in function to those used by early Egyptian farmers, to control valves equipped with microprocessors for single- loop control. According to the Valve Manufacturers Association (VMA), valve manufacturing in 1993 was a US$2.7billion industry. As shown in Figs. 1.3 and 1.4, control valves are the fastest growing seg- ment of the valve industry, indicating the quickening pace of automa- tion in process industry. Introduction to Valves 7 1.3 Valve Classification According to Function 1.3.1 Introduction to Function Classifications By the nature of their design and function in handling process fluids, valves can be categorized into three areas: on-off valves, which handle the function of blocking the flow or allowing it to pass; non return valves, which only allow flow to travel in one direction; and throttling valves, which allow for regulation of the flow at any point between fully open to fully closed. One confusing aspect of defining valves by function is that specific valve-body designs-such as globe, gate, plug, ball, butterfly, and pinch styles-may fit into one, two, or all three classifications. For example, a plug valve may be used for on-off service, or with the addition of actuation, may be used as a throttling control valve. Another example is the globe-style body, which, depending on its internal design, may be an on-off, nonreturn, or throttling valve. Therefore, the user should be careful when equating a particular valve-body style with a particular classification. 1.3.2 On-off Valves Sometimes referred to as block valves, on-off valves are used to start or stop the flow of the medium through the process. Common on-off valves include gate, plug, ball, pressure-relief, and tank-bottom valves (Fig. 1.5).A majority of on-off valves are hand-operated, although they can be automated with the addition of an actuator (Fig. 1.6). On-off valves are commonly used in applications where the flow must be diverted around an area in which maintenance is being per- formed or where workers must be protected from potential safety haz- ards. They are also helpful in mixing applications where a number of fluids are combined for a predetermined amount of time and when exact measurements are not required. Safety management systems also require automated on-off valves to immediately shut off the system when an emergency situation occurs. Pressure-relief valves are self-actuated on-off valves that open only when a preset pressure is surpassed (Fig. 1.7). Such valves are divided into two families: relief valves and safety valves. Reliefvalves are used to guard against overpressurization of a liquid service. On the other hand, safety valves are applied in gas applications where overpressurization of the system presents a safety or process hazard and must be vented. 1.3.3 Nonreturn Valves Nonreturn valves allow the fluid to flow only in the desired direction. The design is such that any flow or pressure in the opposite direction is mechanically restricted from occurring. All check valves are nonre- turn valves (Fig. 1.8). Nonreturn valves are used to prevent backflow of fluid, which could damage equipment or upset the process. Such valves are especially useful in protecting a pump in liquid applications or a compressor in gas applications from backflow when the pump or compressor is shut down. Nonreturn valves are also applied in process systems that have varying pressures, which must be kept separate. 1.3.4 Throttling Valves Throttling valves are used to regulate the flow, temperature, or pres- sure of the service. These valves can move to any position within the stroke of the valve and hold that position, including the full-open or full-closed positions. Therefore, they can act as on-off valves also. Although many throttling valve designs are provided with a hand- operated manual handwheel or lever, some are equipped with actua- tors or actuation systems, which provide greater thrust and position- ing capability, as well as automatic control (Fig. 1.9). Pressure regulators are throttling valves that vary the valve's position to maintain constant pressure downstream (Fig. 1.10). If the pressure builds downstream, the regulator closes slightly to decrease the pres- sure. If the pressure decreases downstream, the regulator opens to build pressure. As part of the family of throttling valves, automatic control valves, sometimes referred to simply as control valves, is a term commonly used to describe valves that are capable of varying flow conditions to match the process requirements. To achieve automatic control, these valves are always equipped with actuators. Actuators are designed to receive a command signal and convert it into an specific valve position using an outside power source (air, electric, or hydraulic), which matches the performance needed for that specific moment. 1.3.5 Final Control Elements within a Control Loop Control valves are the most commonly used final control element. The term final control element refers to the high-performance equipment Figure 1.9 Globe con- trol valve with extended bonnet (left) with quar- ter-turn blocking ball valves (right and bot- tom) in refining service. (Courtesy oj Valtek InternationaO Figure 1.10 Pressure regulator. (Courtesy oj Valtek InternationaO 11 12 Chapter One needed to provide the power and accuracy to control the flowing medium to the desired service conditions. Other control elements include metering pumps, louvers, dampers, variable-pitch fan blades, and electric current-control devices. As a final control element, the control valve is part of the control loop, which usually consists of two other elements besides the control valves: the sensing element and the controller. The sensing element (or sensor) measures a specific process condition, such as the fluid pres- sure, level, or temperature. The sensing element uses a transmitter to send a signal with information about the process condition to the con- troller or a much larger distributive control system. The controller receives the input from the sensor and compares it to the set point, or the desired value needed for that portion of the process. By comparing the actual input against the set point, the controller can make any needed corrections to the process by sending a signal to the final con- trol element, which is most likely a control valve. The valve makes the change according to the signal from the controller, which is measured and verified by the sensing element, completing the loop. Figure 1.11 shows a diagram of a common control loop, which links a controller Introduction to Valves 13 with the flow (FT), pressure (PT), and temperature transmitters (TT) and a control valve. 1.4 Classification According to Application 1.4.1 Introduction to Application Classifications Although valves are often classified according to function, they are also grouped according to the application, which often dictates the fea- tures of the design. Three classifications are used: general service valves, which describes a versatile valve design that can be used in numerous applications without modification; special service valves, which are spe- cially designed for a specific application; and severe service valves, which are highly engineered to avoid the side effects of difficult appli- cations. 1.4.2 General Service Valves General service valves are those valves that are designed for the majority of commonplace applications that have lower-pressure rat- ings between American National Standards Institute Class 150 and 600 (between PN 16 and PN 100), moderate-temperature ratings between -50 and 650°F (between -46 and 343°C), noncorrosive fluids, and common pressure drops that do not result in cavitation or flashing. General service valves have some degree of interchangeability and flexibility built into the design to allow them to be used in a wider range of applications. Their body materials are specified as carbon or stainless steels. Figure 1.12 shows an example of two general service valves, one manually operated and the other automated. 1.4.3 Special Service Valves Special service valves is a term used for custom-engineered valves that are designed for a single application that is outside normal process applications. Because of its unique design and engineering, it will only function inside the parameters and service conditions relating to that particular application. Such valves usually handle a demanding tem- perature, high pressure, or a corrosive medium. Figure 1.13 shows a control valve designed with a sweep-style body and ceramic trim to